IRC log for #htc-linux on 20090930

00:00.12mdrobnakhmm. Sounds like a crash then.
00:00.13ppmanzsakul2: I can't help you with specific build on raph, but I had that issue with one of our builds.. I had to use a different build
00:00.32mdrobnakppman - I think he's on a diamond
00:00.53ppmanoh.. way for me to pay attention :P
00:01.04ppmanI saw it as not kaiser :P
00:01.31ppmanzsakul2: either try a different build, or ask around - trying to get a prebuilt "data.img" will help you.
00:01.35zsakul2i really want to play with android ive been waiting for days to get this to work >_<! =(
00:02.02mdrobnakTry an earlier build. Or see if there's a later on.
00:02.23ppmannot that any of them are legal...
00:02.29ppmandamn google..
00:02.32zsakul2any suggestions on which build
00:02.43zsakul2yeah still black screen ima reset it
00:03.59ppmanmdrobnak: start a mer thread on xda for raph. point to my thread and expand upon specifics.
00:04.00zsakul2cant wait to get the hero ^_^.
00:04.08ppmanI'll bbl
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00:06.06ubuntu_userzsakul2, have you tried to get the 2009-09-09 build from
00:06.34ubuntu_userI got it working amost first time on my DIAM100
00:06.52mdrobnakppman Maybe ;-)
00:09.35zsakul2alright i got the older one released 21.06.09 and android booted but
00:09.42zsakul2its all wacky colors
00:10.05zsakul2also it appears
00:10.07zsakul2the touch is reversed
00:10.12zsakul2the top is the bottom and th ebottom is the part
00:10.24zsakul2so i drag the top down to bring up the drawer and the bottom to bring up notifications
00:11.49zsakul2lmao what i can do with it its vey nice though :p
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00:29.09zsakul2wish i could figure this crap out..
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00:30.27zsakul2why does nonoe of the startup.txt have ramaddr
00:39.37ppman_seventh fuze :P
00:43.35ppman_grr... still having fb issues...
00:47.13zsakul2Hey i have set RAMSIZE 0x08000000 set MTYPE 1805
00:47.15zsakul2what should my ramaddr be
00:47.19zsakul2this is last question before i give up
00:48.19ppmanmdrobnak: how do you get usbnet working on the computer side?
00:50.33mdrobnakone sec
00:50.42ppmanwait, I think I got it
00:50.45zsakul2anyways ima go bye THANKS for all your help it never worked ill just wait till november or october till the cdma hero for cellular south comes out PEACE <3
00:50.48ppmanit appears as rndis, right?
00:52.26ppmanwoah... ping literally hung the device
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00:53.47mdrobnakthat sucks
00:54.10ppmanI'm not sure if usbnet ever actually worked on kaiser..
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01:07.47ppmanwhere can I get source for the modem app,
01:07.50ppmanor basically, how do I pull up data?
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01:19.38ppmanwishes more kernel/hardware-level devs were in america
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01:25.45ubuntu_userany one know why the network connection keep dropping and reconnect for a long time and then finally connected? The Modem app shows PPPD got connected and then immediately dropped. is this a modem control issue? Is this code part of the kernel or Android?
01:26.04ppmankernel doesn't have anything to do with data
01:26.18ppmanit's Android
01:26.42ubuntu_userthat is what I thought. once it connected, it would be good until I make a voice call or picked up the voice call then the whole cycle again.
01:26.43ppmanyou on raph?
01:26.56ubuntu_useri am on DIA100 with T-mobile.
01:27.35ppmanmeh, as long as it works
01:27.51ppmanand voice+data has never worked for me, even in winmo
01:28.07ubuntu_userIf I can look at the Android code, I may be able to help. I did some modem programming on BREW platform before and I had done some embedded system in my life :).
01:28.27ppmanyeah, I need to find that too
01:28.33ppmanI want to try to pull up data in mer
01:29.03ubuntu_userI am not asking to have both voice and data simultaneously, I am on GPRS/EDGE any way.
01:29.43ppmanwell, getting voice should disconnect your data connection
01:30.37ubuntu_userthat is what I expected. however, after that it would be nice if the data can get back quicker rather than going through connect disconnect cycle for about 15 minutes
01:30.54ppmanouch, that is long
01:31.09ppmanbad radio version?
01:31.45ubuntu_userwell, sometime 5 or 10 minute. the modem log show bunch of coneected with IP and all and then disconnected
01:32.30ubuntu_userin what sense? winmo works fine. it drop data and get back on right away after voice activity is done.
01:33.01ppmanthat's what I thought you meant
01:33.10ppmanbut yours is doing something wacky
01:34.34ubuntu_userso, I would love to look at the code that actually interact with the modem and write out the "control" pipe so that the loop will restart the connection
01:35.55ppmanwhere'd you find that?
01:36.11ubuntu_userthat should be on the rootfs.img
01:36.20ppmanthat might help me :P
01:36.55ubuntu_userthat is a script that read the "control" pipe for a command for what to do next.
01:38.42ubuntu_userbasically if the command is "on" then it will try to turn the modem on, "off" turn modem off, "startppp" then it will start pppd. once it start pppd, I saw the log that it connected with IP and all. But then it dropped connection and then write out the "off" command and the cycle go again
01:39.06ppmanthat's what I need.. I'm trying to get data in mer
01:39.21ubuntu_userwhat is mer? may i ask?
01:39.29ppmancommunity-lead maemo
01:39.50ppmanit has already been successfully run to X on raph, working on it on kaiser
01:39.57ubuntu_userstill no clue.
01:40.01ppmanit's harder here because of the small resolution
01:41.31ubuntu_usero, i see
01:42.13ppmanthat script is in system?
01:42.18ppmanor rootfs?
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01:42.47ppmanfound it
01:46.31ubuntu_userI don't think the script actually does anything with the modem except for reseting it. The actual code that communicate with the modem is somewhere else.
01:47.01ppmanoh, prolly in the ril
01:47.06ppmancrap, that's closed, too
01:47.19ppmanI still have an old cdma ril, but that's not useful
01:49.58ubuntu_userso will mer be working on diamond too?
01:50.25ppmanpossibly, it'll be hard without a keyboard
01:50.40ppmanif you get X, you'll get an onscreen thing
01:50.53ppmanum, btw, what resolution is your screen?
01:51.36ubuntu_userit is touch diamond (240x320) I think
01:53.12ubuntu_userAndroid almost working perfectly on this phone, except for wifi, bluetooth. But voise and data works fine for me. I can use it for half a day without restart. Only if I can fix this internet connection deal.
01:53.31ppmanmdrobnak: if it's not 640x480 or higher, we're having fb troubles with X.
01:53.38ppmanwrong user.
01:53.52ppmandon't ask what my mind was doing :P
01:53.53mdrobnakSorry, I was on the phone for a Long time.
01:54.14ppmanubuntu_user: yeah, a QVGA or HVGA device will not work yet
01:54.29ppmanfb kernel issues.
01:54.30ubuntu_useri see
01:54.51ubuntu_userhow do I find out the resoution?
01:55.49ppmanfour times the pixels of most phones.
01:55.54ppmanwhatever that means
01:55.57ubuntu_userok, it is vga 480x640
01:56.17mdrobnakYea, it's the RIL
01:56.21ppmando you know which kernel you are using?
01:56.25mdrobnakLet me find the branch
01:56.37ppmanmdrobnak: wait, do we have access to ril code?
01:56.50mdrobnakI did some work on it, I got the IMSI code to work, which allows the Auto-Network selection to work with the APNs
01:56.56mdrobnakppman, yes. We are using the Vogue Community RIL
01:57.10ppmanplease give me the code
01:57.11mdrobnakIt still crashes quite a bit, and I have no idea how to track it down.
01:57.26mdrobnakI found the RAM issues to be more annoying, so I started tackling that first.
01:57.38ubuntu_userI git it from here:;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/htc-msm-2.6.27
01:57.40mdrobnakNow that I have 30MB more RAM, I will get back to it.
01:57.42ppmanI really don't know what you're talking about with the ram..
01:57.56mdrobnakppman: The RAPH series has 288MBs of RAM for some of them
01:57.59mdrobnakothers 192.
01:58.05ppmanubuntu_user: cool, there's a patch you can apply, then there's a chance everything might work to an extent for you.
