IRC log for #htc-linux on 20100921

00:05.06*** join/#htc-linux Habibibi (
00:05.18Habibibinand hd2 leo etc work???
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00:06.49BazGeeis there any desireHD builds been ported to HD2 yet?
00:07.17Habibibinot, only one, wait day or two, there ll be much more of them
00:07.32Habibibihope working better
00:10.14*** join/#htc-linux Dj-Gutz (~madboy@
00:17.16*** part/#htc-linux pkirsche (
00:21.19*** part/#htc-linux slayerns (8bb3cf3a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:23.12WoZZeR_jonpry: you there?
00:24.27WoZZeR_that look right, for a good loopback?
00:24.54WoZZeR_forgot -o loopback
00:25.22WoZZeR_mount -t ext2 /nand/image.img /install -o loopback
00:25.29jonprynot quite
00:25.42jonpryno dd
00:26.28WoZZeR_just put what rootfs uses
00:26.53jonpryneed mke2fs
00:27.34jonprymaybe losetup /dev/loop0 /nand/nand.img
00:27.42WoZZeR_mke2fs -F /nand/image.img
00:27.44jonprymke2fs -b 4096 /dev/loop0
00:27.46WoZZeR_where does losetup go?
00:27.59jonprywell if you dd. it might work without lo
00:28.48jonpryno losetup
00:29.01jonpryjust mke2fs -F /nand/nand.img before mount
00:29.47jonpryyou can use 1M instead of 2^20 you know
00:31.51WoZZeR_mkdir /rfs
00:31.51WoZZeR_mkdir /nand
00:31.53WoZZeR_./bin/mount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock1 /nand
00:31.55WoZZeR_./bin/mount -t ext2 /nand/image.img /rfs -o loopback
00:32.12WoZZeR_in init?
00:36.47WoZZeR_are those normal commands?
00:38.12WoZZeR_grrr, cannot setup loop device
00:40.08jamenlanghey myn are you still making roms for the vogue?
00:40.19mynEVO now :)
00:40.41jamenlangi was hoping you could help with psfreedom!
00:40.54jamenlangfor vogue.
00:41.15jamenlangstill looking sexy
00:41.21mynjust bigger!
00:41.21jamenlangtoo bad i don't have an evo
00:41.28jonprywozzer_: i have not header of this set_perm_recursive. sounds like chmod -R
00:41.29mynEVO is a nice device
00:41.46jonprywozzer_: when do you get cannot setup loop device?
00:41.49WoZZeR_looks like it's in one of the instscripts
00:41.55WoZZeR_when mounting
00:42.01WoZZeR_,./bin/mount -t ext2 /nand/image.img /rfs -o loopback
00:42.06WoZZeR_but I see image.img there
00:42.14jonprymaybe there is no /dev/loop0
00:42.24jonpryor you are missing lo utils. like losetup
00:42.58WoZZeR_the original initrd used loopback
00:43.27WoZZeR_flash_eraseall /dev/mtd/mtd1
00:43.27WoZZeR_sleep 5
00:43.28WoZZeR_mount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock1 /nand
00:43.28WoZZeR_dd if=/dev/zero of=/nand/image.img bs=1048576 count=256
00:43.28WoZZeR_mke2fs -F /nand/image.img
00:43.29WoZZeR_mount -t ext2 /nand/image.img /install
00:43.34WoZZeR_probably somewhere in there
00:43.46jonpry-o loop
00:43.49jonprynot loopback
00:45.58WoZZeR_reinstalling and crap now
00:46.02*** join/#htc-linux swc|666 (~neopwn@unaffiliated/swc666/x-4934821)
00:48.14WoZZeR_mount -t ext2 /nand/image.img /install -o loop
00:48.18WoZZeR_error there, when installing
00:48.34WoZZeR_cannot mount loop device
00:50.26jonpryyou mkdir /install?
00:51.41jonpryif you ls -l /nand/image.img does it have the right size?
00:52.04jonprywhat if you fsck /nand/image.img?
00:52.16*** join/#htc-linux LeofeVer (~tommy9097@
00:58.43WoZZeR_testing size right now
01:00.26WoZZeR_losetup /dev/block/loop0 /nand/image.img
01:00.29WoZZeR_should I add taht?
01:00.44WoZZeR_or do I not need that with -o loopback
01:01.10WoZZeR_-o loop*
01:01.50WoZZeR_size looks good
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01:15.31jonprywozzer_: you should need losetup with -o loop
01:16.02jonprywhat about fsck?
01:16.23*** join/#htc-linux mastermerlin1 (
01:17.32jonpryuse fsck.ext2 -f /nand/image.img
01:23.20Rajkoyou either use losetup to set up a virtual dev then use that as a real dev
01:23.25Rajkoor use -o loop in mount
01:24.11jonpry* shouldn't need
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01:45.46jonpryhow much ram should a phone have?
01:50.35Rajkoenough ram to ram a ram if a ram could ram a ram
01:57.32camrojonpry: whats your meaning about nand ?
01:57.45camroworking fine and smooth ?
01:59.06jonpry512 would seem to use a lot of power
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02:02.06*** join/#htc-linux nealk (
02:02.31Rajkonot if its tiny-micron-ddr2
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02:19.28jonpryddr2 sucks even more juice than mddr
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02:27.58camrojonpry: is there an win driver also for the ethernet gadget ?
02:31.28jonpryi don't understand
02:31.42jonpryfor internet sharing from phone?
02:32.06jonprypeople use windows?
02:32.32camrosometimes ... well i can route the usb to virtualbox ...
02:32.54camrohehe - windows
02:33.36camrowas only a question if the ethernet can also connect to win
02:34.06jonpryi think it is a usb standard. like mass storage controller.
02:34.23jonprythis is the code other android phones use. and they can tether.
02:34.32camrohmm - in wm not recognized as it
02:34.42camroi will try ...
02:35.10jonpryin general there are problems with windows refusing to connect to devices because of there id's
02:35.37camroi'm trying the patch from acl on blackstone
02:36.39camroand in win -> ethernet gadget
02:36.45camrounknow ...
02:38.31*** join/#htc-linux nealk_ (
02:42.57camrohmm - via virtualbox -  it doesn't seeems to work
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02:44.08*** join/#htc-linux Olipro_ (
02:44.12*** join/#htc-linux Olipro_ (~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro)
02:44.23camrohi olipro
02:44.35theokrais there anyone in the room that might be able to answer a question about the xandroid port to the tp2?
03:00.16*** join/#htc-linux hastarin (
03:09.28*** join/#htc-linux mangus580 (
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03:14.02mangus580anyone awake?
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03:14.10WoZZeR_jonpry: this failed as well --
03:14.17WoZZeR_said no loop1
03:15.58jonpryis /dev/loop1 there?
03:16.31WoZZeR_don't know, I can test it in a sec
03:16.38jonpryyou can try a file from the ramfs with losetup. just to make sure it isn't a yaffs problem
03:16.49*** join/#htc-linux BHSPitMonkey (~stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey)
03:17.05jonpryi don't have /dev/block/loop* just /dev/loop*
03:17.57WoZZeR_mknod -m 0666 /dev/block/loop0 b 7 0
03:17.57WoZZeR_mknod -m 0666 /dev/block/loop1 b 7 1
03:17.58WoZZeR_mknod -m 0666 /dev/block/loop2 b 7 2
03:18.01WoZZeR_that's in makedevs
03:18.08jonpryyou might have loopback as a module
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03:18.32WoZZeR_no, it just loaded the loopback, but said it only had 11 files
03:18.38WoZZeR_from loading, not isntalling
03:19.02jonpry11 files is an empty e2fs
03:19.19jonpryi'm confused. so it is working now?
