IRC log for #htc-linux on 20091006

00:10.28*** join/#htc-linux toast (
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00:15.54toastwhen booting the latest kernel an diam500, i get this error "rild needs 32 bit mode maybe run in legacy mode" then it shuts down. any ideas?
00:20.54toastis everone asleep?
00:21.44ali1234toast: *everyone* gets that error, it isn't fatal
00:21.49ali1234your problem is unrelated
00:22.08toastthats what i was figuring
00:22.21ali1234the bad news is that means you have nothing to go on
00:22.57toastyeah. i guess i need to debug
00:24.16toastit made it past a few times. but it crashes most the time right then
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01:01.01*** join/#htc-linux x29a_ (n=x29a@unaffiliated/x29a)
01:01.42tmzttoast: yo'll need to use ramconsole
01:03.07AstainHellbringtmzt anywork been done on rhod400 yet?
01:06.38toasthow? sorry im a noob. but im tryin :)
01:07.57tmztrichard333: ask in #linwizard, specifically darkstar
01:11.17toasti noticed when bootin. it says on the first couple lines that it found a cdma diamond. then later it say it found a gsm dimond
01:12.08toastits like the kernel is just hacked to run mtype 2040
01:15.22tmztcr2: ifdef is the wrong approach, proc_comm_ops is better
01:18.22tmzttoast: we didn't change the output to sysfs I think
01:18.45*** join/#htc-linux PocketIRC111 (
01:18.45tmztcdma means vogue/titan support in dzo's rils I think
01:18.59tmztnot sure if it will work on raph800 etc.
01:51.44*** join/#htc-linux PocketIRC111 (
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02:19.07toasttmzt: how to use ramconsole? atleast lead me in a direction to find out
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02:22.27toasthow to use ramconsole? anyone please
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06:03.15*** join/#htc-linux Untouchab1e (n=Untoucha@
06:31.46cr2AstainHellbring: need some dlls
06:31.47tmztI pasted something to you last night but I think you were logged off
06:32.02cr2i didn't switch off nc10
06:32.17cr2ah, last night
06:33.16cr2tmzt: why can't i dump the rhod rom ?
06:33.54cr2tmzt: i' seriously thinking about the XPR algorithm.
06:34.31cr2slowly fed up with the primitive .exe tools, need a clean replacement
06:34.42cr2of LRK
06:35.31tmzt21:54 < tmzt> cr2:
06:35.32tmzt21:54 < tmzt> not our chip, but 2k and finally explains what the contents of  oob structs are
06:35.32tmzt21:54 < tmzt> ecclayout I mean
06:35.32tmztthat was it
06:35.59tmztcr2: talk to cmonex/no2chem about that, I don't know (dumping rhod)
06:36.02cr2tmzt: yes, but i didnt find the exact posting
06:36.51cr2tmzt: i'll compare the compress .dll with the description i have found
06:37.02cr2this problem is already 5 years old ;)
06:37.51cr2tmzt: how do you want to implement the proc_comm_ops ?
06:37.55tmzt|Jason8|: hey
06:38.01|Jason8|I'm here. :)
06:38.08cr2to create an array of function pointers ?
06:38.25tmztecho 2 > /sys/class/vogue_hw/audio
06:38.38tmztcr2: yeah, that's what I mean by ops, is that too slow?
06:38.56tmztso we abstract to _wince.c _android.c to start with
06:39.04tmztreplace proc_comm.c with a struct of funcs
06:39.20cr2should depend on amss
06:39.31cr2not wince vs. android
06:39.32tmzteach of those registers, using a registration function like fbdev does
06:39.38tmztyes, but "to start"
06:39.49tmztand it seems with new msm devices there will be overlap
06:39.49|Jason8|tmzt: want me to reboot and get an mp3 or a wav quick?
06:39.57tmzt|Jason8|: let's test this first
06:40.16tmztactually, you need a keymap
06:40.28tmztor typing some of this stuff will be hard
06:40.32tmztcould you do > ?
06:40.34tmztor / ?
06:40.37|Jason8|I can do /
06:40.39|Jason8|can't do >
06:40.45|Jason8|I don't think.
06:40.46tmzt- ?
06:40.57tmztcan you type -
06:41.14|Jason8|i can type that.
06:41.21|Jason8|so yes, I can type -
06:41.32tmztI can upload my keymap but it's not really for your device
06:41.53|Jason8|Yeah.  Right now I have the HTC Fuze keyboard with the Touch Pro layout.
06:42.06|Jason8|TP keymap*
06:44.17tmztwhat keymap you had in ce doesn't matter here
06:44.33|Jason8|I know.  The Touch Pro keymap is active right now.
06:44.36tmztjust the physical layout and the keycodes that microp reports
06:44.44tmztactive in wm?
06:45.07|Jason8|active in linux.
06:45.35|Jason8|I can't do fn functions, though.
06:45.50tmztok, do your keys match what's on the kayboard?
06:45.58cr2tmzt: where is the kernel ?
06:46.16|Jason8|tmzt: nope.  But I have a picture up so I know what I can do.
06:47.33|Jason8|Want me to grab something there?
06:48.17tmzt|Jason8|: no
06:48.26tmzt"No results found"
06:48.33|Jason8|It'd be nice if we could ssh to the phone via USB
06:48.39tmztwe can
06:49.02tmztjust not with that image
06:49.19cr2tmzt: No results found.
06:52.49tmztyeah, saw that
06:53.30leviathanI'm using openmoko on htcdream and can connect via ssh
06:53.35tmzt|Jason8|: copy that file, you can use it to start with
06:53.47tmztleviathan: have you tried Mer yet?
06:54.14leviathanis it in OE-branch?
06:54.18leviathanif yes in which?
06:54.28tmztno, it's debian/ubuntu based
06:56.12|Jason8|tmzt: Okay... what am I supposed to do with that?  That keymap's a bit overwhelming, lol.
06:56.34tmztyeah, there's a lot of junk created by dumpkeys
06:56.43tmztloadkeys rkeys
06:56.47tmzt(after renaming it)
06:56.51leviathanI found that:
06:56.58tmztyou can customize it for raph110
06:57.09tmztI didn't have Fn working so I used a different key
06:57.15leviathanso I could use it with OE
06:57.16tmztthe first thing is to make sure ctrl works
06:57.19tmztthen start nano
06:57.41tmztnano rkeys
06:57.44|Jason8|tmzt: would it be easier to edit the keymap I already have?
06:58.04|Jason8|ctrl works, so does shift (gotta use the left shift) so I can get a few more symbols.
06:58.15|Jason8|shift gets the fn stuff
06:59.16cr2tmzt: Fn does not have a scancode ?
06:59.26tmztit's too high
06:59.42tmztmaejrep passed the value from microp which is 400+
07:00.06tmzt|Jason8|: shift is not fn, you need to find another key to use as fn
07:00.14tmztI use mail key, I don't think you have one
07:00.34|Jason8|tmzt: I just found the > key
07:00.34tmztdoes your u key work?
07:00.39tmztshift .?
07:00.52|Jason8|with the keymap that was loaded.
07:00.58tmztthat's pc keymap
07:01.21|Jason8|I see.
07:01.30|Jason8|Good enough?  Lol.
07:02.02tmztyeah, ok
07:02.11tmztkeymap is useful but we can move on
07:02.19tmztdo you have & ?
07:02.30tmztcat /dev/smd0 &
07:02.50tmztecho -e 'ATE1V1\r' > /dev/smd0
07:02.56tmztbut you probably don't have \r
07:03.49tmztnot sure how to get around that
07:04.00|Jason8|does the onscreen keyboard have all that?
07:04.03|Jason8|that little popup one?
07:04.14tmztI think it's disabled, it never works for me
07:04.31|Jason8|just takes a quick switch in the default.txt.
07:04.40tmztyou can try it
07:04.45tmztcopy rkeys and an mp3 as well
07:05.00tmztyou can put those on the ext2 or on vfat, since we can mount it
07:05.28|Jason8|it was mounted before.
07:11.28|Jason8|keyboard is up.
07:13.03*** join/#htc-linux BabelO (n=fcr@unaffiliated/babelo)
07:15.40|Jason8|tmzt: when I run "echo -e 'ATE1V1\r' > /dev/smd0", I get "-sh: echo: not found"
07:16.17tmztbusybox echo
07:16.33tmztI'm sure it was on there
07:16.56tmztI was using 09-17 though
07:17.16|Jason8|k, got it
07:17.25|Jason8|idk what happened, but i just retyped echo, and it worked
07:17.26|Jason8|got an OK
07:18.03tmztyou must have had a space in fornt of it or something
07:18.23tmztecho -e 'ATDnumber;\r' > /dev/smd0
07:18.30tmztthat should start a call, no sound
07:18.42tmztecho -e 'ATH;\r' > /dev/smd0
07:18.47tmztecho -e 'ATH\r' > /dev/smd0
07:18.51tmztwill hang up
07:18.56tmztno ;
07:19.26tmztthen echo 2 > /sys/class/vogue_hw/audio
07:19.32tmztand try your call again
07:22.22|Jason8|tmzt: accidentaly hit enter after ;, now it's got me at a > prompt
07:22.27|Jason8|ctrl+c won't get out
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07:22.51|Jason8|any ideas?  lol.
07:24.34*** join/#htc-linux FR^2 (n=frzwo@2001:41d0:1:ed2f:0:0:0:cafe)
07:24.52|Jason8|woot ipv6
07:25.53tmztif ctrl-c won't get out I think your control is broken, or no job control
07:26.31|Jason8|ctrl-c killed ping
07:26.31*** join/#htc-linux pleemans (
07:26.35|Jason8|i tried it before.
07:26.55tmztdid ' work?
07:27.22|Jason8|I type ' and it says a timestamp, invalid update, and a few more numbers
07:27.26|Jason8|but doesn't exit
07:29.37tmztignore that
07:29.39tmztpress enter
07:29.41tmzta few times
07:30.12tmztnow ' enter
07:30.35|Jason8|THERE we go
07:31.04tmztok, try a call
07:32.19|Jason8|will it say anything onscreen about it/
07:32.51tmztyeah, CLCC or COLP or something
07:33.10tmztlisten very carefully to the earphone and see if you can hear static
07:33.49|Jason8|says ERROR
07:33.52tmzttry the echo 2 > /sys/class/vogue_hw/audio while in call
07:33.54tmztATH first
07:34.25|Jason8|echo -e 'ATD18004412400;\r' > /dev/smd0
07:34.29|Jason8|that'd be the correct format, right?
07:34.41tmztis that something that listens to voice?
07:34.52tmztlike voice command
07:35.01|Jason8|well I'm using a different number.
07:35.17|Jason8|no carrier
07:35.23tmztyou used ;?
07:35.56|Jason8|the semicolon is supposed to be after the number or no?
07:36.05tmztotherwise it's data
07:36.33|Jason8|waits for skype to ring
07:37.05tmztdid ATH respond OK?
07:37.19|Jason8|got NO CARRIER again
07:37.21tmztand ATDnumber; ?
07:37.30tmztthat makes no sense
07:37.36tmzttry minicom
07:37.40tmztminicom -s
07:37.56tmztwell, you don't need that with -s
07:38.00tmztserial port setup
07:39.17|Jason8|[02:37.02] <tmzt> did ATH respond OK?