01:58.13mdrobnakI have 288. It's 32 + 128 + 128
01:58.21mdrobnakThe second 128 bank doesn't work right with Android.
01:58.29ppmanmdrobnak: wtf... like... dimms?
01:58.37mdrobnaknot exactly.
01:58.46ppmanyou have removeable ram?
01:58.49mdrobnakIt's at a totally different address
01:59.04ubuntu_userppman: where do I get the patch and what might this fix?
01:59.05mdrobnak0x1000000 is the first 128MB, and 0x2000000 is the second bank.
01:59.34ppmanyou have to apply by hand
01:59.43ppmanand only the last one is important
02:00.06mdrobnakWell, he should have the virtual keyboard thing in our kernel
02:00.12mdrobnakthat was written for the Diamond
02:00.22mdrobnakOne sec for the RIL link.
02:00.32ppmanthen you have to do a ton of steps to set up mer to work
02:00.44ppmanwait.. you have a kernel virtual keyboard?
02:00.56ppmanubuntu_user: I can help you through installing mer, but not tonight.
02:01.05mdrobnakppman - Yes, RAPH and DIAM users do
02:01.12mdrobnakit's just turned off by a kernel parameter
02:01.18mdrobnakit's in our FB code I think.
02:01.22ppmanwhat on earth does it look like?
02:01.39ubuntu_userppman: that is ok. thanks. will find out more about mer later.
02:01.39ppmanthat is really really weirs
02:01.42mdrobnakIt floats over the FB
02:02.00mdrobnakubuntu_user: Have you done any debugging before?
02:02.02ppmanubuntu_user: not tomorrow, but the next day or so, I should have no problem helping you through
02:02.21ppmanit's totally undocumented territory except for what mdrobnak and I have done...
02:02.52ppmanomg thank you!!! I needed that ril code for a while.
02:03.00mdrobnakBtw, that "
02:03.00mdrobnakFix for Diamond, hopefully this won't break any other devices but it
02:03.00mdrobnakhasn't been tested. " is my APN / IMSI patch, as dzo was kind enough to credit me for.
02:03.20mdrobnakIt's crude, but works :-)
02:03.58mdrobnakUnfortunately, it does not stop the crashes. I think it may be the unsolicited parser may have some issues with some strings.
02:04.09mdrobnakHaven't had time to add more debug code to it yet.
02:05.01ubuntu_usermdrobnak: I am learning the rope here but in general, I am familiar with software/firmware development. I just need to know where the tools are and I will learn
02:05.36mdrobnakwell, that's the problem. The only way I could build it was checking out the android repo..and using "mm" to build the module
02:05.40ppmanI like how none of this is directly useful in any context but android
02:05.46ppmanIt's a good thing I know c :P
02:05.50mdrobnakbut that strips the debug symbols out
02:06.16mdrobnakppman, it's true, but in my humble opinion, it's the furthest along Linux-based PHONE Operating System.
02:06.30ppmanuntil mer :P
02:06.55ppmanI mean, we should not pour a ton of effort into android-specific if there's other options that need love too
02:06.59mdrobnakwell, that remains to be seen. ;-)
02:07.11mdrobnakHere's my thoughts on that:
02:07.24mdrobnakTry and be as compatible as possible...
02:07.45mdrobnakAnything that conflicts, make a kernel option, either compile time or boot time. Boot time if possible.
02:08.14mdrobnakFor instance, I hate that the X FrameBuffer patches probably break Android (haven't tried).
02:08.19ubuntu_userI will come back in the next few days. to learn more about mer. I am still want to have Android running on my Diamond!
02:08.23mdrobnakI'd like to have the same kernel and switch.
02:08.34mdrobnakubuntu_user: have you gotten it to boot at least?
02:08.50mdrobnakDumb question, if you were asking about the RIL. Sorry. tired.
02:09.24ubuntu_userif you are talking about the RIL? I have not
02:09.42ubuntu_userwhat is RIL? I am learning the rope here. lingo and all :)
02:09.49mdrobnakRIL - Radio Interface Library
02:10.24mdrobnakppman - now we see if this will crash with more ram..
02:11.03mdrobnakit didnt' even start x
02:11.20ppmanbtw, any chance of cleaning up the code in here so it displays "AT&T" for at&t, for example?
02:11.25ppmanright now I see "Cingular"
02:11.30ppmanon one tower it's "ATT0"
02:12.02mdrobnakseriously, I see _____ (Blank) most of the time
02:12.11mdrobnakI'd rather see Cingular
02:12.22mdrobnakthe SIM sends back a blank answer instead of ATT
02:12.25mdrobnakNo idea why.
02:12.36mdrobnakargh, it thinks X is already started.
02:12.46ppmancan't you compare mnc/mcc against the COPS command?
02:13.07mdrobnakThe COPS command is what gives the string back
02:13.10mdrobnakit asks three questions:
02:13.18mdrobnakOnce "Long format alphanumeric"
02:13.24mdrobnakOnce "Short Alphanumeric"
02:13.25ubuntu_usermdrobnak: I got Android to boot on my DIAM100 OK. but I have problem with making network connction. Just take too many tries before it stick.
02:13.26mdrobnakOnce "Numeric"
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02:13.48mdrobnakubuntu_user: Ok, yes, that's the same situation I'm in. Building that library I gave the link to will help.
02:13.55mdrobnakSo instead of:
02:14.17ppmanwow... that sucks
02:14.21ubuntu_usercool. let me see...
02:16.09mdrobnakppman: Note - if you have to soft-reset, you're going to have to clean out /tmp
02:17.47mdrobnakpppman: Is "Mer" Maemo 5 based?
02:17.55mdrobnakie N900?
02:18.01ubuntu_usermdrabnak: I do not have Android source. I only have the kernel so far. where do I get the Android source to build with this RIL?
02:18.02ppmanI'm not sure at all
02:18.14ppmanI think they forked a while ago and have grown up in similar directions.
02:18.34mdrobnakThere's instructions on there how to get it via git
02:18.35ppmanby N900 release, there should be more useful stuff.
02:19.08mdrobnakOk, now this *is* interesting. The phone has NOT crashed with 107+61 MB of RAM.
02:19.21ali1234mdrobnak: if you do AT+COPN it should list all the mnc/mcc the phone knows. i think the cell only broadcasts the numeric code and the phone looks it up in this table
02:19.48mdrobnakali1234: Hey there. Thats good info.
02:19.56ubuntu_userso, I got the source from and then replace the RIL code with yours and rebuild, correct? Then what is the result? system.img? or rootfs.img?
02:20.29mdrobnakIf I remember, it's inside rootfs.img, inside the /lib directory is where you replace it.
02:20.45mdrobnakIt'll give you like
02:20.56mdrobnakreplace the similarly named file in the rootfs.img
02:22.11mdrobnakppman - any idea what the USB interface should be set to?
02:22.16mdrobnakit looks like it might be working
02:22.34ubuntu_userwill download the code and RIL to try. thanks. Just curious, do you have a version of that I can try it out quickly tonight?
02:23.20mdrobnakIf you give me a few minutes, I will try and get it off my SD card.
02:23.44ppmanmdrobnak: nope... I tried to set up usbnet, crashed the phone
02:24.04mdrobnakStandard debian /etc/network/interfaces file, though, right?
02:24.06ubuntu_userin the mean time, I am looking for where that file should be in rootfs.img
02:24.33ppmanshould be
02:24.35ppmanotherwise use ifconfig/etc.
02:24.57mdrobnakyeah, I can hack the init script.
02:25.53mdrobnakusb0: register 'cdc_subset' at usb-0000:00:1d.7-1, Linux Device, ae:6a:f0:3a:a0:xx
02:25.59mdrobnakso that works on the pc side
02:26.34mdrobnakok, getting my rootfs.img now
02:26.56ubuntu_userthere is in /lib within rootfs.img
02:27.07mdrobnakYes. that's the one.
02:27.17mdrobnakThat needs to be updated with the compiled code.
02:27.42ubuntu_userthis is ARM compiler code right?
02:27.54mdrobnakThe Android repo takes care of that
02:28.06mdrobnakthere might be a way to compile it without the whole repo, I just downloaded it
02:28.24mdrobnak16bbde71a890753658ca9e703f29c2f7 should be the md5sum of the file you have already.