03:19.41WoZZeR_running the install again
03:19.54WoZZeR_it must have made the correct file, but it didn't mount it
03:21.39WoZZeR_ok, running another test now
03:21.43WoZZeR_let's see if this works
03:25.05WoZZeR_mount: mounting /dev/block/loop1 on /install failed: invalid argument
03:25.14WoZZeR_mount -t ext2 -o relatime /dev/block/loop1 /install
03:37.36*** join/#htc-linux fakker (
03:50.43jonprywozzer_: what did you do for losetup?
03:53.45*** join/#htc-linux Taffern (
03:59.24*** join/#htc-linux [acl] (
03:59.44[acl]sup fellas .. what i miss?
04:00.19[acl]fine.. ill read logs.. sheesh
04:02.24uriahheepmidnight here :P
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04:03.00[acl]same here :-)
04:04.16uriahheepor is that just rr's headquarters?
04:05.39[acl]nope.. nyc
04:06.14uriahheepnever been
04:06.29uriahheepa shame, i hear
04:07.46[acl]gotta visit
04:08.14uriahheepi might soon enough
04:09.08*** join/#htc-linux EMP|FireStorm (
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04:24.33*** join/#htc-linux theredundant (~thereduda@
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05:42.01*** join/#htc-linux gauner1986 (
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06:56.55gauner1986good morning guys
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07:02.06*** join/#htc-linux jonpry (~jonpry@
07:07.27hastarinHi there
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08:28.34bertolHi have samone installed openmoko on HTC-Hero?
08:29.41Black-Skybuy new HTC :)
08:34.53Black-SkyAndroid 2.2
08:36.10bertolI use Android 2.2  :p
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09:30.30*** join/#htc-linux camro (
09:30.42camromorning guys ..
09:36.39LeofeVerhi , where can i get Hastarin's EVO kernel for HD2?
09:38.11LeofeVerThanks , didnt expect that you would be here.
09:40.06LeofeVerso basically , is it a overclocked kernel ?
09:41.20hastarin@LeofeVer - Yes, though if you want to ask me more use #htc-linux-chat  This channel is intended for development.  :)
09:44.04LeofeVerok ;$
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12:06.53Microang~seen gauner1986
12:07.03aptgauner1986 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-linux, 5h 10m 5s ago, saying: '_:)'.
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12:22.16dcordesphh: how's the ac100 going ? booted your own kernel already ?
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13:20.28camrostinebd: still here -i would like to add to long press menu (where "shutdown" is) -> "reset phone" - can we discuss about ?
13:22.02tids2k@darkstone please add support for extended batteries in your kernel.
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13:34.09camrotids2k: wait ... the battery stuff could be related to me ...
13:34.39camrotids2k: for which device ? which extended battery ?
13:39.50manusfreedom__camro: I think the big one for HD2
13:40.50camroah ok, then it is not my revier :)
13:41.38camrobut soon a new algo for battery stuff -- smoe changes on normal kernel :)
13:41.55manusfreedom__ha? wht did you change?
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13:54.47tids2kcamro are u taking care of the battery studd
13:55.10camrono, but made a lot of changes - not commited by now ..
13:55.24camroonly for blackstone, diamond, raph, topaz, rhod
13:56.46tids2koh not for leo tyhen
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13:57.13tids2kyou might want to have a look at michyprima's kernel
13:57.23tids2kit supports extended batteries'
13:57.30[Delenn]how is it?
13:57.35tids2kwho :p
13:58.33camroDelenn: you have on leo also the ethernet gadget activated - or ?
13:59.14[Delenn]no... honestly never played with it
13:59.22[Delenn]is it for internet from pc?
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13:59.36camrotids2k: i also support extended batteries (if the type of battery is knowing ...), i use an internal table, where all types can defined ...
13:59.47camrocould be ...
14:00.15[Delenn]oh u finish battery seems
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14:14.59tids2kNO NO
14:15.15tids2klet me know if you need anything from me ... regarding anything
14:15.33[Delenn]oh, u to camro
14:15.36tids2kbtw im using original extended battery from htc
14:15.49[Delenn]just start to thought what somebody will fix all my problems :D
14:16.45camrofor now i will try find out more infos about this ethernet gadget ... acl and some other guys made a patch for it ...
14:17.08[Delenn]why u need it
14:17.20camrofirst i need a windows driver , and then infos how the tethering should work there ..
14:17.22*** join/#htc-linux lesjaw (~lesjaw@
14:17.53camro<[Delenn]> why u need it: because i don't have it :)
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14:18.54[Delenn]I have not it and seems don't need it
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14:35.45darkstone<tids2k> @darkstone please add support for extended batteries in your kernel.
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14:35.58darkstonedon't have the kernel patches from michyprima
14:36.31[Delenn]darkstone, hey
14:36.59[Delenn]michyprima have real support of extbat or just "fake"?
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14:37.12darkstonei think is real
14:37.22[Delenn]but where sources?
14:37.42darkstonehe's not given them
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14:37.50darkstoneeven though he said he would
14:37.54EdLinisn't the kernel under GPL?!
14:37.58[Delenn]ow.. is it dcordes work? :D
14:38.07EdLinthen he's gotta give them.
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14:38.30darkstonewell, someone pointed it out in the thread
14:38.36darkstonebut he hasn't replied sadly
14:38.47[Delenn]but there thread sticked
14:38.50[Delenn]abotu GPL :D
14:38.56darkstonei know
14:39.06[Delenn]so call mods :P
14:39.16darkstoneim suprised dcordes hasn't chimed in yet
14:39.28EdLinsue him for the GPL violation, its the American way. ;-)
14:39.45darkstonehe's a 16 yr old kid
14:39.55EdLinsince when did that stop anyone?
14:40.06[Delenn]when I uploaded my tree with some delays, dcordes appear from air... but now ofcourse no .... funny....
14:40.46EdLinI'm completely kidding of course.
14:40.56ALoGeNodarkstone,  sup
14:41.02darkstonehi ALoGeNo
14:41.23darkstonejust back from uni
14:41.27darkstoneabout to take a nap xD
14:41.51ALoGeNoheh, nice, im without sleep and running n900 from qemu.
14:41.52[Delenn]I am not fan of GPL ofcourse, but this attitude is irritating....
14:42.51camroDelenn: if i boot my device -> i see in windows 7, that there is a new device: -> "Ethernet Gadget" and therefore i need a driver - or ?
14:43.09*** part/#htc-linux bertol (
14:43.18camroif how it works if it would be on linux .. don'T know
14:43.26[Delenn]at the end I can make new kernel with binary KO modules and lets all suck :P
14:43.37EdLindarkstone: when he has time, he has dial-up so it takes a long time to upload a diff?
14:43.50[Delenn]hm dial-up
14:43.54[Delenn]but he should say about it
14:43.55darkstoneim just pissed that he's using the patches that i made and not offering his patches to the public
14:43.59darkstoneits a dick move really
14:44.15darkstonea diff patch is usually a few hundred kilobytes usually
14:44.18[Delenn]at least 1)when he will upload 2)why he don't upload it
14:44.18darkstonenot much
14:44.43darkstoneanyway, enough drama, away to sleep for a bit
14:44.58[Delenn]camro, honestly dunny
14:45.11[Delenn]I have adb for android and I rather happy with it..
14:45.20fakkeri am dying :(
14:46.11fakkeri have a cold
14:46.14[Delenn]grab few health packs around u
14:46.22fakkerthis isnt quake!
14:46.27fakkergrabs red armour
14:46.33[Delenn]so find health-box near u
14:47.00fakkeri make gf work like a nurse
14:47.04*** join/#htc-linux slayerns (8bb3cf21@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:47.07fakkerbitch, where's my chicken soup at
14:47.12Cassthe video game way of dealing with health issues would rock
14:47.23slayernsinjects adrenalin beneath fakker's heart
14:47.32fakkercome get some
14:47.34[Delenn]what is it?
