IRC log for #htc-linux on 20100428

00:16.17*** join/#htc-linux AstainHellbring (~AstainHel@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
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01:21.20*** join/#htc-linux DaveWM (
01:34.51*** join/#htc-linux randomblame (
01:36.34randomblameicebone: you there
01:55.24*** join/#htc-linux NeoMatrixJR_Mobi (
01:56.11NeoMatrixJR_MobiIs there a special google voice app for ported droid? Or will GV even work on RHOD port w/o audio?
02:15.38NeoMatrixJR_MobiI can hear you breathing.... and now I'm wishing the RHOD keyboard light worked.
02:24.14*** join/#htc-linux BHSPitMonkey (~stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey)
02:32.13*** join/#htc-linux the_sys0p (~the_sys0p@
02:49.37*** join/#htc-linux jonpry (
03:18.17jonprydoes anyone have a memorymap for TP2? / know what is at 0xba081xxx?
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04:04.44randomblameI think paint fumes may have made me retarded
04:05.05randomblametotally worth it though
04:06.16AstainHellbringlol randomblame
04:06.18AstainHellbringwhat did you do?
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04:08.49randomblameI did this:
04:10.39randomblamethat color of paint is no longer in production
04:12.02randomblameand it's about as close as you can get to the factory paint without spending 60 bucks a can
04:13.59AstainHellbringdoesnt quite see reason to paint block
04:17.16randomblamewell when you open the hood those sorts of details are important
04:17.31randomblameI like to see peoples jaws drop
04:17.42randomblameI like to see their tears of envy
04:17.56randomblameand it adds a lot of value to the car if it is properly restored
04:18.52randomblameAndddd every month when the thing breaks down and I'm cursing and wondering why I put up with it seeing a pretty engine might help
04:21.12randomblameif you think thats crazy you should see this:
04:21.55randomblamethat's a 71 perfectly restored except the radiator hose is rubber and not braided. Some people argue over serial numbers on alternators
04:22.01randomblameit gets ridiculous
04:24.56|Jason8|did you do any rebuilding on that engine?
04:25.04randomblameno mine is the first link
04:25.20|Jason8|that is what i clicked
04:25.25randomblameI can't afford the kind of insanity that that second link took
04:25.33|Jason8|second one is rediculous
04:25.36|Jason8|but dude
04:25.38|Jason8|on hte first
04:25.44randomblamethe first is mine
04:25.49|Jason8|looks like a junkyard engine
04:25.51|Jason8|did you rebuild it?
04:25.52randomblameI bought it this weekend
04:25.56|Jason8|make any extra ponies?
04:26.10randomblameno I just cleaned it and painted it. The rebuild is forthcoming
04:26.18|Jason8|shave the head a bit
04:26.22randomblameThe head is getting shaved yep
04:26.22|Jason8|a nice valve job
04:26.29|Jason8|new rings
04:26.33|Jason8|maybe bore it out
04:26.37randomblamethe head is actually imaculate the valves are perfect the cam lobes etc
04:26.47|Jason8|not gonna cam it right away? ;)
04:27.01randomblameno I don't believe in aftermarket cams, they don't forge them anymore
04:27.24randomblamethey are out of the original blanks
04:27.40randomblameand the last aftermarket cam I bought twisted in half
04:27.57randomblamethe front half kept spinning the rear did not
04:28.00randomblameit was ugly
04:28.29randomblameI might have this cam reground
04:28.35randomblamesince it's in great shape
04:28.50|Jason8|and... uh...
04:28.52|Jason8|that would hurt
04:29.14randomblamea valve let go
04:29.26randomblamedecided to go through a piston
04:29.39randomblameit was total devastation
04:29.59randomblamethis block is an f54 out of a zx n/a
04:30.02randomblameflat top pistons
04:30.34randomblameI need to find a good machinist to shave it and blast it so it's as pretty as the block
04:31.14|Jason8|is that baby blue the stock color?
04:31.37randomblameit's really close
04:31.44randomblamea shade or two lighter
04:32.38randomblamesomeone found a motor a long time ago that was in a warehouse sealed and saved and paint matched the color
04:32.48randomblamebut that was before computers
04:32.55randomblameand it's not that precise
04:34.26randomblameit's close enough for 6 bucks a can
04:34.44randomblamecloser matches are 30-40 bucks a can
04:35.04randomblameand I don't care that much
04:37.52randomblameI hate ebay my tilt2 still hasn't arrived
04:37.56*** join/#htc-linux xawen (
04:38.03randomblameand my wife took hers away from me
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06:26.44tmzt_jonpry: we have
06:26.52tmzt_if it's not there ask cr2 in #htc-linux tomorrow
06:26.58tmzt_are you looking for phys or virt?
