IRC log for #htc-linux on 20101107

00:00.15*** join/#htc-linux urgodfather (
00:00.26urgodfatherhey everyone
00:00.42urgodfatheris anyone familiar with xdandroid?
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00:11.56Curious_Did he fucking fix rmnet?
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01:16.29RajkoLeTama, wtf did you do here and WHY
01:16.42Rajkobecause this is what broke dma_cache_sync_single in nand driver
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08:34.12LeTamaRajko: still here ?
08:39.14LeTamaRajko, what I did is only resync .config with htcleo_defconfig.
08:40.57*** join/#htc-linux MacDrunk (~marper@
08:42.06LeTamachanges are coming from Markinus commits on htcleo_defconfig just before
08:42.55LeTamabut as he edited directly the file and not via menuconfig, .config and htcleo_defconfig are not matching anymore
08:45.29LeTamaif you undo my commit and build, you'll see that .config will result in that anyway.
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09:01.12vegamanhas anyone already looked at porting a codeaurora kernel to leo? attempting it now as a way to learn, hopefully I'll learn something from it even if I fail
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10:45.40RajkoLeTama, directly before ?
10:48.18LeTamaRajko: maybe not
10:48.31LeTamaI think he did multiple changes to config
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11:01.24LeTamahello Delenn
11:01.41LeTamaRajko: what option breaks it ?
11:01.43*** join/#htc-linux Blizzzard (5ad1ab3e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:03.05DomZhi [Delenn] : congrats for RMNET !
11:03.10DomZhi all
11:04.06[Delenn]1.09 now soon
11:06.11*** join/#htc-linux BabelO (~fcr@unaffiliated/babelo)
11:11.33*** join/#htc-linux Markinus (~Miranda@
11:12.20LeTamahi Markinus
11:15.27RajkoLeTama, dont know
11:15.41Rajkoyou are right, running menuconfig just puts it back like your commit if i use HTC values
11:15.53Rajkobut something around that time defeinitely broke the dma_sync_single thing
11:16.30Rajkosince nobody has ever had kernel panic on fs access before
11:17.07LeTamaRajko: ok
11:17.34Rajkofirst i thought it was the vmalloc thing
11:17.37Rajkobut nope
11:19.10RajkoLeTama, wht did markinus edit
11:20.55Rajkodidnt he revert
11:20.58Rajkothen revert the revert
11:21.29[Delenn]RAR RULEZZ
11:21.39[Delenn]u think 2 times before change something :P
11:21.55Rajko[Delenn], what sick man sends babies to fight
11:22.06[Delenn]I about packing sources to rar
11:22.15LeTamaI think that's this commit 781d1ad789aae0adbf66e65d8f36b79f2ed3b97f
11:22.27Rajkoi just came home between exams
11:22.28Rajkogotta go
11:22.35LeTamame too
11:22.38[Delenn]good l
11:22.43*** join/#htc-linux Microang (522deb64@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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11:24.00Microang[Delenn] Will 1.09 be a public release or will you at least allow for wider testing? :)
11:24.20[Delenn]wider I think :)
11:24.35Blizzzardlikes this
11:24.56Microang:) what skills would you require?
11:25.04Rajko[Delenn], i think corruption is something really weird
11:25.18Rajkosince if i go dmesg to sd, then look at the log in mass storage mode
11:25.23Rajkothen boot android
11:25.28Rajkoit will be perfect that time
11:25.36MarkinusRajko: on my dev nand is still working great  . .
11:25.38Rajkoischeckpoint 1, no panics or corruptions
11:25.43RajkoMarkinus, WHAT SORCERY IS THIS
11:25.51Markinusno idea . .  .
11:25.54MicroangRajko the other day idk why but I had curruption on my sd card base...
11:27.53Microangmy sense widgets and the ui got currupted like gauner said :)
11:28.08MicroangI had to delete everything and start again...
11:30.26Microang~seen gauner1986
11:30.31aptgauner1986 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-linux, 15h 52m 30s ago, saying: 'my alda exam was easy'.
