IRC log for #htc-linux on 20100812

00:05.36*** join/#htc-linux brnshroom (
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02:34.36Jack-E~seen zego
02:34.37aptzego <~Administr@> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-linux, 20h 27m 5s ago, saying: 'kernel diff i used:'.
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03:01.15trino_darkstone are you here
03:01.25trino_~seen darkstone
03:01.27aptdarkstone <> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-linux, 1d 1h 53m 21s ago, saying: 'i am not complaining'.
03:12.25*** join/#htc-linux Shatterv2 (46fb1ab2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:13.02Shatterv2Anyone familiar with undervolting?
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05:37.18zrra_wifi i not working.  zImage    11-Aug-2010 02:28
05:38.35Arash18kwow, just read the git log
05:38.54Arash18klooks like you guys made use of both mem banks
05:38.59Arash18kthats nice xD
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07:50.04Art-XNetRipper: ping
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07:52.12stroller-how come htc-linux is so quite, there was no chat in it last night
07:52.34stroller-sry, that was supposed to be in -chat
07:52.50Mavyi think its because evrybody is looking at the pacthes that got committed yesterday
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07:58.18shu8i~seen zego
07:58.20aptzego <~Administr@> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-linux, 1d 1h 50m 48s ago, saying: 'kernel diff i used:'.
08:01.15*** join/#htc-linux [Hauk] (
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08:04.33Art-XWhen I try the autobuild from Netripper, I get the error "can't find Opslagkaart/initrd.." etc. in the boot from haret. where is 'opslagkaart" defined? not in startup.txt
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08:58.30K_Hismoomis there a way to strace the process responsible for charging the battery (if there is any)?
09:00.46*** join/#htc-linux Genk (4c6601e5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:01.48MavyK_Hismoom, does it not show when using logcat?
09:01.53Mavyadb logcat*
09:03.46*** join/#htc-linux Untouchab1e (c19c2cd5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:05.27K_Hismoomhm, not that i can see
09:06.40K_Hismoomthe only thing it reports is  "read property /sys/devices/platform/msm_hsusb/usb_cable_connect failed"
09:08.05K_Hismoomi was looking for more information about the charging process itself, status information, etc.
09:10.13K_Hismoomi mean information from the process responsible for charging
09:11.44*** part/#htc-linux shu8i (~shu8i@
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09:20.07Mavyright i seriously dont get why the compass is this far off
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09:25.53K_Hismoomwell at least it's always pointing in the same direction...
09:26.17K_Hismoomdon't have a real compass though to check
09:27.08Mavymine actually never shows the same heading. no matter what i try its always different
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09:30.04*** part/#htc-linux Andreyxxl (~Andreyxxl@
09:30.18K_Hismoomi'm running the latest git-kernel, maybe some changes in the code?
09:31.13RJacksonI'm on latest git-kernal too, I'll take a look at the compass too :p
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09:32.36Mavyjust noticed it seems to be pointing towards one of my spekars
09:32.58K_Hismoomi guess there might be some interference ;)
09:32.59Mavystill does not explain why it gives me different norths at different places in the house tho
09:33.09Mavybrb let me go outside
09:33.14RJacksonhm, it is indeed pointing in the same direction,
09:33.23RJacksonbut as Mavy said, different norths in different positions :p
09:33.41K_Hismoomchecking with google maps, the compass is always ponting south on my device
09:34.37K_Hismoombut you're right. when i move around the house, the location changes
09:35.00Mavytry that
09:35.04Mavyseems to have solved it :)
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09:35.50Mavyno it did not :(
09:35.57Mavywhen i start layar its al tits up again
09:37.15Mavylol im turning from north to east but the device is showing the opposite
09:37.22K_Hismoomlol, doing that confuses the g-sensor
09:38.02MavyK_Hismoom, use the compass and put it in calibrate mode. then make those movements. it will vibrate at some point whne its configured
09:38.38K_HismoomMavy: calibrate mode? do you have a different compass app?
09:38.58Mavyim using the default one
09:39.26Mavyits in the menu
09:39.28K_Hismoomthe one that draws the blue line with the red triangle?
09:39.53Mavymine has a gps function aswell
09:40.12K_Hismoomsounds like a different one
09:45.02Mavystange thing is i can see its calibrating
09:45.05K_Hismoomwell, something is seriously wrong there. using the compass for some time always results in my touchscreen no longer functioning
09:45.13Mavyand it seems to work in the compass app
09:45.13K_Hismoomsounds like a sensor overload ;)
09:45.27Mavyyeah thats the microp issue
09:46.14K_Hismoomcan you tell me exactly what compass app you're using? maybe i can find it in the market
09:47.26Mavyall i know is that its called comapss :P
09:47.35Mavyit has a light blu compass logo
09:47.39Mavyand its version 1.1
09:47.49Mavydoes not appeat to have data from the builder
09:50.12K_Hismoomis there a "help" entry in the menu?
09:51.38Mavylet me check
09:52.30Mavythats it
09:54.05K_Hismoomah, okay. then it's the one i have just installed from the market
09:54.29Mavyit has a calibrate function that will tell you to move the figure 8
09:54.36Mavykeep doing that untill it vibrates
09:55.02Mavymight try doing it with the usb cable still in
09:56.32K_Hismoomi see what you mean. it's not exactly accurate
09:58.05Mavyat least it knows your tutning
09:58.18Mavythe problem with layar is that its not resetting the compass
10:01.59K_Hismoomyou could try the app abs.sensor from the market. i think it gives better information
10:06.42Mavyseems that its not just this phone that has the issue
10:06.50Mavymy galaxy s does the sme :/
10:10.29krat0s12anyone on the official zImage?
10:13.46K_Hismoomwith "official" you mean the one from ?
10:15.50krat0s12K_Hismoom: yes.. the autobuild one
10:16.07K_Hismoomyes, i'm using that one
10:16.24krat0s12any SoD?
10:16.27K_Hismoomsurprisingly everything worked ;)
10:16.45krat0s12we just change the startup and the zImage like usual, right?
10:17.17K_Hismoomlatest chuckydroidrom and radio
10:18.11K_Hismoomi used the startup i already had for manusfreedom's kernel
10:18.20krat0s12it just SoD again.. the second time..
10:18.54krat0s12would you mind posting your startup onto pastebin? pls?
