IRC log for #htc-linux on 20101215

00:00.16*** join/#htc-linux Bry8Star (
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01:17.10*** join/#htc-linux BazGee2 (
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04:08.55crawlingnn all!
04:21.05*** join/#htc-linux hastarin (
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04:40.18atooreruning on hd2 leo
04:40.33atooreim noob irc :D
04:40.59*** join/#htc-linux ElFinLazz (~elfinlazz@
04:41.34hastarinatoore: Probably more appropriate in #htc-linux-chat ;)
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08:16.51*** join/#htc-linux gauner1986 (~Adium@
08:18.51gauner1986good morning
08:19.13hastarinHey there gauner
08:20.05hastarinDo you know what the deal is with supporting the auto brightness along with the new lijghts support that dan patched in?
08:21.04hastarinI've been cherry picking stuff from the main tree to avoid his patches for now since I don't want to loose the auto brightness and booting with cable in, or using LedMeKnow is good enough for me atm.
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10:26.41w1naenatorHello everybody! is there real hd2 android devs team present?
10:29.05*** join/#htc-linux bally3 (c13dff54@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:29.55Cass-zzzzreal, as opposed to what ?
10:32.14w1naenatornothing, just nice to see you
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11:38.33*** join/#htc-linux gauner1986 (~Adium@
11:39.33*** join/#htc-linux EliteHunters (
11:39.47EliteHuntershey ppl
11:40.14EliteHuntersjust need some assistance regarding HTC HD2 and Android
11:41.05EliteHuntersI just got a HD2 last night from the states and I would like to run android on it
11:41.43Cassxda-developers for you id guess
11:42.05EliteHunterswell I'm on the website
11:42.18EliteHuntersbut is there a particular rom to use
11:42.30Cassnot really .. pick one and read the instructions
11:42.37Cassthere are many and people have diff prefs
11:43.07EliteHuntersbut i need some help in loading it really
11:43.18EliteHuntersI have a blank SD card
11:43.18Cassshould all be in the instructions
11:43.30EliteHuntersso...just extract and slip into the phone
11:43.44Casspretty much .. the readme should tell you how to use it
11:43.52EliteHuntersok, cool
11:44.05EliteHunterslet me take a good look at it
11:44.12Cassno probs ..
11:47.08*** join/#htc-linux Rajko (
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13:51.15MN2hi johnsheridan
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15:44.21kam187_hey guys
15:44.52kam187_is it possible for android to see any part of the SMI memory bank?
15:45.43kam187_also can android handle non consecutive memory?
15:46.39kam187_if anyone knows pls ping me :)
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16:12.00NeoMatrixJR~seen [acl]
16:12.12apt[acl] <> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-linux, 1h 36m 21s ago, saying: 'emwe:'.
16:12.22NeoMatrixJR~seen WisTilt2
16:12.22aptwistilt2 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-linux, 20d 20h 19m 42s ago, saying: 'ok guys i'm out of here again.  Have a great thanksgiving and catch you all next week!'.
16:18.02*** join/#htc-linux DuperMan (
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16:21.24*** join/#htc-linux Willd (
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16:22.18WilldToying around with kam187_!
16:22.51DuperManis that some cybersex thing?
16:22.54WilldNot right now, now I'm eatinger gingerbread cookies
16:23.03WilldDuperMan: Hardware porn actually
16:23.28DuperManooooooooooooh yum
16:23.34DuperManon both counts!
16:23.43WilldTru dat :)
16:24.11WilldActually, I'm was looking through some old threads regarding SMI banks on diamond and raph500
16:24.41DuperManhehe can't say I care for the such. am a HD2 man looking forward to an LG Star in my future
16:24.48AstainHellbringlg star mmm
16:25.48DuperManmmmmm hmmmmmmmm! gimme some o' that gingerbread inna bun miss
16:25.53DuperMandon't skimp on the hdmi!
16:26.00WilldDuperMan: :p
16:26.27DuperManomfg. you guys realize in a year smartphones will be a serious threat to bluray players?
16:26.48WilldHeh :)
16:26.53DuperManhas his fingers crossed whiteknuckles tight for a decent, international, netflix client for android:D
16:27.04WilldDuperMan: That would be quiant, real quinat :)
16:27.27DuperManwerd. but my spidey sense is tingling like mad
16:27.58DuperManI mean... tegra two, mini-hdmi out, dolby.... profit!!!!
16:28.08DuperMan*1080p out even
16:28.19*** part/#htc-linux dan1j3l (
16:28.28WilldNow for a phone to be able to record that :p
16:28.47DuperMannokia n8 r2?:P
16:29.03WilldLets hope :p
16:29.17DuperManmy poor sis is waiting for the N8 to be released, photography nut that she is
16:29.20DuperManI feel for her:(
16:29.23WilldI actually tried it
16:29.38WilldIt's fun, but nothing I want use for photography
16:29.40DuperManheard handling it feels like playing for a Transformer
16:29.56AstainHellbringbleh on n8
16:29.59AstainHellbringsymbian ftl
16:30.08DuperMannokia seriously need to get their shit together and at least tacitly support porting Android to their devices
16:30.22DuperManlike, have some dev supply drivers from the shadows or whatever
16:30.29WilldDuperMan: Did you see what that nokia exec said bout android? :p
16:30.42DuperManlol yeah. he said it's os gonnorhea or something
16:30.47DuperMansilly man
16:30.59WilldLike little boys pissing in their pants, to keep heat up
16:31.42DuperManthe funny thing is he actually meant using Android instead of Symbian could save your life in an avalanch
16:40.01*** join/#htc-linux rob_w (
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17:45.19DuperManlets hate on Google ChromeOS
17:45.44WilldDuperMan: Distributed Hate Machine?