07:39.23|Jason8|[02:37.06] <|Jason8|> Yes.
07:39.25|Jason8|[02:37.16] <|Jason8|> got NO CARRIER again
07:39.27|Jason8|[02:37.53] * Disconnected
07:39.29|Jason8|[02:38.37] * Now talking on #htc-linux
07:39.31|Jason8|Did I miss anything in there?
07:39.42tmzt20:48 < tmzt> and ATDnumber; ?
07:39.42tmzt20:48 < tmzt> that makes no sense
07:39.42tmzt20:48 < tmzt> try minicom
07:39.42tmzt20:48 < tmzt> minicom -s
07:39.42tmzt20:49 < tmzt> ctrl-a
07:39.44tmzt20:49 < tmzt> well, you don't need that with -s
07:39.47tmzt20:49 < tmzt> serial port setup
07:39.49tmztminicom -s
07:41.02|Jason8|115200 8N1
07:41.09|Jason8|yes for hardware flow control
07:41.19|Jason8|plug into USB and serial connect? :)
07:44.10tmztserial port setup
07:44.14tmztchange to /dev/smd0
07:45.20tmztsave as dfl
07:45.31tmztthat should be it
07:45.36tmztthen ATE1V1
07:48.40|Jason8|NO CARRIER
07:49.35tmztsomething odd is going on
07:49.46tmztdo you have a ppp script running on something?
07:49.55|Jason8|not that I know of......
07:51.17|Jason8|@HTCCSQ: 1
07:51.19|Jason8|@HTCCSQ: 2
07:51.23|Jason8|keeps randomly popping up
07:51.26tmztyeah, ignore those
07:51.30tmztthey will do that
07:51.34tmztdid you echo to /sys ?
07:51.46|Jason8|echo to /sys?  no
07:51.50tmztok, on your skype call your touch pro
07:51.51|Jason8|also NO CARRIER still
07:52.09tmztmaybe gsm does that a lot
07:52.16*** join/#htc-linux no2chem (
07:52.21|Jason8|i can see it on the phone
07:52.21no2chemits already been dumped?
07:52.37tmztno2chem: oh, he really left, I thought he disconnected
07:52.38no2chemblackberries take forever to unlcok
07:52.53tmztcan you run code yet? :)
07:53.00no2chemi have a bunch of 8800s and 8820s
07:53.00tmztwell, msm
07:53.09tmztso storm, bold, etc.
07:53.12|Jason8|tmzt: how would I answer?
07:53.19*** join/#htc-linux stickboy (n=anonymou@
07:53.25tmztI think
07:53.35no2chemwhich reminds me
07:53.35tmztyou should see +CLIP: number and some other stuff
07:53.47no2chem...anyone know of a good ARM7 platform with IDE headers?
07:53.47|Jason8|I do.
07:53.54no2chemoh, which one?
07:54.06|Jason8|Sweet, connected.
07:54.06no2chemit just needs to cost about 5$,
07:54.12no2chemdoesn't matter really,
07:54.21no2chemi just need it to test ide hard drives
07:54.27no2chemlots of ide hard drives...
07:54.37*** join/#htc-linux kiozen_ (
07:54.43tmztmayve on of the dimm cards
07:54.47no2chemi was thinking of using avr, which is 8-bit
07:54.53tmztbut ide headers, you could use cf
07:55.00no2chem...but i think testing a 60gb would be painfully slow on PIO..
07:55.06tmztin true ide mode
07:55.13|Jason8|tmzt: mic works!
07:55.14tmztwhy arm?
07:55.17tmzt|Jason8|: ok, cool
07:55.25no2chemid imagine it could do dma just fine
07:55.30tmztso it's not just android
07:55.38no2chemi have several thousand hds i need to test
07:55.39tmztno2chem: if you want to write an ide stack for it
07:55.54no2chemjust need to do a basic zero-test i think..
07:56.29no2chemwell, im sure people have written ide stacks in uClinux?
07:56.40|Jason8|no2chem: acer is running android x86 on their netbooks, I guess.  Possible to port the headers?
07:56.59tmzt|Jason8|: he means phyiscal headers
07:57.08tmzt|Jason8|: what does that have to do with anything?
07:57.14tmztlike pins
07:57.22|Jason8|yeah, I was thinking software.
07:58.00no2chemuh yeah
07:58.08no2chemmaybe ill just stick a bunch of ide cards
07:58.15no2chemin some machine with a lot of pci slots
07:58.24no2chemand hope linux is ok with me hotplugging ide drives
07:58.32tmztit shoudl be
07:58.33no2chemi know windows isnt
07:58.39tmztjust use hdparm trick
07:58.42no2chembut last i used linux
07:58.49no2chemit handled sata hotplug just fine
07:58.57no2chemdd was a lifesaver
07:58.57tmztyeah, and libata is similar
07:59.08tmztyou just don't want to have your drive mounted
07:59.15tmztso you could use a scsi sg test app
07:59.20no2chemthe only thing i worry about
07:59.27no2chemis if the hd is really messed up
07:59.33no2chemwhich im sure there are a few of..
07:59.39no2chemhopefully it wont freeze the os
07:59.43no2chemas it does in windows
07:59.45tmztit can do that
07:59.53tmztnot much you can do if dma is broken
08:00.01tmztwhat about usb to ide?
08:00.05no2chemstick to pio? =p
08:00.15no2chemumm, yeah
08:00.19no2chembut thats more work
08:00.41no2chemid rather just have a thing you plug onto the hard drive
08:00.44no2chemit does its thing
08:00.50no2chemand it lights up green if the drive is good
08:00.52tmztright, I see what you mean
08:01.01tmztdon't know of any modules
08:01.06no2chemyeah meh
08:01.10tmztmaybe gumstix with muxing on the pins
08:01.14tmzt(the old pxa ones)
08:01.25no2chemit'd still end up being pio
08:01.43tmztpxa has ide host I think
08:01.57tmztpcmcia bus
08:02.04tmztPIO3 or whatever I guess
08:02.40no2chemyeah, and im guessing sata is not going to be fun either
08:03.13tmztno, bridge chips disappear when nothing connected
08:03.16tmztstuff like that
08:03.32tmztif you mean with your ide harddrives or you have sata too?
08:03.53no2chemthey're mostly ide
08:04.00no2chem(its a ewaste junkyard).
08:04.30tmztlooks like arora just crashed
08:04.33no2chemguy wanted some way to test his massive stockpile of hds efficiently
08:05.35tmzt|Jason8|: mp3 worked right?
08:05.39tmztdid you try it?
08:05.55|Jason8|didn't try it
08:05.58|Jason8|totally forgot about it.
08:06.05tmztplaywav2 file.mp3
08:06.08tmztwell ok
08:06.16tmztbut calling works without android on raph110
08:06.18tmztso good
08:07.29|Jason8|Yeah, it played fine.
08:07.34|Jason8|loud as hell, too!
08:07.35tmztwe need someone to confirm on raph100
08:07.43tmztalso, try playwav2 -rec test.wav
08:07.48tmztthen playwav test.wav
08:08.07tmztno I need to get it working on raph500
08:09.59tmztso arora crashed when closing gmail, twice now
08:12.01*** join/#htc-linux Squarc (
08:12.08|Jason8|tmzt: no sound when i play it back
08:12.10|Jason8|there is static, though.
08:12.34|Jason8|copied the .wav to the sd card to see if it's just not playing it.
08:12.51tmzttry playwav2 also
08:12.58tmztit's a different path
08:13.00|Jason8|both the same static
08:14.52*** join/#htc-linux marex (
08:15.03|Jason8|tmzt: didn't record
08:15.40tmztright, ok
08:23.49Untouchab1eAnyone know a good alternative to pastebin?
08:23.53Untouchab1epastebin is down
08:24.59|Jason8| is one
08:25.02tmztand that
08:25.05tmztand .ca
08:25.37tmztand the polish one I can't read :)
08:30.14Untouchab1eNone of them support LaTeX highlighting though :(
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10:40.01townkathave the blackstone patch been commited finaly ?
10:41.41tmzttopaz is added, don't see new blak support
10:41.45tmztwhat patch do you mean?
10:47.18*** part/#htc-linux rayman18 (n=opera@
10:50.11townkatmblancom one
10:50.26tmztdon't know it
10:50.30townkat1 sec
10:50.31tmztdo you have a link?
10:51.33*** join/#htc-linux swc|666 (n=infidel2@unaffiliated/swc666/x-4934821)
10:51.35townkat21:01kvasterit's blacm patch + small addition
10:52.02townkatu can read the folowed discution on
10:55.19tmztI thought the goal was to integrate 6225?/scroll end
10:56.29*** join/#htc-linux timebomb (n=tb@
10:58.14NetRipperpastebin is offline
10:58.40townkatit works for me
10:59.58townkati dont know what 6225 is, but that patch is about introducing audio onto blackstone android
11:00.48Captnoord6225 is the dsp stugg
11:01.15tmztis it adsp_6225?
11:02.48townkati have no ideea
11:03.14townkatbut that patch work
11:03.24NetRipperit works for you? im getting:
11:03.24tmztdo you have the patch somewheer else?
11:03.27NetRipperDown for maintenance - 6th Oct 2009
11:03.27NetRipper<PROTECTED> is getting an unprecedented amount of traffic due to a news story in which some leaked Hotmail passwords have been pasted on this site
11:04.07townkati see
11:04.10townkatno i dont
11:04.38townkatbut i can read it
11:05.21townkatis this ok ?
11:05.26townkati copy pasted the content
11:06.04townkatit was probably in my cache somehow
11:07.46NetRipperyep can read that
11:08.18NetRippercr2 usually reads log so he'll look at it
11:10.00townkatwe'll wait for him them
11:25.35tmztask dcordes
11:25.40tmztlooks commitable to me :)
11:26.05tmztif somebodies epson breaks with BLAC defined we will know quickly enough
11:28.43Gnutootownkat, ah the adsp version...I have issues with it too
11:30.31Gnutootownkat, by sound you mean alsa?
11:45.54Gnutoomaybe I got it
11:46.00GnutooI'll try to run it
11:46.57tmztwhat path do gsm devices use for microphone in call?
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11:58.41Gnutooworks,there is a new null pointer problem it seem that it comes from somewhere else...and sound don't play
11:58.46GnutooI'll check
11:59.56Captnoordmaybe its because some rpc message got the wrong info so it doesn't know the correct info to send
11:59.57Gnutooworks better
12:00.02Captnoordand resulting in a NULL pointer
12:00.26Gnutoothat was the first problem
12:00.30Gnutoowrong version
12:00.58Gnutoonow I think that if I put the volume from the right bar too much loud It will do the null
12:01.47Gnutoono it disable sounds
12:02.23Gnutooah now I've got the trace
12:02.29GnutooI'll eat and see that after
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12:28.28mickeylhey folks
12:28.32mickeylback from vacation
12:28.46mickeylanything new in kernel land?
12:29.04tmztsound? or was that before you left?
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12:30.02mickeyli've seen (sic! heard...) the beginnings
12:30.06mickeylis volume control and routing now working?
