IRC log for #htc-linux on 20101015

00:03.33*** join/#htc-linux Curious_ (8bb3cf43@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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00:04.49Curious_let's post the values so that people may check : 597, 408, 363, 234, 169, 35, 17, 9, 1, 0. These are the re-scaled values of backlight levels that cotulla defined
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00:29.25WisTilt2arrrghhh: you going to be around in a couple hours?  completely recoded ambient and want to test it on your 400. need to leave right now though and dont have time to build and put file up until i get home.
00:30.15arrrghhhWisTilt2, sure man, i'll probably be around.
00:30.30arrrghhhtryin to make your code phh-proof?  lol
00:32.19WisTilt2lol. initialized the hardware to do it so there wont be any discussion on where and how it should be done.  be back in about 2hrs.
00:34.56arrrghhhhrm.  ok.
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02:39.20WisTilt2arrrghhh: im here.  new image ready for you to test.
02:41.51WisTilt2before you boot let me setup your conditions...
02:42.44arrrghhhyes sir.
02:43.09WisTilt2in winmo turn off auto-bl. button lights off also since im not touching those yet. when you boot haret, green led should come on after a couple secs into boot.  dont open kbd or press any buttons.....
02:43.42WisTilt2after booted up, test auto ambient by only covering sensor then putting in light.  shouldnt be working yet......
02:44.48WisTilt2then open kbd and watch the caps/fn lights, they should come on then off in a few seconds.  thats when i do the hardware init.  then test ambient again and it should adjust totally auto without having to hit any buttons.
02:45.02arrrghhhhow dynamic?
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02:45.17arrrghhhi guess how frequently do you update it is what i'm curious to know...
02:45.23WisTilt2if lights dont come on when opening kbd, hit any button and that will run the init code again.
02:46.02*** part/#htc-linux StummeJ_ (
02:46.13WisTilt2auto adjust on my 300 is realtime but it adjusts in very small levels but pretty quick.  once its at full dim when you go to bright light again its almost instant back to bright.
02:46.28WisTilt2should be same on all rhods hopefully
02:46.29arrrghhhawesome :D
02:47.11WisTilt2unless they decided to put the init regs elsewhere on each model but i doubt it.
02:47.54arrrghhhha... let's hope not.
02:47.58WisTilt2just make sure you see those kbd lights come on at least 1 time.  they will come on again after each button press but it only inits the hardware one time.
02:48.01arrrghhhseems they did something weird with the screen for sure.
02:48.53arrrghhhso this is selfish, but have you had a chance to look at the 3.5mm code from the blackstone?
02:49.27arrrghhhoh wait... the gsm version only has that extusb thing huh...
02:50.04WisTilt2gsm takes that funky usb adapter yes
02:50.15arrrghhhdamn.  my old RAPH had that.  i hated it.
02:50.22arrrghhhthat's so odd that the cdma versions have it.
02:50.59arrrghhhi wonder if the same code would apply for the extusb as it does to the 3.5mm jack tho...
02:51.22arrrghhhi know it's just a 0,1 or 2 in the startup to specify the extusb & 3.5mm
02:59.31arrrghhhworks great!
02:59.41arrrghhhthe caps/fn continues to flash randomly
02:59.45arrrghhhdoes that mean it's updating?
03:00.11WisTilt2only should flash after you hit a button or type on kbd then stop until next hit
03:00.12arrrghhhok this is interesting
03:00.17arrrghhhmy screen is definitely not off
03:00.21arrrghhhand it says it's sleeping
03:00.42arrrghhhlooks like green=wake amber=sleep, right?
03:00.57WisTilt2yeah i have to put the lcd off code back in.  just wanted to verify the hardware was actually init'd correctly.
03:01.03arrrghhhoh ok
03:01.04WisTilt2yes green wake
03:01.34WisTilt2was the auto ambient not working before you let it init?
03:01.50arrrghhhi didn't notice... it seemed to.
03:01.52arrrghhhi can reboot
03:02.38WisTilt2if you have auto-bl off in winmo for sure then it had to init since i have no code running like before to change the brightness and its all coming from the hardware now.
03:03.02arrrghhhauto-bl was definitely off...
03:03.35WisTilt2then it did init on your phone, thats good news.  lets hope the other rhods are the same init.
03:04.43WisTilt2on those caps/fn lights. when you let it sit those lights should be off and only come on for a sec when you type or hit a button.  if they're flashing all the time thats another problem we need to look into.  doesnt do that on my 300.
03:05.08arrrghhhoh no
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03:05.12arrrghhhthey flash very intermittently
03:05.16arrrghhhnot even with every keypress
03:05.17WisTilt2im just using those lights for visual to know when the init ran
03:06.22WisTilt2ok let me build another image real quick.  this time those lights will be disabled and auto should run right off the bat.
03:06.38arrrghhhmaybe a delayed blink after a keypresss
03:07.01WisTilt2yeah 2secs after keypress they come on then off until next keypress
03:07.45arrrghhhi was hitting a lot of keys, expecting a flash with every keypress :P
03:08.24WisTilt2ok then we're good.  they only come on 2secs after you stop keypresses the final time:)
03:09.20WisTilt2and you're sure auto adjust is working?  in total dark the screen should get quite dim actually and pop back bright in normal light.
03:09.36WisTilt2almost immediately
03:10.39arrrghhhoh yea
03:10.49arrrghhhi hold it up to my light it gets bright
03:10.56arrrghhhbring it back down to my level, gets dark
03:11.02arrrghhhcover it and it gets even darker
03:11.09arrrghhhvery smooth too :D
03:11.52WisTilt2ok let me make another image that will do the hardware init at bootup to see if that will work.  might have to play with some timing though.
03:13.04arrrghhhi have a little bookmark that just downloads zimages :D
03:13.25arrrghhhdude everyone was dling them off of the logs... i'm sure that's where you got all the hits from.  freakin savages.
03:16.19arrrghhhdamn man, do you live near where you work?
03:16.32WisTilt2ok image ready.  yeah close to 100 different ip's dl'd it. hopefully didnt break anyones device.
03:16.37arrrghhhi was going to say we have some branches in cali, but i don't think anywhere near there...
03:16.48WisTilt2live 8mi away from my office.
03:17.40arrrghhhi reckon you get some schweet internet at your house...
03:17.53*** join/#htc-linux Curious_ (8bb3cf43@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:19.10WisTilt2we're in farm country here in central calif.  yeah owning the company i get to have fast connection here at home:)  have a 100mbps here going through one of our solar powered sites up on our 1100ft hilltop a few miles from here.
03:19.11Curious_Markinus, dcordes, i calibrated LightSensor, can you make push it to git. the changes are only in board-htcleo-ls.c ->   . You need to make a diff with original one at evo base
03:19.42arrrghhhyea looks like farm country
03:20.12arrrghhhour CEO vacations in palm desert every year.  he wanted a local firstbank branch... and now we have like 6 or something out there
03:20.37arrrghhhone in indio
03:21.09WisTilt2oranges, walnuts, cotton, and pistachios around here. indio is down around san diego i think?
03:22.03arrrghhhare caps & fn still supposed to flash?  :P
03:22.31WisTilt2yes only on boot
03:22.36arrrghhhyea i'm not sure tbh haha.  i know we have like 3 or 4 branches in the palm desert area... i looked it up, nothing but golf courses.
03:22.48arrrghhhthey're still flashing
03:23.08arrrghhh2sec after i type...
03:23.57arrrghhhi'll redl the kernel, make sure i got the new one.  i'm pretty sure i did that right haha
03:24.43arrrghhhyea looks like all the branches are in that area.  just north of san diego.
03:24.58WisTilt2md5sum on that last image is 42874cbee700479dc22be257c1be2a3e
03:25.33WisTilt2yeah palm desert is about 4 hours south of here depending on traffic.
03:25.47arrrghhhlooks like you're close to death valley haha
03:27.08arrrghhhso what do you guys use?  motorola?  dragonwave?  i'm sure there's a ton of others lol
03:27.27WisTilt2no long way from there driving wise.  death valley is on the other side of the sierra's from here so as the crow flys it is only around 30 or so miles.
03:27.53arrrghhhhaha it seems to be doing ambi on boot
03:28.01arrrghhheven before the animation
03:28.23WisTilt2we use some ubiquity with our own firmware and a lot of our own designed equipment.
03:28.33arrrghhhhuh... that's awesome man.
03:29.03WisTilt2yeah it should.  i have it doing the hardware init right at boot when the green led comes on so ambient is enabled at that point.
03:30.17arrrghhhah well.  i must've screwed it up cuz now the caps/fn isn't coming on anymore!
03:30.29WisTilt2shouldnt be
03:31.01WisTilt2i took that out of the keypress routine and moved it into bootup.  if those lights come on there's something wrong.
03:31.21arrrghhhya, not anymore.
03:31.31WisTilt2and ambient is working fine?
03:32.27WisTilt2great.  looks like we're good to go now.  need to test this on the 500's and whatever other rhods and topaz there are.  hopefully they are all the same
03:32.27bzohi WisTilt2, figured out how to have microp handle the ambient stuff?
03:33.10WisTilt2bzo: yep.  working at hardware level now so no need to make sure code is compliant:)
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03:33.42WisTilt2cant argue with a simple hardware init right?
03:33.56bzodoes this mean we don't have to worry about disabling the winmo auto backlight stuff anymore?
03:34.01arrrghhhdoes that make it phh-proof?  :D
03:35.03WisTilt2bzo: actually haven't tried that but shouldn't matter whether winmo has it on or off now since im re-init'ing it.
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03:35.33bzogreat, I'm tired of having it turned of when I'm running winmo :)
03:35.34WisTilt2arrrghhh: you might try that, enable auto-bl in winmo and see if it still works in android, it should.
03:36.26arrrghhhhaha i would say i'm ahead of you but i'm not.
03:36.39arrrghhhi started rebooting before you said anything if that counts :P
03:36.51arrrghhhstupid winmo
03:36.57arrrghhhi want to be rid of it :D
03:37.35bzoWisTilt2: do you know how to setup kernel boot parameters?
03:37.52WisTilt2same here.  im a linux guy and never cared much for anything microsoft did.
03:38.53arrrghhhit's amazing how well you guys have gotten android running on this tired old hardware.
03:39.06WisTilt2bzo: what do you mean?  params at the bootloader line or in like grub or lilo?
03:39.35bzoyeah, for an option to disable the auto backlight
03:39.57WisTilt2arrrghhh: i think this hw has lots of life left in it and has lots of other things it can do that isn't programmed.
03:40.19*** join/#htc-linux phantomcircuit (
03:40.41bzoI just got a dream/g1 to play around with, and I was surprised how good the android experience was on it. I think we have a lot of potential to untap on the rhodium
03:40.43arrrghhhWisTilt2, i'm glad there's people like you in the world :D
03:40.50WisTilt2bzo: you mean in android so auto-bl could be disabled?
03:41.40bzowell someday, perhaps we will have some android config to tweak various things. But for now, we could just put in a boot parameter so users can disable the auto backlight in their startup.txt if they need to
03:41.48arrrghhhso as soon as the green light went on it got a little dimmer
03:42.13WisTilt2yep, green light comes on right after hardware is init
03:42.53arrrghhhok so autobl works in android
03:43.01arrrghhhlets see what happens after sleep/wake cycle
03:43.04WisTilt2bzo: should be able to do that from userland if someone wants to add that.
03:43.12arrrghhhthat was always the issue before
03:43.23WisTilt2it will work
03:43.29WisTilt2i have faith
03:44.04arrrghhhWORKS :D
03:44.07arrrghhhyou da man
03:44.32bzoWisTilt2: yeah, we would ideally have it in userland, but for now it would be really easy to put in that kernel parameter
03:44.34arrrghhhbzo, what do you have..?
03:44.45WisTilt2bzo: isnt there a auto-bl somewhere in userland already that just isnt tied to anything?
03:45.14bzohmm, not that I've noticed. If there was one that would certainly be the way to go
03:45.19arrrghhhaw.  well it should work for ya :D
03:45.23jonpryhi bzo
03:45.30bzohey jonpry
03:45.46jonpryrunning .35?
03:45.59bzoyeah running rhobuntu on it right now
03:46.43bzoI was just about to ask you though whether I should be using the 2.x or 3.1 hdp hw?
03:47.18jonpry2.x as far as i can tell
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03:48.10jonprybut maybe that is the problem :p
03:49.08bzolol, probably erring on older vs newer probably makes more sense on our hw
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03:50.07bzojonpry: did you see WisTilt2 figured out how to enable auto backlight via microp?
03:50.10stinebdthere's a software auto-brightness implementation used by nexus one (and other amoled targets) and configuration directives for hardware auto-brightness which i haven't looked into yet
03:50.52jonprybzo: i heard that he was looking for it. did not see it was done already
03:51.25bzoalready done and tested by arrrghhh
03:51.55stinebdsoftware auto-brightness is only good for amoled where all you need to save power is to jack up the black level
03:52.04WisTilt2need to test on devices other than rhod 300 & 400 now.
03:52.32arrrghhhstinebd, don't you have a raph100?
03:52.39WisTilt2stinebd: this isnt software now.  tossed that out after phh shot it down so went the hardware route.
03:53.01arrrghhhi think you tested one of his kernels before... no?
03:53.04arrrghhhand it worked?
03:53.06stinebdWisTilt2: when i say software vs hardware, i mean the control of the backlight output
03:53.07arrrghhhambi that is
03:53.15WisTilt2stinebd dl the zImage if you want to see if it works on that raph now.
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03:55.01stinebdWisTilt2: any special procedure or would it "just work" on supported hardware?
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03:55.19arrrghhhjust worked on mine.  even with autobl on in winmo :D
03:55.25WisTilt2this image is all automatic so just boot and it will do its thing
03:55.35WisTilt2winmo bl doesnt matter now
03:55.45arrrghhhwhich is freakin schweet.
03:56.00stinebdgot camera working?
03:56.07arrrghhhworks on mine.
03:56.22WisTilt2yes but not releasing that yet, have to finish kbd lights and buttons first:)
03:56.30stinebdno you don't
03:56.34*** join/#htc-linux [acl] (
03:56.34stinebdnobody cares about lights
03:56.55arrrghhhthey really care about camera first.  then BT.
