IRC log for #htc-linux on 20101014

00:00.39*** join/#htc-linux narta (
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00:28.12Hehcase: You there?
00:34.58*** join/#htc-linux MikeBanks (
00:35.09Hehcase: Would check this logcat and tell me what is wrong? please..
00:35.18*** join/#htc-linux BlackRhino (
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00:42.30HehIm trying to make android build but my phone gets stuk on HTC logo upon the boot
00:42.36Hehhere is the logcat
00:43.49Casshmm does lines 7 - 14 give a clue ?
00:44.39Hehfigured, Idk what did i do wrong there.
00:44.45Casscheck permissions
00:45.45*** join/#htc-linux Scepterr (
00:46.03HehCan i chmod 777 when its booting?
00:48.11HehIt doesnt let me chmod, It give me information about bussybox..
00:52.03HehIt gives me this
00:52.54Casstry just adb shell
00:53.04Cassthen do chmod 777 fonts
00:57.37*** join/#htc-linux SPoot (Spot@
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01:10.08*** join/#htc-linux Trucky (4def4d6c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:10.19HehI got passed theat problem thanks to you, another problem
01:10.36Heherror arround line 8
01:11.10Casschmod -R 777 /system
01:11.11Casstry that
01:11.15Cassugly but may work
01:11.20*** join/#htc-linux Regulator (
01:11.21Cassor run fix_permissions
01:12.40Hehcrap, now it says chmod not found..
01:13.02Cassdo it all before you make the system.ext2
01:13.06Casssave trouble
01:13.14Hehwill give it a try
01:22.45CassMarkinus, bsod on the latest kernel ..
01:26.11HehI finnaly got to CM boot screen, Im happy =D its being the same way for like 5 min now.
01:26.17Hehhere is the pastebin
01:26.19*** join/#htc-linux mastermerlin1 (
01:27.07darkstoneHeh: did you replace any libs?
01:27.57Cassshouldnt need to in order to boot
01:28.04*** join/#htc-linux Daevoqtg (~IceChat7@
01:28.07HehDarkstone: Cass told me u dont need to replace any
01:28.17darkstoneyeah, i know
01:28.23darkstonejust wondering if you tinkered with any
01:28.34darkstoneanyway, are you using the nexus one CM build?
01:28.43Hehi replaced the camera and audio libs tho
01:28.51darkstoneaudio libs probably
01:28.52Hehyea the N1 one
01:29.02Hehthat why
01:29.06Cassgiven thats the errors
01:29.15HehCan i just push them via adb?
01:29.31Cassdo that then kill servicemanager
01:29.35Cassor just reboot
01:30.40Hehomg!! It worked!!
01:30.43Hehthanks cass!
01:31.00Cassthank darkstone .. he figured you fucked with the libs
01:31.14Hehyea ty darkstone
01:31.36darkstonehm, anyone doing an autobuild of android libs?
01:31.38HehWhat i need to do to get radio working?
01:31.38darkstonesuch as liblights
01:31.55Cassradio as in fm ?
01:32.02Cassor signal
01:32.19*** join/#htc-linux nineX_ (
01:32.34Cassyou need the /system/lib/
01:32.58Cassservice ril-daemon /system/bin/rild -l /system/lib/ -- -d /dev/smd0
01:33.05Cassadn that in init.rc
01:33.41Hehbtw, where is the init.rc located? I could not find it.
01:33.46darkstoneaosp build for me sucks up over 550ma :|
01:33.58darkstonewtf is this shit
01:33.58darkstonemesses around
01:36.36Cassmust be on fire
01:36.37darkstonedumps opendesire for now
01:36.37*** join/#htc-linux programmer8922 (~Evan@
01:37.02HehWhat line in init.rc should I add this? service ril-daemon /system/bin/rild -l /system/lib/ -- -d /dev/smd0
01:37.22Cassbelow debuggerd
01:38.50Hehcan I use another build's Init.rc?
01:39.08darkstonebtw cass
01:39.13darkstonegot bt up and running
01:39.17darkstonewas the rootfs
01:39.21darkstonehad to change it around a little
01:39.45Cass^^ mine
01:40.00Cassbt as in connect to headset or pair ?
01:40.14darkstonestill need to test headset
01:40.28darkstonepairing doesnt seem to work with this iphone i have here D:
01:40.29Cassim fighting with miui just now for bt
01:40.40Cassseems markinus made some changes to the patch i submitted
01:40.43Hehbt on evo based kernals?
01:40.48Hehnice dark
01:40.57Cassyeah pairing is not so hard
01:41.01Cassconnecting is
01:41.16darkstonelooks around for an old nokia
01:42.09darkstoneheadset paired fine
01:42.22Cassconnect now
01:42.41Cassim impressed if it does
01:42.46darkstoneconnected to phone audio
01:42.48Cassor hte new patch is great :)
01:42.51Cassdancer :)
01:43.06Cassdesire libs ?
01:43.17darkstonephone audio is working great
01:43.23darkstonestock lib
01:43.32Casssend me the init,rc will ya
01:45.49Casscool no --enable_lpm
01:45.49darkstonefm app
01:45.56Cassno signal
01:46.25Hehdark, Are you on CM build right now?
01:46.31darkstoneworking perfectly
01:46.45darkstonelistening to clyde one
01:46.54Cassout the box ?
01:47.10darkstoneHeh: defrost repo
01:47.13Casslatest kernel ?
01:47.18darkstonemix of aosp + cm6
01:47.24darkstonefrom autobuild
01:49.21Hehanother problem
01:49.37Hehin order to get radio working, i need to change the permission
01:49.51Hehof the lib.rlic
01:50.17darkstonemarket is nice and fast now
01:50.25darkstonethanks to dev-mapper being present
01:51.23darkstonetime to do some batt tests
01:51.27Casslovely .. bt works here too .. damn Markinus nice patch :)
01:51.43Cassi was only a few details out too :P
01:51.51Casslets try fm
01:52.09darkstoneoh nice
01:52.15darkstonecurrentwidget got an update?
01:52.21darkstonenew widget theme
01:52.51Cassdamn still no fm app works in miui
01:53.03Cassconnects, starts and silence
01:53.09darkstonethe fm app i have here is for miui
01:53.13darkstoneoh wait
01:53.18darkstonetheres a button on the left
01:53.22darkstoneyou press it a couple of times
01:53.26Cassspeaker ?
01:53.26darkstoneand audio works
01:53.34HehYea, I noticed that too
01:53.38darkstoneat least for me
01:53.44darkstoneneed to test
01:53.52darkstonejust checking battery consumption atm
01:53.59Cassnot working
01:54.17darkstoneworks ok here
01:54.18darkstoneah well
01:54.30Cassi hear hissing while it scans
01:54.34Casssend me the apk will ya ?
01:54.37Cassmay be updated
01:56.32Casswe should not spam more here .. -chat ?
01:57.57HehIsnt  defrost repo is clone of CM6?
02:00.09Cassheh join #htc-linux-chat
02:01.01darkstoneAOSP FRG83 + CyanogenMod
02:01.07darkstone@ Heh
02:01.12darkstonebut yeah, #htc-linux-chat
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02:23.51uriahheepwould it be possible to use a phone's graphics hardware to render the output of an externa usb video card?
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03:16.32Curious_has anybody tested markinus' today'sbsod patch
03:16.38Curious_has anybody tested markinus' today's bsod patch
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06:11.27heh11Im having  some issues with me build. The wifi wont scan nor connect. It use to scan befor but it could not connect. It always get stuk at optaining IP adress.
06:11.32heh11Here is the logcat
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06:35.01uriahheepif a phone chipset was released in 2009, is it pretty much certain that it supports usb host?
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06:45.50fakkergood morning
06:45.58fakkerCass dude
06:46.01fakkerdo you not sleep?
06:50.47fakkeruriahheep, not really no
06:51.46fakkeri think the coffee has hit me
06:51.50fakkerbrb :P
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07:02.53uriahheepfakker: ok... i'm asking because i just realized that the other day i was looking at and i noticed that the x10 (which uses snapdragon) has usb host enabled by default, but i then realized that my phone doesn't have the same chipset (msm7227)
07:03.38uriahheepfakker: so, i checked config.gz and my phone, on the other hand, doesn't have usb host support enabled by default.
07:05.54*** join/#htc-linux stunt (
07:07.12Cassfakker not really :)
07:08.16fakkeruriahheep, im sorry - i am not the best person to help/answer... stick around and im sure someone will check the logs ans answer you
07:08.54fakkerCass, i notice - i thought i ran on low sleep
07:09.15fakkerit's all that irn-bru
07:09.21Cassit is indeed
07:11.14uriahheepfakker: heh ok :P no problem
07:14.19*** join/#htc-linux Ashar (deadly@unaffiliated/ashar)
07:14.31Rajkococaine in a can
07:15.59fakkerthat's red bull
07:16.15fakkerrelentless is crack in a can, according to someone at work
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07:18.06fakkertime to smoke a joint and drive to work
07:18.09fakkerhope you don't get hit !
