IRC log for #htc-linux on 20091012

00:03.58mdrobnaksorry, was afk for a min
00:04.36mdrobnakif you wish to edit it, that would be great.
00:12.18mdrobnakback in 20, need to run to store.
00:17.07*** join/#htc-linux Michael_ (
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00:29.52dasilva333ok i updated it let me knwo if i got it right
00:32.15*** join/#htc-linux tmzt (
00:51.53mdrobnakLooks ok
01:10.59dasilva333where can i find the latest builds for ralph?
01:11.48mdrobnakNot sure. XDA developers usually has a link
01:11.55mdrobnakYou could try mine :-)
01:12.35mdrobnakWhich RAPH do you have?
01:13.56dasilva333att fuze
01:16.48mdrobnakThe build should work fine
01:16.52mdrobnakThat's what I have
01:18.41mdrobnakNote that the keymap for android isn't right. Haven't had time to fix that. It's set up to a standard keyboard.
01:18.56*** join/#htc-linux DrHouse|Compaq (i=Michael@
01:19.18dasilva333does the touch pad at the bottom work as a trackball?
01:19.39mdrobnakas up down left right, yea
01:19.57mdrobnakand click, of course.
01:21.18dasilva333neat awesome dude
01:29.11mdrobnakugh, have to run out again.
01:38.05*** join/#htc-linux NexVision__ (
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01:47.08*** join/#htc-linux Spirit-Sight (
01:48.24Spirit-Sightkaiser: does any one know why in past I did not did to start internet in winMo before going into Android?
01:57.37mdrobnakback finally
01:59.13*** part/#htc-linux Spirit-Sight (
02:00.07*** join/#htc-linux dzo (
02:05.52mdrobnakHey dzo
02:05.54mdrobnakHow's it going?
02:07.01mdrobnakdzo is not actually here :-/
02:07.04mdrobnakoh well.
02:20.08*** join/#htc-linux alexandernst (n=quassel@
02:21.04alexandernstIs it possible to install linux on touch pro 2 ?
02:21.28*** part/#htc-linux linuxaddictt (
02:23.53mdrobnakalexandernst: It's still in early stages of development
02:24.23alexandernstmdrobnak: Do you think that will be possible to install it in the next few months?
02:24.38alexandernstOr, if I have to ask a better question, when it will be available?
02:26.25mdrobnakNext few months, sure
02:26.34mdrobnakthey'll be a more usable version
02:26.41mdrobnakthat does not mean perfect, though
02:27.08mdrobnakAlso, which version of the Touch Pro 2 - GSM or CDMA?
02:27.46alexandernstUhm... What is the difference? I mean... I want to buy a new phone and I was looking that one.
02:28.17alexandernstI don't like the fact that it has windows on it, and I just wanted to make sure that I'll be able to install whatever that hasn't a windows logo on it. :)
02:28.29mdrobnakWell, it's if you're going to use the GSM (global) version or the one used on Sprint and Verizon in the US (Or Bell in Canada)
02:29.18alexandernstI'm from Spain. And, if I buy it, I'll buy it from "The Phone House" (kind of sim-free)
02:29.41*** join/#htc-linux dzo (n=dzo@
02:30.19mdrobnakok, that means GSM version. You should be fine.
02:31.14alexandernst:). And what is the CDMA version? Who sells it?
02:31.30mdrobnakIf you're not ready to buy right now, I'd see what was out when you are ready. Who knows what will be available by then.
02:31.49mdrobnakAs I said, CDMA is a different type of network, used in the USA, by Sprint and Verizon, and Bell in Canada.
02:32.38alexandernstOh, ok, that's very kind of your part :)  I'll go back here if I finally want to buy it.
02:33.39alexandernstgtg, thanks for the help!
02:33.43mdrobnakNo problem.
02:33.49mdrobnaksee ya
02:35.57*** part/#htc-linux alexandernst (n=quassel@
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03:18.00mdrobnakDid I do this right?: diff -ur 2.6.27-ca 2.6.27-samsung |grep "^[+-]" |grep -v "^+++" |grep -v "^---" |wc -l: 32,551 line difference between the Code Aurora and Samsung kernels
03:18.04mdrobnakThat's a lot
03:30.33*** join/#htc-linux spirit-sight (
03:30.38mdrobnakHmm. Should my Battery History say "100% running time" ? It says it's never slept. I added pm.sleep_mode=0 on the command line...not sure if it's working.
03:31.04spirit-sightkaiser: does any one know why in past I did not did to start internet in winMo before going into Android?
03:31.11*** join/#htc-linux Radix__ (i=quasselc@
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03:32.01spirit-sightI now have to start data in winmo now where in the past I did not this was a while ago?
03:33.33spirit-sightthis is on a kaiser with stock winmo 6.1 1.65 radio, I have to start IE to get data to work in Android where as in past maybe 2 months ago i did not have to do such
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03:51.56mdrobnakspirit-sight: Best bet to try later today asking when more people are around
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09:51.46dcordeshero commit breaks kovsky
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12:11.18mdrobnak2 non-crash bugs: both related to mutex.c
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13:06.16*** join/#htc-linux LittleJ (n=linuz@
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13:09.00dcordes-kaismdrobnak I'll push it once I fixes kovsky
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13:24.30*** join/#htc-linux leobaillard (
13:25.35leobaillardhi thore !
13:27.55dcordes-kaisleobaillard servus
13:28.17leobaillardoO ?
13:29.56dcordes-kaisleobaillard that is how to say hi in south of .de
13:32.34leobaillardsomething new since yesterday evening ?
13:32.58leobaillardhas phh retried the accelerometer thing ?
13:33.09LittleJany one here using diam 100 and babijoee's build?
13:34.34dcordes-kaisleobaillard yes I have had a total moment of enlightenment and understand every mathematical problem.