03:57.03stinebdscrew bt
03:57.07stinebdbattery life
03:57.08arrrghhhi know
03:57.10WisTilt2i have no time for camera, who needs a camera
03:57.12arrrghhhpower mgmt
03:57.17arrrghhhi don't care about camera
03:57.18jonprywe just need the tables
03:57.20arrrghhhor bt
03:57.25stinebdi have lots of tables
03:57.27[acl]dang i jumped into the middle of a request fest ?
03:57.27stinebdwhat kind do you need?
03:57.35jonprywistilt2 has better tables
03:57.38WisTilt2yeah pm is up there but after adsp tables and lights
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03:57.48stinebdmy tables are solid oak
03:57.50arrrghhh[acl], gimmie angry birds damnit :P
03:57.56jonpryhis tables are solid gold
03:58.05arrrghhhand SENSEUI!!!1!!!!111!!
03:58.10stinebdwouldn't that be terribly heavy?
03:58.10arrrghhheveyone wants sense.
03:58.23jonprynot in digital format
03:58.25[acl]arrrghhh: actually .. you should talk to stinebd about angry birds
03:58.31arrrghhhhaha really?
03:58.34arrrghhhi've never played the game
03:58.38stinebdanything with angry birds gets sent to /dev/null
03:58.40arrrghhhbut EVERYONE wants it.
03:58.52[acl]stinebd: hahah.. nice..
03:58.57WisTilt2jonpry: on those tables, i need to go over with you what you were talking about on how each task was calculated.  we can talk later on that though but need to match those up to these correct tables.
03:58.57arrrghhhas it should.
03:59.12stinebdi've got much bigger fish to fry
03:59.16stinebdlike getting the system to actually work
03:59.22[acl]WisTilt2: ahh good ur here.. heard about ur patch needing a patch
03:59.36arrrghhhpatchedy patchedy
03:59.42jonpryWisTilt2: what do you need to know? the correct order of the struct? can't we fix it later?
03:59.54arrrghhh[acl], his autobl stuff works with winmo's autobl on now!
04:00.00WisTilt2[acl] i pulled that patch and rewrote it for hardware instead
04:00.00stinebdif you look closely at the diff, there's a diff in it!
04:00.17[acl]WisTilt2: dang.. now thats what im talking about
04:00.43WisTilt2jonpry: yes, just want to understand what you found about how those were calculated.  we just need to point to correct table either way.
04:00.57[acl]im not allowed to patch anymore.. if u havent noticed autobuild still broken
04:01.12arrrghhhyea dude... usb still not playin nice?
04:01.25bzoeh, make everyone compile their own kernel
04:01.26WisTilt2[acl] whats this server i had my guys build for you?  not autobuild
04:01.33[acl]arrrghhh: usb is perfect.. but autobuild is apparently anti-usb just like jonpry is anti nand
04:01.35arrrghhhnand autobuild
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04:01.46jonpryWisTilt2: we can go over the relevant code if you like. there is not much
04:01.57[acl]WisTilt2: glemsoms server.. the server is fine but there are some conflicts
04:02.23WisTilt2jonpry: tomorrow or the weekend, dont need it right now.
04:02.41jonpry[acl]: you got autobuild running?
04:02.44[acl]WisTilt2: this is ur server .. doing its job proudly
04:02.47*** join/#htc-linux Heh (47e78418@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:03.06[acl]im no html guy so raw dir list for me
04:03.12WisTilt2[acl] we saw a huge upload to it a couple days ago and figured you were configuring it.
04:03.15arrrghhhhaha it works dude.
04:03.40[acl]WisTilt2: big brother huh
04:03.43jonpryis it continuous integration?
04:04.06WisTilt2we log all bandwidth usage to every user.
04:04.07[acl]jonpry: not yet.. havent had it check the git regularly yet.. soon tho
04:04.07arrrghhhhaha gotta monitor your network :D
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04:04.41[acl]gotta thank netripper for his script.. does it all
04:04.47[acl]except the nand part
04:04.50[acl]that was all wozzer
04:05.04arrrghhhwhere is that cat?  haven't seen/read anything from him in a while.
04:05.20[acl]i dunno but we need to get him fired
04:05.23arrrghhhlast i heard he was struggling with full nand... and then nothing.
04:05.25[acl]so he can get back
04:05.34[acl]once u go nand.. u dont come back
04:05.47[acl]maybe thats why jonpry is afraid ? :-p
04:05.53arrrghhhi can't wait until nand catches up.  especially with these new improvements.
04:05.59Hehacl: Can you help me with an issue?
04:06.05[acl]easy improvements.. just lazy to commit
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04:06.15jonpry[acl]: isn't your phone stuck on nand?
04:06.19arrrghhhc'mon guy.  it's like crack.
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04:06.24[acl]Heh: prob not.. but im sure arrrghhh can
04:06.34Hehhe couldn't
04:06.35arrrghhh[acl], lol i tried to 'help' him earlier.
04:06.35[acl]jonpry: lol havent been able to go back to wince
04:06.43jonpry[acl]: are you running wine on the server?
04:06.55arrrghhhHeh, i don't think any of these guys are hd2 devs TBH.
04:07.01HehI got a logcat and all i want to know is where is the problem is accuring
04:07.04[acl]jonpry: so we can run the stuff to make the nbh .. had to :-p
04:07.22[acl]Heh: hd2 ?
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04:07.31arrrghhhyea he's got a logcat from a crash
04:07.33arrrghhhacore right?
04:07.37arrrghhhi don't remember.
04:07.58Hehwifi wont scan nor connect
04:08.07arrrghhhoh... that all?
04:08.31arrrghhhdid you get the modules to match the zimage?
04:08.38arrrghhhif you don't have the correct modules, wifi won't work.
04:08.42[acl]Heh:  E/WifiHW  (  571): Supplicant not running, cannot connect
04:08.49[acl]have you tried connecting via command line ?
04:08.59HehHow can I fix that?
04:09.21[acl]this may not be an android problem
04:09.27[acl]might be kernel or module related
04:09.32[acl]so need to check via command line if u can connect
04:10.09[acl]android needs wpa supplicant to work flawlessly .. if it dont work.. no wifi on android
04:10.52Hehalright. I got it to work once but it got stuck on "Obtaining Ip Adress"
04:11.21[acl]still.. android doesnt tell you shit.. you need to debug this on linux
04:11.51[acl]i thought wifi on hd2 was solid ? what happened ?
04:12.25arrrghhhare you doin somethin wacky Heh ?  are you connecting to a WEP network?  you said it wouldn't even scan tho...
04:12.38[acl]WisTilt2: with this auto brightness stuff you got going on. How will this affect the panel code?
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04:13.06[acl]WisTilt2: meaning do we still need to reset the brightness back 0 to 9 when bringing up the panel ?
04:13.41jonpry[acl] are you going to setup .35 autobuild?
04:13.56[acl]jonpry: for you my good man ill stab another man
04:14.23jonpryi hope that won't be necessary :p
04:14.24[acl]just give me a name
04:14.51jonprywell, maybe i can think of a couple
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04:15.56[acl]jonpry: ill prep it up.. dont u worry about that.
04:16.12bzo[acl] wonder if the autobacklight thing is the cause of your inability to change the level, in nand maybe it is on at boot?
04:16.47[acl]could be.. ive yet to see wistilts code.. so cant tell..
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04:17.01WisTilt2[acl]: dont think so but will need to check that.
04:17.46WisTilt2you will have to turn up the brightness to at least 1 on power up still, has nothing to do with the auto adjust now.
04:18.15bzo[acl] have you only tested the panel power stuff on nand?
04:18.29[acl]if you arent doing on the panel code, how are you doing it. ? i mean i have everything int he blank and unblank calls on the toaz panel.  not even sure if thats where it should be
04:18.42[acl]bzo: nand for life.. so yeah
04:19.24WisTilt2[acl] this new ambient adjust is now done on microp only.  not like it was with the messed up patch:)
04:19.57WisTilt2the power off stuff is still something i need to go over with you though
04:20.18[acl]WisTilt2: lets go over it now
04:20.31[acl]im hopped up on pain killers after a good dentist visit.. cant find a better time
04:21.15WisTilt2lol, im adding back the power off code right now.  had it disabled to test the auto adjust so give me a few.
04:21.32[acl]bzo: tried .35 yet?
04:21.50bzoyeah, I'm playing with it right now
04:21.59[acl]how is it..
04:22.03arrrghhhWisTilt2, did you ever figure out the gpio's for our freakin phoness?
04:22.07arrrghhhthat's so weird that they're different.
04:22.10arrrghhhstupid htc
04:22.16[acl]arrrghhh: huh ?
04:22.29WisTilt2no, still dont know the correct ones for the 400
04:22.32bzo[acl] it has a fast boot framebuffer...
04:22.33arrrghhhhe (& you i thought) were having issues with screen init
04:23.20[acl]WisTilt2: we know the gpio for 400 tho.. got it from aunt IDA 5.5.
04:23.40WisTilt2the lcd power gpio?  there should be more than 1
04:23.54arrrghhhyea i thought your 300 had 3.
04:24.02WisTilt2the 300 has 3
04:24.08[acl]let me pull it up
04:24.23arrrghhh*excuse me while a whip this out*
04:24.27WisTilt2same 3 for the 400 kill it
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04:25.28WisTilt2stinebd you try that image?
04:25.28cgiDroidhey guys would this be the right channel to ask about an HD2?
04:26.02arrrghhhonly devices with keyboards... sorry :P
04:26.27[acl]WisTilt2: straight from IDA herself
04:26.32cgiDroidits cool. Can anyone point me to the right channel?
04:26.38arrrghhhhahahaha sorry.  cgiDroid #htc-linux-chat has a lot of hd2 guys that hang out in there if you have a support question.
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04:27.25arrrghhhroom's pretty dead right now... you may be able to wake someone up.
04:27.28[acl]62, 63 ... 52 on, 52 off, 52 on ..
04:30.10[acl]bzo: doing any work on it.. or leaving it all up to jonpry :-p
04:31.32bzo[acl] will help if I can, but the low level linux stuff is not my forte
04:32.23WisTilt2[acl] what file is that from?
04:32.45[acl]WisTilt2: disptools.dll
04:32.58WisTilt2on what device
04:33.02[acl]Rhod 400
04:33.47WisTilt2much different than the 300.  bouncing 0x52 is similar but with totally different delays.
04:34.12WisTilt2do we know if the 500 is the same?
04:34.25[acl]well i could find out if we gather all the dlls
04:34.33arrrghhhnate has a 500
04:34.42bzoafaik the 400 and 500 are virtually identically, just branded sprint vs verizon
04:34.49[acl]in nand we have the code to tell what variant we run.. so we can easily have the kernel run the right gpio
04:34.51arrrghhhyea they seem to be.
04:35.04arrrghhhi think the kbd layout may be different... no?
04:35.25arrrghhhbut they both have the 3.5mm jack
04:35.43[acl]which reminds me .. who was working on that 3.5 poop?
04:35.46arrrghhh& everything that seems to work or break seem to work and break both the 400 & 500 :P
04:35.52arrrghhhnate was
04:35.58arrrghhhand [acl] ... yea?  :P
04:36.27[acl]didnt even kno about it until people asked me why it wasnt fixed yet
04:36.30[acl]never used it to be honest
04:37.07arrrghhhwell there was some patch phh put in that looks like it may just allow devices to enable it, if the code is there
04:37.21arrrghhholiwe put a bunch of stuff together to get the blackstone working
04:37.38bzoissue with the 3.5 is that we're not seeing an enable gpio
04:37.42arrrghhh& camro made it sound like it was pretty device agnostic, just had to point the boardfiles to it.  nate wasn't having much luck with it.
04:37.55WisTilt2[acl]: so your code is doing the 0x52 trick along with the 0x62-63 and it doesn't come back up right?
04:38.08[acl]no.. i didnt touch 52 since you said it was forbidden
04:38.13[acl]like the bad apple on the tree
04:38.33[acl]so 62 and 63 can bring the panel down just fine
04:38.35[acl]52 is reset
04:38.40[acl]so cant mess with that bad boy
04:38.42WisTilt2so you're just hitting 62-63 off then back on?
04:38.52[acl]comes back on but no android
04:39.58WisTilt2didnt i give you the microp code to try after you bring 62-63 back up?
04:40.25[acl]but you should :-p
04:40.34WisTilt2thought i did.
04:40.51WisTilt2you know how to setup the struct for microp right?
04:41.20[acl]hmm.. i think jonpry posted it for me a while back
04:41.20WisTilt2client, data, etc
04:42.27WisTilt2you just need to do a few lines after the struct is setup....ill dump them here
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04:43.54WisTilt2that sets brightness to level 5.  if that doesnt turn it back on then something else is botched
04:44.13[acl]sounds like a good test
04:44.43jonprybzo: fb is working on your device? which phone do you have?
04:44.51WisTilt2just make sure the struct is setup for the microp client and data.  that stuff is all over the place in microp-klt
04:45.30[acl]WisTilt2: you know jonprys middle name is microp... he will help im sure :-)
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04:47.48bzojonpry: with the latest changes, I get a screenful before freeze, rhod400
04:48.04arrrghhhWisTilt2, did you ever test that out on mine?
04:48.05arrrghhhi know you had thrown a few kernels my way trying to test screen init/sleep
04:49.00WisTilt2yeah a few back.  im adding the panel off code back to the current image with the "working" ambient.
04:49.27jonprybzo: ramconsole just isn't cutting it. when it enters the section of code where it appears to break. all console output is locked, and if i change that, then i get bug: scheduling while atomic problems
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04:50.53bzocrap, hard to debug what you can't see
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04:52.13arrrghhhblargh i gotta wake up in a few hours.
04:52.53HehI think i got it fixed.
04:52.58arrrghhhi'll cya guys later.  WisTilt2 i'll grab your kernel & test in the morning.  i hear you've got kbd lights fixed as well?
04:53.01WisTilt2arrrghhh ill have the image with the power off for you tomorrow.
