IRC log for #htc-linux on 20100129

00:13.57*** join/#htc-linux xfight81 (
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01:03.06*** join/#htc-linux Boydell (n=Boydell@
01:10.07BoydellCan we push the 'u' keyboard fix for the raph 800 up to the main repo?
01:10.22stinebdraph800 users dont get to use u
01:10.42BoydellIts been in our repo for ever lol
01:10.51stinebdi don't even have access to it
01:10.55MrPippyyeah i can do it
01:11.06Boydellthanks MrPippy
01:11.53BoydellI just notice people are STILL complaining about it off of the main builds, figure what the heck the fix is there, someone just needs to push it :P
01:13.00MrPippyhow about your hack for arrow keys?
01:13.18Boydelldont need that, that was fixed in the rootfs i thought?
01:13.43Boydellanyways, that was reverted back a while ago when the rootfs hack went in
01:14.52MrPippyok pushed
01:14.56Boydellstill trying to get CAPS working though. and the lights to go properly. I do have CAPS turning on/off the right LED, but its not really how I want it to do it
01:15.00BoydellOk sweet thanks
01:16.14BoydellI've noticed sometimes in the kernal messages, I can sometimes see what functions call what to track down wtf if happening.
01:16.25Boydellis there a way to do this with the keyboard
01:16.46BoydellI want to see where the key modifiers are coming from and how they are being handled...
01:20.34MrPippyi'm sure theres some way to do it but i've never worked with the keyboard
01:21.21Boydellwho did most of that stuff?
01:21.51BoydellI think its something android handles though. Not 100% sure though..
01:27.18MrPippyi'm not sure, does the g1/dream have a caps lock on its keyboard?
01:27.31Boydellgood question..
01:27.53MrPippycaps lock is useful for the OS to know, to tell you to turn it off if you're typing in a password
01:27.56MrPippyi don't know if android has that though
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01:28.37BoydellRight, but right now the OS doesnt see CAPS lock, although at the kernal level it does.
01:28.42MrPippyHere is a list of the typing shortcuts you can use with the T-Mobile G1 Google Android smart phone.
01:28.42MrPippyCaps Lock – Press Shift twice. Press Shift again to disable.
01:28.53Boydellso they dont have it
01:29.04MrPippythat could be totally done at android level
01:29.12Boydellthat is alreay there
01:30.03Boydellbut now, I need the microp-keypad driver to say "Hey is the SHIFT modifier on? Yes, OK turn CAPS led on", like the way WinMo handles it
01:32.14tmztit's called leds api
01:33.44stinebdsee /sys/class/leds
01:35.53MrPippyand take a look at the other drivers (even for pc keyboards) to figure out how they do caps lock
01:37.33Boydelltmzt: should i not be able to mount the rootfs and see /sys/class/leds?
01:37.49MrPippyits only on a running system
01:37.55BoydellI guess I could look at the way ubuntu handles it, maybe go off that..
01:39.57MrPippydrivers/char/keyboard.c has some caps lock stuff in it
01:45.21Boydelltmzt: /sys/event/leds contains the led events for the front panel/backlights
01:45.35Boydellare you saying to implement the CAPS and FN leds in there?
01:46.44tmztand then let the proper layer of the kernel handle it
01:47.13Boydellhow do I look at those files though to even start getting ideas?
01:48.28Boydellalso, has anyone used ADB shell, whats up with the stupid way it display the lists of files?
01:48.59Boydellinstead of a normal file name
01:49.02Boydellthey are all like
01:49.33Boydellmakes it hard to read
01:49.36bzoit's because the dos shell doesn't do vt100/xterm emulation, so you see the control chars
01:49.44bzouse linux or the droid explorer
01:50.29stinebdyes, or use ls --color=never
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01:52.54bzogood point stinebd. I suppose to fully turn it off, you might be able to mess with the termcap
01:53.16stinebdi'd just set an alias
01:54.16bzoI wonder if there is there any kind of shell .rc that can be set (i.e. .bashrc)
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01:55.24bzoright, of course, the global profile
01:55.53Boydellwho did the other LEDS?
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02:29.43randomblamenickserv is irritating
02:29.49Boydelli know
02:30.12randomblamedid they just implement that
02:32.06randomblameoh well it's good for the channel it allows ops and all the good controls that come with it
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02:38.00MrPippythere were some spammers
02:38.23randomblamenot any more :D
03:04.28Boydellso lost with this
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03:24.07MrPippyBoydell: i wouldn't worry about using the led api
03:24.38MrPippymost/all keyboard drivers don't
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06:08.45maejrepMrPippy: have you tried the HTC_BATTCHG_SMEM driver, that's in the android-msm kernel?
06:09.50maejrepthe hero is 7501A, as is raph, so it's not unreasonable to think the battery info from AMSS would be similar, if not identical
06:10.03maejrepwell, that's sprint anyway
06:10.25MrPippyoh from the heroc kernel? or is it in the android git?