02:28.30ubuntu_userhmmm, not familiar with Android building process yet but does that mean it need ARM tool chain to build Android stuffs?
02:29.30ubuntu_userI guess for the lib stuffs. as for as apps, they all java right?
02:30.09mdrobnakOk, I just threw it up on my web site:
02:31.15mdrobnakI don't think I made any real changes other then that patch. My version forces "isgsm == 1" though. so not for CDMA users.
02:31.16ubuntu_usermine current one is 16bbde71a890753658ca9e703f29c2f7
02:31.42ppmanmdrobnak: is the gsm check a problem?
02:32.09mdrobnakDidn't know, didn't take a chance :-)
02:32.17mdrobnakI think it's fine.
02:32.33ubuntu_usergot it. checksum is 21c22c845cc520e3789e11434723b86e
02:32.45mdrobnakI know in the patch that was comitted, dzo put it back. He worked on the RIL quite a bit, so I trust his judgement.
02:32.49ubuntu_userlet give it a try now...
02:35.29mdrobnakppman: It sets it to if it works...Let me retry.
02:35.30ubuntu_userreplacing rootfs.img now...
02:35.52ppmanmdrobnak: the device should be 15, host should be 1
02:35.57ppmanI set that up,
02:36.03ppmanactually, the 15 was set up for me
02:36.09ppmanand it still hung when I tried to ping.
02:37.37mdrobnakppman: Doh - (**) keypwr-evdev: Device: "/dev/input/event2"
02:37.38mdrobnak(II) keypwr-evdev: Found x and y absolute axes
02:37.38mdrobnak(WW) keypwr-evdev: Don't know how to use device
02:37.58tmztubuntu_user: you need what android uses to build
02:38.05mdrobnakX org log
02:38.05tmztunless you can build just ril
02:38.08ppmandid it try to enable your ts as a keyboard?
02:38.13mdrobnakHey tmzt.
02:38.26mdrobnakI'm not convinced it's quite working right..
02:38.35mdrobnaktmzt: How did you set up the touch screen when you got X working?
02:39.13tmztmdrobnak: or make /tmp tmpfs so you don't have to worry about it
02:39.16ubuntu_userok, done replacing. start haret
02:40.01mdrobnaktmzt: might be a good idea. Just using what ppman gave me so far..
02:40.28mdrobnak(Which is a good start - I'm shocked I didn't get a crash on the 107 + 61MB kernel...)
02:41.13tmztmdrobnak: if you have tslib-utils installed
02:41.19tmztcat /sys/class/input/input*/name
02:41.20mdrobnakKeep in mind, not accessing audio or anything like that yet..
02:41.25tmztthat gives you the device
02:41.37tmztTSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/eventX ts_calibrate
02:41.55tmztfor Xorg you would have to configure the tslib driver which may not work
02:42.06tmztso you either have to use the latest Xorg or you have to use Xfbdev
02:42.09tmztfor Xfbdev:
02:42.26tmztXfbdev -mouse tslib,,device=/dev/input/eventX
02:42.33mdrobnakppman: usb didn't work :-(
02:42.34ppmanI think it's xorg 1.6.0
02:42.42ppmanmdrobnak: hang or just no work?
02:42.47mdrobnakstill alive
02:42.55tmztok, in that case try adding an evdev to xorg.conf and the Calibrate line
02:43.02tmztI don't have the syntax for that
02:43.10ppmanI'm going to do some more tests with gprs and wifi soon.
02:43.16ppmangot homework tonight :P
02:43.16tmztthere is a new calibration program you can search for to generate it
02:43.27tmztdoes anybody have wifi working?
02:43.34mdrobnakCan we take the existing calibration #s and convert them?
02:43.34tmztI can't use the posted kernel since I have raph500
02:43.36ppmanin android...
02:43.40ppmanfor kaiser..
02:43.44tmztbut I would like specific instructions
02:43.47tmztppman: which driver?
02:43.56ppmansome ti thing I think
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02:44.08ppmanthe driver was already present, the hard part was firmware
02:44.09tmztmdrobnak: maybe, but you'll have to read the new source to find out how
02:44.15tmztwhich driver?
02:44.24tmztthe wilink4-based one?
02:44.47tmztI'm actually looking for the instructions to build wl12xx since I'm using debian
02:44.57ppmanI think that's the one.
02:44.58tmztthat's not the driver, that's just to activate the mmc device
02:45.29ppmanwell, we have a board-kaiser-wifi
02:45.46ppmanI really haven't done any kernel work since we got wifi working, so I don't know.
02:46.03tmztright, but you must be using a driver
02:46.06tmztit fully works?
02:47.11ppmanI don't think we have power setting, but it works fine
02:47.22ppmandunno about encryption
02:47.33tmztyeah, I wonder if udelay would work instead of the power thing
02:48.09mdrobnakppman: so until network is working in some way, or touchscreen, I think that's as far as we go. But still, that's cool.
02:48.12ubuntu_userdamn. it either a pure coincident or it really work!!! make connection right after boot up.
02:48.25mdrobnaktmzt: What source should I read for the calibration stuff?
02:48.35mdrobnakIt' just max and min y
02:48.49mdrobnakShouldn't I be able to convert from hex -> decimal and put that in?
02:48.51tmztwhat is?
02:48.55ppmanmdrobnak: enough to get folks interested :P
02:48.58mdrobnakThe calibration in xorg.conf
02:48.59tmztI mean
02:49.34mdrobnaknever heard of that
02:49.45mdrobnakubuntu_user: Yes, it helps.
02:50.08tmztthat's where the X source is
02:50.09mdrobnakppman: Indeed.
02:50.24tmzttouchscreen worked in Xfbdev
02:50.39tmztthere just isn't much interest in X without a phone and a phone without audio working
02:50.49tmztnow it seems to work except for microphone
02:50.57ubuntu_usermdrobnak: thanks, will read the code and try to rebuild Android.
02:50.58tmztwe can start on fso again
02:51.30ubuntu_userGoing to test making a phone call and see if network reconnect quickly...
02:51.58mdrobnakHere's my take of the state of RAPH: Get screen calibrated for X, Figure out why USBNet is broken again, Figure out why RAM works in Fbdev but not Android (could be other library related, like amss functions), fix ril crashes, finish keyboard driver..
02:52.08mdrobnakAfer that, I think the phone is damn usable.
02:52.13mdrobnakHeck, it's pretty usable now.
02:52.14tmztI don't know why usb function is broken
02:52.32tmztI tried switching to gadget but it doesn't work for me either
02:52.43mdrobnakI use it during the day for my email, but I have to keep it near power :-)
02:52.43ppmanmdrobnak: ril is irrelevant to mer :P
02:52.52tmztwhat is mer?
02:52.53mdrobnakYes and no.
02:52.57mdrobnakNeed the command set :-)
02:52.58ppmantmzt: awesome
02:53.06tmztand there is a ril equivalent for it I'm sure
02:53.13tmztwhat platform, toolkit, daemon, etc.
02:53.23mdrobnakmer = community driven Maemo
02:53.40mdrobnakThats what I was just testing
02:53.41tmztmaemo5 included?
02:53.46mdrobnakNot sure.
02:53.51tmztI can't get why moblin needs garage
02:53.57tmzta little confused about that one
02:54.02mdrobnakWhat's garage?
02:54.04ppmanas soon as the n900 comes out, it'll be more oriented towards what we want.
02:54.09tmztsomething from mameo
02:54.19tmztthere's no documentation for the radio
02:54.36mdrobnakppman - N900 + 850/1900 is my perfect device.
02:54.36tmztwon't be source for at least six months for that part
02:54.46tmztas they are using an existing closed stack, not ofono
02:54.50ppmanmdrobnak: likely non-existant though :(
02:54.58tmzt850/1900 3g?
02:54.59ali1234there's no documentation for *any* radio chipset unless you're buying several million of them
02:55.00tmztprobably not
02:55.02mdrobnakIt's big, I can ssh, remote desktop, etc right from the device.
02:55.11ppmanmaybe rogers will get it or something...
02:55.14tmztali1234: if it's AT its almost irrelevant, this isn't
02:55.18tmztthat's what I mean
02:55.44ali1234what is it then?
02:56.06ali1234at some point it has to talk to userspace
02:56.08mdrobnaktmzt: Wait, they're not using AT control channel?