06:29.32Untouchab1eI am very curious as to this whole 800mV vs 925mV kernel thing. From what Ive read around here, 925mV should technically improve battery life and also give a better/more stable radio signal.
06:30.00Untouchab1ebut yeah.. people cant seem to agree
06:31.28tmzt_look at Raphael in the wiki
06:34.39jonprytmzt_: virt addresses probably aren't much use
06:36.29jonpryi'll try to find cr2. the stuff that i have doesn't seem to line up with htc-linux very well.
06:37.05jonpryi've got the windows drivers loaded/executing in linux :-)
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06:54.19kupophh: I'm back and would like to really contribute to a treo pro port
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13:17.43*** join/#htc-linux AstainHellbring (~AstainHel@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
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14:46.28mickeylphh: do you have any more cool ideas for BT or are we doomed until we use android's version?
14:53.12mickeylphh: i get an error with your patch
14:53.14mickeylIn file included from arch/arm/mach-msm/board-trout-rfkill.c:25:
14:53.14mickeylarch/arm/mach-msm/board-trout.h:24:37: warning: "MSM_PMEM_GPU1_BASE" is not defined
14:53.14mickeylarch/arm/mach-msm/board-trout.h:25:2: error: #error invalid memory map
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14:56.34mickeylbringing back the missing define still makes the sanity check erroring out
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15:33.02mickeylhow does the droid kernel usually communicate the reason reason to userland?
15:35.37hfctsaotphh camera sux :-(
15:47.06mickeyl./arch/arm/mach-msm/smd_private.h contains a couple of wakeup reasons
15:47.12mickeylbut i can't find anything using these constants
15:47.27mickeyli guess they're set in arm9 firmware and then communicated to arm11?
15:50.36*** join/#htc-linux Captnoord (
15:51.51Captnoordits afternoon here
15:51.51mickeylany idea how to obtain the resume reason?
15:52.40phh[22:52:29] <stinebd> [13:46:30] <phh> ok. is there any way to use an SD card on linux without killing the rest of userland ? << mount async, not sync ;) <-------- eats all memory => kills userland.
15:54.37Captnoordeven more bleh
15:54.40phh[05:22:23] <jonpry> does anyone have a memorymap for TP2? / know what is at 0xba081xxx? <------- phys ? virt ? whose virt ? wince ? spl ? linux ? and almost everything is in the wiki
15:54.47Captnoordnotice the angles
15:55.27AstainHellbringanyone here have desire yet?
15:55.36Captnoorda friend of mine has
15:55.44phh[08:41:14] <jonpry> i've got the windows drivers loaded/executing in linux :-) <----------- oO
15:56.06phh[16:50:41] <mickeyl> phh: do you have any more cool ideas for BT or are we doomed until we use android's version? <------ I should try official bluez stuff on a system I know like my diamond.
15:56.32Captnoord[17:55] <phh> [08:41:14] <jonpry> i've got the windows drivers loaded/executing in linux :-) <----------- oO
15:56.43phhCaptnoord: wine for arm ?
15:56.47mickeylphh: sounds good
15:56.48CaptnoordI dono
15:56.49phhwine for *wince* arm ?
15:56.59phhwine for *kernel land* *wince* *arm*
15:57.07AstainHellbringCadavre what you think of it?
15:57.15Captnoordthe wince api isn't in wine
15:57.16AstainHellbringCaptnoord what you think of your friends desire?
15:57.34Captnoordhaven't touched it yet.....
15:57.35phhAstainHellbring: there is also IceBone.
15:57.40Captnoordreason... see pictures above
15:57.50AstainHellbringic very busy with that eh
15:58.00Captnoordperfection is a burden
15:58.28phhCaptnoord: I'm not really a DIY men... but what's the problem ?
15:58.29AstainHellbringbig burden
15:59.12phhI mean I can't see anything wrong on your photos -_-'
15:59.20Captnoordphh thats the result....