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07:53.59manusfreedominstalled Miri v23
07:54.01tmzt_phh: learning to use git ;)
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09:40.51manusfreedomvery happy with Miri v23.. so no back to kernel dev...
09:41.19manusfreedomspeak bad... so now back to kernel dev... (and no no :p )
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10:00.21gauner19861hey cass
10:01.18Casswhats happning
10:03.42gauner19861not much.. i'm still on my on nand-rom
10:03.56Cassany issues
10:04.02gauner19861and i noticed some annoying ppp disconnects tomorrow
10:04.06gauner19861this morning
10:04.22gauner19861only had four hours of sleep
10:04.50EclipseXgauner19861 u don't need sleep xD
10:05.00Cassive done nothing but rebuild my nand stuff .. seems no matter what roms i use i get some kind of corruption after reboot and have to clear dalvik-cache or reflash
10:05.17Cassalways after adding all my apps and setting up
10:06.24*** join/#htc-linux DuperMan (
10:11.58EclipseXs amazing :D
10:12.07gauner19861i might try clearing dalvik cache
10:12.12gauner19861market isn't shown for me
10:13.16Cassits installed ?
10:13.35gauner19861there is no market.apk anywhere
10:13.40gauner19861only marketupdate
10:13.52gauner19861but it's not in the original rom also
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10:15.45DunkDreamI get an error, cannot open root device on "ram0" while trying to boot up the kernel
10:15.55DunkDream(trying to port Android to TG01)
10:16.29DunkDreamand after that message, I get "Please append a correct root= boot option
10:17.11DunkDreamhow can I correct that and where can I append the root= boot option= ?
10:17.27gauner19861cass: what are your corruption symptoms?
10:19.16DunkDreamI already partitioned my sd card and haven an ext2 partition on it
10:19.44Cassgauner19861, loops on boot
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10:20.02Casscomplains about dalvik
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10:27.21DunkDreamokay then the only question I have is, where can I append the commend root=/b302
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10:29.17DunkDreamI read something about grub
10:29.24DunkDreamit that where I need to make the changes?
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10:41.33gauner19861cass: did you also notice the long time to get a fix for gps?
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10:42.57gauner19861okay i noticed that it was just my old /data partition confusing android somehow
10:43.03gauner19861as i wiped it it worked again
10:47.15Cassnot tried gps yet
10:47.25Cassusually is ok .. nan has not afected it
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11:02.50gauner19861it always took long to get a fix
11:03.06gauner19861agps isn't implemented
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11:11.33Cassseemed better after using gps status .. im sure that downloads the gps info
11:11.50Cassbut hey it take a couple of mins cold usually
11:11.59Cassnot worse than my tomtom
11:16.25gauner19861couple of mins.. pff
11:16.40gauner19861but it's worse than on winmo
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11:29.15minimecHi. I don't know if you can help me, but I cannot get any answer in #angstrom for the following question:
11:29.19minimecI am working on a h2200, and I want to replace the 2ndstage Bootloader with the LAB Bootloader. I the 'howto' it is mentiond, that the available LAB Boot file needs some 'HTC-Header' to be recognized by the IPAQ rescue bootloader (Step 2 -> ). How would I add some 'HTC-Header' to the available LAB zImage?
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13:35.16EruzHowdy folks
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13:39.47DunkDreamsorry, but I have a question again :(
13:39.47DunkDreamIs a working initrd.gz needed to boot up a linux kernel?
13:39.47DunkDreamand is a rootfs also needed?
13:39.47DunkDreamI'm just talking about booting the kernel
13:40.34manusfreedomI think it's not needed to get just the kernel
13:41.01manusfreedombut you won't be able to do anything with just the kernel
13:41.05DunkDreamso if I got a working kernel, I can boot it up without these files
13:41.18DunkDreamyes but the tg01 does not have a working kernel
13:41.27DunkDreamI think that a working kernel should be step one :(
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13:42.01DunkDreamwell we're trying to work on the kernel and thought that the problems also could be the initrd.gz and the rootfs
13:42.15DunkDreambut now we know that the real problem is the kernel itself
13:42.47DunkDreambut I really have no clue how to modify it so that everything works, but that's an other story
13:43.01DunkDreamquestion answered, so I can leave the real developers here
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13:57.47gauner1986_HD2cass: i also have the corruption issue now :(
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13:58.02DunkDream_I have another question :(
13:58.41gauner1986_HD2cass: didn't have it with a non-deodexed rom
13:58.58Cassgauner1986_HD2, sth is weird ... ive been adb shell sync after every change to see if its the issue .. reboots not syncing changes
13:59.47gauner1986_HD2cass: maybe unmount before reboot?
14:01.31DunkDream_our tg01 kernel seems to have a big problem while booting
14:01.54DunkDream_he says "unable to open root device "ram0"
14:02.24DunkDream_and it also says please append a correct "root=" boot option
14:03.00DunkDream_these are the available partitions: (shows the ext2 and the fat32 partition of my sd card which I partitioned manually)
14:03.29DunkDream_So i searched for the problem in the internet and it told me I have to add the boot option in the grub.conf
14:04.57DunkDream_or internet says, append boot option in lilo.conf
14:05.09DunkDream_So I'm just a little confused (since I'm a noob)
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14:08.30DunkDream_nobody has an idea? :(
14:09.28Arash18kDunkDream_, your using haret?
14:09.39DunkDream_yes exactly
14:09.58Arash18kthen set the boot option on startup or default.txt w/e your using
14:10.23Arash18kand if you have ramdisk, set it there 2
14:11.08DunkDream_so how should my default.txt look at the end?
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14:11.26DunkDream_I mean which commands are needed ?
14:11.32DunkDream_at the moment it includes the following:
14:11.37DunkDream_set mtype 2524
14:11.47DunkDream_set ramaddr 0x11800000
14:12.07DunkDream_set ramsize 0x0fc00000 (otherwise it crashed at jumping to kernel)
14:12.12DunkDream_set kernel Image
14:12.23DunkDream_so you mean I should add there
14:12.44DunkDream_root= b301?
14:12.49DunkDream_or how?
14:12.58Arash18kadd it before bootlinux, i dont remeber what was the option for passing the boot options for kernel, w8 i'll send a link
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14:13.14DunkDream_thank you for taking your time, really!
14:13.24DunkDream_not many people want to answer noobish questions here :(
14:13.31Arash18kset cmdline "<cmdline>"
14:13.42Arash18kit will look like
14:13.56Arash18kset cmdline "root=w/e/is/your/root"
14:14.11Arash18kand as i said if you have ramdisk
14:14.19Arash18kyou should pass it to haret
14:14.26Arash18kset initrd <filename>
14:14.39Arash18kthis is a haret doc
14:15.16DunkDream_but isn't initrd only optional?
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14:15.27DunkDream_shouldn't it boot without it?
14:15.37Arash18kdepends on root struct i think, not so sure :p
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14:16.40Arash18kkernel will search for init file on /
14:16.56DunkDream_okay adding the root= command seems to changed the error
14:17.21DunkDream_Arash18k: then we're at the next question
14:17.30DunkDream_which files are urgently needed to boot the kernel?
14:17.35DunkDream_I just got Image
14:17.42DunkDream_default.txt (or startup.txt)
14:17.58DunkDream_I thought that was all for the kernel
14:18.05Arash18kwhen you got image and you get kernel cant find root i think it means kernel is up, and just init left
14:18.40DunkDream_One more thing...I never set up a root directory
14:18.46DunkDream_I thought the kernel does that itself?
14:18.49DunkDream_is that wrong?
14:19.57Arash18k:-? not sure how it is, but i dont think kernel set root by it self
14:20.10Arash18kyou might have more than 1 root partion in some cases
14:20.42Arash18kwhen you use pc, it is set byt lilo or grub or any bootloader yo use
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14:21.13DunkDream_and in this case haret is the bootloader right?
14:21.41DunkDream_ok than it makes sense now regarding grub.conf and lilo.conf :D
14:21.44Arash18kand ramdisk is a simple root fs untill you chroot to real root
14:22.51DunkDream_so let me first check the new error message
14:23.40DunkDream_ok here we go
14:23.44DunkDream_no filesystem could mount root
14:24.11Arash18kthen you need ramdisk
14:24.25DunkDream_, tried: ext3, ext2 sqaushfs vfat
14:24.27Arash18kpass it to kernel via set initrd
14:25.08DunkDream_another error message is the following
14:25.52DunkDream_kernel panic - not syncing : VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown block (179,0=
14:26.30DunkDream_okay then I try to set initrd right now
14:26.34DunkDream_let's see what happens
14:26.47DunkDream_I just have to add the command set initrd?
14:27.00Arash18kand you need the right ramdisk
14:27.09Arash18ktrying to boot android?
14:27.20DunkDream_trying to boot the kernel first
14:27.30DunkDream_but yes at the end, android is the goal
14:27.54Arash18kthen when you compile android you will have ramdisk as well as rootfs
14:29.03Arash18kand i think your kernel is booted ok
14:30.14DunkDream_okay so you mean these errors only occur because of the lack of rootfs.img aswell as initrd.gz?
