IRC log for #htc-linux on 20110129

00:01.55*** join/#htc-linux nineX_ (
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03:11.35AJ_Will the downloads, specifically the FRX04 android port work for A touch pro as well?
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07:32.53WisTilt2arrrghhh or F22:  New image and kernel-pack with fully operational caps/fn leds in all modes including both selected for those who would ever do that:)  Leds are currently reversed for the rhod 300 until i code model detection.  Additional tweaks to panel collapse for more battery saving and panel wake timing.
07:33.46F22WisTilt2: lol, you read my message from early this morning?
07:34.16WisTilt2?? wasnt on since last night except for about 2 mins this afternoon.  what message did you have?
07:34.39F22it was about those who would want to have both fn/caps selected.
07:35.30F22Basically I mentioned that the German and Nordic Euro rhod100 keymaps do combine shift and fn to print several UTF8 characters for things like umlauts.  For example in the German keymap, alt-a prints ä, while shift-alt-a prints Ä.
07:35.52WisTilt2ah, yeah arrrghhh and someone else mentioned that last night while we were working on it but i couldnt see any time you'd need that.  it works now so its fixed for those who do need it.
07:36.36WisTilt2hmm, that makes sense.  not familiar with those foreigners devices lol
07:37.17F22yeah, our american keymaps don't take advantage of the possibility of combining shift with fn, unlike some of the foreign devices.
07:38.00WisTilt2been awhile so i forget but you have a 210?
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07:39.04WisTilt2you might try this kernel and see if your panel comes up more frequently without having to do the touch trick.  im thinking each model might need different timing unfortunately.
07:39.23WisTilt2mine wakes 99% of the time now
07:39.31F22two of them now, one has an auo panel even. but i haven't yet had a chance to take a good look at it. been too busy trying to get my latest rootfs out the door. ever since i updated to the latest commit plus my changes i've been having major issues. it sits in the boot ani forever, and then after that it's slow as hell.
07:39.57WisTilt2system server probably?
07:40.41WisTilt2that problem starts killing the cpu about 5secs before ani screen
07:41.15F22still need to confirm it, but that's what i'm expecting it to be.
07:41.41XirXes_just moved my battery back to my tp2 to test. its booting the new kernel now
07:42.42WisTilt2should see close to 1% per hour in sleep with this kernel even oc'd.
07:43.12F22interesting. not only is it pegging %cpu, system_server is pegging memory now.
07:43.20F22had both max'd.
07:43.37F22handset rebooted itself
07:44.02WisTilt2you mean memory being used up or read/writes to memory are loaded up?
07:45.07XirXesnice work on the caps and alt leds. there working exactally how there supposed to
07:45.38WisTilt2:)  both can be selected/deselected separately now as they should
07:45.41F22i pulled that from top, just before it rebooted itself.
07:46.10F22didn't get to look more closely at what it was doing with memory.
07:46.21WisTilt2whats the normal memory % used without the pegged cpu?
07:46.50XirXesi havent had to touch the panel to wake it up but it does take nearly a second from pressing power to more than the backlight to come on
07:47.28F22i don't recall it being that high, then again i'm not sure i've ever taken a look at it while it was in the boot ani before. i've almost always waited until it was past that before.
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07:49.23WisTilt2XirXes: thats the delay i had to add so the buffer has its data to display ready before turning it on.  not the way to do it but until i figure out whats happening out of order this will be a temporary fix.
07:49.34WisTilt2speak of the devil... hey arrrghhh
07:49.36F22looks like i don't need to post your new kernel, arrrghhh is on.
07:49.50F22he can update the first post too.
07:49.58XirXesi understand. but yeah, havent had to touch it yet
07:50.21WisTilt2you have a 400 right?
07:50.39F22arrrghhh is 400, Xirx is 210 like me. :D
07:51.01arrrghhhyea i was reading the logs
07:51.04arrrghhhfigured i'd jump on :D
07:51.20WisTilt2ah.  well people with 300's like me will have reversed leds until i add the damn model detect to handle that device
07:51.29arrrghhhhaha i saw that.