11:31.19DomZ[Delenn]: still packaging ?
11:31.33*** join/#htc-linux the_eye_ (
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11:34.45DomZMarkinus: which nand id do you have ?
11:37.25MarkinusDomZ: 0x5510bcad
11:38.15DomZnandid: 5510bcad maker ad device bc
11:38.22DomZsame as me
11:38.59DomZok so it's not related to the memory chip since I've the corruption error and not you
11:39.26Markinus[Delenn]: I have it now 5 days on nand and full using, and no corruptions ..
11:39.43[Delenn]open us u secret
11:40.19DomZcan it be be cause of user space / android difference ?
11:40.52DomZMarkinus : did you test the Rajko rom ?
11:41.10DomZor are you using your own rom ?
11:42.42tfoutois rmnet fix only on kernel or also on maglrd?
11:43.04Markinus[Delenn]: yeah, it's strange. First a had problems, because my Nad still didn't work. Couln't boot. Crashes every time on gui (had error -74 from the driver, like my first tries with msm_nand for wifi mac). Then I disabled the wrong'nand define in the driver. After that, it works great. But If I look to the driver and what the ädefine do, this shoulnd'n change anything why the ecc config is setted to 0x1ff too
11:43.10[Delenn]magldr fix
11:43.27[Delenn]Markinus, maybe it's because wrong reset used
11:43.36[Delenn]WM using DEX for reset I think
11:43.44Markinushmm, maybe, yes. Ahh, ok
11:43.59[Delenn]which define?
11:44.30Markinuswrong_ecc ...
11:44.35Markinushave to look
11:44.58DomZMarkinus: are you using the Rajko rom ?
11:45.07DomZor your own nand rom .
11:45.11Markinus[Delenn]: I setted this to 0
11:45.32MarkinusDomZ: ganuers
11:45.49MarkinusDomZ: with some changes
11:45.56DomZah ok
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11:48.27Markinus[Delenn]: yes, on real nand devices it switching the ecc config drom 0x1ff and 0x203 for read and write
11:49.10DomZit could be better if you test corruption using Rajko rom without changes at least for confirm that you observe the same behaviours and next to work together to find a fix ?
11:49.31Markinus[Delenn]: but in our nand file it is set to chip->ecc_buf_cfg = 0x1FF so it changing between 0x1ff and 0x1ff and should change nothing
11:50.07Markinusbut on my dev it does . . no Idea why
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11:50.22MarkinusIf I disable it I can boot
11:50.33Markinusmagic . . :)
11:50.54[Delenn]how u shutdown it?
11:51.06DomZMarkinus: can you send us a boot dmesg log ?
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11:52.06Markinus[Delenn]: reboot in adb
11:52.16[Delenn]what about power off
11:52.36Markinusonly from android with normal shutdown from gui
11:54.12DomZ<6>[    1.411682] <6>NAND_EBI2_ECC_BUF_CFG: 1ff
11:54.17DomZyou have 203 here ?
11:54.48MarkinusDomZ: no, the 0x1ffr is the default calue in the registers. Android devices switching it to 0x203 if needed in the driver
11:55.03DomZahhh ok
11:55.37DomZcan you have a look on how the switch is triggered ?
11:56.31Markinusdo a small walk with my wife, back in 30 min.
11:58.21DomZ[Delenn]: let me know when packaging is done, I've a lot of time to waste today to make tests :p
11:59.51*** join/#htc-linux Guachiflai2 (57d91f4a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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12:06.34[Delenn]ok gotta go bb
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12:20.25HansSprungfeldhey guys
12:20.31HansSprungfeldGuten Morgen!
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12:21.16HansSprungfelddid you see that chinese WP7 stuff??
12:21.17DuperMandobra jin
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12:24.41gauner1986hi cass
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12:44.16cr2_Echo31: the 'EPSON irq' in wiki is for the epson usb part (not used on my ameo). i have already edited the wiki entry.
12:45.30cr2_Echo31: gpio68 is set to 1 at init, as in the code. but there are many places where is may be set to 0
12:46.50cr2_Echo31: and there is no epson ata irq. not at all. what values are written in the epson ide registers can be documented in wiki, it's pretty straightforward macro.