14:32.07Arash18kfor now yes, but kernel might act wierd after or inside init, just like leo segfault
14:32.24DunkDream_something good happened
14:32.38DunkDream_it said : mounted root
14:32.45DunkDream_that's quite a milestone for now
14:32.54DunkDream_just changed the partition with the root command
14:32.58Arash18knice e:)
14:33.07DunkDream_of course
14:33.25DunkDream_but it does reboot
14:33.34DunkDream_I now have to check the next problem
14:33.47DunkDream_but mounted root sounds better then everything before ;)
14:34.07DunkDream_here we go (this will be a good debugging session)
14:34.46DunkDream_it says unable to open initial console
14:35.23DunkDream_and after that: kernel panic: no init found, try passing init= option to kernel
14:35.29DunkDream_what can I do now?
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14:36.28Arash18kit cant find init file on your root
14:36.56DunkDream_So I have to put an init file to my root directory?
14:37.09DunkDream_(which is the ext2 partition of my sd card)?
14:37.31DunkDream_init file = initrd.gz?
14:37.43Arash18kits a binary file
14:37.51DunkDream_okay than you have to make it clear to me
14:37.56DunkDream_where can I find such a file :(
14:38.04Arash18kin some cases you need more than that binary file for init self to work
14:38.46Arash18kwhat rootfs u are trying to boot?
14:39.11DunkDream_well at the moment I don't have an rootfs
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14:39.24DunkDream_aswell as I don't have an initrd.gz
14:39.32DunkDream_you see, you're working with a real noob...
14:39.54Arash18kwell, do you have android aosp
14:40.00*** part/#htc-linux infinitybiff (
14:40.27DunkDream_well some time ago, I downloaded an archive which cotualla created
14:40.33DunkDream_called android_boot_test.rar
14:40.45DunkDream_it included the following:
14:40.50Arash18kthen you might have it there
14:41.14DunkDream_system.ext2 = 150mb
14:41.19DunkDream_rootfs.img = 15mb
14:41.29DunkDream_initrd.gz = 1.8mb
14:41.31Arash18kthen you have all you need
14:41.32EclipseXsystem.ext2 = 150 mb?????
14:41.37EclipseXI've 500mb
14:41.38Arash18kput them as same place as haret
14:41.59DunkDream_but I mounted the root directory on the ext2 partition of my sd card
14:42.00Arash18kand pass the initrd.gz via haret
14:42.04DunkDream_that's no problem?
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14:42.32DunkDream_and haret etc. is on the fat32 partition of my sd card
14:42.36DunkDream_could that make problems?
14:42.53Arash18kit will be fine
14:43.00Arash18kext2 partion is useles
14:43.07Arash18kyou already have it on system.ext
14:43.17DunkDream_okay then I do it right now
14:43.19Arash18kit's filesystem inside a loop file
14:43.41Arash18kyou might need to remove the root option from cmdline
14:43.53DunkDream_okay one moment
14:43.59DunkDream_I need to change my operating system
14:44.00Arash18kand pass the initrd offset
14:44.10DunkDream_want to switch to ubuntu
14:44.23DunkDream_give me some minutes please, just need to restart
14:44.23EclipseXmdeejay I've got 1910 in the quadrant xD
14:44.50EclipseXjust disable some things :P
14:45.00EclipseXin 3.5.1
14:45.33Arash18kmdeejay just used your adroid :p is it desire hd rom based?
14:46.00mdeejaygoto chat
14:46.42*** join/#htc-linux DunkDream (4e5e4d27@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:46.50DunkDreamhere I an again
14:46.52mdeejayits dev channel
14:47.01EclipseX---> chat
14:47.10DunkDreamshould I go to chat?
14:48.32DunkDreambut tmzt said everyone is welcome here which want to work on something that has to do with linux on mobile phones :-S
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14:50.34EclipseXDunkDream u are a dev?
14:50.40DunkDreamno sorry
14:50.46DunkDreamI agree
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14:52.14MNDunkDream: u can stay on dev channel cause u are discussing development :)
14:53.44DunkDreamok which line do I need to add to default.txt arash?
14:54.02Arash18know tht you have ramdisk
14:54.21Arash18kset initrd initrd.gz (if i spell it right)
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14:54.38DunkDreamwithout a = or something like that?
14:55.06DunkDreamok wrote it already
14:55.44Arash18kyou might need to clear set cmdline too, dont remmeber that part :p
14:56.31DunkDreamI'll test first with that if that's ok :)
14:56.44Arash18kit should be
14:57.10DunkDreamok i think error message did change again :)
14:57.27DunkDreamgive me a little bit so that I can see what's the problem now :)
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14:59.04DunkDreamokay, this is not good
14:59.14DunkDreamno real error message
14:59.21DunkDreamjust a serious problem
14:59.45DunkDreamit says:
15:00.22DunkDreamRunning fsck on the SD Card
15:00.41Daevoqis filesystem check... or not?
15:00.58Arash18kthats good, it means init is working
15:01.13DunkDreamlosfsck 3.0.1 23 Nov 2008, FAt32, LFN
15:01.15DunkDreambut then
15:01.19DunkDreamARM9 has crashed
15:01.40DunkDreamsmem: DIAG ' MOD LM
15:01.45ferarhi, for HID device where find the implementation of " int ioctl(int fd, int request, ...) "?
15:02.28DunkDreamwell there's nothing obvious anymore
15:02.38DunkDreamor do you have an idea arash18k?
15:03.02Arash18kwell, it might be from dex, not sure on this part, it's out of my knowing :p
15:03.13DunkDreamdex means?
15:03.58DunkDreamokay but I have some other error messages for you, if you like
15:04.01Arash18kthis might be wrong but dex is the rpc channel between cpu and arm9 (modem, wlan ....)
15:04.41Arash18kandroid native devices uses proccomm
15:04.51Arash18kwince hacked devices use dex
15:05.12DunkDreamif I only have one partiton FAT32 on my SD card and put all the needed files like roots.img on the card, then I get the following errors (maybe we could work on them)
15:05.43DunkDreamgot some more error messages
15:06.06DunkDream1: there are differences between the boot sector and it's backup
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15:07.12Arash18kdunno what that mean :p
15:07.17DunkDream2: ext2fsck_check_if_mount: no such file or directory while determing wether dev/block/loop2 is mounted
15:07.56Arash18ktry to boot more simple rootfs and init, like angestrom
15:08.07DunkDream3: e2fsck: Invalid argument while trying to open /dev/block/loop0
15:08.19DunkDreamSwitching to rootfs...
15:08.22DunkDreamrootfs loaded
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15:08.37DunkDreamfailed to mount data
15:08.40DunkDreamand so on
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15:08.59DunkDreamWhere can I find the files?
15:09.07Arash18kit will be easier to debug with simple rootfs
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15:09.54Arash18kumm, idk, ask someone here, dcordes, cotulla, ..., they know about it
15:10.42DunkDreamI will search for it in the internet
15:11.42DunkDreamdo you think some developers over at xda use these files within their images for the leo?
15:12.25Arash18kno they all are android images, you can try ubuntu, but i dunno how dcordes wraped the package(didnt use it my self)
15:12.41Arash18kyou also can download android source and modify init your self
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15:13.28DunkDreamI'm not sure if I can modify them myself...maybe it's possible to modify them...but if I'm able to do that...:D
15:13.51Arash18kinit part of android is in c/c++
15:14.32DunkDreammy girlfriend studies informatics and does much c and c++ :D
15:14.37DunkDreammaybe she could do the work for me :D
15:19.27DunkDreamI don't seem to find something usefull :(
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15:23.26DunkDreamcan I also try the ubuntu version for the leo?
15:24.05Markinusgauner1986: hi
15:24.11gauner1986hey markinus :)
15:24.48Arash18kDunkDream, yep, you can try it
15:25.04DunkDreamokay than I'll go for that one
15:26.19Casshey markinus .. nice bt patch ;)
15:26.55gauner1986bsod fixed?
15:27.18MarkinusCass: nope??
15:27.24Cass100% nope
15:27.30MarkinusMarkinus: wgwin??ß argh
15:27.46Markinuson my dev it works grat
15:27.49Cassi posted a dmesg from last night
15:27.59Casslet me find it
15:28.03Arash18kbsod on nand loader?
15:28.06Cassbut yeah every 5 boots or so i get them
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15:28.31gauner1986i'll also test
15:28.36gauner1986just came home from gf
15:28.45Cass << bsod markinus
15:29.38gauner1986cass: even if i sync before reboot i get the corruption :(
15:29.43gauner1986W/dalvikvm(  308): Link of class 'Lcom/android/server/Watchdog;' failed
15:29.44gauner1986E/JNIHelp (  308): Native registration unable to find class 'com/android/server/Watchdog'
15:29.49CassLOL same
15:29.55CassLcom errors
15:30.13Cassbut i hjave been syncing every chang to fs i make and its been fine ..