07:51.51arrrghhhso odd how the 300 is different than any other device in that respect...
07:52.14F22WisTilt2: how are you planning on adding that? I know it can be grabbed from the spl.
07:52.46arrrghhhF22, that reminds me is there any merit to getting the calibration info from that as well?  seems if we can eliminate that step, that would be nice.
07:52.48WisTilt2the 300 is getting as good as .5% per hour drain in sleep also.  dont know wth would be so different with other models.
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07:54.16WisTilt2F22: yeah just going to read it from memory, just need to get that address again.  i think jonpry gave it to me once but i didnt doc it
07:54.20XirXeswhat ive heard about it is that alot of resistive touchscreens come from the factory miscalibrated. so that date in the spl has a decent chance of being wrong
07:55.03arrrghhhah.  stupid restitive screens.
07:56.14F22i have the code to do the model detect, i basically ripped it from one wozzer's nand commits.  i know acl has been wants to ditch the current calibration program. i think there's a lot to be said for automating the whole thing assuming the values are always good.  there is an issue with the wifi nvram info not always being grabbed correctly on some 210's and 300's.
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07:56.40XirXesbut i guess if getting that info from the spl was implemented you'd still have to keep our current method arount as a fallback
07:57.20arrrghhhyea i guess tssc is just a messy hack.  seems to work well tho.  *shrug*
07:57.58F22not lately, or at least not since the new clocks. :P
07:58.07XirXesyeah. mines pretty damn acurate. which surprises me cause the zoom bar is part of the main touch panel
07:59.38F22I should clarify my earlier statement regarding wifi nvram, it's not clear if it's a read issue or a write issue. but some of resulting wifi files are bad and end up needing to be manually replaced.
08:00.46F22WisTilt2: i can get you that spl address for the model detect.
08:01.11WisTilt2please, if you have it handy
08:02.23WisTilt2too late to code it into this tonight.  a day with my grand kids wiped me out.  wish i could bottle up the energy those kids have.
08:02.30F22+#define MSM_SPL_BASE          IOMEM(0xFA000000)
08:02.30F22+#define MSM_SPL_PHYS          0x00000000
08:02.30F22+#define MSM_SPL_SIZE          SZ_1M
08:03.17WisTilt2that looks familiar, been a few months
08:04.00WisTilt2if i remember right the model is stored as RHOD3000
08:04.13F22i have an entire patch if you want it. i basically ported it to 2.6.27.  It would never pass muster with phh however. it's rhod specific and i left it where wozzer put it in htc_hw.c
08:04.19F22rhod30000 i think
08:04.32F22i know mine comes out as RHOD21000
08:04.44WisTilt2ok, i know there were lots of extra zeros in it
08:05.06WisTilt2can you email it to me?
08:05.31WisTilt2or is it in the nand tree?
08:05.39F22certainly, pm me your addy
08:05.53F22i have it in patch form already
08:06.56WisTilt2XirXes any quirks so far?
08:07.11XirXesdoesnt seem like it
08:07.25WisTilt2panel still waking up ok?
08:07.41WisTilt2it going into full sleep correct?
08:07.52XirXesled goes green
08:08.12XirXeswifi says error tho
08:08.35WisTilt2arrrghhh you need to see if this kernel makes the panel wake work nearly everytime on your 400
08:08.49arrrghhhyea i'm in it now
08:08.52arrrghhhjust need to call voicemail
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08:09.01WisTilt2XirXes did you get the kernel-pack or just the zImage?
08:09.02arrrghhhc'mon bessy
08:09.12XirXesi got the kernelpack
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08:09.38WisTilt2hmm, wifi should be working, didnt change anything in the modules that would break that
08:09.48XirXesill try rebooting
08:09.48WisTilt2yep thats it
08:10.28XirXesive noticed that i can get it unlocked before the panels up
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08:10.59arrrghhhwifi works for me
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08:11.35WisTilt2yes, when you power on the mddi init happens right away and turns on the lcd but the display is left off for a second so the touchscreen part works immediately
08:12.03XirXesi figured
08:12.04WisTilt2just tried wifi on mine and works fine.