10:19.57krat0s12coz i read from xda that you have to change two lines.. the ramaddr and ram size
10:20.55K_Hismoomhere you go
10:21.30krat0s12cool! thanks.. i'll try that startup
10:22.42krat0s12actually, that's exactly what i have
10:23.00K_Hismoomtry different rom/radio
10:23.11krat0s12what's your radio version?
10:23.21K_Hismoomlatest chuckydroidrom and radio
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10:23.51krat0s12hmmmm.. let me try updating my radio.. thanks
10:27.20*** join/#htc-linux dekar_ (
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10:32.25Padre|Workoh, sorry, it's for another channel
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10:40.13Untouchab1eHi all
10:43.34MavyLo Untouchab1e
10:43.58Untouchab1eI just got a hold of a Touch Pro and decided to check out how progress for it has been..
10:44.19Untouchab1eI launch haret and the screen goes black and white veritcal lines just fade inn and eventually fill up the entire screen
10:44.25Untouchab1eanyone ever experienced that before? lol
10:45.43K_Hismoomhm, my battery is charged 101%?
10:46.41RJacksonK_Hismoom: O_O
10:47.20RJacksonI hope that your battery-protection-chip-thing hasn't..malfunctioned and is overcharging your battery. :s
10:48.12MavyUntouchab1e, try upgrading the rom and radio
10:48.27Mavyi ahd that on my HD2 before i flashed a new radio
10:49.45Untouchab1eMavy: Hmm, I think it is updated with the latest updates from HTC.. but Ill see
10:50.03MavyUntouchab1e, you need a custom radio and rom for android to work
10:50.28K_HismoomRJackson: that's why i decided to unplug it
10:50.40Untouchab1eMavy: Since when? Ive got it running fine on my stock TP2
10:51.22Mavyas fas as i know you need hspl3 and a radio version. Not sure what version exactly
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10:52.01Untouchab1eah, working now
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11:03.41theredundant~seen zego
11:03.42aptzego <~Administr@> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-linux, 1d 4h 56m 10s ago, saying: 'kernel diff i used:'.
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12:10.11tmztUntouchab1e: touch pro 1? those symtoms sound like your using a HD2 haret
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12:21.50CIA-100htc-linux: lukas htc-msm-2.6.32 * rv2.6.29-38145-g17b1cb1 /arch/arm/configs/htcleo_defconfig: htcleo: enable tun.ko module by default for tunneling
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12:31.57BonOeilhi everybody
12:33.59BonOeilany suggestion to have data connection on build shubcraft ?
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13:05.06gauner1986hey guys
13:05.46LeTamahello gauner1986
13:06.56gauner1986LeTama: i switched rom now.. sick of there errors :) using your libril the connection is established.. ppp0 comes up, but android doesnt get any internet connection it seems.. i can ping from console.. but android cant do anything
13:07.27LeTamagauner1986: probably dns issue
13:07.47LeTamagauner1986: check with getprop what is used
13:08.00LeTamamy build was hardcoded dns in init.rc
13:08.38fcna<BonOeil> any suggestion to have data connection on build shubcraft ? : same question
13:09.23gauner1986LeTama: which commands are you taking over from libril? SETUP_DATA_CONNECTION... disconnect? and anything else?
13:10.17LeTamagauner1986: only setup_data and disconnect, yes
13:10.26LeTamaI can give you the diff if you want
13:10.41gauner1986LeTama: okay.. i was experimenting with it myself..
13:10.53gauner1986LeTama: but got stuck because the modem doesnt seem to be inited
13:11.29LeTamaI talk directly to the modem, not with at_ functions
13:11.32gauner1986just took over the code from libhtcgeneric
13:11.52LeTamaas responses from the modem are going into the ril
13:12.13LeTamathat's why I said earlier that I do it "blindly"
13:13.57gauner1986LeTama: thanks
13:13.59LeTamait's not cleaned, some unused stuff there
13:15.13gauner1986LeTama: you say at responses go to the vendor ril?
13:16.04GNUtoo|laptophi phh
13:16.15GNUtoo|laptopabout camera I found a &TODO in the source code
13:16.30GNUtoo|laptopand I didn't understand how it was supposed to work
13:16.43GNUtoo|laptopwhere is the callback registered?
13:26.06tmztdoes anybody understand that code?
13:26.32tmztI still think proxying to ofono might work better :)
13:26.41*** join/#htc-linux shu8i_mobile (~yaaic@
13:26.58Cassgauner1986, which rom your using now to have ppp up ?
13:27.01shu8i_mobile~Seen zego
13:27.04aptzego <~Administr@> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-linux, 1d 7h 19m 32s ago, saying: 'kernel diff i used:'.
13:27.10gauner1986Cass: shu8i's
13:27.18Cassthats cm6 ?
13:27.26gauner1986hm.. yeah
13:27.28gauner1986no sense :(
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13:27.43Casshmm well a good trade off for data i suppose
13:28.46gauner1986that's why i switched
13:28.52gauner1986got pissed of these errors
13:29.05gauner1986couldn't even find where the log comes from
13:29.13gauner1986basically no binary contained the string
13:29.35gauner1986or htc even changed something at the java side...
13:30.33shu8i_mobilei tried. to get ppp implemented but somehow bin/pppd disappears after reboot :/
13:30.49gauner1986shu8i: i included a symlink command in user.conf
13:31.01gauner1986that did it
13:31.24gauner1986it uses a really strange fucked up root system..
13:31.29shu8i_mobilerly ?will try when I get home...
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13:34.24GNUtoo|laptopphh, there is a ifdef in libcamera.c
13:34.53GNUtoo|laptopin froyo 2.2 branch
13:34.56GNUtoo|laptopI've that ifdef
13:34.59GNUtoo|laptopI wonder...
13:35.10GNUtoo|laptopwill it somehow work without libqcamera
13:35.22shu8i_mobilegauner the 3 empty files in etc have to be empty txt ?
13:35.31GNUtoo|laptopor do I really need this liboemcamera
13:35.36GNUtoo|laptopand where to find it for dream?
13:36.12gauner1986shu8i: it won't work if you place them in /etc/ppp
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13:36.49shu8i_mobiley they didn't get recognized...
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13:37.32gauner1986shu8i: you have to set up a symlink to /data/ppp in user.conf
13:37.55gauner1986shu8i: and you will need another file.. options.smd1. otherwise ril crashes
13:39.04shu8i_mobilebarto told me that I need pppd from /system/bin in /bin; those 3 files in etc...