02:56.13tmztsome binary protocol either over serial (n900) or usb (some nokia modems)
02:56.21tmztI can't think of the name right now
02:56.33mdrobnakthe old programming one?
02:56.41tmztsimilar to it apparently
02:57.08tmztfor me n900 with a qualcomm6800 would be perfect
02:57.19tmztbut they use a nokia chip
02:57.30tmztas it's a nokia product :)
02:57.31mdrobnakI like Nokia devices, I have an E63.
02:57.36mdrobnakI had the N95.
02:57.46tmzthow often do you write midleware for them?
02:57.48mdrobnakSymbian does not do well with a large volume of email :-(
02:58.03mdrobnakthankfully never :-)
02:58.31mdrobnakThere we go
02:58.39tmztthat's part of it
02:58.46tmztI can try to find the conversation
02:59.07tmztwell I can't find it right now
02:59.20tmztI only know that they are using the same protocol over serial in the n900
02:59.28tmztas they use over usb elsewhere
02:59.47tmztbut it's a new version and not supported by the third-party tools
02:59.59ubuntu_usermdrobnak: hmmm. after a few phone calls, I got into the same cycle again. Will test some more, read the code and let you know later. thanks. I will call it the night now.
03:00.16mdrobnakubuntu_user: Every once in a while I have to put it into airplane mode and start over.
03:00.29ppmanmdrobnak: it's a shame that wonderful phones can look bad from a dev POV :P
03:00.36mdrobnakIt seems to be dependant on how good your signal is too.
03:00.44mdrobnakppman: Yep.
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03:01.23ppmanit's funny, that conversation was basically:
03:01.37ppman"It's an awesome phone, but doing any programming for the radio is going to be hard"
03:02.05ppmanand to think, I almost ended up with a moto Q for 2 years :P
03:02.23mdrobnakI liked the BlackJack funny enough, but not the Q.
03:02.26tmztgsm or cdma?
03:02.38ppmanthe q9h actually
03:02.47ppmanhad it for two weeks and picked the kaiser over it
03:02.48tmztI still don't know the mux protocol on the cdma version
03:02.56tmztthat might have been msm actually, I can look
03:04.59ubuntu_usermdrobnak: it certainly better than before. I got connected right away after reboot twice already. must not be coincident
03:06.04ppmanI g2g, bed time... will definitely put some effort into the data connection tomorrow, thanks for showwing me the ril code...
03:06.09mdrobnakSame for me
03:06.13mdrobnakGood night all.
03:07.04stelleganyone want to point me in the right direction to help develop drivers for excalibur?
03:09.13tmztcandidate-android should support it
03:09.25tmztand should work
03:10.56stellegjust tried cloning git repo for wing-linux
03:11.15stellegno workey though, so dling most recent zip
03:11.15tmztI would start with the image
03:11.27stellegyeah OK, need SD card to start though right
03:11.33tmztwhat drivers do you need?
03:12.06tmztyou can boot the old linwizard initrd without it if you repack
03:12.22tmztusing haret to boot
03:12.43stellegI'll buy one tomorrow I think
03:12.43stellegits a microsd slot correct
03:13.46stelleggreat thanks
03:14.12stellegive done a bit of kernel hacking for the nokia N770
03:14.36stellegdifferent omap
03:14.48stellegwhat needs to be done?
03:14.58stelleglast I saw no wireless was working
03:15.05stellegi.e. edge, wifi, gsm etc
03:23.02tmztyou can use sdhc in linux but not wm5 or eol
03:23.18tmztwell, let's discuss that in the other channel
03:26.13tmztanyway, if the same driver and calibration method can be used it should be possible to get it working
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05:43.06townkatwhy does android boots directly to power off screen ?
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07:47.09townkathmm, it is something with the battery  reading
07:47.24townkati managed to read the background message "please connect the charger"
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15:02.02Gnutoo~seen druidu
15:02.11Gnutoostill no news of druidu?
15:11.51Gnutooor no news of the msm kenrel with alsa?
15:11.56Gnutoothat can be compiled without fixing a lot of simple errors
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15:12.27townkatuniversity starts on monday, he will probably be more present after that
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15:45.49townkatis it posible to go to an older version of kernel source ?
15:46.06townkatgo back
15:47.16ali1234how much older?
15:51.30townkatbefore    enable UART2DM_RX irq
15:53.44Gnutoohi,I don't remember well but the did the msm ts driver interfer with the memory of the framebuffer?
15:55.35ali1234townkat: you can use git checkout <commit> or git revert <commit> to revert a single commit
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15:58.04townkatcan i reverse more one by one?
15:59.15kri5townkat: if you want you can use git bisect also, if you want to find a breaking revision
16:01.19townkathmm, how that works ?
16:01.52townkatthe kernel compiles fine, it just does not boot ok
16:01.54Gnutoommm I saw that "removal of kernel touchscreen calibration (prevents driver from being used as raw input event device with tslib) " in
16:02.14Gnutoomaybe if we remove the calibration from msm with ifdefs it will work well ?
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16:03.52Gnutoowhat infos are they on the touch part of the msm_fb?
16:07.30Gnutoohi is there anyone there or I should retry later?
16:09.40townkattownkat@debian:~/blackstone-dev/kernel$ git checkout 2eba84a1c0971845389b04a2be5baa723aeb13d8
16:09.40townkaterror: pathspec '2eba84a1c0971845389b04a2be5baa723aeb13d8' did not match any file(s) known to git.
16:12.29ali1234then you dont have that change on your tree
16:12.45ali1234try 'git log' to see the last changes on your working dir
16:13.31townkatit seem to work
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16:15.42townkathow to exit the log ?
16:17.01ali1234(it just uses less, or whatever pager)
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16:22.26townkati managed to load android with dwadarzyn image but it boots directly to power off window
16:22.33townkatis it know what causes this ?
16:27.39ali1234i thought it was the charging problem?
16:27.48ali1234dont oyu have to boot with charger plugged?
16:28.36townkatid does not seem to work either
16:28.40townkatill try again
16:29.08Gnutoodoes someone knows something on msm_fb: beside levithan's patch to refresh it what is there to do:
16:29.26Gnutoo*android uses a special virtual screen should I remove it?
16:29.34Gnutoo(in the kernel)
16:29.52Gnutoo*is the memory of the fb and ts mess up?
16:30.44Gnutoo*should I and how to,remove the calibration part to make it work with the tslib calibration?
16:37.15townkati boot with charger plugged in, still the same
16:44.13Gnutoostatic struct synaptics_i2c_rmi_platform_data trout_ts_data[] = { seems strange
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16:49.14Gnutoohi dcordes-kais
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16:49.39GnutooI've some questions...basically I'd like to make the touch part of the touchscreen work
16:50.02GnutooI've the refresh patch from leviathan but there are several issues
16:50.11Gnutoosuch as crashes when I touch the screen
16:50.13Gnutoois it norml?
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17:40.52phhargh, so much log to read
17:44.45townkathow to sync git ?
17:44.50phh<mdrobnak> Also, my USB Ethernet is broken on RAPH. Anyone know what caused that? It used to work. <----- change adb board option to 0 solved this for me
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17:49.27phhtownkat: git pull
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17:56.46townkatwhat does it mean, dirty index, cannot revert ?
17:57.35phhit means "good luck" :p
17:57.51phhI think it some patch conflicts
17:57.51GnutooI've some question about the framebuffer+touch-driver
17:57.58GnutooI'd like to have it working
17:58.05GnutooI've the htc dream
17:58.16GnutooI use the refresh patch from leviathan
17:58.38Gnutoobut xorg crashes when I touch the screen
17:58.47Gnutoo*android uses a special virtual screen should I remove it?
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17:59.08Gnutoo*are the memory of the fb and the memory of the  ts in the same range?
17:59.15Gnutoo*should I and how to,remove the calibration part to make it work with the tslib calibration?
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18:05.18Gnutoobtw I've the 2.6.27 kernel from linuxtogo and I don't find raph
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18:19.57tcccpI'll be having an HTC in a fews
18:20.16townkatwich one ?
18:20.23tcccpHTC easy I guess
18:21.18townkat?? never heard of this one
18:21.21townkatdo u have a link ?