08:13.06arrrghhhWisTilt2, one thing i do notice.  if you leave caps/fn on, userland seems to wipe out their status, but they stay on lit on the kbd.
08:13.23arrrghhhother than that i think they've always represented the state correctly, bravo!
08:13.56MassStashshould i be trying to boot h the 2.6.35 kernel? or am i getting antsy? i get no root and just reboots in 5 seconds...
08:14.12WisTilt2leave them on how?  turn on then dont type anything and userland clears those functions
08:14.14arrrghhhMassStash, it's not nearly ready yet dude.
08:14.38MassStashhaha what i thought. thnks was bored
08:14.40arrrghhhWisTilt2, so turn on caps lock (2 tap) and fn lock (2 tap).  then close the kbd
08:15.11arrrghhhthe userland state blanks them out, but the leds still show them on.
08:15.34MassStashsweet, intrigued to listen to progress on "always on" state n how recode IN kern is goin...
08:15.43F22WisTilt2: sent
08:15.52WisTilt2hmm, i can fix that by resetting them when kbd is closed np
08:15.56XirXesyup, wifi worked this boot. wierd
08:16.20arrrghhhWisTilt2, yea that would be my recommendation.
08:16.50arrrghhhdamn... just got a fall back to boot logo... stupid wifi.  i was flipping it on/off then on/off.  why must i insist on breaking things...
08:17.43WisTilt2when it comes back up try the wake a few times.  im going to have to hit the sack shortly...
08:18.25arrrghhhyea i couldn't sleep so i came downstairs to see if there were any new developments...
08:18.44arrrghhhlol system comes up with wifi enabled/connected.  awesome.
08:19.03WisTilt2F22: got it thanks
08:24.10arrrghhhWisTilt2, panel wake almost seems worse, dare i say..
08:24.13WisTilt2tomorrow night i'll stick the button lights in the kernel again and put that to rest while we're doing all this led stuff.
08:24.29XirXesauto bl works a little wierd on wake. when the screen comes on the brightness will go up for a second then drop to a low setting. may just be my room tho. dark walls
08:24.29arrrghhhmy first full cycle the backlight came up but no screen... then the backlight faded.
08:25.15arrrghhhwoah.  #2, almost the same except the panel flashed for maybe 100ms.  very very quick flash, then black and back to sleep lol
08:25.37arrrghhh#3 same as #1... yea.  it's worse.
08:25.38WisTilt2i really do think timing is different on each device.  mine and the 210 work damn near every time
08:25.58WisTilt2touch still works though?
08:26.13arrrghhhi'm finding i can wake it before the panel comes up as well
08:26.26arrrghhhi get that haptic feedback when you unlock y'know?  happens before the screen comes on
08:26.29arrrghhhBL is on, screen is not.
08:26.46WisTilt2yeah i added 1 sec delay before unblank executes after the mddi init
08:26.50arrrghhhsleeps pretty quick tho, all have been within 5 s
08:27.01XirXesif i face it towards the light after it settles on the dim setting itl adjust to a more appropriate brightness
08:28.01WisTilt2autobl should dim slowly but when it sees light it should adjust to that brightness almost instantly the way i have the up/down ramps set
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08:29.14XirXeswell it doesnt fix itself till its directly facing the light
08:29.19WisTilt2so we made 210/300 better and 400 worse...
08:30.15arrrghhhi'm betting 500 is worse too.  who knows about the 100...
08:30.17WisTilt2XirXes if you let it go dim then face it right at a light it should go bright very quick
08:30.37arrrghhhhrm.  i've had 2 wake cycles where it seemed to properly wake
08:30.49WisTilt2if it doesnt see much light change it wont hardly be noticeable
08:30.50arrrghhhit did take a second or two, but the panel woke up correctly
08:31.03XirXesit does, its working just fine in that respect.