13:39.19shu8i_mobilesmd1 or smd?
13:40.23shu8i_mobileso I need options. smd1 d and options. smd in etc ?
13:40.44shu8i_mobileand link to pppd through userconfig
13:41.47gauner1986this is what i have in user.conf
13:42.37shu8i_mobileok Ty
13:45.26shu8i_mobileso that's about pppd ....  and I need options. smd. & options. smd1 and the other two files in etc right?
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13:59.50[ad]ist away (bye)
14:02.54tmztgauner1986: secrets files?
14:09.58gauner1986tmzt: yeah.. all files mentioned in my pastebin
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14:14.20Art-Xwouldn't this be nice: frequency scaling based on cpu load.. if the load gets high, frequency scales up and vice versa
14:14.39gauner1986art-x: already done
14:14.57Art-Xgauner1986: oeh.. bye good idea :p
14:16.44Art-Xso on the hd2 that's already the case?
14:16.59tmztin linux that's already the case
14:17.08tmztHD2 is just another cpufreq driver
14:17.32tmztyou think these guys are going to do more work than they have to? they already do enough
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14:18.48Art-Xnot thinking anything, tmzt :-) I appreciate every minute they can spare of their free time
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14:26.15slayernswho knows openGL well?
14:27.32slayerns[acl]: when you come answer this please: i am trying to implement a particle generator
14:27.47slayernsi clear all colors with glClearColor(1,1,1,0)
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14:27.50slayernsto make them white
14:27.59slayernstill now everything is ok
14:28.16slayernsbut when i try to draw from a texture
14:28.20slayernsnothing shows u
14:28.29slayernsnothing shows up*
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14:28.45slayernson the other hand if i use glClearColor(0,0,0,0)
14:28.49slayernsit works nicely
14:29.00slayernsbut i want to be able to change the color
14:29.29slayernsi tried several combinations of glBlendFunc(xxx,xxx)
14:29.41slayernsi get some result but they are not good
14:30.35slayernsthe best result that i get with black background is with glBlendFunc(GL_ONE,GL_ONE) but this doesn't show anything except white
14:30.53slayernsi hope [acl] reads logs ^^
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15:00.02phhGNUtoo|laptop: if you don't dlopen this lib, you must link against it
15:00.09phhthat changes mostly nothing :-)
15:02.16GNUtoo|laptopdo you know where to find liboemcamera
15:02.30GNUtoo|laptopI forgott some files at home
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15:27.05MNgauner1986 hows ppp going
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15:28.17uub11jonpry hows it going?, must be hard trying to work on the sound issue and the move at the same time
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15:36.26shu8igauner you there?
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15:37.42MNshu8i hows the new build going
15:37.56shu8ineed gauner for ppp :D
15:39.15phhI need him too
15:42.38fakkerfor another reason? :)
15:44.46phhnot same
15:44.52phhno, same.
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15:52.07jonpryhey phh. what phone are you working on these days?
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15:52.22phhjonpry: liquid, rhodium if I can get a windows
15:52.30phhor any way to flash it.
15:52.40phhoh I said I'd test htc flasher for linux
15:54.07jonprybut with haret who needs to flah
15:54.28phhjonpry: bah there are some theories that wimo might do crap to 3D/ADSP
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15:57.45jonpryphh? what kind of crap
15:57.54phhjonpry: protection stuff
15:58.25jonpryshouldn't my vial code break the protection?
15:58.41jonprylike what would it do. auth itself to a9?
15:59.03phhdon't know, ask cotulla
15:59.31jonpryWisTilt2 claims to be getting int23
15:59.54jonpryafaik, he has probably done nothing more than remove drivers.
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16:00.06jonpryi'm guessing pman and irq
16:00.53jonprywhen ever he gets back online he is going to test whether my code generates int23 on his kernel
16:01.22phhjonpry: yeah he is stating the IRQ code is totally wrong ....
16:01.25phhI can't see how that could possibly be
16:01.33jonpryi can, lol
16:01.49phhhow ? :p
16:02.12jonpryi mean VIC mem is like 100 dwords. most of which we reset to zero by the time we get done with it
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16:07.07jonpryi think the "proper" thing to do. is remove all code that writes to VIC. except to generally disable/enable ints. figure winmo has got it setup correctly and go from there
16:07.58jonprythe only trouble is clearing ints that we don't know how to. but that could be a worthwhile project in and of itself
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16:09.47phhbut why would qualcomm's stuff be wrong ... ?
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16:10.26K_Hismoom|afkwith the newest zImage, wifi is working better, but the touchscreen freezing issues got much worse
16:11.17jonprywrong chip?
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16:20.29WisTilt2jonpry you around this morning?
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16:21.40jonpryWisTilt2, yes
16:22.39jonpryi've been rewriting a bunch of Vial code into c++. ended up finding a bunch of errors in the threading model. hopefully some new things will work when it is done
16:23.03WisTilt2hey using your system files im getting a loop of wakeup() calls on boot so im thinking ill have to build the same kernel you are running.
16:23.36jonpry??? Are you running android on it?
16:23.48WisTilt2of course:)
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16:24.04jonprythat isn't going to work :-P. rhobuntu
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16:26.04WisTilt2lol.  ok scrap that then.  i am going to finish tracing this kernel thread error from yesterday.  it is where the adsp rpc is setup and isn't hooking correctly at kthread_run.
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16:27.14jonpryi hooked up irq6 and irq23. never get any int23. and my code doesn't cause int6. but there are a few on boot. like during wifi init
16:28.30WisTilt2jonpry: btw, we did find where that irq6 is coming from when sound starts... it is triggered in proc_comm_wince for sure.  why, i have no idea but that is where it is coming from.
16:29.09WisTilt2you hooked irq6 to adsp_a9_a11 and is still didnt trigger adsp_irq_handler?
16:29.30phhWisTilt2: I've already told you ...
16:29.41WisTilt2phh: told me what?
16:29.47phhfor msm_proc_comm_wince we wait for A9's answer
16:29.49ToAsTcfhphh i seen ur tweet. any luck on camera?
16:29.54phhwe can either poll or wait for interrupt
16:29.57phhwe use poll.