06:10.35maejrepboth yeah
06:11.01maejrepit's in heroc, hero, android-msm git, maybe even nexusone git (though n1 doesn't use it)
06:11.30MrPippythe one in the nexusone tree isn't helpful, it just does an rpc call and gets back perfectly formatted battery info
06:11.47maejreptrout battchg driver is purely rpc, but with recent devices they extended that driver to pull from smem, like the raph
06:12.08MrPippyyeah heroc is the same
06:12.15maejrepnexusone uses a "powersupply" driver, which is completely differnet from all the other htc devices
06:12.57maejrepbut check out battchg with CONFIG_HTC_BATTCHG_SMEM enabled
06:13.30maejrepmight need some gpios or mem offsets tweaked, but hopefully the logic is all there and correct
06:13.53maejrep(i haven't investigated, just throwing out ideas)
06:14.56MrPippyhmm yeah interesting
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06:15.53MrPippyit doesn't have to do any math to the values in smem to make them sensible though
06:17.54MrPippythat's what i'm looking for, the formula to make our values in smem mean something
06:21.29maejrepoh is the heroc value already converted?
06:21.37maejrepin smem
06:22.02maejrepyeah I don't know if you looked at the asm, but it makes a head spin, that's for sure
06:22.28maejrepI gave up trying to get sensible values from the smem data
06:23.10maejrepcause what I read from the asm looked totally unsensible, like (x*1000)/1000 ..  like, wtf? :p
06:23.29maejrep(not exactly, but working out the math came out to something totally strange like that
06:23.53MrPippyyeah i'm in battery.dll right now, i can see where it prints the smem numbers <praises wince dmesg> and i can see where it prints the percent and slightly more sensible voltage/temp/current, so....somewhere in between those two
06:24.38maejrepyeah it might be done somewhere else, cause the voltage/temp/current are actually pulled from an allocated struct, not converted directly from the values in smem
06:25.05maejrepand it calls some other routines, which i didn't trace as well as i could have
06:25.59MrPippyyeah the memory location of converted values is hard-coded (0xba0814xx)
06:26.23maejrepand that's not an iomapped location
06:26.30MrPippyi can see where battery.dll writes the percent to that location (after clamping it to 100)
06:27.02maejrepi might still have battery.dll lying around somewhere
06:27.11maejrepbut can't look into it tonight
06:27.15AstainHellbringhey maejrep how goes it
06:27.28maejrepremind me tomorrow or this weekend, and I'll see if I can find anything more
06:27.34maejrepAstainHellbring: hey, not much
06:27.47maejrepmy .29 heroc kernel still doesn't boot :) and no indication why yet
06:28.01MrPippyok thanks, hopefully its in here somewhere...i really don't want to go into nk.exe
06:28.11maejrepi did that too
06:28.16maejrepnot really anything useful tbh
06:28.21maejrepat least, from what I could find
06:28.52maejrepi also looked at the radio img
06:29.30AstainHellbringmaejrep the cdma kernel helping your progress?
06:29.32maejrephoping to short-circuit the math that battery.dll does...  i really think the math is required, just gotta figure out the formula
06:29.57maejrepAstainHellbring: it helped the .27 kernel some, even though I had a kernel that worked as well as the stock kernel, before they released the sources
06:30.15maejrepbut doesn't really shed any light on .29
06:30.20maejrepat least not yet
06:30.32MrPippywhy are you going up to .29?
06:30.35maejrepgonna have to wait till I get a chance to see a binary .29 to make any major breakthroughs
06:30.54maejrepjust for the sake of 2.1 and getting everything working in it that can be working
06:31.26maejrepalthough right now, 2.1 runs "ok" with the stock .27 kernel, just no camera
06:31.49maejrepand there are multiple side projects going on, to see who can get the camera working first :p
06:31.53MrPippyyeah i think .29 would be helpful for us, there's a lot of highmem and sparsemem fixes that might help with 2 banks
06:32.14maejrepyeah heroc doesn't have 2 banks
06:32.32maejrepbut from what I recall, .27 made some huge breakthroughs in sparsemem
06:32.43maejrepsurprised that doesn't help out raph any
06:33.55MrPippy.27 doesn't have arm support for the sparsemem memory model (only flatmem available)
06:34.28MrPippy.29 does, and the tattoo source is the closest i've seen to an msm tree thats using it
06:34.37maejrepweird thing about my 29 kernel is that either something is panicking very early on (like before init level 2), or the tests I'm using to see if it responds at given levels just happen to not work at the early levels I'm trying them, and by the time they would work, it's already panicked
06:35.13stinebdi should so try to frontport all this stuff to .29
06:35.17maejrephmm, that's odd..  i specifically remember enabling sparsemem on raph with .27 (I started the merge process to .27, so I know it wasn't 25 or 29, had to be 27)
06:36.33maejrepi dunno, maybe i was backporting 29 patches into the 27 kernel...  but i know it worked, at least vaguely (there were still some gaps we had to work around or risk crashing)
06:37.37MrPippysparse_init() didn't get added to arch/arm/mm until october 2008, so it wasn't too long after .27 shipped (~aug 2008)
06:38.00MrPippybut then i looked at the vogue source, and kaiser is using noncontiguous memory banks on 2.6.25
06:38.21maejrepweird, seems like a risky patch (29 to 27), especially at that time, since 27 was still a little rocky for us
06:38.44maejrepyeah i thought it'd be more likely I was backporting 27 patches into 25
06:39.13maejrepbut you're probably more familiar with it now ;)
06:39.17MrPippyin kaiser fixup the node is the same for both banks, i tried that on mine and it worked for a little while
06:39.21maejrepi'm just going off a year old hazy recollection :p
06:40.09MrPippyhah node on both banks is set to 0
06:40.28maejrepthat might be what I'm thinking of -- we were enabling discontiguous mem, not sparsemem
06:40.49maejrepand iirc discontigmem is being phased out
06:41.02MrPippyyeah, i think its just for numa big iron
06:42.03MrPippythere's been some discontiguous patches for flatmem too (the HAS_HOLES stuff)
06:42.06maejrepi think the sparsemem fixup changes worked on raph100, netripper got that working, but the memory layout of raph800 was different
06:42.28MrPippyi'm on diam500, same memory config as raph800
06:42.37maejrepah, vzw?