15:59.22Captnoordhow I got it
15:59.25Captnoordis the burden
15:59.32CaptnoordI could have done it the easy way
15:59.35phhah ok
15:59.45Captnoordbut I did it the hard way
15:59.50Captnoordway better result
16:00.09Captnoordkitchen floor is in line with the living room's
16:00.20Captnoordwork work work
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16:05.34mickeylevening leviathan
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16:05.51mickeylleviathan: any idea how to get hold of the resume reason?
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16:11.18jonpryphh:phys ? virt ? whose virt ? wince ? spl ? linux ? and almost everything is in the wiki <------- phys i think. the wince driver is writing to 8 different adresses in 5 pages. One of them is at oxb3xxxxxx. which from the wiki looks like a shadow of ox1fxxxxxx. the shares memory area
16:11.37phhjonpry: if it's "wince writes to", then it's virt
16:11.51phhand you can do dump mmu in haret to know that
16:11.56jonprybuts its in kernel mode when it does that
16:13.19jonpryi will try that. for now i am running the driver in userd mode, and just mmap
16:13.31jonpry'ing memory into whatever it wants to use as io space
16:19.34jonprynow if only i could find a description of sharedvirtualalloccopy
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16:42.24jonpry WAV_Init() running in linux :-)
16:46.14phhfrom userland ?
16:49.18jonpryyes. just to cut down on kernel dumps
16:50.27jonpryi still need to fixup the calling conventions when there are more than 4 args, and implement tons of the functions. but most of them are just wrapper for stuff that exists
16:51.25phhhave fun. I prefer the good old way with IDA.
16:51.31phheven if it's less efficient
16:53.32jonpryof course. maybe it would be helpful to debug it running in usermode?
16:54.03phhand not only for sound
16:55.06phhthat makes me think
16:55.11phhjonpry: perhaps you should begin with gps
16:55.21phhit uses way less functions
16:55.21jonprywhen i get it running a little better, i'll put it up somewhere. you can use it for gdb or whatever
16:56.16phhI think gps only uses smd/rpc and thread stuff
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16:57.27jonprysound doesn't use much more. it sends broadcast events to say that sound is working, and attempts to open some configuration files
16:57.41jonprybut it just continues when all of the above fail
16:57.49phh(and then segfaults :p)
16:58.04jonpryi think that the sharevirtualalloc
16:58.53jonpryits hard to tell. the segfault is at something along the lines of ****char****
16:59.05jonprylike 4 dereferences
16:59.52jonpryi think i'm just going to import MMMAP.dll to get the function. I was trying to keep it to one dll, but the linker works, and i have no idea what that function does
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17:01.49jonpryisn't the only thing wrong with gps that it freezes after sometime?
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17:03.16phhjonpry: no it just doesn't work
17:03.25phhA9 resets when we try gps
17:03.56jonprysounds like a job for wince wine
17:05.00jonprydo you know what the driver dll is?
17:06.38jonpryi see gpsaux,gpsdriver, and gpsid_HTC
17:09.16jonpryi'll take a look at it later tonight
17:09.43jonpryprobably calls stuff from rpc_svcs_clnt.dll?
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17:12.13phhjonpry: yes
17:12.19phhjonpry: you'll need to reimplement them
17:12.32phhbut it's quite easy to do with android's librpc :p
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17:14.23jonpryi can load rpc_svcs_clnt.dll, but then it wants ONCRPC
17:14.46phhjonpry: it will "just" conflict with linux's rpc stuff ...
17:15.42jonpryyeah, cutting down on the imports is going to be important. else we end up loading all of wince
17:17.28jonprystupid sharedvirtualalloc
17:18.47jonpryi gtg
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17:36.19phhjontow: what are its arguments value ? the name doesn't sound really complicated, and the order of arguments can be guessed
17:37.38phhah right he left.
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19:18.57chamonixhey guys
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20:03.20Captnoordremember me enabling the mcc power stuff
20:03.24Captnoordthat was stupid
20:03.29Captnoordmajorly stupid
20:03.37Captnoordas it causes the drain to increase
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20:13.30chamonixCaptnoord: do u remember the commit?