16:30.04phhToAsTcfh: yup
16:30.05jonpryit triggeres adsp_irq_handler. but that handler just prints "woohoo got the interrupt" to console
16:30.14phhToAsTcfh: it's still really instable
16:30.17phhI can't see why
16:31.04ToAsTcfhphh aosp cam is kinda buggy to begin with
16:31.18WisTilt2phh: yes but once sound play is triggered proc_comm_wince triggers endlessly.  no big deal since that's not why irq23 isn't working, just dont know why that would continue like that with nothing to service the int.
16:32.03WisTilt2jonpry: do you continuously get the irq trigger once it starts or you just get it once?
16:32.22jonpryjust once
16:32.33ToAsTcfhphh was it ur libcamera reverse that got cam?
16:32.39phhToAsTcfh: yup
16:32.41jonprywell. i get it 12 times during boot. and then never again
16:33.08WisTilt2what happens when you try to start a sound?
16:33.11ToAsTcfhnice. i wonder if itll work for other devices as well
16:33.20phhToAsTcfh: it should :p
16:34.17WisTilt2jonpry: are you doing this in winmo or actually in linux?
16:34.26jonpryin linux
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16:34.33ToAsTcfhi know a guy on the heroc working on this. ill send him to ur repo
16:34.58phhToAsTcfh: lol ? you mean he spent some time on it ? :p
16:35.06phhI've done that in 2 days :D
16:35.18WisTilt2can you check and see if you have kadspd loaded?
16:35.46ToAsTcfhphh i think he went another route.
16:35.55phhToAsTcfh: CM's hack ?
16:35.55WisTilt2should be like pid 16 or there abouts
16:36.02phhI tried it, and my own way
16:36.04phhnone worked
16:36.11ToAsTcfhi believe
16:36.17phhToAsTcfh: oh wait, it won't work on msm7200
16:36.28jonpryyes i have [kadspd] 16
16:36.34phhonly qsd8250, msm7227 and msm7230
16:36.51ToAsTcfhits a 7500 if that makes any differece
16:37.27phhno that doesn't :p
16:37.44ToAsTcfhoh :/
16:38.23ToAsTcfhphh so we got color right and touch screen working in .34
16:39.23ToAsTcfhnow just to fix ecery other driver :p
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16:40.17ToAsTcfhtrying to do it mainline style is a pita when coming from htc source
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16:41.04ToAsTcfhbut all the htc devices are the same. give or take a few hw differences
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16:41.38WisTilt2jonpry: are you able to manually send data to memory locations?  dont know what kind of setup you have.  if you can, i have some things to have to try to see if you get irq23 fired from the dsp.
16:41.46ToAsTcfhwel qsd
16:42.10Cotullawhat's up?
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16:42.58jonpryWisTilt2: i can do that depending on where it is. only lower 3gb
16:43.28ToAsTcfhphh not that going to .34 makes any diffference other then the latest mainline changes
16:43.44Cotullajonpry, how sound?
16:44.16jonpryCotulla, not that well. Stilll pluggin along, but int23 has never fired for me
16:44.27WisTilt2jonpry: need to send to 0xF8F00200 for starters
16:44.58ToAsTcfhphh ok man i gotta get back to work and awesome job on cam. i knew if anyone could do it u could lol
16:45.02jonpryphh tells me you might know something about authentication by adsp
16:45.36jonprywisTilt2. that is going to be tricky. i don't understand why it would be necessary. wavedev doesn't access that address
16:46.22jonprymost stuff at 0xF+ is wince system call
16:46.49Cotullaintr32 is ADSP_A9A11 right?
16:47.55jonpryi thought it was higher though. like 0xFFF8+
16:48.27CotullaI guess A9A11 should come from mARM
16:48.55jonpryi think it is from adsp, just goes to both a9 and a11
16:48.57Cotullaor it maybe adsp notify
16:49.02Cotullato both
16:49.05WisTilt2jonpry: forget wavedev, im need to see what values you see at certain locations. can you read that location and see what value you currently have?
16:49.19WisTilt2you are running a rhod device right?
16:49.26jonpryno i can't read it, as the kernel is loaded up there
16:49.39jonpry3g/1g split.
16:49.46Cotullaput code at init maybe?
16:50.05WisTilt2hmm, where is your IOMEM?
16:50.10jonpryi want to use a 4g/4g kernel to be able to fix some of those things
16:50.15WisTilt2should be 0xFxxxxxxx
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16:50.38jonpryoh nm. i can read it. when do you want it read. like before/during/after driver init?
16:50.46jonpryphys right?
16:52.14WisTilt2ok hang on... how are you going to read it, by adding readl() or can you actually read on the fly?
16:52.24jonprymmap /dev/mem
16:53.16WisTilt2read 0xF8F00200 and see what value you get
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16:53.41[acl]Cotulla: i have your dumps finally
16:53.58[acl]Cotulla: both wince and android.. they look similar but i didnt do a full compare
16:53.59Cotullaok nice
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16:57.13Cotullaare u have PLAYSND.dll on TP2?
16:57.38WisTilt2jonpry: what addr is your MSM_AD5_BASE?
16:57.47jonpryWisTilt2: will be a while. need to eat lunch
16:59.03WisTilt2ok, im going to finish working on this kernel thread problem.  ping me when you return after your siesta.
17:05.03Cotulla[acl], where lgos?
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17:07.14[acl]Cotulla: this is for wince.. android is next
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17:08.03[acl]Cotulla: android ->
17:11.53[acl]WisTilt2: anything for me ?
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17:13.28Cotullabad what u didn't make logs in same formats
17:14.56WisTilt2[acl]: nope, not til we get the sound working. 3d stuff hopefully will fall into place with the dsp fixes.
17:15.10[acl]Cotulla: lol... one is from haret.. didnt have time to match it.. Just load it in excel and wipe the first column..
17:15.26Cotullanice idea with excel
17:15.31[acl]WisTilt2: you think adsp is related to 3d somewhoe?
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17:17.41WisTilt2without looking at the 3d side i really dont know but never know. memory mapping is still an issue i think.
17:19.15CotullaI think ATI just halts
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17:20.58Mavyi have not had a single sod yet
17:25.07[acl]nahh i doubt ati just halting. Working on the other devices just fine. Just rhod and topaz who are real bitches
17:26.07[acl]wince just do so much to get 3d up its hard to trace it all
17:26.17[acl]like those addresses we looked into in nk.exe
17:27.34GNUtoo|laptopI've a new question on sound
17:27.41GNUtoo|laptopI want a mmapped driver
17:27.47GNUtoo|laptopthere is msm7kv2 driver
17:27.52GNUtoo|laptopshould I adapt that
17:27.59GNUtoo|laptopfor msm7k
17:28.05GNUtoo|laptopor the contrary
17:28.16GNUtoo|laptopadd mmap to msm7k driver
17:29.25GNUtoo|laptopI was talking about alsa driver
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17:30.24[acl]phh: ?