06:43.15MrPippynah 500 is sprint, 400 is verizon
06:43.15maejrepdiam500 has a smaller mem layout than 800, right?
06:43.24MrPippyless nand, but same ram
06:43.50AstainHellbringdiam500 should have same nand too
06:43.50maejrephmm, really?  is diam500 not the same carrier as raph500?
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06:44.05AstainHellbringbased on what MrPippy says no
06:44.08MrPippyyup, confusing
06:44.17AstainHellbringhe says 500 is spcs 400 is vzw
06:44.30maejrepcould have sworn tmzt had raph500, on vzw, and that diam had been following the same numbers
06:44.36MrPippydiam500 has 256MB nand, raph800 is 512 i think
06:45.09maejrepi'm on a different 7501A now :p
06:45.41AstainHellbringlooks like MrPippy is right based on quick google
06:45.43maejrephave you seen the new smd.c btw?  accounts for both gsm and cdma style smd channels
06:45.54maejrepI'm sure =)
06:46.13maejrepnot doubting, just surprised
06:46.45MrPippyyeah the _v1 and _v2 smd code
06:46.57maejrepso the new smd should make my smd_7500 unnecessary
06:47.34maejrepwell, that's only if the offsets are in the smem toc heap, which might not be the case on a wince devices
06:48.04MrPippynah we've still got smd_7500, they're still separate channels that don't get seen by the regular smd code
06:48.39MrPippythe _v2 channels are for the newer devices/amss versions: touch pro2, td2
06:48.50maejrepbasically for each channel that is seen in toc, there's another channel 138 structs up that contains the real fifo buffer offsets
06:49.34maejrepthat would definitely help heroc, which does follow that
06:50.07MrPippyhehe yeah i've spent plenty of time in smd_7500, we had to use old versions of smd and smd_rpcrouter for a few months because smd_7500 wouldn't work with the new one (with the _v2)
06:52.12MrPippyi fixed it about a month ago (because the data field disappeared from half_channel, so we couldn't put pointers there anymore), but forgot to mark the new head and tail pointers as volatile
06:52.29MrPippyit was crashing pretty often until i realized it two days ago ;-)
06:52.39maejrepthat would do it :p
06:53.02maejrepwas it watchdog crashing it, or just getting mixed up in where it should be?
06:54.12MrPippykernel would just panic for data-heavy apps (downloading from market especially), and the panics weren't helpful at all
06:54.25MrPippyit was corrupting memory, at random i guess
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06:55.58maejrepweird, the tx and rx are separate, so it shouldn't have been corrupting it that much, except that the data you'd read might be offset by some amount, getting duplicate packets of data
06:56.12maejrepwhich i guess would be a corrupted stream, but not necessarily corrupted memory
06:58.08MrPippyyeah it was the buffers and the heads/tails not being volatile...who knows what the a9 is doing
06:59.08maejrepyeah, buffers not being volatile would cause wrong data to be read, head/tail not being volatile would cause it to read from the wrong places
06:59.24maejrepfor all intents and purposes, i can see that being corrupted :)
07:00.29maejrepbedtime for me, good luck, ping me this weekend I'll see if I can help
07:00.42MrPippyfor sure, thanks
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09:13.16Markinusphh: The gsensor is working now, here is my patch . But it's a bit slow, I think we have to change the kernel driver to make it full compatible (Rate, Scale ). I will look on it.
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09:21.20NetRippermaejrep, i got that working on raph up to a point.. the memory seemed accessible from linux itself, but android would hang when the 2nd memory bank was enabled
09:21.37NetRipperso not sure if there still was a quirk
09:21.51NetRipperi left 2nd memory bank disabled after that... dunno if someone else worked on it after that
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12:51.58Captnoordlol.... i'm unable to get on the phone with the correct person on the asus service centre
12:52.03Captnoordanyone working for asus?
12:52.22Captnoordif so... gimme a hand
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17:22.04quasHey all.  Using xdandroid, and since I changed from stock config to physkeyboard=fuze, I have a small floating keyboard on my screen.  Looks like a debug keyboard.  How can I turn it off?
17:23.54Boydelldo you have msmkeyb_toogle in your startup?
17:26.36quasAh, there was a typo in my config.  There is no m at the start.  That option == off will kill the kb?