17:46.07gauner1986what's wrong with it? *havent digged into it*
17:47.52DuperManWilld: yup. for the win. gauner1986: it's too silly to live, too quiant to be offed before release
17:48.10DuperManit reminds me of old macs, sorta
17:48.17DuperManso closed you can hardly breath
17:48.27DuperManbut should do well for schools and such
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19:22.03DomZHi Rajko
19:22.12DomZThanks for your new nand rom
19:22.20*** join/#htc-linux fakker (~noobhands@
19:23.32DomZI saw a problem on it, the data icon (up/down arrows) are missing in the top bar, may be you forgot to remove/deactivate RMNET support on this rom ?
19:27.33*** join/#htc-linux DuperMan (
19:28.16RajkoDomZ, they work for me
19:28.59Rajkoblink just fine
19:31.35*** join/#htc-linux FlawlesStyle (~LOL@unaffiliated/flawlesstyle)
19:45.24DuperManRajko: yay leds
19:53.47*** join/#htc-linux DuperMan (
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22:33.24dfactoto all developers: great work; love that i can run andoid on my htc tp2
22:34.05dfactoquick question. are  things still active? haven't seen an update and im curious
22:34.31dfactowith respect to tp2 in particular, natually
22:35.06dfactois there a published roadmap somewhere?
22:35.15dfactoid just like to track the changes
22:35.29dfactothe anticpated roadmap
22:35.48bzono roadmap, devs work for fun
22:35.59dfactoi couldnt find anything in all the regular places
22:36.03dfactoyeah yeah
22:36.05dfactoi know
22:36.11dfactoand its really incredible
22:36.26dfactolike i said, just curious (respectfully!) :)
22:37.23dfactoanyway, thanks again devs!
22:37.26bzosure, there just isn't any official organization
22:37.47bzojust lurk here or read up on xda-dev to see what is happening
22:37.56dfactowill do
22:38.02dfactoactually id love to do more
22:38.08dfactobut need to finish my thesis first
22:39.14dfactoanyone use the extended batteries? was looking at buying a 3200mAh mugen or the seidio 3500mAh
22:39.44dfacto78 and 60.47 resp.
22:40.34*** join/#htc-linux Major_Sarcasm (
22:42.21dfactogotta jet; thanks again! :-D
22:43.40XirXes~seen wistilt2
22:43.56aptwistilt2 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-linux, 21d 2h 51m 16s ago, saying: 'ok guys i'm out of here again.  Have a great thanksgiving and catch you all next week!'.
22:44.20[acl]bzo: sup dood
22:44.35bzonot much, I see you hit the goldmine on the docs
22:45.01[acl]well it explains that whole evo thing
22:45.11[acl]with the value for T2 and stuff
22:45.15[acl]and how to calculate fps
22:45.18[acl]i wanted emwe to try it
22:45.20[acl]sinec im at work
22:46.06bzoyou heading home soon?
22:46.16[acl]maybe in 2 hours or so
22:46.23[acl]but im so tired i might pass out
22:47.22bzoI might have some time to check it out in a few hours
22:47.34*** join/#htc-linux netson-ubuntu (~netson-ub@
22:48.14bzo[acl] you notice on the fps2d thing that it shows a bunch of 50fps frames?
22:48.16[acl]we should dump our values and see where we are at
22:48.26[acl]bzo: yeah.. it spikes up
22:48.43bzowonder if it is a glitch in fps2d, or if it actually happens
22:49.21bzokinda weird that it is such a round number and it is the only outlier past 30fps
22:49.43[acl]same thing happened with the evo
22:49.53[acl]so we need to mess with that reg
22:50.14bzowell, here's hoping for 53fps
22:51.22*** join/#htc-linux [zozi] (
22:51.34bzothat'll be just a bonus though, the UI with the 35fb and mdelay fix is not painful anymore
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22:52.15[acl]im pretty happy with the results so far.
22:52.23[acl]i was prepping the patch last night for the .35
22:53.35bzoraph working with it yet?
22:54.45[acl]thats where i left off.. my build was failing. i dunno why defconfigh didnt like mdp22 setup. i may have to just build it straight without changing much of the defconfigh
22:57.05*** join/#htc-linux MacPad-Pub (MacPad-Pub@
23:00.59[acl]bzo: ok gotta. go.. i'
23:01.04[acl]ill try to hop on later
23:03.32*** join/#htc-linux DuperMan (
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23:16.12SamsunguyIt's funny how cal was talking to himself :)
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