18:21.38tcccpThat's its german name
18:21.52tcccpErm, HTC Magic
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18:25.00townkathmm, u jumped directly to android
18:25.04townkatvery good
18:25.10townkata friend of mine gave a magic
18:25.14townkatits a nice device
18:27.44GlemSomI'll switch my diamond with a HTC Magic og HTC Hero anytime! :P
18:37.59Gnutoois there anyone there?
18:38.36phhnoone here can answer your questions i think.
18:42.32phhGnutoo: well i maybe can for raph/git, i just don't understand the question
18:42.56Gnutoook I'll find raph kernel...and explain better...I'm on raph board file
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18:43.20Gnutoo talks about raph
18:43.26Gnutooit says things about touchscreen
18:43.49Gnutootouchscreen is calibrated *inside the kernel*...that seems to be for android
18:44.04Gnutoomaybe I could get it working with tslib if I uncalibrate the kernel
18:44.20Gnutoobecause we succedded in making the touch work but or:
18:44.31Gnutoo*I've double click when I press once
18:44.36Gnutooand it's ok
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18:44.50c4softwarehi everyone
18:44.53Gnutoo*it's not ok(huge imprecisions) but I've a single click
18:45.05Gnutoothat is the first issue
18:45.14Gnutoothe second is that Xorg crashes when I touch the screen
18:45.21GnutooI've no idea why?
18:45.29GnutooI've the dream
18:47.04Gnutoobut maybe raph doesn't doesn't have any of theses fixes
18:47.10Gnutoothe text file says:
18:47.15phhthouchscreen uses pur input/eventX, so i don't think you can use tslib
18:47.24Gnutoo"find a solution for the android specific stuff; maybe using IFDEFs  framebuffer: removal of android double height panning   removal of kernel touchscreen calibration (prevents driver from being used as raw input event device with tslib) "
18:47.52GnutooI'll check on my shr image that used kdrive what I used
18:48.33phhfor X, i haven't been that far yet
18:49.38Gnutoook I realy want X
18:49.44Gnutooor kdrive
18:49.58Gnutoowho should I ask for the crashes then?
18:50.29tcccpThe main advantace having that HTC is: I can spent more time having fun with Debian on my iPaq
18:50.39tcccpAs I won't need it to around
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19:02.28Gnutoommm I'll retry with a better kernel
19:02.38GnutooI'll need to comment the ts stuff in the kernel
19:02.44Gnutoobut kdrive doesn't seem to crash
19:02.47Gnutoowith tslib
19:02.50Gnutoobut we need mouse
19:03.43GnutooI hope locales finish to compile
19:03.51Gnutooso I could get a new toolchain
19:06.26Gnutoowhat's that:
19:06.28Gnutoostatic struct synaptics_i2c_rmi_platform_data trout_ts_data[]
19:06.43Gnutooseems calibration
19:06.44Gnutoois it?
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19:09.41Gnutoowhat's the better branch for dream?
19:09.45Gnutooin linuxtogo's kenrel
19:09.55Gnutoofor GNU/Linux
19:09.57Gnutoonot android
19:11.09Gnutooorigin/htc-msm-2.6.29 or vogue?
19:13.15GnutooI'll try 2.6.29
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19:29.44cr2_stuck at GRUB
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19:51.20cr2_Error 21: Selected disk does not exist
19:51.22cr2_wt ?
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19:52.13ppmanIs anyone here intimately familiar with the ril code?
19:52.51phhsame question for the "libhardware" thing here.
19:53.18ppmanI'm trying to manually start up the data connection...
19:53.56phhhu ? you don't need ril then
19:53.58Gnutooppman, I didn't dig into it a lot but I'll have to do it...what is the real question ?
19:54.05Gnutooah ok
19:54.14Gnutooaccording to:
19:54.20ppmanwell, I'm looking at the source, trying to figure out the commands to fire up the data
19:54.29ppmanI tried it, but it didn't work
19:54.42Gnutooyou need ppp
19:54.44ppmanI may have pppd set up wrong, though...
19:54.58ppmanbtw, I'm not on android.
19:55.03phhppman: read the logs
19:55.35Gnutoobtw I haven't got ppp or multiplexing working yet
19:55.43ppmanI don't think ppp logs here..
19:56.08Gnutooelse there is a manual way but it always involve pppd
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19:56.33phhwell if you don't know speak ppp language natively.
19:56.34ppmanyep... I tried the manual setup with pppd  for the actual network...
19:56.59Gnutoo has some infos on the topic
19:57.21cr2_heh. need to do mknod by hand
19:57.37Gnutoobtw I was always does pppd works?
19:57.55GnutooI mean how does it setup the data connection between the modem and the kernel
19:58.02ppmanGnutoo: it sends out the ppp commands and intercepts those coming in along the channel,
19:58.04Gnutoocr2_, do you use mdev?
19:58.16ppmanthen stays as a daemon to interface the ppp0 interface to its language
19:58.46Gnutoook but how is created ppp0?
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19:59.11ppmankernel interface
19:59.20Gnutooyes I bet it is
19:59.21phhwhich is specific to pppd
19:59.27phh(which sucks.)
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20:00.03Gnutoohere's a better question: over what link does the data flows between the modem and the computer
20:00.07Gnutoonot over serial I bet
20:00.10Gnutoowould be too slow
20:00.12ppmanover serial
20:00.12Gnutooover ram?
20:00.20pr0pyay , building my first kernel for android
20:00.29ppmannot quite
20:00.38ppmanit's conceptually serial
20:00.43Gnutooah ok
20:00.52ppmanin reality there's a better bus
20:00.54Gnutoolike the android driver for the serial
20:00.59ppmanbut the OS sees it as serial
20:01.00Gnutoolike usb,dual port ram etc...
20:01.16pr0pmake: *** No rule to make target `zImage'.  Stop.
20:01.24pr0pcan anyone tell me what am i doing wrong ?
20:01.29Gnutoopr0p, ARCH=arm
20:01.36ppmanpr0p: wrong directory?
20:01.40pr0pmake zImage ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-
20:01.52Gnutooand with the make xconfig too?
20:02.24pr0pi am doing getting some other stuff before , but this is the only error
20:02.36pr0pxconfig ?
20:02.37Gnutoopr0p, check the arch in the .config
20:03.03pr0pno arch in my .config
20:03.11pr0pi use the default .config
20:03.30Gnutoopr0p, ah you use the defconfig from the board?
20:03.33ppmanlol... why is COPS so dumb?
20:03.42ppmanwhere does it get the information from?
20:03.48pr0pok ok , i need to uncomment some line ?
20:03.57cr2_ppman: from amss
20:04.02ppmanit just retturned Cingular and VoiceStrem for me
20:04.23cr2_ppman: gnokii used its own DB
20:04.31ppmanwhat about winmo?
20:04.41Gnutoothe proprietary ril seems to use its own db too
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20:04.47cr2_compiled into ril
20:05.15ppmanhmm... yeah, it almost always gets me as Cingular or blank, but occasionally as ATT0
20:05.31mdrobnakphh - Changed the board option to 0, doesn't seem to work with mer (Ubuntu based)
20:05.51ppmanmdrobnak: any more luck with stuff?
20:06.17mdrobnakHaven't done anything today.
20:06.22mdrobnakBeen running around all day.
20:06.59mdrobnakppman - yeah, known bug, remember? :-)
20:07.15ppmanyeah... but voicestream?
20:07.35ppmanthat's amazingly old tmobile stuff...
20:08.44phhmdrobnak: you tried something like that: board-htcdiamond.adb=1
20:09.08cr2_phh: found my bt gps
20:09.24cr2_phh: he has raph
20:09.38phhok so s/diamond/raphael/
20:09.40cr2_phh: and i've disabled adb alreaedy
20:09.59cr2_but if he uses and old git...
20:10.28stellegtried wing-linux on excalibur.  got Error: Haret is not running in 'system' mode.  Major functionality will not be present.
20:10.28phhor a diamond build.
20:10.34stellegthen a bunch of Error: EXCEPTION while reading from address 000000**
20:10.34phherr no
20:11.14ppmanhey, is it possible to get all the apn info off the network?
20:11.23stellegyou mean error number?
20:11.30stellegnot sure, how to check?
20:11.36ppmancgdcont gives the apn name, can you get the user/pass?
20:11.40cr2_stelleg: use EOL, or disable the cert check
20:12.19stellegcr2_: thanks, but I'm afraid I don't know how to do either of those either, could you point me to some documentation?