17:27.57Boydellyah, you want msmvkeyb_toggle=off for that line. Should kill that keyboard. That was there was using android before the phys or android soft keyboard were working
17:28.39quasAwesome, thank you!
17:29.03Boydellnp, have fun with android!
17:29.20quasIt turned a windows POS phone into something I actually use now!  I love it!
17:30.11BoydellGuh. I hate WinMo. I wish Android was more stable and useable one my phone right now. I would use it all the time...
17:31.09quasMine is stable.  Battery life is a little weak, but last few kernels have really helped.  Only niggle, which I can live with for now, is my clock is losing time.  About 25 minutes in 3 days.
17:32.20Boydellhm. I havent really paid attention to that. My batt life wont even last me a day right now. For mic to work I have to call out first then boot haRET. Crashes every once in a while too.
17:32.40quasI even beat up on mine using agps on new google maps successfully.
17:32.49quasWhat do you have for a phone that it is not stable?
17:33.31Boydellone of the CDMA versions of the touch pro
17:33.58quasMine is the raph110 (fuze for att).
17:34.10Boydellah nice.
17:34.29quasI fell in love with the phone as the 800, but ended up with att wireless as carrier.
17:35.06quasAh, keyboard gone!  You rock!
17:35.18Boydelllol. Yah its a solid phone, apart from me being on my 3rd one ina year...
17:36.10quasWow, what did you do to yours?  I have dropped mine repeatedly and been a little rough on it, and it is about a year old now (+-2weeks)
17:36.50BoydellI treat my phone like a king
17:36.56Boydellit just fucked up
17:37.16Boydellfirst time, the sensor the detects whether the keyboard has been slid out went
17:37.47Boydellsecond time, the back speaker went all sketchy and would cut in and out.
17:39.01quasBummer.  Now that I have android stable, I am not looking for a replacement as fast.  Still think next time I will go for an android native phone, though.
17:39.26BoydellYah, I want the nexus one :)
17:39.50quasThat's the one with no hw kb, right?
17:42.30BoydellBut it doesnt work on my carrier. So I'll wait till google releases one with a hw kb
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18:48.59phhany TP2 tester around ?
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19:08.22chamonixhey guys
19:08.41phhchamonix: what's your push rss thing again ?
19:08.45phhI mean after the r2e part
19:16.07chamonixhey phh... u mean opencalais?
19:16.26chamonixthat's the semantic tagging
19:18.37chamonixphh: is there something specific u'd like me to test? if not I'm going to my backlog
19:19.10phhbah I want TP2
19:19.47chamonixwell, if some1's lazy and wants me to test just drop me a memo an I'll give my postal address back :-D
19:20.15phhstrange :p
19:21.54phhchamonix: you have no usb otg cable ?
19:22.24phh(I ask just in case :p)
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19:26.37NeoMatrixJRphh: Sorry I wasn't able to get online yesterday, are you still looking for TP2 testers?
19:26.49phhno problem, I tested some games instead :p
19:27.25phhso what to try today
19:27.32phhNeoMatrixJR: you have adb working ?
19:27.56NeoMatrixJRwell, since I'm not sure what adb is, I'm going to guess no.
19:27.56phhor telnet or whatever
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19:28.10NeoMatrixJRI'd like to though!
19:28.25phhNeoMatrixJR: you're running linux right ?
19:28.28phhI mean on your computer
19:28.42NeoMatrixJRon this box...sadly no.  I'm at work right now so stuck in windows
19:29.29NeoMatrixJRI'm guessing that rules me out of being helpful for now then... :(
19:29.39phhNeoMatrixJR: does your computer finds a network connection on usb ?
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19:30.09NeoMatrixJRwhen booting android? finds "smartphone" then can't find drivers
19:30.35phhare you sure ?
19:30.39phhit might not find adb drivers
19:30.42phhbut might find inet drivers
19:31.17Boydellis there kernal the name as ours pretty much phh?
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19:31.39NeoMatrixJRhang-on...rebooting android from haret
19:31.45chamonixphh: u need some testing from linux with the new vendor id?
19:31.56BoydellNeoMatrixJR: what disto of Win?
19:31.57phhBoydell: ok, my brain isn't really in a good shape today... but I don't understand a word of your sentense /o\
19:32.07NeoMatrixJRXP Pro
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19:32.37NeoMatrixJRis there a particular release of Android I should be using to lend a hand on this?
19:32.43chamonixhey Boydell
19:32.48Boydellphh:  ahaha. Maybe I dont make sense. Is the TP2 build the same as the normal TP buils?
19:32.56Boydellhey chamonix
19:32.57phhBoydell: should be yes
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19:33.14phhbut I never know what users do.
19:33.25NeoMatrixJRWindows is saying "Smartphone" in the Found new hardware wizard
19:33.26BoydellFor windows then, he needs to have an updated zImage with the usb changes to try to get adb with windows
19:33.33Boydellthats what finally got it working for me
19:33.35lucxdoes someone have jtag tespoints for diamond?
19:33.50phhNeoMatrixJR: that means it found the android phone
19:33.56phhNeoMatrixJR: and it found no ethernet interface ?