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20:15.04CaptnoordI think its the wrong power pin we are using
20:15.12Captnoordchecking it now
20:16.16chamonixcool... I just tested zImage.20100409_125337 and it was 14 hrs without SIM
20:18.17chamonixbaseline is 22
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20:18.37Captnoordchamonix: i'll try to find the commit for ya
20:19.17chamonixthat would be great and I'd be happy to confirm with my tests as I've narrowed it down to 3 days now
20:19.52Captnoordchamonix: btw I already commited the disabling of the mmc shit
20:20.26Captnoordcommit 5915499bb83503c6e0f40f1da21adda1e46dd4a5
20:20.43chamonixk, once I spotted the kernel that is responsible for the loss I'll confirm that that commit fixes it and if it fixes the complete loss
20:23.53gsohi! i'm trying to install linux on my BlueAngel (qtek9090), wondering what autorun.exe to use... i'm following this guide:
20:24.05chamonixI can't check my table because pjottrr is offline but the date seems weird to me Captnoord
20:24.09Captnoordgot it......
20:24.28Captnoordsdcc is 24 not 23
20:24.38chamonixfrom my tests the loss would be either end of march of begin of april
20:26.40gsoit says that I need to download "Autorun".
20:27.12chamonixgso: go a to the "old" description, you'll find the files there, among others haret.exe
20:27.33chamonixit's 1/2 way down the page u posted
20:28.37Captnoordswapped gp6 with rf vreg's
20:28.45chamonixtztztz :P
20:28.49Captnoordand corrected the mmc vdd switching again
20:29.24gsochamonix: ok! thanks! I'm blind :)
20:29.33chamonixno problem
20:29.40chamonixgood luck gso
20:32.17Captnoordchamonix: .....
20:32.24Captnoordit was the sdcc vreg
20:32.29Captnoorddoes EVIL LAUGH
20:32.44Captnoordwe'r getting closer and closer to device spec
20:32.48Captnoordi'll commit the fix
20:32.56Captnoordi'm sure you like it
20:33.04Captnoordit will increase battery life 2x
20:33.06Captnoordor more
20:33.17Captnoordphh: I dono if your still awake
20:33.20chamonixok, once I finished the one I started just now I'll test the latest (in about 14 hours)
20:33.39chamonixhmmmm, Captnoord I may interrupt my test to check that
20:34.20chamonixr u equipped to take reading of effective consumption in sleepmode?
20:34.41Captnoordnot exact
20:34.48Captnoordbut close anough to make statements I did
20:35.11chamonixhow fare are we from the possible optimum?
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20:35.25FuddbobHey does anyone know about Sprints 'rebate' oppurtunities?
20:35.32Captnoordoptimum is 3ma
20:35.41Captnoordwhich in my test setting is almost 0
20:36.08Captnoorduber crap
20:36.13Captnoordwtf am I doing
20:36.21chamonixdunno, tell me :-D
20:36.41Captnoordneed to test again with shit disabled
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20:37.11Captnoordbleh I need to check the scope's setting
20:37.15Captnoordbefore screaming like this
20:37.40chamonixhow do u take readings? have u added a resistor?
20:38.03Captnoordin the negative line of the battery
20:38.14Captnoordand I use a scope todo diff voltage reading on the resistor
20:38.27Captnoordits not exact
20:38.30Captnoordbut its good anough'
20:38.44chamonixdo u know any usb scope solution with linux support?
20:38.57Captnoordi'm using a analog scope atm
20:38.59CaptnoordI dono
20:39.34chamonixI always wanted one but I know only of prototypes or windows solutions :-/
20:40.07Captnoordhmmm there should be some around
20:40.22CaptnoordI don't believe there aren't good scope's for linux
20:42.58*** join/#htc-linux dcordes (~dccordes@unaffiliated/dcordes)
20:43.07dcordesevening fellas
20:43.25chamonixhey dcordes
20:43.58dcordeschamonix, hi hows it going ?
20:45.00chamonixpretty good ty, testing battery life as my mobile is useless without SIM for a while.... hows u?
20:45.41Captnoordthank got...
20:45.45dcordessim broken? I'm good thanks. taking a drink and enjoying the summer weather
20:45.49Captnoordmy statement is still correct
20:46.02dcordeswhat statement?
20:46.11Captnoordmy sdcc patch to enable vreg switching
20:46.19chamonixnah not broken, just disabled by vodafone, waiting for a new one
20:46.20Captnoordfucked up a lot of power consumption
20:46.37dcordeswaahh vodafone. my worst enemy
20:46.38Captnoordwith the stuff disabled like it is now
20:46.47Captnoordwe gain a lot of battery life
20:47.24Captnoordlets say drain went from about 40ma to roughtly 20 - 25 ma
20:47.26Captnoordon sleep
20:47.36dcordeschamonix, I'm in a fight with them because they lurked me into a contract, promising my internet conditions wouldn't change and now I've got 1 instead of 5 gb traffic limit until dial up speed limit
20:48.09dcordesdoes it make so much sense to run firefox in android?