14:48.07Cassladies who work in hospitals
14:48.20slayernsi think he meant the illness :D
14:48.28fakkeri thought he meant nurse ;P
14:48.43fakkerand why the fuck did i just google images that picture? haha
14:49.00[Delenn]lol fakker
14:49.03fakkerslayerns, do you like hujs?
14:49.09[Delenn]:D :D :D
14:49.35fakkerit's ok to say yeah - everyone needs a huj every now and then
14:49.51[Delenn]fakker u also need?
14:50.01fakkerim too ill for a huj right now :P
14:50.04fakkerhow about you?!
14:50.35[Delenn]I like own huj, not others :D
14:50.40*** join/#htc-linux Dj-Gutz (~madboy@
14:50.43fakkerhaha Cass, you figured what it is?
14:50.52Cassoh yeah
14:50.58fakkerstrokes his huj
14:51.20fakkertonight i will learn new words
14:51.38[Delenn]which? :D
14:51.38slayernswhat is hujs?
14:51.46fakkersomething like "you lazy motherfucker"
14:52.01fakkershe will say it, im sure
14:52.13fakkerslayerns, you know... hujs
14:52.31[Delenn]for u specially :D
14:53.05[Delenn]u found huj there? :D
14:53.13[Delenn]lets check u
14:53.16fakkerno lol
14:53.19Cassboomboom lol
14:53.27*** join/#htc-linux GNUtoo|laptop (
14:53.33slayernsyou have your own huj,?
14:53.39fakkerhe hujs himself
14:53.40[Delenn]yes ofcourse :)
14:53.53GNUtoo|laptophi, how can I get all the device_id in adsp6 audio?
14:54.10GNUtoo|laptopqdsp6 sorry
14:55.14pongstrdoes anybody know which liblue*.so's the new kernels (9/20) support to get bluetooth working? bluedroid can't start the btld and is closing up on a CM6 Nexus base...
14:55.33slayernsi need to figure out what huj is :D gonna ask questions about it
14:55.34[Delenn]like this
14:55.46GNUtoo|laptop[Delenn], thanks a lot
14:55.46Cassslayerns, dick
14:55.48slayernsDelenn, can huj help you to develop?
14:55.59slayernshe said everyone has
14:56.11Cassdepends how you develop i suppose
14:56.15GNUtoo|laptopnice my grep without -i didn't spot it
14:56.18GNUtoo|laptopthanks a lot!!!
14:56.20phhdcordes: I'm playing with userland rather than kernel land ATM :p
14:56.22slayerns"splash" sensor screen :D
14:56.34GNUtoo|laptop(in qdsp5 that was called endpoints)
14:57.35phhGNUtoo|laptop: endpoint is a RPC thing
14:57.40phhaudio device is something totally different
14:57.52GNUtoo|laptopok thanks
14:58.17GNUtoo|laptopI thought android used rpc for qdsp6 but I didn't look a lot
14:58.21[Delenn]phh, did u ever saw QDSO6 code?
14:58.29phh[Delenn]: yeah
14:58.30phhquick look
14:58.38GNUtoo|laptopso it's the dal thing
14:58.40phhGNUtoo|laptop: rpc is used for all qdsp*
14:58.44phhbut to different extents
14:58.57[Delenn]u are wrong
14:58.59phh[Delenn]: ?
14:59.05[Delenn]qdsp6 don't use rpc
14:59.09GNUtoo|laptopso if they use the other system
14:59.11[Delenn]so stop lie :)
14:59.12phhit uses rpc through dal
14:59.20GNUtoo|laptopaka dal
14:59.21[Delenn]rpc is rpc, dal is dal
14:59.26[Delenn]it's different things
14:59.36GNUtoo|laptopthe codeaurora alsa driver which uses dal might work
15:00.05phh[Delenn]: hum I must be confused with something else
15:00.14phhphh @ phh-desktop ~/AndroidDiamond/pt/msm-qsd/msm/arch/arm/mach-msm/qdsp6 % grep rpc * |wc -l
15:00.36[Delenn]it still other engine
15:00.37*** join/#htc-linux AstainW00t (~AstainHel@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
15:00.45[Delenn]not rpc
15:01.19[Delenn]transfer via dal anyway
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15:03.16fakkerrpc is педик
15:06.34[Delenn]but I will agree with u...
15:06.45[Delenn]rpc is annoying f*cking shit
15:07.12fakkerwe are all htc товарищ
15:07.42fakkerjust like Rocky IV
15:12.37*** join/#htc-linux lesjaw (~lesjaw@
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15:18.13slayernsDelen, ar
15:19.47fakkerbasil brush
15:20.07*** join/#htc-linux MN (5685f8bb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:20.12MNHello :)
15:20.15[Delenn]u understand what this mean?
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15:20.20fakkera kids tv show in UK, a fox
15:20.22fakkerhe says boom boom
15:20.26slayernshere we have MN
15:20.37fakkerwhat does it mean there?
15:20.43mdeejayуроки русского языка?
15:20.59*** join/#htc-linux lesjaw (~lesjaw@
15:21.10fakkerMN, spot on
15:21.13slayernsif you mean MN, it means there is gonna be "how is NAND going Delenn"
15:21.15[Delenn]ó íåãî GF ôðîì ëàòâèÿ
15:21.26fakker[Delenn] i cannot read your text
15:21.59fakkermdeejay, да!
15:22.10fakkerim learning slowly
15:22.15MNnope just gonna be patient and wait :)
15:22.26[Delenn]haha MN :)
15:23.03MNgot a desire to play with so ill be using that for a bit :)
15:23.08MNno acting lol
15:23.16slayernsoh nice :D
15:24.19*** join/#htc-linux Kasjopaja23 (
15:26.29apt[delenn] is probably Cotulla's nick to hide from nasty people
15:26.55MNlol nasty people
15:27.29[Delenn]ow :D
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15:28.21apt[delenn] the person who drills in turkish
15:28.58[Delenn]apt forgot [Delenn]
15:29.01slayernsapt: forget Delenn
15:29.01aptslayerns: i forgot delenn
15:29.06slayernsstupid apt
15:29.13slayernsDelen means driller in turkish :D
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15:29.26[Delenn]apt [Delenn] is Delenn and dot.
15:29.26apt...but [delenn] is already something else...
15:29.31[Delenn]apt forgot [Delenn]
15:29.44slayernsapt: forget [Delenn]
15:29.44aptslayerns: i forgot [delenn]
15:30.01slayernsapt [Delenn] is Delenn and comma
15:30.01aptokay, slayerns
15:30.26[Delenn]apt slayerns is somebody who wanna change Delenn's nick
15:30.26aptokay, [Delenn]
15:30.26aptmethinks [delenn] is Delenn and comma
15:30.38fakkerapt [Delenn] likes huj
15:30.38[Delenn]apt say fuck all
15:30.38aptfuck all
15:31.09aptsomebody said [delenn] was Delenn and comma
15:31.49fakkerхватит пороть хуйню
15:32.02fakkerboom boom!
15:32.10aptextra, extra, read all about it, [kosh] is a buggy "intersect"
15:32.30[Kosh]ow fakker!!!! big progress!!!
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15:32.41fakkeri copied it from that link you gave :(
15:32.42[Kosh]good words!
15:33.10slayernsenough to smack garbage :)
15:33.33[Kosh]heh u stopping my MAGLDR progress :P
15:33.46fakkerso? people can wait
15:33.47slayernsthought you are done with MAGLDR :D
15:33.52fakkerwhat about my russian?