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12:48.42cr2_Echo31: the macro must match the linux code, so i can decode the mmutrace/pxatrace logs
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13:50.24Echo31cr2_: Hi
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14:21.48Willow_In attempting to get Linux booting on the HTC Snap Willow, I've been trying to find ways to get some feedback as to where the kernel boot process is failing. I thought being able to blink the keypad backlight would be one method of feedback. Unfortunately I have not yet discovered the magic required to control the backlight.
14:21.48Willow_In looking at the memory map for another device I found an address that is used for a soft reset. I figured that being able to cause a reboot of the device could also be used for feedback and possibly the Snap would use the same address. I'm not certain that this is the case, but after patching the kernel to write 0x55aa00ff to address 0xfc08c, I did notice a change in the behavior of my device. Previously, when attempting to boot Linux
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14:28.29Willow_Does anyone have experience in reverse-engineering the radio firmware? I'm thinking the radio firmware may be controlling the keypad backlight. What needs to be done to a radio.nb file before loading it into IDA?
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14:35.30phhradio firmware the keypad backlight ?
14:35.51phhthat's highly unlikelt
14:37.17Willow_phh: where would you recommend looking to find what controls the keypad backlight?
14:39.37Willow_I've tried watching the gpios and have not found anything that matches up with the timing of the backlight turning on or turning off
14:46.15phhI2C ?
14:47.11Willow_how do I monitor the I2C bus using haret?
14:51.10*** join/#htc-linux gassed (
14:52.50gassedwhat is a good android rom for HTC HD2 that has working MMS?
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15:13.52meegohelpcan anyone help me fastboot an ext3 root image?
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15:21.56meegohelpI've tried: fastboot -c 'root=/dev/mmcblk0p1/meego.ext2' boot zImage and using intramfs to load it but it keeps bootlooping
15:22.04cr2_Echo31: seen my recent comments ?
15:22.34cr2_Echo31: the 'EPSON irq' in wiki is for the epson usb part (not used on my ameo). i have already edited the wiki entry.
15:22.45cr2_Echo31: gpio68 is set to 1 at init, as in the code. but there are many places where is may be set to 0
15:22.55cr2_Echo31: and there is no epson ata irq. not at all. what values are written in the epson ide registers can be documented in wiki, it's pretty straightforward macro.
15:23.07cr2_Echo31: the macro must match the linux code, so i can decode the mmutrace/pxatrace logs
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15:40.44Willow_toastcfh: do you know how to monitor the i2c bus using Haret?
15:49.10*** join/#htc-linux Curious_ (8bb3cf6d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:49.16Curious_Don't we have suspend support on leo?
15:50.11RajkoCurious_, yep
15:50.16Rajkoon non-haret :D
15:50.33Curious_what is the issue?
15:50.43Rajkoworks fine
15:50.53Curious_i though "yes for don't"
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15:51.26Curious_we also have correct wifi mac address?
15:51.44Rajkoon haret
15:52.04Curious_doesn't magldr use atag to give correct value?
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15:52.10Rajkonot yet
15:52.21Curious_not a big issue..
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15:53.35Willow_hi Tandyman100
15:55.14Tandyman100Anyone here selling an older phone with a keyboard that will run Android? A friend of mine is getting smartphone-envy after he saw my dual-booting Touch Pro ;)
15:55.36Curious_get a tp2
15:55.40Curious_and go to -chat
15:57.24meegohelpany help fastbooting an rootfs.ext2? all I have are commands to use a SD partition
15:58.38InVisibleGoD_is now away - Reason : Auto-Away after 30 minutes
15:59.15Tandyman100What versions of linux are working on the Touch Pro?
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16:02.04Willow_Tandyman100: Curious_  was answering your question by recommending to purchase a Touch Pro 2. Curious_ also was letting you know that #htc-linux is for development related discussion, not for general chatting. You are welcome to stay here if you wish to contribute to development of Linux on HTC devices. Your most recent question probably does not belong in #htc-linux, but in #htc-linux-chat.