04:53.17WisTilt2thanks again for tests
04:53.22arrrghhhi'll test for sure.  cya guys.
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08:14.44Mux89Morning everyone! The Real Source Code for Desire Z (Vision) is now available @  Filename: vision-2.6.32-g814e0a1.tar
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08:42.28DunkDreamis it possible to boot the linux kernel with an virtual filesystem?
08:42.48DunkDreami get quite many errors after : mounting virtual filesystem...
08:43.48DunkDreamthings like init: line 11: not found
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09:40.32Curious_Markinus, have you seen my calibration data?
09:40.52MarkinusCurious_: hmm, no
09:41.19Curious_this is calibrated board-htcleo-ls.c
09:41.37Curious_i couldn't make diff, there is a problem with my git i guess
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09:42.29Curious_changes are in lines 49 (added), 58, 82
09:42.38Curious_and 84
09:43.22Curious_still, it is better to make a diff
09:43.26Curious_gotta go
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10:02.52dlsnipergood day devs, just wanted to ask you if this could solve the camera flashlight issue on current evo kernels: the user says it does so and he included a diff but I haven't have time to test it myself
10:03.18dlsniperhave a great day all of you and keep up the good work :)
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10:05.39Cassill test it .. but the changes in that patch i had already tried, and more .. could be i messed up somewhere tho
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10:17.55gauner1986hi cass
10:18.37mdeejayfor devs
10:18.43mdeejayhi all
10:18.58Cassyeah trying that patch right now
10:19.06mdeejayim too :)
10:19.24Cassi had made those changes before though so im not sure what i did wrong
10:19.48Cassthose or similar
10:20.28dlsniperI can confirm, it's working, nice flash when shooting in a dark room, who knows Cass, maybe it's magic :d
10:20.48Cassprobably i changed too much and it interfered
10:21.02Cassonly part i dont recognise is the -1 value
10:22.05Markinusmdeejay: nice
10:22.43Casswould be great to test but my build wont boot .. damnit
10:23.04mdeejayi test on my Sense 1.0 Clean
10:23.17gauner1986cass: why? :P
10:23.17Cassnand is flakey right now when you make changes
10:23.26tmzt_Mux89: desirez is vision? thought g2 was vision
10:23.31Cassfuck knows .. cant even get past initial android screen
10:23.43gauner1986so corruption
10:23.51Cassbut cant tell
10:24.04Cassusuallly i can see it when it reaches second screen
10:24.36Cassgetting pissed off flashing this
10:27.30Cassyou reverted to rootfs yet ?
10:29.19mdeejaymay be somebody fixed g-sensor? :D
10:29.33Cassgah was not corruption .. its the same damn issue i have every new kernel
10:29.43Cassforgot to add yaffs support to kernel
10:29.49Cassits defined as m not y
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10:36.49Markinusflash changes fushed
10:36.57Markinusand a new lighsensor map
10:37.10Markinusfrom Curious_
10:37.35gauner1986lightsensor map?
10:37.42Markinuscalibrated steps
10:37.58Markinusshould be better now, on my dev it's workingp retty nice
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10:39.02Cassthanks .. not sure if i got them as im getting error on pull now
10:39.15gauner1986wtf.. i cannot get the kernel to compile on my mac
10:39.17gauner1986make[2]: *** No rule to make target `net/netfilter/xt_CONNMARK.o', needed by `net/netfilter/built-in.o'.  Stop.
10:39.20gauner1986always the same
10:39.26Hehhey guys
10:39.27gauner1986somehow this file is missing
10:39.41gauner1986maybe a git issue
10:39.49Cassi just compiled
10:39.53Cassit was ok
10:39.53Markinusgauner1986: intresting
10:40.02Cassmake defconfig again
10:40.06Markinusgauner1986: I did a distclen and no problems
10:40.16Markinusgauner1986: maybe you should too
10:40.54HehI was working on my build all day today and I got some issues.
10:41.11Hehthis is the logcat
10:41.48Hehwifi turns on just fine but it cant scan, I got it to work once but it will never connect to my router
10:42.01Hehit gets stuk on "Obtaining Ip adress"
10:42.34Cassheh permissions in etc
10:42.41gauner1986markinus: hm.. it seems that git doesnt even check that file out...
10:42.49gauner1986markinus: the source isnt present..
10:43.16HehI did the chmod -R 777 system beofe i made the system.ext2
10:44.01Casscheck ther perfms on dhcpcd in system/etc
10:44.02MarkinusHeh: di oyu have the last firmware?
10:44.46Markinusgauner1986: maybe a git reset --hard?
10:44.55Markinusgauner1986: but alle you mods are the gone
10:44.57Hehwhich firmware?
10:45.03MarkinusHeh: wifi
10:45.21Hehyea, using the lastest hastarine
10:45.36Hehwith inculudid .ko
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10:45.46mdeejayis not fw
10:45.50gauner1986Markinus: already tried.. seems that file never exists until i explicitly check it out with git checkout
10:46.20Markinusgauner1986:  strange
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10:47.05HehShould I recompile the system.img aggain?
10:48.03Cassyou can adb push firmware
10:48.36Hehwhich firmware you guys talking about? the .ko?
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10:49.41MarkinusHeh: no, it's a firmware for the wlan card, its under /etc/firmware, *.ko is a kernel modul
10:50.47Hehohh, I got it. Which file to be exact? there is a couple files inside etc/firmware
10:51.26Markinuslook to wiki
10:52.07Cassheh check perms in dhcpd and be sure tehy are correct
10:52.13Cassfw is n1 usualy work oks
10:53.37HehI tough doing chmod -R 777 system before compailing the img will fix everything?
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10:54.20Cassit should but be sure
10:54.26Cassjust adb shell in and check
10:54.27hastarinHi folks
10:54.57hastarin@Markinus - I saw you committed some changes from Curious for the light sensor but you didn't take all his changes.  Was that on purpose?
10:54.58Cassheh i get that same issue when perms are not correct
10:55.58Markinushastarin: I think the max level for the error is still 1024
10:56.42hastarinMarkinus: Cool thanks I'll take your judgement on that then.  Just wanted to make sure you hadn't accidentaly missed part of the change.  :)
10:57.35Markinushastarin: nop! :) I will go sure, that there maybe os with a other sensitivity, and going maybe to 600 or 700 or so ..
10:59.30hastarinCool  I'm actually home on a Friday night for a change so might even push an updated kernel out then with the latest few changes.
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11:05.05Markinushave to go
11:06.09Cassgauner1986, you here ?
11:06.23Cassyou booted the new kernel yet ?
11:06.28Cassi cant
11:06.34Cassit wont flash now
11:06.42Cassseems hung on starting
11:06.54Cassdmesg time
11:08.04Hehgot the wifi to scan now, thaks cass.
11:08.14HehIt wont connect to my router now
11:08.26Hehgets stuk at "obtaining IP adress"
11:08.45gauner1986compiling now
11:08.49Casscould be perms or firmware
11:09.31Cassi think nand changes broke it
11:09.48Cass[    2.678955] [<c022aec0>] (msm_nand_read+0x0/0x54) from [<c02250b0>] (part_read+0x94/0xe8)
11:09.53gauner1986try reverting them
11:10.01Casslots of backtrace after wifi_nvs_init
11:10.06Casshow to revert ?
11:10.36gauner1986get the patch off gitorious site
11:10.44gauner1986and do patch -p1 -R < patch.diff
11:11.09Cassill move kernel back to head before patch and see
11:11.13Casssuspect spi stuff
11:11.23HehHere is the logcat, sorry for annoying you guys
11:11.57*** part/#htc-linux kalemas (~kalemas@
11:12.12Cassok compiling at shadow writes patch
11:12.29tmzt_shadow writes?
11:12.43Cassyeah been enabled in kgsl driver for perf
11:13.17tmzt_what does it do?
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11:13.30tmzt_do you have accelerated 2d through z130?
11:13.48Cassnot sure about any gfx stff
11:14.04tmzt_where is the patch?
11:14.06Cassthats the patch
11:14.31tmzt_so it's like mtrr
11:18.24*** join/#htc-linux Cass (~Cass@nat/sun/x-rhtdmndlrjvdbjjo)
11:18.47Cassso boots now if i dont go to head after spi changes
11:20.35hastarinI just noticed the default config doesn't seem to match.  I got prompted for various things when building.  Though that's with my modified tree, so may be my fault.
11:21.03hastarinie perhaps I didn't merge something correctly
11:22.48HehHastarin, did you see the camera flash fix?
11:23.13hastarinYeah building a kernel atm to try it out.
11:27.21HehWhere I can find the htcleoliblights by gauner?
11:28.52hastarinI package the latest I know of with my kernel.  Though there may be newer.  I found the source but haven't figured out how to compile it to be sure.
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11:33.36Cassin there heh
11:34.03HehThanks cass
11:34.39hastarinDitto on the thanks Cass  :D
11:36.10hastarinCool, just verified that's identical to the one I have.
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11:37.24Casshi cotulla
11:37.43Cotullahow is it?
11:37.56Cassnot so good
11:38.11Casswtf is spi ?
11:38.22Cotullaspi is working I guess
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11:38.38Cassit has been changed to kernel spi and now i cant boot .. i suspect this
11:38.47Cotullawhy changed?
11:38.51Cassdont know
11:39.00Cassmarkinus is gone
11:39.27Cotullayes, it's right idea clone git to own
11:39.49Cassim, liking that idea
11:39.49Cotullano reasons to touch it
11:39.59Cotullaanyway more things which need time
11:40.09Cotullawhat reasons to touch spi...
11:40.09Casscamera flash fixed too
11:40.15Cotullathis is good
11:40.34gauner1986fix nand corruption
11:40.42Cassid rather have corruption
11:40.45Cassthis does not boot
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11:41.47Cotullahow u resets devices?
11:41.58Casslong hold power > reset
11:42.14Cassi have been doing sync before this in adb so it does not corrupt
11:42.14Cotullamaybe it doesn't unmount
11:42.17Cassseems to be working
11:42.26Cassalways used to work
11:42.34gauner1986volume keys + power off
11:42.35Cotullaheh this f* yaffs2
11:42.48gauner1986but it also is present when i shutdown
11:42.48Cotullaseems nothing in linux can work nice :(
11:42.57Cassseems so
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11:43.11Cotullawhy no such problems in WM? even I press HW reset button
11:43.24Cotullabut maybe yaffs2 should fix problems at load?
11:43.28Cotullaor how is it corrupted
11:43.43Cassdont quite know
11:43.53Cassnot got that far looking
11:44.01Cotullavisible changes?
11:44.09Cassnot that i noticed
11:44.18Cotullajust not boot?
11:44.19Cassdir files etc all there
11:44.26Cassspins and complains on boot
11:44.30hastarinI remember reading something ages ago about yaffs2 and correctly implementing OOB something or you'd get data corruption but it was all over my head, so no idea if that's relevant to what you folks are doing.
11:44.51Cotullahastarin, links?
11:45.21hastarinIt was in IRC logs.  It was you and someone talking.  Probably gone from the logs now though.  It was weeks ago.
11:45.38hastarinSorry I can't remember more than that.
11:45.54Cassrajko probably
11:46.01Cotullaso it doesn't boot?
11:46.22Casswhat does not .. the corruption or the spi changes ?
11:46.30Cassspi is my issue now
11:46.36Cotullarevert patch
11:46.55Cassit boots if i revert git to patch before spi
11:47.01Cotullau good in git?
11:47.05Cassnot at all
11:47.09CotullaI need somebody to help me to setup new tree
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11:47.24Cassjust know git reset a13e68883fb94f2f4a06dfc3438a9a3b67ce8c54
11:47.29Casstakes me to patch before spi
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11:47.31tmzt_I can hlep been doing git all week
11:48.10CotullaI need commands to clone current linux-on-wince-htc to linux-leo-ctll
11:48.12tmzt_Cotulla: what are you trying to do?
11:48.28tmzt_git checkout -b linux-leo-ctll origin/linux-on-wince-htc
11:48.48hastarinIf you mean locally just do "git clone git:// local_folder"
11:48.56DunkDreamif I create a rootfs using this guide made by dcordes, how do I need to fill that rootfs?
11:48.57Cotullano at gitorous
11:49.03hastarinIf you want your own clone on gitorious you can signup and hit the button.
11:49.06tmzt_Cotulla: then you push
11:49.09tmzt_and it creates it
11:49.23hastarinThen you setup a ssh key so you can push your own changes to it.
11:49.46Cotullait will be possible to "drag" changes?
11:50.08DunkDreamin the guide, there's the following command, which I don't really understand
11:50.09DunkDreamtar xvf ~/openembedded-with-nice-stuff.tgz
11:50.14hastarinYeah you setup a "remote" and then do something like "git pull maintree master"
11:50.37hastarinWhere "maintree" is the name of the remote you setup.
11:50.51Cotullahm ok%) too many new :)
11:50.54Cotullawill learn now
11:51.10tmzt_pull isn't going to create a local try
11:51.40hastarinFrom memory the command to add a remote is something like "git remote add maintree git://"
11:51.42tmzt_Cotulla: you creating a new account?
11:52.02hastarintmzt: I'm talking about pulling to a local tree.
11:52.07Cotullayes now creating on gitorious
11:52.50Cass  may be handy
11:52.59hastarinI'm no git expert, but it's what I've been doing lately to merge change to main tree in to my version.  That and git cherrypick (or something like that).
11:53.45CotullaI wanna my own tree at giterious and ability to share patches
11:54.06Cotullaso changes from linux-on-wince-htc can be applied to my tree and back
11:54.14tmzt_then you don't want yours called master
11:54.17tmzt_very confusing
11:54.21Hehcan somone please help me with the issue?
11:54.41Cotullatmzt, please explain
11:54.49Cotulla"called master"?
11:54.53hastarinMy local copy and tree is called master.  Nothing wrong with that.
11:55.08Cotullau mean linux-on-wince-htc is master and hastarins-linux_on_wince_htc is slave?
11:55.08tmzt_hastarin: how do you pull from and push to both?
11:55.13hastarinThe remote copy of the main tree I called "maintree".
11:55.40tmzt_it's like this
11:55.41hastarinYou can push/pull to/from a "remote".