17:30.48phh[acl]: ?
17:33.08[acl]phh: we should be able to generate irqs even with memory issues rite?
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17:33.51phhcan't tell
17:34.27[acl]well proc interrupts should show interrupts even if we eff up the driver i mean
17:34.34[acl]not just show 0
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17:38.37Cotulla[acl], try reset it?  write -1 to 0xA0010148 and then clear with delay
17:39.12[acl]where did u get this address?
17:39.16[acl]Cotulla magic ?
17:39.43Cotullacasted few seconds ago
17:39.58[acl]who do i have to kill to get this magic ?
17:40.12Cotullau have low level....
17:40.29Cotullau should be at least 80
17:40.34Cotullawith useful skills
17:41.07[acl]crap.. sounds easier to just buy an Evo
17:41.40Cotullau will fall down in my eyes
17:41.43Cotullain this case
17:41.58[acl]Cotulla: but what is this address based of ? so i can write l without mapping this whole section?
17:42.08Cotullait's PA
17:42.11Cotullau need convert it to VA
17:42.13Cotullaand write...
17:42.27[acl]yea thats what im asking if this is based of anything already
17:42.38[acl]if not need to make a new base for the phys
17:42.51Cotullaor use ioremap
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17:43.06[acl]yeah thats how i was able to read it to begin with
17:43.18Cotullawe really need compare with dumps
17:43.29Cotullacan u make second dump like haret one?
17:43.49[acl]too lazy to use excel ?
17:44.00Cotullano. I am too n00bby
17:44.02Cotullain it
17:44.11[acl]ill do it.. im at work and i have that here ready.
17:46.29[acl]Cotulla: if you want to compare sutff might as well add clocks to the list. i can guarantee the grp stuff matchnes but other stuff doesnt. I dunno what other clocks 3d relies on
17:47.04Cotullayes add nice idea
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17:52.37Mavypardon my ignorance. but are we sure winmo is not causing some of these issues?
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17:54.31slayernsacl, i have written something that in logs, you may help
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17:58.10slayerns[acl] have you checked what i wrote?
17:58.56Cotullahi dan1j3l
17:59.20slayernsplease write when you have time
17:59.49dan1j3lreading logs
18:00.03Cotullathey are boring
18:00.29dan1j3lyest they are :p
18:01.11Cotullano fun today
18:01.57MNso cotulla what you currently working on
18:02.03[acl]slayerns: sup ?
18:02.04slayernscotulla, you developing smthg right now?
18:02.07MNdanlj3l hows the lights
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18:02.33slayernsacl, can you check what i wrote today about GL in logs
18:02.38MNwhat you working on
18:02.45Cotullait's secret
18:02.55dan1j3llights are turned off currently... it's still day, so no need for lights :D
18:03.09Cotulladan1j3l, right
18:03.19Cotullawe should save nature
18:03.28[acl]slayerns: ill take a look in a bit
18:03.31MNlool i meant liblights
18:03.34dan1j3lyes :D
18:03.34slayernshe is implementing tetris game that we can play until android boot up
18:03.48MNare you working on that?
18:03.54Cotullaon tetris?
18:04.16MNalthough tetris ftw
18:04.52dan1j3lyes, liblights are are just one more thing in my to-do list
18:04.59adiophjust like cotulla's Magician ROM that has tetris on boot, lol
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18:07.23slayernsare leds ok in kernel such that leds can work when liblights are done
18:08.05stuartdbjust a heads up not sure if ya know but in manusfreedom latest full ram Zimgae the WiFi does not work it says error all the time :)
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18:08.14phhadioph: tetris on boot ?
18:08.20phhthat makes me remind of caldera linux
18:08.27phhtetris during installation :-)
18:08.59Mavystuartdb: try starting wifi again
18:09.04Mavyit shoudl work on the second go
18:09.11slayernsevery long installatiion should get smthg like it
18:09.27stuartdbi have tried abot 5 times now still shows error
18:09.40slayernswhy second go?
18:10.35Blizzzardstuartdb: restarting doesnt help, its a known issue with that build I believe
18:10.36Mavywe dont know slayerns. It will fail when first enabling it
18:10.51Mavymine is workign fine on latest zImage with wifi
18:11.02Mavyi just need to enable wifi twice
18:12.01stuartdbjust have to wait for you guys to fix it for me :) keep up the good work all of ya
18:12.14slayernsanyway, i am away for a bit.[acl], feel free to write your response to my question when i am away. i will check logs when i come back
18:12.30Mavycya slayerns
18:16.08[acl]slayerns: particle generator ? do you have the code available somewhere?
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18:22.09shu8i~seen zego
18:22.13aptzego <~Administr@> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-linux, 1d 12h 14m 41s ago, saying: 'kernel diff i used:'.
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18:22.37shu8i~seen gauner1986
18:22.37aptgauner1986 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-linux, 4h 5m 29s ago, saying: '^^'.
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18:26.32zozimavy: but i need to iSyncr?
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18:34.06rmiller115Hello everyone i have a question about my htc touch pro 2 running adroid 2.2.
18:34.23rmiller115I am running the sprint network and it wont find my radio. how can i get it to find my radio
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18:43.58dan1j3ldinner time, bbl
18:44.53jonpryWistilt2: hows it going
18:45.35jonpryi am building some code to read your address
18:48.55[acl]Cotulla: New wince ->
18:49.31jonprywistilt2, there is no phys mem at 0xf8f00000
18:49.52WisTilt2jonpry: now im about to get lunch.  if you can read values out of the following addrs- 0xF8F00200, 0xF8700034, 0xF8700038 and just for kicks 0xF8305DA0.
18:50.04[acl]Cotulla: New andoird -->
18:50.32jonprythere is nothing at the first address. must be virt or something
18:50.58WisTilt2what is your MSM_AD5_BASE addr?
18:54.03[ad]ist away (bye)
18:54.16WisTilt2jonpry: yeah, thats IOMEM 13megs. phy for it should be 0xAC000000. you can read the 0xFxxxxxxx addrs with readl() if you can't do it at cmd line.