13:34.52leobaillardLittleJ: I am
13:35.14dcordes-kaisLittleJ it's always a bit complicated to help when people ask for build xyz
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13:36.42LittleJoh well i used before they managed to make wireles and bt to work, all i had to do was copy it to my internal memory in a /tmp folder
13:37.04LittleJdid this now with that build, but i get some mmc1 timeouts and phone reboots
13:37.15LittleJi'm lookin on forums now but i tought to ask here also
13:38.08dcordes-kaisLittleJ that's kerbel problem. which kernel is used in xyz build?
13:39.30dcordes-kaisLittleJ zImage
13:42.41LittleJwell it had 2 zImage in the arhive one for diamond and one for raph
13:43.01LittleJmoved the diamond image over the zImage now aint restarting anymore
13:43.45LittleJbut i have an error : losetup: /dev/block/loop2: No such file or di,
13:43.59LittleJFailed to find rootfs.img on SD Card.
13:55.11dcordes-kaisLittleJ the person who put the package didn't give a referrence to the source code used to build kernel?
14:06.01*** join/#htc-linux Gnutoo (
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14:14.22LittleJnope, but i solved it :)
14:15.13Saltwonders if any of the people working on gnu/linux for the raph800 are around
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14:22.35tuxherotmzt hi
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15:51.18spirit-sightHi wondering if any one is needed to connect to the internet in winmo first before it will work in linux/android
15:52.42spirit-sightsorry about the double post it was empathy that sent twice after crashing, by the way I am using a kaiser phone
15:53.58*** join/#htc-linux luc__ (
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15:55.13tuxherodzo hi
15:55.21tuxherodzo need ur help
15:57.20spirit-sighthello tuxhero, I think this room have not many in it thats active :( I was asking a question and still waiting and someone last night said that better when people are active in here
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16:12.42tuxherospirit-sight what's ur question?
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16:24.27spirit-sightHi wondering if any one is needed to connect to the internet in winmo first before it will work in linux/android
16:24.39spirit-sightfor kaiser
16:29.54Gnutooouch...devmem should be fixed
16:30.21Gnutoo(gdb) bt => phone reboots
16:30.49Gnutooand it was not kgdb...only normal userspace gdbserver<->gdb-cross
16:31.03Gnutooit does it for armv4
16:31.11Gnutooit does it for armv6-novfp
16:33.49thedicemasterspirit-sight for internet through the phone network yes, but not for internet through a local wireless network(if you can get it to work)
16:34.27thedicemastercould someone here point me to a good irc channel for windows-mobile related problems?
16:34.44spirit-sightso for internet to work (cell data) u need start it in winmo first?
16:35.30thedicemasteryes, atleast for the 1st time.
16:36.01spirit-sightI need to do it every time or I won't have internet working at all
16:37.16*** join/#htc-linux dcordes (n=luke-g@unaffiliated/dcordes)
16:37.34thedicemastermy experience with internet in android/linux on a windows mobile phone pretty much ends there
16:38.24thedicemastercan't get data over phone network to work(possibly due to my phone being a rare variation of the diamond) and builds with wifi freeze before i can do anything.
16:38.26*** join/#htc-linux townkat (n=town@
16:43.11thedicemasterHTC doesn't even call my phone a diamond.
16:46.47*** join/#htc-linux ppman (
16:47.06ppmanI want to get NAND working on kaiser...
16:47.11ppmanhow can I help?
16:47.42Stskeeps'lo ppman
16:48.08ppmanyou made it over here? :P
16:48.29ppmanapparently, raphael managed to get working X... I bought one and will start playing once I get it
16:48.49Stskeepsppman: i did hang out here at some point long ago and i thought it was a good way to listen in :P
16:50.02ppmanhaving major trouble getting mer's X to work with kaiser...
16:50.12ppmanI think it has to do with our broken fb code
16:51.14Stskeepswe can always use a custom X, we don't mind
16:51.35tuxherodcordes hi
16:51.43ppmantrying to find anything that'll work on kaiser is fun...
16:51.48Stskeepswe use Xomap for n8x0 so
16:52.05ppmanbtw, how do you guys plan to do phone interface?
16:52.50Stskeepsprobably ofono based if anything. i haven't taken a deeper look at how the n900 does it
16:53.09Stskeepsbut it'll be from perspective phone is an app/communication protocol like any other.
16:53.16ppmanbecause that's probably the best next step... getting some sort of radio interface working
16:53.57ppmannext step for raphael, at least.. kaiser still needs some work to get X up.
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17:01.39phhthedicemaster: considering the key mapping problem, would a kernel option be fine ?
17:03.40thedicemasteryou mean like adding a little swapkeys=1 line to the startup.txt?
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17:07.38thedicemasterwould be fine.
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17:10.42ppmanwow, ofono looks nice...
17:10.57ppmanI'm going to make a driver for HTC/qualcomm devices
17:11.12ppmanat least gsm... I might do cdma later
17:12.12spirit-sightwhat is ofono?
17:12.36ppmanopen source radio interface touted by Intel and Nokia
17:13.27spirit-sightcool, does that mean, there could be a radio that is not closed like the one right now that att has etc
17:13.43ppmanthe radio rom stays the same,
17:13.52phhradio *interface*
17:13.55phhit's the ril
17:13.57ppmanthis is software that communicates between the radio and the operating system
17:14.15ppmannot really the OS, but applications on the OS
17:14.19spirit-sightok the relay between the two
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17:40.15dcordestuxhero: thanks.
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17:59.08*** join/#htc-linux Henky (
18:00.10Henkyhey guys
18:01.09Henkydcordes told me to come here:)
18:01.57dcordesHenky, ah you must be the new recruit!
18:02.14Henkyoh there you are! yes that's me:D
18:03.00*** join/#htc-linux stickboy (n=anonymou@
18:04.16dcordesHenky, did you check the wiki?
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18:04.38Henkyyes I did, though I find it rather hard to navigate ;)
18:07.07dcordesHenky, what's wrong about ti?