08:31.44WisTilt2arrrghhh does it go into sleep with wifi turned on?
08:31.53arrrghhhit used to, let me see
08:32.05XirXesmine full sleeps with wifi on
08:32.25WisTilt2i rarely use wifi so never checked.  just wondered if it was same as with gps on, guess not
08:32.31XirXesits connected when it wakes too so its not dropping it
08:32.43arrrghhhyea, that's status quo AFAIK
08:32.43MassStashdoes abl consume any significant amount of power?
08:32.56arrrghhhWisTilt2, just GPS methinks...
08:33.10arrrghhhMassStash, should help with power if anything
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08:33.27MassStashok ok, reeeally
08:33.28WisTilt2autobl saves power mainly when you're in a lower lit room
08:33.35MassStashsure sure
08:33.43XirXesi only get edge in my house so its connected to wifi whenever im home. the g2 actually has wifi calling so when its connected to wifi it turns off the cell radio
08:33.45arrrghhhWisTilt2, yup sleeps fine w/wifi
08:33.56WisTilt2outside of course its going to be full on bright so panel drawing more
08:34.00arrrghhhXirXes, that is a pretty cool feature tmo features.
08:34.06arrrghhhfeature features?  yea.
08:34.33XirXesi love it. it helps with the miserable battery life the g2 has for sure
08:35.02arrrghhhWisTilt2, lol this panel init is funky for sure.  i've noticed i'll get a little bit of haptic feeback, blank screen.  then a second later the panel comes up, and shows the swipe and gives another vibe blip.  odd.
08:35.34WisTilt2you get the vibe without touching it?
08:35.36arrrghhhXirXes, yea if the phone was struggling for signal i can see that for sure.  wish my work phone had that, i can't get signal on it for crap in my basement.  stupid verizon.
08:35.48arrrghhhWisTilt2, sorry maybe i didn't explain that correctly.
08:35.54MassStashmy thoughts are always im usually in well lit areas such as outside or a mall (my two job locations), and thus most of the time abl would be pegged for me killin bat. so i guess i have to just become freinds with the bklght power control wig
08:36.01XirXesim pretty sure the tp2 is way more power efficient. ill do some tests to that eventually
08:36.18XirXesverizon gives me rage
08:36.20arrrghhhso when i see that it's not waking, i just make the swiping motion to unlock it
08:36.55arrrghhhsometimes it'll give me the haptics confirming i unlocked it 2x, once when i swipe intially, and a second time when the panel wakes and actually shows the swipe.
08:37.20MassStashall the talk of must touch to wake, and my 400, whatever the heck i have added, pretty darn alllllways wakes on its own. no touch neccessary. am i correct this is still the issue?
08:37.21WisTilt2try hitting the menu key or whatever it is to the right of call after you hit power and it doesnt wake
08:37.22arrrghhhjust trying to outline different behavior, i don't remember that happening previously.
08:37.24XirXesyeah it doesnt actually do the unlock till the screens up
08:37.48arrrghhhWisTilt2, k
08:37.54XirXesMassStash: thats not an issue with the normal kernels
08:37.57arrrghhhMassStash, i threw up a testing kernel thread
08:37.59WisTilt2MassStash which kernel you using?
08:38.04arrrghhhthose kernels is what we're talkin 'bout.
08:38.42arrrghhhthe i posted?
08:39.01arrrghhhWisTilt2, odd when i do that the phone wakes unlocked.
08:39.36arrrghhhstill takes a couple of seconds to wake...
08:39.58arrrghhhMassStash, so if you hit power and don't touch the screen, the screen turns on OK every single time?
08:40.38arrrghhhi mean it doesn't fail every single time for me.  a few times it does wake...
08:41.04MassStashyea im like majority good fer sure man
08:41.23XirXesarrrghhh: mine does
08:41.31WisTilt2are you both oc'd?
