IRC log for #htc-linux on 20100128

00:03.41*** join/#htc-linux Tukon (
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00:04.33MrPippyE/EGL.oem ( 1232): could not open hw3dc (Permission denied)
00:05.11MrPippythey're owned by 0:0, and mode 600, is permission denied the only problem?
00:06.15*** join/#htc-linux jooprzol (n=jooprzol@
00:15.21babijoeephh: sms fix: yep the one you guys have all been waiting for :D ( thanks phhusson ) its already there
00:15.27babijoeesome people can't read
00:15.54babijoeei'll change the wiki as it might also have some errors
00:16.04babijoeephh: thanks for letting me know i'll update it
00:21.10MrPippybabijoee: are you doing a new release soon?
00:22.43*** join/#htc-linux ghostdogg (
00:23.51babijoeewhats new
00:27.13ghostdoggyou werent talking  to me but I haven't heard anything new! :)
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00:28.27MrPippycan you put in a usb_function_switch line into either /init or eclair.user.conf? doing it to try and make adb work on windows easier
00:29.20ghostdoggis this to bypass the .inf hacking?
00:30.02MrPippyyeah hopefully
00:30.36ghostdoggawesome! sorry to interrupt.
00:32.25ghostdoggi saw this awhile back, wouldn't this resolve the same problem just in reverse?
00:33.06MrPippythe .inf and driver is separate from the adb exe
00:33.33ghostdoggok, I understand  now. thats where i was lost in the process I think
00:33.38MrPippybabijoee: echo 2 > /sys/devices/platform/msm_hsusb/usb_function_switch
00:34.48babijoeeMrPippy: i dont know if i can do a release now
00:34.55MrPippynot a problem, just whenever you do
00:35.09babijoeeRIP nexus one for now
00:35.15babijoeeback onto my TP
00:35.36babijoeeits not bricked
00:35.41stinebdi'll buy it!
00:35.46stinebd4 bucks
00:35.47babijoeefucked up battery
00:35.54babijoeestinebd: hmmm
00:36.01babijoeei'll keep it
00:36.10babijoeei'll wait until batteries are more widely avaliable
00:36.19stinebdi can't use it anyway
00:37.49MrPippybtw is / from donut? it doesn't know about the new hw3d devices (hw3dm, hw3dc), so they don't get permissions set right
00:39.02babijoeeask phh MrPippy
00:39.24babijoeeok done
00:39.35babijoeeimplemented for next release
00:39.35ghostdoggbabijoee: ouch! thats not fun. I can send on from  here. Found some for $40US. any idea what shipping would cost to you?
00:39.56stinebdaustralia? just tape a pigeon to it
00:40.09babijoeeghostdogg: 40$ eh
00:40.29babijoeewhats the price conversion hmmm
00:41.19ghostdoggwait you must be in australia?
00:41.24ghostdoggguessing from the name :)
00:41.41ghostdoggoops, stinebd already said that. sorry
00:42.19babijoeeshould be like 45$ conversion
00:42.48babijoeei think you can find out how much it costs to ship lol
00:43.25babijoeeyeah i saw on ebay
00:43.30babijoeeshipping cost about 20$
00:44.16ghostdoggits totally up to you. i'd be happy to do that for you. just let me know. I am looking for a cheaper option now
00:45.13babijoeeghostdogg: really appreciated
00:45.21babijoeeif you cant find anything under 75$ total
00:45.23babijoeethen nvm
00:45.34babijoeeas i can get one for 55% au and shipping 20$
00:46.27stinebda flat rate envelope to australia looks like $13.45
00:47.10stinebdthat's priority mail
00:47.15ghostdoggi found a none oem battery for $32.50
00:47.22stinebdi assume a cell battery would fit in one of those ;)
00:47.40babijoeestinebd: sarcasm?
00:47.54stinebdnexus one, sarcasm. ipad, not sarcasm.
00:48.10babijoeei gotta stay positive :p
00:48.15babijoeeits only a phone
00:48.18babijoeeand its not dead
00:49.14stinebdalso you might have to buy the envelope itself
00:49.23stinebdi don't know if they include the price of it in there
00:49.35babijoeeghostdogg: none oem, hmmmm
00:49.47babijoeei hope they dont fark up while charging :p lol
00:49.53ghostdoggnot from usps. they include all prices.