18:54.42WisTilt2ill be back in about an hour, lunch is awaiting.
18:55.23jonpryyou can see the phys addresses and virts that wince uses
18:55.40jonpryoh, nm
18:55.49jonprythe big ones are dynamically allocated
18:57.54[acl]jonpry: Are you adding new stuff to msm_iomap.h ?
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18:58.56[acl]only reason i ask is because i added new base to phys addresses and if ur making changes we can just ask phh to commit them since they might be useful to everyone
18:59.10[acl]but if not then no biggie :-)
19:01.42jonpryfound bug in physical memory mapper. might be a problem lol
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19:04.20[acl]jonpry: shit where..
19:05.30jonpryin my vial code. not general problem. just for wince drivers
19:08.59jonprywherever there is bugs, there is hope
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19:29.07RJacksonjust read something interesting.  someone on some site said the HD2 has a 260K-colour screen, but winmo only supports 65k.  any chance we'll get better colour depth in the future?
19:31.03phhI think android works in 32bits
19:31.14phhdon't knwo about the framebuffer hum
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19:37.13tmztRJackson: 18bit?
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19:43.28ali1234panels are 18 bit
19:43.33ali12342 bits are usually not wired
19:43.42ali1234so no, very little chance of greater colour depth on android
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20:18.43pkirscheSorry to bother you but I have a question, I think only you guys can help me...
20:18.49pkirscheI just got openvpn running with android on HD2, but I always have to manually load tun.ko module (with kernel from today)
20:19.03pkirschedoes anybody know where to insert the insmod to automatically load the module?
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20:22.19jonpryWisTilt2: your addresses seem to reboot my phone
20:22.52[acl]oo a crash.. thats always interesting
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20:35.18MN~seen gauner1986
20:35.20aptgauner1986 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-linux, 6h 18m 12s ago, saying: '^^'.
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20:41.23danibjoris it possible to remap some hardware keys? say to use both volume keys as camera buttons, but only if you have the camera app open
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20:46.32gauner1986re everyone
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20:48.25phhgauner1986: any fix ? :D
20:50.14gauner1986phh: no.. was so frustrated yesterday.. that i switched build.. i don't even know where that log message came from.. no binary contained it, neither the java source... htc must have some extra java binary compiled or something..
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20:54.36darkstonegauner1986: which build and what error? :o
20:54.56gauner1986darkstone: getting ppp working on froyo sense builds is a mess
20:55.17darkstoneah yeah
20:55.49darkstonehave you tried changing libril?
20:55.55gauner1986of course
20:56.01gauner1986and then the errors came
20:56.17gauner1986phh has the same problem on another phone
20:56.42darkstonethe other phone uses htc sense?
20:57.11phhacer liquid
20:57.15phhown ril
20:57.17gauner1986not sense?
20:57.25phhthat must run in its own chroot -_-'
20:57.44darkstone@ gauner1986
20:57.53darkstonemind linking a log?
20:58.26gauner1986D/GSM     (  320): [GsmDataConnectionTracker](2)Simcard isn't loaded, retry...
20:58.26gauner1986D/GSM     (  320): GSMDataConnTrack handleMessage { what=26 when=97425 }
20:58.26gauner1986everything works except data
20:58.57gauner1986do you know where the libril came from?
20:59.04gauner1986official htc?
20:59.16darkstonewas the sense build you were trying my own?
20:59.23darkstonebecause ive changed libril
20:59.26gauner1986your latest froyo sense
20:59.31darkstonethat has issues
20:59.38darkstonelet me link you to another one
20:59.43darkstonegimme a few sec
21:00.13darkstone(no signal on sleep, sim contacts issue for some people.)
21:00.18darkstonecan affect data too
21:01.29darkstonelet me see if i can find a good htclib_ril
21:01.57gauner1986the problem was in this case
21:02.03gauner1986not libhtc_ril
21:03.13darkstoneD/RILD    (  199): rild, trying to open /system/lib/
21:03.31darkstonei saw that and assumed that had something to do with it
21:03.43gauner1986hm.. no
21:03.48gauner1986there's nothing wrong with that
21:03.51gauner1986it's not an error
21:03.59darkstonei know
21:04.47darkstoneno worries then
21:05.00darkstoneppp works on normal froyo builds?
21:06.07gauner1986dunno if it's really sense
21:06.22gauner1986on shu8i's build it works
21:07.03darkstoneidk, but i think it has something to do with libhtc_ril
21:07.19darkstonebut nvm lol
21:08.00gauner1986i tried exchanging all ril related files with the ones that work on letamas build
21:08.03gauner1986but it didn't help
21:08.24gauner1986same error
21:08.34gauner1986only the that came with the build worked
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21:09.54dan1j3lgauner1986: what build did letama used ?
21:10.03dan1j3lbtw. hi
21:10.12shu8ippp working now ty ;)
21:10.15gauner1986dan1j3l: hm.. an older sense build.. i think from darkstone
21:10.22gauner1986shu8i: yeah i heard it :)
21:10.42shu8ibut did you notice that if you turn on wifi & turn it off you wont have inet?
21:11.10shu8ithat i had to change in build prop
21:11.14ElBartoMEshu8i: i already talked with him about that :P
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21:11.21shu8ioh ok xD
21:12.00ElBartoMEone strange problem is there though. ppp does not work on the first bootup after installation
21:12.04ElBartoMEyou have to restart
21:12.06ElBartoMEthen it's working
21:12.12ElBartoMEi guess a permission issue
21:12.31gauner1986yeah that build has a really strange filesystem setup
21:12.54gauner1986vbn server too busy
21:19.32gauner1986phh: you know by any chance how to get the dns address from ppp? :)
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21:20.08phhgetprop net.dns1 ? :D
21:20.36gauner1986yeah.. but that's not set during connection setup :P
21:20.55phhok check our rootfs
21:21.08gauner1986ah ok
21:21.12gauner1986it's set in a script
21:21.19phhseems so :p
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21:27.43elgrego_anyone tried camera 360 pro? its cool
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21:29.43elgrego_what photo resolution is 2592x1944
21:30.19phhwhat do you mean ?
21:31.08WisTilt2jonpry: ok im back. sorry but company business.  Did phone reboot reading all those addrs and what method did you use to read them>
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21:31.15ElBartoMEphh: regarding the ip-up script
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21:31.37phhElBartoME: ?