18:07.45dcordesHenky, do you like phpwiki better?
18:07.49Henkynothing wrong, I just have to get used to it that's all:)
18:08.25dcordeswe went for mediawiki because it's more common
18:09.40Henkyyeah I've got to agree on that one haha
18:09.46Henkywhere are you from btw?
18:10.27leobaillardhi Henky :)
18:11.00Henkyhi leo!
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18:15.20Henkyso what precisely can i do to help?
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18:26.54dcordesHenky, for diam100 ?
18:29.13phhmake gps work, make some android things work (lights, sensors, wifi), get camera up, do a library to access to FM radio
18:29.44phhmaybe alsa driver, a free opengles driver too
18:29.58dcordesHenky, there you go
18:30.10phhsomething useful might be get Xegl working with the non-free qualcomm driver
18:30.13Henkyallright I'll do some research on that:)
18:31.05phhi guess FM radio will be the easiest, as soon as cr2 release its docs
18:31.46GnutooI'll try 4800 buffer
18:31.52phhGnutoo:  ?
18:32.00Gnutoobuffer size
18:32.04Gnutoofor alsa
18:32.05HenkyI find it weird though
18:32.05phhthere is also the BT clocks which needs to get fixed
18:32.07phhGnutoo: oh ok
18:32.11Henkythat google doesn't supply some kind of help
18:32.25HenkyI mean, they want the OS to run on many devices, why else make it opensource
18:32.53phhi think they have heavy constrains because of qualcomm
18:33.15phhbut anyway, some parts are really hacky, and need some work to get working
18:33.21*** join/#htc-linux BabelO (n=fcr@unaffiliated/babelo)
18:33.52HenkyI guess, but wasn't wifi supposed to work already?
18:34.02phhHenky: really badly
18:34.03HenkyI'm just testing the latest build from yesterday
18:34.09Henkyand it don't work at all
18:34.32phhwell, firsrt you can try to understand why, and then report possible fixes to leobaillard
18:35.06phhso install android sdk and use the power of adb
18:35.20phh(please note that there is a true bash in /system/xbin/bash if you hate default shell.)
18:35.37*** join/#htc-linux osilvan_pola100 (
18:36.52leobaillardplease note again that you can just type "bash" in adb shell, that will get you an even more recent version of bash ;) no offense phh :)
18:37.01phhho yeah forgot that one
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18:54.17Henkyfor dev reasons, I'd like to know the progress of wifi, googling doesnt turn up much
18:55.00phhHenky: it works perfectly on linux
18:55.03phhbut android is painfull
18:55.36Henkyyeah but i did read somewhere, that someone was able to check their mail
18:56.01phhyes on android it works sometimes
18:56.47phhwell i made a 1.5 release, which worked right i think
18:57.09phhbut i haven't setted my diamond's panel "fix" :/
18:57.28Henkycould you help me get it, I've got the one from connectutb with newest zImage
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18:57.59phhthese ones don't have wifi afaik
18:58.01phhonly mines have
18:58.35Henkyyeah I noticed lol(H) did you publish yours anywhere?
18:59.17Gnutoobasically I have to have that:
18:59.18Gnutooread(3, "\234(\3072\350\'V7\344\23\247\20\27\16\201\7\351\32\233"..., 4800) = 4800
18:59.31Gnutooinstead of other values than 4800
18:59.43phhGnutoo: what do you get instead ?
18:59.45Gnutooat least I could try
18:59.54Gnutoothat was from aplay
19:00.27phhHenky: can't find it back /o\
19:00.29Gnutooread(3, "\361\236P\5\255+k+f]\262\227\6p\31\33\211\274\240\214p"..., 4096) = 4096  + buffers underrun in ogg123
19:01.44Gnutooand read(3, "U\v\326\f\206\fA\r\32\v8\n\f\v.\n\313\t\351\t\17\t~\n\255"..., 2048) = 2048 in mplayer
19:01.47phhGnutoo: i'm pretty sure there is an alsa plugin to manage that somewhere
19:01.59Gnutoothere is but no-one answred me yet
19:02.02Gnutooon that issue
19:02.24GnutooI looked there are lots of plugin
19:02.24dcordesphh, can you point me to the wifi-works-perfectly-on-linux-patch? I think it's time to make it available in git until we have wl12xx working
19:02.24Gnutoobut I didn't find the correct one or made the correct .asoundrc
19:02.34*** join/#htc-linux tuxhero (n=tuxhero@
19:02.52phhdcordes: i think it has already been comitted
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19:03.14phhthere is no other wifi-related patches in my build
19:03.37Henkythnx d/ing now will let you know what i fuind
19:03.54phhdcordes: but there is a userland script, which does pwr(1);sleep(1);reset(0);sleep(1);reset(1);
19:04.00rayman18Henky: here is the phh build released for leobaillard (1.6 releassed if i remember well..)
19:04.49phhrayman18: 1.6 is far not as stable as 1.5
19:04.50tuxherocr2 phh are we using any modded opengl lib in android?
19:04.50phhtuxhero: no
19:04.50Henkythnx rayman, I didcome accross that one I believe
19:04.50tuxherothen why kaiser hero port is unable to start?????
19:04.57dcordesphh, awesome. didn't notice you added it
19:05.05phhdcordes: i'm pretty sure you did
19:05.11phhas i've still not understood how to access to linuxtogo.
19:05.26phhtuxhero: adb logcat is your friend
19:05.43tuxherousb in blackstone is not working :(
19:06.11cr2tuxhero: i'm not using android
19:06.12phhmaybe try to fix it first
19:06.14dcordespH5, you mean Add wifi reset code for raphael and diamond ? but do we have the required module?
19:06.51cr2phh: where is the x11 patch of tmzt ?
19:07.13phhdcordes: the required module is built external
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19:07.19phhuntil we move to 2.6.31 (or 32 ?)