20:48.21Captnoordnot made for it
20:48.30Captnoordand from what I heared it needs a lot more love
20:48.33dcordesthere's better/faster options I guess
20:48.33Captnoordbefore its usable
20:48.57Captnoordbesides power consumption
20:49.01Captnoordi'm working on that
20:49.50chamonixCaptnoord: I trust u blindly and start a test run now
20:49.58dcordeswow. showing some love for the house
20:50.02dcordesit's always good ^^
20:50.14Captnoordmore love
20:52.15chamonixdcordes: that's y I canceled my contract with vodafone.... I'm an over 10 years customer and they lately showed they r not interested in keeping me as a customer
20:52.27[acl]thats really effin good laminate. my laminate looks like plastic.
20:53.08Captnoord[acl]: we didn't choose for laminate that tries to look a lot like wood
20:53.15Captnoordas you see that instantly
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20:58.02dcordeschamonix, I'm about to. I sent a long letter on the problem and they replied with one line text
20:58.40dcordessorry but in the current contract the data volume can't be changed
20:58.42dcordessomething like that
21:00.28chamonixI don't like t-com but I'll go t-mobile anyway because it's the only offer covering my requirements
21:00.58dcordesare you in the us and a?
21:01.05chamonixnope, germany
21:02.00dcordesgot super flat?
21:02.05dcordesi.e. had
21:02.34chamonixwith crappy bandwidth downgrade when limit was reached
21:02.46dcordesfor how long if I may ask
21:03.05chamonixsuperflat for 4 years, with data added about a year ago
21:03.10dcordesI've got it since like nov09 and I'm wondering if 1gig was form the beginning
21:03.35dcordesthey changed it end 2009 right?
21:03.41chamonixI added data flat in december without limit
21:03.46dcordesI see
21:03.57dcordesthat 30 euro package?
21:04.57chamonixthe only limitation is the "fair" downgrade of abndwidth
21:05.11chamonixhow's that fair?
21:05.23dcordessie können weiterhin das mobile internet nutzen
21:05.40dcordesI guess enough people live with it
21:06.27dcordesbut if they won't get me back to the old tariff I'm out
21:06.28chamonixI don't understant the model.... millions of ppl use hight bandwidth for 10 days in the month and after that they have no traffic anymore because of the limitation
21:06.43dcordeshaha 10 days.. I got 2 sims
21:06.47dcordesone in the leo, one in the notbeook
21:06.52chamonixmy suggestion: cancel....  they'll get back to you with an offer
21:07.20dcordeswell I told you. as of now they have gotten back to me with one line text fuck off
21:07.31chamonixI got 60 minutes included for free to call other german cell carriers last time I canceled and I was dumb enuff to take the cancellation back
21:07.34dcordesI will have to write another love letter
21:08.06chamonixdon't complain, cancel and wait.... they'll call u with ppl allowed to make offers
21:08.41dcordeshow many months did you have left when you tried that?
21:08.42chamonixcomplaints are processed by a dept who is not empowered to make offers
21:08.46chamonixcancellation dept is
21:09.00chamonixdepends on when ur contract ends
21:09.09dcordeshm yes the person on the phone support gave me that pointer
21:09.14chamonixit's 24 month most of the time
21:09.53chamonixbut u can cancel early, they'll get back to u fast even if you have a year left
21:09.58Captnoordsdcc power is mainly managed by gpio shit
21:10.28dcordesbut it's a good idea. I will write letter that in respons to the 1 line reply I received I feel like there is no customer support and I want to exit directly
21:10.52dcordesCaptnoord, how's it done in the google kernel?
21:10.54chamonixdon't forget to ask them to confirm the date
21:11.08dcordeschamonix, what date do you mean?
21:11.15dcordeschamonix, end of the contract?
21:11.21chamonixthe date when ur contract expires
21:11.45dcordeswhy would I wanna mention that?