00:50.36babijoeewell if it seems legit and good enough and under 75$ all together
00:50.40babijoeei'm happy ghostdogg
00:50.46stinebdthose will work with a nexus one?
00:50.48leobaillardwhat the...hmm... soes anyone do like phh and disable the radio in winmo before booting Android ?
00:51.10ghostdoggthats an OEM nexus one battery
00:51.12babijoeeleobaillard: i do sometimes
00:51.16ghostdogg29.95 and free shipping
00:51.28leobaillardI just did and I can't get it bak on in Android...weird
00:51.42ghostdoggso less than $35 shipped
00:51.59babijoeeghostdogg: nexus one battery
00:52.32ghostdoggt-mobile bought the nexus one branding in the usa
00:52.41ghostdoggcall it the mytouch 3g
00:53.19stinebdmytouch 3g is htc magic isn't it?
00:53.19babijoeeoo is it
00:54.02babijoeeghostdogg: i dont think its right
00:54.15babijoeethe nexus one battery is quite thin
00:54.39ghostdoggmaybe i have wrong phone
00:55.09babijoeeghostdogg: nvm
00:55.11babijoeeits okay
00:55.15babijoeei'll get the 75$ one
00:55.38ghostdoggone second, verizon has it as the droiddoes
00:56.16ghostdoggi mean droideris
00:56.38stinebdthat's htc hero
00:57.00babijoeelol ghostdogg
00:57.11babijoeeits alright
00:57.14babijoeethanks anyway
00:58.06babijoeei just hope it works :p
01:00.23*** join/#htc-linux M1DLGpc_ (
01:03.02leobaillardoh sh*t !!! :(
01:03.25leobaillardI'm back under winmo, deactivated the airplane mode but I can't get any receptino bars :s
01:03.31leobaillardthat can't be good
01:03.52leobaillardthe weird thing is that I have the data connection and it works ! that's just crazy...
01:04.08babijoeeleobaillard: lol
01:04.17babijoeemaybe new radio?
01:04.18leobaillardI wouldn't say that :s
01:04.25leobaillardbut why ?
01:04.27babijoeedid you flash new radio
01:04.31leobaillardwhy now ? why like that ?
01:04.35leobaillardI didn't
01:04.45leobaillardjust booted android with airplane activated in WinMo
01:05.06babijoeeleobaillard: that shouldn't affect android picking up radio
01:05.21leobaillardthat's what I thought until....
01:05.34babijoeei remmeber phh telling me sometimes it just screws up booting rarely
01:05.43babijoeebut yeah
01:05.43leobaillardbecause a phone that can make phone call or receive them is quite useless
01:05.48babijoeethats weird
01:06.03leobaillardthe weirdest is that the data connection works !
01:06.44leobaillardgonna boot android to see if that changes something
01:07.35leobaillardwell, it's not my day, between that and the stoopid telechips kernel that won't boot :/
01:08.18leobaillardbetter get back to ma Dan Brown's book
01:08.42leobaillardI can't even write correctly...I'm good for the trash bin
01:09.47ghostdoggbabijoee / stinebd: wierd, google must be the only one allowed to sell the phone? both links to it from take me to the magic and hero right?
01:10.14ghostdoggi did find a couple oem batteries but  $50
01:11.01babijoeeghostdogg: link
01:11.04ghostdoggbestbuy sells them, can you buy from bestbuy?
01:11.11babijoeeanyways nvm ghostdogg
01:11.17babijoeei went ahead and bought it already
01:11.24ghostdoggok, sorry for the confusion
01:11.26leobaillardOMFG, back in Android, still no network :/
01:11.56babijoeeleobaillard: do you get connection in winmo?
01:12.08leobaillardnot in android though
01:13.06babijoeehave you tried deleting data.img?
01:13.18leobaillardnot an option :p
01:13.23leobaillardoh !