16:04.10Tandyman100Oh, I see. I was told to come here for those questions from #xda-developers. Thank you for your helpfulness.
16:04.16Tandyman100/join #htc-linux-chat
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16:54.24XirXesis there a terminal command to turn on the wifi on msm7xxxa
16:55.03phhXirXes: nothing generic to the SoC
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16:56.06XirXeswell im asking cause im playing with a sense build with everything but the system file at latest
16:56.22XirXesand the userland wifi toggle doesnt work
16:56.43arrrghhhyou didn't muck with the modules did you?
16:57.02XirXesi dont think wifi ever worked in these build
16:57.07arrrghhhcuz that file pairs with the kernel, they go hand-in-hand.
16:57.13arrrghhhoooooh you're using rosie huh
16:57.17arrrghhhgood luck.
16:57.54XirXesits actually running really smooth. like smoother that froyo smooth
16:58.22XirXessmoother than froyo with launcher pro smooth. i just want wifi on
16:58.28arrrghhhi don't think anything has been done on them.
16:59.02XirXesyeah. my system file is a sqsh
16:59.28arrrghhhyea rosie was kinda abadoned.
16:59.38Tandyman100Get to work updating it ;)
17:00.12Tandyman100*whine* I want sense!!! *whine*
17:00.27XirXesi have an xdandroid kitchen set up. maybe ill fiddle with a newer version of sense.
17:00.30Tandyman100Perhaps we could get to work putting sense on froyo?
17:00.40Tandyman100XirXes, could you send me that kitchen?
17:02.09arrrghhhTandyman100, don't whine in here to these fine people.  they will stab you.
17:02.21Tandyman100screams and hides
17:02.25arrrghhhwe need a sense 2.2 build...
17:02.36arrrghhhsense isn't just some application to be installed on the builds, it's part of the build.
17:02.48Tandyman100I'm probably coming across as a whiney little jackass... I'll shut up now :)
17:04.03arrrghhhwell this room is for development talk.  not really build talk :P
17:04.16arrrghhhlike htc-linux talk, mostly kernel development.
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17:34.55gauner1986hey [delenn]
17:34.57gauner1986finally here
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17:39.26DuperManI wonder
17:39.45DuperManhow much of the sense ui/launcher can be removed from a sense build completely?
17:39.53gauner1986[Delenn]: did you read about the nand courrption issue in logs?
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17:54.44gauner1986rajko: you there?
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18:02.27urgodfatherare u familiar with xdandroid?
18:03.42dcordesHardDisk_WP: despite the user creation bot challenge we still get fake accounts
18:04.29HardDisk_WPcan't do anything about this atm, i'm switching computers as the old one broke^^
18:05.18dcordesHardDisk_WP: see, you must enter a scrambled confirmation code (recaptcha)
18:05.45dcordesHardDisk_WP: I tried to omit it but it is working
18:05.54dcordesHardDisk_WP: so I am wondering how we get bot accounts..
18:06.01dcordesmaybe they are manually created ?
18:06.03HardDisk_WPwell, two years ago
18:06.09HardDisk_WPthere was a report at Heise
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18:06.23HardDisk_WPa website promised users free porn pictures for solving captchas
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18:06.42HardDisk_WPworked quite well
18:06.48dcordesI see
18:06.56Alex[sp3dev]use calculus captcha
18:07.06[Delenn]ARM code... only it
18:07.13HardDisk_WPthis particular site got shut down, but I'm pretty sure the model itself survived
18:07.15[Delenn]lets filter ppl :P
18:07.22dcordesHardDisk_WP: mhm
18:07.30Alex[sp3dev]no.. 16-bit x86 then. arm is too simple
18:07.36HardDisk_WPalso, there was a breakthrough for recaptcha cracking some months ago
18:07.54HardDisk_WPgoogle subsequently refined their scheme, but captchas are always a cat and mouse game
18:11.18Alex[sp3dev][Delenn]: do you think we can drive the power to the usb port in host mode?