08:41.41arrrghhhWisTilt2, i think i am still set to 700\
08:41.49WisTilt2same here
08:41.54XirXes614 for me
08:42.06MassStashfrx04 no oc
08:42.15XirXesi was locking up at 700
08:42.39WisTilt2i need to get frx04 and give it a whirl
08:43.12arrrghhhACPU running at 691200 KHz
08:43.20XirXesits not that different but it is more up to date than my g2's froyo
08:43.23arrrghhhthat's with 700000 in thar.
08:43.47MassStashread n post from some proclaimed processor knowin guy preachin how the rhod proccessor is simply not made to be oc'ed
08:43.58XirXesit has the update that fixes the sms sending bug in android
08:44.11MassStashi wasnt really confmy withit in the first place, and was rather convinced by his werds
08:44.21F22it increases in 19.2 MHz steps Arrrghhh.
08:44.21MassStashyea, 04 is pretty business man
08:44.28arrrghhhF22, yea, i know.
08:44.32MassStashcant believe your not useing it actually....
08:44.53F22lol, sorry.
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08:45.00arrrghhhMassStash, eh he's a kernel guy.
08:45.13MassStashswitchin around alot you kinda start to notice how much difference the actually core system makes. haha der? idk
08:45.33arrrghhhF22, haha np.  i usually run with no oc when testing.
08:45.36MassStashi was surprised at least, but is kinda obvious later
08:45.46arrrghhhi guess i should disable the oc
08:45.50arrrghhhsee if the panel wakes better
08:46.08WisTilt2well guys i will catch yall tomorrow night. lets see some battery drain down around 1% !!
08:46.16XirXesi test with oc and drop the oc if i have odd issues during testing
08:46.18arrrghhhg'nite dude, thanks for the kernel :D
08:46.24XirXesnight WisTilt2
08:46.27WisTilt2nite all
08:46.36arrrghhhjust want to be clear, when you guys power up the phone from sleep
08:46.45arrrghhhyou see the backlight slowly come up
08:46.52arrrghhhthen a second or two later, the screen comes up
08:47.02MassStashcan i get fresh test kern please? eh eh
08:47.03XirXesyea. exactly
08:47.29arrrghhhdo you ever get cycles where you hit power, you see bl come up... but then it just dims again and goes back to sleep?
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08:47.33arrrghhhthat's what i'm describing.
08:47.45arrrghhhMassStash, you have the newest.
08:47.46XirXesnope. havent seen that yet
08:47.56arrrghhhassuming you *just* recently grabbed it
08:48.03arrrghhhi just updated the post, before you came in the room.
08:48.30arrrghhhXirXes, hm.  i guess i'll turn off my OC.
08:48.43XirXescould be interesting
08:49.19MassStashlol came in cuz it was stale out there
08:49.28MassStashwerd, on it
08:50.13arrrghhhi updated it 2x yesterday and once today, and it's only been today for less than 2 hrs for me :P
08:50.21XirXesim looking around online to find a bigger battery for my g2. the other day i cut 2 plastic tabs off my tp2s battery and used it in my g2, lasted at least 3 more hours with moderate to heavy use
08:50.36arrrghhhXirXes, you're joking.
08:50.37MassStashforgot thred name date if you care/didnt notice already?
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08:50.57arrrghhhthat's... dumb.
08:51.22arrrghhhMassStash, [TESTING] Updated 1/29/11 New Kernel (Caps/FN LEDs)?
08:52.12MassStashat ppc?
08:52.25arrrghhhppcg and xda-devs
08:52.46arrrghhhthey're pretty much duplicate threads
08:52.49MassStashright, ppc post has current date but not thred title.... for me atleast
08:52.56MassStashfully aware bro haha
08:53.00XirXesi havent damaged the integrety of the battery at all. but it totally works fine in it. its just that my tp2 battery is a little swolen so it makes the battery door on the g2 bulge a bit
08:53.13arrrghhhoh yea i noticed i didn't update the thread title.  refresh :P
08:53.31MassStashwhich means you have bloated aka ruined your battery already sir
08:53.57F22there are some really fat batteries out there if you don't mind your phone looking like it's about to give birth.