20:12.38mdrobnakphh - No, I set it to 0 in my .c file :-D
20:12.47phhmdrobnak: same here :D
20:13.17phhso don't now then
20:13.50mdrobnakppman: Should be able to. it's in the sim card.
20:14.11mdrobnakIt's all automatic in Android.
20:14.28phhmdrobnak: hu ? Android asks for my provider
20:14.38phhwell i'm not on "supported" phone
20:15.21mdrobnakphh - are you using the RIL that was in the image?
20:15.30mdrobnakphh - which phone again?
20:15.41phhin the xrom image 090909
20:16.01mdrobnakphh: Do you know how to edit fs images? (ie loop mount them)
20:16.12phhyou mean like mount -oloop rootfs.img /mnt ?
20:17.08cr2_stelleg: #linwizard
20:17.09mdrobnakOne sec.
20:17.31mdrobnakdownload this
20:17.38mdrobnakand replace it on the rootfs.img in /lib
20:17.57mdrobnakThat's the git version which has a patch for IMSI / APN detection
20:19.38phhis the git only for this ril or there is also some other things ?
20:19.43kri5hello there!
20:19.51kri5what are the news? :P
20:19.52phh(like generic libhardware)
20:20.15mdrobnakno, I was only working on the ril.
20:20.59pr0pi am trying to compile kernel for blackstone with this command : make zImage ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-
20:21.14pr0pand i get this error : make: *** No rule to make target `zImage'.  Stop. , anyone can help ?
20:21.42cr2_pr0p: remove the word zImage
20:22.22pr0pcr2_ : rofl , your great !
20:22.24mdrobnakppman - I think I know why usb doesn't come up - network manager
20:22.42phhmdrobnak: thanks
20:22.52phhmdrobnak: how, that beloved one ? :D
20:22.53mdrobnakSure. Note that it still crashes.
20:22.53ppmanmdrobnak: do we really have nm on here?
20:22.58ppmannm really sucks
20:23.25mdrobnakppman: Not sure. Guessing by the icon :-)
20:23.30mdrobnakI have to check in a minute.
20:24.33phhmdrobnak: if you have some time, would you be able to make a libhardware for stuff like accelerometers, light sensor, wifi, and friends ?
20:25.07cr2_phh: we have /dev/input/event* for light sensor ?
20:25.26phhcr2_: i haven't looked at it yet
20:25.29mdrobnakphh: I only did a patch for the ril, I am no wizard lol
20:25.49phhmdrobnak: oh ok
20:25.49mdrobnakppman: NetManager exists :-/
20:25.52ppmanmake the fb work, some wizard!
20:26.05phhmdrobnak: /etc/init.d/NetworkManager stop always works for me :D
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20:26.49cr2_phh: i doubt it. but it's an i2c device like accererometer
20:26.56phhcr2_: ok
20:27.46phhmy todolist grows faster than shrinking ...
20:29.01mdrobnakppman: Whats the replacement for init on Ubuntu now?
20:29.11mdrobnakphh: yeah, trying to find the runlevel to disable it in :-)
20:29.19ppmanI don't follow bunters...
20:29.37cr2_hehe. use debian
20:30.15ppmanI use gentoo on my desktop, a ubuntu derivative on the phone right now
20:30.45mdrobnakWhich is why I asked :-D\
20:31.09mdrobnakppman - ok, delete symlinks to S50NetworkManager, replace with symlink from ../init.d/networking to S50networking .. that should work
20:31.12mdrobnaktrying it now
20:33.42ppmanwarning: deprecated
20:33.51ppmanthose guys at ubuntu really are dumb
20:34.08mdrobnaklol oh well
20:34.40phhppman: i figured it out, when i realiszed that development tree was actually more stable than the "stable" tree.
20:34.46mdrobnakyay, it works!
20:34.54ppmanmdrobnak: really?
20:35.01mdrobnakroot@mdrobnak-desktop:/# ping
20:35.01mdrobnakPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
20:35.01mdrobnak64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=4.28 ms
20:35.26mdrobnakNetworkManager is still clueless, but. whatever.
20:35.53mdrobnakroot@matts-raph110:~# uname -a
20:35.53mdrobnakLinux matts-raph110 2.6.27-00521-g73fbff3-dirty #34 PREEMPT Tue Sep 29 19:57:09 EDT 2009 armv6l GNU/Linux
20:35.53mdrobnakroot@matts-raph110:~# free
20:35.53mdrobnakMem:        166556     103740      62816          0       7696      47144
20:35.55mdrobnak-/+ buffers/cache:      48900     117656
20:35.57mdrobnakSwap:            0          0          0
20:37.24mdrobnakNow to figure out how to get X input to work.
20:37.24cr2_mdrobnak: 115+128+8
20:37.24mdrobnakWhere's the 8?
20:37.24mdrobnakI'm doing 107 + 61 right now
20:37.31cr2_why 61 ?
20:37.44mdrobnakIf I've moved the FB and all the pmem to the top of bank 2, I can make it 115?
20:38.30cr2_yo don't need pmem for X
20:38.34mdrobnakI know.
20:38.47mdrobnakI'm using a very minorly changed version of my other kernel.
20:39.00mdrobnakI want to figure out why RAM works here and not in Android.
20:39.07mdrobnakSorry, but Android is still further along.
20:39.10phhwhat's pmem ?
20:39.17phhan android hack ?
20:39.21mdrobnak(Though I do like having an alternative)
20:39.31mdrobnakpmem = area of memory mapped to userspace file
20:39.39cr2_it's obvious why it does not work :)
20:39.41mdrobnakas I understand it.
20:39.41ppmanmdrobnak: umm... of course android is further along... I found mer on *sunday*
20:39.54ppman3 days a polished os doesn't make.
20:39.54mdrobnakppman: I know
20:40.12phhmdrobnak: hu ? why would that need to be in "real" memory ?
20:40.23phhisn't the MMU supposed to do that ?
20:40.34mdrobnakone sec let me find their doc
20:40.35phh(with playing with the kernel cache)
20:40.38phhthanks :)
20:40.52cr2_phh: with java it's garbage collector ;)
20:41.21mdrobnakI like that they say it was written specifically to deal with the MSM7201A
20:42.00phhi see
20:42.07*** join/#htc-linux mblancom (
20:42.19phhwhy is that needed only for android ?
20:42.36*** join/#htc-linux rafyvitto (i=rafyvitt@
20:42.46phh('cause android's bad isn't enough for me :D)
20:42.58cr2_becaue they have their own closed source DRI
20:43.18cr2_so they suck
20:43.21stellegcr2_: should I ask my question there as well?
20:43.29phhcr2_: i already knew this conclusion :p
20:43.32mdrobnakcr2_: So we should write an open source version..
20:43.33rafyvittoclose source si the devil >_>
20:44.16cr2_stelleg: yes, it's a general "smartphone" problem
20:44.33rafyvittohate google for promoting an "open-source OS" when in reality is not even half open source LOL
20:44.36mdrobnakcr2_: also, not sure if my message went through the other day - how do I dump the eeprom for wifi to work...whatever way is easier - ie wince or linux or android
20:44.55mdrobnakrafyvitto - But that's the hardware vendor's fault, not google.
20:45.33phhmdrobnak: if you've diamond, i made a "all-in-one" zImage+initramfs
20:45.35rafyvittogrrr im going to change my major from IT tech to developing mobile technologies
20:45.49mdrobnakphh: Nope, Raph.
20:45.56phhmdrobnak: mmm might work
20:46.02mdrobnakI'm good, I've got 3 setups on my SD card.
20:46.08mdrobnakAndroid, Shell, and Ubuntu (Mer)
20:46.58phhis ubuntu mer great ?
20:47.08ppmannot yet, but it could be
20:47.45Gnutoohi in which file is trout-nav driver?
20:48.01stellegdo any non-android phones have working gsm drivers?
20:48.12ppmanstelleg: what do you mean?
20:48.34phhGnutoo: board-trout-keypad.c it seems
20:48.41Gnutoook thanks a lot
20:48.44phhstelleg: for data yes
20:48.46phhfor audio i don't know.
20:48.54phhi'd say yes.
20:48.55mblancomhi, I was following your great achivements with linux/android in htc phones and I want to do the same with blackstone but I'm unable to make android to work, as soon it loads wants to power off. I found that board-htcraphael.c and board-htcdiamond.c differ from board-htcblackstone.c in msm_battery.. Do you know if the defines and offset from raph100 are valid to blackstone or how to find them ?