12:30.23tmztalsa is coming
12:30.30mickeyl(as in... can we hear the other party while calling)
12:30.34tmztyeah, I think leviathan and Gnutoo
12:30.40tmzton raph110 at least
12:30.43tmztI think raph100
12:30.48tmztsomebody should confirm
12:30.48Gnutoomickeyl, volume control somewhat
12:30.51mickeylawesome, exactly what i have
12:30.59tmztwith initrds
12:31.00mickeylGnutoo: ok, that'd be good
12:31.04tmztwhich have playwav
12:31.12Gnutoomickeyl, basically I can't go over 4 in the second bar
12:31.13tmztbut aplay is suppose to work now also
12:31.22Gnutoomickeyl, the first bar which is pcm is fine
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12:31.29tmztGnutoo: what are you using for routing in dapm?
12:31.44tmztI mean do you have a dedicated control for it?
12:31.52Gnutootmzt, I didn't look into routing yet we will have to implement the alsa controls for that
12:32.06Gnutootmzt, it route on the speakers by default I think
12:32.14GnutooI'm looking at the bugs
12:32.36tmztand no amplifier?
12:32.46tmztcan you use code from playwav2?
12:33.03Gnutoothere is already an alsa driver that I'm trying to integrate
12:33.16Gnutoobut when I will have to write code I'll look at playwav2
12:33.44Gnutoofor the amplifier I don't understand the question but the maybe the second bar does amplifier
12:33.49tmztpower for the speakerphone
12:33.56tmztif that's what the endpoint is for
12:33.57cybersyx_good moning :)
12:34.22GnutooI've a question: are speaker that are in the front and in the rear different
12:34.31tmztyeah, I think so
12:34.33Gnutoobecause playing with routing gives different result
12:34.36tmztHANDSET is the front
12:34.40tmztSPEAKER is the back
12:34.41Gnutoobut I have no 100% certitude
12:35.06Gnutoobecause when I tried with playwav2 I could ear from both
12:35.08tmztbut also changes to a special dsp mode on the microphone for noise cancellation I think
12:35.17Gnutooah ok
12:35.19tmztor we should at least
12:35.32Gnutoois that implemented in the acoustic lib?
12:35.40tmztprobably, we need to trace it
12:36.46Gnutoobasically the bug I'm now traing is:
12:36.52Gnutoothat returns 0
12:38.06tmztin rpc?
12:39.00Captnoordwould it return 0 when its timed out?
12:39.16tmztI don't know, don't know that api
12:39.42Gnutoomickeyl, btw is the eten m800 phone developement stopped? I bet no-one would be interrested by a m810 initial port with non-working touchscreen and no ifdefs?
12:39.59Gnutootmzt, wait_event_timeout is not specific to msm
12:40.03Gnutooor to arm
12:40.13tmztright, I assumed it was kernel api
12:40.21tmztI mean STATE_ENABLING
12:40.30tmztoh, it must be a macro
12:41.07Gnutooam->state = STATE_ENABLING
12:41.08CaptnoordGnutoo: where to find that line?
12:43.38Captnoord* wait_event_timeout - sleep until a condition gets true or a timeout elapses
12:44.46tmztso it never enabled?
12:44.56Gnutooit should be enabled
12:45.04Captnoordif it returns 0 it shouldn't
12:45.11Captnoordyou can try to increase the timeout
12:45.22CaptnoordI don't think that would solve it
12:45.37Captnoordyou can also use
12:45.42Captnoordit would block
12:45.45Captnoorduntil its released
12:46.01Captnoordso you can try if its ever going to be.... enabled
12:46.16Captnoordfor what phone is this?
12:46.44Captnoordwasn't this already a android phone?
12:46.51Gnutooyes it was...I want alsa
12:46.56Captnoordhehe I see
12:47.00Gnutooso I can run normal GNU/Linux
12:47.16Gnutooit would also profit android as applications like mplayer could be used
12:47.46Captnoordin what setting it would timeout
12:47.53Captnoord1 when the timeout is to short
12:47.58Captnoord2 when it doesn't work
12:48.42CaptnoordHZ is defined?
12:48.58tmztessentially it means seconds
12:49.50GnutooI'll try to print some values
12:50.24tmztdoes this mean audmgr is not enabled at all?
12:50.35Captnoordthis means that
12:50.35Captnoordpr_err("audmgr_enable: ARM9 did not reply to RPC am->state = %d\n", am->state);
12:50.39Captnoordits not replying
12:50.56Captnoordwhich can be caused because its not enabled yet
12:51.03Captnoordbut also can have other causes
12:51.25CaptnoordGnutoo: the samsung source code?
12:51.28Captnoordor the linuxtogo
12:52.07GnutooCaptnoord, I'll look if it's enabled
12:52.15GnutooCaptnoord, no the qualcomm sources
12:52.20GnutooCaptnoord, codeaurora adapted
12:52.42GnutooCaptnoord, samesung sources are better? I didn't know there were samsung sources
12:53.29Captnoordthe samsung are for the raph platform
12:53.40Captnoordbecause they use exactly the same chip
12:54.06Captnoordcr2 is thinking on moving to that one because its more compliant
12:54.10Captnoordshould be*
12:54.16Captnoordwas thinking*
12:57.26GnutooCaptnoord, I bet I can't print that:
12:57.28Captnoordbut i'm cloning the repo no
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12:57.34Captnoordprint what?
12:58.05Gnutoobecause the wait is a wait_queue_head_t
12:58.07Captnoordhmm I think its related to the rpc stuff
12:58.16Captnoordthat its more related to the write
12:58.23Captnoordthan to the wait untill respond
12:58.52Captnoorddon't believe me
12:59.10Captnoordas I do not know from personal experience... I have disasmbled the rpc stuff on wince... I know a bit
12:59.23Captnoordbut not dream stuff
12:59.43Captnoordbtw does the codeaurora code have the correct rpc defines?
13:00.35Gnutoothey didn't have the rpc version correct
13:00.45Gnutooit was hardcoded for an amss version that I didn't have
13:00.54Captnoordthen I think there are things that are different.....
13:01.11Captnoordwhen does it happen btw?
13:01.19Captnoordwhen booting the audiomgr
13:02.10Captnoordhmm fuck I can't remember how I did the borrow git objects from other repo trick
13:02.41tmzt--reference is one way
13:02.46tmztor local clone
13:02.54Gnutoobasically when I play sound and put the right volume bar to the max
13:03.00Gnutooit's difficult to trigger
13:03.13Gnutoowhen I put the right bar to the max I've no sound
13:04.08mickeylGnutoo: my personal opinion is that eten development is dead, but Laf0rge would still be happy if someone would commit anything
13:04.36Gnutoomickeyl, ok I have to convince a friend who did it to publish his m810 patches
13:04.47Gnutoohe don't have a lot of time...
13:05.16Gnutooand he tought that his patches were useless because the development was dead
13:06.36mickeylwho knows
13:06.43mickeylif someone could talk to the modem
13:06.47mickeyldevelopment could start again
13:06.52mickeylpersonally i think the momentum is over though
13:06.57tmztthere's always completeness on the arm side
13:07.06mickeylas w/ palm pre and nokia n900 more interesting devices came up
13:08.48GnutooI've a worse device tough: pma430
13:08.52Gnutoono more devs
13:08.55Gnutoofull of bugs
13:09.04Gnutoolots of proprietary stuff
13:09.33Gnutooyou can make an oe image but you have to fix *a lot* of stuff for kernel 2.4.19-rmk7
13:09.45GnutooI had a chroot
13:09.52mickeylsounds unpleasant
13:10.17Gnutoothe dev were cross-compiling with shell scripts(export this,export that,make)
13:10.28mickeyloh fun
13:10.32Gnutooindeed lol
13:11.05Gnutoothe newer devices are even worse
13:11.23Gnutoothere are devs who don't develop because they are friend of the company who made the device
13:11.34Gnutoothat is to say they have found a way to replace the kernel
13:11.39Gnutoothey won't publish it
13:11.58Gnutooand the more recent versions have OABI ...
13:12.08Gnutooso a newer kernel is worth
13:12.19Captnoordyup it was reference
13:12.54Gnutoo[  170.767517] audmgr_enable: ARM9 did not reply to RPC am->state = 2 <- state 2 = enabling
13:13.40Gnutooand when playing music:
13:13.52Gnutoo[  106.819061] REMOVE_THAT: am->state=3
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13:14.05leobaillardhi !
13:17.04Captnoordthat goes hell faster
13:17.19Captnoordgit clone --reference D:\Dev\htc_linux\kernel git://
13:19.32Captnoordhmm that was nice
13:19.39Captnoordneed to remember that
13:21.56CaptnoordGnutoo: hmmm strange....
13:22.16GnutooCaptnoord, no not exit when:
13:22.35Gnutooam->state != STATE_ENABLING
13:22.50Gnutooand here it's =
13:22.52Gnutooand also:
13:22.59Gnutoo<Gnutoo> [  106.819061] REMOVE_THAT: am->state=3 came before
13:23.07Gnutoo(the time says it)
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13:24.37Captnoordhehe alright
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13:25.01Gnutoobasically it's disabled when it say enabling
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13:25.53Captnoordyea but why does it needs to be re-enabled as you where already playing music
13:26.02Captnoordor do understand you wrong
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13:26.40Gnutoowhen increasing the timeout I can't kill aplay anymore
13:26.49GnutooCaptnoord, I'll describe the bug
13:27.15GnutooI start alsamixer and if the second bar is on 0 or 4 it can play music with aplay
13:27.30Gnutoowhen I increase over 4 it stops playing
13:27.40Gnutooand the player has a problem:
13:28.04Gnutooaplay: pcm_write:1266: write error: Input/output error
13:28.21Gnutoothen I restart aplay and play with the second bar
13:28.31Gnutooand at a point it crashes
13:28.40Gnutoobeacuse of the BUG()
13:29.27Gnutooafter I modified to wait longer
13:29.32Gnutoolike 1000 seconds
13:29.42Gnutooand aplay can't be killed with killall -9 aplay
13:29.46Gnutoonote the -9
13:29.52Gnutooit should always be killed
13:30.16Captnoordwould it be possible that the alsa player overflows the fifo?
13:30.47Captnoord./* TODO: handle cases where smd_write() will tempfail due to full fifo */
13:31.08CaptnoordI don't know if thats
13:31.08Captnoord[15:28] <Gnutoo> aplay: pcm_write:1266: write error: Input/output error
13:31.47Gnutoothere are no problems with volumes <= 4
13:31.52Gnutoobut we could check
13:32.16Captnoordyea its wierd....
13:34.28Gnutoomaybe it's when they changed the max db ?