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19:34.12phhBoydell: shouldn't be needed for telnet
19:34.13phhhi BabelO
19:34.15phhbabijoee: *
19:34.19NeoMatrixJRdon't think so, but let me check my network interfaces
19:34.33BoydellI dont think I ever have telnet over usb..?
19:34.33chamonixhey babijoee
19:34.52BoydellHave it over wifi though
19:34.54phhBoydell: bah it works for me :p
19:34.54NeoMatrixJRno, no network interface.  Also, no drivers for "Smartphone"
19:35.07babijoeewhats cooking
19:35.11phhNeoMatrixJR: you have some shell access on the phone ?
19:35.26phhbabijoee: trying to make some progress on TP2
19:35.38NeoMatrixJRphh: not the build I have loaded.
19:35.59phhI think there is something missing somewhere.
19:36.18phhNeoMatrixJR: I mean do you have a virtual terminal on android
19:36.56NeoMatrixJRphh: Right now I have access to Xandroid 24.1.10, TopazKernel13, and HTCTP2CDMA-95Civic-1-24-10.  I'm running the HTCTP2CDMA build right now.  It doesn't have a terminal that works.
19:37.09NeoMatrixJRphh: I can switch to Xandroid quick.  That one does
19:37.23phhNeoMatrixJR: just install a terminal app
19:37.46NeoMatrixJRphh: got one on my current build but it keeps crashing
19:37.55babijoeejust giving you guys heads up, i wont be around for next four days, i'm going to phillip island with uni mates to visit penguins and surfingg :D
19:37.59phhNeoMatrixJR: change IME
19:38.07phhbabijoee: have fun
19:38.11Boydellbetter terminal is good to this a bit.  Just want to help
19:38.19phhNeoMatrixJR: you're using the HTC virtual keyboard ?
19:38.23NeoMatrixJRdon't knwo IME
19:38.25chamonixhave fun babijoee, bring us some pinguins back
19:38.31babijoeephh: i have to get my mind off the nexus one
19:38.44phhbabijoee: too much stress ?
19:38.46babijoeechamonix: yeah will do, i wonder how they test
19:38.53phhNeoMatrixJR: IME ~= virtual keyboard.
19:38.56babijoeephh: its like bricking a new phone :p
19:39.05phhbabijoee: I haven't ever done that yet :p
19:39.08babijoeehowever theres a fix so i'm alright now
19:39.09NeoMatrixJRphh: typically I slide out and pull the stylus so I can use the physical keyboard
19:39.23babijoeephh: i bricked my psp when it came out :)
19:39.47babijoeeits like apart of you has died
19:40.08phhNeoMatrixJR: you'll need virtual keyboard for testing
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19:40.38NeoMatrixJRphh: ok, going to need some help getting to that....
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19:40.46babijoeeanyways is there any thing that needs changing phh or anyone else?
19:40.58phhbabijoee: not that I can think of yet
19:41.08phhNeoMatrixJR: I guess I'll wait you have a linux computer.
19:41.13Boydellbabijoee: you could make me a millionaire?
19:41.24chamonixme neither, everything's running pretty perfect at my end
19:41.35babijoeeBoydell: easily
19:41.37phhchamonix: and you're still the only android on nand on raph user -_-'
19:41.58chamonixdunno, babijoee did u get to get nand working?
19:42.01Boydellbtw, how is bat life on nand? much better?
19:42.08babijoeenah havent got round to it
19:42.11phhchamonix: same
19:42.14phhBoydell: *
19:42.20babijoeenexus one has priority
19:42.28NeoMatrixJRphh: I can get a term prog...just need to swap android dist on my card.  Will take a min or two.
19:42.28babijoeeand now i'm leaving in 4 hours
19:42.47phhNeoMatrixJR: I don't want to fight with windows anyway.
19:42.49chamonixBoydell: no, no difference u could really quantify
19:43.02chamonixbut stability and flexibility is wow!
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19:43.31phhflexibility ?
19:43.48chamonixwriting whatever u want to system, changing init etc
19:44.09chamonixupdating xdadroid while running xdandroid ;)
19:44.18phhI already do that :p
19:44.34phhI update the system.sqsh with adb
19:44.42phhI have to reboot after that though
19:45.00chamonixI tried once without but it wasn't that stable
19:45.25chamonixbut brebooting android is enuff, no need to reboot linux
19:45.40bzoyou can get the same flexibility by running directly off an ext2 partition on sdcard
19:45.50bzoruns faster than sqsh too
19:46.15chamonixy would I want to use my sd, I try to get rid of it
19:46.35bzofor us diamond users, it's not removable :)
19:47.06phhbzo: not when we will have usb otg :p
19:47.14phhbzo: ext2 faster than sqsh ?
19:47.15chamonixsee now I have a goal for the weekend: remove all deps to SD to be able to remove it
19:47.40bzoyes, I think ext2 is more responseive
19:47.51bzoprobably because less cpu cycles used to find and uncompress data
19:47.59phhbzo: maybe that's why my donut is way faster than eclair ...
19:48.05phhmy donut is on a dedicated ext2 partition
19:48.37bzothat could be, at least partially
19:49.02chamonixany recommendation of an httpd for android?