01:13.26babijoeeremove it
01:13.27leobaillardit just came back
01:13.29babijoeeor rename it
01:13.35babijoeelol nice
01:13.51leobaillard(don't know the english word for that)
01:14.26babijoeefor ouf?
01:14.32leobaillardyes :p
01:14.33babijoeewhat does it mean?
01:14.47leobaillardthat I'm releived
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01:15.18leobaillardit's an onomatopoeia
01:15.41leobaillardah, yes I know
01:15.47leobaillard*phew* !
01:15.58leobaillarddoes this work ?
01:16.53babijoeebut its used in a different but close context
01:17.18babijoeebut anyways good to see its working lol
01:40.21*** part/#htc-linux Psychonerd (
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02:24.46stinebdnice, more reports of the wifi freeze
02:25.00stinebdgood thing, i was beginning to think it solved itself
02:26.25babijoeestinebd: never :p
02:26.54babijoeeit will plague the thread until 1000 pages
02:28.39ghostdogg<---class dunce today
02:29.57ghostdoggclass idiot today :P
02:32.22MrPippyits still a problem for me, i can't turn off wifi...every time i try, the phone panics
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10:10.13MrPippydisassembling battery.dll...
10:14.32leobaillardMrPippy: you want to dig into this battery weirdness too ?
10:14.59MrPippyyeah its too weird not to
10:23.31MrPippythere's ril stuff in between reading the battery values and doing anything with weird
10:25.02mickeylleviathan: ping
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10:43.10*** topic/#htc-linux is Welcome to htc-linux | Project homepage and wiki | Livelogs: | Logs: | htc-linux is not android
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11:49.31MLewandowskianyone with any haret experience who might be able to answer a couple questions?
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14:28.49SquarcHey ehm, is there a nightly build going on now ?
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15:17.19MLewandowskiwas on her earlier wondering if anyone is pretty familiar with the ins and outs of haret
15:17.50MLewandowskiwas wondering if anyone is around who might be able to help me out
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15:22.24BoydellMonring everyone
15:23.35leobaillardMLewandowski: cr2 would
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17:54.43dcordesNetRipper, as I see the nexus branch push worked well?
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18:13.01phh[01:13:40] <MrPippy> they're owned by 0:0, and mode 600, is permission denied the only problem? <----- no, if you fix perms, you won't get any 3D video output
18:14.03phh[01:23:50] <babijoee> phh: sms fix: yep the one you guys have all been waiting for :D ( thanks phhusson ) its already there <---- not only for sms ...
18:15.11stinebdmorning phh
18:15.22phhgsensor, proximity sensor, light sensor, idle sleep, ramzswap, (but you fixed everything else, thanks)
18:15.29phhstinebd: not now, I'm reading logs :p
18:15.55phh[01:36:56] <MrPippy> can you put in a usb_function_switch line into either /init or eclair.user.conf? doing it to try and make adb work on windows easier <----- there is an option to execute any shell command in eclair.user.conf, just use that.
18:16.15phh[01:43:39] <babijoee> RIP nexus one for now <------ that really sucks :(
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18:27.19GNUtoo|oeeewhat's up with the nexus one?
18:29.16dcordesGNUtoo|oeee, cr2 and me will prolly get one
18:29.31GNUtoo|oeeeis there a status?
18:29.37dcordesGNUtoo|oeee, was it mentioned at the oe conference?
18:29.59GNUtoo|oeeewhich conference?
18:30.11GNUtoo|oeeeTechnical cometee?
18:32.06dcordesGNUtoo|oeee, what's oeee ?
18:32.25GNUtoo|oeeeoe built image running on my eeepc 701
18:32.40GNUtoo|oeeeonly 4 GB of flash on this model
18:32.46GNUtoo|oeeeso I used oe to build an image
18:33.17GNUtoo|oeeexfce46-image used about 300M
18:33.28dcordesdoes it run fast?
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18:33.36GNUtoo|oeeeit's ok
18:33.43GNUtoo|oeeefast is subjective
18:33.49dcordesI was thinking about this when I had an eee borrowed
18:34.44GNUtoo|oeee900Mhz celeron m is fast
18:34.50GNUtoo|oeee2GB of ram
18:34.55GNUtoo|oeeethe 2gb are useless for me
18:35.56dcordesI find it more exciting to use OE images on nexus or leo
18:36.56GNUtoo|oeeeI did it for practical reasons only
18:37.16GNUtoo|oeeenot because it was exiting
18:38.25GNUtoo|oeeedcordes, what conference were you talking about?