13:38.36Captnoordcommit 5e2c939bf0e1ce464e465066b60caf9960ac5f71 is related to alsa
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14:38.39Gnutoothe only call to audmgr_enable is in msm_pcm_capture_prepare
14:38.52Gnutooin the msm alsa drivers
15:04.10GnutooI think it does like this:
15:04.21Gnutoo*mount sound volume -> it disables the audio
15:04.24Gnutoo*play something
15:04.44Gnutoo*lower sound volume ->reneable the audio
15:05.19Gnutoo|--->cant't re-enable the audio
15:05.27Gnutoothe there are the problems
15:06.18CaptnoordGnutoo: thats something
15:07.23Captnoordcan't it enable it
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15:08.09Captnoordor maybe
15:08.10Captnoord#define RPC_TYPE_REPLY 1
15:08.20Captnoordit gets a reply but it doesn't understand it because its a diff number
15:11.46CaptnoordI dono
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15:13.51GnutooCaptnoord, you said "it gets a reply but it doesn't understand it because its a diff number" but who is it
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15:15.21Gnutoothe function that check for 0
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15:15.31CaptnoordI mean if it waits to get a return
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15:15.31Captnoordbut it waits for the wrong one
15:15.31Captnoordbut I don't think its different
15:16.06Gnutoothe second past have more infos
15:16.12Gnutooso basically
15:16.26Gnutoothere is a request to the audio dsp
15:16.56GnutooI should get the return codes of that
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15:18.43Gnutooso let's trace the code:
15:19.03Gnutooam->state is STATE_ENABLING
15:19.07Gnutooeven before the function
15:19.13Gnutooelse it would print the error message
15:19.20Gnutooor return 0
15:19.32Gnutoothen it setup the message
15:19.55GnutooI should look what rc = msm_rpc_write(am->ept, &msg, sizeof(msg)) does
15:20.50GnutooCaptnoord, there is something strange in this code
15:21.00GnutooCaptnoord, how could am->state change?
15:21.13Gnutooam->state is not passed to anything
15:21.15Gnutoonor am
15:21.18Gnutooonly am->ept
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15:24.05GnutooI'm tired
15:24.11Gnutoostruct audmgr *am
15:24.17Gnutooso am is passed to it
15:24.42Gnutooit modify it to STATE_ENABLING
15:24.52Gnutoothen what happend to am?
15:25.00GnutooI must find where it is
15:25.10GnutooI'll grep
15:26.51Gnutoo(I didn't sleep well last night)
15:30.22Gnutoobasically I wonder where the ->state went
15:30.27GnutooI must look upper
15:30.40Gnutooa debugger would simplify a lot but I've no serial cable
15:31.01Gnutooif I buy a second usb cable or modify mine could I have serial?
15:31.06Captnoordmaybe its amg and not am
15:31.22Captnoordthe enable function
15:31.29Captnoordstruct audmgr_global *amg = &the_audmgr_state;
15:31.46CaptnoordI just don't know
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15:32.05Captnoordplease try
15:32.29GnutooI've no audmgr_global
15:32.46Captnoordyou don't have
15:32.47Captnoordint audmgr_enable(struct audmgr *am, struct audmgr_config *cfg)
15:32.47Captnoordstruct audmgr_global *amg = &the_audmgr_state;
15:33.00Captnoordmaybe I have checked out the wrong code
15:33.02Captnoordquite possible
15:33.07Gnutooah ok function
15:33.13Gnutooto replace that
15:33.25GnutooI thought you were talking about struct
15:33.27GnutooI'll check
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15:35.28Gnutoothat's the thing I paste before
15:35.36Gnutooso no struct audmgr_global *amg = &the_audmgr_state;
15:36.03CaptnoordI have the codeaurora one checked out
15:36.19Captnoordbut maybe the wrong branch
15:36.33Captnoordtell me what branch your oln
15:37.18CaptnoordGnutoo: now I got the same one
15:38.13Captnoordam->state can change
15:38.27Captnoordbecause if you think of the MT part of it
15:38.35Captnoordwhile that function waits for its return
15:38.39Gnutoobut that's why I asked
15:38.44Captnoordrc = wait_event_timeout(am->wait, am->state != STATE_ENABLING, 15 * HZ);
15:38.44Gnutoowhere does it change
15:38.45Captnoordthat one
15:39.02Captnoordand it would recieve a return message
15:39.12Captnoordit would be handled by the rpc event crap bla bla
15:39.15Gnutoowhat I understood was:
15:39.20Captnoordstatic int audmgr_rpc_thread(void *data)
15:39.47Captnoordand that would result in waking up that thread
15:40.00GnutooI'll look at audmgr_rpc_thread
15:40.16GnutooIf I understand correctly wait_event_timeout is only waiting for the response
15:40.47Captnoordbut the responce have to be processed
15:40.52CaptnoordI think its done this way
15:40.56CaptnoordI THINK <<<<-----
15:40.58CaptnoordI don't know
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15:41.55GnutooI should look at this
15:41.59CaptnoordI think
15:42.07Gnutoobtw I'm sorry for not having slept corectly
15:42.15Gnutoocause I seem stupid some times
15:43.15Captnoorddude relax
15:43.23Captnoordi'm the one who is guessing here
15:43.26Captnoordyour testing
15:44.28kri5kvaster: hello
15:45.27CaptnoordI think
15:45.29Captnoordits a problem
15:45.39Captnoordalso mentioned a couple of times in the git log
15:45.46Captnoordits something like
15:45.54Captnoordenabling while your disabling it
15:45.55GnutooI didn't read the all the git log
15:45.58Gnutooah ok
15:46.03Captnoordjust search for audmgr
15:46.06GnutooI'm looking at the code right now
15:46.27Captnoordits reverted somewhere
15:46.35Captnoordbut I wonder if thats the problem
15:46.41Gnutooaudmgr: rpc READY handle=0x00000000
15:46.49Captnoord[ARM] msm: audmgr: avoid leaking audio manager handles
15:46.51Gnutoolots of snd device connected
15:47.09Gnutoothen audmgr_enable: ARM9 did not reply to RPC am->state = 2 && BUG()
15:47.25GnutooCaptnoord, which repo?
15:47.33Gnutoodo you have the hash?
15:48.14Captnoordthe fix itself bugs BT I think
15:48.21Captnoordbut at least you can give it a try
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15:48.46Gnutoook thanks a lot
15:48.52CaptnoordI wonder where this headache comes from
15:49.16Captnoordevil label hack to fix it
15:49.29GnutooCaptnoord, which repo?
15:50.03Gnutoofound it
15:50.10GnutooI should have it integrated
15:50.14Gnutooah ok
15:50.16Gnutooso I have it
15:50.23Captnoorddo you
15:50.26CaptnoordI think its reverted
15:50.37CaptnoordI don't have that code in my checkout
15:51.40Captnoordor I think I have
15:51.40Captnoordwierd stuff dude.... lol
15:52.06CaptnoordI don't have 49e0145106c45839b1b9dc3b1ed495f706b32adb
15:52.08Captnoordin it
15:52.15Captnoordevil label hack
15:53.20GnutooI'll verify
15:53.31Gnutootry another branch
15:53.41Gnutoogit log 49e0145106c45839b1b9dc3b1ed495f706b32adb shows it to me
15:53.44Captnoordyou can cherry pick that commit to try
15:54.21Captnoordbesides its really evil its quite possible it would get reverted as its a HACK
15:54.40CaptnoordI mean
15:54.53Captnoordthat the commit 49e0145106c45839b1b9dc3b1ed495f706b32adb seems to have been reverted in checkout
15:55.53CaptnoordI think its worthy to try at least
15:56.01Captnoordwill check where its have been reverte
16:00.13Gnutoothe patch is applied for me
16:00.58Captnoordalright i'll cross my fingers
16:02.16Gnutoono I meant it was *already* applied
16:02.19Gnutooso it was in-use
16:02.26Gnutooprocess_audmgr_callback is worth looking
16:02.36Gnutoobasically it get called just before
16:04.01Gnutooah ok
16:04.06Gnutoothere is a good difference
16:05.07Gnutoommm I don't understand the patch
16:05.11Gnutoothat is to say:
16:05.24Gnutooit it a revert or not?
16:05.30Gnutoothere is no revert : written
16:05.43CaptnoordI think its from a different branch
16:05.49Captnoordbut what I tryed to say
16:06.03Captnoordis that it adds multi state support to the enable function
16:06.07Captnoordits a hack
16:06.21Captnoordbut if you get the additional logging messages
16:06.35Captnoordyou might see if its what its supposed to fix
16:06.53Gnutoook thanks a lot
16:06.57Captnoordalso I don't understand the large amount of sound devices connected
16:07.14Captnoordbut thats just me lacking knowlage
16:07.21GnutooI'll look into the function I was looking into then I'll revert  that patch
16:07.42Captnoordjust try that patch....
16:07.56Captnoordbecause its kinda logic
16:08.07Captnoordthat when a device is supposedly closing
16:08.13Captnoordand its set to be enabled
16:08.19Captnoordthere will be some conflicts
16:10.10Gnutoobasically it's in  RPC_AUDMGR_STATUS_READY
16:10.16Gnutoobefore having the problem
16:12.34Captnoorddon't know
16:15.29Gnutoosame problem I'll look into RPC_AUDMGR_STATUS_READY
16:16.30Captnoordthe state doesn't change?
16:16.37Captnoordyou mean?
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16:18.27Gnutoobasically it's in :
16:18.36Gnutoocase RPC_AUDMGR_STATUS_READY:
16:18.50Captnoordyea but thats the rpc device status... isn't it
16:18.56Captnoordnot the sound manager state
16:20.59Gnutoomaybe revert didn't work
16:21.16Captnoordwhat do you mean?
16:25.03Gnutoobasically I did a git revert
16:25.09Gnutooand i don't see the revert:
16:25.11Gnutoo*in git log
16:25.15Gnutoo*in the files
16:25.20Captnoordyou have todo a cherry pick
16:25.22Captnoordof the commit
16:25.34Gnutooah but there is no cherry-pick -R
16:25.47CaptnoordI've used git-gui for it
16:25.52Captnoordneed togo
16:26.36Gnutoook bye
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17:02.34GnutooCaptnoord, the patch or mine have more or less the same effect: it prevent the crash but do not restore the audio
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17:28.02Gnutooouch...I start to understand...
17:28.30Gnutooit's so ugly!!!
17:28.44GnutooI've usb on for the device
17:28.57Gnutooand that bar is *not* for the volume
17:29.50Gnutooit's for changing the endpoint
17:30.02Gnutoothat is to say it is the routing...
17:30.21Gnutoorouting should be done not by a pbar
17:36.59CaptnoordGnutoo: and?
17:37.11GnutooCaptnoord, seem ugly
17:37.27Captnoordtell me
17:37.28Gnutoobut is it the right thing to do?
17:37.39Captnoordthe bar?
17:37.40GnutooCaptnoord, basically the second bar is for the routing
17:37.41CaptnoordI don't kow
17:37.45Gnutooit's not the volume
17:37.56Gnutooit's a bar that goes from 0 to 25 in the code
17:38.07CaptnoordI see
17:38.09Captnoordits channels
17:38.11Gnutooso if you're at 0 you're on an endpoint(if the terminology is write)
17:38.28Captnoordi've read something about that in the git logs
17:38.44Gnutoobasically the bar do routing
17:39.02GnutooI'll ask openmoko how to design an alsa driver control
17:39.55Captnoordso you think its the driver?