20:48.57stellegphh: thanks thats what I was wondering
20:50.13cr2_mblancom: i think it's the same as raph100
20:50.57mdrobnakcr2_: No, isn't that the lack of battery level meter on the blackstone?
20:51.02phhmdrobnak: / user=root, no password (or empty if ssh), usb ip is, it will copy calibration file in /calibration (iirc)
20:51.06cr2_mdrobnak: do you have msm_nand compiled into the kernel ?
20:51.26cr2_mblancom: send the the battz
20:51.27phh/calibration.1 has the header, /lib/modules/ without the header
20:51.32mdrobnakphh: Oh, I misunderstood you earlier
20:51.33cr2_mblancom: send the the battery.dll
20:51.35mblancomcr2: ok, thanks, I will try.
20:51.36mdrobnakcool, I will try that.
20:51.57phhmdrobnak: you can also rebuild your kernel with msm_nand and the correct option and i can give you the command line if you prefer
20:52.10mdrobnakcr2_ One sec, closing tons of windows, looking to see if I have that option enabled.
20:52.20cr2_mdrobnak: you'd like to keep eeprom dump for further analysis
20:52.33mdrobnakCONFIG_MTD_MSM_NAND is not set
20:52.35mblancomcr2: ok, firsk I will send you the dll, thanks again.
20:53.12mdrobnakI'll grab the whole eeprom then.
20:53.18mdrobnakLet me add that kernel option.
20:53.30phhmdrobnak: also add the "direct char mtd" option
20:53.38cr2_mdrobnak: dump both copies, and compare them
20:53.52cr2_we need to check this crc32 sig also
20:53.53mdrobnakboth copies?
20:54.13cr2_eeprom is stored twice
20:54.14phhmdrobnak: by "eeprom" he doesn't means the whole nand, just the 2 calibration files
20:54.28phh(which are identical as far as i've seen)
20:55.26cr2_they are identical, but i have some doubts in the msm_nand driver quality.
20:55.39phhcr2_: so you hope at least one of the two will have the right crc? :)
20:56.13cr2_phh: did you try crc ?
20:57.09phhi'll have to script that check
20:57.21cr2_nice idea
20:58.08townkatdo i have to do anything else after git revert ? or just build again ?
20:58.47mdrobnakphh - where is the direct char mtd option?
20:58.52cr2_i've found bt headset while searching for bt gps too
20:59.09*** part/#htc-linux rayman18 (
20:59.43phhcr2_: does your debian works ?
20:59.57phh(on your phone i mean)
21:00.21phhmdrobnak: device driver => mtd -> "Direct char device access to MTD devices"
21:00.34mdrobnakgot it - already there
21:00.34phhit's CONFIG_MTD_CHAR
21:00.44phhhu ? strange
21:01.19Gnutooquick do I report a value in the click for the touchscreen driver?
21:01.20cr2_phh: no
21:01.32phhcr2_: you could have tried the bt headset easily
21:01.48Gnutoobecause it always report 0 as value when I click
21:02.17GnutooEvent: time 393.125167, type 1 (Key), code 330 (Touch), value 0
21:02.24Gnutooand it should report 1 and then 0
21:03.20Gnutoostelleg, try FSO
21:05.48GnutooI think I understood
21:12.12mdrobnakphh: Ok, whats the commands needed?
21:12.17*** join/#htc-linux cr2 (n=cr2@
21:12.44phhmdrobnak: first, do you have the /dev/mtd0ro device ?
21:13.04mdrobnaklets assume I do, phone still rebooting :-)
21:13.10mdrobnak(Sorry, still finishing up some work)
21:13.10phhok :)
21:13.17phhdd if=/dev/mtd0ro of=/calibration.1 bs=2048 skip=18944 count=1
21:13.35phhmm not sure about the second eeprom
21:13.45phhdd if=/dev/mtd0ro of=/calibration. bs=2048 skip=18945 count=1
21:13.47phhI guess
21:14.49phhit's easy to check, the header must be the same
21:15.07mdrobnakthat's the calibration for wifi?
21:15.19phhthe whole eeprom
21:15.26phhincluding headers and padding
21:15.54phhwhile wifi driver only needs calibration which is past 64bytes of the eeprom
21:16.49cr2stored in the header
21:17.10cr2the calibration file size and crc32 are in the header
21:17.21cr2together with the magic and some other info
21:17.23phh2f0 is the calibration size
21:17.41phh(don't know if that's what you meant)
21:18.14cr2+0x40 +0x2f0
21:19.06cr2but if you have the full eeprom (2K) you can pick this data from it
21:19.21mdrobnakOk, so it's just the eeprom for the Wifi chip though?
21:19.27mdrobnakcause that's small :-)
21:19.46stellegGnutoo: FSO?
21:20.20phhmdrobnak: eeprom is just calibration data, not the firmware
21:20.20*** join/#htc-linux Miek (n=mike@unaffiliated/mikechml) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
21:20.42Gnutoostelleg, you want android or GNU/Linux on your phone?
21:20.55stellegboth ideally
21:21.25stellegbut android primarily ATM
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21:21.38Gnutoostelleg, FSO is the openmoko telephony stack(but works on the qualcomm_msm for instance)
21:21.48phhstelleg: first the tough one then the easy one you mean ? :p
21:21.53Gnutoostelleg, and ril is the android one
21:22.13stellegGnutoo: hmm
21:22.20mdrobnakOk phh - yes, mtdr0, as well as mtd0, mtdblock0
21:22.36stellegI thought that RIL was the name for the java library stack on top of the gsm drivers
21:22.41phhmdrobnak: hu ? mtdr0 ? you're sure ? :)
21:23.52mdrobnakroot@matts-raph110:/dev# ls mt*
21:23.52mdrobnakmtd0  mtd0ro  mtdblock0
21:24.11mdrobnaksorry, thats what I meant.
21:24.18mdrobnakok, diff says the files differ
21:24.34phhwhat about just the first od result of these files ?
21:24.36mdrobnakas does md5sum
21:24.40mdrobnakwhat about it?
21:25.00phhod -x /calibration.1 |head -n 1; od -x /calibration.2 |head -n1
21:25.01mdrobnakwhat do I do with it now? :-)
21:25.18mdrobnak0000000 4200 0000 0002 0000 0004 0000 02f0 0000 (.1)
21:25.37mdrobnak0000000 4200 0000 0002 0000 0004 0000 02f0 0000 (.)
21:25.54mdrobnakso the beginning is the same
21:25.55cr2mdrobnak: -t x1
21:26.20cr2mdrobnak: od -t x4
21:27.05mdrobnakroot@matts-raph110:/#  od -t x4 /calibration.1 | head -n 1
21:27.05mdrobnak0000000 00004200 00000002 00000004 000002f0
21:27.08mdrobnakroot@matts-raph110:/# od -t x4 /calibration.2 | head -n 1
21:27.08mdrobnak0000000 00004200 00000002 00000004 000002f0
21:27.51phhmdrobnak: give the first 64bytes (meaning head -n 4)
21:28.16mdrobnak0000000 00004200 00000002 00000004 000002f0
21:28.16mdrobnak0000020 3af7940a 00000000 00000000 00000000
21:28.16mdrobnak0000040 00000000 00000010 00000000 00000000
21:28.16mdrobnak0000060 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  (Calibration.2)
21:28.35mdrobnak0000000 00004200 00000002 00000004 000002f0
21:28.35mdrobnak0000020 3af7940a 00000000 00000000 00000000
21:28.35mdrobnak0000040 00000000 00000010 00000000 00000000
21:28.35mdrobnak0000060 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (Calibration.1)
21:28.50mdrobnakSo the first 64 bytes seem the same
21:29.19phhmdrobnak: have you cksum ?
21:29.23cr20000000 00ee1251 00000002 00000004 000002f0
21:29.25cr20000020 898a5612 00000000 00000000 00000000
21:29.40mdrobnakyikes i broke soemthing in production one min guys
21:29.57phhcr2: the first field is supposed to be an header ?
21:30.37phhyep. something's wrong.