15:30.20Cassseems fs is not being flushed or sth
15:30.56gauner1986didnt have that problems with an odex-rom....
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15:31.18gauner1986dexopt stuff is stored in data and gets corrupted i believe
15:31.24Cassnot used odex rom
15:31.54Cassi think its more than odex
15:32.18gauner1986but it's a symptom because of corruption
15:32.51Casshmm i may try a miui odex rom to see if it has issue .. if it fits .. just to rule out
15:33.01Cassif i have time tomorrow i will
15:33.09gauner1986odexed rom need a lot of space
15:33.32gauner1986mine is +50mb to the normal size
15:33.40Cassmui is about 25-30
15:33.45DunkDreamehm arash, could it be, that the kernel needs the initrd.gz?
15:34.12DunkDreamand that's why he got us the error message unable to open an initial console?
15:34.59DunkDreambecause the kernel wants that console and waits for it and then he realizes, there's no initrd so theres no console?
15:35.43gauner1986note to myself: never shutdown -h now the phone again.. :D
15:37.10gauner1986if i delete davlik-cache it starts again
15:40.29gauner1986cass: <- there someone also has the issue
15:42.09noellenchriscass, i changed init.rc as directed last night and bt still don't turn on? any ideas?
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15:42.56Cassgauner1986, you confirmed the links state ?
15:43.01Cassif its the same issue ?
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15:43.09Cassbut yeah sounds similar
15:43.17gauner1986hm.. dunno if it's the same
15:43.19gauner1986but similar
15:43.26Cassnoellenchris, show hciattach line
15:43.34Cassgauner1986, yeah for sure ..
15:44.02MarkinusCass: urgh, Division by zero in kernel
15:44.17gauner1986markinus: lol.. i also saw that once
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15:46.45Markinusit's comming from msm_nand_read
15:47.08noellenchrisservice hciattach /system/bin/brcm_patchram_plus --enable_hci  \
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15:49.34Cassnoellenchris, looks ok
15:50.20noellenchrishow to verify the init.rc was pushed correctly?
15:50.28Casscatg init.rc ?
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15:52.36noellenchriscass, ran cat init.rc and it shows the update, thanks..
15:53.22noellenchrismaybe bt settings in build.prop are not pointing to correct driver/modules?
15:53.55Cassreboot ?
15:54.58noellenchris3 times...:P
15:55.13Cassneed logs
15:55.22noellenchrischanged kernels in between too.....
15:55.22Cassbut i gotta go right now .. bbl
15:55.26Cassneed latest kernel
15:55.32noellenchrisduh...I will chk logs....hehe.
15:55.51Cassif it mentions hciattach sth is wrong in the init
15:55.54noellenchrisbrain fart, I'm finally installing ubuntu on other computer.....
15:56.04Cassgota go .. later !!
15:56.37DunkDreamcould someone here provide me a working link for the hd2 ubuntu so that I can test our tg01 kernel with it?
16:05.05DunkDreamok found one, downloading via torrent
16:05.16DunkDreammaybe that makes our tg01 boot...
16:05.17DunkDreamwe'll see
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16:08.09nylall tg01 owners come to #toshdroid if you are intrested in our development
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16:30.53WisTilt2phh: someone pm'd me saying the patch i sent you was junk?  wth does that mean exactly?
16:31.33darkstonehi hi
16:31.42darkstonedesire z source :p
16:32.18DunkDreamwhen was it added?
16:32.23bzoWisTilt2: don't take it too seriously phh always talks like that
16:34.56redgarNice - now the awesome release will become even better with the source being available
16:35.26bzoWisTilt2: besides he didn't call it junk, if you want to see the full transcript:
16:39.03jonpryWisTilt2: i think the only issue was with using keypads timer
16:39.22WisTilt2hi bzo: lol, mess?  guess he doesn't like how it's tied in.  i commented it specifically saying this needed to be tied in differently but everyones been bugging me to get a commit so this was the easiest way for now.
16:40.05WisTilt2keypad timer is temporary and it works great but needs to be tied in elsewhere eventually.
16:40.12bzoWistilt2: he thinks everything is a mess ;)
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16:41.24jonpryi'm guessing it won't get pushed until the timer thing is redone
16:42.00MarkinusI looked to it already, it's same source like desire
16:45.03jonpryWisTilt2: i can try to fix up the timer if you don't want to or something
16:45.45EclipseXdarkstone IT IS BRAVO
16:45.50EclipseXnot desire z
16:46.41WisTilt2jonpry: that would be great if you want to mess with it.  ive got to run for a few hours so be back this afternoon.  curious if [acl] ever got the autobuild stuff working on the server we setup?  catch you in a few hours.
16:47.15*** part/#htc-linux Arash18k (~Arash18k@
16:48.11bzojonpry: have you done much more with 35 or are you taking a break from it?
16:48.14*** part/#htc-linux DunkDream (4e5e4d27@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:49.13darkstone<EclipseX> darkstone IT IS BRAVO
16:49.16darkstonesilly EclipseX
16:49.21darkstonelook at the top
16:49.42darkstoneHTC Desire Z - Froyo - 2.6.32 kernel source code
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16:49.53Markinusdarkstone: look to the link
16:50.05Markinusit looks as same file like the desire .32
16:50.28MarkinusI downloaded it already bevore some houres, it's exactly same
16:50.34darkstoneoh shit
16:50.36darkstoneso it is
16:50.38darkstonetoo bad
16:52.02darkstoneMarkinus: can you check and push a patch for me?
16:52.12MarkinusI would say it's a error on the page., becaouse the size should be defferent, meybe they fix it
16:52.14redgarmaybe they made a mistake on the link
16:52.20Markinusdarkstone: sure
16:52.29darkstone2 secs
16:52.55darkstoneim gonna pastebin it since its not big at all
16:53.09Markinusok, or do a git format-patch
16:53.20darkstoneits only two lines changed :p
16:53.27darkstoneenable shadow writes for kgsl
16:53.31darkstoneand writecombine
16:53.39darkstoneimproves 3d performance
16:54.11Markinusdarkstone: ok, I will check it!
16:54.16darkstonety :)
16:54.45jonprybzo: kind of taking a break.
16:55.47bzojonpry: I was looking through the commits in the cyanogen kernel last night, but didn't notice any noteworthy msm specific fixes
16:55.53jonpryi'd like to pick the best panel driver out there, and then make it work. but that seems kind of impossible. afaict mddi is not well maintained in the newer drivers
16:56.26bzoseems like there is a more fundamental problem than the panel driver, no?
16:56.37jonprynot really
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16:57.43bzohmm, well I suppose it has probably never been tested with our hardware config before now
16:57.52jonpryi'm guessing our panel is not configured properly. as in the board level stuff. but i don't know how to configure it as of yet
16:58.46bzowonder why it works with the 27 then?
16:59.21jonprytiming probably. or changes to the vt fb subsys
16:59.48jonprythere is an interim period where it works correctly now
17:00.13bzothink it is worth a test with a diam500 to see if it does anything different?
17:00.29jonprylike i can trace msm_fb now. figured out that printk was disabling it
17:00.44jonpryyou'd have to make a new board file and stuff
17:01.04bzoI can do that. What is needed besides the board file?
17:01.36jonpryso in between console coming up, and some unknown garbage happening, the console works fine
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17:02.43jonpryboard file should be it. probably want to disable sd card
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17:05.02bzothat level of working only with the codeaurora driver though? not what is in git?
17:06.23jonpryi think i can get that level of working on the git code
17:06.43jonprybut i need to revert my tree and then do some fixes
17:06.47Markinusdarkstone: do oyu have a gitoorius username? so I cold add you as author?
17:10.24camrophh: hmm autobuild not repaired ..hmm :(
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17:14.08camrophh: if you are back - please call me .. for the battery stuff, should be now ready to commit ..
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17:15.23camrohi acl
17:15.31camronothing new on autobuild ..
17:16.08arrrghhhdidn't get all the stuff in line for the usb commit?
17:16.35[acl]nahh .. the autobuild handles alot of poop.. broke on some other modules needed for rhobontu
17:16.37camroacl: nice :( hmm, i was thinking that glemsome will take care of it ?
17:16.58[acl]camro: thats last i heard but maybe he was busy
17:17.10camrocould be ...
17:17.16arrrghhhi thought he got the kernel out but no modules.
17:17.24gauner1986darkstone: desire z source... mhmm.. i'm thinking of desire hd build camera :P
17:17.29camroacl: you have implemented the battery stuff also on NAND - correct ?
17:17.36[acl]arrrghhh: modules are there but not all of them. the broken ones obviously wenret built
17:17.48[acl]camro: anhh i have been working on nadn autobuild
17:17.50arrrghhhyea... that's what i meant ;)
17:18.15camroacl: maybe it is a good idea to check my changes for nand ?
17:18.24camroacl: if wanted  ...
17:18.56[acl]camro: i have other issues on nand right now. Some rhod variations are unable to boot, so i need to look into that.
17:19.12camromaybe the battery !!!!!