15:34.02[Kosh]no... there a lot of work still
15:34.02MNwaiting.... loool
15:34.08[Kosh]ever tetris is too fast...
15:34.33slayernsi am gonna start to hate "speed"
15:35.12slayernsok i have spammed enough and relaxed
15:35.16slayernsgbye :D
15:36.52*** join/#htc-linux ferar (~ferar@
15:37.00MNhyperspeed tetris
15:37.09ferarhallo, while compiling linux kernel 2.6.29 for the Samsung S5PC100 (cortex-a8 based) with the following flags:
15:37.16ferarKBUILD_CFLAGS += -Os -march=armv7-a -mcpu=cortex-a8 -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=softfp
15:37.23ferarI get many warning messages of : warning: switch -mcpu=cortex-a8 conflicts with -march= switch
15:37.30ferarany idea why and what effect that has on the final image?
15:37.49[Kosh]may not run or may crash or may works nice
15:38.22ferarKosh, to many mays ;)
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15:47.52[acl]who der?
15:48.09*** join/#htc-linux Ashar (deadly@unaffiliated/ashar)
15:48.13[acl]camro: hey dood.. sorry bout last night. got home really late and by the time i got on no one was around
15:49.02camrohi acl
15:49.40[acl]camro: hey i tried the batt patch. Doesnt work on the nand but that was kind of expected since i dont have those values you have from the nk.exe
15:49.47camroOliWe installed now all patches +  made a lot of changes, because otherwise it won't work for AC/USB Charger, etc ..
15:50.34[acl]camro: he patched?
15:50.35ferarhallo fellows, any one can en-light us on the issue mentioned above?
15:50.36camroi have not miuch expiriense on git ... but can we make a git repo for it ?
15:50.38*** join/#htc-linux Ashar (deadly@unaffiliated/ashar)
15:50.42ferarthks ahead
15:50.53*** join/#htc-linux Ashar (deadly@unaffiliated/ashar)
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15:51.05camrowell, your patches ...i'm trying now ...
15:51.09[acl]camro: well if you have a well formated patch we can just update everyone. But we need to test
15:51.30camroyes, well, the battery stufd seems to be working ...
15:51.50camrotoday + tomorrow will approved from viruscrazy
15:51.54[acl]camro: i guess i need to try his latest since it doesnt work for us. But then again im nand so maybe we are a little diff
15:52.14[acl]phh: question
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15:52.20phhyup ?
15:52.51[acl]phh: do you know anything about our battery having ds2762 ? some 1 wire slave battery monitor ? i found traces on the dll but not sure if its actually there
15:53.00phh[acl]: ????
15:53.12camroacl: for battery patch -> we need some parameter, but i'm sure, that it is working better as before ...
15:53.27phh[acl]: i'm pretty sure we don't have it
15:53.38[acl]phh: :-( damn wince dlls always with their dead code
15:53.44phh[acl]: could be some obsolete code from vogue :p
15:53.57[acl]phh: if it was then dzo would use it. he uses another chip
15:54.04[acl]ds2748 or some nonsense
15:54.06camroacl: i will now test your patches + some corrections from OliWe ...
15:54.13phh[acl]: hum
15:54.46LubyDid anybody see Cotulla here some time ago?
15:55.09camroacl: for the USB stuff i need some infos ...
15:55.26phh[acl]: htc universal seems to have that one :p
15:55.41camroif i only use your patches, then in windows he wants a driver for "Ethernet Gadget"
15:55.42MNLuby [Kosh] = Cotulla
15:55.47[acl]camro: everything is in our nand branch.. u should be ale to get anything from there
15:56.09camroalso driver for win ? - really ?
15:56.11[acl]camro: i think we dont compile the eth gadget, but you can try enabling it on the default config
15:56.27[acl]camro: win always needed a driver for android didnt it? im not sure.. i have no windoes machines :-(
15:56.37camroso, the usb: what should it support now ?
15:56.43*** part/#htc-linux Luby (
15:57.05[acl]camro: check our default config on the nand.. we dont use eth gadget
15:57.16[acl]phh: wtf is htc universal ?
15:57.25phh[acl]: an old thing I think
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15:57.32[acl]damnit.. ohh well
15:57.34phhbut that's what ds2762 htc gives me :p
15:57.41camrook, nand - link ?
15:58.03camrobut give me 15min - must test now the kernel ...
15:59.02[acl]phh: so ill give up on it
15:59.12phh[acl]: well, it's quite easy
15:59.16phhsearch ds2762's doc
15:59.22phhsearch its I2C id
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15:59.38phhand see in I2C logs if there is anything for that address
16:00.03[Kosh]wtf phh again?
16:00.07[Kosh]2762 is OneWire
16:00.14camroacl: is the ds2762 the i2c for battery ?
16:00.14phhI forgot that.
16:00.23phhnot like acl said it 2seconds ago
16:01.32[acl][Kosh]: appears to be according to the code we have..
16:01.59[acl][Kosh]: anyways since we dont have it.. need to just give up on it. Unless jonpry can give me the I2C info to verify
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16:02.31jonpryits on 1 wire
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16:03.39MNhi gauner1986
16:03.42*** join/#htc-linux Markinus (~Markinus@
16:03.58MNHi Markinus
16:04.21[acl]jonpry: so u did verify ? we can use it ?
16:04.23jonpry[acl]. afaict ds2762 must be there. cause it is in the battery, and they are universal
16:04.29gauner1986hey markinus
16:04.34gauner1986i fixed liblights :P
16:04.39Markinuscool :)
16:05.03gauner1986seems like sysfs writes were coming too fast
16:05.09tids2kgauner can u have a look at the extended battery support as well
16:05.20gauner1986and fot button light just another event device was used
16:05.54camroacl: i tried also your shutdown patch ...
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16:06.14[acl]camro: i have a shutdown patch ? dang .. lol sorry im loosing track of what i have and dont have
16:06.16camronow the device will be rebooted on the end of shutdown function this normal ?
16:06.51[acl]camro: i dont know. in nand it shuts down. I dont think that pm.c works .. dunno where it came from. i dont think we use it
16:07.05gauner1986tids2k: no, i don't have an extended battery and i don't have such a deep knowledge about the battery driver, just did quick hacks on it
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16:09.17gauner1986Markinus: did you try the new desire hd stuff yet?
16:09.18Markinusgauner1986: very nice :)
16:09.31Markinusgauner1986: no, no time in the moment :(
16:09.36Markinusgauner1986: problems?
16:09.43gauner1986camera isnt working
16:09.58Markinuswhat happends?
16:10.00gauner1986seems like replacing the lib files doesnt work, because of prelinking
16:10.13gauner1986they used another memspace for their libs
16:10.17[acl]jonpry: ok.. well then i will know by tonight. i modded the code already
16:10.17gauner1986than for desire libs
16:10.22gauner1986so we can't take desire cam libs
16:10.51Markinusmaybe we see a bit more if the kernel sources are availible
16:10.52gauner1986phh reversed the cam-driver
16:11.01phhone of the cam drivers.
16:11.09jonpry[acl]: i couldn't find a phys for 1 wire
16:11.09gauner1986but it is written for a very new branch of android
16:11.18phhvery new being two months old
16:11.19Markinusphh: it'S working now for Rhod?
16:11.23camroacl: what should be working on the USB stuff now ?
16:11.29phhMarkinus: no it's for the acer liquid :p
16:11.34phhthis driver is only for msm7230/qsd
16:11.43gauner1986phh: it has the same cam?
16:11.46gauner1986as leo?
16:12.08phhno clue, but the driver handles pretty much all existing devices :p
16:12.10gauner1986maybe it's easier to do mods on kernel side..