18:38.37GNUtoo|oeeemaybe a freesmartphone/shr one
18:38.54dcordesno forget about that I got confused
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19:21.29NetRipperdcordes, indeed it did
19:21.46bzophh, MrPippy: fixed my kernel adb problem from yesterday
19:22.03bzoCONFIG_USB_FUNCTION_MASS_STORAGE enabled breaks adb for me
19:22.16phhwhat the hell is wrong with it
19:22.25NetRipperdcores, it went surprisingly fast as well, it only needed to upload 1.3MB during the git push of the android tree...
19:22.25phhit also breaks cdma data for makkonen -_-'
19:22.41phhNetRipper: only ? mmm
19:22.46phhI would have bet on something like 10
19:22.51bzodunno, but figured it out by looking at a .config I found from MrPippy, he did not have it enabled
19:23.00bzodoes not break CDMA data for me though
19:23.17NetRipperphh, yes i suppose "beneith the surface" it relies on the same 'base' kernel that was already pushed on ltg
19:23.33phhNetRipper: it's standard kernel with just "few" patches :p
19:23.38NetRipperi did a full git clone and it switched to the branch properly, and everything was there.. so its good :)
19:23.54NetRipperyea but still i didnt expect git to be smart enough to detect that ;)
19:24.08NetRipperthought it'd upload like 200mb or what ;)
19:25.37bzoanother adb thing - I can't connect through linux if usb_function_switch==2, has to be 6
19:25.57Boydellno one with the raph800 can get adb working. With mass storage on the USB icons pop up in android, but I cant connect, without mass storage it doesnt come up and I still can't connect
19:26.01phhbzo: oO
19:26.29Boydellbzo: have you connect via windows? or just linux?
19:26.54bzoboydell: both. have you tried the usb_function_switch yet?
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19:27.33BoydellI dont think so. in the deconfig?
19:27.58bzoecho 2 > /sys/devices/platform/msm_hsusb/usb_function_switch
19:28.41Boydelltype that in android shell?
19:28.45bzowith the usb id change, and setting the switch to 2, adb works beautifully in windows now.
19:28.57phhbzo: but not in linux ? -_-'
19:29.16bzoworks as long as you don't set the function to 2 :)
19:30.33Boydelli dont seem to have a way to type > in android?!
19:30.49phhuse virtual keyboard
19:31.00Boydellmine doesnt have that key.
19:31.25Boydellah. had to hit alt
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19:33.31Boydellbzo. what drivers did you use?
19:34.15bzodrivers automatically installed by win7
19:34.27bzowith the new usb ids, it automatically detects a dream and installs drivers for it
19:34.29phhthere is adb driver in win7 ?!?
19:35.20bzoyes it works very well now. You plug in the phone, wait until drivers are done, and adb just works!
19:35.33bzoeven in x64
19:37.42Boydelldo you still need to make an active sync connection before booting?
19:38.36bzodon't know if you need active sync, but usb does need to plugged into the phone. Otherwise, it doesn't seem to get initialized
19:39.49*** join/#htc-linux Boydell (n=Boydell@
19:39.53bzophh, looked at the diam/raph scroll wheel jerkiness problem
19:40.08bzodriver seems fine, it is putting out accurate readings
19:40.21phhyou mean that the problem is android ?
19:41.11bzoultimately yes. Normally the driver updates in 20-30ms, but I think when gc hits, you get 300-400ms missing data
19:43.45Boydellbzo: do you have to echo that line everytime android boots, or does it save?
19:44.21bzonot persistent, you can put it in your eclair.conf
19:44.47Boydellyah i think i may.
19:44.56bzodid you get it work?
19:46.03Boydellyah well i had old drivers from an old atempt at adb, but adb did show the device
19:46.06Boydellso i think it did
19:46.10Boydellthanks a bunch !