11:55.47tmzt_your going to pull from a gito tree
11:55.51tmzt_clone locally
11:55.58tmzt_and the push to another remote
11:56.24tmzt_if you don't branch you basically are pushing a tracking tree (detached)
11:56.28tmzt_gets messy quickly
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11:57.24Heh, Im so tried of this, sorry for bineg annoying but i need help...
11:58.15hastarinWell I cloned on gitorious first, and then cloned that locally.  So I my push changes to that (which doesn't affect anyone else) and I pull from the main tree "remote" to merge to my local clone/branch/whatever it is.
11:58.16tmzt_too bad pastebin is dead
11:58.33Cotullaokay I registered
11:58.35tmzt_that's a space wasting way to use git
11:58.38hastarinI think I can create a "merge request" if I wanted to push one of my changes back to the main tree, but I haven't looked at that.
11:58.49Cotullau can add now me as friends on gitorious :D
11:58.55hastarinI know Rajko has done that stuff though.
11:59.38hastarinI did say I'm no expert didn't I?  It works for me.  :p
11:59.58tmzt_okay, well I'm trying to give him the commands
12:00.05CotullaI registered there
12:00.06tmzt_I've been maintaining a tree for about a week
12:00.15CotullaCreate a new project now?
12:00.19tmzt_so it's kidn of fresh :)
12:00.57hastarinCan't he go to "" and click "Clone repostiroy"?
12:01.10hastarinThen he gets his own clone like myself, rajko, letamas, etc?
12:01.12tmzt_yeah guess so
12:01.24tmzt_don't know why he'd ask for commands then
12:01.36Cotullayeah I found it :)
12:01.56Cotullaokay, next question, how to generate SSH
12:02.01hastarinWell even once you've done that you need to know how to clone locally, push/pull, do diffs, logs, etc
12:02.04hastarinAnd that.  :p
12:02.28hastarinI had one from Putty (puttygen.exe), but openssh has some way of doing it.
12:02.38hastarinI think if you go to "Manage keys" it might even give you a command to do it.
12:02.41dlsniperCotulla, maybe these could help with yaffs2: or here: ? I'm not sure that this is what you are looking for?
12:04.43hastarinLooks good to me.
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12:05.34hastarin might be handy for you too
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12:08.44gauner1986cotulla: you need help for git?
12:10.18CotullaI wanna clone linux-on-wince-htc -> linux-leo-cotulla
12:11.36gauner1986why don't you work on linux_on_wince_htc itself?
12:12.24Cotullabecause my and Markinus main opinions rather different...
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12:13.40hastarinhehe I only made my own clone because I figured my changes weren't stable/reliable enough for the main tree.  :)
12:13.54Cotullathis also
12:14.05gauner1986cotulla: what are the differences?
12:14.33Cotullahe wants to support topaz also...
12:14.40Cotullaand make it compatible with something else
12:14.43gauner1986hm.. ok
12:14.53gauner1986also not my opinion
12:14.56Cotullain results such things like spi changes...
12:15.12CotullaI prefer to use smem cmd there possible, it's faster than rpc
12:15.19gauner1986cotulla: i guess you can just create a new git on gitorious
12:15.22gauner1986then check it out
12:15.40gauner1986just delete the .git dir from the existing clone
12:15.50gauner1986and copy it over to the new repo
12:15.52gauner1986git add it
12:16.00gauner1986and check it in
12:16.02Cotullahm I created
12:16.31Casshmm spi may not be the issue .. need to chck other chabges
12:16.46Cassdamn thing still does not boot with patch removed and all others in
12:16.52tmzt_that just adds a bunch of junk as blobs
12:17.17hastarinCotulla: I think you cloned the old tree
12:17.24hastarinThe current one is
12:17.25Cotullahm why?
12:17.59Cotullaow yes
12:18.04hastarinYou cloned
12:18.08Cotullahow to delete
12:18.11hastarinDifference of _ vs -
12:18.19hastarinNo idea sorry.
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12:18.58tmzt_just delete the repo
12:19.29CotullaI found button
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12:20.09CotullaMarkinus should delete old one also?
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12:21.41Cotullaokay cloning
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12:23.47Kasjopajais nur für reconnect
12:26.46gauner1986is spi now the culprit for the linux kernel not booting?
12:27.05tmzt_msma, msmp, msme1, msmc1, msmc2 are related to power?
12:27.13tmzt_cpu power
12:27.20Cassgauner1986, i reverted the patch by hand it still not boots
12:27.31Cassyou see kernel not boot as well ?
12:27.36gauner1986no, didnt test yet
12:27.41gauner1986as i cant compile on my mac
12:27.42Cassmay be a change later after spi
12:27.50Cassboots on patch before
12:28.54Cotullaokay lets develop something ^^
12:29.31DunkDreamwhat does it mean if I get the error message /bin/sh: can't access tty: job control turned off, after starting shell... while booting a linux kernel
12:29.47hastarinI have no idea what the SPI patch changes, but the ones after that are mostly tweaks to the default config and minor changes to the camera, and light sensor.
12:30.22hastarinSeems strange they'd break your boot, though I guess you're on NAND so... /shrug
12:31.22DunkDreamworkin' with haret
12:31.43gauner1986fix the nand corruption!!! :D
12:32.05Cassok its booting now ... "think" i reverted the new config changes
12:32.06gauner1986cass: did syncing before reboot work for you?
12:32.15Cassyes seemed to
12:32.19gauner1986to fix corruption
12:32.27gauner1986didnt work for me
12:32.28Cassdidnt have corruption since i did after every change
12:32.34Cassadd app, sync
12:32.35gauner1986after EVERY change?
12:32.38Cassadd mail config,, sync
12:32.58gauner1986maybe it's just a mount option
12:32.59Cassplanned to write a service that just ran sync every 30 secs
12:33.02Cotullacheck reset paths
12:33.07Cotullamaybe something missing there
12:33.11gauner1986reset paths?
12:33.52*** part/#htc-linux DunkDream (4e5e0205@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:34.34gauner1986what are reset paths?
12:34.35Cassi hate got
12:34.44gauner1986who doesnt
12:34.46Casseven more since i type got every time
12:34.48gauner1986i like svn
12:34.55Cassi like cp
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12:35.02Cassand tar
12:35.12gauner1986but ineffective for collaborative work
12:36.10hastarinhehe I typed hg instead of git for a while there.
12:36.28Cotullahg and git not same?
12:36.29Cassok im booted and camera etc works but how to know where i am in relation to main git ?
12:36.44hastarinhg = mercurial
12:36.57hastaringit diff?
12:37.06Cassyeah not effective
12:37.57Cotullahm so QMI not wokring right?
12:38.09memin1857Guys I think it is a good idea to commit the airplane mode fix of michyprima/hastarin to official gitorious kernel. Because official kernel crashes badly when turning on gsm radio. (airplane mode on off, or phone off in winmo, or go underground loose signal get signal - boom crash freeze) it seems the fix code by michyprima is simple one line. what do you think? Is there something preventing
12:38.10memin1857you to do so?
12:38.22Casswhats wrong with plane mode ?
12:38.27Cassalways worked for me
12:38.42hastarinOn SD it crashes the kernel.
12:38.50memin1857hastarin knows about it
12:38.51Cassreally ?  never noticed that
12:39.00hastarinAlso means you need to have the phone unlocked in WinMo first.
12:39.08memin1857yes exactly like that
12:39.15memin1857it also happens if you loose signal in mid day,
12:39.22Cotullagauner1986, pin code working on nand?
12:39.23hastarinmichyprima hacked something to "fix" it but I think his fix probably breaks NAND
12:39.52gauner1986cotulla: yes
12:40.02hastarinI did point it out to Markinus or someone (maybe Rajko) at the time and left it at that.
12:40.02Cotullamichyprima appear here?
12:40.13memin1857yes I frequently see michyprima here
12:40.20Cotulla~seen michyprima
12:40.30aptmichyprima <> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-linux, 15d 20h 22m 26s ago, saying: 'bad boy lol'.
12:40.44hastarinThis was his patch.
12:40.50memin1857I also did pm markinus about it
12:41.11Cotullagau, what about drain?
12:41.14gauner1986i don't understand why these guys don't work together with us
12:41.27gauner1986cotulla: drain is okay in standby.. but usage seems to drain more than on winmo
12:41.53hastarinIf you want me to push/commit/merge anything just let me know.  The main reason I'm not normally on here is time/timezone.  :P
12:42.04Cotullaso drasin
12:42.09Cotullaor rmnet
12:42.19gauner1986but first nand corruption
12:42.26gauner1986nand corruption is most annoying
12:42.37Casstmzt_, battery life not good wjen not lseep
12:42.39gauner1986cotulla: tell me what reset path's you mean?
12:42.42hastarinI know everyone out there wants RMNET, so if your fix for that sorts out SD land as well you'll make a lot of folks very happy.
12:43.02tmzt_why is it called that and how is it different from rmnet or ppp
12:43.11tmzt_g2 doesn't even sleep :)
12:43.13hastarinI thought I saw darkstone saying his battery drain was pretty good.  I was presuming he's on NAND now?
12:43.22tmzt_two things to fix
12:43.24tmzt_got it
12:45.29memin1857I believe the new light sensor poll interval results in more sensor freezes. (was 4 seconds, now equal to or less then 1) Light sensor works good with new steps. (now you can reach max lux reported)
12:45.46Cassdoes it stop sod though ?
12:46.05hastarinCass: "git diff" or "git status" should help you figure out where you stand.  You can do them against a particular commit if need be.
12:46.07Cassas i see black screen now when ls enabled .. well always when enabled
12:46.09memin1857I didn't have sod (zero backlight) in sense roms
12:46.23memin1857so a test with nexus build is required
12:46.36Casshastarin, yeah im gonna have to go by hand i think
12:46.48Cotullaoh i2c also :D
12:46.53hastarinCass: Ouch.  Good luck.  I had to do that for my config
12:47.13hastarinI'd disabled the auto brightness since it was going over bright in the dark.
12:47.15memin1857I think the zero backlight is not because of light sensor but the mapping of sensor value to backlight value in nexus roms
12:47.24hastarinI'm testing again with the new calibration data.
12:47.35gauner1986cotulla: ah.. autobrightness sometimes turns the screen off completely or gets stuck at max brightness
12:47.52memin1857cyanogen roms have the autobrigtness tweak. it may fix the sod or overbright. (sense doesnt have it)
12:48.17memin1857I think screen complete turn off only happens in cm6 or nexus based builds.
12:48.26Cotullagau. stupid google
12:48.32memin1857with those, even manual backlight results in turn off
12:49.29memin1857I take the phone under a strong light bulb and screen comes back when it happens
12:49.40hastarinI've been staying clear of CM6 personally.  I'm fine with Sense.
12:50.39memin1857I've been searching by a way to incorporate the autobacklight tweak of cm6 into sense. It would have been nice.
12:51.20memin1857so it won't be overly bright in total darkness room, or it won't be unreadably in bright outsite
12:51.24hastarinI have no idea what it is, but perhaps it's not going to be needed with the calibration changes now?
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12:51.39memin1857yes hastarin, with sense builds it is fine
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12:51.58memin1857it wasnt going over 2600lux. now it goes to full 10240 range
12:52.24memin1857hi markinus, can you check the irclog of last 30 minutes to see airplane mode fix I pmed you about
12:52.24hastarinOK so CM6 added a workaround in the build for something that should have been fixed in the kernel?
12:52.59hastarinThis is what he means:   Though it probably breaks NAND
12:53.08memin1857@hastarin, yes but it also allows you to configure to your taste. (even new light steps can be too bright for some people in total dark room, ie.10lux)
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12:53.29hastarinOK  I'll shut up again now.  :p
12:53.32memin1857I had pmed markinus the commit changelog link. and yes thats it
12:55.38gauner1986cotulla: google? :D
12:56.52darkstone13:43:16] <hastarin> I thought I saw darkstone saying his battery drain was pretty good.  I was presuming he's on NAND now?
12:56.59Cotullabkl < 30.... wtf
12:57.35darkstoneno problem with airplane mode here
12:58.04Markinusmemin1857: aitplane mode works great on my dev . .hmm
12:58.12Casshi Markinus, something in the latest commits break nand
12:58.15gauner1986re markinus
12:58.20hastarindarkstone: Using main tree you can toggle it off and on?
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12:58.38memin1857with hastarins kernel (and michyprima fix) it works
12:58.40darkstonei do it all the time
12:58.44memin1857but with main tree it doesnt
12:58.47memin1857not only me
12:58.51memin1857all my european friends
12:59.01darkstoneworks fine here
12:59.21hastarinYeah that's what I had too.  And people couldn't boot in to the kernel without unlocking their phones in WM first.
12:59.43hastarinThough this was a while back, perhaps something else since has fixed it.
12:59.53memin1857no it isnt fixed with current main tree
12:59.56memin1857I tested 5 minutes ago
13:00.00hastarinAh k
13:00.07darkstoneanyway, need yo check if h264 encoding can be done
13:00.08memin1857only your kernel works
13:01.00darkstoneim probably wrong :D
13:01.39gauner1986darkstone: it is already h264 encoded
13:01.41gauner1986but not hd
13:01.54gauner1986h264 != hd
13:02.38darkstoneare you sure h264 works? i know h263 does
13:02.54noellenchrismine doesn't come back from airplane w/latest git either...just tried...stuck in airplane...hehe
13:03.07darkstonei need to teat
13:03.14darkstonenot home right now
13:03.18noellenchriscm6 build
13:03.33darkstonehehe im on the train
13:03.58memin1857noellenchris, it works with hastarin kernel, right?
13:04.25noellenchristesting now...brb
13:04.27darkstonecan i see commit for fix?
13:04.31memin1857if phone mod is off in winmo, then latest git won't even boot to home screen. it will freeze
13:05.14gauner1986darkstone: i thought it's h264.. not sure though
13:05.36darkstoneits not
13:06.05gauner1986markinus: did you notice that the current kernel doesnt boot?