16:12.13[acl]camro: no idea .. what it does on haret. sorry remember i dont have wince ce any more so i dont know what works and what doesnt. Thats why you are testing :-). But in nand everything works.
16:12.58camro2min back ..
16:13.29camroeverything ?
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16:17.23[acl]camro: well we are able to adb with no probs.. and if it wasnt for linux complainng about scard being busy im sure we could mount as well
16:18.18[acl]camro: what else is there ? im not sure
16:19.55[Kosh]hey Markinus
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16:20.36[Kosh]how is it?
16:21.13[acl]jonpry: so what u think then ? should we bother researching ?
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16:21.53Markinusit's ok
16:22.17jonpry[acl]: it is probably the same as on other msm7k
16:22.54camroacl: in win - it tells me: driver "HTC XDA USB Device" ... must look what this should be ...
16:23.15[acl]camro: we wrote that in there. you can make it anythign you want.
16:23.27[acl]camro: my says "poop device"
16:23.45camroi know - LOL
16:23.52[acl]jonpry: cant find any other device with that one. ds2784 is for the other android devices..
16:23.52camropoop device :)
16:24.35[Kosh]don't spend time
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16:25.00camroacl: tethering also works in nand version ?
16:25.13jonpry[acl]: ds2784 it is then
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16:27.30manusfreedomanyone has a toolchain with NEON unit support enable?
16:27.56[acl]jonpry: hmm.. they are totally different devices from what i can see. But its worth a look. Ill try both
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16:40.57Aevumi should have read up on task29 before doing it
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16:41.23gauner1986hey [kosh]
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16:41.45gauner1986[kosh] please find me a solution for the non working cam problem on the desire hd build :P
16:42.11camroacl: on the fly using your patches -> doesn't work for USB
16:42.18camromust take alook ..
16:42.49camromaybe there are some nand related read stuff, which must be rewritten for haret ..
16:42.56fakkergauner1986, сосать хуй
16:43.02fakkergauner1986, this means, "how are you?"
16:43.06fakkeror, "whats up"
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16:43.22gauner1986fakker: university sucks, and you? :)
16:43.30fakkeri have a cold :D
16:43.34fakkerso sucks too
16:43.37camroacL. whats about the duration on battery - also better there - or the same short time ?
16:44.08[Kosh]gauner1986, easy solution: don't use HD builds :P
16:44.20gauner1986[kosh] uncool, they rock :)
16:47.13[acl]camro: huh? duration of battery ?
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16:47.43[acl]camro: the patches you have are not for nand. they were written for haret but only tested on the kovsky from what i rememebr.
16:48.01camrothis lags on blackstone, diamond, etc ... must find why this is so short ..
16:48.12camroah - ok ...
16:48.55camrowell, the funny thing, the driver will recognize ok, but adb won't connect ... must look what can be the reason for it ..
16:49.00[acl]camro: let me know if you find the cause. for nand most of our code is on the board file.
16:49.52camrothe technic for this kind of USB is now a big different to old one ...
16:51.01camrofor me - normal use of battery - empty in 7hrs ..
16:51.05gauner1986[kosh] hows magldr going? :)
16:51.10[Kosh]as usual
16:51.18[Kosh]developing usb flash I/F
16:51.45gauner1986thought spl is enough for flashing?
16:53.14camroacl: can you send me dmesg form your nad ?
16:53.17[Kosh]it can't write yaffs2
16:53.28gauner1986it writes files directly?
16:53.42gauner1986thought it just flashes a binary image
16:53.50gauner1986which can contain any fs
16:54.30[Kosh]no it can't
16:54.39[Kosh]it's nand fs
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16:55.13camroacl: send you also the dmesg from my device ...FYI
16:55.49[Kosh]Raphael have usb host power?
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17:19.54jatogghi there
17:20.15jatoggwifi is nog working for me
17:21.05[acl]its not working for me either :-(
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17:21.47jatoggit says connecting, and then it says nothing, and isn't working
17:22.11[acl]ahh. im just messin.. its working for me :-p
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17:24.30rrewjatogg, which device?
17:25.25iDavidjatogg: HD7?
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17:28.49jatoggmda vario v
17:28.51jatoggtouch pro 2
17:29.21rrewjatogg, try to enable wifi in winmo before booting, it works sometimes on topaz when wifi hangs
17:30.09jatogggive me a minute
17:30.22jatogghow can i install apps?
17:30.33iDavidWith adb
17:30.58iDavidDo you atleast know how to use the ADB ?
17:31.16jatogguh..  what is the adb?
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17:31.57iDavidYou're too serious, right?
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17:32.40camrojatogg: maybe the channel #xdandroid is better for you - this is more for evelopment - thanks
17:33.14jatoggill try
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17:33.39iDavidTo help you out... just search on google ADB or ADB xda-developers
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17:34.03camroacl: you can connect on the haret version to adb + mass storage also ?
17:34.38iDavidIf adb mode is enabled.. the mass storage mode is disabled
17:35.25[acl]camro: no idea..
17:35.51[acl]camro: havent really adb using haret ever i think
17:38.16camrohmm - adb working now again ...
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17:43.19camroacl: have you fixed the ac/usb charging ?
17:43.38camrobecause this does also not work anymore with the new driver ...
17:43.38leobaillardcamro: which device ?
17:43.55camroblackstone - kernel patched like nand
17:44.09camroor better - some new patches which acl made ..
17:44.25[acl]camro: nand has it .. but i dunno whats up with haret versions.
17:44.30leobaillardoh... I asked because I'm expriencing problems on my Diamond, but I see that it's not related
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17:44.47camrothe haret version - adb is working
17:45.15crackany one here has using new hd2 radio rom?
17:45.20camrobut we are looking now that the AC/USB charger will recognize again ...
17:45.30camrobecause the msmhub will not use anymore now
17:45.45camroand the new driver - there it is different ...
17:46.01camroacl: have you also send me the patch for ac/USB charger ?
17:47.26camroleobaillard: if acl commit the patches, then it is for diamond also interested :)
17:47.26[acl]camro: ill have to look. So android doesnt recognize a/c charger at all?
17:47.45camrobut wait ... OliWe take a look :)
17:48.06camroi test here all 3min a new kernel ... *GRINZ
17:48.10leobaillardcamro: oh... ok :)
17:48.45[acl]camro: yes.. have OliWe take a look. Also see if you can send that kernel out to other folks who have different devices. from what i rememebr the patch is missing info for other devices.
17:49.19camroso, if we are ready for blackstone, then we should let the user test ?
17:49.33camrook, i will do, if the basics for blackstone are working ...
17:50.22camrobut i would like to commit the changes ASAP - because for now it is very difficult to handle all changes ...
17:50.37camroso, i will try to upload today a test kernel ....
17:51.09leobaillardbtw, still no shot at AD2P bluetooth ?
17:51.12[acl]phh: if we can test these usb changes on all the devices with success. can we commit? its a massive change
17:51.16camroone wuestion: under linux: which possiblities do you have there ? mass storage / ?? / tethering ?
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17:52.05leobaillard[acl]: what are those patches about ? complete rewrite of usb handling stuff ?
17:52.57[acl]leobaillard: they use the usb gadget framework isntead of the old hsusb. Im not sure if haret version will bennefit but we use it for nand since it works great.
17:53.19leobaillardoh, I see
17:53.39leobaillardI'm still afraid and not ready to pass the nand step on my diamond
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17:53.49leobaillardAndroid is far too unstable to be used full time
17:54.46[acl]leobaillard: every device is different. lol.. but i didnt really think nand would be popular. I ventured into it to see if it will fix 3d... which it didnt. But in the end it ended up working out great for us.