19:46.44Boydellyou have no idea how long makkonen and i have been tryin to get that working lol
19:47.51bzoyeah, I've wasted a ton of time on it myself. Credit MrPippy for changing the usb id to make it work better
19:48.27Boydellfor sure. I noticed after he did that it came up as htc dream, but it still didnt work until this change
19:49.01bzohe said to change the usb switch to 2 also :)
19:49.45Boydellha. I must not have seen that.
19:50.18Boydelljeez. should have looked at the commit more closely :\
19:51.09MrPippyit should be in babijoee's next release
19:51.40Boydellah. Ok.
19:52.38bzoMrPippy, did you see my comment that adb didn't work if switch==2 in linux?
19:53.27MrPippyyeah i did, thats weird
19:53.32MrPippyso it needs to be 6 for you?
19:53.49bzoyes, does it work for you as 2?
19:55.18MrPippyi guess i haven't tried in linux for a while, not sure
19:56.02MrPippywow i didn't think adb usb would be so complicated
19:56.35bzoI think the better description is fragile :)
19:57.13MrPippyi can understand windows usb being fragile (well...not understand, but accept its true ;-)
19:57.44MrPippybut in linux i don't think there's any kernel driver involved, its just adb
19:57.55MrPippyi don't know if it even checks usb ids
19:59.15MrPippyargh...from adb source // should have device and configuration descriptors, and atleast two endpoints
19:59.32bzoI think it is the adb processes on both sides that are picky about the configuration
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20:03.29bzohave you guys tried the GenY dual boot yet? Wow, makes rebooting android so much easier
20:07.10makkonenre: USB_FUNCTION_MASS_STORAGE, it might not break cdma data for me either, but it breaks something that causes a bunch of DEX timeouts and makes the system unusable.
20:07.33Boydellyah. makkonen: ADB IS WORKING :)
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20:11.51makkonenyeah. disabling ethernet and changing the id to the dream's made it work on my end. sorta flaky, though.
20:13.21avengerpenguin_anyone able to help me out with some kernel build questions, some athena x7500 specific?
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20:35.20Boydellmakkonen: flakey how?
20:36.03makkonendevice would disappear and need to be unplugged/replugged before it could be seen again.
20:36.15Boydelli havent had that problem
20:36.25makkonenI only tried it for a couple reboots. didn't really suss it out.
20:36.27Boydellare you using the dream drivers/
20:36.36makkonenthe autoinstalled ones.
20:37.39Boydellis there a way to get realtime dmesg through adb?
20:38.03makkonenadb shell dmesg
20:38.06makkonenI assume
20:38.12makkonennothing cleverer, though.
20:38.23bzocat /proc/kmsg
20:39.49bzoweird. what happens?
20:40.17Boydellworks through adb
20:42.27makkonenbzo: it's empty.
20:43.48Boydellis there an alternative to the fucking cmd prompt. its never wide enough
20:44.01Boydellit went wider :S
20:45.28makkonenyou can try droid explorer. Lots of parts of it don't work on these weird systems, but it's got a command prompt with color and a file browser.
20:46.33Boydellthe stupid wave went read only again :\
20:48.20makkonenyeah. I'm losing faith in wave. I can't really see anything it's got over a well-managed forum post or wiki.
20:48.57BoydellI think its a little easier to manage, if it was working...
20:49.50makkonenevery time I load it up, I get seriously angry that it's a webapp. It's trying to do too much. An actual app, with actual windows you could move around, would work so much better.
20:50.48BoydellI think the problem is its still on dev servers, just not enough power to handle what its trying to do...and more and more people are using it now..
20:51.34bzoit does feel cumbersome to use wave to find info
20:53.05bzofrustrating thing is I can't figure out how to make it scroll to next unread, does that function exist?
20:53.13makkonenyeah... it's unfinished, and that's a problem. I also think it's just plain flawed. Even if it had all the resources in the world, it'd be a bad way to interact with data. by which I mean, in a subwindow in a browser.
20:53.20makkonenspacebar is supposed to do that. doesn't work for me.
20:55.53BoydellI dunno. I have faith in google. We'll see I guess.