17:40.27GnutooI don't know yet
17:40.36Gnutoobut the bar doesn't seem right to me
17:42.49Captnoordhmmm if its related to multiple sound channels
17:43.07CaptnoordI don't know what a bar is.... but if its something like a "normal" bar
17:43.11Captnoordits kinda correct
17:43.15Gnutooyes like a volume bar
17:43.32Gnutooit should tell at least the name of the endpoint
17:46.26Captnoordwhere to find snd_msm_device_info
17:47.08Captnoordstatic struct snd_endpoint snd_endpoints_list[] = {
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17:49.26Gnutooin the alsa dir:
17:51.32Captnoordfucking hell
17:56.03Gnutoommm what is lol + arg + hell?
17:57.41Captnoordsorry expression of frustration because I seem to have checkout the wrong repo
17:57.45Captnoordmaybe interesting
17:57.50CaptnoordI dono if you've checked it
17:58.11Captnoordand I know that doc is for PCI
17:58.22Captnoordand quite old
17:58.50Captnoordit does mention ARM implementations
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17:59.44Gnutoorealy? for arm
17:59.52GnutooI didn't look well enough then
18:00.00GnutooI'm reading it for the snd_msm_device_info
18:00.12GnutooI need a way that doesn't use the usb
18:00.17Gnutooto type commands
18:00.40Gnutoohow do I make bluetooth work + type commandes over rfcomm
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18:00.59Captnoordcan't you use wifi
18:01.09GnutooI've no wifi yet
18:01.14Captnoordhmmm crap
18:01.26Gnutoobecause :
18:01.35Gnutoothe amss uses the usb port for headphones
18:01.48Gnutoo*usb device is on for ssh
18:01.57GnutooI wonder if the problems don't come from here
18:02.15Gnutoomaybe I should get the alsamixer written in python
18:09.38CaptnoordGnutoo: jtag?
18:10.09GnutooI think that serial is easier
18:10.23Captnoordserial cable
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18:10.41Captnoordnot that
18:10.42Gnutoook...noisedroid got it
18:10.44CaptnoordI want hardware
18:10.54Captnoordyou got it?
18:12.11Gnutooalsaaudio.ALSAAudioError: Unable to find mixer control 'device',0
18:12.27GnutooI meant that noisedroid had made serial cable
18:12.41Gnutooand that's why I know it exist and is easy to do
18:13.28Captnoordyou mean
18:13.42Gnutooin the FAQ
18:14.28Captnoordhehe I can talk you trough it
18:14.59Captnoordyou need this
18:15.50Captnoordbut I think
18:15.58Captnoordyou can take anything with that sort of connector
18:16.58GnutooI've already 2 max3232
18:17.03Gnutooso that makes 4 serial port
18:17.19Captnoordcouple of 100n's
18:17.21Captnoordand your there
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18:49.39CaptnoordGnutoo: any progress or did you fall asleep?
18:49.49Gnutoono searchign the alsa error
18:50.25Captnoordi'm trying to setup the crosscompiler on windows
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18:52.41Captnoordyo cr2
18:53.03cr2hi Captnoord
18:55.33Gnutoofound how to solve should be 1
18:55.33GnutooI'll read the drivers
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19:11.42kri5Hi there
19:18.44cr2morrison krnl ?
19:19.26Gnutoothere is no right key
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19:19.41Gnutooxmodmap doesn't seem to have any effect
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19:20.58mickey|dinnerdoes any of our qualcomms support +CALA?
19:21.04mickey|dinneri don't have one handy to test
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19:22.16captnoordcr2 you got any luck with the samsung code?
19:23.25cr2000131c0 R_ARM_JUMP_SLOT   svc_register
19:23.43cr2captnoord: got some data from it
19:24.18GnutooI'll check
19:24.43cr2mickey|dinner: try at+clac
19:25.00captnoordGnutoo: was it the magic fix you where searching for?
19:25.09cr2mickey|dinner: i don't see such command here
19:25.27mickey|dinneri can't try
19:25.30mickey|dinnersince i don't have one here :)
19:25.33mickey|dinnerthat's why i asked
19:25.42mickey|dinnerok, then it's not implemented. thanks
19:25.45Gnutoocaptnoord,you mean for the us phones?
19:26.27Gnutoocaptnoord, I don't understand...I didn't find a magick fix
19:27.54cr2mickey|dinner: i'll try
19:28.18cr2mickey|dinner: time to start a wiki page on undocumented htc AT commands
19:28.29mickey|dinnercr2: yes, that'd be useful
19:29.01Battousaibut if you document them, they're no longer undocumented. it would create a paradox
19:29.32mickey|dinnerdefine: undocumented = outside v250.ter, 07.07, 05.05
19:30.22Gnutoomickey|dinner, btw is it easy to have +CPBR access with sim I/O accesing it's filesystem?
19:30.39Gnutoobecause +CPBR is strange...
19:30.53Gnutooandroid used sim I/O to get the phonebook
19:32.06mickey|dinnerwhy's CPBR strange?
19:32.14mickey|dinnerit works fine on Calypso
19:32.29Gnutooyes but not with qualcomm
19:32.31mickey|dinnerand IIRC also on qualcomm
19:32.38Gnutooah realy...
19:32.45Gnutoomaybe it's a format I don't know then
19:32.50mickey|dinneryes, iirc it was just a minor format incompatibility
19:32.55mickey|dinnerwhich i fixed
19:33.02Gnutooso I should update
19:33.04mickey|dinnercheck the Qualcomm_MSM modem class
19:33.09mickey|dinnerwell, it's been a while
19:33.14GnutooI've shr ...
19:33.24mickey|dinnerwhat happens when you try +CBPR?
19:33.29GnutooI'll do it now
19:33.36Gnutoojust need to put a sim and reboot
19:34.31cr2Gnutoo: what about htc_ril ?
19:34.40Gnutoocr2, which one?
19:34.44Gnutoothe reference one?
19:34.56cr2the real g1 one
19:35.15Gnutoocr2, I don't know I never used it but the java classes use sim I/O
19:35.38mickey|dinnersim i/o is a horrible way to read the phonebook
19:36.03Gnutooyes I seem so complicated commands are simple
19:39.14Gnutooit works
19:41.22cr2hmm. i've realized that raph has 2 speakers
19:41.30cr2where is the mic ?
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19:41.43Battousairight above the sync port i think
19:41.59cr2yes. there is a hole there
19:42.35Gnutoothe only problem seem the text
19:42.39Gnutoobut the number seem ok
19:42.41cr2hmm. so the HEADSET speaker is on the front side, and "speaker" is on the back side ?
19:42.55cr2Gnutoo: does g1 also have 2 speakers ?
19:42.55Battousaiyeah, right next to the camera
19:43.03Gnutooand the code too(129,etc...)
19:43.06Gnutoocr2, yes
19:43.09Battousaiyou should be able to see it as you take off the battery cover
19:43.10captnoordGnutoo:  i think so
19:43.17Gnutoocr2, front and rear
19:43.23cr2Battousai: yes
19:43.55cr2Gnutoo: front is HEADSET (aka dev=0) and back is SPEAKER (aka dev=1) ?
19:44.02Gnutoo(+CPBR: 4,"4242",129,"5269636172696361")
19:44.17Gnutoocr2, someone knew I'll look in my logs
19:45.03cr2mickey|dinner: booting
19:45.28mickey|dinnerGnutoo: looks good
19:45.44Gnutoowhat was the minor incompatibility?
19:45.55mickey|dinneri don't recall offhand
19:46.00mickey|dinnercheck what i overwrote in
19:46.05mickey|dinnerfor the qualcomm_msm modem
19:46.22GnutooI need to try sound without the usb
19:46.38Gnutoodoes someone has an idea on how to control the phone without the usb?
19:46.55GnutooI've touchscreen but alsamixer doesn't accept touch things
19:47.02phhwifi ? ssh over umts ?
19:47.21mickey|dinnerwhich models have working wifi?
19:47.23Gnutoolol my umts card is still in france,no wifi,no bluetooth
19:47.35Gnutoothe g1 should have wifi
19:47.44Gnutoojust that I didn't have the time to activate it
19:47.55Gnutoo(need patches etc...)
19:48.00Gnutoo+ wireless-compat
19:48.06phhbluetooth should be easy to get working
19:48.14cr2mickey|dinner: at+clac works
19:48.28phheven on raph/diam bluetooth is easy ! :p
19:48.40Gnutoowhat's the driver for bluetooth?
19:48.49mickey|dinnercr2: +cala, not +clac
19:48.51cr2phh: *cough*
19:48.52Gnutoobecause hcitool dev returns nothing....
19:48.53phhGnutoo: msm serial port HS i think
19:49.00phhcr2: once you did the whole job i meant :p
19:49.36phhGnutoo: try hciattach ttyHS1 texas
19:49.36Gnutoophh, bluetooth is on serial port?
19:49.52phhmm, it's ttyHS0 on non diam/raph i think
19:49.55Gnutoothat's why I didn't found it
19:50.56phhwell, if it's not, ls /dev/tty[A-Z]* should help
19:51.13Gnutoo$ hciattach /dev/ttyHS0 texas
19:51.13GnutooInitialization timed out.
19:51.21cr2Gnutoo: hciattach /dev/ttyHS1 texas
19:51.24phhGnutoo: echo 1 > /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill0/state
19:51.28mickey|dinnercr2: thanks, so no +CALA for us
19:51.30mickey|dinneroh well
19:51.47mickey|dinnerwonders whether it makes sense to implement support for it when only his devel board has it
19:52.09Gnutooworks better thanks...I'll need the firmware...
19:52.10cr2mickey|dinner: which commands are non-standard in this list ?
19:52.21phhGnutoo: no
19:52.24phhyou don't need the firmware :p
19:52.30cr2Gnutoo: for 115200 no
19:52.38mickey|dinnercr2: give me a minute, i'll remove the ones i know
19:52.43cr2Gnutoo: we need to make /dev/mem work
19:53.09Gnutoocr2, ah my dump wasn't good enough?
19:53.45cr2Gnutoo: i't interesting to see it in action
19:54.07cr2if you can upload the firmware , it's interesting to dump the clock registers
19:54.24cr2but you can do it with devmem2 for 1-2 regs
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19:54.46cr2mickey|dinner: the list is not full. it's only the at+clac output
19:55.22mickey|dinneryes, but that's a good start
19:55.26mickey|dinnerplenty of undocumented already there
19:55.59phhcr2: any luck with gps' rpcs ?
19:56.30cr2phh: no.
19:56.48Gnutoothanks a lot for the bluetooth
19:57.08cr2phh: back to the 4000000 again
19:57.18phhcr2: ok
19:57.51cr2phh: i can understand why we use the 4x clock (compared to wince) for bps<=460800
19:58.15cr2phh: but should not the higher clocks be the same ?
19:58.16mickey|dinnerover 100 undocumented already
19:58.26mickey|dinnerminus one or two
19:58.29mickey|dinnerdid this from memory
19:58.33phhcr2: i think so, but i'm not one who wrote the code
19:58.58phhand i'm not sure of how wince does
19:59.09cr2+pref_UARFCN is good
20:00.03cr2mickey|dinner: i think some of them are known.