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17:19.29camroi had a lot of things on haret, too
17:19.35camrobut seems to be fixed now
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17:20.36[acl]camro: nahh this is before android even boots. not battery related
17:20.51camroah ok ...
17:20.58camroanyway ... i posted you the link
17:21.13camrowhich i will send also phh, if he is back
17:21.22gauner1986Markinus: do you have a rom on nand?
17:26.17[acl]jonpry: what it is yo..
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17:36.17darkstone[18:17:28] <gauner1986> darkstone: desire z source... mhmm.. i'm thinking of desire hd build camera :P
17:36.19darkstoneyes :D
17:36.29darkstone[18:06:52] <Markinus> darkstone: do oyu have a gitoorius username? so I cold add you as author?
17:36.35darkstonenope, just add the patch as your own
17:36.40jonprybzo: i've got the fast framebuffer, sort of working stuff happening now. going to add and commit
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17:36.57jonpry[acl]: not much, whats up with you?
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17:37.26bzojonpry: cool, plan to look at it tonight
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17:37.59Crashmanhey ppl, I don't know if you already found it
17:38.05Crashmanbut that:
17:38.18Crashmanseems to be the real vision kernel source
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17:38.42Crashmanknow go and make camera working for hd roms :D
17:39.11gauner1986why is my kernel source named bravo_* ?
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17:39.26Crashmanbecause the file it not linked correctly
17:39.43gauner1986stupid htc
17:39.45darkstonegauner1986: downloaded the wrong source D:
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17:39.51Crashmanshit happens :)
17:40.36darkstonehtc servers are slow
17:40.58gauner1986but my internet is also slow
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17:41.02darkstonelol nvm then :D
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17:41.08goxboxlivehi BabelO
17:41.51BabelOhi goxboxlive
17:41.55CrashmanI really hope it is the right file thios time, have not looked into it
17:42.04darkstoneneed to get htc camera up to 5mp
17:42.11darkstonei think i'll work on that soon
17:42.14darkstoneanyway, bbl
17:42.22darkstoneoh btw
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17:42.28darkstone720p should work o0
17:42.38darkstonei seen pmem_venc in /dev
17:42.47goxboxliveBabelO: Are you still developing kernel?
17:42.48darkstoneisnt that hw h264 encoder? XD
17:42.57darkstoneyeah, should is the key word here
17:43.25darkstoneok bbl
17:43.25gauner1986h264 is not necessarily 720p
17:43.38BabelOgoxboxlive: not really , someone ask me few days ago about wifi driver on my old artemis
17:43.49NeoFluxhugs darkstone
17:43.54BabelOgoxboxlive: and since i use nokia n900 all is linux, so no more kernel port
17:44.03goxboxliveBabelO: ok, what about the BA? Is just collecting dust now ? :-)
17:44.10goxboxlivei c
17:44.35BabelOgoxboxlive: lol yes :) maybe if there is some android or other stuff i can givve a try in winter
17:44.47goxboxliveBabelO: Is cr2 still round, or has he also stopped developing?
17:44.47Markinusgauner1986: on sd
17:44.51goxboxlive~seen cr2
17:44.56aptcr2 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-linux, 264d 21h 24m 3s ago, saying: 'MrPippy: where is this source ?'.
17:44.57mdeejaygauner1984 i believe in you :D
17:45.14goxboxliveoh yes, he is out of here too
17:45.23Markinusgauner1986: but with magldr
17:45.40gauner1986markinus: you need to find out about yaffs corruption for me :D
17:45.49Markinusgauner1986: hehe :)
17:47.00BabelOgoxboxlive: i don't know about cr2, come on #qlandkarte channel, maybe kiozen know more
17:47.16goxboxliveBabelO: Well it ws fun when we tried to mke it work on the htc universll and the BA, but we used to much time on it. :-) . I am still using my Nexus One. It's Linux, and of course i am using a custom rom (not homemade though)
17:47.52BabelOgoxboxlive: nokia n900 is very good too :)
17:48.03goxboxliveyes  i know
17:48.14Markinusdarkstone:  pushed
17:48.29darkstonety :)
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17:52.17MNhi markinus any chnance of power collapse on haret?
17:52.33MarkinusMN: no, impossible
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17:53.01MNright, is there a reason for that?
17:53.28MNlol and the reason is... :p
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17:56.44MarkinusMN: winceboot
17:57.36MNah i see thanks, damn u lot on nand teasing us :p
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18:02.15MNso what are you currently working on markinus
18:02.34gauner1986please stop nagging devs and contribute sth instead
18:02.35MarkinusMN: on my master thesis
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18:02.54Markinusgauner1986: :) yes
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18:06.40[acl]jonpry: taking a break .. too much shit going on now .. havent done much
18:07.48jonpry[acl]: yeah me too. i am kind of sick of the panel. been pretty busy with my custom android device :p
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18:08.10[acl]jonpry: haha traded in one evil for another
18:08.45xplayerkuhi BabelO
18:09.02[acl]jonpry: any patches from wistilt ?
18:09.11jonpry[acl]: i just need a community of hackers to do the software. say #pry-linux
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18:09.47jonpry[acl]: there is some kind of patch for ambient light, but it didn't cut the phh mustard
18:10.05gauner1986hey letama
18:10.07[acl]ahh musta been a real mess. you look at it ?
18:10.14LeTamahello gauner1986
18:10.38jonpry[acl]: its not bad. it just uses the work queue from keypad instead of making its own
18:10.50gauner1986letama: i now have an android build on nand and noticed that my dalvik-cache gets corrupted on reboot :(
18:11.00gauner1986letama: causes android not to come up
18:11.10gauner1986letama: any ideas?
18:11.18[acl]jonpry: ahh ic. so im sure wistilt working on the fix then.
18:11.22gauner1986cass also has the problem
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18:11.45jonpry[acl]: actually we are looking for volunteers to patch the patch
18:12.05bzojonpry: I thought you volunteered :P
18:12.07LeTamagauner1986: I had some issues with data corruption, don't have anymore since I rebuilt my initrd/rootfs
18:12.15[acl]patch the patch
18:12.22[acl]thats what we did for camro.. so it shouldnt be that bad
18:12.29gauner1986LeTama: you got a rootfs partition?
18:12.53LeTamagauner1986: yes, I kept it
18:13.01jonprybzo: yes, i did. but perhaps someone is more eager than me
18:14.08gauner1986letama: hum. may i have your initrd/rootfs files?
18:14.28LeTamagauner1986: if you want, but it's quite rough :)
18:14.48LeTamalike hardcoded around the place
18:14.50gauner1986i want to get rid of that corruption
18:14.53camroacl ?
18:15.09[acl]camro: ?
18:15.16gauner1986letama: what were your corruption symptoms?
18:15.23[acl]jonpry: nahh i dont think anyone else is more eager
18:15.53bzolol, sounds of crickets after jonpry said that
18:16.05LeTamagauner1986: I think roughly the same ones as yours, cache problems
18:16.25jonprywell they should be. every wistilt2 patch that doesn't make it in immediately puts the adsp tables in jeopardy
18:16.33gauner1986letama: i wonder what rootfs has to do with that
18:17.01DomZhi guys, I think I have the same data corruption
18:17.13DomZhow can I clear the dalvik cache ?
18:17.13LeTamagauner1986: no clue
18:17.16[acl]jonpry: we could gangbang it.. just commit it on nand and we will take turns.. I applied camros original batt patch like that to study the beast
18:17.44bzojonpry: true, I'm sure we are all eager to get the dsp info
18:17.55[acl]jonpry: where is the link to this patch
18:17.58gauner1986domz: rm -r /data/dalvik-cache/*
18:18.11DomZthanks gauner
18:18.37LeTamagauner1986: I guess some weird problems with mount directory on directory, or cache, can't know for sure
18:18.44jonpry[acl]: in your inbox
18:18.54gauner1986letama: hmmm.. okay.. i'll go for your files...
18:19.48LeTamagauner1986: I'm not sure they are not dangerous though :)
18:19.57gauner1986how come?
18:20.24[acl]jonpry: ahh ic. ill take a look at it later and propose a solution.
18:20.29LeTamagauner1986: I'm running stable, but it may stress nand too much, no idea
18:20.31[acl]bzo: u look at the patch?
18:20.43gauner1986letama: why do you think so?
18:20.50bzo[acl] nah, don't have it
18:21.44LeTamagauner1986: well, I don't have any cache, so all goes to nand for read/write. I don't know how many write cycles nand supports
18:22.00DomZthanks gauner that works for me too :)
18:22.11[acl]bzo: done
18:22.29gauner1986domz: yeah.. but you have to do that every boot.. and dexopt has to run every boot.. writing large files to nand.. not good
18:22.30LeTamagauner1986: I'll give you the files a bit later, have to go to dinner. I have to extract rootfs from device :)
18:22.39gauner1986letama: ok, thx
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18:23.01DomZit's may be a yaffs2 bug ?
18:23.16gauner1986i wonder if yaffs2 has a fsck
18:24.07DomZmy android is strange after having clearing the cache
18:24.55[acl]jonpry: wonder why wistilt didnt include his panel fix..