20:59.09bzothe content in the wave did get me easily started in building the kernel
20:59.29bzoaside from the mass storage bit which is enabled by default in defconfig :)
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21:00.48makkonenwell, that's enough to keep me working on it. more people actually putting in time and effort in an unalloyed good.
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21:02.10Boydell"You can create your own commands here" # example / echo 800,875,100,675,450,575,800,175,100,175 > /sys/class/input/input3/calibration_points / echo 2 > /sys/devices/platform/msm_hsusb/usb_function_switch}
21:02.40Boydelldoes that look somewhat right? aka, at the end of the calibration point, is there a space between the nest echo?
21:02.58makkonenwhat are you editing it with?
21:03.08MrPippy'echo 2...' should be on its own line
21:03.11Boydellnotepad? lol
21:03.17makkonenyeah don't use notepad
21:03.23makkonengrab notepad++
21:03.39Boydellyah i used to have that
21:03.48Boydellbefore installing win 7
21:03.55makkonenit can read unix formatted files (i.e. CR instead of CR/LF) and you can actually see the line breaks.
21:04.16makkonenit's kind of amazing how shitty notepad remains after all this time.
21:05.01bzoha, notepad is one of my most used app in windows
21:05.12*** join/#htc-linux Captnoord (
21:05.13bzothat and paint
21:05.30CaptnoordMrPippy: how's the reverse enginering going?
21:05.33makkonen(LF instead of CR/LF)*
21:05.35BoydellPaint.NET :)
21:08.04MrPippystill looking at it, i've found lines in the wince dmesg about the battery voltage/current, just gotta find where those strings are
21:08.19makkonenwhat are you trying to reverse engineer?
21:08.32Captnoordthe batt drv
21:08.48CaptnoordMrPippy: from what device?
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21:08.51CaptnoordI mean...
21:09.15Captnoordthe hero batt driver is almost swappable when using a raph
21:09.28Captnoordthe only reason our current batt driver is crap
21:09.36Captnoordis because it doesn't use the correct fields
21:10.12MrPippyyeah i'm just trying to find the formula to go from the values in sram to real units
21:10.37Captnoordshall I join you in your search?
21:11.13MrPippythe values get read in oem_misc.dll, deep in dex_iocontrol()
21:11.29MrPippybut they just get stored, it doesn't seem to do anything with them
21:11.44makkonendon't know if you've read in the logs back when maejrep (?) was first coding those things and looking at the winmo battery.dll... don't know if it'll give you any directions that you weren't already going in.
21:12.12MrPippyi've found lines in the wince dmesg like [D:BATT] Coulomb Count: (ACRC, ACRT, AEL, ACRL) = (462452, 462452, 0, 462452) and [D:BATT] Volt,Temp,Current,Chg Current,Percent (4033,3281,383,1,95)
21:12.45MrPippyso i'm trying to find what dll is printing those strings, and go back from there
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21:13.35MrPippywindows uses mostly unicode utf16 strings so i can't just grep...'strings -e l' works better but i think only ida pro is 100% at finding all the strings
21:13.47bzohave you looked at the vogue batt driver?
21:14.19makkonenit doesn't really work much better than the raph/diam one
21:14.24MrPippyhmm thats something i was gonna do
21:15.17bzoI seem to remember the vogue battery status working reasonably. I just get the 5% charging status on my diamond (maybe because of the fake charger setting)
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21:16.27makkonenyou can grab the updates to htc_battery_smem.c from my tree... it gets it to report things that are in range. but it's still jumpy as hell and inaccurate.
21:17.48makkonenit reports 5% because the field for voltage is... about 7/9 as large as it should be. give or take. which... doesn't seem like it should be the case.
21:17.49Boydellmakkonen: hows that caibration app coming along?
21:18.19makkonenI haven't tried anything with blanking the screen so it looks pretty, but it's done otherwise.
21:18.46CaptnoordMrPippy: I think most of the batt stuff was done trough rpc
21:18.50Captnoordin the rpc dlls
21:18.52Boydellah you mean like setting a black backround?
21:19.45makkonenoh, right, wave no longer loads for me under srware iron. good.
21:20.01makkonenI'll send you an updated rootfs over wave, you can play with it.