19:07.27*** part/#htc-linux AntiXpucT (n=Skim@
19:07.35cr2phh: afair it's necessary to reduce the line size by 2
19:07.46phhho that one
19:07.54cr2ifdef ANDROID_PMEM is a good choise
19:08.17cr2so i can slowly phase it out
19:08.57cr2phh: what is the kernel size ? i fear that it is bigger than 6MB
19:09.02phhdcordes: i build the driver from
19:09.30dcordesphh, wait so you using wl12xx ?
19:09.40phhcr2: my vmlinux is 31MB :p
19:09.56phhdcordes: not really for android actually
19:09.56cr2phh: hehe. with symbols ?
19:09.59dcordesI thought we were talking about the ti1251 crap driver
19:10.01phhcr2: i guess so
19:10.07phhdcordes: i didn't managed to get working ...
19:10.12phhgot stuck on "configuration manager failed"
19:10.21cr2phh: now i understand why android segfaults so often and kills the processes :)
19:10.27dcordesphh, I know. read a bit xda yesterday :)
19:10.42cr2dcordes: i have a big patch...
19:10.51phhcr2: maybe it strips afterwards
19:10.54phhzImage is only 1.5MB
19:11.26phhdcordes: can you explain me a bit about git commiting in linuxtogo ? i'm a "senior developer", but it seems i can't access to anything
19:11.54cr2phh: i'm interessted in the resident RAM size
19:12.20phh[    0.012512] Memory: 99056KB available (2684K code, 1124K data, 108K init)
19:12.24dcordesphh, you need to be on the developer list of mobile-linux project.
19:12.29phhdcordes: i'm
19:12.35*** part/#htc-linux rayman18 (
19:12.56cr2phh: if .text+.rodata is smaller than 6MB we may put it into SMI
19:13.06phhsure.... but what's smi ?
19:13.19cr2sdram @0x0
19:13.28cr2hmm. 5 not 6MB
19:13.36cr2because the FB needs some ram
19:13.44dcordesphh, I see so you should be able to commit with your login
19:13.53Henkyallright guys I'm gonna go, Ill keep testing through the night
19:13.55cr2hehe. but not 2MB, we should allocate as much as we really need.
19:13.59Henkyc ya guys and goodluck!
19:14.12phhjust push ?
19:14.15phhi thaught there was some ssh things
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19:14.27tuxherophh git push *********
19:14.37tuxheroreplace ***** with ur username
19:14.42cr2+       { RAPH800_CLAMSHELL_IRQ, SW_LID } /* FIXME! RAPH100_CLAMSHELL_IRQ on raph100 */
19:16.44tuxherodcordes, cr2 many new android build are squash fs i think we should include squashfs support in our kernel
19:16.58dcordestuxhero, that's ok with me.
19:17.15*** join/#htc-linux kvaster_ (n=kvaster@
19:17.50dcordescr2, fm patch?
19:17.56tuxherodcordes, ok i will push patch
19:18.08cr2dcordes: there is no fm patch. it's all userspavce
19:18.34phhno i need to find which patches i have to push
19:19.07cr2dcordes: initial topa100/rhod100 support and some code cleanup
19:19.57cr2dcordes: i'll paste the adsp_6120.c too, but it's not finished.
19:20.11cr2but without it the compilation will fail
19:20.34tuxherocr2 i epson code is updated it might break build
19:21.12phhcr2: still no FM docs ?
19:21.47*** join/#htc-linux jeward (n=jeward@
19:22.04jewardHi, will Andoird be coming to the HTC Touch Pro 2 soon?
19:22.49dcordesjeward, yes
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19:23.44jewarddcordes: Would you recommend it as a device?  I need to upgrade from my agint 755p, but to keep my cheap Sprint SERO plan, I am limited as to what phones I can choose.
19:23.59jewardaging 755p
19:24.20*** join/#htc-linux Reactor16 (n=Reactor1@
19:24.30Reactor16Hi all
19:24.30tuxherocr2 can u find mem addr for gsensor in blackstone
19:24.32jewarddcordes: What codename is the Touch Pro 2?
19:25.36cr2tuxhero: ?
19:25.57cr2jeward: rhodium
19:26.16jewardSo I need to look for android for rhodium?
19:26.26cr2phh,dcordes : what was the command to dump ramconsole ?
19:26.44phherr, can't remember
19:26.50LittleJdaim i just started wireles on my diamond than everithing frozen :((
19:26.53tuxherocr2 I2C_BOARD_INFO("kionix-kxsd9", 0x18)
19:26.55cr2jeward: it's not there yet. i'm making only the first steps. it boots, but there are heavy bugs
19:27.00phhLittleJ: yeah this happens
19:27.02phhtuxhero: this is accelerometer
19:27.03tuxhero0x18???? for blac?
19:27.21cr2tuxhero: trace it in haret
19:27.25jewardcr2: But it's coming?  If so, I'll go ahead and get that phone.
19:27.34jewardI don't want to be stuck with WinMO though.
19:28.08cr2jeward: well, you can't hope for 100% support RSN. like for raph/diam though
19:28.34jewardcr2: Meaning I'll have to rely on WinMO to sue some of the hardware?
19:28.42LittleJwhat is RSN ?
19:28.42cr2jeward: because it uses a different wifi/bt chipset
19:29.35cr2jeward: if you are ok with a big phone, rhodium is a better choice.
19:29.36LittleJi would love to have power management working on diamond rather than wifi :P
19:29.48jewardcr2: I don't mind a big phone.
19:29.58phhcr2: i think ramconsole is pd 0xa8600000 0x2000
19:29.59cr2but if you want a small 2.8" phone and ~100% linux support then take raph100
19:30.13phh(and future 110% ,)
19:30.13cr2phh: 0xa86 is MSM_CLK
19:30.26cr2phh: pd 0xe0000 0x20000
19:30.43phh0x20000 is really big :p
19:30.57phherr only ?
19:30.58phhok then
19:30.58jewardcr2: raph100 is a subset of Raphael?