08:54.37MassStashmaaaan my guys hd2 slip on case 3 charge pack case thang thang is naaaaaasty
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08:55.12MassStashvery small and slick still and not crwazy huge cuz hd2 is pretty slim
08:55.17XirXesyeah i intend on replacing it. its not hugely bloated but its enough to cause the battery door on the g2 to not fit comfortably
08:55.37MassStashargh: got me all second guessing my reults on the prior test kern, really intriuge to boot this one haha
08:56.21MassStashyikes man, gone and drop the 12 dolla on ebay for the 2 pack man
08:56.40arrrghhhyou get what you pay for usually
08:56.46MassStashcould even get the one with the wall bat charge!.... way off topic....
08:56.48arrrghhhbzo had one of those cheapo ebay batteries.
08:56.50XirXesmy problem with the pregnancy batterys is they dont even try to make it look good. most im seeing come with a plain black plastic battery cover to replace my sexy brushed alluminum
08:57.29F22not sure why anyone needs to get a cheapo ebay battery when you can get original htc's for $8 + shipping from the amazon market.
08:57.44MassStashright right, i actually go for hte like 15 20 buck htc yada yada ones
08:58.02MassStashwas suggesting the cost effect one first lol
08:58.02XirXesthe problem is that the g2s stock battery is a 1300 mah
08:58.31MassStashdid not see that one
08:58.48F22a little on the puny side...pity they didn't pack something a little more meaty in the g2.
08:59.04arrrghhhi guess they wanted to keep the profile down
08:59.18arrrghhhsince physical keyboards are a 4-letter word now evidently...
08:59.21XirXesthis one looks good to me.
08:59.23F22that's usually the main issue, "thinness"
08:59.37XirXeswell its thin
08:59.47F22there's always someone who wants thinner.
09:00.13F22just look at that silly macbook air...
09:00.34XirXesits prob 2-3 mm thinner than the tp2
09:00.49arrrghhhi'm waiting for a will it blend of the macbook air
09:01.07XirXeswill it blend is a great series
09:01.08arrrghhhmy fave was the ipad.  omg, breaking it over his leg to cram it into that blender... awesome.
09:01.10MassStashoooooo SLIM extended
09:02.32arrrghhhalright.  official bedtime.
09:02.43XirXesnight arrrghhh
09:02.48arrrghhhbattery is at 100%, we'll see how it looks in the mornin.  take it easy guys.
09:02.51F22g'nite arrrghhh
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11:59.44phhF22: what's the patch you highlighted me about ?
12:04.42F22oh that, it's pulled from wozzer's rhodium variant commit that from the nand kernel. it basically pulled the rhodium model number from the spl and wrote it to sys.  it's my understanding that he and acl never tried to bring it over to 2.6.27 since it was rhodium specific and they didn't think it would get your approval.
12:04.52F22phh: ^^^
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12:05.58phhbah why not
12:06.01phhbut what's the use ?
12:08.01F22i believe they're using it to automatically assign a keyboard on nand.  not sure what else they're doing with it. i know wistilt is interested in it because the 300 has the cap/fn lights reversed.
12:12.47F22phh: as to why, acl could answer that better than i. it may be because they didn't really need it on haret at the time so weren't inclined to rewrite it to pass muster.
12:13.06phhF22: your answer is enough don't worry :p
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18:07.42bob195hey do ou guys think there will be a fix for the hd2 multitouch ?
18:09.05bob195for wp7
18:13.54bob195oh well :( but atleast the rest seems working for me :) thanks for the hard work again
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18:32.02[Rapunzel]abybody with MSM72XX android here?
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18:57.50stickman89yup me
18:58.25[Rapunzel]too late :)
18:58.59stickman89for what...
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