21:11.52chamonixin case they keep on billing u u need to have the date in written form
21:12.50Captnoorddcordes: by vreg switching
21:12.54Captnoordbut all we have is on/off
21:13.02Captnoordthey have set vreg to this level
21:13.16chamonixhier mit kuendige ich mein vertrag xyz zum fruestmoeglichen termin, mit der bitte um bestaetitung des ablaufdatums
21:13.39Captnoordin the wince core its done by config the gpio
21:13.50chamonixI got a reply within 10 days
21:14.50Captnoorddcordes: but I expect its possible to implement a smem version of vreg
21:14.53Captnoordof some sort
21:14.56dcordesthanks mate I will send this tomororw!
21:15.59chamonixur welcome
21:16.41dcordesCaptnoord, is this also affecting wifi power consumption or only mmc ?
21:16.50chamonixin the confirmation letter they offered me some trivial advantages and told me they'd contact me to talk about a way to keep me as a customer
21:17.55Captnoorddcordes: yup
21:18.02Captnoordwifi == mmc
21:18.09Captnoordbesides that
21:18.10chamonixdcordes: do u know if t-com provide 3G IPs without NAT?
21:18.19Captnoordwe haven't ported the way the wifi consumption is managed
21:21.47dcordeschamonix, no clue. do you know ?
21:22.06dcordeschamonix, using this apn will get you rid of the compression
21:23.00dcordesCaptnoord, hm thanks yes I know. I've been wondering if the wifi might have some extra PM
21:23.10dcordesCaptnoord, one pm level above sdccc so to speak
21:23.42CaptnoordI think we should implement the vreg shit manualy
21:23.51Captnoordas we don't have the proc_comm support
21:23.57Captnoordin linux kernel
21:24.06CaptnoordI also dono how the hardware reacts to it
21:24.10Captnoordbut thats something different
21:25.36dcordesbubbles with 30ml of soy sauce
21:25.54dcordesahhhh nothing better than fresh breath
21:26.15Captnoorduses a airco for that
21:28.05dcordesGNUtoo, ping
21:28.23dcordesCaptnoord, maybe ask phh about it
21:28.36dcordesCaptnoord, I only just started learning how operating systems work
21:28.42[acl]quick question... what is left to do to implement hardware 3d on the rhod?
21:28.50dcordesCaptnoord, together with my friend Andrew S. Tanenbaum
21:29.21Captnoorddcordes: I have absolutely no clue what so ever how a OS works
21:29.30Captnoordall I see is generic software
21:29.34CaptnoordI don't see a kernel
21:30.09dcordesCaptnoord, hm yes of course.. but this book is awesome. it also assumes that what you said in hte very beginning
21:30.46Captnoordabout me not having a clue how a os works
21:30.54dcordesin a way
21:31.09Captnoordthere isn't such thing as a OS
21:31.12dcordesthat it's all just programs ^^
21:31.30dcordesI got this in the first place to understand how all the memory addressing works etc
21:31.47dcordeshighly recommended
21:32.00Captnoordmaybe... but not now
21:32.09CaptnoordI just finished my exam last week
21:32.16Captnoordand am not in the mood to read...
21:32.24dcordesfirst book about computer science I ever openned
21:32.30stinebdare we up to 3 weeks on battery yet?
21:32.33dcordesthe final one?
21:32.44Captnoordstinebd: almost
21:32.58Captnoordjust doubled the battery life
21:33.13stinebdby buying an extra large battery?
21:33.33Captnoordby reverting the mmc patch I did some time ago
21:33.54CaptnoordI can measure it
21:34.26CaptnoordI will take a picture of my DIY setup
21:34.31Captnoordits so ugly
21:35.26dcordeswhats appel
21:41.17mickey|bbiabdcordes: ping
21:41.48chamonixCaptnoord: testing since 1 hour, more tomorrow evening
21:42.41Captnoordgonna test it all night long
21:42.44Captnoordnow charging
21:43.55dcordesmickeyl, pong
21:44.05mickeyldcordes: haven't seen cr2 here for a while; we are struggling with BT and GPS atm. and I wonder whether he has some more ideas
21:44.12mickeylor you
21:45.16dcordesregarding gps I know that- once activated - it's a normal character device with nmea stream
21:45.23dcordesnormally iirc
21:45.30mickeylthe once activated is our problem
21:45.59dcordesCaptnoord, do you have gps working?
21:46.21Captnoordits not a prio for me
21:46.25dcordeswhy, what's the big problem?
21:46.34dcordesif it was easy others would have done it already
21:46.35Captnoordif the phone doesn't live long
21:46.51Captnoordneed the phone to be power effective before I will try gps
21:47.16dcordesmickeyl, did you ask phh about it?