19:31.14cr2raph100 is gsm/umts raphael
19:31.27jewardOh, so not cdma.
19:31.35tuxherodcordes, cr2, phh Squashfs Support Added :)
19:32.13cr2tuxhero: ok. what about ti wifi driver ?
19:32.20dcordesreturn ram_console_init((struct ram_console_buffer *)
19:32.30phhcr2: why would you want to import ti wifi driver ?
19:32.40dcordescr2, phh says ti12xx works flawlessly
19:32.47phhdcordes: wl12xx
19:32.51dcordesphh, can you put the script somewhere?
19:32.52dcordesyes sorry
19:33.06dcordeskinda confusing
19:33.51LittleJblah now i'm not geting any ip addres on wifi...
19:33.52phhyou need to do all insmods before it
19:34.11LittleJit doesnt make any requests at all
19:34.18phhLittleJ: 1.6 or 1.5 ?
19:34.38phhif 1.6, i won't give any help, i can't get it working by myself
19:34.50dcordesphh, wl12xx consists of mutliple modules?
19:34.59dcordesphh, or you mean the wireless stack
19:35.03phhdcordes: both
19:35.12phhthere is the wireless stack, wl1251.ko and wl1251_sdio.ko
19:35.19dcordesI'll go for some food
19:37.59tuxherocr2 where can i get ti wifi drivers
19:38.14LittleJphh i rly dont know i toked a build from xda forums, i think its the android from the hero
19:38.16phhtuxhero: ti official ones you mean ?
19:38.29LittleJit worked at the first boot, but on the third aint working anymore
19:38.30phhLittleJ: how is the file named ?
19:38.38cr2tuxhero: wl12xx, ask phh
19:38.58phhLittleJ: hum, this one is supposed to work correctly
19:39.08tuxherophh, ti official working on our devs?
19:39.16LittleJphh it did :)
19:39.17phhtuxhero: no
19:40.02phhtuxhero: if you want to try it (easier to get wifi working on android then), you can get it in android's repo
19:40.02phhunder system/wlan/ti
19:40.12tuxherocr2, phh ok
19:40.36phhand for wl12xx i guess i pasted the link before
19:40.42phhhum, or not
19:40.47chemical1979what shoud I do to get the ansi sequences interpreted correctly? ("adb shell"on windows)
19:40.51tuxherocr2, phh where can i find info on epson drivers
19:41.12tuxherocr2 is everything abt epson is in wiki?
19:41.23phh here's the wifi driver i use
19:41.38phhchemical1979: even on linux it won't work correctly ...
19:42.49cr2tuxhero: there was a link to epson devboard source. the wiki list is taken from that source
19:43.32tuxherocr2 can i get that source?
19:43.47chemical1979the title bar at the upper screen crashed, how can I start it again without rebooting the droid?
19:44.16phhchemical1979: just make it scroll
19:44.20phhit isn't crashed
19:44.28phhjust that resume doesn't really works properly
19:44.34cr2tuxhero: i had it on the other notebook, but it's half-dead now. need to search
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19:44.48tuxherocr2 ok
19:45.05patptuxhero, hi, nice work today!
19:45.22chemical1979phh: no, its gone :)
19:45.32phhhu ? gone not black ?
19:45.52tuxheropatp it's cr2 and phh who made it possible
19:45.57cr2patp: do you rememebr where was the epson devboard source ?
19:46.14cr2patp: somewhere on the epson site
19:46.17patpcr2: not source, but I have the docs somewhere,
19:46.48tuxherocr2, patp i too have the docs but it very very long :((
19:46.52cr2patp: the header file, and some .c windows files where packed with source
19:47.08patpnever seen that. had to figure out init from registers!
19:47.18phhtuxhero: i'd happy to have some docs for coding android's driver you know.
19:47.23phheven if it was 100 pages long
19:47.31cr2patp: we need panel detection for epson.
19:47.41patpsomeone remind me the haretconsole cmd for dumping ram console?
19:47.51cr2patp: it's pretty easy to do, but i'm a bit overloaded recently
19:48.14phhpd 0xe0000 0x20000 ?
19:48.23phhor pd 0xe2200000 0x2000 maybe
19:48.37cr2pd 0xe0000 0x20000
19:48.48patpcr2: i noticed. wld love to help, but I wouldn't know where to start. why do we need to detect, we know which devices have it.
19:48.56cr2phh: 0xe22* is virtual, and in linux.
19:49.20patpoops, guess it likes a filename too
19:49.38cr2patp: because there are multiple panels on epson mddi too. beginnging with raph800 and ending with rhodium
19:50.24patpcan it be done using the registers?
19:50.40LittleJwill it be any power-management update? so we can use diams with android all daylong? :D
19:50.56cr2patp: there are gpio registers there like on toshiba. but at different addresses
19:51.58phhLittleJ: panel doesn't consume that much, if everything else can sleep you'll be able to use it
19:52.14tuxherocr2 do you know which windows drivers has panel code?
19:52.18cr2tuxhero: we don't need 90% of this data anyway. just the panel id detection and pre-panel init
19:52.36cr2tuxhero: spl ?
19:53.29tuxherocr2 i will try to find time give me few mins
19:54.02*** join/#htc-linux mblancom (
19:54.29LittleJphh by panel u mean screen or ?