18:24.56DomZthe cyanogen mod boot logo is playing again and angain ...
18:25.15bzo[acl] not working for rhod400/500 yet
18:26.38[acl]bzo: i have what he is missing and he has what im missing.. lol.. i can bring the panel out and back but cant adjust the brightness. need that patch
18:26.41*** part/#htc-linux repson (
18:27.41bzo[acl] you ought to ask him for his patch as is then and tell him you'll fix up the rhod400/500 stuff
18:28.45jonpryi think it would be best if we can get the first patch integrated
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18:36.59jonpry[acl] actually i do not see the problem with this patch. maybe phh is seeing things
18:37.40[acl]only thing i want to verify is if this patch is current. lot of patches i seee come around are diffs against local clones so we cant even apply them
18:38.01jonpryi'm pretty sure it is against 2.6.27 head
18:38.38jonpryit is surely against the microp patch of mine
18:38.46[acl]well what was phhs issue with it?
18:39.00jonpryi think it is this
18:39.01jonpry+if (machine_is_htcrhodium())// Call ambient adjust on kbd backlight timeout
18:39.25bzojonpry: I suppose you could repurpose microp_backlight_timeout as a general backlight update, but it would probably be cleaner to create a dedicated function
18:39.45jonprylike with a notifier list?
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18:40.19bzoI was thinking just a a scheduling/unscheduling backlight updates when the backlight was turned on/off
18:40.20jonpryor pdata->backlight mumbo
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18:41.16DomZgauner, now that I have cleared dalvik-cache, now I'm stuck on cyanogen mod animation
18:41.19DomZany idea ?
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18:42.20bzojonpry: nah, just create a new callback like microp_backlight_adjust and call schedule/cancel delayed work appropriately
18:42.37gauner19861domz: no.. look in logcat
18:43.28jonprybzo: that was my original thought. but that will just duplicate a bunch of code, in an attempt to recreate some timing that is already being calculated
18:44.29jonpryit may also be important that the gpio switch happens in a certain order with the ambient_light. 2 work queues wouldn't guarantee the timing
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18:44.44bzowell, in that case, renaming and repurposing backlight_cancel to a general backlight_update is another option
18:45.19jonpryi don't see how the proposed code is any worse than the  if (machine_is_htckovsky())
18:45.19phh[acl]: my issues are that we can't disable automatic backlight
18:45.38phhand it's based on kbd's timer (which means it uses something that isn't made for that, *and* it requires user's input)
18:45.47[acl]phh: ahh ic..
18:46.20jonpryphh: i'm pretty sure that using keyboards timer is the correct thing to do. the interface is arguable though
18:46.23bzophh: it requires user input anyways, since that is what controls backlight on state
18:46.42phhbzo: mmmmmmmmuh ?
18:46.54[acl]time to use mailing list :-p
18:47.03bzobacklight turns off automatically after user hasn't pressed key
18:47.12phhbzo: or not.
18:47.25phhlike user wants to watch a video
18:47.30phh(annoying user I know)
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18:48.03bzoif he doesn't press a key it will turn off :)
18:48.27phhsome apps are allowed to prevent that behaviour
18:49.20phh[acl]: and yes we need to use mls.
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18:51.25jonpryphh: locking the backlight is an existing problem. if there was a lock then timeout wouldn't get called
18:51.40jonprythis code would just make rhod behave like other phones with backlight control
18:52.44phhI don't think any phone behaves like that ?!?
18:53.00jonprywhat about kovsky?
18:53.14phhsomeone has coded automatic backlight for kovsky ... ?
18:53.29bzooh wait a minute, I think jonpry and I are confused as to what this is for
18:53.35jonpryit appears to be coded. that is where the new code is jacked in
18:54.11bzojonpry: you talking about the kovksy set kbd_led_state?
18:54.27jonpryand the gpio
18:54.34bzoI think the purpose of wistilt2's patch is to adjust the panel backlight
18:55.13phhthat's why.
18:55.15phhthanks bzo
18:55.35bzoso yes, it has to be completely independent of keyboard
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18:56.22phhoh yeah it's keyboard, not just user input
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18:56.31phhit's even worse /o\
18:57.04bzoanyways, WisTilt2 acknowledged this is just a temporary hack
18:57.24phhhe is planning to do something clean ?
18:58.22jonprydoes that mean that if you touch keys then the light sensor will not update?
18:58.33phhjonpry: it seems so to me at least
18:58.33bzohe was though I think that was before jonpry volunteered to clean it up
18:59.26jonprybut now i am confused :)
18:59.33bzoI haven't looked much at the microp stuff, does it control the backlight on/off as well?
19:00.00[acl]im behind on all of this fellas :-(.. i was out all day yest
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19:00.26bzoand by backlight, I mean panel backlight :P
19:00.47jonprybzo: microp is able to turn on the backlight for rhod. other phones use different microp stuff and possibly gpio
19:00.51phhbzo: bwaaaaaah i'm getting older, I can't even remember that
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19:01.36bzojonpry: is microp the primary control mechanism for that?
19:01.50jonpryits the only mechanism on rhod
19:01.58bzophh: you're not allowed to use that excuse for at least another 10 years :P
19:02.33bzojonpry: but set by userland I assume?
19:03.13jonprythere is some standard backlight driver interface in newer kernels
19:03.30phhbzo: echo mem > /sys/power/state
19:03.33phhthat power offs panel
19:03.36jonprylooks like it is jacked into panel control
19:03.39phhand suspend and if there is no wakelock
19:03.50phh(from userland POV)=
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19:07.13bzook, so the ambient stuff really need to be moved into microp-klt
19:07.36bzobut it seems to conflict with the explicit brightness functions there
19:07.44phhbtw what's the status of autobuilder ?
19:07.45jonprythose don't work on rhod
19:07.50phhjonpry: ???
19:07.57phhyes it works !
19:08.05jonpryjust can't turn it off?
19:08.05phhbut you need automatic backlight off in wimo
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19:09.00bzoblech, another thing we need to figure out how to turn off from the linux side
19:09.32bzohmm, I wonder if that auto backlight is just a microp thing we don't know how to control
19:09.33jonpryi think this new ambient thing works no matter what the winmo settings
19:09.52bzowistilt2 said you have to turn off the winmo setting
19:10.29phhbzo: it definitely is something in microp
19:10.30jonpryso it needs to be off in order to have it off, and to turn it back on again?
19:10.44phhthat's another reason I don't really like wistilt's patch, i'm pretty sure we can do that in hardware
19:10.57camro@all: in haret glemsome kernel .27 -> do you note, that if 3g is active, that you hear a noise sound (like the same sounds, if you make a call - before the call is established, it is like "surr..."
19:11.32camroit is like - if the phone try to get a better cell connection on BTS
19:11.56jonpryyou mean the gsm clicks?
19:11.56bzoso really, we just need to trace i2c from winmo while turning the auto backlight setting on and off
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19:12.14camrojonpry: yes ..
19:13.34camroin WM, there is no noise sound on 3g data using ...
19:13.48camrothe sound is only if data are in/out ..
19:13.51camrostrange ..
19:14.02jonpryi'm pretty sure if you can get speaker amp on, and use data connection in winmo, it will happen
19:14.28phhcamro: you hear this noise while sound is being used or not ?
19:14.33camroso, you mean, that maybe we forgot to disable the amp ?
19:14.51camrophh: no, sound is not used ...
19:15.00phhI have to check my log to see who am I supposed to kill
19:15.45camrohmm, i can't see, that anything happen in kernel log ..
19:16.48camrophh: wait ...
19:16.53camrothe same is in WM ..
19:17.08phhcamro: still, speaker amp isn't supposed to be on when not used.
19:17.15*** join/#htc-linux Cotulla (
19:17.42camrophh: well, i booted to WM, and there is the same ..
19:18.09camroi can set the sound to MUTE
19:18.19camrobut this noise i can here also
19:18.27camrois that for you, too ?
19:18.29gauner19861hey cotulla
19:18.35camrohello Cotulla :)
19:18.41Cotullasebastian anything new?
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19:19.31gauner19861cotulla: i have everything on nand now.. but i'm facing a weird issue.. my dalvik cache on the data partition gets corrupted after reboot and causes android not to boot anymore.. after wipe everything is okay again for one boot
19:19.47gauner19861cotulla: cass has the same problem
19:19.59camrofor my feeling, it's not a real sound - it is only a buzz
19:20.48camrolikme GSM signalling, or if the phone has a lot of power (mW)
19:20.52[acl]blame winmo :-p
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19:20.59camroph:: you know, what i mean ?
19:21.49Curious_Cotulla: is late wake up issue i2c relateD?=
19:21.59gauner19861cotulla: i fear yaffs2 isn't synced on reboot
19:22.00Curious_whenever i wake up phone, i get i2c error in logs
19:23.16Cotullagauner19861, maybe wrong unmount?
19:23.23Cotullaare u press hw button?