20:01.04cr2CRLP is *RadioLinkProtocol
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20:01.44mickey|dinnerright, missed that one
20:02.50cr2phh: i think we need a /sys/class/rfkill/rfkill1/* for gps
20:03.11cr2phh: instead of the weird ioctl things
20:03.12phhcr2: i think we need something working first, but you're right
20:03.38cr2i've already started on cutting down the strange kaiser code.
20:03.56cr2with opening /dev/smd27 from the kernel
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20:05.20captnoordthe raphael board file can be cleaned from CONFIG_MACH_SAPPHIRE stuff
20:05.29rafyvittohey guys
20:05.42captnoordas it was moved to a file of its own
20:05.45cr2captnoord: and the numeric gpios can be replaced by the names
20:05.57cr2captnoord: but i need to clean the namelist first
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20:06.13captnoordcr2 take it easy you don't have todo everything yourself
20:06.34captnoordnah you have to... but i'm just saying this so you won't feel stressed out
20:06.34rafyvittoim trying to boot a htc cubcake build from the vougue,using a squashfs zimage, but after the console goes into android it just stays black
20:06.52cr2captnoord: i've written some things wrong there, so i need to fix them
20:07.07cr2captnoord: but you can do the rest :)
20:07.13rafyvittoi guess im missing a squahfs enabled rootfs right?
20:07.19rafyvittomy devices is a raph110
20:07.34cr2rafyvitto: check .config
20:07.57captnoordI think he didn't compiled his kernel himself
20:08.03rafyvittoi dint compile the squashfs
20:08.37rafyvittoyeah w/e squashfs zimage
20:08.44captnoordand the config file for haret
20:08.50captnoordyou use the correct one?
20:09.03rafyvittoglemsom did
20:09.16rafyvittoyes im using the one for my device
20:09.19cr2rafyvitto: i think it's not in 2.6.27
20:09.44rafyvitto does it need that patch?
20:10.24townkatcr2: can we commit the blac patch now ? or is something wrong with it ?
20:10.28cr2mickey|dinner: can you commit a patch to linuxtogo ?
20:10.37cr2townkat: lol
20:11.46townkat? :)
20:11.54cr2townkat: you need to add the rfkill code for BT
20:12.09rafyvitto heres glemsom post
20:12.10cr2townkat: i thought exactly about the same thing as you
20:12.48rafyvittoscroll down
20:13.25townkatahh, i though i was askin too much for my non skills :) guys planing on buying a acer f1? il be buying one next week, its just to cheap, considering it has the qualcomm snapdragon
20:14.46rafyvittoand it looks freaking beatifull
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20:15.18rafyvittoand a 3.5mm headphone jack =]
20:17.08townkatwhere is rfkill code and where should it be added ?
20:17.25cr2rafyvitto: the cpu is not that important. it's amss version that is PITA
20:17.37cr2townkat: check the BT setup on rpa
20:17.40captnoordtownkat check rfkill.c
20:18.06rafyvittofor me it is im always using emulator on my device, so cpu power is a must
20:18.39rafyvittomy fuze let me down on that department x]
20:18.51captnoordI think total processing power is way more important than focussing on the cpu
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20:18.59captnoordespecialy on arm platform
20:19.24rafyvittowell the snapdragon benchmark are pretty ipressive for a mobile cpu
20:19.56captnoordhehe.... yea sure I can create a race car
20:20.03captnoordbut it swallows a lot of gas
20:20.15cr2townkat: i don't want to patch the rfkill in, before the main blac100 patch is not committed
20:20.34rafyvittoi know the ucrrent lithium technolgy is not enough, but hey its all we got at the moment
20:21.02townkatahh, thats better
20:21.42townkatu still have the link to the black patch ? or should i contiue searching for it ?
20:22.34rafyvittoit can also decode 720p, it has support for open Gl ES 2.0
20:22.42cr2dcordes was smoking something wher committing this : arch/arm/mach-msm/board-htctopaz-mmc.c
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20:24.08cr2it needs some other patches too
20:24.32cr2hmm. where is dcordes...
20:24.35captnoordI wish I could get my hands on other devices....
20:24.41captnoordmore phones:P
20:25.06cr2phh: what do you thing about getting commit access to linuxtogo ?
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20:26.02phhcr2: i've haven't made many things  (almost nothing i'd say.), and i'm not sure i will do some later in kernel
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20:26.33captnoordcr2 why don't you get access :P
20:26.38captnoordI know you don't want to
20:27.06phhhu ? cr2 doesn't have commit access ?
20:27.10Gnutoommm...bluetooth has so changed since I used it last more more hciconfig...and scan doesn't work even if SHR is in discovery mode
20:27.20Gnutoodoesn't work means that it doesn't find anything
20:27.27phhGnutoo: ?!?
20:27.45GnutooI've scanned from both phones
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20:27.54Gnutooopenmoko and htcdream
20:28.14phhno pand and no hciconfig ?
20:28.17phhwhat do you run ?
20:28.22Gnutoobecause the bluetooth on my laptop don't seem to be recognized anymore...and I don't want to reboot
20:28.33GnutooI think
20:28.37phhbluez4 do have hciconfig and pand
20:28.39Gnutoothere is hciconfig
20:28.45GnutooI meant the config file
20:28.48phherr not sure about pand.
20:28.50phhah ok
20:29.22Gnutooif I remember well they went in a backward compatible part
20:29.30Gnutooit's a compilation option
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20:30.00cr2Gnutoo: how do we patch playwav2.c to support -dev and -vol ?
20:30.54Gnutoowhat do you mean by -dev ?
20:31.05Gnutoothe route?
20:31.14cr2you should be able to select the device from SND list
20:31.30Gnutooyou need to read the sources in order to use it
20:31.34cr2and the -rec option should set the UNMUTE flag
20:31.47cr2right now this rpc code is misplaced
20:31.55Gnutooit's not my app...but if you want me to change it I can try
20:32.02cr2so the recorded sound is muted
20:32.24Gnutoook ouch
20:32.26cr2you use it the most, and i have many other things to do :)
20:32.43Gnutoook I don't use it anymore but I can do it thanks for the suggestions
20:33.16cr2it's a useful tool for debugging new phones
20:33.46Gnutoobasically I bought my phone because of playwav2
20:34.08cr2you can play .mp3 et al with alsa directly ?
20:34.18GnutooI studied the sources a lot before buying it and asked someone to run playwav2
20:34.23cr2.wma .aac & so on.
20:34.27Gnutoocr2, not would need patching mplayer
20:34.34Gnutoocr2, for now it's very buggy
20:34.53Gnutoocr2,  there is no ifdef somewhere(for the amss versions)
20:35.04cr2do you have the right PROG/VERS pair for SND ?
20:35.13cr2it wildly depends on the AMSS version
20:35.16Gnutoobut for my version
20:35.24cr2and the numbers ?
20:35.27Gnutoothat's where I didn't put ifdefs
20:35.37Gnutoothey were in the kernel sources anyway
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20:35.49cr2not on 2.6.29
20:35.52Gnutoothey were in the sound system for android...the one that playwav2 uses
20:36.04Gnutoocodeaurora is for the last adsp
20:36.06Gnutooso I patched
20:36.10Gnutooand imported
20:36.10cr2playwav2 ?
20:36.26Gnutoobasically what I did is:
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20:36.40cr2i've seen some "non-our" numbers there
20:36.57Gnutoocp codeaurora/sound/soc/msm ./linuxtogo/sournd/soc/msm
20:37.03Gnutoo+ fixes
20:37.18Gnutooand that's why I wanted bluetooth
20:37.27GnutooI wanted to try alsa without the usb
20:37.42Gnutoobecause I've got a 2nd bug:
20:37.44cr2does your bt firmware load successfully ?
20:37.56GnutooI thought there were no need for the firmware
20:38.03cr2what does alsa have in common with usb ?
20:38.13Gnutoo2 things:
20:38.24Gnutoo*the headphones use the usb connector
20:38.36Gnutoo*when you makes the RPC crash no more usb
20:38.38cr2it's not needed, but if you load it it rungs at 4Mbit , instead of 115200
20:38.44Gnutooah ok
20:39.07cr2these are extra pins on the other side of usb connector
20:39.12Gnutooah ok
20:39.16cr2not usb itself
20:39.54GnutooI didn't look at the pins yet because I did not plan to make a serial cable(where to find the connector)
20:40.09Gnutooeven if I'd like to have serial(kgdb etc...)
20:40.23Gnutoobasically the bug I have now is:
20:40.47Gnutooyou have no more sound when you route to another thing than 0 and 1
20:40.52Gnutoothat is nomal
20:41.06Gnutoo*switch to another number
20:41.08Gnutoo*play music
20:41.14Gnutoo*come back to 0 or 1
20:41.19Gnutoono more music && crash
20:41.32Gnutoobasically the adsp doesn't respond
20:41.38Gnutooor something like this
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20:42.36Gnutoobut if you do the contrary:
20:42.40Gnutoo*play music
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20:42.43Gnutoo*change routing
20:42.53Gnutoo*come back to normal
20:43.01Gnutooyou have sound back
20:44.41cr2you miss htc_acoustic
20:45.06Gnutoohere's dmesg :
20:45.07cr2it's also not in playwav2 (yet?)
20:45.12*** join/#htc-linux dcordes (n=luke-g@unaffiliated/dcordes)
20:45.14GnutooI think so
20:45.18phhcr2: is h2w broken or raph/diam or just untested ?
20:45.21cr2hey dcordes
20:45.29cr2phh: not implemented
20:45.40phhcr2: it needs platform driver ?
20:45.45cr2dcordes: what did you smoke yesterday ? :)
20:45.48GnutooI'll loo...
20:46.04cr2phh: no. the ->cpld op needs a different setup
20:46.10dcordescr2, haha why?
20:46.15phhcr2: ok
20:46.39GnutooI think I'll patch mplayer
20:46.47Gnutooto have something working at least
20:46.50cr2dcordes: the topaz-mmc.c is topaz-panel.c
20:47.05cr2dcordes: and it needs some other patches
20:47.19cr2dcordes: please commit the blac100 patch first
20:47.27cr2then i'll fix the other issues
20:47.37dcordesthe timestamp thing?
20:47.51cr2no. a big blac100 patch
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20:48.25dcordesoh no I destroyed the mmc which had patches aplied alredy
20:50.04Gnutooand at the end I've:
20:50.06Gnutoo[ 4137.262329] audmgr_enable: ARM9 did not reply to RPC
20:50.30Gnutooso maybe I should patch for removing certain endpoints
20:50.33cr2Gnutoo: does not work for me
20:50.39Gnutooah sorry
20:53.31cr2Gnutoo: disable the usb ept debug
20:53.38cr2and enable RPC debug
20:53.40Gnutoook thanks a lot
20:54.11oliwananyone want to answer a noob question from me?
20:54.31oliwandon't all shout at once
20:55.03phhdon't ask to ask.
20:56.01dcordesyeaah just ask
20:56.22oliwanwell... A while ago on the wiki for diamond kernel "build your own" instructions was some packages you needed installed to build it.
20:56.32oliwanthey're gone. Dya kno what i need?