18:13.11[Delenn]there maybe ability of 3.3V for accessority
18:13.52[Delenn]not sure about 5V
18:14.14[Delenn]because there ULPI logic and USB/AC charging schemes
18:15.26dcordesThe htc-linux project is no officially represented by a ... cookie !
18:19.29dcordesAlex[sp3dev]: which device ?
18:20.12Alex[sp3dev]dcordes: kovsky, xperia x1
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18:23.57Alex[sp3dev]i wonder whether it is a good idea to unify hcd and gadget drivers to allow to dynamically switch between host/client via sysfs
18:25.14[Delenn]dunno... usually USB cable choose USBH or UDC mode by ID pin
18:25.48Alex[sp3dev]well. first off, how do we read it? secondly, it's hard to find a 5-wire mini usb cable
18:26.23Alex[sp3dev]but i mean, we should have the ability do switch it on the fly, without messing with modprobe and rmmod
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18:30.42dcordesAlex[sp3dev]: cool you have host mode working on the kovsky ?
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18:32.57dcordesAlex[sp3dev]: wow very nice
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18:33.38dcordesAlex[sp3dev]: is it ehci_hcd ?
18:33.41gauner1986hi dcordes
18:33.49Alex[sp3dev]yeah, just need to clean up, because now the driver is very unstable. yes, it is ehci-msm7201
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18:39.35[Delenn]Alex, haha good snapshoot
18:40.10[Delenn]u should have really good skills to press "Capture" button at right time
18:40.39Alex[sp3dev]no, i'm just using a camera instead of the phone ;)
18:41.49[Delenn]I have not camera :D
18:41.56[Delenn]I am using LEO and Light source
18:42.02[Delenn]and make photo by MINI
18:42.13[Delenn]how this called?
18:42.29gauner1986real camera..
18:43.32Alex[sp3dev]ok, i'm not that kind of a heretic to have my own camera. it is my mum's camera
18:49.58*** join/#htc-linux MN-hd2 (
18:50.28MN-hd2nice work on rmnet [Delenn]
18:50.57gauner1986have i missed sth?
18:52.21arrrghhhyes, MN-hd2 is drunk.
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18:56.08tfoutormnet is working now...
18:57.38[Delenn]but I think he won't able to press right buttons on LEO's TS
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19:00.21MN-hd2k im back nd not drunk :p
19:02.03[Delenn]okay we trust u :)
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19:03.06MN-hd2:) magldr development going well?
19:03.09arrrghhhi don't.
19:04.05[Delenn]not very well
19:04.23[Delenn]fruit juice wasn't very good :(
19:04.44Alex[sp3dev]so now [Delenn] is drunk, huh?
19:05.16[Delenn]no... just don't feel good after fruit juice
19:05.32MN-hd2is nand corruption still there for nand users
19:05.52*** part/#htc-linux Tandyman100 (
19:06.23Willow_I have not yet found what controls the HTC Snap keypad backlight, but I did find the wince dmesg at 0x18100000.
19:06.23Willow_To dump the Snap WinCE dmesg, connect to your device with haretconsole and execute "pwf snap_dmesg.txt 0x18100000 0x100000". Alternately, you could put the command in your default.txt file in the haret folder and then run the default.txt file. The snap_dmesg.txt file will be created in the same folder as haret.
19:06.23Willow_There are probably lots of helpful information in the dmesg. From what I've read, one thing in particular to search for is the OEMAddressTable address. On my Snap, OEMAddressTable = 0x800010a0.
19:06.54Alex[sp3dev]it's not like you actually need the NkDbgPrintF output
19:06.55MN-hd2ah maybe thats next on the list to fix :p
19:07.06Alex[sp3dev]you need to trace i2c via mmutrace in haret
19:07.09gauner1986hey manusfreedom
19:07.36[Delenn]there no dmesg in CE at first :P just log.
19:07.37manusfreedom[Delenn]: did you have a patch for evo leo source for a working rmnet?