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19:25.43gauner19861cotulla: dunno.. letama said he had similar issues but rebuilt his rootfs/initrd afterwards and everything was fine..
19:25.48MarkinusCotulla: hi
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19:26.46MarkinusCotulla: some og the bsod problems are comming from nand read
19:27.00Markinusdivision by zero in kernel
19:27.15Cotullaand it cause bsod?
19:28.09MarkinusCotulla: I get a message that my bsord fix is sometimes not working, in this dmesg was a division by zero and crash in kernel
19:28.21Markinusfrom msm_nand
19:28.44Markinusso it could be a reason
19:29.46Cotullafix it?
19:29.53Cotullawhere division
19:30.03Cotullathis log?
19:30.28*** join/#htc-linux Paul__ (594de63b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:30.49Markinusbut there is msmfb_pan_display timeout waiting for frame too . .hmm
19:30.57camrophh: *DUCK, can you make the battery commit ?
19:31.10phhcamro: we'll see
19:31.27camrothanks phh ..
19:32.56*** join/#htc-linux DunkDream (4e5e4d27@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:34.53Cotullaabout divison...Cass get it always?
19:35.08MarkinusCotulla: I don'T know
19:35.20DunkDreamcould someone give me a hint how i can work on our tg01 kernel? we get the error: unable to open an initial console
19:35.29Cotullamaybe we need revert nand driver to my one
19:36.06MarkinusCotulla: yes, maybe it's better
19:36.11DunkDreamand after that, kernel panic, no init found, try passing init= option
19:37.06DunkDreamto kernel
19:39.54DunkDreamor is it maybe possible to modify the kernel in a way so that it does not need a initrd anymore?
19:40.00MarkinusCotulla: a other thing, what what the reason that you wrote a own spi driver and not used the kernel one?
19:40.18gauner19861cotulla: your one? what was changed in it
19:40.42CotullaMarkinus, it's evo one
19:40.53Cotullacloned for leo
19:41.13Cotullato optimize clock switch...
19:41.24CotullaI don't remember well
19:42.12LeTamaMarkinus, I think the div by zero comes from the nvs read you added
19:43.00MarkinusLeTama: this calls a msm_nand_read and this do the devision by zero
19:43.34Cotullafrom wifi_nvs_init
19:43.58Cotullabut it should not be there at all... because no parts for this data
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19:46.47MarkinusCotulla: so i think it'S the best to do back to your driver
19:47.22Cotullau can try
19:47.35Cotullabut anyway if MTD parts defined it can't read wlan data
19:47.38CotullaI think
19:48.15*** join/#htc-linux Daevoq (5fef6371@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:48.48LeTamaCotulla: On another topic, I checked wince acdb files. Structure is very different, riff file, a device directory at the beginning, and DIOC tags per device.
19:49.04Cotulla\u need
19:49.06Cotullaboot from haret
19:49.20LeTamait doesn't seem to have the same device-bitrate layout
19:49.22Cotullaand then dump all ids from acdbdal
19:49.31Cotullaand put to same sturcture like android
19:49.43Cotullathere load code inside q6audio.c for android one
19:50.12phh(btw, noone is interested in AC100 ? I need good devs on it)
19:50.21LeTamaargh, ok, going back to wince... that sucks :)
19:50.48LeTamagot it
19:52.13Cotullaphh, no unknown shit with nvidia shit... who need it....dunno
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19:52.28Cotullafor me was enough working with NV5500
19:52.38camro|awayok, guys - cu
19:53.00phhCotulla: unknown is funnier
19:53.10MarkinusCotulla: whats about a atag for wlan? you thought about it?
19:53.23CotullaI can add with this data ofcourse
19:53.52MarkinusCotulla: maybe it's the cleaanest way
19:54.05Cotullawhat about haret?
19:54.12MarkinusCotulla: hmm, right
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19:57.06LeTamaexpose it to userland ?
20:02.20MarkinusLeTama: there is the real mac address in
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20:03.24LeTamaMarkinus, real or real, not really an issue, no ?
20:04.25MarkinusLeTama: :)
20:05.22MarkinusLeTama: but we need for real nand boot a realy good working driver, this is the real problem
20:05.44Cotullajust is_nand_boot
20:05.48Cotullasolve it :)
20:07.35*** join/#htc-linux Daevoq (5fef6371@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:09.02LeTamaWell, set sysfs config for mac address, all done, perfectly acceptable for me in "production" :)
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20:34.19cr2_goxboxlive: ping
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20:38.40Markinuscr2_: Hi
20:40.00cr2_hi Markinus
20:40.22cr2_Markinus: how far did you come with uboot on qsd ?
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20:40.40cr2_afair it was necessary to modify the ldscript
20:40.41Markinuscr2_: ha, it's long time ago! :)
20:40.45gauner1986hi cr2_
20:41.00Markinuscr2_: no, I dodn't  try anymore .. .
20:41.14Markinuscr2_: intresting
20:42.20Markinuscr2_: did you try current stand of out repo?
20:42.37Markinuscr2_: it's working very nice. .  .
20:42.40cr2_no. i'm sick and completely overloaded at work
20:42.51cr2_yeah, i need to try
20:43.25Markinuscr2_: ohh, thats bad! Get well soon!
20:43.49cr2_i try :)
20:44.06cr2_just looked here before going to bed
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21:05.28DomZ[20:22]<gauner1986>domz: yeah.. but you have to do that every boot.. and dexopt has to run every boot.. writing large files to nand.. not good
21:05.39DomZwhat means  dexopt ?
21:06.33*** join/#htc-linux EdLin (~EdLin@securabit/listener/edlin)
21:06.48DomZseems that my android nand rom is again fucked :s
21:07.25DomZI think that data partition is corrupted
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21:25.21DomZlet's go for a new flash :s
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21:41.29arrrghhhWisTilt2, what's up!
21:41.43WisTilt2jonpry: scratch trying to figure out where to tie in the backlight.  im going to scrap that.  looks like we can do it using auto-bl in the hardware possibly.
21:41.48WisTilt2hi arrrghhh
21:42.19*** join/#htc-linux EMP|FireStorm (~r4nd0m@
21:46.33Curious_NOTE TO COTULLA: LightSensor Polling time is too much. In winmo, it is more frequent
21:46.44Curious_like 1 data/sec
21:46.45Curious_or less
21:47.30Curious_and it shows 640 lux at maximum
21:48.21Curious_Markinus, did switching to kernel SPI fixed BSOD?
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21:51.48MarkinusCurious_: yeah, I thought about to reduce the time too
21:52.07MarkinusCurious_: in winmo, they're using the autobacklight function from microp
21:52.16MarkinusCurious_: it does it full automaticl
21:52.17Curious_android doesn't use
21:52.52MarkinusCurious_: no, bsod is comming on my dev ca 1/100 boots
21:53.08Curious_Markinus, it says 1 data per sec but I guess it is 1 data per 5 secs
21:53.14Curious_#define LSENSOR_POLL_PROMESHUTOK   5000
21:53.19MarkinusCurious_: yes
21:53.26MarkinusCurious_: this are 5 sekonds
21:53.28Curious_it would be very nice if we had irq
21:53.40MarkinusCurious_: but the devices didn'T have it
21:53.57Curious_how winmo used autobacklight function then?
21:54.02Curious_does it poll too?
21:54.05Markinusso it's the once way
21:54.16MarkinusCurious_: no, full auto
21:54.24MarkinusCurious_: the microp chip can do it
21:54.31MarkinusCurious_: wince sais only do!
21:54.34Curious_so winmo only enables autobacklight on chip
21:54.37Curious_got it
21:54.39Curious_it is super :D
21:54.53MarkinusCurious_: but android need a other way
21:55.02Curious_slaps google
21:55.40Curious_would it need more performance or noticably more current for 0.5sec poll interval?
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21:55.59Curious_i hope not..
21:56.06MarkinusCurious_: maybe one sec at first, at disable the log messages
21:56.18Curious_yeah that would be nice too
21:57.02Curious_I would be happy if you would give it a try
21:57.06Curious_I don't have linux installed yet
21:58.44Curious_Markinus, do you know about decreasing touch screen sensitivity?
21:58.49Curious_like we do in winmo
21:59.15Curious_there is a noticable over-sensitivity in andro
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21:59.50Markinusyeah, I saw it too, I will look to it
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22:06.00MarkinusCurious_: ls pushed
22:06.21Curious_k great
22:06.56Curious_right now, I am checking out the calibration of compass
22:07.01Curious_but it is hard to test ^^
22:09.03Curious_what should be the maximum possible value for l-sensor
22:09.04Curious_1000 lux?
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22:11.00MarkinusCurious_: yes, is seems so, the highest values are 1023 lux
22:11.13Curious_but it shows 640 at max
22:11.16Curious_and 40 at leas
22:11.26Markinusthis is a problem of the calibration
22:11.47Curious_where should be the calibration  done ?
22:11.51Curious_in driver or android libs?
22:11.53Markinuswe have to do it in the somewhere. . .