19:49.20bzothe vogue init makes it really easy to create an ext2 system
19:49.23phhchamonix: you're cr2's brother ? :p
19:49.23chamonixwith php support is possible
19:49.35chamonixlol not that I know of, y?
19:49.47phhfor him, his raph is just a server :p
19:50.02chamonixwell I want to do dokuwikionaraph
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19:50.24chamonixso I'd need something like microapache+php
19:50.34phhwhy ?
19:50.36phhfallback server ? :p
19:50.49babijoeephh: its faster :p
19:50.55babijoeebut much bigger
19:51.02chamonixno, I carry my wiki (notes, personal) stuff on a stick but on raph it would be more fun
19:51.07phhchamonix: huhu
19:51.12phhok you're crazy :p
19:51.36chamonixme? nah!
19:52.09phhjust a bit then
19:52.21chamonixnow that u taught me to xcompile I'll give it a try
19:52.46chamonixnot more than u or anyone else here phh :P
19:52.57phhgood point.
19:53.11bzobabijoee, have you looked at the vogue init stuff that automatically copies sqsh to ext2?
19:53.48babijoeebzo you should be able to run ext2 straight away
19:54.22bzowill it automatically find the ext2 partition, or do you have to config something?
19:54.51babijoeesorry yeah it will detect the ext2
19:54.54babijoeeand mount it
19:55.19phhbzo: name it system.ext2
19:55.36babijoeephh: i dont think that works
19:55.54phhbabijoee: I mean to detect an ext2 system image
19:56.27bzophh, running a real ext2 partition is faster than the loopback image
19:56.38babijoeeits should be alright to use ext2, but for nand its not a good idea
19:56.39phhI had to change the rootfs to do that
19:57.01bzoit should be mounted ro
19:58.43babijoeebzo: is it smooth for you running eclair as ext2?
19:59.19bzoI don't have it setup that way right now on my diam, but when I was running my vogue that way it worked really well
19:59.41babijoeehmmm ima try now
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20:00.06babijoeeif it works wonders for eclair i wonder how it will make donut
20:01.41bzowould go as far to say that it works wonders :) but it is more responsive
20:02.38bzoand for tweaking stuff, it is great to be able remount the filesystem rw and make whatever changes you want without rebulding the sqsh
20:03.28phhbzo: I use mount -obind for that :p
20:04.06babijoeei'm able to freely write to anything through adb
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20:06.02bzosqsh is not read only?
20:06.38babijoeewhy would it be
20:06.41phhyes it is !
20:06.49babijoeei can write it phh
20:07.10phhthere is no way you can.
20:07.39bzonot without something like a copy on write fs like unionfs...
20:08.51NeoMatrixJROk, so any reason why I keep getting Android keyboard is not responding?
20:09.16babijoeeNeoMatrixJR: how often?
20:10.03NeoMatrixJRso far once.  Just loaded up Xandroid build w/ 1/29 zImage and mods
20:10.18NeoMatrixJR1/25 did it a number of times
20:10.50babijoeeNeoMatrixJR: that should be alright. happens to me too
20:13.19NeoMatrixJRgot ADB interface: HTC Dream now in device manager in Windows.... :)
20:13.34NeoMatrixJRno network device though
20:13.54phhbah if adb works it's fine.
20:14.33NeoMatrixJRhave pTerminal working too
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20:22.05babijoeeex2 is faster, we should start using it?
20:22.17phhit really is faster ?
20:22.25babijoeewell just from what i see
20:22.32phhok then
20:22.37phhbut for me sqsh should be faster
20:23.14babijoeescreen follow my finger and swipping screens doesn't jump as much
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20:28.25bzoif we are serious about moving to ext2, take a look at
20:28.34bzomakes using, update ext2 partitions very easy
20:29.05bzogotta go, bbl
20:30.18stinebdfdisk + mkfs > *
20:30.50stinebdbabijoee: enjoy, but be nice to the penguins
20:30.57Boydellsorry been out of the loop
20:31.06Boydellwhat format are you saying is faster?
20:31.21BoydellI can try that.
20:34.23Boydellwhats the difference between ext2 and ext3?
20:34.57stinebdext3 has it, ext2 doesnt
20:35.12stinebdyou don't want ext3 on this kind of system
20:35.15Boydellhaah ok
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20:39.19BoydellMan USB on these phones is soooooooooo slow.
20:39.58avengerpenguin_anyone help me with the following error after menuconfig "_LINUX_ARM_ARCH_ is not defined"
20:40.58NeoMatrixJRok, so I've installed the android SDK but when I run adb devices I get nothing
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20:42.12Boydellis phh still around? lol
20:42.23stinebdphh is always here
20:42.26Boydellha havent seen you for a fewm thought you took off
20:42.29stinebdi'm pretty sure he's a bot
20:42.40phhusually people says i'm a god mmm
20:43.32phhanyway can help me anything to get working ? :'(
20:44.34phhbah I want 3D working on eclair
20:44.39BoydellWell as I said, for ADB to start working right on mine, I needed an image with the new USB product ID change, and then change echo 2 > /sys/devices/platform/msm_hsusb/usb_function_switch
20:44.46stinebdi'd like fast 2d working first ;)
20:44.57Boydellthen once i installed the drivers it worked like a charm
20:44.59stinebdsilly slow eclair
20:45.26phhstinebd: I have no clue why 2D is slow
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20:45.54NeoMatrixJRboydell: so I need to run "echo 2 > /sys/devices/platform/msm_hsusb/usb_function_switch" in the terminal on my device before plugging in usb?