19:54.37mblancomhi all
19:54.40*** join/#htc-linux stickboy (n=anonymou@
19:54.46phhLittleJ: the LCD part, meaning not the backlight
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19:55.13LittleJyea tought so :) thanks for clearing it for me
19:55.15phh(cr2 can correct me if i'm wrong, i'm still not totally sure)
19:56.31*** part/#htc-linux mblancom (
19:56.46cr2i can write down the epson init and panel id detection relatively fast. but
19:57.18cr2i have managed to blow away the NTLDR from my second notebook. and suse is dead after the update there too ;)
19:57.48cr2so i need some free days to recover it and make a full reinstall
19:58.43chemical1979phh: if I kill the wpa_supplicant and call it interactively via adb shell, it kills adb and the complete system froze
19:59.22townkatcr2, wont ntldr work if i give you mine ? they should me the same, but you'd need an live cd also
19:59.34phhchemical1979: yes, i've seen on android 1.6 kernel often gets killed, don't know why
19:59.39cr2phh: and i need to write down the fm docs, and athena atiw2284 too ;)
19:59.56cr2townkat: it's more about time
19:59.58phhcr2: writing docs don't need a full edge system :D
20:00.33cr2phh: just pulled in all possible directions now :)
20:01.20cr2today i was the whole day in the Alps. -12°C and heavy snowing.
20:01.33townkatcr2: this operation would thake about 10 minutes, but probably only 1 minute of atention, but you know better what is there, so its your choice of corse ;)
20:01.43phhcr2: at which altitude ?!?
20:01.49cr2phh: 3km
20:01.55phhoh ok then
20:02.26townkatntldr wont resiste more than 2km  i think :))
20:02.35cr2phh: lower down it was heavy raining
20:02.47phhyeah i was under it.
20:03.23phh(well, 500km away)
20:04.06cr2drove about 100km there first at 8:00. came back at 20:00
20:04.41phhwhere are you now ?
20:05.16cr2at home
20:05.32cr2but umts was working there too :)
20:05.50phhoh i forgot i lived in germany
20:06.52phhmight needs some rest.
20:10.39phhcr2: what's that ?
20:10.41chemical1979uh, another german ,)
20:11.24phh(not because it's the city where i live... but actually yes.)
20:12.56chemical1979ha! finally I have some arguments.
20:19.44cr2dcordes: ping
20:22.57Gnutooouch what's that? if (prtd->type == AUDREC_CMD_TYPE_0_INDEX_WAV) {
20:23.12Gnutooit's in void alsa_get_dsp_frames(struct msm_audio *prtd)
20:23.21Gnutoodoes it means that it supports only wav?
20:24.11phhalsa doesn't support many formats actually
20:24.18GnutooI know
20:24.23Gnutooit's pcm
20:24.30Gnutooso ~wav
20:24.49Gnutoobut that is strange....
20:25.03Gnutooit's an alsa driver and they talk about wav and aac
20:25.24Gnutoothe wake_up(&the_locks.read_wait); is not called
20:25.32Gnutooso maybe we're in the else with mplayer
20:25.37GnutooI'll check
20:28.08GnutooI bet that's the interface with the dsp but why they said something about aac in an alsa driver
20:29.46Gnutoobasically the dsp supports aac in higher firmware revisions
20:29.57Gnutooand alsa incomming doesn't support aac
20:30.08cr2Gnutoo: it's not well known
20:30.11Gnutooso what were they trying to do? a non-standard alsa
20:30.30cr2Gnutoo: the 6210 does not support mp3 (according to the g1 source)
20:30.42cr2but 5200 has not problem to play mp3
20:35.39Gnutoobasically AUDREC_MSG_PACKET_READY_MSG never arrives
20:35.46Gnutooat least looking at the source code
20:38.11*** join/#htc-linux BabelO (n=fcr@unaffiliated/babelo)
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20:39.37Gnutooshould I enable the RCP debuging?
20:40.07GnutooRPC typo error
20:42.28Gnutoo is strange
20:42.35Gnutoomaybe I booted the wrong kenrel
20:43.28Gnutooit stops there:
20:43.45Gnutoorc = wait_event_interruptible(the_locks.read_wait,(prtd->in_count > 0)|| prtd->stopped);
20:43.51Gnutoowith mplayer
20:44.46Gnutoothe only way to wake it up is in alsa_get_dsp_frames
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20:53.33kvaster_is it supposed that current kernel have full 3d hw acceleration ? :)
20:53.46kvaster_(android build 1.5)
20:53.52rafyvittopartial yes
20:53.55rafyvittofull not yet
20:54.03kvaster_ok. thanks.
20:54.09chemical1979mq_notify(0x2, 0x2)                     = 8 ioctl(8, SIOCGIFADDR, {ifr_name="wlan0", ???}) = -1 EADDRNOTAVAIL (Cannot assign requested address) close(8)                                = 0
20:54.26chemical1979hm, whats that?
20:55.06chemical1979phh: I was stracing wpa_supplicant while connecting to my wlan
20:55.07Gnutoowhat should I do? abandon?
20:55.09cr2chemical1979: which program is that ?
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20:55.17phhchemical1979: strace is wrong anyway
20:55.21Gnutooabandon means wait for druidu that won't come
20:56.14GnutooI'm tired...maybe that affects my judgment but I'm fed up of achieving nothing
20:56.45Gnutoobasically aplay works...the driver is buggy as hell
20:56.56GnutooI don't know what to do
20:57.05phhGnutoo: try adding *rate plugin
20:57.09phhlavcrate, samplerate ou speexrate
20:57.21Gnutooyou mean alsa plugin?
20:57.28Gnutoook thanks a lot
20:57.32phhnot sure if this is going to help
20:58.15Gnutoo are all the plugins
20:59.43dcordes~pong cr2
20:59.43aptcr2: PONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20:59.59phhi don't understand what this actually do, but you can set buffer_time on the share plugin
21:00.14phhsames goes for dmix actually
21:01.20chemical1979phh: which tool should I use instead?
21:01.32phhchemical1979: i'm afraid there is none :/
21:01.47phhchemical1979: but you can build your own strace against current kernel tree
21:03.10phhif you succeed to please give it, i'd need it too :D
21:03.18phh(if you don't, wait some days, i think i'll build one myself)
21:03.25cr2dcordes: 2 patches ?