20:58.06dcordesnote to self: in make kernel building guide
20:58.27Gnutoocr2, I'm tracking the origin/htc-msm-2.6.29 and I saw no debug for rpc and for usb ept in make ARCH=arm xconfig
20:58.38GnutooI'm sorry if it's a stupid question
20:58.53tmztdcordes: adapt the one on
20:58.58tmzttalks to ali1234 I think
20:58.59oliwandcordes good idea
20:59.02tmztvery well done
21:00.23oliwanall the info used to be there... but its gone now :(
21:00.36Gnutooso here how I do it and not to do it:
21:00.58Gnutoobuild a toolchain with oe,source the devshell and type a special make command
21:01.02Gnutooso how to do it:
21:01.11Gnutoogab a pre-built toolchain
21:01.24Gnutooexport it to the path
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21:02.04Gnutooah ok so no need to continue my explanations then
21:02.16ali1234i find people always download the wrong thing when they follow it
21:02.19ali1234don't ask me why
21:02.51ali1234but they always get the sfx version, or the not uclibc version, and ask me if it's ok
21:02.53cr2ali1234: i use old qtopia toolchain, and everything works :)
21:02.56ali1234which it is
21:03.13oliwanThanks both, but i've got that part done already. In the old wiki it told you what linux packages you needed installed before you could compile,
21:03.18Gnutooah yes the name are quite confusing
21:03.21ali1234but you can't compile for userspace unless you get the one i said (sfx or tar doesn't matter of course)
21:03.24Gnutooif I remember well
21:03.33ali1234oliwan: build-essential
21:04.20ali1234and probably libncurses-dev
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21:05.40oliwanali1234 thanks. I'll look for those now
21:06.04cr2tmzt: any news about topa rom ?
21:06.45ali1234oliwan: best is to just try it and see what error you get. we've seen them all before so just ask
21:07.01ali1234you don't need that many things just for a kernel compile though
21:07.17ali1234make, ncurses for menuconfig, and a cross compiler should be enough
21:10.14tmztcr2: no2chem I think said they can't dump it
21:10.59cr2tmzt: hmm. testwm5 again ?
21:11.59cr2it's buggy and incomplete, but still something.
21:12.53cr2i don't have a device
21:13.10cr2Gnutoo: gps on g1 is on /dev/smd27
21:13.26cr2Gnutoo: but you need to kick it over rpc
21:13.27Gnutoostrange it must be an mplayer bug
21:13.38GnutooI think so...that's what someone told me
21:13.48Gnutooanyway the android gps lib is proprietary
21:13.56tmztI need to try pdapi, I have yet to get this gps to do anything in wm or linux
21:13.57Gnutoothere are something usefull for debuging
21:14.00Gnutookernel objects
21:14.08Gnutooit print sysfs nodes etc...that are accessed
21:14.09tmzteven with gpstoday
21:14.12Gnutoolsof could also be used
21:14.16oliwanhi ali1234, got an error for you
21:14.16oliwan/bin/sh: /home/oli/kernel1/arm-2008q1/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc: /lib/ bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory
21:14.29tmztanyway, Gnutoo, can you explain what's going on with audio routing?
21:14.48Gnutootmzt, I've alsa somewat working but I've some issues
21:14.48tmztoliwan: what distribution are you on?
21:14.55cr2tmzt: if you want to record with playwav2 you need to recompile it
21:15.03tmztok, source?
21:15.06ali1234oliwan: sounds like result of trying to run 32 bit toolchain on 64 bit distro without installing 32 bit libs
21:15.10tmztI should have gcc on debian here soon
21:15.12cr2tmzt: because the mic is muted
21:15.19tmztactually I'm on Mer and need to switch to a newer image
21:15.33Gnutootmzt, here dmesg with patches for preventing null pointer crash:
21:15.41Gnutoobasically I trigger it that way:
21:15.48oliwanali1234, 64 bit sounds right. I forgot i had upgraded :P
21:15.51tmztls /lib/
21:15.56cr2tmzt: and you need to send a dex to enable mic on headset. tricky
21:15.58tmztah, never saw that before
21:16.05oliwani'm runin fedora 10
21:16.37tmztdo we have a patch for that?
21:16.43tmztcan we add it to htchw?
21:16.45oliwanali1234 should i try 64 bit toolchain or 32 bit libs?
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21:16.57Gnutooput the routing bar at the max
21:17.00Gnutooplaying a file
21:17.01*** part/#htc-linux rayman18 (
21:17.08cr2max is 5
21:17.09ali1234there is no 64 bit toolchain that i know of, unless you compile it yourself. so install the libs
21:17.13tmzt10:20 < tmzt> can we add it to htchw?
21:17.13tmzt10:20 < oliwan> ali1234 should i try 64 bit toolchain or 32 bit libs?
21:17.16Gnutoothen putting at 4 or minimum that is to say:
21:17.16cr2for us
21:17.25tmztah, alsa
21:17.26Gnutoo0 or 1 I think in rpc thing
21:17.41tmztthat's in current git?
21:17.42Gnutooand the amss don't reppond anymore according to the logs
21:17.53Gnutootmzt, no it's on my computer but I can push it somewhere
21:18.00Gnutootmzt, like in gitorious
21:18.07tmztpatch would be better
21:18.14cr2dcordes: let me know about the patch, i'll pull, and write more patches
21:18.18Gnutooin 2 patches that's ok?
21:18.36tmztis trout wifi in git yet?
21:19.07cr2tmzt: so try to unmute the mic over rpc, and if it will not help, we need to thhink something out
21:19.56tmztready for patches, on HEAD
21:20.08Gnutoonot yet leviathan has got it working
21:20.12Gnutoook I'll rebase
21:21.29Gnutootmzt, are the patches only for testing or should they be clean?
21:21.33Gnutoo(remove debug infos)
21:21.40Gnutooand the anti-crash patch
21:21.48cr2//  do_route_audio_rpc(0,SND_MUTE_UNMUTED,SND_MUTE_UNMUTED);
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21:22.22cr2should be getdevbyname("HEADSET") or something like that for 1/0 here
21:23.35cr2to llokup the dev in the SND list
21:23.44Gnutoook no need to rebase I'm up to date...I use the origin/htc-msm-2.6.29 branch
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21:32.06GnutooI've issues with
21:33.14*** part/#htc-linux sdt555 (n=titus@
21:34.11Gnutooah finally it loaded
21:35.18leviathanGnutoo: hi
21:35.25leviathanDid you push it now? =D
21:35.42Gnutoonot yet bugs...
21:36.27Gnutooand the ugly part:
21:37.13Gnutoonote that you need at least that:
21:37.17Gnutoosnd_rpc_ids.vers       = 0xaa2b1a44;
21:37.21Gnutoofor the ugly part
21:37.36GnutooI must check
21:37.41GnutooI have bad memory
21:37.46Gnutoobut maybe it worked without
21:40.11cr2tmzt: maybe it can be simply copied in the file manager ?
21:41.36Gnutoomplayer also say:
21:41.39GnutooBuilding audio filter chain for 44100Hz/2ch/s16le -> 0Hz/0ch/??...
21:41.46Gnutoowhen amss not crashed
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21:42.31Gnutoobut it does it only in the begginign
21:43.58cr2too bad
21:44.09cr2you can't disable SMD
21:45.55Gnutooleviathan, hi
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21:46.24leviathanGnutoo: hi
21:46.33Gnutooleviathan, how's keyboard?
21:47.16tmztGnutoo: mplayer never works?
21:47.19cr2dcordes: compiled cleanly
21:47.21tmztI think you are missing some ioctls
21:47.29Gnutoothere are 2 ways to make it work:
21:47.47Gnutoo*oss ->the phone reboots after playing a very short part of the song
21:47.49tmztmy vers is different I think
21:47.56townkatwas the kva msm_blackstone_pad.c also commited ?
21:47.58leviathanI'm compiling an openmoko-hildon-image ATM
21:48.01tmztso we need snd_amssver.c?
21:48.03Gnutoo*sdl->the sound is strange
21:48.12tmztleviathan: still working with oe?
21:48.19leviathantmzt: jo
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21:51.06tmztanybody have wifi actually working?
21:51.13tmztI would like to update apt
21:51.18tmztwithout usbnet>pc
21:51.35cr2townkat: check the head
21:51.56dcordescr2, good. still have no toolchain on this machine
21:52.09dcordesI'll probably get rid of the desktop computer
21:52.18dcordesit's nicer to have everything in one place
21:52.38leviathanI'll combine qtopia, hildon and OE
21:53.12leviathanI'll have to workout how to combine these things to a working smartphone
21:53.16leviathanbut should work
21:53.26dcordesleviathan, did you try a gpe-image ? I wonder how fast it is on the A cpus vs good old zaurus :)
21:53.55cr2dcordes: i'll add the initial fb addressw
21:53.56leviathandoes it have telephony?
21:54.08tmztleviathan: or help build a free telepathy-based phone stack
21:54.16dcordesleviathan, uhm yea there is a dialer but not fso compatible
21:54.29leviathanis qtopia fso compatible?
21:54.31dcordesleviathan, there is the famous AlGe image for blueangel.
21:54.38dcordesleviathan, no
21:55.46leviathanhildon-desktop+fso would be nice
21:56.01leviathanor hildon-desktop+qtopia
21:56.15leviathanI'll see
21:56.25dcordesneeds to look up what that strange hildon image is
21:57.52townkati did a git pull and then opened msm_blackstone_pad.c and it seem unchanged
21:58.07townkati don't know hot to check the head
21:58.17dcordestownkat, git-log
21:58.29tmztyes, and ubuntu/Mer is packaging it
21:58.46tmztthis is the gnome side rather than the nokia side
22:00.50Gnutoobtw what's the ioctl 0x400c4150 on /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p
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22:01.18townkathmm.. no much details in git log, only what dcordes wrote, audio on blac
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22:02.05tmztGnutoo: read alsa headers
22:02.17quaacan any one recommend a good EXTusb to 3.5mm adapter to use with my magic?  I was thinking about getting the HTC one that has 3.5mm / mini usb/ EXTusb/2.5mm but that thing is bulky, and all the reviews ive seen for a regular extusb to 3.5mm say they suck and are made really crap
22:02.19GnutooI'll try to find that in the kenrel
22:02.22cr2dcordes: make topaz compile
22:02.24Gnutooin the /sound directory
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22:02.51Gnutoobut grep is slow...
22:02.55phhGnutoo: it's most likely in include/sound
22:03.02tmztgit grep
22:03.14Gnutoonot found
22:03.15phhbut there is some "base" things, so grep on 4150 but not the whole think
22:04.03tmztit won't, ioctl's use macros
22:04.13Gnutooah ok thanks a lot
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22:04.18Ferris-<3 darkstone
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22:04.27tmztlook for 0x40
22:04.35tmztor the ascii equivalent
22:04.48cr2dcordes: needs defconfig too
22:04.51phhtmzt: hu ? why 40 ?
22:05.01tmztphh: wait, maybe that's wrong
22:05.06phhdon't know
22:05.08tmztphh: it's the first byte?