17:55.34[acl]camro: is it worth it to switch to the gadget framework for you guys?
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17:55.48rrewcamro, can you upload that kernel, i would like to test and see if its working on topaz
17:56.05leobaillardabsolutely :) when I was talking about Android, I was including it in the Diamond context ;) but I'd like to be able to switch to nand and get rid of winmo once and for all !
17:56.30camroi must fix at first some stuff - or it can happen, that you also send your phone back to HTC ...
17:58.59rrew[acl], btw do you have power client/init/deinit seq enabled for rhodiums panel because i compiled the topaz_panel.c with support for rhodium?
17:59.17camroacl: any idea ?
17:59.17camro[    0.735656] sysfs: duplicate filename 'snd' can not be created
17:59.18camro[    0.737945] kobject_add_internal failed for snd with -EEXIST, don't try to register things with the same name in the same directory.
17:59.18camro[    0.739318] Module 'snd' failed to be added to sysfs, error number -17
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17:59.38[acl]camro: no idea..
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18:00.01camromaybe static - and also from will be treid to load via module ?anywhere it will
18:00.14[acl]rrew: i know nothing about panels.. sounds like a good phh question
18:00.56camrowe should spend phh a vacation ...
18:01.14rrewseems all is working, but we (topa/rhod) have a little wakup issue and we dont know how to solve it
18:01.17rrewkk sry
18:01.45[acl]rrew: ill eventually look into it.. because i think that is known issue.
18:02.33rrewi have tried everything in the panel.c but it seems that the problems lays somwhere outside
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18:05.18rrewanyway i will ask phh for that
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18:06.19NeoMatrixJR_MobiWisTilt2: how's the keyboard light stuff coming?
18:08.03camroacl: is USB also working if it is not connected on boot sequence ?
18:08.19NeoMatrixJR_MobiWow...updated everything 2 latest. Running really slow!
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18:09.32[acl]camro: yup.. just works
18:09.42NeoMatrixJR_MobiBrb...reboot time
18:09.51camrobut not sure, if this a haret limitations ...
18:09.53[acl]camro: but to get that working i had to make changes on our board file. Some gpio stuff plus phy_reset fixes
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18:10.33camroso, if we want also to support this - i must take a look to your nand boardfile ?
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18:16.03[acl]camro: well each device has diff values but you will get the idea from the board file.
18:16.42camrosure ..
18:16.46[acl]camro: but we should go with the original design that Alex has .. so we dont have to modd each board file
18:18.40camrowell, it seems to be working now
18:18.48camrobut must test it more ..
18:19.01camroif AC connected, it is also working if connected to USB ...
18:19.14camrowill test it more in detail ..
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18:21.39[acl]camro: thanks.. more testing the better
18:21.55[acl]spread the good word to get more people to test
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18:23.17camroacl: AC / USB recognition ... we are testing - doesn'T work for now - maybe you have a tip how you did it ..
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18:25.40[acl]camro: so when u unplug, it doesnt recognize onec you replug ?
18:26.13camrono,i mean: the different charger ..
18:26.27camronow only AC or battery
18:26.44camrono diff for the kernel if USB is connected, then it looks like AC
18:26.58camrobut .. testing next kernel ...
18:27.04[acl]camro: this is the actual commit for nand ..
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18:27.20DownyAriel there plans to add extended battery support to the GIT? Currently its only in michyprimas kernel :(
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18:27.38[acl]camro: look at our boardfile for the usb connected .. its not finished but you get the idea
18:28.00psycho_maniacwhats up peeps.
18:28.26psycho_maniachow well does the android port run on the touch pro?
18:29.49OndalfTP is RAPH?
18:30.21Ondalfhaven't tested it lately... girlfriend has raphael. gotta try it out some day
18:31.57camroacl: you are sure, that AC or/and USB charger detection is working on your device ?
18:32.04camromaybe you can check this  ...
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18:33.51Rajkocottula been around today ?
18:35.07camroacl: usb definitv also working if not connected on boot process - this is a fine part :)
18:35.39[acl]camro: i just realized i didnt commit some changes.. the ac portion is blank
18:36.01psycho_maniacahh i see you cannot nand flash. i have a touch pro just laying around i wanted to put android on it.
18:36.04[acl]camro: sorry will have to wait till i get home.. also i dont think i fully tested this portion.. i know it recognizes the AC charger but im not sure if its actually charging
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18:49.43camroacl: it will charge, there the logic is on battery
18:49.59camroi don'T think, that the kernel will control to stop the charging
18:51.06camrowe are trying it ... but seems to be, that the charging detection is not in place ..
18:57.41hamagc~seen cazh
18:57.52aptcazh is currently on #htc-linux (11h 16m 24s), last said: 'I'm trying to compile his build right now :)'.
18:57.52hamagcapt seen cazh
18:57.52aptcazh is currently on #htc-linux (11h 16m 24s), last said: 'I'm trying to compile his build right now :)'.
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19:08.35comentator__does someone know how long the normal battery on the leo stays when using android ?
19:10.05EdLincomentator__: pretty long time, I ran it for 7.5 hours the other day and still had time to go.
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19:10.31EdLincomentator__: that's if the android build is a recent one that does CPU adjusting.
19:11.16comentator__Edlin:but that's not just when it's idling right, you were using it in that time, were you?
19:11.33EdLincomentator__: 2 phone calls, some web browsing, app installing, and Angry Birds. :)
19:11.47EdLinplus email
19:12.17comentator__k that's pretty neat:)
19:12.19camroacl: [  625.852203] msm72k_udc: msm72k_udc: portchange USB_SPEED_HIGH
19:13.02camrothis only happen if USB (we can use it for detection to know if AC or USB)
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19:26.05camroacl: OliWe did the AC USB changer :) it is working now !
19:26.20camrodetection working as it should be ...
19:26.37camroUSB (tested via adb in WM) also working
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20:04.39camrohi gauner1986
20:04.58camrodo you know - where should i post a new test kernel ?
20:05.30camroit is not only for blackstone - it is also for topaz, rhod, diamond, raph etc ..
20:06.02gauner1986not sure.. make a post on every forum? :D
20:06.29camronot enough time ...
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20:11.02WisTilt2jonpry: you available to test a zImage file booted from haret?
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20:20.12arrrghhhcamro, are you trying to test something specific?
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20:21.41camrowell, the new kernel do have:
20:22.11camro1.) new USB driver (does now works also if not on boot connected - also working, etc ..)
20:22.23arrrghhhreally?  sweet!
20:22.26camro2.) AC / USB charger detection
20:22.38camro3.) battery fix
20:22.41arrrghhhyou're awesome
20:23.05arrrghhhso are you testing all these changes before they go upstream...?
20:23.08camronot me
20:24.14arrrghhhoh... i guess i assumed you wrote/built it?
20:26.27arrrghhhwell either way, are you wanting to test the changes before they are put into the main kernel?
20:31.55camrocredits all to acl, phh, crazyvirus, oliwe, etc ...
20:32.11camrowell, i would like to commit this changes ASAP
20:32.26camrotherefore i need now a place where we can put it on ...
20:33.14arrrghhhi guess i'm confused... how is it different than viruscrazy's zImage testing he put up in the TouchPro section?
20:33.14camrowell, this are big changes ...and in big changes there could be a lot of new problems :)
20:33.30arrrghhhunfortunately the best way is to make threads in each subsection
20:33.35camroso, we mean we should test it for 1 day - better as nothing ...
20:33.38arrrghhhuntil it gets pushed into the main kernel...
20:33.49camroacl: do you know something about tethering ?
20:34.00camrodoes it works on your nand version ?
20:34.16arrrghhhi was going to say i could help, but it sounds like some of the fixes are already being tested...