21:31.44ElBartoMEdoes pppd access that file or do we have to have access it manually?
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21:31.52phhElBartoME: pppd access it
21:32.01ElBartoMEoh okay
21:32.02phhyou must specify the ip-up path in the ppp config
21:32.06phhI guess;
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21:32.50elgrego_in the different choices for resolution 2592x1944 is the highest to select. how do i work out the dpi? ie how many mega pixals
21:33.20phh?? wth is the link between dpi and mega pixels ?
21:33.24phhanyway it's ~ 5MPixels
21:33.36phhi'ts easy
21:33.39phhit's 2592x1944
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21:33.43phhwhere x is the 'times' symbol.
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21:33.59elgrego_dots per inch
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21:34.12phhinch of what ?
21:34.58phhof the sensor ?
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21:43.05*** topic/#htc-linux is Welcome to the HTC Linux project! || Website and wiki || Channel logs at || Kernel mailing list: || This channel primarily serves development purposes - Please join #htc-linux-chat for offtopic and discussion about builds
21:43.06ElBartoMEit's empty
21:43.45phhElBartoME: haha
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21:47.36WisTilt2[acl]: i just wonder if all the hardware is being reset fully when winmo is kicked and linux starts up. i keep saying something's wrong with the memory mapping and it's different in linux so some hw registers may not being set in linux with the new memory locations.
21:48.08*** join/#htc-linux gauner1986 (
21:49.02tmztWisTilt2: it's not
21:49.16tmztwe don't have a full init system or eveything would work
21:49.33WisTilt2in what areas?
21:49.48phhall ? :p
21:49.53phhharet does only basic things
21:50.16[acl]why nand boot is a bitch
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21:53.23gauner1986shu8i: do you have a mirror for your image?
21:53.34gauner1986shu8i: vbn is down
21:53.55WisTilt2phh: are you setup to be able to get pointer values from within winmo, i mean while your running winmo, not through a wrapper setup in linux.
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21:54.16gauner1986darkstone: what about the link to your other froyo sense build? :)
21:54.19phhWisTilt2: yes haret can do that easily
21:54.30shu8igauner im getting freezes i pulled it down, i can give you rs though if you wanna test
21:54.49gauner1986searching for a stable build currently
21:55.02shu8ialthough elbartos one is running just fine... weird
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21:56.46WisTilt2phh: any way you can get the base memory location for the dsp_addr that's being used in winmo?  not the dsp_q_addr.  dont know if that makes sense what im after?
21:57.08phhyou mean MSM_AD5_BASE ?
21:57.21[acl]sounds like barbarism
21:57.23WisTilt2its going to be the offset from the MSM_AD5_BASE
21:57.53WisTilt2on the tilt2 at least, in linux, its 0xF8305DA0
21:58.33phhok  don't understand the question.
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21:59.04phhWisTilt2: dsp_addr variable in msm_adsp_write ?
21:59.50WisTilt2sorry, MSM_AD5_BASE is 0xF3000000, so looking for the dsp_addr which is the offset.  Yes in msm_adsp_write.  need to see if that is same in winmo.
22:00.08WisTilt2there is reason to my madness:)
22:00.13gauner1986hey cass
22:00.27Cass-hd2Hey gauner
22:00.42phha bit more annoying to do
22:00.57phh[acl]: would you mind doing that for WisTilt2 ? :p
22:01.04phhi'ts direct use of mmutrace
22:01.08[acl]phh: im at work bro..
22:01.18phhI'm gonig to bed in a few -_-'
22:01.24[acl]tonight ? or is jonpry around
22:01.39WisTilt2tonights fine [acl] ill be around.
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22:01.57[acl]phh: so mmutrace to do what again?
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22:02.48phhtrace ctrl_word
22:02.50WisTilt2yep thats it
22:03.11WisTilt2[acl]: while running in winmo though not linux
22:04.32WisTilt2phh: do you have an htc other than rhod or topaz that plays sound?
22:04.48phhWisTilt2: no
22:05.05WisTilt2k, dont remember who i was talking to that have a few diff ones
22:05.17phhjust my sister took my diamond :p
22:05.35[acl]WisTilt2: if ur on tonight some of the other guys have diamons i think ..
22:05.36WisTilt2ah, damn. would like to run a test on that diamond.
22:06.00WisTilt2android as it is currently does play sound on it correct?
22:07.02*** part/#htc-linux dan1j3l (
22:08.11WisTilt2well, if [acl] can get the dsp_addr in winmo i think we'll be good.  kind of lengthy to explain where im going with this but we can get what we need with a specially prepared kernel:)
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22:09.11[acl]WisTilt2: you will prob need to re-explain everything tonight.. i havent read all the details between u and phh.. sounds like its worth a try
22:09.13jonpryWisTilt2. hi
22:09.26WisTilt2yeah np [acl]
22:09.49WisTilt2jonpry: did all those addrs cause your phone to reboot?
22:09.52jonpryi can't read those phys addresses
22:10.00WisTilt2how did you read them?
22:10.12jonpryi used 0xAC005d0a and such
22:10.33jonprybut if you want the winmo ones, why not just use haret
22:10.52WisTilt2have at it:)
22:11.08WisTilt2you read above what im looking for?
22:11.14jonprywell. i don't see the usefulness :-)
22:11.57WisTilt2it'll be useful IF you can actually get the correct base addr that winmo is using.
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22:12.20jonprysee again. i don't see
22:12.35jonpryyou keep going on about virt addresses in linux. that have nothing to do with anything
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22:13.36WisTilt2how do i explain without writing a novel....
22:13.44jonpryits not hard to see that 0xAC has mmu entries to wherever you want
22:13.45ElBartoMEphh: D/GSM ( 1816): [GsmDataConnection-1] interface=ppp0 ipAddress= gateway= DNS1= DNS2=
22:13.50ElBartoMEno dns server
22:14.18gauner1986there's a comment in code that android doesnt use this anyway
22:14.28jonprybut i am unwilling to believe that the driver is sensitive to the virt address
22:14.39Cass-hd2No IP address either looks like a dhcp bcast elbartome
22:15.54WisTilt2jonpry:phone brb
22:16.59phhElBartoME: and no ip
22:17.06phhElBartoME: logcat of the pppd itself ?