21:47.39dcordesCaptnoord, do you know any msm7kA device with wince amss that has working gps?
21:47.57dcordesthere are msm7k (non-A) that have it
21:48.09dcordesmickeyl, I will püont oyu to the source
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21:48.48Captnoorddcordes: when the phone is lasting about the same as on wince build.... I will focus on gps
21:48.52Captnoordas I want it to
21:49.15mickeylsuspend resume is also something i'm looking out for
21:49.19mickeylsuspend reason, that is
21:50.00dcordesmickeyl,;a=blob;f=arch/arm/mach-msm/board-kaiser-gps.c;hb=refs/heads/htc-vogue direct link
21:50.33mickeylhmm, fun
21:50.39mickeylok, way beyond my depth
21:50.48mickeyli must keep on nagging then
21:50.52dcordesthis is how it is done on the non-A devices with the wince amss
21:51.24dcordesif you look at the includes you will see it uses proc_comm
21:51.48mickeylyes, very ugly
21:52.02mickeylwhy can't it be exposed via a sysfs node or ioctl
21:52.24dcordesmickeyl, well it is a character devices as I said
21:52.32CaptnoordI really think its logical that vregs are done trough proc_comm.... mainly to make sure 'users' won't fuck with oit
21:52.37mickeyldcordes: not power control
21:52.42Captnoordas it has the potentional to burn phones
21:52.59mickeylthat's why sysfs or an ioctl would be it
21:53.05mickeylhave a toggle somewhere
21:53.06dcordesmickeyl, but as you know I'm not the coding god either so this is all hint I can provide.. and mostl ikely it's done in a total different way on the dream
21:53.08mickeyland let the kernel do it
21:53.35mickeyland these days it would probably be exported via the regulator or gpio interfaces
21:53.41dcordesin android all the gps libs are binary right?
21:53.46mickeylsure thing
21:54.06dcordesand the msm7kA guys don't have it working either according to captn'
21:54.13dcordesso that's the only source you have
21:54.30dcordesso what did phh tell you about dream gps ?
21:54.41mickeylthat he has no idea :)
21:55.09mickeylother than that it's probably be done via RPC
21:55.22mickeyland then there are all the at commands that just hang the system
21:55.31mickeyltried those
21:55.45mickeylwithout any effect
21:56.20dcordesiirc there was a verry similar problem on the kaiser (way before they put that linked driver)
21:56.36dcordesany gps at commands would just freeze
21:56.52dcordesso this maybe a hint that not much changed
21:57.25dcordesbut since this conversation is leading nowhere I'll also suggest to wait for cr2
21:57.31dcordesI'm sure he can help
21:57.41mickeylany idea about BT or resume reason?
21:57.50dcordesand regarding bt it's not that critical imo
21:58.03dcordesdo you have everything working except for the two in OE now ?
21:58.32dcordesthought that problem's gone
21:58.37mickeylresume reason
21:58.40mickeylsuspend/resume is ok
21:59.05mickeylyes, we pretty much have the big showstoppers ironed out. that's why now things like GPS, BT, and Cam would be on topic
21:59.29mickeyloh and compass / accelerometer
21:59.31mickeylat least for me everything else works acceptable
21:59.49dcordesok so do you have some usable images ?
21:59.57dcordesthat don't need to be hacked for three hours uzntil you can make a call?
22:00.16mickeylimages... tss...
22:00.22mickeylnow you sound like ROM swappers :D
22:00.45mickeyl may be worth a try
22:00.47dcordeswhy not. let's drop the non-android phone software for dream bomb
22:01.24dcordesapril 13th? does it have the resume fixed kernel already?
22:01.47mickeylnot sure
22:02.14dcordesI think it was discovered after that date
22:02.29dcordesalso reagarding the quick instructions, do you need to root the device before?