20:34.22camrowell, maybe you can help ... i will do it under blackstone ...
20:34.26arrrghhhwifi tether or usb tether.
20:34.39camroand you can put it into the other groups :)
20:35.22camroah tetherring is setting activ if wlan is on ...
20:35.31camrobut the user can test this all
20:35.49arrrghhhi just wonder what type of tethering you mean - usb or wifi tethering.
20:35.56camrook, i will prepare a thread in blackstone area ..after that i will tell you the link ...
20:36.23camronot sure ...
20:36.46camroit tells USB connected, checking tethering
20:37.02camroah - ok, tethering can be set as active
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20:37.42camromobile wlan-hotspot - error on loading ...
20:37.53camro(but don'T ask me if it works ...
20:37.59arrrghhhare you using hte built-in tether or the XDA app?
20:38.04camrowe will see .. and user should test it.
20:38.09arrrghhhthe built-in tethering was just enabled.
20:38.22arrrghhhit may not be so stable, per stinebd ;)
20:38.49camroanyhow ... i will write now a thread
20:39.06camroah -one question - maybe you can take care of it ...
20:39.31camroi would liketo have on long press menu -> the SHUTDOWN is in there -> i want the RESET device back.
20:39.45camroit must be somewhere in the rootfs
20:39.52arrrghhhi'm not sure TBH
20:39.57camromaybe i must try to reach stineb
20:40.21camrodo you have an englsih version activated ?
20:40.34camrolook and tell me exactly what is there on the menu
20:40.51camrothen i can search for it in rootfs - it must be somewhere ..
20:41.53arrrghhhPower Off is one of them
20:42.03arrrghhhAirplane mode as well... let me boot up android.
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20:44.26HeXeDhey camro...
20:44.35HeXeDI'm checking the logs and see you are working on the blackstone correct?
20:44.55HeXeDbut you said that this new change is going to work for topaz, rhodium, blackstone.. etc.
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20:48.33arrrghhhcamro, it says "Phone Options" at the top, the "Silent mode", "Airplane mode" and "Power off" for the options.  If we had a "Reset" as well, that'd be pretty sweet!
20:50.06NeoMatrixJRWisTilt2: did you say earlier you needed a zimage tested?
20:50.36WisTilt2what phone you have i forget?
20:51.06WisTilt2you setup to boot off sd card with haret?
20:51.29NeoMatrixJRyes.  I haven't gone nand yet. not till charging and batt meter works
20:51.44camrohi HExeD
20:51.48WisTilt2ok ill pm you the link to get the image.
20:52.01camro5min - write the thread under blackstone for new test kernel
20:52.53camroarrrgh please check the spelling again -> upper or lowcase sensitiv
20:53.26[acl]camro: tether ?
20:53.34[acl]havent tested it yet..
20:53.37camroyes HeXeD, the changes and support are for all
20:53.59camroi will upload in few min .. if you let me do my job :)
20:54.34camroacl: credits ? is this ok ?
20:54.34camroall credits to acl, jonpry, phh, oliwe, etc ...
20:54.45camrosomebody missing ?
20:54.57[acl]camro: yeahh the author of the patch .. Alex
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20:55.14[acl]but then agian his name is on the file, so he got all the credit there
20:55.21[acl]camro: you patching ? or Oliwe ?
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20:58.26camroacl: my small changes not worth to talk about :)
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20:58.55camroi'm the PM an test engineer :)
20:59.06camroand sometimes the test engineer also do some changes :)
20:59.13[acl]i already released this to nand so we already got our credit buzz
20:59.23uriahheephow's the nand work going?
20:59.32uriahheepdid WoZZeR_ solve his problems? nice.
20:59.39[acl]uriahheep: i dont think so..
20:59.45uriahheepoh. darn
21:00.10uriahheep*maybe* it's related to the nbh generation
21:00.12arrrghhhuriahheep, yea, i don't think WoZZeR_ is done with it...
21:00.14[acl]camro: wozzer is working on real nand..
21:00.16uriahheepbut probably not
21:00.27arrrghhhit works as a partial nand
21:00.31arrrghhhstill depends on the SD card
21:00.37arrrghhhbut hey if you want to get rid of winmo, that'll do it!
21:01.02camrook .. done
21:01.08arrrghhhi'm not sure if his work has been tested on any other devices tho...
21:01.28camrowozzer is working on nand - also for diamond, raph, blackstone ?
21:01.34[acl]camro: no
21:01.49arrrghhhRHOD & TOPA as far as i know...
21:01.54KdecherfI have a problem with sound : in-call sound is loud on a Rhodium
21:01.54camronad for which one ?
21:02.03camroah - ok ...
21:02.10[acl]arrrghhh: not really.. we dont touch topaz code..
21:02.24[acl]arrrghhh: we just stick to rhod..
21:02.40arrrghhh[acl], i thought WoZZeR_ was also doing TOPA testing in that thread... shows what i know lol thanks.
21:02.54camrowell, i think, before i want to look for nand , i want to make: a) the battery consume better / b) VOLL UP/DOWN bug fixing
21:03.03camromaybe then the camera ..
21:03.26[acl]arrrghhh: we dont have topaz.. we just build it and if it happens to work on topaz.. then good.. but we dont write any topaz code..
21:03.28camroif 1a and 1b is working, then i will set the focus on NAND
21:03.37arrrghhh[acl], fair enough.
21:04.11arrrghhhcamro, sounds like a plan :D
21:04.38camroarrrghhh: now, you can put on the different thread groups a link to the new test kernel, thanks for your offer :)
21:04.48arrrghhhi'll do what i can!
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21:05.35arrrghhhnp.  i've been basically worthless on actual development, so i may as well do some leg work :P
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21:09.18vgrade__hello there
21:10.22vgrade__who do I talk to about xf86-video-msm?
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21:15.12camroarrrghhh: hehe - this is only, because you had the idea to make threads in all groups - LOL
21:15.13ali1234vgrade__: dcordes, tmzt, OE people
21:15.33arrrghhheh i'm not worried.
21:15.46arrrghhhi was trying to post it as one file - now i see why you didn't :P
21:16.11camrogood ...well, i mean i did nothing for my job today, then i will try to do some parts before my partner kill me. cu
21:16.25arrrghhhha, have a good one.
21:16.31[acl]arrrghhh: you know anything web related ? we desperately need a better way to keep track of the nand project. Right now i rely on wozz to deploy and get userfeed back. Wistilt can host i just dont know of a good way
21:16.54camroacl: is there also planned to implement the mass storage for wm ?
21:16.58arrrghhh[acl], yes, i'm by no means an expert... what were you thinking?  a wiki?
21:17.11arrrghhhcamro, i think that's basically on hold until we can get a full NAND...
21:18.00vgrade__ali1234, thanks, I'm wanting to find out what sort of performance increase I can get for me MeeGo port to the Nexus,
21:18.09[acl]camro: well wozz decided to go full nand. After the batt issue is solved for us i want to move to the panel issue
21:18.17[acl]eventually back to 3d.. im not looking forward to it tho
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21:18.40camrohmm - and also some strange thing in dmesg about snd ...
21:18.41camro[    0.735656] sysfs: duplicate filename 'snd' can not be created
21:18.41camro[    0.737945] kobject_add_internal failed for snd with -EEXIST, don't try to register things with the same name in the same directory.
21:18.41camro[    0.735656] sysfs: duplicate filename 'snd' can not be created
21:18.41camro[    0.737945] kobject_add_internal failed for snd with -EEXIST, don't try to register things with the same name in the same directory.