21:20.01Boydellah well. when can we see the apk?
21:20.08makkonennot an apk.
21:20.20makkonenan apk would be good, but I have no idea how to go about that.
21:21.16MrPippyyeah battery.dll reads from the smem location, but its a different DEX call--it does DEX 0x8b, which puts CDMA stats in (ServiceStatus, Technology, TX/RX power)
21:21.34MrPippyoem_misc is the one that actually reads battery info from the smem location (fc140
21:21.46MrPippybattery.dll is such a tease
21:24.56Boydellits weird, I turned on mass storage again, and data is fine, same with adb...
21:25.20MrPippyturned on in .config?
21:25.43Boydellactually i think it just froze though when trying a speedtest..
21:26.07CaptnoordMrPippy: gimme dll
21:26.26Boydellanytime there is significant data pull when its on it freezes the kernal
21:27.02MrPippywhen usb storage is on?
21:28.20CaptnoordMrPippy: you could check the nk.exe
21:28.26Captnoordit should contain the same info
21:28.30Captnoordbut then with less crap
21:30.53avengerpenguin_anyone know which defconfig I need to compile a kernel for athena x7500 from the ph5 linuxtogo git?
21:31.29MrPippyyeah nice tip, i did find a voltage string in there
21:31.42CaptnoordaPower_batteryl unicode 0, <power.BatteryLifePercent=%d battery.dwPredictPercentage=%>
21:31.48Captnoordthis is the end point of our search
21:32.13MrPippyAD Voltage= %d in nk.exe is something i've seen in wince dmesg
21:32.28BoydellMrPippy: yah when usb mass storage is on
21:32.44Boydellmakkonen: where did you say you were goin put that rootfs?
21:32.49MrPippybut theres messages before that about coulombs, i think a dll calculates the battery stats, prints it, then passes it to nk which prints it again
21:33.12makkonenboydell: wave discussion. might not be working. thanks, firefox. (THIS IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT)
21:33.16CaptnoordI don't think nk uses any dlls
21:33.23makkonenand now I'm signing off for a bit.
21:33.27Markinusphh: The driver is now almost working on Topaz . . .
21:33.32MrPippyyeah wave is a mess in firefox
21:33.37Boydellthe discussion went read only i thought?
21:33.40phhMarkinus: what did you change ? and what is in the almost ?
21:34.02BoydellOh hello, a new one lol
21:34.13Markinusphh: I have the values now in the data_poll fuction
21:34.38phhMarkinus: and where is the but ? :p
21:34.39Markinusand I given the Data Array on data->acceleration. but Android don't react on the changes
21:34.39MrPippyCaptnoord: i really want to know what prints this line in wince dmesg  [D:BATT] Volt,Temp,Current,Chg Current,Percent (4092,3330,465,1,95)
21:34.45MrPippylots of dlls have D:BATT in them
21:34.58phhMarkinus: uh ? can i see the patch ?
21:35.16phhMrPippy: and Volt,Temp,Current,Chg Current,Percent ?
21:35.19Markinusphh: one Moment. .
21:35.20phhI doubt many has it
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21:37.26CaptnoordLDR     dwChargeFullTimeDiff, =0xA808146C
21:37.42CaptnoordLDR     dwBatteryChargedCapacity, =0xA8081438
21:40.13CaptnoordLDR     R3, =0.00010851
21:40.13CaptnoordLDR     R1, [dwPredictPercentage]
21:40.13CaptnoordUMULL   R3, R2, R0, R3
21:41.26CaptnoordLDR     dwBatteryChargedCapacity, =0xA8081438
21:41.26CaptnoordLDR     dwPredictPercentage, =0xA8081430
21:41.26CaptnoordLDR     dwChargeFullTimeDiff, =0xA808146C
21:41.26CaptnoordLDR     R3, [dwBatteryChargedCapacity]
21:41.26CaptnoordLDR     BatteryLifePercent, =0xA8081482
21:44.01Captnoordand those numbers are the direct smem addresses
21:45.22MrPippythe arm9 is calculating that stuff? do you know those are smem from a haret v2p?