19:07.47MN-hd2hi manusfreedom
19:08.22[Delenn]manusfreedom, I switched mode at magldr, zImage have original rmnet driver and my qmi
19:09.03manusfreedom[Delenn]: so we can't use your patch with hareT?
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19:10.33MN-hd2oh guess we need to wait for public release
19:10.35gauner1986hey markinus
19:10.39MN-hd2hi markinus
19:11.18[Delenn]Markinus, what's up?
19:11.40gauner1986he wanted to say he just fixed corruption
19:12.17manusfreedom[Delenn]: thanks ;)
19:13.53Markinus[Delenn]:  ahh, hard day, parents-in-low :)
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19:16.09MN-hd2i think nand corruption is the only remaining problem or am i mistaken
19:17.48tfoutoi2c problem... TS freezes... is  a very annoying bug to me...
19:20.13Markinus[Delenn]: I thought about what I did different else bevor I flashed the last time in nand
19:21.09Markinus[Delenn]: the last time, i created the pation, and after that I did a flash_eraseall to ever partition bevor nand_write
19:22.06gauner1986that's what i always do
19:22.13Markinusok, hmm
19:22.26Markinusit's works still great . .
19:22.30gauner1986mine too
19:23.14gauner1986i need to fix liblights on evo-based builds
19:23.50Markinusgauner1986: why does people still use evo?
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19:24.01Markinusgauner1986: ahh, sorry, I misread
19:24.08Markinushave you to fix?
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19:24.37gauner1986notifications don't work
19:24.37Markinusahh, tha
19:24.55gauner1986and evo based builds don't seem to have a clear message for that
19:25.15gauner1986i wonder how notifications look like on evo
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19:26.01XirXes-seen wistilt2
19:29.53XirXes~seen wistilt2
19:30.01aptwistilt2 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-linux, 1d 20h 26m 31s ago, saying: 'now if we can just control how they do their job in office!'.
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19:30.58dcordesLeTama: you fixed [[Tg01]] arm9 crash ? :)
19:31.32gauner1986dcordes: lol. you want to support all of your sentences with unilinky? :P
19:31.46dcordesgauner1986: [[yes]]
19:31.58*** join/#htc-linux F-D (~F-D@
19:32.23dcordesgauner1986: it can't harm to have these references
19:32.27MarkinusI buyed now a tg01 too, something new to play :)
19:32.54gauner1986rather look for 720p on leo
19:33.57Markinus720p would be great  , ,
19:34.22gauner1986go for it! :)
19:34.59mdeejay_Zzzzgood :)
19:36.17[Delenn]why it's not workign?
19:36.31Markinus[Delenn]: no, Idea, the app crashing
19:36.40Markinus[Delenn]: yould be a amss video decoding problem?
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19:37.28[Delenn]no... more think qdsp6 image
19:37.43[Delenn]we can try to run new if u want, but a bit later
19:38.42Markinus[Delenn]: yeah, ok
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19:40.35gauner1986Markinus: [Delenn]:
19:40.40gauner1986log of the crash
19:41.51gauner1986E/CameraInput(  152): Failed to set camera(0x33c38) parameters
19:41.51gauner1986E/AuthorDriver(  152): Command 13 completed with error -1
19:41.51gauner1986E/MediaRecorder( 9508): prepare failed: -1
19:41.55gauner1986most interesting
19:42.25tfoutoand TS freeze anyone looking to it?
19:42.39gauner1986basically ts NEVER freezes for me
19:43.44*** join/#htc-linux F-D (~F-D@
19:44.01Markinustfouto: a Had it today too, some saconds after resume?
19:44.08Markinusafter 5 sec. it works again?
19:44.27tfoutoi have when i move my phone
19:44.35Markinusohh, no
19:44.39tfoutousually when walking or on BUS
19:44.50F-Dive found an app that can cause gs freezes...
19:44.52tfouto5 seconds
19:45.00tfoutois enough
19:45.07F-DWhats shakin <-- the app
19:45.22F-Dits a maracca app lol
19:46.02tfoutoits an old bug...