13:06.06memin1857noellen, hastarin kernel should r7 or later. 7.4 is fine
13:06.25darkstonei suspect fixing hw h264 encoding may enable 720p recording
13:06.34darkstonebut one step at a time
13:06.39noellenchrisswitching kernels now...had to d/l
13:06.59Markinusgauner1986: it'S booting great!
13:07.10gauner1986markinus: cass told me it doesnt
13:07.15Markinusgauner1986: ?!?
13:07.21CassMarkinus, sth breaks it in nand
13:07.21Markinusgauner1986: no problems here
13:07.41Cassif i reset to patch before spi its fine
13:07.44Cassafter not so mucj
13:07.47MarkinusCass:  on magldr/sd works perfect
13:07.55Cassnot here
13:08.04Cassim checking where it fails for me now
13:08.14MarkinusCass: you have sd or real nand?
13:08.16Cassim on full nand
13:08.20Markinusahh, ok
13:08.35gauner1986markinus: flash nand and look to the corruption issues
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13:09.00Markinusgauner1986: I need my wince
13:09.10gauner1986what for? :P
13:09.22gauner1986what's missing in andoirdß
13:10.20Markinusgauner1986: I need a working reverse tethering for exange connect
13:10.24Markinusover usb
13:10.26Markinusno wlan
13:10.35gauner1986thought it worked in desire hd build?
13:10.47Markinusyeah . . . but no camera
13:10.58gauner1986yeah.. but now vision kernel source is out
13:11.02memin1857I had writtena  post about reverse tethering, let me find it
13:11.02gauner1986so we have a chance to fix it
13:11.22Markinusthe y have a other camera system, I dint think we can use it
13:12.04MarkinusMarkinus: something for 7x30
13:12.06memin1857markinus: check this thread for reverse tethering
13:12.20memin1857sorry gauner
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13:12.55memin1857post 7 on that thread
13:13.18memin1857this is the link for usb reverse tethering
13:13.28Cassgauner1986, can you try booting kernel ?
13:13.41Markinusmemin1857: I nkow this, there is a other solutuion too, but for work I need it easy to use . .
13:13.51Cassi need to pull repo again .. im not sure where i am .. think im at latest HEAD and it booted ..
13:14.03Cassbut i have some untracked stuff in git status
13:14.05MarkinusCass: :) strange
13:14.09Cassso im not sure im clean
13:14.13gauner1986cass: hm.. need to find out how to compile it on my mac system..
13:14.41memin1857markinus: ok. would bt work for you? or only usb
13:14.49Cassiv edicked around a bit much manually rempoving spi stuff markinus .. i suspedcted that in beginning
13:15.04hastarinCass: If you do a "make mrproper" and then do a "git status" and still have untracked you're probably not clean.  Though that's a painful way to find out since you have to rebuild everything.
13:15.29Markinusmemin1857: usb :(
13:15.38Casshastarin, yeah im not clean then ;)
13:15.48memin1857I know you said no wlan, but doesnt bt work?
13:16.07Markinusthis is the easierst way
13:16.19Markinusmemin1857: no bt in pc
13:16.53memin1857hmm ok, they sell bt dongles for 5 dollars now. when you don't have it, it sucks. ok.
13:16.58Markinusmemin1857: but desire hd had it, I think I will wait till we fix the camera there
13:17.13memin1857will desire z kernel source help in desire hd camera fix
13:17.54MarkinusI'm not sure, but on first look I would say no
13:18.15memin1857uh, ok, will it work for desire z then :)
13:18.38memin1857since desire z also has the new sense along with reverse usb tether
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13:23.04Markinusmemin1857: I looked to the commit, this has nothing to do with flightmode
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13:23.38memin1857markinus: well main tree doesn't work, hastarin kernel works. that seems to be the only change (made my michyprima)
13:23.39Markinusit's only a RPC patch for haret, because it's not send a RPC_BYE on boot, and so the rpc connection is still active
13:23.59memin1857let me check may be we are talking about the wrong commit
13:24.07memin1857if only michyprima was around now
13:24.09Markinusin this patch it's made dependend on nand boot
13:24.14memin1857since he did the actual patch
13:24.23memin1857I will look into michyprima fork now
13:24.25hastarinMarkinus: I'm pretty sure it fixed an issue with flight mode crashing the phone, and failing to boot on SD if the phone was locked in WM.
13:24.44hastarinPerhaps I'll try revert it locally and see if I get the problem again.
13:25.24memin1857found it
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13:26.51memin1857uh I found the same commit, but it was in michyprimas fork. sorry
13:27.11hastarinYeah I "cherry picked" his commit.
13:27.20hastarinThat's why it shows him as the author.
13:27.56tids2khi hastarin
13:27.59tids2khow u doin mate
13:28.29tids2kthere is a five sec lag after switching on the screen on hd2 with 7.4
13:28.43tids2kis it coz of freeze issue ?
13:29.13hastarinBetter to ask me in #htc-linux-chat but I get about 0.5sec here.   So /shrug
13:30.14tids2ki though this was the dev channel ;)
13:30.44tids2kanyways .. thanks for the kernel man !! CHEERS.
13:31.14tids2kdarky, netripper, gauner ... remember i was here :) and said HI to you all ... see ya soon guys.
13:32.58hastarinJust built a kernel after reverting that change from michyprima.  I'll get it on my phone and see what happens.
13:33.27memin1857hastarin: I can test it too if you want
13:33.31memin1857just pm me the link
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13:34.16hastarinThat would require me uploading it.  :P  I'll just test it first.
13:34.32noellenchrismemin1857, hastarin's kernel 7.4 worked for airplane switch :)
13:35.42memin1857noellen, yes we know :) now hastarin is testing if he is able make it not work again (to find what code fixes it)
13:35.53memin1857hastarin: ok
13:38.56hastarinWell my phone has now "hung" on boot showing "No service".... Now it's got a corrupt display....
13:39.17memin1857yes, that's exactly how it happens
13:39.28memin1857just when it tries to get service, it gets messed up
13:39.32hastarinSo I'm pretty sure that particular commit is what fixes it, regardless of what others opinion may be.
13:39.39memin1857hastarin: so you confirm it is the rpc code that fixed it
13:39.55hastarinYes, this commit:
13:40.06memin1857well since the fixing commit is confirmed it is upto markinus now
13:40.13hastarinThe only difference between what I had on my phone a minute ago and now was reverting that particular commit.
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13:40.47memin1857if michyprima was here, I think he would say the same
13:41.02memin1857I hope markinus will commit it to main tree if it doesnt break other stuff
13:41.32hastarinRajko said it would probably break NAND.
13:41.46CassMarkinus, weird .. clean head now boots .. dunno what was up earlier
13:41.49hastarinSo I'm guessing a better solution is needed.
13:41.51memin1857well since there is nand detection now, I think it could be fixed
13:42.08hastarinI'm sure it can, by someone that knows what it's all doing.  :p
13:42.16memin1857hastarin: you mean markinus then :)
13:44.01*** join/#htc-linux gauner1986 (
13:44.04memin1857hastarin: boot up stutters are almost gone with your 7.4 (because of changes in main git, because main git didn't have the 7.2 stutter) it boots much faster now when home screens are full of big widgets
13:44.27*** join/#htc-linux kvaster (~kvaster@
13:45.41hastarinCool, and yeah I mean... Not me.   I haven't taken the time out to understand it.
13:45.52hastarinTime for another beer and some TV before sleep.  Later all.
13:47.17*** join/#htc-linux EclipseX (
13:49.40Markinusmemin1857: ok, I will look on it
13:50.27memin1857markinus: thank you very much. since there is no problem with hastarin/michyprima kernel. your fix will probably make main git work with both nand and sd.
13:50.49memin1857(I mean the airplane mode is fixed already with that code)
13:50.51memin1857you know
13:51.11memin1857good luck everyone, I'm out.
13:52.02*** join/#htc-linux Baeen1 (
13:55.39EclipseXbut battery still noying =/
13:55.59EclipseX15% charing on 77mA with all turn off :(..
13:56.00gauner1986cotulla: managed to set up your repoß
13:56.27gauner1986on git
13:56.33EclipseXif I turn on Screen drop to - 120mA
13:56.45EclipseXon charging
13:59.48Cotullawhat's u0p?
13:59.49Cassgauner1986, git fine .. recloned it and now it boots
13:59.55gauner1986ah okay
13:59.58gauner1986so nothing wrong
14:00.11Casspff everything wrong .. why did it not work with just a pull
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14:00.27Cassapart from that yeah boots
14:01.03Cassrestoring a backup now and then ill reboot a few times see if it goes corrupt
14:03.48*** join/#htc-linux memin1857 (~memin1857@
14:04.50memin1857I've come back to tell about an audio problem. Google navigation apps navigation volume affects notification volume and motonav apps volume affects alarm volume. It doesn't get reflected to android settings-audio so I have turn them back on from those apps.
14:04.59*** join/#htc-linux FFBoy2009 (def79b9e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:05.23memin1857If I mute the volume of motonav, then my alarms won't sound, or if I mute the google navigation volume, I don't get sms or keyboard sound
14:05.50memin1857one of those volume settings is not available in normal android settings-audio
14:06.36*** join/#htc-linux AstainHellbring (~AstainHel@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
14:16.40gauner1986and agps still needs to be implemented
14:16.51gauner1986gps fix simply takes too long
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14:18.58Cassok tried hard to make corrupt and nada !!
14:19.05Cassseems fine just now
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14:31.58EclipseX~how are u
14:31.58aptI think you lost me on that one, EclipseX
14:32.13Cotullanot bad
14:33.45*** join/#htc-linux Markinus (~Miranda@
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14:47.21*** join/#htc-linux Markinus (~Miranda@
14:50.34MarkinusI fixed the wrong RPC command check for hartet boot
14:52.17MarkinusCotulla: I did some test with autobacklight. if we give android a constant ls value and activate the mictop autobacklight, the it works great
14:52.21MarkinusCotulla: but one problem
14:52.32MarkinusCotulla: if you deactivate autobacklight in android
14:52.44MarkinusCotulla: the manual controll isn'T working
14:53.10MarkinusCotulla: no way in the moment to detect in kernel wherther the check is on/off in android
14:53.29Cotullayes... I thought about it
14:55.09tmzt_vision has new lightsensor stuff
14:55.13tmzt_but microp is empty
14:56.56Markinustmzt_: not empty
14:57.03Markinustmzt_: there is a atmel common microp file
14:57.10Markinusls is astandalone driver
14:57.30Cotullait won't fix anything
14:57.40tmzt_Markinus: yeah, but it doesn't do much
14:57.44tmzt_keyboard is on gpio
14:57.59tmzt_Markinus: you've been looking at vision? what for?
14:58.46Markinuscamera and so stuff
14:59.13MarkinusCotulla: right
14:59.16Markinusis same as daesire
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14:59.50MarkinusI think the best way would be to use the autobl from microp
14:59.52tmzt_we are still working on root
14:59.58tmzt_for a week now
15:04.44*** join/#htc-linux Curious_ (8bb3cf43@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:04.47Curious_Markinus, is it possible in android?
15:05.17Curious_i mean microp-auto-bl
15:11.20Curious_Cotulla, why did you set up 30 offset for Backlight?
15:12.23Cotullafucking android devs
15:12.37Cotullathey think that backlight can be only 0 - 255
15:12.50Cotullaand slider in settings
15:12.57Cotullahave left pos == 30 and right pos == 255
15:13.05Cotullau need more words? :D
15:13.23Cotullait's sooo stupid
15:13.31Cotullawe have on leo 10 values + off
15:13.58EclipseXcan u modify that right?
15:14.09CotullaI don't want to lost 2 of 10 possible values
15:14.27Cotullaso my range is 30 - 255
15:14.47Cotullamaybe it should setup level 1 if  1 <= bkl <= 30
15:14.54Cotullaand turn off if bkl == 0
15:15.05EclipseXi understand u.....boring work xD
15:19.46Curious_it is strange that manuel slider can make dimmer than 0 level read from lightsensor
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15:22.11xf_merchi guys, does anyone know anything about the accelerometer chip used in the HD2 (Leo)? a module number would be great.
15:22.34Curious_what are you going to do with it
15:23.08xf_mercim trying to see if i can get some real-world numbers out of its data stream
15:23.14xf_mercthanks for that btw
15:23.59Curious_you are not gonna modify the driver are you
15:24.11Curious_just interpretation for an app?
15:24.55Curious_if the values that are obtained from the drivers are not properly scaled
15:24.58Curious_let us know pls
15:26.08Curious_why do I get bsod in every second boot
15:26.10xf_mercyeah its just interpretation
15:27.05Cotullabsodder #2?
15:27.25Curious_Markinus says he gets once in a thousand
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15:29.44nylhi cotulla
15:29.57Cotullagauner1986, here ur concurrent
15:30.19nylby any chance you got a root file system console only? :D
15:30.20gauner1986concurrent? Oo
15:31.04CotullaCurious seems is bsodder #2
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15:31.48Curious_respects gauner1986 due to his bsod records
15:31.59nyli can't seem to find a console only rootfs
15:32.23*** part/#htc-linux kalemas (~kalemas@
15:32.37nylsince now we KP at rootfs :(
15:32.55Cotullaconsole only?
15:33.06nylroot shell only
15:33.22nylkp means kernel panic
15:33.28Cotullaask tmzt_, he know
15:33.30NeatRabbitI'm a korean
15:33.54Curious_gauner1986, did you stop chasing late wakeup issue?
15:33.56tmzt_the problem isn't rootfs
15:33.58tmzt_it's kernel
15:34.01NeatRabbitI want to testing magldr
15:34.02tmzt_the fbcon is disabled
15:34.21tmzt_so you have to use ramconsole, etc.
15:34.31tmzt_or build a kernel with fbcon, but that might affect your results
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15:36.14NeatRabbitI want to the password of magldr1082.rar
15:36.23NeatRabbitCan you tell me?
15:36.35noellenchrisI see a very similar IP here , cockpoo?  or they use same dynamic ip
15:37.07Cotullano, it's for kernel devs, because not finished. Rather soon we will start massive testing.
15:37.24Cotullanoellenchris, who?
15:37.25NeatRabbitok. thank you.