22:02.41mickeyli guess so
22:02.54mickeylat least my g1 didn't want to fastboot
22:03.01mickeylso you have to do all the crazy dances
22:03.04mickeylto jailbreak it
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22:03.13dcordesso maybe update kernel and add that link
22:03.18mickeylnever did it though
22:03.22dcordesthen we can spam xda etc with it
22:03.37mickeyli doubt that the xda world is the right environment for that
22:03.39mickeylbut if you think so
22:04.02mickeyli need resume reason beforehand though
22:04.09mickeylotherwise it wakes up on every key
22:04.14mickeyland more
22:04.39mickeylbasically i need to know how to configure the wakeup sources (if at all customizable) and how to get the reason for resume
22:04.43dcordesI think it's important to show people what abilities they have with the (pseudo free) software
22:04.52dcordesthey got with their phones
22:05.01mickeylthey will be massively disappointed
22:05.07mickeylas I'm concentrating on middleware
22:05.14mickeyland hardly anyone will be excited by a dbus interface
22:06.21mickeylbut oh well... if we win two or three people, we would double the amount of folks working on it ;)
22:06.22mickeylevery device has its own showstoppers btw.
22:06.22mickeylpalm pre is giving us a hard time with the touchscreen
22:06.34dcordesthat's what makes it fun
22:06.42mickeylfor some definitions of fun, yeah ;)
22:06.51dcordesso if you want to add more developers you should show there is something to develop,
22:07.10dcordesright now hardly anyone knows there is dream support added in OE
22:08.02mickeyl"multi"touch works fine on the synaptecs panel, btw.
22:08.20dcordeswhat device
22:08.31mickeyljust need to enhance some bits in tslib and apps, of course, to make them aware
22:08.32dcordesthat's nice
22:08.48dcordeslol sweet kaiser
22:08.51dcordestakes so long to boot
22:09.12mickeylhas 10 seconds until PIN dialogue
22:09.28mickeylcan probably improve that
22:09.35mickeylbut it's nice already
22:09.41mickeylcompared to android 1.0 that's on the deivce
22:09.44dcordessee so you have something to offer
22:10.05dcordesand anybody being used to normal linux env will live with some downsides maybe
22:10.11dcordesand be willing to help improving stuff
22:10.23mickeylyeah, i will finish the SMS UI and add something to show off data connectivity, then it's time for the big bang
22:12.19dcordesgood then let's waiot for that and let me know
22:13.29mickeylmeanwhile lets see whether the kernel h4xors come up with any more lowlevel things
22:13.41mickeylgoes back in the safe middleware comfort zone
22:13.55dcordesheh ok
22:14.08dcordesI'm also logging off for the evening
22:14.16mickeylokies, g'night
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22:25.11gsochamonix: weee! booting
22:28.09gsooh noes... the backlight just went off :(
22:40.11Captnoordlast test with diamonds panel code....
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22:44.42Captnoorddiamonds panel code with the working suspend seem to use more power
22:52.43ToAsTcfhCaptnoord: !!!! what up
22:53.15ToAsTcfhi know its not that exciting but still....
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22:54.04CaptnoordI tought I had a breaktrough....
22:54.05Captnoordbut I didn't
22:54.17ToAsTcfhalways gotta love thatt
22:54.25ToAsTcfhwell im back on camera
22:54.32ToAsTcfhfriggin pain
22:55.02ToAsTcfhwe got a board-camerasensor.c :/
22:55.06ToAsTcfhnexus doesnt
22:55.18ToAsTcfhsame came though
22:55.23tmzt_you porting 2.1?
22:55.48ToAsTcfhim porting camera to .27 from .29
22:56.23ToAsTcfhCaptnoord: bah thats right u suggested using .31
22:56.34ToAsTcfhwhats the difference?
22:56.45ToAsTcfhi mean ehats gonna make it easier
22:57.27CaptnoordI haven't got fb_console working on .31
22:57.53CaptnoordToAsTcfh: don't wait for me
22:57.56Captnoordnever do that
22:58.02Captnoordjust do your port
22:58.14Captnoordits better to have a working something as a reference
22:58.17ToAsTcfhoh ur saying forward port the whole kernel
22:58.19Captnoordthen non at all
22:58.30CaptnoordI say you get the cam working
22:58.32Captnoordin the mean while
22:58.40CaptnoordI try to get the .32 kernel working
22:58.52Captnoordand we port it all to .32
22:58.56Captnoordand we'r all happy
22:59.02ToAsTcfhyeah but having a board camera is a bitch
22:59.03Captnoordliving long and happy
23:00.41ToAsTcfhbah im gonna shoot to make my board-heroc.c like the nexus when it comes to camera. then fight with includes and make files for a bit. doing the other way isnt working. its fucking up the new vfe_int
23:02.04ToAsTcfhalthough where it is now its actually half ass working. im just not getting the camera files on sys like i should
23:02.26CaptnoordI should hit the bed
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