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19:49.31mdeejay_ZzzzMarkinus try Teeter
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19:51.05MarkinusTeeter works great
19:52.50tfoutothe best way to reproduce the freeze is to move the phone... up and down... with fast oscilations
19:53.40LeTamadcordes: (re tg01) no, not really, it's a bit messy there. They have multiple bases of code, few kernels binaries flying around, and no up to date git.
19:54.48LeTamadcordes: it's quite difficult to understand all the history of the project.
19:55.03LeTamadcordes: I was working with a leo based kernel before realizing that it's not the one that seems advanced enough to try to help without having the device
19:55.51*** part/#htc-linux Willow_ (
19:56.20MarkinusLeTama: I buyed today one, will lokk a bit to it, It's a intresting device
19:56.49LeTamaMarkinus, that's awesome news for them :)
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19:57.17MarkinusLeTama: there should be something possible with this hardware :)
19:57.44gauner1986so the sun is shining for tg01 users now
19:58.06LeTamaMarkinus: definitely.
19:58.08arrrghhhnot surprised, it's great hardware.
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20:00.00Microangjust to say that I have just played teeter for about 10 mins from level 0-12 without one freeze so for me anyway there is no problem anymore. Also I haven't experienced a freeze in weeks... :D 720p please :)
20:00.43Microangmarkinus: hope u keep working on the leo too :/
20:01.13MarkinusLeo has absolut priority :)
20:01.55Microangyay :) have u looked into 720p btw?
20:03.49MarkinusMicroang: I looked lready there . . . but need time
20:04.11Microangno problem, good that the leo isn't lossing u... :)
20:04.47Microangif u need any testing or logs just ask :)
20:09.34mdeejay_Zzzzhaha Microang said "just ask" & quit
20:13.11*** join/#htc-linux MN-hd2 (
20:16.13MN-hd2how is it
20:16.22F-Dsame as it ever was
20:16.25F-Dstop buggin ;p
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20:42.43tmztthat will be created when you boot again
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20:47.55gauner1986hey fakker
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20:48.19gauner1986where's the gf you promised me? :P
20:48.43[Delenn]u bought his gf?  :D
20:49.04gauner1986you have the dhl package number, so i can track her?
20:50.02fakkerwhere's my magdlr
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20:51.39[Delenn]I shipped to u in mail via DHL
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20:52.08gauner1986with signature?
20:53.14[Delenn]64 *128 bytes on one paper, 64 total papers
20:53.21[Delenn]+ title and + 1 contex
20:53.25gauner1986happy typing
20:53.42[Delenn]so u can found old position when ur make break :P
20:53.51[Delenn] typing
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20:59.34NecrosanAny of you know where samsung hacks the tinybml/tinyxsr crap that is open source into their kernel tree?
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21:01.49[Delenn]what is it?
21:02.45NecrosanSome shit that keeps taking control over the OneNAND device
21:02.51Necrosannot allowing mtd to access it
21:03.02NecrosanBut grep for the devices its creating shows nothing in the source
21:03.38[Delenn]sorry have no clue about it.
21:04.01Necrosanyeah, this totally sucks man
21:04.12NecrosanI just want to use mtd + onenand.. but it NEVER shows /dev/mtd
21:04.16Necrosaneven with proper devices selected
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21:07.29Markinus[Delenn]: I do now some tests in 720p
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21:09.40Markinus[Delenn]: activated the 720 Camera in config, now if I start camera and camcorder dev is black
21:10.01Markinus[Delenn]: nopreview, no errors in logat or kernel
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21:12.27[Delenn]maybe really dsp?
21:12.41[Delenn]or maybe clk too small\
21:12.47Markinuscould be too
21:14.39Markinusahh, here is a error, logcat, overseen it
21:15.03*** join/#htc-linux BHSPitMonkey (~stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey)
21:15.45gauner1986nothing in dmesg?
21:16.00gauner1986W/CameraSwitch( 1311): open main camera
21:16.00gauner1986W/CameraSwitch( 1311): no file - can't switch camera
21:16.03gauner1986so the file is missing
21:16.16Markinusthis is what I said, I overseen something :)
21:16.31Markinusbut no filename .. . hmm
21:16.45gauner1986hmmmm.. how to strace that?