15:38.03*** join/#htc-linux WisTilt2 (
15:38.06noellenchrisCotulla, curious
15:38.18Curious_i stated long before that it was me
15:38.31Curious_no need to remention*
15:38.41Cotullaso who is cockpro?
15:38.53Cotulla~seen cockpro
15:38.55apti haven't seen 'cockpro', Cotulla
15:38.58Curious_it was poo
15:39.01Cotulla~seen cockppo
15:39.02aptCotulla: i haven't seen 'cockppo'
15:39.03Cotulla~seen cockpoo
15:39.04aptcockpoo <8bb3cf10@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-linux, 9d 21h 3m 12s ago, saying: ':D'.
15:39.16Cotullahm last number is different
15:39.22Cotullathere 67 and here 16
15:39.29Curious_I said that was "me"
15:39.54Curious_everything has its reason
15:39.57Curious_but it passed
15:40.05Curious_no need to go over..
15:40.17Cotulladon't think so...
15:40.55Curious_i stated my complaint to NetRipper and it became ok.
15:40.55Cotullau trolls a lot
15:41.06Curious_no i left about a week ago
15:41.10Curious_never did again
15:41.42Cotullayes but it doens't matter. okay lets stop this stupid talk.
15:42.48Cassmarkinus .. dmesg from another bsod .. same div by 0 error
15:43.00Cotullahm where?
15:43.13Curious_let me get my dmesg
15:43.15Cass[    2.688171] wifi_nvs_init
15:43.16Cass[    2.688201] Division by zero in kernel.
15:43.16Cass[    2.688201] Backtrace:
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15:43.28Cotullaown kernel?
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15:44.04Cotullau have my nand driver?
15:44.08Cassi name all my cumputers simply
15:44.17Cassi have the one in kernel only
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15:44.37Cotullaor updated by Rajko?
15:45.09Cassi dont know whos it is .. just know its in kernel
15:46.37Curious_Cotulla, you meant me?
15:48.08Cotullaofcourse no
15:51.15Curious_I get bsod without divison by zero error
15:51.50Curious_and the phone doesn'T freeze at all
15:51.57Curious_it boots android with bluescreen
15:52.07Curious_it must be # <4>[  190.418853] msmfb_pan_display timeout waiting for frame start, 1 0
15:55.24Curious_Cotulla, can FS corruption cause bsod?
15:57.12tmzt_what are those
15:57.14tmzt_used for
15:57.22tmzt_it's apps power right?
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15:57.37tmzt_or anything
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15:57.48tmzt_trying to find eMMC vreg on g2
15:58.03Cotullathere MOVINAND?
15:58.52Cotulla8 bit?
15:59.28Cassgrr .. whats the file to echo 255 into to get lcd baclight on ?
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16:04.25Cassgot it thanks
16:05.08Curious_you also need to set it manually or turn on autobacklight
16:05.19Curious_if not, android sets it to its previous value after sleep/wakeup
16:05.26Curious_and i dunno why..
16:05.43Cassyeah keeps blackscreening on install
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16:10.38Curious_take care guys
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16:14.05EclipseXCotulla pvt
16:15.59Casslater all !!
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16:20.25mizzlewhat is te best droid build to to put on my htc diamond
16:23.04arrrghhhmizzle, please go to #xdandroid
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16:44.43*** join/#htc-linux Alex[sp3dev] (~alexander@
16:45.59Alex[sp3dev]hey msm72k fellas. anything new today? what's the situation with autobuild and has anyone hacked anything new?
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16:49.54arrrghhhyou probably already know this, but just in case Alex[sp3dev] - " So either ther GIT kernel tree should be fixed, or the GIT compat-wireless-msm tree..."
16:50.16Alex[sp3dev]fuck, i do have the patch for compar-wireless-msm, if anyone cares ;)
16:50.22arrrghhhseems we need a patch on one of those two trees to fix the usb code.
16:50.24arrrghhhdo you?
16:50.39Alex[sp3dev]since it seems beginning of september ;)
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16:50.52arrrghhhdoes phh or GlemSom realize that...?
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16:51.26Alex[sp3dev]phh is aware of that actually. well, i will make a diff now. it's rather a hack removing some stuff, but our boards don't need it
16:51.56arrrghhhthat may be why it's not being welcomed :P
16:52.40gauner1986curious: i find them not that disturbing.. so i looked at sth else
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16:54.33memin1857Markinus: FYI I pm'ed you (from xda) some feedback for new light sensor steps
16:55.18Alex[sp3dev]oh. epic fail. it took me 5 hours to disassemble the amss, and my virtualbox has crashed
16:55.26Alex[sp3dev]i was lucky to save the dump though
16:55.33Markinusmemin1857: I fixed the RPC prob im kernel
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16:56.20memin1857Markinus: wow! you're fast. Thanks. did you get the pms?
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16:56.33Markinusmemin1857: ohh, you wrote some times :) sorry I didn't read there my messages :)
16:56.51Markinuslong time
16:57.15memin1857Markinus: you can read the last two is enough (about light sensor step feedback)
16:57.41memin1857interestingly my xda sent messages are never saved. So I don't know what I did write :)
16:58.30*** join/#htc-linux phantomcircuit (
16:58.48Skyguy04random question.  I'm on the blazn build with latest 10/10 update via the update utility.  Should i update to the 10/13 ref build, or just wait for the next blazn build?  Or.. will an update be made available via the update utility?
16:58.58*** join/#htc-linux Awkafox (5b6d826d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:00.45memin1857Markinus: what about the deleting of default.acdb fixing mic gain problem. Cotulla was talking about it. I wrote a thread about it and everyone is happy. Any way to fix it in kernel?
17:01.23Markinusmemin1857: I never did something for sound, there you have ask cotulla
17:04.29arrrghhhSkyguy04, not the right channel.  #xdandroid.
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17:06.25feraranyone knows what the heck is that?
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17:12.51Markinusmemin1857: ok, readed and answ.
17:13.06Markinusmemin1857: good that I was there, some messeges more . .. hehe
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17:22.33WisTilt2arrrghhh: no update yet btw. fixing panel power off.
17:22.52arrrghhhWisTilt2, lol i was going to tell you that panel power isn't working :P
17:23.05memin1857markinus: thanks, I replied too :)
17:23.43*** join/#htc-linux BazGee (
17:23.50WisTilt2yeah noticed that last night after ambient was enabled.  working on that this morning. should have an image for you in a bit.
17:25.11jonpryhi wistilt2. congrats on the automatic ambient light
17:26.11WisTilt2hey jonpry: tks, works nice but now need to fix the panel off code again:( seems that part of the microp code is tied together.
17:26.34jonprythat sounds right
17:27.23*** join/#htc-linux Abracadabr4 (
17:27.25WisTilt2what kind of panel init code you guys running in nand?
17:30.40jonpryi'm assuming your talking about the remote_write or spi based commands
17:30.45arrrghhhyea last i saw the panel never turns off in NAND...
17:32.04WisTilt2its got to be getting initialized somewhere at boot. it does come on right, or is that what acl is talking about it being black>
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17:32.26arrrghhhoh sorry i was thinking the other way
17:32.33arrrghhhyea it comes on, it just never turns off :P
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17:36.40jonpryWisTilt2: spl initializes the panel
17:36.51jonprythen nand just leaves it on
17:37.25jonpryother people don't like this idea, but i will tell you about it anyways :p
17:37.50jonprywe have docs for the lcd controller ic, and it is more or less the same between topaz and rhod, just different rev
17:38.15*** join/#htc-linux Markinus (~Miranda@
17:39.17jonpryso like all these writes are just setting up various timing,voltage and linearization parameters for the specific lcd attached to the controller
17:39.22gauner1986re markinus
17:40.01Skyguy04thanks arrrghh
17:40.05Markinusgauner1986: phase 1 is done, every thing is working, now we need to improve the stuff :)
17:40.06jonpryWistilt2: i figure we can read the contents of those registers on boot, save them, and restore on wake. then it should work for any novatec based panel
17:40.26gauner1986markinus: hm.. working is good.. nand corruption makes it unusable :(
17:40.43Markinusgauner1986: ok, nand . .this is a problem, right
17:41.09Markinusgauner1986: did you test Cotullas driver?
17:41.20gauner1986what driver?
17:41.25Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: any idea why my camera sensor inits fine, but when i write the code to enable video output, it timeouts? maybe our code to setup 24mhz clock is wrong?
17:41.28Markinusfrom cotulla, the first one
17:41.42Markinuswriten extra for leo
17:41.54gauner1986Markinus: where can i find it?
17:42.03Markinusthis is replaced with a other one
17:42.09Markinusin git, look back
17:42.35jonpryAlex[sp3dev]: doesn't adsp setup the video output?
17:43.15jonpryAlex[sp3dev]: supposedly disabling the clock makes the sensor act differently. so theory is it must be on
17:43.18Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: i mean, there is a bit in the sensor config that tells it to enable the capture and drive the data on the cif pins
17:43.45Markinusgauner1986: the reads worked with it without any problems
17:43.49gauner1986yeah.. but where was it changed?
17:43.56gauner1986Markinus: and why?
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17:45.12Markinusgauner1986: why? hmm, I don't know more like in the commit message
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17:45.29gauner1986markinus: if it doesn't support mtd utils then how do i flash stuff from linux?
17:45.56Markinusmerge it! :)
17:46.22jonpryAlex[sp3dev] i believe the difference in behavior was that with clock off it would respond on i2c to only some commands, where as others would freeze
17:47.17Rajkonand corruption ?
17:49.31*** join/#htc-linux Curious_ (8bb3cf43@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:49.58gauner1986rajko: yeah.. deodexed roms store a cache on the data partition and that gets corrupted after reboot
17:50.21gauner1986causing android not to boot anymore
17:50.21Rajkoisny my rom deodexed ?
17:50.47Curious_does anyone know how ABS_PRESSURE and ABS_TOOL_WIDTH effect TouchScreen sensitivity? or does it affect at all?
17:51.49gauner1986rajko: i don't know
17:52.02Rajkoall cm6 is
17:52.35gauner1986and you don't have problems with corruption?
17:53.03Rajkoi guess you should enable the verbose stuff
17:53.08Rajkoin htcleo-nand
17:53.17Rajkothen do a bunch of rw tests while in sd mounted android
17:53.21Rajkosd booted
17:53.28Rajkobut i did those, it seemed fine
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17:54.44WisTilt2jonpry: can you send me the nand file you guys are using with that code?
17:56.19gauner1986i'll give it a shot
17:56.42gauner1986i already copied your mtd flash stuff to my build
17:56.55Rajkotry just nandtest
17:58.55jonpryWisTilt2: there is no code for that as of yet. just an idea
18:01.13WisTilt2jonpry: do you have the regs mapped?  i dont know if my docs have more or the same info you have but would like to compare. i like your idea of reading current regs before sleep, i think that is a good way to go otherwise full reinit would be needed.
18:03.22MarkinusCurious_: there is some feedback to the LS mod. memin1857 wrote that The lowest light sensor step only jumps between 10 and 40lux. (while the phone is still) This causes the backlight to very frequently change in a normally lit room at night. Maybe you could look to it
18:04.03Curious_ok gonna look it after watching fringe :)
18:04.49tehtrkis away: Away
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18:10.53Alex[sp3dev]arrrghhh: here is my patch for the compat-wireless-msm. if phh or GlemSom come after i leave, tell them
18:13.55gauner1986CONFIG_720P_CAMERA doesn't work on leo
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18:16.39bzoAlex[sp3dev] I don't think your dsp tasks are getting enabled for camera
18:16.46Alex[sp3dev]bzo: why?
18:16.52bzolook at my log:
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18:17.01bzoit has one explicit enable message
18:17.05bzoI didn't see one in yours
18:17.12bzoI'm missing the enable for vfetask though
18:18.44Alex[sp3dev]bzo: you really need to add a printk to your mt9t013 driver in the i2c halfword write function to see where it actually gets and when. i think QCAMTASK should be started after the sensor is fully inited
18:19.21bzoyeah, maybe I'll try that next
18:19.28bzobeen taking a break from the camera until we have fixed qdsp tables
18:20.07Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: do you think we should also set the clock rate to zero or set the mdns to some magic value when disabling clocks? i get the impression that disabling glbl bit is not always enough and they drain power after calling clk_disable
18:22.03jonpryi think global bits are enough, but it is important to disable clk and pclk for whatever is being turned off
18:22.54bzojonpry: in your .35 boots, are the contents of ramconsole the same as the screen?
18:25.21jonprythere seems to be one more line on the screen than in ramconsole
18:25.35jonprybut output stops after console is locked
18:25.55bzomine stopped at fbcon_startup:5, same for you?
18:26.07jonprywell ramconsole output stops, there is one post lock entry in screen
18:27.52jonpryno, i get further
18:28.49bzohmm, so it is not deterministic
18:29.10jonpryi guess not
18:29.28bzoI only got to boot it a few times last night because my phone went crazy, but it seemed like it stopped at different points
18:29.44jonprythats what used to happen on mine
18:29.58jonprybut switching to staging/dream made it deterministic on my phone
18:30.39bzoI guess I'll need to try a few more boots to see
18:30.59jonprythere are a couple of mdelays in the video/msm folder. getting rid of them or changing the times has strange effects
18:31.46Alex[sp3dev]well, it's just epic now. the device reboots even before dumping data to /proc/kmsg. wonderful
18:31.57bzoseems like tracing the fb execution path may not lead to the problem then
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18:32.35jonpryi don't really have a better plan
18:32.49bzowhat??? you always have a plan! :)
18:33.13jonpryused to always have a plan
18:33.38Alex[sp3dev]running out of plan? no good
18:34.05jonprythe only other idea is to get it booted more or less, and try to do things to fb without using console
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18:34.55jonpryi figure the problem is either the vsync gpio or mddi_prism.c
18:35.07Alex[sp3dev]jonpry: most likely vsync gpio
18:35.24jonpryi'm just not convinced it is being used
18:35.45bzojonpry: does your screen scroll at all? I just see blank screen to last screenful, then lockup
18:35.48Alex[sp3dev]dzo has commented in his 32 kernel something about gpio. turns out newer gpio driver behaves badly when you jerk the gpio you have not requested
18:35.51jonpryafaict there are so many problems with it that the mddi code just emulates the vsync
18:36.43jonprybzo: i have seen it scroll in the past, but in the current state it is hard to tell. i think if you put an endless loop of printk in the right place it will scroll
18:36.48jonprybut the right place is tricky
18:37.18jonpryAlex[sp3dev] yeah i have seen that problem and fixed all of the drivers currently being used
18:38.55bzojonpry: the kernel before you last update scrolled for me as well, for about 30s I think
18:39.45jonprywas it fast?