20:46.23stinebdwhat's the main draw for 3d anyway? google nav?
20:46.28BoydellYou can try that yah. Have you installed any drivers yet?
20:46.59NeoMatrixJRyes, but just uninstalled
20:47.35BoydellRun that line inside the terminal.
20:47.58phhstinebd: games :p
20:49.11BoydellNeoMatrixJR: When you installed the drivers, did it say some shit about device could not start, code 10?
20:49.28NeoMatrixJRNope.  Ran fine.
20:49.47NeoMatrixJRok, ran the line and plugged in.  Just re-installed as HTC Dream
20:49.47BoydellReally? And in the device manager it showed it was running ok?
20:49.59BoydellYah thats what mine comes up as
20:50.28Boydelltry adb now
20:50.46NeoMatrixJRnothing.  List of devices attached <empty line>
20:51.53BoydellIs your zImage from after Jan 27th?
20:52.12NeoMatrixJRyep.  loaded fresh today from auto-build
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20:52.54BoydellDid you have it plugged in to USB when you started android?
20:53.26Boydelland there was an active sync connection?
20:53.46NeoMatrixJRgoing to try and re-load device driver from SDK...
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20:54.08BoydellHmmm. Are the little icons at the top there, saying USB bugging is plugged in or something like that?
20:54.50NeoMatrixJRthe first time I tried loading the drivers to windows it hung so maybe just needs reloaded
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20:55.25BoydellWell, After I ran that line, It picked mine up as a Dream and installed, (win 7). ADB worked fine after for me
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20:56.32NeoMatrixJRmy computer says I have to restart for the change in drivers
20:57.07NeoMatrixJRI'm actually on IRC on a remote PC so I won't leave the channel, but I'll be away for a bit as my work PC is friggin slow to reboot.  Be back in a few!
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21:04.58phhToAsTcfh: 3D on eclair on heroc ?
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21:11.15GNUtooI bet you're talking about using non-free 3d(else it would be *very but very* interesting)
21:15.08phhGNUtoo: bah free 3D would be nice too.
21:16.08chamonixphh: now I know the errors when remouting yaffs are no good: Unable to find explicit activity class {}
21:16.27phhchamonix: uh ?
21:16.32phhthat's not when mounting yaffs
21:16.56chamonixno, but after having haad tons of those it seems part of my system is broken
21:18.24chamonixthere are files in /system that are there but corrupt
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21:27.04phhbah if it's only that you can extract it back
21:27.34chamonixsure, I was just hesitating if I stick to 22.01 or go to 24.01
21:27.36phhmaybe it's time to write an updater/installer script or app ? :p
21:29.35chamonixI'll write s shell script to mount system.sqsh and overwrite /system
21:29.47chamonixis there a clean way to reboot with command-line?
21:30.34phhdon't know
21:31.04stinebdoh geez
21:31.10stinebdmy wallet hurts already
21:32.27stinebdthe first comment is awesome: "Great. Lets pair a piece of hardware that has 3G issues with a carrier that has 3G issues."
21:33.12NeoMatrixJRback.  Damn...adb devices still shows nothing :'(
21:34.14phhdoes anyone have a memory dump ?
21:34.40phhmmmm I can search docs first as I don't even know where this would be.
21:44.04BoydellNeoMatrixJR: I'm out of ideas.
21:44.50Boydellso, WinMo cant see my card now that its ext2
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21:56.31bzoBoydell, you probably want to have 2 paritions on the card. A fat32 one with most of the space, and a small ext2 for the system. 256mb should be plenty
21:57.10BoydellK, so put which files on the ext2 partition?
21:57.19chamonixwow, updating /system repaired it on-the-fly :)
21:58.52bzoall the individual files and directories in the system.sqsh
21:59.13cr2_Boydell: did you trace the keyboard leds on raph ?
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22:00.51BoydellI know how/where its being handled in the driver, and I have the CAPS LOCK button turning on the right LED now, but other than that, no
22:01.24cr2_Boydell: should be easy actually. i 'm just a lazy guy
22:01.37Boydellwell someone said do it by API
22:01.45Boydellbut im not really sure..
22:02.14BoydellYou know how I have to handle it right?
22:03.01cr2_i mean tracing in haret. on raph100 the bits have different meaning afair
22:03.47BoydellYah well, its out of my scope right now..
22:04.17Boydellunless you care to explain further and broden my knowledge? :)
22:05.20cr2_you add the i2c write and read addreeses to the mmutrace watch list, start mmutrace (aka wirq) and press the caps/fn button
22:05.52cr2_then exit, and paste the log
22:06.08Boydellthat just went right over my head lol
22:07.08dcordesBoydell, do you have haretconsole?
22:07.27BoydellI dont think so..
22:08.37dcordesBoydell, then you should get it. see wiki
22:08.45Boydellresearching now.
22:10.59NeoMatrixJRyou guys all know how in WM there's "fast" usb and regular USB for activesync?  What do you all use?  Do I need to change that before running haret to get ADB to work?