21:17.14[Delenn]no file
21:17.19[Delenn]stupid dbg output
21:17.23Markinusyes :)
21:17.31[Delenn]ERROR: SUCCESS
21:17.35[Delenn]like the favorite
21:17.41gauner1986that's microsoft style
21:18.29[Delenn]it common used if function return value
21:18.34[Delenn]which show status
21:18.41[Delenn]0 - success and all other are some kind of fail
21:21.19gauner1986markinus: hm.. what files are supposed to be created then?
21:21.26gauner1986or maybe it's just a rights problem
21:23.00Markinusgauner1986: I would strace it but how can I start a android apk drom console?
21:23.11gauner1986that's the problem
21:23.11Markinus[Delenn]:  do you know?
21:23.27gauner1986markinus: i guess that apk just starts another binary
21:24.09[Delenn]me no
21:24.10gauner1986otherwise you would have to strace the dalvik-vm
21:24.21gauner1986not a good thing
21:24.37gauner1986but okay
21:24.49gauner1986the dalvik-vm is not able to do hw related things itself
21:24.55gauner1986so it depends on some native binary
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21:26.55Curious_Markinus :
21:26.58gauner1986maybe awb_camera or so
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21:31.52MarkinusCurious_: nice, but I have to find the manifest of the camera app
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21:32.39gauner1986markinus: i would rather try to do a strings on all camera related libs and apps
21:32.50gauner1986markinus: and grep for /dev
21:34.12gauner1986thats what i have in liboemcamera
21:35.36gauner1986this in libcamera
21:36.06Markinusdo you know where the lib is from?
21:36.13gauner1986hm.. no
21:36.35Markinusthey using /dev/pmem_camera, we have like evo /dev/pmem_venc
21:37.38gauner1986i don't have pmem_enc on my device
21:37.45gauner1986only msm_camera
21:37.55gauner1986not present
21:38.04gauner1986it is present
21:38.17Markinusdo a /dev/pmem*
21:38.23gauner1986yeah i see
21:38.40Markinusso the lib is from a other device
21:38.42Markinusmaybe desire
21:39.01gauner1986i have the plain evo rom here
21:39.11gauner1986i could send you the libs
21:39.22Markinusno desire is using pmem too
21:40.06Markinusgauner1986: intresting. . .. if it's evos libs
21:40.30Markinusok, I do a test if it'S
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21:46.27Markinusgauner1986: with pmem_Camera same error
21:46.52gauner1986did you change the filename that gets created?
21:47.30Markinusgauner1986: yeah
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21:48.11jiogigauner1986: are the latest lights perfect for leo ?
21:48.55gauner1986jiogi: nothing is perfect.. they're fine on desire based roms, on evo based the notifications don't work
21:51.19jiogigauner1986: the last 2 weeks v been using evo build and with latest lights (2-3 days old) they used to perform exactly the same, and today i v read on logs (u said) that on desire builds are working fine, so I just loaded a desire build by mdeejay, and notifications are exactly the same with evos and latest lights. meaning: when i receive a sms it blinks once, then goes off.. same for call
21:51.37jiogiis it build problem or is it how they are supposed to perform?
21:51.44gauner1986mdeejay said it works fine for him.. so i don't know
21:51.53gauner1986i only tested evo atm
21:52.42jiogigauner1986: [UPD][BUILD][07.11.10] MDJ FroYo Sense Revolution v.1.5 [kernel: MDJ S1]
21:52.43gauner1986android is giving me amiguous information
21:52.53jiogithis is what i ve just loaded
21:54.29jiogimdeejay_Zzzz: are you in ?
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21:56.17jiogigauner1986: any reason why i should stay with desire based not going back to evo atm ?
21:56.57gauner1986choice of taste.. i'm fine with evo atm.. i like it because of the arrow keyboard
21:57.10gauner1986but this is not a build talk here
21:57.19jiogigauner1986:  i know. m sorry
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