18:40.04jonpryi can get some slow scrolling now
18:40.34jonprylike .25 fps, but it is after the scheduler has crashed, so i don't know if that is really indicative of anything
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18:41.50bzoI saw only irq/dma debug or error messages before. Is that expected?
18:42.32jonprywell i seemed to have caused some kind of problem by putting a printk in the mdp blit
18:42.35jonpryso it would cause itself to blit....
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19:31.45Curious_Markinus, i checked LS
19:31.49Curious_the problem is LS gives very shitty values
19:32.29Curious_it is pretty much unable to detect photons coming from a non-perpendicular direction
19:32.49Curious_it gives 0 when a big fleurescent is open on top of me
19:33.30Curious_when i turn the sensor 90 degrees to the lights it absolutely gives 0
19:33.44nylcan someone tell me if he sees what i'm typing?
19:33.48nyli'm on OSX
19:34.09Markinushehe :)
19:34.25gauner1986osx victim :P
19:34.44nyli phone sucks at taking pics
19:34.46MarkinusCurious_: hmm, yes, difficoult
19:35.02MarkinusCurious_: we have to look that we activate the microp autobl
19:35.11Curious_i am going to do my best but still people will not get satisfied
19:35.19Curious_that would be great but how
19:35.46Curious_does android have to interfere to backlight?
19:35.53MarkinusCurious_: maybe somone here could look, whethere is is a android message what is comming to a lib, maybe lliblights, if the autobacklight is switching on and off
19:36.19Curious_yes, if we can detect it voila!
19:36.44nyli can't photo stripers
19:38.00Curious_Markinus, i think it would be better to give long ranges for low LS values to have a stable bl
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19:38.50MarkinusCurious_: yes, but polling is bad . .:(
19:39.28Curious_I'm gonna check liblights for autobacklight detection
19:39.37Curious_after getting a workaround for polling
19:41.14MarkinusCurious_: ok, this would be good
19:41.57Curious_it would be nice if dan1j3l was around here..
19:41.58MarkinusCurious_: it's strange thet
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19:45.20Curious_The backlight luminouisty should be the same value as the one LS detected in terms of phyics,right? to have a better interpretation
19:47.24Curious_There is something wrong with usb driver
19:47.32Curious_whenever I boot android
19:47.37Curious_my mouse starts to freeze
19:47.46Curious_it lags about 1-2 secs
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19:50.24MarkinusCurious_: intresting, never saw this
19:50.37Curious_I don't even know why
19:51.03noellenchrisCurious, do u have any scroll lag in relation to finger swipe?  I seem to have this with evo kernels on cm6
19:51.20Curious_first I thought it was frequency interference due to closeness between the receiver of my mouse and hd2
19:51.32Curious_but even in plane mode, it continues to lag..
19:51.33gauner1986no errors so far in nandtest
19:51.41Curious_fixed yaffs
19:51.51gauner1986i'm just running the test
19:56.01gauner1986rajko: no errors in nandtest..
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19:56.15gauner1986rajko: i used nandtest -k /dev/mtd/mtd2
20:00.56DomZRajko: I'm also having corruption problem using your rom, that's why I have to reflash so often :(
20:01.07DomZwill try the nandtest
20:01.34DomZgauner where is this binary ?
20:01.42DomZsorry I guys :)
20:01.44gauner1986in rajko's flasher-rom
20:02.10gauner1986you need the /sbin and the /lib dir
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20:02.55DomZI have the Rajko rom in nand
20:03.11gauner1986it's the flasher app
20:03.21gauner1986you need the utility rom used for nand flashing
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20:03.34gauner1986the stuff you put on your sdcard
20:03.45gauner1986copy it over to an android dist
20:04.00Rajkomaybe it is yaffs
20:04.03Rajkoi used a recent git
20:04.11gauner1986me too
20:04.18Rajkono i mean for the kenel
20:04.35gauner1986i should also try that
20:04.44Rajkobecause the google version is too old to work good
20:04.47StevenJGood Day, I've been searching all over google trying to find the solution. I'm running Rhobuntu on my ATT Tilt2, I was able to install firefox, and was trying to get flashplayer installed. I have tried apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree and have download numerous deb and tar.gz from straight from the ubuntu servers.. No luck.. So how can I get flashplugin-nonfree for mozilla.
20:05.15gauner1986rajko: but i guess if i compile it it is compiled as module, not linked into the kernel?
20:05.32Rajkojust replace the files in fs/yaffs2 lol
20:05.34arrrghhhStevenJ, don't think it's possible, and this definitely is not the right room to ask in.
20:05.37gauner1986so i probably need to replace the yaffs stuff from kernel
20:05.43Rajkolike i did
20:05.53Rajkothats what made th permissions errors in /system go away
20:06.55StevenJhmmm ok, thanks anyways.
20:06.58DomZgauner, the flasher app is mainly a initrd.gz and an update.sfs file
20:07.14Curious_Markinus, these values seems to be more stable :         0, 5, 20, 70, 150, 240, 330, 425, 515, 590
20:07.35RajkoDomZ, update.sfs is a rootfs
20:07.38Rajkoinside you will find the stuff
20:07.46DomZah ok lol
20:08.05MarkinusCurious_: ok, I will update it!
20:09.10Curious_gauner1986, do you know whether autobacklight option in android settings is detected via liblights or libsenors?
20:09.27gauner1986curious_: it's a java thing
20:10.21Curious_does anything comes to your mind to detect whether "autobacklight detection" is on or off in kernel?
20:10.29Curious_from kernel*
20:10.45gauner1986kernel doesn't know if autobacklight is on or off
20:10.53MarkinusCurious_: you have to read about android messages
20:11.11MarkinusCurious_: whether is is something
20:12.01Curious_maybe we can read it from file?
20:12.14MarkinusCurious_:  nono
20:12.24Curious_why not
20:12.37MarkinusCurious_:  we add a sysfs interface to activate it in kernel
20:12.38Curious_because android doesn't do that way? or something else?
20:12.59MarkinusCurious_:  but we have to check it in a lib in android and then activate it in kernel
20:13.10MarkinusCurious_: right
20:13.46Curious_with "a lib "
20:13.51Curious_do you mean anything specific
20:13.59Markinuse.g. liblights
20:14.00Curious_or a new lib that should be implemented?
20:14.14camrophh: back on the road ?
20:14.28Rajkoi just feel more comfortable when theres a gun in my hands
20:15.01Curious_crap! liblights doesn't have anything related to auto backlight settings
20:15.13MarkinusCurious_: right
20:15.25MarkinusCurious_:  you have to research :)
20:15.39Curious_in order to develop a simple I/F?
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20:16.50MarkinusCurious_:  too look whether there is a message sendig if ABL on/off and if yes then catch it and put in to the sysfs kernel interface
20:16.55gauner1986rajko: do i have to do the stuff?
20:21.39Rajkogauner1986, nope
20:22.01Rajkouse Makefile-kernel and -multi thingy
20:22.07Rajkojust rename them to the correct files
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20:23.59Curious_Markinus, does HTC use polling too?
20:24.04Curious_or something else?
20:24.38gauner1986rajko: i just copied the dir to fs/ now and moved Makefile.kernel to Makefile
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20:25.02MarkinusCurious_: you mean android devices? completly other way what isn'T working on our dev
20:25.44gauner1986rajko: multi thingy?
20:26.37Rajkoyou will see when you try to compile
20:27.16gauner1986No rule to make target `fs/yaffs2/yaffs_vfs_glue.o', needed by `fs/yaffs2/yaffs.o'.  Stop.
20:27.16Curious_is there a up-to-date git for android
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20:27.41Curious_i checked but tree is not good
20:27.44Rajkogauner1986, so rename the multi one
20:27.49Rajkoand delete the single one
20:27.52Rajkocuz that one is for .36
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20:28.30gauner1986the single one is without _multi ?
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20:31.47gauner1986ah ok
20:31.56gauner1986using the correctly does the job
20:32.08Curious_gauner1986 how did you pull android source?
20:32.22gauner1986following the google howto
20:32.48Curious_there is no full source git in
20:32.55Curious_each of them are seperated
20:33.06gauner1986that's how it is
20:33.11Curious_how am i going to find :)
20:33.22gauner1986they use a script that fetches them alltogether
20:33.46Curious_there is even no search option
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20:37.02gauner1986ok, lets test
20:37.25Curious_there is also a problem with LS driver
20:37.30Curious_it doesn't always update
20:38.01Curious_it updates the read value but it doesn't update Brightness
20:38.12gauner1986there are issues with it
20:38.28gauner1986but i guess they're userspace related
20:41.19Curious_yeah seems so
20:41.37stinebdWisTilt2: the kernel on raph darkens backlight on boot, but has no other effects afterwards
20:41.54Curious_cuz LS updates very well.
20:42.47WisTilt2stinebd: it darkened right around when led went green at boot?  nothing at all in bright light then?
20:43.00stinebdWisTilt2: we don't have one of those fancy LEDs
20:43.33stinebdthe only LED on raph (other than flash) is the scroll wheel
20:43.37WisTilt2ah. well darkening should happen less than 2secs or so into boot, that about right?
20:44.03WisTilt2but no changes at all in bright light? just stays darkened
20:44.30stinebdwell android eventually changes the brightness to the configured level
20:44.37stinebdbut no changes based on ambient light
20:45.45WisTilt2ok guess that tells us raph uses different microp for autobl.  im just hoping all rhods use the same one.
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20:46.43Curious_gn all
20:54.38gauner1986rajko: new yaffs didn't fix it..
20:55.09DomZstill have corruption ?
20:55.51DomZwhy nandtest doesn't report any error ?
20:56.14Rajkomeans it not caused there.
20:56.25Rajkohave you tried just making random files
20:56.31Rajkoand copying them over to yaffs
20:56.38Rajkothen unmounting remunting checking sha1
20:57.06gauner1986how do i check sha1?
20:57.51DomZgood idea
20:58.07Rajkobut all those tests passed here too
20:58.16arrrghhhWisTilt2, how many rhod's left to test?  have you had a 500 or a 100 test yet?
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20:59.39Rajkoi have a samsung chip, not hynix
20:59.42Rajkoshouldnt make a diff tho
21:00.08DunkDreamgot a small question
21:00.40DunkDreamif I have for example a rootfs.img and a initrd.gz and a system.ext2 that are working on the s200
21:01.03DunkDreamand if I want to use them for the tg01 and the tg01 reboots everytime
21:01.09DunkDreamcould one of the files be the problem
21:01.15DunkDreamor is the kernel the real problem
21:01.25Rajkostop being a noob
21:01.28DunkDreambecause I think it's just the kernel that we have to work on
21:01.34DunkDreamcannot :D
21:01.38Eclipsexhey talk about hd2
21:01.38Rajkoyou have to work on everything
21:01.54Rajkobiggest problem is YOU DONT HAVE ANY ANDROID LIBS
21:02.32stinebdsome of us are trying to sleep
21:02.50DunkDreambut just in the above mentioned case...
21:03.05DunkDreamif I know that the files work on the s200 which is similar to our tg01
21:03.14DunkDreamthen the kernel is the problem isn't it?
21:03.16DunkDreamlast question
21:03.29DunkDreamI swear I leave after I get an answer to just that question ;)
21:05.14Eclipsexstinebd lol.....another people try waekup xD
21:05.27Eclipsexlike me....i'm n boring class right now =/
21:05.40DomZI did 3 tests with a 16mo file and I get the same sha1sum :s
21:06.10WisTilt2arrrghhh: only 300/400 for this test so far.  i am building the image right now with the panel off fix also so standby to test.
21:06.32arrrghhhWisTilt2, sounds good.
21:06.34arrrghhhnatemcnutty, you around?
21:06.36arrrghhhhe's got a 500 :D
21:06.49DomZthe problem is may be more complex ? ie. occurs only when there is a lot of "disk" operations ?
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21:08.29DomZwrong window
21:11.09gauner1986rajko: sha1sum still the same of two files after remounting
21:11.24DomZyeap same here
21:11.28DomZon 16mo file
21:11.59Rajkogauner1986, fill it to the brim
21:12.01Rajkothen try again
21:12.12DomZbrim ?
21:12.22Rajkolike 1 or 2 blocks emtpy
21:13.22gauner1986hm.. how do i do that again with dd?
21:14.58DomZwhy LeTama said that he resolves the problem by rebuilding his initrd file ?
21:16.06Rajkoive never had it
21:16.42DomZit's strange that some have the problem and not others using same build/kernel ...
21:17.43DomZRajko, how do you know whici memory chip your HD2 own ?
21:17.56DomZyou opened it ?
21:18.06Rajkoyou get the 4 byte nand id
21:18.09Rajkomanuf and device
21:18.11Rajkogoogle it
21:18.20Rajkoand i think it just types out the brand anyway
21:18.53gauner1986ok, dd running
21:22.59WisTilt2arrrghhh: going to be awhile, found another bug that needs addressing.
21:23.20arrrghhhWisTilt2, no worries
21:23.59Eclipsexhey Cotulla chek the OCA
21:24.11gauner1986no cotulla here
21:24.31gauner1986rajko: still same sha1sum :(
21:25.14gauner1986maybe it's a mount option?