22:11.24Boydellohhh. right. You want to take it off fast
22:12.04MrPippymine is always on fast
22:12.11Boydellmine isnt
22:12.13dcordesNeoMatrixJR, what device are you talking about? which kernel are you using?
22:14.55NeoMatrixJRTouch Pro 2 (CDMA - Sprint) using latest zImage. 2.6.27-00797-ga53cc29
22:22.36bzoMrPippy and Boydell: are you guys experiencing multiple taps on the touchscreen (i.e. when typing letters)
22:23.25MrPippyyeah sometimes
22:23.52bzoit's especially annoying when draggin the map in google maps, but it registered a double tap and zoom sometimes
22:23.59BoydellI dont really use the touchscreen to type though. But if I try to hold "1" when dailing for VM it scetches out
22:24.12Boydellthe screen driver isnt 100%
22:24.18bzoI think I found a setting in tssc_manager that helps
22:24.25MrPippyfor the keyboard i get the feeling its because of sound (playing a sound after you hit the key), the kernel takes a while to bring sound up, and that makes the whole system hiccup
22:25.35bzofor some reason, the driver has tssc_reg->tssc_ctl.debounce_time set to zero, though the comments say 400us.
22:25.39BoydellOk, who here has android booting up off of a ext2 partition? mines being bitchy
22:25.50tmztdoes adb even work on 7500?
22:25.58MrPippyworks for me
22:26.03bzoI set the debounce to 0xA and it seems to work a bit better
22:26.09BoydellI have it working now too
22:26.10tmztMrPippy: you have?
22:26.22MrPippyyeah i use it constantly
22:26.37tmztwhat else works?
22:27.05MrPippyoh sorry, i'm on mean straight 7500?
22:28.55MrPippyaren't those 7600?
22:29.34tmztthat's why it looked wrong
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22:49.48dcordestmzt, did you ever mess with webos?
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22:52.37tmztsome what, try #webosinternals
22:54.10NeoMatrixJRtmzt: were you saying that adb doesn't work with RHOD400?
22:54.22tmztI said I don't know
22:54.31tmztothers said it does
23:10.57Boydellwhen connected via usb to a linux machine, are you suppose to get an IP address?
23:11.22MrPippyyeah if you have the "fast" activesync option on
23:11.36MrPippyyou need that to do haretconsole
23:11.40Boydelloh I have it off.
23:12.10BoydellI think I also need usb_function_switch to be 6 or something? MrPippy what is your set at?
23:12.11*** join/#htc-linux AstainHellbring (n=AstainHe@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)'re talking about android on the phone?
23:12.36MrPippyyeah if you want it to bring up an IP, you need to put it back to 6
23:12.55BoydellOk thansk.
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23:17.33Boydellharetconsole wont connect.
23:17.46BoydellSocket error: Connection refused.
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23:19.17dcordesBoydell, it won't connect to android on the phone?
23:19.41BoydellIt wont connect to haRET.
23:19.56dcordes:D are you in the listen mode?
23:20.01BoydellI open haRET, click Listen for network connection
23:20.24Boydellthen on my machine run console
23:20.29Boydellit just wont connect
23:21.12dcordesand is reachable from machine?
23:21.32dcordescan you ping it?
23:22.23Boydellttl 64
23:24.41dcordesBoydell, no clue. did you try restarting haret?
23:24.58Boydelland restarting the usb connection
23:25.34Boydellport 9999 right?
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23:28.48dcordesBoydell, yes
23:29.57dcordesyou could try telnet but I'm afraid it won't make any difference
23:30.10BoydellYah i just did.
23:30.29dcordesprolly wince doesn't want the connection
23:31.01dcordesyou on the cdma raphael right?
23:31.09Boydellcant get around that? how do toher people use haretconsole?
23:31.18Boydellyah i am
23:35.51MarkinusBoydell: is the activesync IP of your PC ! you need to connect to . . .
23:36.24Boydellholy crap
23:36.33BoydellI never even thought of that
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23:38.12BoydellHow can I make it so haRET doesnt auto boot when selected? or is there a way?
23:38.29MrPippyrename startup.txt to default.txt
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23:43.14dcordesBoydell, you can also use wifi connection
23:43.23BoydellI was thinking about that
23:43.44dcordesI always prferred that over usbnet
23:46.17BoydellI prefer a wired connection always
23:47.15dcordesso you haretconsole's connected now?
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23:49.00Boydellbut cr2 left. I was goin get him to maybe show me what he ment here. but w/e
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23:50.25dcordesaddlist mmutrace <your device's i2c addresses here. see wiki>
23:50.29dcordeswirq <seconds>
23:50.33dcordespress caps/fn buttons
23:50.36dcordes(what he told you)
23:51.04Boydellyah but, this is all new to me, so. but thanks, see what i can figure out.
23:51.34dcordesyou can look up the i2c addresses in the memory map
23:51.53dcordes+0x0 data write
23:51.53dcordes+0xc data read
23:52.58Boydellyah saw that
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23:59.31BoydellGPIO2(33) = 1
23:59.44Boydellnot sure what that means, but that comes up when i press FN

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