22:11.58Markinusisn't realized
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22:12.05Curious_driver has these values        0x000, 0x001, 0x00F, 0x01E, 0x03C, 0x121, 0x190, 0x2BA, 0x26E, 0x3FF
22:12.08Curious_which seems fine
22:12.34MarkinusI think for first it's ok, we have to look to it later
22:12.59Curious_I'm not very good at other stuff since they need more skill
22:13.08Curious_I'm checking out these annoying stuff
22:14.10Markinusdo what you lik :)
22:16.44Curious_I think I found it
22:16.55Curious_It's backlight.c
22:17.30Curious_It seems like Cotulla defined 23 levels
22:17.40Curious_but gets 10 level values from ADC
22:17.54Curious_that's why the maximum value get divided to around 2
22:17.56Curious_but need to test
22:26.00MarkinusCurious_: the android driver need 10 levels
22:26.09MarkinusI meant it was so
22:26.27Curious_i think it is still so, that's why it shouldn't be divided to 23
22:26.36Curious_but i need to understand the driver fully to be sure.
22:26.41Curious_checking it out
22:26.59Curious_probe function is just called once right?
22:27.09Curious_while initializing the driver?
22:29.22Markinusyes, probe is called one time
22:33.40Curious_can i set brightness from adb?
22:33.46Curious_i just set it to 0 and can't get it back
22:35.18*** join/#htc-linux arrrghhh (
22:35.25natemcnuttyTry this
22:35.25natemcnuttyadb shell "echo 255 >/sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness"
22:36.59Curious_didn't work
22:38.25Curious_90 worked
22:38.27Curious_thnx :)
22:38.36Curious_I wonder why 255 didn't work
22:38.42natemcnuttynot sure what the range is
22:38.50natemcnuttyjust know that 255 is commonly used for Leo's
22:38.58Curious_it should be 255 for android driver
22:39.00Markinushave to go, b<we
22:39.01Curious_it must be bl driver
22:39.07Curious_take care
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22:44.43Hehanyone would like to help me with a problem?
22:44.49HehI got a logcat
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22:51.37Hehno one is willing to help?
22:51.50phhi'd say most people sleep.
22:57.25arrrghhhphh, you mean everyone isn't in my time zone?
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23:08.52Curious_phh, would it be worth to use binary search method instead of a simple for loop from beginning to end search method in an array with 10 elements?
23:09.27phhI don't know
23:14.30Curious_Light sensor seems to read maximum value correct
23:14.56Curious_Seems like I need to test under bright sun instead of under a fleurescent
23:15.37arrrghhha focused bright bulb gets mine to hit 9
23:15.49Curious_i get 6
23:15.55arrrghhhbut in the sun definitely worked :D
23:16.19Curious_so you can get maximum value
23:16.25Curious_i can't even get near it
23:16.26arrrghhhwell the big florscents in my house i get like 5-6
23:16.36Curious_yeah same for me
23:16.40Curious_poor lamps
23:16.50arrrghhhdo you have a reading light?
23:16.58arrrghhhor something... flashlight?
23:17.09Curious_but i will try hd2's flashlight:D
23:17.14Curious_i have two hd2s:D
23:17.20arrrghhhjeez :P
23:17.42arrrghhhtwo hd2s but no reading lights or flashlights haha
23:18.21Curious_i have some kind of reading light but it is fleurescent :D
23:18.45arrrghhhlike a compact one?
23:18.51Curious_no big:W
23:18.55arrrghhhthe spiraly bulb ...
23:20.45Curious_it gives same value
23:20.48HehI need some help..
23:20.53Curious_can my light sensor be broken?
23:21.02arrrghhhCurious_, i'm also using different code/phone...
23:21.03Curious_somebody mentioned something like this i guess
23:21.12arrrghhhyea, i saw that
23:21.20arrrghhha lot of hd2's have broken sensors.
23:21.24Heharrrr are you a dev?
23:21.28arrrghhhodd... it seems.
23:22.00HehMy wifi is not scaning and the BT not starting.
23:22.03Hehhere is the logcat
23:22.32HehWould you tell me whats causing the problem?
23:22.54arrrghhhi'm sure if i knew, i could.
23:23.07arrrghhha) i don't have an hd2 and b) i'm no dev...
23:23.28Hehalright, thanks
23:23.59Curious_so maybe it is the max value that hd2 can read
23:24.09Curious_it shows max 597
23:24.50Curious_so calibration is from 0 to 597 i guess
23:25.05Curious_gonna confirm tomorrow at the sun
23:25.08arrrghhhyea, WisTilt2 made it a little different :P
23:25.19arrrghhhat least how i perceive the changes is different, i'm sure.
23:25.25Curious_i tested three different brightness config of flashlight app
23:25.32Curious_they all gave me 597
23:26.07natemcnuttyhey arrrghhh :)
23:26.08Curious_ok, yours is probably calibrated
23:26.31natemcnuttycan't get headset_manager working because rhod doesn't have a gpio for headset detection
23:26.53natemcnuttyI've tried a combination of a few things, but it's going to take one of the devs to fix it up
23:27.02arrrghhhthanks for tryin dude.
23:27.09arrrghhhcamro made it sound so simple :P
23:27.10natemcnuttyyeah, the gpios are 84 and 85
23:27.16natemcnuttyfor internal amp and speaker
23:27.20natemcnuttyand 17 for ext mic
23:27.28arrrghhhbut not one for the port huh
23:27.29natemcnuttyfinally got all that properly from haretconsole
23:27.30HehDo you guys know the lib that controls the rotations of the phone?
23:28.17bzonatemcnutty: I can think of 2 possibilities
23:28.18natemcnuttyyeah, I think camro though we could just rip it from the blackstone board and toss it on the rhod board files to make it work
23:28.37natemcnuttyyeah bzo ?
23:28.43arrrghhhyea... that's basically how he made it sound.
23:28.51bzo1) it is possible the 84/85 output gpios get set automatically and you could detect it
23:29.05bzo2) the headphone detect is attached to microp and it handles it
23:29.20Curious_is there any app for lightsensor in win mo?
23:29.58natemcnuttyCurious_: amigalux
23:30.08natemcnuttysure thing
23:31.10Curious_ah, it scales the value :(
23:31.18natemcnuttybzo: as far as I can tell from haretconsole, when I put something in the 3.5mm jack, gpio 17 hits, then about 500 ms later, it brings up 48
23:31.42arrrghhhwhat's 48...?
23:31.46natemcnuttysorry 84
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23:31.55natemcnuttyfat finger :)
23:32.01natemcnuttyand 84 is the external amp
23:32.05arrrghhhhaha dyslexia
23:32.26natemcnuttyhow do I tell if is hardware or software that is initializing gpio 84
23:32.28bzoright, I'm saying that if 84 comes up by itself, you can detect it just like if there was a dedicated input gpio
23:33.16bzofrom linux, you need to look at the gpio registers and see what 84 does
23:33.23bzowhen headphones are in/out
23:33.47natemcnuttyso no haretconsole, actually load into andriod and use bash?
23:34.14bzoright no haret/winmo
23:34.29bzoyou might be able to use /dev/mem to dump memory but I don't remember how well that works
23:34.41bzootherwise you can put some printks in the kernel somewhere
23:35.53natemcnuttyjust use %p in that output?
23:36.12bzowhich output?
23:37.12natemcnuttynot really familiar with linux dev, just learning, so it would look like printk("Address for amp is %p\n", &functionforamp);
23:37.40bzoif you're going to print from the kernel, I would just use the gpios funcions
23:37.59bzoto query the state
23:38.49bzogtg bbl
23:44.39Curious_confirms that his hd2 has broken lightsensor, f** HTC
23:45.14natemcnuttyHave you tried an LED?
23:45.32natemcnuttylike one of those super-bright flashlights, or HID headlights?
23:45.51Curious_i tried hd2's led
23:45.56Curious_in winmo
23:46.10Curious_my broken flashlight goes up to around 600 lux
23:46.14Curious_and then drops
23:46.24Curious_but on my tmobile hd2, it doesn't
23:46.52Curious_so people need to calibrate their l-sensors
23:49.19Curious_i think winmo driver is broken
23:49.31Curious_both hd2's has same max values
23:50.09Curious_but my so called  "broken" one drops to 10 after exceeding the values that lightsensor can read
23:50.18Curious_so, no broken lightsensor but broken driver
23:50.29Curious_these two phone has different roms
23:50.38Curious_tmobile has stock, the other has energy
23:53.13*** join/#htc-linux C_h_r_i_s (
23:53.30Curious_the max value that can be read in winmo is 627
23:53.40Curious_in android , 597
23:54.39Curious_there is 30 offset
23:54.47Curious_it can be due to backlight driver of winmo
23:55.22Curious_cotulla interprets values less than 30 as screen-off
23:55.49Curious_so we can safely calibrate with respect to 597
23:56.10Curious_ok, I wrote too much for a calibration of light-sensors here
23:56.14Curious_good night everyone
23:56.24Curious_i wll give values tomorrow, or someone else can..
23:56.58*** join/#htc-linux myn (

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