22:05.20phhi would think that:
22:05.29phhmight be a good candidate
22:05.36phhbut not sure
22:05.41phhsomeone will have to read _IOW macros :p
22:06.44*** part/#htc-linux quaa (
22:06.57tmzt11:03 < Gnutoo> btw what's the ioctl 0x400c4150 on /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p
22:08.00townkat;a=commit;h=034fa53eb6215c4ea78845d2ad4d498d5d493e20, msm_blackstone_pad.c semm that was not included, it is a small patch, but very usefull as it adds menu buton to blackstone
22:09.34tmzt#define _IOW(type,nr,size)      _IOC(_IOC_WRITE,(type),(nr),(_IOC_TYPECHECK(size)))
22:10.25tmzt#define _IOC(dir,type,nr,size) \
22:11.02tmztNRSHIFT is 0
22:11.13tmztso nr should be the last byte
22:11.57tmztnext to last is type, which should be 'a'
22:12.09tmztyes, 0x41
22:12.15Gnutoothanks a lot
22:12.27tmztsorry, 'A'
22:12.59tmztsize is 14
22:13.08tmztthe rest is direction
22:13.15tmztbut it's nr 0x50
22:13.52tmztmplayer isn't getting something though, before calling that ioctl
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22:17.50cr2dcordes: already sleeping ?
22:18.47dcordescr2, I have so much math in my head I won't be able to sleep for at least 10 years
22:18.48captnoord!seen dcordes
22:19.20tmztit's ~seen
22:19.36captnoordi'm used to !
22:19.41dcordes~seen captnoord
22:19.45aptcaptnoord is currently on #htc-linux (2h 58m 48s). Has said a total of 34 messages. Is idling for 8s, last said: ':P'.
22:20.12captnoord~seen NetRipper
22:20.13aptnetripper is currently on #htc-linux (2d 1h 34m 7s). Has said a total of 22 messages. Is idling for 11h 11m 55s, last said: 'cr2 usually reads log so he'll look at it'.
22:21.22*** join/#htc-linux spirit-sight (
22:21.34captnoordhmmm turning the touchscreen off for powercollaps requires to deinit it
22:21.54spirit-sightwhat is the most bear bone WM that I could use to run Android?
22:22.14gekashm any interesting news fro today?
22:22.30spirit-sightalso best radio?
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22:23.00spirit-sightsorry I am using a kaiser 100
22:23.01captnoordspirit-sight:  please read the wiki...... please............
22:23.07townkatdcordes: can you please commit the touchpad patch too ?
22:23.16captnoorddeinit the ts only seems to need
22:23.18captnoord#define TSSC_CTL_EN(0x1 << 0)
22:23.21captnoordto be disabled
22:23.24cr2dcordes: ok
22:23.40dcordescr2, I had to fiddle the snd.c differences in manually
22:23.43spirit-sightcaptnoord: I am on the wiki androidonhtc now and trying to find the info
22:23.49cr2dcordes: ok
22:24.00cr2dcordes: the problem was with \r
22:24.12cr2in the original source
22:26.35spirit-sightcaptnoord: when I click on wiki it gives me many errors
22:27.09tmztcaptnoord: nice
22:27.16tmztyou on blak?
22:27.44dcordescr2, ok done
22:28.04cr2dcordes: thanks.
22:28.15dcordestownkat, got link?
22:28.23cr2i'm doing one more small patch, but need to test it first
22:30.24*** join/#htc-linux Squarc (
22:30.48leviathanGnutoo: plz inform me, when you have pushed it into git repo, then I'll take it into working in the wiki
22:30.55leviathani'll go to sleep now
22:30.59Gnutooleviathan, me too
22:31.01captnoordand to enable the touchscreen again it needs a full reinit
22:31.13Gnutooleviathan, i've pastebined the patches
22:31.18Gnutooif you want
22:32.00townkathere is the full patch link if u wanna check
22:32.22leviathanit would be nicer to have a git repo with these patches in it
22:32.42leviathanso that we could have version control and that anyone could check out
22:32.59townkatdcordes, author is kvaster
22:33.10leviathangn8 anyone
22:33.24spirit-sightOK, the wiki that has the best radio to use and a bear bone WM for lauching Haret is right? if not whats the address of these info please
22:34.01tmztif you start haret after soft reset the image shoudn't matter
22:34.21tmztradio? what radio is that site recommending?
22:34.34tmztnot hd radio on touch pro or anything like that?
22:34.54spirit-sightI still trying find it on that site
22:35.03spirit-sightI am doing this with a kaiser
22:39.56townkatcr2, what should i do with rfkill.c ?
22:40.13tmztspirit-sight: oh kaiser, ok
22:40.43townkatdcordes, thank you
22:41.48dcordestownkat, pleasure
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22:42.56cr2townkat: look how it's done for raphael
22:43.41townkatboard-htcraphael-rfkill.c ?
22:45.00cr2yes. and board-htcraphael.c
22:45.30cr2dcordes: topaz kernel will probably crash, because it needs a newer smd.c version from samsung kernel
22:45.34townkatok, are the gpios the same ?
22:45.43cr2townkat: afair yes.
22:45.50cr2check with wiki
22:46.07dcordescr2, I have that kernel locally
22:46.57spirit-sightSorry folks I am having no luck location the information I looking for, I am trying to find out the most basic bear bone WM that I could use to start android and best radio for Android? I seen it in the past but could not get my phone flashed with hardspl today I got that done finially
22:47.27tmztI don't see why radio should matter
22:47.32tmztor hspl or anything else
22:47.53dcordesspirit-sight, you don't touch flash, you don't need to worry for your rom health
22:47.59cr2dcordes: i don't know if we can simply replace the smd.c
22:48.13dcordescr2, I will just push it with a coment
22:49.11dcordestmzt, cr2 any clue which google revision samsung based on?
22:49.37tmztwell, git log should tell you except they don't use git
22:49.48tmztso, no
22:50.01tmzta little suprised it was 2.6.27 actually
22:50.02dcordesI only got the zip
22:50.08dcordesis comet the samsung brick?
22:50.59dcordesno, comet seems to be QSD8X50 evaluation board
22:51.10dcordesMACHINE_START(QSD8X50_COMET, "QCT QSD8x50 Comet")
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22:51.55cr2dcordes: it's codeaurora
22:53.14toast_can anyone help me find out how to use ram console?
22:53.50tmzttoast_: sorry, I had to leave
22:53.55tmztI don't really know though
22:54.15tmztit was dzo who got it to work
22:54.23tmztI do know you need to be able to telnet to haret
22:54.37toast_u said i had to use it lol
22:55.31toast_its cool though
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22:56.13dcordescr2, need to sleep now so more math can fit my nand. if you put a pastebin I'll add it in the morning
22:56.39toast_is that the only way to see whats loading and crashing me
22:56.48*** join/#htc-linux mdrobnak (
22:57.23mdrobnakhey everyone
22:57.59tmztgot Mer working with some bad changes, need to switch to 0.16
22:58.08mdrobnakI started adding in debug code to the ril today. Hopefully that will steer me in the direction of the bad code..
22:58.09townkati need to sleep too, gn everyone
22:58.16mdrobnaksee ya townkat
22:58.25tmztandroid ril?
22:58.30dcordestmzt, yes it's a funny joke. I'm a cellphone
22:58.33mdrobnaktmzt: That build that was posted of Mer? or a different?
22:58.45mdrobnakyeah, the android ril.
22:58.50tmztmdrobnak: the smartq7 version of 0.17
22:59.00tmztis broken for me
22:59.12mdrobnakhmm I was using the smartq5 version I thought.
22:59.14tmztI will switch to 0.16 and then try to install some packages
22:59.57mdrobnakdid you get the touchscreen working?
23:00.13tmzthaven't tried, just enabled refresh
23:00.18tmztif you have patches
23:00.23mdrobnakok, you're at the same spot I am.
23:00.30tmztI want to use evdev though, not evtouch
23:00.38mdrobnakI sort of got it working, but not right.
23:00.39tmztso I will probably have to build karmic X
23:00.49tmztlet's do this in the other channel though
23:01.02mdrobnakgood point.
23:01.29spirit-sightis native res working right in donut iwth kaiser or do u need use qvga sence ui to get apps to work right?
23:01.46mdrobnakOn the RIL side of things, I hope to have it recompiled with more debug within the hour.
23:01.52tmztprobably have to use scaling
23:01.54mdrobnakDid someone need the RAPH110 keymap?
23:02.06tmztyeah, we need to collect those
23:02.09tmztfor linux or android?
23:02.21mdrobnaklinux at this point. Android's keymaps are a pain.
23:02.47*** join/#htc-linux Bry8Star (
23:06.00mdrobnakI also question whether we should try to maintain 1 RIL for GSM and CDMA devices of varying generations...Is the Vogue even 3G? (Is that GSM or CDMA?)
23:06.17tmztvogue is cdma
23:06.21tmztit's 3g, but evdo
23:06.26tmztthey are very similar
23:07.12mdrobnakoh ok, so at least it's not a 1X / CDMA2000 phone hehe
23:07.26tmztit's that too
23:07.38tmzt1x, 1xrtt, 1xevdo
23:08.00mdrobnakwell, yeah, if it's evdo, it's compatible with 1X too. I meant 1X only. Non evdo.
23:09.16cr2good night
23:09.33mdrobnaknight cr2
23:12.35mdrobnakWow there's a lot of stuff in the RIL, LOL.
23:16.11tmzteven more in the java part
23:16.21*** join/#htc-linux zwon (
23:16.45zwonhi there
23:17.52zwoncould somebody help me to fix the menu key...
23:19.03mdrobnaktmzt: Glad I'm not handling that lol.
23:20.11zwon-.-* forget about it^^
23:20.46SOG:o ?
23:21.06mdrobnakzwon: ?
23:21.35SOGI am wondering... if a full install on the Universal is better, or the "flash memory, click me and do it all" install better ?
23:22.53*** join/#htc-linux Bry8Star_ (
23:23.10SOGtmzt you know, if I am correct, there are two ways of isntallation, one is delete everything from the flash, the other one is to install in the flash memory stick, I am just wondering which one is better, or I mean more stable and fast
23:23.29zwonmdrobnak: i didnt saw that theres an update..sorry
23:24.31mdrobnakzwon: Ah.
23:25.39mdrobnaktmzt: Yuck! I didn't realize this stuff was compiled to Thumb C.
23:25.57mdrobnakIf I understand that correctly.
23:26.05mdrobnakSo that's like 16 bit code right?
23:28.38*** join/#htc-linux BHSPitMonkey (n=stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey)
23:33.25mdrobnakwaits for the Android repo to rebuild.
23:42.30*** join/#htc-linux Robin (
23:42.37Robinhello all
23:43.01*** join/#htc-linux Bry8Star (
23:43.11Guest72285anyone know about getting linux on a cdma rapheal
23:43.16Guest72285service that is
23:43.34*** join/#htc-linux AstainHellbring (n=AstainHe@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
23:48.58mdrobnaktmzt: Do we need the write to /sys stuff in the RAPH / DIAM phones when making a phone call?
23:55.00mdrobnakthat build was fast.
23:55.16mdrobnakI'm only 1/4 the way through the RIL file.
23:57.09SOGI am wondering about the universal... if I am correct, there are two ways of isntallation, one is delete everything from the flash, the other one is to install in the flash memory stick, I am just wondering which one is better, or I mean more stable and fast
23:58.13mdrobnakSOG: Sorry. Don't know. SD isn't very fast on the new phones.

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