22:17.11phh(it's in "normal" logcat)
22:17.37ElBartoMEok, just a sec
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22:21.58phhcorrect local Ip
22:22.06phhso why doesn't the script get the correct one
22:22.20ElBartoMEthe local and remote ip are set
22:22.24ElBartoMEbut not the dns
22:22.40phh[00:14:22] <ElBartoME> phh: D/GSM ( 1816): [GsmDataConnection-1] interface=ppp0 ipAddress= gateway= DNS1= DNS2=
22:22.43ElBartoME[net.ppp0.local-ip]: []
22:22.43ElBartoME[net.ppp0.remote-ip]: []
22:22.45phhi'ts set to ....
22:23.05ElBartoME[net.ppp0.dns1]: []
22:23.05ElBartoME[net.ppp0.dns2]: []
22:23.06gauner1986phh: maybe we have to give it back in code now?
22:23.06phh*anyway*, the no dns thing is more or less known
22:23.08ElBartoMEempty :-/
22:23.23phhon some providers, for an unknown reasons
22:23.25phhwe can't get dns
22:23.26[acl]WoZZeR: u around?
22:23.45WoZZeR[acl]: what's up
22:24.21[acl]WoZZeR: you get you env yet?
22:24.31WoZZeRyeah, I just got the kernel set up this morning
22:24.43[acl]WoZZeR: awesome !!
22:24.46WoZZeRI was going to look into the usb, but had no idea where to start
22:25.27[acl]WoZZeR: Need to search the logs. we discussed it a while back
22:25.54[acl]phh: for nand boot. Can we skip the whole usb init part for now ? i want to see the mdp issue after and attack that first
22:26.10phh[acl]: yup
22:26.15phh[acl]: comment out the two usb lines in machine init
22:26.24[acl]phh: well besides that
22:26.31[acl]phh: nothing else ?
22:26.37phhdon't know
22:26.38phhyou need to try :p
22:26.43[acl]sounds good
22:27.40WoZZeRis that in the arm/mach-msm?
22:27.44[acl]WoZZeR: try that.. ill point out the lines in the board file to comment out. plus other add ons to make sure clocks are happy
22:28.34gauner1986darkstone: where are youuuu :D
22:28.46[acl]arch/arm/mach-msm/board-blahh rhodium.c
22:28.52WoZZeRI only see structs for usb
22:28.53WoZZeRno calls
22:29.38[acl]should be there
22:29.43[acl]in the init
22:29.47WoZZeRstatic void usb_phy_reset(void)
22:30.05WoZZeRmsm_add_usb_devices(usb_phy_reset, NULL, usb_phy_init_seq_raph100);
22:30.07WoZZeRoh, that?
22:30.16[acl]yeah comment that one.. should be another one
22:30.40[acl]ok im late for a meeting.. ill brb
22:30.43[acl]should help out
22:31.37phhWoZZeR: comment those two lines
22:31.50phhmsm_add_usb_devices and msm_hsusb_set_vbus_state
22:31.54WoZZeRok, and it's the ones in arm/mach-msm. right?
22:32.09phhit's board-htcrhodium.c
22:32.36WoZZeRthat's what I changed and built. Gotta install samba first
22:33.17phhsamba ?
22:33.18phhlolwat ?
22:33.33WoZZeRsamba is the linux version of ms file sharing
22:33.51phhI know
22:33.54WoZZeRdev box is a small htpc box I had laying around
22:34.04WoZZeRit's headless
22:34.34gauner1986phh knows everything
22:34.36gauner1986you gotta know
22:34.59WoZZeRI figured, just saying why I needed it
22:35.16phhgauner1986: I still don't know how to fix that stupid ril issue
22:35.26phhwell I could spend some time on it, that might help.
22:35.48gauner1986phh: hm.. yeah.. stupid indeed. maybe that would be a solution :P.. but hey.. you know that it's libril now
22:36.56WoZZeRknow any way to transfer files over nx?
22:37.34phhgauner1986: yup that shuld help a ot
22:37.40phhWoZZeR: scp ? :p
22:38.08WoZZeRoh yeah... lol
22:38.09[acl]ok fellas i gotta run out.. i'll talk to you tonight. Wozzer ill send you my changes later for your kernel
22:42.16WoZZeRphh: any way to have console output to a log during boot?
22:42.29phhnot really
22:43.01WoZZeRwell, I still get video
22:43.11WoZZeRcrapping out at random places now
22:43.36phhwell you could write to mmc
22:43.38phhif mmc work.
22:43.42phhor mtd. if mtd work.
22:44.41WoZZeRyeah, it seems to randomly stop now
22:48.56WoZZeRnow I'm confused... tinboot is getting console without sd card installed
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22:56.07gauner1986phh: you have some time to experiment with the ril issue? :P
22:57.42shu8i~seen zego
22:57.45aptzego <~Administr@> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-linux, 1d 16h 50m 13s ago, saying: 'kernel diff i used:'.
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23:03.56WoZZeRphh: rebooting from kernel panix
23:05.27WoZZeRseems to happen after it resets imem
23:08.02WoZZeRit get's through the bluetooth stuff, then panics shortly after resetting imem
23:08.08WoZZeRI'll try to catch more this time
23:09.03WoZZeRyeah, can't seem to get much
23:09.13WoZZeRI do see an onscreen keyboard though, lol
23:13.04WoZZeRcpu0 non tainted
23:13.21WoZZeRinternal error #806
23:13.25WoZZeRif that means anything
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23:14.55WoZZeRunhandeled at linefetch 806 @ 0x00000000
23:24.33gauner1986how can i revert a single file in git?
23:25.07*** part/#htc-linux shu8i (~shu8i@
23:28.06jonprygit revert path/to/file
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23:34.37gauner1986hm.. git checkout HEAD file does the job
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23:50.24gauner1986mattc's build has the same simcard isn't loaded problem
23:55.34gauner1986phh: found the source of the log msg
23:55.46gauner1986it's framework.jar
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23:55.58gauner1986a class named SimWatcher that isn't in the original android git it seems
23:56.04*** join/#htc-linux BazGee (
23:57.50BazGeeDoes anyone know how I can use these new git zimage kernals in my froyostone build? I tried putting zimage on sd card and edited startup.txt but it says something not found (initrd.otio
23:58.10BazGeeand any time on darkstones next amazing release? :D
23:58.58*** join/#htc-linux NeoFlux (

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