21:25.20DomZdmesg > /tmp/dmesg.log
21:25.27DomZfile is empty :s
21:25.54gauner1986<4>[ 1416.399139] msm_nand_write_oob ops->len=2048 oob_count=16 page_count=1 page_oob_count=16
21:25.54gauner1986<4>[ 1416.399230] msm_nand_write_oob oob_dma_addr_curr=17a4ddc8 cwoobsize=4 page_oob_done=12 page_oob_count=16
21:25.54gauner1986<6>[ 1416.399749] write page 168023: status: e030a0 e020a0 e010a0 e000a0 0 0 0 0
21:25.59gauner1986getting a lot of that stuff in dmesg
21:26.19Rajkothats good
21:26.32Rajkoyou shouldnt have enabled verbose lol
21:26.35Rajkojust entry trace
21:27.20gauner1986seems that verbose always means spam in kernel drivers
21:28.44gauner1986ok, gotta go
21:28.44mdeejayfor devs
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21:35.20memin1857mdeejay: I'm not getting that lag with hastarin 7.4
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21:35.32mdeejayim too
21:35.44memin1857I've seen there are two different touch hardware for hd2s
21:36.02memin1857if you try to buy touchscreen (digitizer) for hd2 from ebay. You will see two different types. maybe that's it
21:37.20Rajkothere's LCD type
21:37.22Rajkosharp and other one
21:38.35memin1857I know about the lcd
21:38.47memin1857touchscreens also differ according to ebay sellers and actual item photos
21:39.43memin1857I had searched it when my touch was not working anymore. (fortunately it was replaced under warranty and I didn't have to buy it off ebay and try to replace it myself)
21:40.44memin1857I have found the pics
21:41.08memin1857check the connector
21:41.14memin1857t-mobile is different
21:41.51memin1857chips/controllers maybe same of course I don't know
21:42.02memin1857but the connector is definitely different
21:42.27Rajkodigitizer is useless
21:42.31Rajkoas its glued to the screen
21:42.35Rajkoso its very hard to searate them
21:43.54memin1857I know, but I provided these links for the scrolling lag some people complain about
21:44.21memin1857maybe only one kind of digitizer is getting the lag, since I'm not getting that lag.
21:44.32memin1857mdeejay do you have the european or t-mobile version?
21:44.50mdeejayi dont have lags
21:45.07memin1857mine is european, and I don't have lags. that's bad :)
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21:45.45Rajkowhats this lag
21:45.46memin1857but I can definitely say the lcds are different among my friends and me.
21:46.24memin1857some guy put up video about it. check the link mdeejay provided above
21:47.11jonprypanel manufacturers are shysters
21:47.51Rajkocould it be due to nand ts fix ?
21:48.04memin1857some of my friends have lcds that look yelllowish while mine is dead white, and some seem to have horizontal shades as if the display is analog
21:48.18Rajkoi have ths lag
21:48.25Rajkothought it was normal
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21:48.32memin1857Rajko: maybe but I'm on haret and I don't get the lag. mdeejay also doesn't
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21:48.44memin1857but you can contact the complaining guy and let him test maybe
21:50.40Eclipsexby people
21:50.46EclipsexI will go home now
21:50.49Eclipsexfor now its over
21:51.39csy7550same lag here on all new builds.. still on mdeejay's nextsense 2.2.. if I go higher, lag.
21:54.33memin1857there is some lag even in winmo. check the thread and watch the two videos which demonstrate the extreme lag. We should make sure we are talking about the same amount of lag
21:57.44WisTilt2arrrghhh: ok image ready to test.  i think you'll like this one if it works as well on your 400 as my 300. just check in darkness to make sure panel is fully powered off on your phone.  you should see it stay on until right when amber led comes on.
21:58.06csy7550havent been in winmo for ages and havent read the whole thread but i can confirm i get the same results as the second video posted as it drove me crazy :p
21:59.43WisTilt2natemcnutty: if you're around and want to test this image on your 500 that would be great.
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22:01.15memin1857my lag is like the first video but with hastarin 7.4
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22:01.30memin1857winmo has less lag
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22:16.00nylcan someone explain this part?
22:16.02nylmount -o loop /mnt/mmc/bootstrap-image-unstable-20060306-htcapache.rootfs.ext2 /mnt/realroot
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22:16.24nylwe got error
22:16.33nylon starting shell
22:16.36nylto get in root
22:16.48nylan restart
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22:31.13Microanganyone on the HD2 around?
22:31.35MicroangI just upgraded my kernel from hastarin r7.2 to hastarin r7.4 and now I'm getting a weird error from haret, it keeps saying Error reading file. Expected 4096 got 0. What does this mean? I tried remving the nand 0 thing but no effect :(
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22:33.34memin1857markinus: are you there
22:34.18WisTilt2jonpry: are you still able to test this kernel on your 210 by chance?
22:34.30memin1857I have noticed, everytime autobacklight makes changes to lcd brigtness, the keypad lights up on its own.
22:34.54MarkinusMicroang: did you try a second time?
22:35.13Microangseveral times
22:35.27Microangdo u know what the error means?
22:35.34MarkinusMicroang: hmm, intresting, this could be the nvs nand read
22:35.56memin1857I saw in cm6 light sensor levels (settings) keypad lights were configured as 0 or 255 it would be the same in sense builds too. the normal purpose is to not make keypad lights go on under high lighting conditions. but everytime backlight is adjusted automatically keypads light up even in 10240lux sensor value
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22:36.01natemcnuttyWisTilt2: you still there?
22:36.02MarkinusMicroang: but ni Idea what happends there
22:36.07jonpryWisTilt2: sort of i don't have an android that really wants to run atm
22:36.09WisTilt2natemcnutty yep
22:36.24natemcnuttyWisTilt2: I can test. Haret or nand?
22:36.38WisTilt2jonpry: np, just need to test this on as many diff rhods as possible.
22:36.40Markinusmemin1857: intresting
22:36.43Microang:( it's something to do with the startup txt but idk
22:37.02natemcnuttyWisTilt2: cool, linky :)
22:37.10WisTilt2ill pm you
22:37.33memin1857markinus: I think everytime autobacklight does adjustment it sets the keypad 255. If you saw cm6 light sensor levels setting you will know. (I am NOT using cm6 by the way, I am on desire sense)
22:38.23MarkinusMicroang: it'S on booting kernel or after it on loading the files? rootfs, system.ext2 ??
22:38.39memin1857and unrelated to keypad ligths I advised people adjust their cm6 light level settings to prevent the screen from turning off completely and they are happy. (my post is in hastarin 7.4 thread)
22:38.39Microangit's before any of that
22:38.44Microangit doesn't leave winmo
22:38.51Microangwhen I run haret I get that error
22:39.10MarkinusMicroang: ahhhhhhhhh, hmmmmmmmmm
22:39.42Microangthats why I said startup.txt
22:41.00Microangany ideas :(
22:42.10Microangwish I could try it on nand boot :(
22:44.17MarkinusMicroang: maybe you're file corrupt? or sd card?
22:44.58MarkinusMicroang: I had something so I had to reformat my sd card
22:45.19jonprywistilt2: where is this bitch?
22:45.31memin1857markinus: I made a new test. In a dark room, auto backlight set to on. I wait for keypad lights to turn off. They do. Then I put a lamp on without touching the phone the keypad leds turn on by themselves. I turn off auto backlight. Sen manual backlight %50. the keypad lights turn off. a few seconds later they turn on and never turn off regardless of light level.
22:46.22memin1857this reproducable everytime. autobacklight turns on keypad leds, and manual backlight keypad leds never turn off after they turn on by themselves
22:46.34Microangno it boots fine with old kernel, sd is ok
22:46.55Markinusmemin1857: I think it's userspace
22:48.06memin1857markinus: this would definitely affect battery usage while the screen is on. not much maybe, but the famous 60ma standby bug may be related to this. (It sometimes happen to me and it IS about keypad leds)
22:49.49Microangyay it was file curruption, probs cause I copied it in android from my pc :) copied it in winmo and now it's booting :) thx
22:50.04Microangwish I could test nand though
22:50.21Microangshoulda kept linux and kept making builds
22:50.35memin1857as in cm6 can tell autobacklight to turn on or off keypad leds based on light sensor level, in my sense build it happens with every light level and as sense doesn't have the light sensor level settings as in cm6, I can't tweak it. keypad leds unnecessarily turn on and off and this may cause the 60ma standby bug under certain unlucky timing conditions
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22:51.41Markinusmemin1857:  we have to use the build in autobacklight
22:51.44Markinusit's better
22:51.54MarkinusI have a sysfs iinterface almost finished
22:52.11Markinusthen we have to look haw to connect it with android
22:53.34MarkinusMicroang: for nand we need some test more
22:53.40Markinusthere are still big problems
22:54.12Markinusso, have to go, bye
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23:20.14WisTilt2jonpry: this needs to be tested on topaz also.
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23:21.38WisTilt2arrrghhh: meltdown huh?
23:21.59bzoDoesn't the topaz already have working panel code?
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23:22.28WisTilt2for ambient adjust?
23:22.38bzooh, right
23:23.08bzoif you see emwe or camro, I think they have topazes
23:23.50WisTilt2ok thats right, emwe was the one who was testing some of my kernels awhile back thanks.
23:24.43arrrghhhoy.  time to punish my liver.  grabbing your kernel now WisTilt2 :D
23:25.55WisTilt2lol, im about to do the same here in another hour or so.
23:28.28WisTilt2arrrghhh: when you test this can you try both with winmo autobl on and off and make sure panel powers off both ways?
23:28.46arrrghhhyes sir... :P
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23:36.18arrrghhhWisTilt2, i can't seem to get it to sleep at all... always green led, screen always lit.
23:36.29arrrghhhis impatient
23:36.40arrrghhhyar, it's sleeping & the screen is off!
23:36.56WisTilt2now if ambient is working we'll all be happy.
23:37.48arrrghhhseems to be d00d
23:37.51arrrghhhafter sleep/wake cycle too :D
23:38.24WisTilt2going from dark to light should be fairly quick.  other way it is slower but smooth.
23:38.46WisTilt2as long as it kills the panel in sleep every time im happy.
23:39.24arrrghhh30 seconds
23:39.27arrrghhhit takes to sleep
23:39.31arrrghhhafter i hit the button
23:40.00arrrghhhthe green light stays on & the screen stays backlit for 30 seconds
23:40.19WisTilt2thats something in background then.  mine usually takes around 5secs to sleep once it is fully booted up.
23:40.26arrrghhhlet me let it sit
23:40.32arrrghhhit's a pretty fresh boot...
23:40.40WisTilt2what apps you have running in background?
23:41.00arrrghhhwell i didn't open any, but i'm sure several ones related to sync
23:41.12WisTilt2natemcnutty: how long is your 500 taking to sleep after hitting button?
23:41.15arrrghhha ton
23:41.21arrrghhhnone are "running"
23:42.29arrrghhhlike clockwork...
23:42.30arrrghhh30 secs
23:42.36arrrghhhi just killed everything & did it again.
23:42.46arrrghhhseems to wake pretty fast tho.
23:42.55WisTilt2you overclocked at all?  im in sleep=2 and oc'd to 700
23:42.57arrrghhhno real tangible lag there
23:43.00arrrghhhi'm not oc'd
23:43.10arrrghhhi try to run 'vanilla' on test stuff :P
23:43.21arrrghhhor as vanilla as i can.
23:44.45WisTilt2i just timed mine and its almost 5secs exactly every time to sleep.
23:45.20WisTilt2try putting it next to a light then go to sleep and make sure panel is still fully off.
23:47.43WisTilt2also, the backlight should still be on when you hit button and should be shutting off right when amber comes on.
23:49.34natemcnuttyWisTilt2: give me a sec, I just got back to my desk. I'm booting in with ambient on in wince
23:52.26arrrghhhWisTilt2, so the backlight goes off as soon as the led flips from green to amber
23:52.42WisTilt2jonpry: did you guys fix the usb storage?  probably old news but i just plugged in the laptop and android popped up showing usb storage device.
23:53.23WisTilt2arrrghhh: yes that should be that way hopefully.
23:53.33arrrghhhso i hit POWER.  the panel goes blank (black) but the backlight is still on & led is still amber
23:53.40arrrghhhstill green sorry.
23:54.05arrrghhhthen 30s later, led goes amber & backlight turns off.
23:54.19arrrghhhand i've done it 4x now, for whatever reason it's exactly 30s.
23:54.21WisTilt2should look like it fades out when it powers off
23:54.26natemcnuttyWisTilt2: so even with ambient on in wince, it does actually power down the panel
23:54.47arrrghhhi get that as well.  all of this testing so far has been with autobl ON in WinMo
23:54.51WisTilt2natemcnutty: it is turning off now with winmo bl turned on?
23:55.40natemcnuttyWisTilt2: yup
23:55.49WisTilt2excellent.  it shouldn't make any difference how winmo is set now since im reinitializing the chip at boot.
23:56.00arrrghhhawesome! :D
23:56.04WisTilt2made my weekend:)
23:56.09natemcnuttyIt looks like 5 seconds
23:56.17stinebdhow do we integrate it?
23:56.18natemcnuttythe backlight stays on for and then turns off
23:56.18arrrghhhso yours is sleeping in 5s natemcnutty ?
23:56.34arrrghhhare you oc'd ...?
23:56.39natemcnuttyI mean, after pressing the power off, it is 5 sec
23:56.47natemcnuttyand yes, OC'd to 700 MHz
23:56.53natemcnuttyor 710 actually
23:56.59WisTilt2thats probably it, same here
23:57.21arrrghhhYea so you hit POWER - screen goes black but backlight & green LED still let.  then 5secs pass, led goes amber & backlight turns off.  right?
23:57.32arrrghhhlol ok.  goin to try this on blazn.
23:57.40natemcnuttyand I don't do blazn
23:57.49arrrghhhOC'd reference eh/
23:57.52natemcnuttyI grab from source and use my own startup
23:57.53WisTilt2stinebd: it really needs to be set in userland but bzo suggested doing it in startup for now which would probably good until someone codes it in userland.
23:58.19stinebdWisTilt2: yes i know, but what does userland do?
23:58.24arrrghhhoh the option to turn if on/off?
23:58.28stinebdecho 1 >/sys/etc?
23:59.16WisTilt2should have a selection somewhere to enable/disable so non-techies can just press a button on screen
23:59.24stinebdi know that
23:59.34stinebdjust need to know how the libs will need to do it
23:59.48arrrghhhhow do native android devices do it?  i'm assuming it's just in the display settings.

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