21:03.25chemical1979I was afraid you would say something like that
21:08.48Gnutooaplay: set_params:879: Broken configuration for this PCM: no configurations available
21:08.57dcordescr2, ok
21:09.14dcordescr2, still waiting for adsp_6120.c
21:09.49*** join/#htc-linux DarkMasterHalo (
21:09.57chemical1979phh: that means that the strace found in the rootfs image does not match the kernel (symbols)?
21:10.15phhchemical1979: yup
21:10.17chemical1979I noticed the syscalls are listed like SYS_<NR> instead of the real name
21:10.26Gnutoolavc but that's in mplayer no?
21:10.33phhit's not really symbols but syscall resolution, anyway same probleme
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21:11.04cr2dcordes: ?
21:11.17phhGnutoo: forget my *rate thing, i think the buffer_size un the dmix plugin will be more helpful
21:11.19chemical1979ok, but it's only the syscall name resolution, no functional issues, is it?
21:11.37phhchemical1979: the thing is, if name resolution is wrong, nothing will work correctly
21:11.40Gnutoophh, I tried buffer size in had an effect but didn't stop playback
21:11.47phhGnutoo: ok
21:11.54phhif you have bind() function
21:11.55Gnutoophh, but...I tried something else that crashed the kenrel
21:11.59phhit will interpret it as mq_notify
21:11.59GnutooI'll retry
21:12.03phhwhich arguments are only integers
21:12.15phhwhile bind's arguments are useful
21:12.18phhlike path of the socket
21:12.28chemical1979got it
21:12.38tuxherocr2 what is the full command to test bt i mean hciattact xxx xxx
21:12.40chemical1979ok we need a working strace then
21:12.50phhchemical1979: yup :p
21:12.57phhtuxhero: hciattach ttyHS1 texas
21:13.53*** join/#htc-linux DJWillis (
21:14.00Gnutoommm it's the period time
21:14.14Gnutooand it can block ioctl 0x50
21:14.18Gnutooif you try hard
21:14.41Gnutoobut then it would say audpp: DMA missed obj=20
21:14.50Gnutooand here it doesn't tell it with mplayer
21:15.15tuxherophh it dumped some info and stopped
21:15.57phhGnutoo: just thinking .... wouldn't be easier to do a userland driver of the qualcomm's driver ?
21:16.06GnutooI think so
21:16.19GnutooI would just have to use playwav2
21:16.37phhi've seen a file output plugin for alsa, so with a pipe.... :D
21:16.47Gnutooyes it works with pipe
21:16.58Gnutoosuch as:
21:17.02Gnutoomkfifo /dev/mplayer
21:17.14phhGnutoo: not speaking about mplayer, but the whole alsa thing
21:17.20Gnutooah ok
21:17.23Gnutoogood idea
21:17.25phhin the link you pasted, there is a "file" alsa plugin
21:17.27GnutooI'll try
21:17.34Gnutooyes there is
21:17.54phhand if buffer size is an issue, you can change playwav to fix it
21:19.12Captnoordjust got back from the hospital....
21:23.07dcordesCaptnoord, what happened bro?
21:23.13dcordescr2, ok
21:24.42Gnutooouch...ALSA lib pcm_direct.c:874:(snd_pcm_direct_initialize_slave) slave plugin does not support mmap interleaved or mmap noninterleaved access
21:25.04phhgood luck :p
21:25.14Captnoorddcordes: my mom what hospitalized
21:25.18Captnoordhearth problems
21:25.27CaptnoordI am still scared as hell
21:25.31Gnutootaken from
21:26.08dcordesCaptnoord, that sucks big time. I wish the best of luck for your mom and your fam
21:30.47gekasCaptnoord: the best of luck for your mum, know that kind of stories from my dad
21:32.05dzocr2: i had a look at rpc init yesterday and i can see what the problem is. using the adsp_cid won't work for other progs because they need a unique cid. I tried sending BYE, then HELLO and that works for everything except prog 3000000a (adsp), i think because it registers some modules so the bye fails to uninitialise it. I think it means we need to rewrite the rpcrouter code to look up by...
21:32.07dzo...prog name rather than cid. (though this won't work for replies) any thoughts?
21:34.48dcordescr2, make[2]: *** No rule to make target `arch/arm/mach-msm/qdsp5/adsp_6120.o', needed by `arch/arm/mach-msm/qdsp5/built-in.o'.  Stop.
21:34.52dcordescr2, but it's in the Makefile..
21:36.45Captnoordthanks gekas
21:37.02dzodcordes: did you name it .c rather than .h in the file.
21:37.48Captnoordthanks dcordes
21:37.56dcordesdzo, yea the other way around. thank you
21:39.28gekascu guys
21:41.16dcordescr2, ok builds
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21:43.30GnutooCaptnoord, ouch...
21:43.53*** join/#htc-linux [1]Captnoord (
21:43.57GnutooI hope she will get well soon
21:44.01Gnutoo[1]Captnoord ^^^
21:44.04GnutooI'll go bue
21:45.55cr2dzo: what is the purpose of the 0x3000ffff server ? it was not possible to see this server to be registered (too early), and i still don't understand why all the CB servers are periodically reregistered in wince.
21:46.31cr2dzo: still, the infamous adsp_cid seem to be very persistant
21:47.07dzoi can't see a way around it since there is no unregister command for the adsp modules.
21:47.30cr2dcordes: thanks
21:47.39dzountil we boot from nand that is!!
21:47.51cr2dzo: there is a call to deregister the client
21:47.59dcordescr2, is there a topaz kernel thread for testers?
21:48.18dzoi tried that is refuses to answer hello after that,
21:48.19cr2and i have actually seen it being used in wince.
21:49.00dzoi wrote some code to dump the rpc calls. will pasebin it.
21:49.14cr2dzo: in wince arm9 sends hello to itself
21:49.18cr2dzo: ok
21:49.32dcordescr2, nvm
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21:52.54cr2dzo: .ca does not work for me for some reason
21:53.22dzook, i'll put them somewhere else....