21:45.56CaptnoordMrPippy: you can use haret to get those stuff
21:46.01CaptnoordI did that before
21:46.03mcyou guys just wrinkled my brain
21:46.15MrPippyyou mean with powermon?
21:46.23Markinusphh: I know this is a "dirty" patch, I have to clean . .
21:46.53Captnoordmc this isn't hard.... you should have been here when cr2 was doing rpc stuff
21:47.23phhMarkinus: why did you bypass the gsensor_axes stuff ?
21:47.34phhCaptnoord: :)
21:47.37mcanything having to do with drivers of any kind just crushes my spirit
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21:48.14mci've been staring at the kaiser battery driver for 2 weeks and i still only understand about 30% of it
21:48.20Captnoordlol talking about the devil
21:48.30Captnoord+0xfc0dc   battery id
21:48.52Markinusphh: This isn't active on Topaz, I deactivated this for Testing
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21:49.11Markinusphh: sould work so, too or?
21:49.29MrPippyi think the kaiser battery is a i2c driver
21:49.39mcit is
21:49.41cr2_Captnoord: these values are calculated from the battery dex return values
21:49.50mcit's still horribly inaccurate
21:50.03mci've put in a fully charged battery and had it claim 2%
21:50.21mci've had it claim 34%, then just turn off
21:50.22Captnoordcr2_: I know.....
21:50.45Captnoord+0xfc0e0   VREF
21:50.45Captnoord+0xfc0e4 1/2 VREF
21:50.52Captnoordin the init batt function
21:51.00CaptnoordLDR     R5, =0xAA0FC0E4
21:51.00CaptnoordLDR     R4, =0xAA0FC0E0
21:51.00CaptnoordCMP     R0, #0
21:51.00CaptnoordLDRNE   R2, [R5]
21:51.00CaptnoordLDRNE   R1, [R4]
21:51.00CaptnoordLDRNE   R0, =aInitbatteryset ; "!InitBatterySettings, VREF=%d,1/2 VREF="..
21:51.20cr2_+0x81000 area is for intermediate values
21:51.39cr2_+fc000 is to take serious in linux too
21:52.05CaptnoordI need sleep
21:52.10Captnoordtalk to ya all later
21:52.10Markinusphh: we must not put the filediscriptor to the handle, //hdl->data[0]=sFD; else this doesn't poll values
21:52.49phhMarkinus: really ? mmmm
21:53.28cr2_NetRipper: the leo branch ?
21:53.48Markinusphh: yes, if we do it, the status of octl(sFD, BMA_IOCTL_READ_ACCELERATION, accel); is always <0
21:54.12phhandroid might do strange stuff
21:54.42avengerpenguin_cr2_: any chance you could let me know which defconfig I need to use to compile ph5 branch for athena x7500
21:56.38NetRippercr2_, yes its there, i just need to put my work into it (and tidy it up)
21:57.14Markinusphh: but the other things are working. If I starting the labyrinth game I can see in the logcat that the Freq is changing . .. but nothing in Android . . hmmm
21:57.53cr2_avengerpenguin_: hm. i must have one. let me look
21:58.11MrPippycr2_: do the smem vref and 1/2 vref areas have to do with battery?
21:58.42cr2_MrPippy: yes. they are just there. maybe put there by arm9
22:00.30avengerpenguin_cr2_: thanks very grateful
22:04.38phhMrPippy: iirc vre = 0.625 and
22:05.49Markinusphh: what is the range of the Values on other devices? I have here +- 20 is this okay?
22:06.33phhMarkinus: it means +/- 2G
22:06.41phhso it's maybe not enough
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22:07.50Markinus1G -> ca. 9.81 m/s^2 then this is okay, if the mobilei s on the table I have in Z 9,6 . .
22:09.20phhyou're maybe leaving 10km over ocean's level ? :p
22:10.37phhcr2_: have you had any though for anything ?
22:10.39phhlinked to raph.
22:12.49phhhum time to sleep anyway
22:13.01Markinusphh: :-) I think this sould be enough to get a reaction from Android . .
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22:48.45avengerpenguin_cr2_: Thanks very much for the config, am now encountering errors during compile but will search and see if I can find any answers
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