21:18.41camro[    0.739318] Module 'snd' failed to be added to sysfs, error number -17
21:18.42camro[    2.973358] msm_soc:ALSA MSM Mixer Setting<3>msm_snd_rpc_connect: failed (compatible VERS = -1440015804)
21:18.53arrrghhhcamro, holy crap use pastebin next time dude :D
21:19.14camrofuck ... i don't wanted to do this
21:19.35camroi did it via pastebin - not hmm ...mistake ...
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21:20.35camropanel issue on and ?
21:20.41camroacl: whats that ?
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21:22.10camroacl: how much modules do youn have inside the modules ?
21:22.31camroi don't understadn why i have only 57 -> auto build have 60 inside ..
21:22.44camroany idea why ?
21:23.22[acl]camro: check the defaule config.. maybe ur not making everything
21:23.32arrrghhhcamro, alrighty i've posted three threads.  one for TP, one for TP2... and another for TP2 over on PPCG.
21:23.43camrowell, i did it via the wiki page ...
21:24.10camroon diamond also ?
21:24.17camrothanks arrrghhh
21:24.29arrrghhhoh yea i forget about diam
21:24.34arrrghhhi guess i'll post one there too :D
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21:24.52camroacl: which wiki have you used - or which one is the updated version for it ?
21:25.21arrrghhhhrm.. DIAM doesn't seem to have a section for Android dev.
21:25.32camroreally ?
21:25.52camrohmm - ok let it be ... normally there is huge dynamic on such new kernels ..
21:25.54arrrghhhthere's a thread on Android by MrPippy, but it's under the CDMA section.
21:26.11arrrghhhyea, i'll leave these three threads for the time being... i feel i can monitor these.
21:26.15[acl]camro: wiki? the only wiki i know
21:26.20camroi know, that the battery part .. a lot of users are interested on it ...and it cost a lot of time :(
21:26.24camroanyway ..
21:27.04[acl]camro: do you know where in nk.exe we need to get those values for the rhod?
21:27.14[acl]right now i notice when trying to get the batt_id we get 0
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21:28.33camropuh - good question ... i will ask crazyvirus, maybe he remember on it ...
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21:29.42[acl]camro: depending on how my tests go with ds2760, i might need those values
21:30.40arrrghhhalrighty off to the branch.  catchya later guys.
21:30.57camrook, sent  ...
21:31.18camrobecause i know crazyvirus did it for few days ...
21:31.40camrosuch other postions missing ?
21:33.43camroacl: kernel build -> i did it like it is on this page:
21:33.57camromaybe there is something missing ..
21:37.00camroacl: coompared now my modules to autobuild: i miss the modules: rfkill_backport.ko / wl1251.ko / wl1251_sdio.ko
21:37.39camrohmm, maybe i must ask phh somewhen ...
21:40.10[acl]camro: lol ieve never seen that page..
21:40.55camrohehe - well you know me -as a newby begins with that page it seems to be, that i miss something ...
21:41.30camrodo you know a better link, where all important parts for beginners like me :) ?
21:41.44[acl]dell the defconfig.. im not sure if its updated. I can send you my config tonight but the one online should be the most recent
21:42.12camrook, please send it ...
21:43.20camroUSB-Tethering seems to be working (in theorie) ..
21:45.12[acl]camro: compare to this
21:45.27[acl]your def config should have the usb gadget enabled
21:45.53camroi will check it, thanks
21:46.36camrobut, don' think, that there is the problem - it seems to be, that i miss to dl apackage for wlan or whatever ...
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21:46.41camroi will take a look
21:47.38camrohi stinebd :)
21:47.44camrothanks :)
21:48.24camrowhen you are availible :) ... do you have an idea to implement the "RESET PHONE" to add this on long press power button ?
21:48.34ToAsTcfhphh: any luck today?
21:48.50camrostinebd: i think, this should be on your baby the rootfs - or ?
21:49.16stinebdcamro: that would require a modification to frameworks/base
21:50.08camrowould it be possible for you to add ? - im mean this would be an easy change - or ?
21:50.35stinebdnot really, and i would prefer not to really
21:51.02stinebdwe have a fork for frameworks/base only for xperia users, and their change will hopefully be merged in upstream so we can unfork it then
21:51.08camrostinebd: hehe - why
21:51.11stinebdthe fewer things we change, the fewer forks we have to maintain
21:51.57camrohmm .. well - it's up2u
21:51.59stinebdthe beauty of open source is that if you don't like my philosophy, you can fork it yourself ;)
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21:53.11camrono, you know why and you don't to do it ... because you haven't thought to it - or you decide not do it,because it is better :)
21:53.49camroyes, i know lazy english for a NY :)
21:56.22camrowell, the main decision for me is: long time we can't reboot(only shutdown, but now reboot is also possible ..
21:57.08[acl]camro: well what stinebd said makes sense.. why do you think i have my own nand kernel ?.. just couldnt really test with the main one.. had to do it up on my own.
21:57.36WisTilt2stinebd: love that philosopy! couldn't have said it better myself.
21:57.59camroyeah - it's ok, and anow we talk about ... and i confirm this descision
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22:01.22GNUtoo|laptoplol the ADSP needed a firmware
22:01.27GNUtoo|laptopnow it works
22:01.38GNUtoo|laptopI mean a loadable firmware
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22:14.09camroiptables is also not perfect ... there some parts wich are not ok ...
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22:21.04[acl]camro: changes kill rhod.. so lets see how the other devices do
22:21.25camroreally ? kill ?
22:21.27camrono boot ?
22:21.31camroor what ?
22:21.34[acl]crashes on boot
22:21.37camrodmesg, catlog ?
22:22.07[acl]ehh .. i dont have the patince to teach people to get me logs
22:22.33[acl]but its nothing i cant fix.. so im not worried about it. Im more worried about the other devices
22:22.40camroyeah - we will see it on thread, if someone is interested he will post ...
22:22.56camrome too :)
22:23.12camrobecause if i have no rhod drevice, then it is not so easy to test it :)
22:23.54[acl]ok gotta go .. ill be on later
22:24.40camrohmm - something goes wrong with flight mode and tethering ... must look how i can deactive it ..
22:25.07camrotethering is not really a good idea to activate ... hmm
22:25.34camroacl: can you try to activate it on your device ?
22:25.42camrothen try to deactivate it
22:26.11camroif that works, then please try also to activate the "mobile wlan hotspot"
22:27.20phhToAsTcfh: yeah I could backup my partitions
22:27.40phhI found the recovery partition, and I think I know how to flash it
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22:29.40camrohmm - must find a way to reset the settings for tethering, the options are deactivated, but it think, that itis active ..
22:30.07camrothe same for flight modus ... maybe phh have an idea for it ..
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22:32.04camroi activated the tethering .. now the device is always thinking that tethering is active, and can't deactivate the hotsport ..
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22:32.11camrohotspot ..
22:32.20camroseems to be, that blocks some parts ..
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22:32.45camrophh: do you know where are the settings stored for ex: wlan ... also in /etc ?
22:32.58phhtethering uh ?
22:33.00phhon TI ?
22:33.12camroex: if wlan is active and i reboot, then on next boot it remeber on it and acticate wlan again ..
22:33.26camroso, there must be the settings for it ..
22:33.40phhno in /data
22:33.47camroit tells me: tethering or hotspot activated ..
22:34.08camrobut the options for tethering and hotspot are grayed
22:34.45camrophh: thanks will take a look
22:35.02phhin a sqlite DB
22:35.07phhbut I really can't remember more :/
22:40.27camrohmm ...
22:40.30camrowell, the GSM is now working again ... beter as nothing ...
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22:54.12Captainkrtekdcordes, you here?
22:54.52camrook, will go to bed ... phh, you should also relax sometimes :)
22:58.31Captainkrtekdcordes, are you here?
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23:35.51ToAsTcfhphh: so lets make a recovery :P
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