21:53.56cr2Internal Error in Server
21:53.58cr2Details of the Request:
21:54.01cr2Protocol: http
21:55.55cr2dzo: rpc is always smd2, so the magic offset numbers can be picked from smem too
21:56.26dzosecond one is dump of rpc startup on my diamond.
21:56.39dzoisn't that where we get it from?
21:57.20dzoi search for a confirmation message.
21:57.49cr2i mean for the location of rpc fifos
21:58.13cr2the 0xda3 number is already picked as rpc reply. and it works.
21:58.36dzooh ok, that code was just a quick hack....
21:59.05cr2the type:4 src:1,fffffffe dst:0,fffffffe conf:0
21:59.30cr2are periodic reregistering of all CB servers
21:59.40cr2i don't understand its purpose
22:00.31dzono, and lots are sent twice for some reason.
22:01.12cr2yes, and the wince "dmesg" is full of warnings for double registration
22:01.21dzo3000ffff is "RPC_ROUTER_PROGRAM" acording to smem_log.
22:01.46cr2but i don't see it really producing or consuming any messages
22:02.11cr2only at the wince RPC init, there is a message about it
22:02.39dzoeasiest ssolution i think is to match the prog no rather than cid, that must be what wince does.
22:02.41cr2i thing that the adsp_cid you pick from the fifo it the 3000ffff handle
22:03.27dzowince just uses the same cid for everything.
22:03.28cr2btw, the standard rpc_router api puts all local CB servers at one *ept
22:03.47cr2but adsp is done differentlxy
22:04.30dzoif so, that would help a lot.
22:04.40cr2type:2 src:0,fffffffe dst:0,fffffffe conf:0
22:04.42cr22 0 0 0 0
22:04.52cr2this is arm9->arm9 hello
22:05.06dzoyes, that doesn't happen for us.
22:05.19cr2but somehow wince manages to init it
22:06.07dzoi also tried using smsm to deinit the rpc system, that didn;t work either.
22:06.20dcordesphh, do the defconfigs have everything needed for wl12xx ?
22:06.26cr2type:1 src:0,1 dst:1,7fb2266 conf:0
22:06.27cr234000180 0 0 2 3000005d 0 1 0 0 0 0 461db 3d3a50 0
22:06.51cr2i have registered the CB server for this message. but arm9 doesn't send me anything
22:07.09dzoi imagine that deinit of the rpc subsystem has never been tested before and amss just doesn't do it correctly.!
22:07.33cr2hmm. probably you are right
22:07.44dzodid you use the adsp cid when registering?
22:08.05dzothat might work.
22:08.20cr2i'd like to find the wince code which creates this adsp cid
22:09.16dzowhich is where we will have to route incoming messsages based on prog rather than cid.
22:09.36dzootherwise gps messages will go to the adsp code.
22:10.37cr2in wince, the gps code uses the same adsp cid
22:11.04dzook, got to go now. bye all, good luck with your mum Captnoord.
22:11.32cr2dzo: bye
22:12.56cr2for 0x3000ffff
22:14.56Captnoordthankx dzo
22:15.45cr2this PROXY vs plugger business is a mystery for me ;)
22:16.00Captnoordplugger... I think it means end
22:16.06*** join/#htc-linux thedicemaster (
22:16.07Captnoordand proxy = proxy
22:16.10cr2also uses smem (non-rpc) fifo
22:16.13Captnoordto plug something
22:16.27Captnoordto plug a hole
22:16.28cr2maybe i need to recheck the smem layout one again
22:18.15Captnoordmaybe adsp is a proxy
22:18.27Captnoordas its 1 rpc for multiple end points ( in the dps )
22:21.28cr2Captnoord: the question is why you need the RPC_ROUTER_SERVER
22:21.43Captnoordmaybe the system is generic
22:21.49Captnoordand it needs to know its heads and tails
22:21.51cr2wiht a callback. which are never used
22:22.14cr2ok, too late for today.
22:22.17cr2good night
22:29.15*** join/#htc-linux cr2 (
22:32.12cr2haha. topa/rhod crashed in adsp_cid code
22:32.59cr2because of the wrong SMD parser for AMSS6120
22:33.03cr2good night :)
22:40.47*** join/#htc-linux AstainHellbring (n=AstainHe@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
22:52.50*** join/#htc-linux the_sys0p (
22:55.31*** join/#htc-linux MethoS- (n=clemens@
22:58.39dzoyay, i fixed the rpc init, no more adsp_cid....
23:02.51*** join/#htc-linux stickboy (n=anonymou@
23:04.07*** join/#htc-linux Dayd (
23:36.41tmztmdrobnak: still here?
23:37.32tmztleviathan: what did you mean by to flash internal memory?
23:37.57tmztthat was on a g1?
23:38.50Saltyo tmzt
23:39.24*** join/#htc-linux swc|666 (n=infidel2@unaffiliated/swc666/x-4934821)
23:44.15Saltso i was talking with someone else and they said to talk to you about rather than android support, gnu/linux support for the raph800
23:56.16tmztI have raph800 which is very similar
23:56.35tmztI need to clean up and post some patches
23:56.47Saltwhat still isn't working?
23:56.52Saltyou mean you have the raph810
23:57.01tmztmic during calls
23:57.06tmztsorry, raph500
23:57.24Saltyeah gotcha
23:57.26Saltstill cdma
23:57.28Saltso calls work
23:57.33Saltbut sound doesnt?
23:57.43tmztmic doesnt work
23:57.55tmztyou can hear the other caller
23:58.11tmztthey might have figured out in the last few days
23:58.17Saltwhere would i look
23:58.17tmztfrm reading log
23:58.20Saltand i'd like to help out
23:58.22tmztdzo and cr2
23:59.03tmztso I will switch to their code first
23:59.26Saltlike help out via testing and/or coding
23:59.29tmztyou can make calls with angstrom fro
23:59.34Saltcoding is a bit harder as time constraints right now are a bit tight

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