21:30.49cr2my dump is from wince
21:33.34cr2dd if=EE0 of=ee0 bs=1 count=$((0x2f0)) skip=$((0x40))
21:35.33*** join/#htc-linux rayman18 (
21:39.38mdrobnakOk, I'm done now. Work is quite annoying sometimes.
21:39.44mdrobnakOk, so are you saying the dump is bad?
21:41.13phhhe is saying it's unusual :p
21:41.33cr2phh: my cksum does not match
21:41.49phhmdrobnak: which phone model ?
21:41.57cr2must be some other chksum
21:42.06phhcr2: maybe you just cksum the right part ?
21:42.40mdrobnakok, you need cksum?
21:42.57cr2cksum ee0 | awk '{printf("0x%8.8x\n",$1)}'
21:43.26cr2od -t x4 EE0 | head -n 4
21:43.28cr20000000 00ee1251 00000002 00000004 000002f0
21:43.29cr20000020 898a5612 00000000 00000000 00000000
21:43.50cr2dd if=EE0 of=ee0 bs=1 count=$((0x2f0)) skip=$((0x40))
21:44.19cr2cksum ee0 | awk '{printf("0x%8.8x\n",$1)}'
21:45.06phhmdrobnak: isn't the file full of 0 afer the header ?
21:45.07mdrobnakok, how do I get this from wince then?
21:45.57*** part/#htc-linux c4software (
21:46.38cr2mdrobnak: pdocread.exe in itsutils
21:49.09*** part/#htc-linux rayman18 (
21:53.24mdrobnakok, will get that in a sec.
21:54.20mdrobnakbooting to windows
21:56.21phhcr2: as far as you know, the only missing init code for wifi is some udelay()s ?
21:56.33mdrobnakcr2: Wait, can I do this on the device directly?
21:56.41mdrobnakI only have Linux available
21:56.48mdrobnakmdrobnak@mdrobnak-desktop:~/Desktop/its$ file pdocread.exe
21:56.48mdrobnakpdocread.exe: PE32 executable for MS Windows (console) Intel 80386 32-bit
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21:59.33cr2mdrobnak: hmm. then you need to hack some code into haret
22:00.12cr2phh: in the init/powerup i see only the mdelay between gpio 66/67=0 and vreg enable
22:00.17mdrobnakI'm voting deferred on that one. lol
22:00.21*** join/#htc-linux thedicemaster (
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22:00.25mdrobnakI don't need Wifi asap.
22:00.26phhcr2: ok
22:00.48cr2mdrobnak: nothing scary actually
22:01.04mdrobnakI'd like my touchscreen to be calibrated in X, first, then figure out why android crashes with the more memory.
22:01.14mdrobnakcr2: When as a group are we switching to 2.6.29?
22:02.08cr2BOOL iores= DeviceIoControl(_dwHandle, IOCTL_FMD_NAND_READ_WLAN_DATA, NULL, 0, (PBYTE)req, 12, &nRet, NULL);
22:02.43cr2mdrobnak: when druidu comes back
22:03.16cr2i need to finish the lcd init & detection (also on epson)
22:03.17cr2and gps
22:03.52mdrobnakThe only other thing that I keep knocking into, is the Fn button not working on the Raph keyboard..
22:04.05*** join/#htc-linux leaigor (n=laigor@
22:06.45cr2mdrobnak: alt or alt-fn ?
22:06.54cr2err, alt or alt-gr ?
22:07.08cr2you need to use loadkyes
22:07.29cr2dcordes has an example for his x1
22:08.58cr2#define IOCTL_FMD_NAND_READ_WLAN_DATA  0x71fe8
22:09.00cr2#define IOCTL_FMD_NAND_WRITE_WLAN_DATA  0x71fc0
22:09.17*** join/#htc-linux Captnoord (
22:10.03Captnoordhello all
22:10.36mdrobnaklike, I have to hit fn+L for ":"
22:10.46mdrobnakthat never works.
22:11.14mdrobnakHey Captnoord/
22:11.56cr2mdrobnak: define a translation file, and push it with loadkeys
22:12.25cr2mdrobnak: run 'dumpkyes' to get the current table, and edit it
22:13.25cr2use 'showkey' to see the scancode
22:15.34*** join/#htc-linux dcordes (n=dcordes_@unaffiliated/dcordes)
22:16.53mdrobnakOh, so that can fix the 1-9 mapping too? (The RAPH100 has 1-9 on the top, 110 has it in telephone style format, using Fn + Key)
22:17.11mdrobnakHow can we fix that on android? During init?
22:17.20cr2yes. create
22:17.31*** join/#htc-linux mblancom (
22:17.38cr2androed has some other wa
22:17.45mblancomcr2: battery.dll sent
22:17.53cr2mblancom: ok
22:19.21mdrobnakcr2: I will definitely get that going.
22:20.43mdrobnakAlso, what module should I be building for Wifi, for when I get the calibration data?
22:21.15cr2ask phh
22:21.21cr2[ 6531.045646] rndis_host 1-6:1.0: dev can't take 1536 byte packets (max 1536), adjusting MTU to 1478
22:21.23cr2[ 6531.053516] rndis_host 1-6:1.0: RNDIS_MSG_QUERY(0x00010202) failed, -47
22:21.24cr2[ 6531.074510] eth0: register 'rndis_host' at usb-0000:00:13.2-6, RNDIS device, 80:00:60:0f:e8:00
22:21.30cr2hmm. this kernel is more smart
22:22.39phhyou'll need to comment some usb related things to be able to "link" modules
22:23.22phhand getting it initiate correctly isn't easy. (but i have to do some tests)
22:23.55mdrobnakOk, as I said, no rush on Wifi, so I'll wait.
22:24.02cr2phh: i need to look at it some time
22:24.47mdrobnakis reading trying to find out how far the community build is..
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22:29.57cr2root@htcraphael:~# hcitool scan
22:29.58cr2Scanning ...
22:30.56cr2and some neighbours SGH-M200
22:31.17*** part/#htc-linux mblancom (
22:31.29phhwhat about rfcomm ?
22:32.21phhthere is no reaseon for it not to work
22:33.29phhwhat's the ...
22:33.45phhthis time the wifi driver loaded without any problem nor timing hacks
22:34.03cr2root@htcraphael:~# cat /dev/rfcomm1
22:34.05cr2$PSRFTXTVersion 311.000.000-LD01*22
22:34.06cr2$PSRFTXTTOW:  0*09
22:34.08cr2$PSRFTXTWK:   1335*4D
22:34.09cr2$PSRFTXTPOS:  6378137 0 0*06
22:34.11cr2$PSRFTXTCLK:  96250*09
22:34.12cr2$PSRFTXTCHNL: 12*5F
22:34.14cr2$PSRFTXTBaud rate: 57600  System clock: 0.000MHz*57
22:34.15cr2$PSRFTXTDatum: 214, WGS84*68
22:34.17cr2$PSRFTXTDF PRO: NMEA, 57600, Msg:1,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0*47
22:34.33cr2so BT works without any problems
22:34.42cr2we need to debug the .bts load
22:34.52cr2and trace the FM commands :)
22:35.07mdrobnakGreat job cr2
22:35.50phhcr2: you think the problem is in the bts ?
22:36.05cr2in hciattach
22:36.06phhi'd say it is in the clocks of the uart or something like that
22:36.24cr2maybe, but i don't see a problem there.
22:36.53cr2but need to see the wince baud divisor
22:37.04cr2for 4MHz
22:37.46cr2because if it is not used, we need to drop the clock by factor 4
22:37.56cr2but afair we have tried that.
22:39.25phhcr2: when on bt handset, audio goes the same way for the kernel ? (ie not using its bluetooth stack)
22:40.21cr2phh: i think it goes over pcm channel
22:40.57phhcr2: so there is no need to have 4MHz bitrate
22:41.03cr2but we need a wa to trace BT to know that
22:41.15cr2don't think so.
22:41.21phhhigh rates are needed only for sound
22:41.22cr2maybe for a2dp
22:41.26phhif sound goes on another channel ...
22:41.37cr2voice, not sound
22:42.12cr2voice is different from sound
22:43.00phhadsp can handle SBC, so it might be the same thing
22:43.04Captnoordnarrow bandwith
22:43.22Captnoordcan't remember what it was
22:43.24cr2we need to describe the state machine for all audio sources and destinations.
22:43.29CaptnoordI think it was from 1khz to 8 khz
22:43.29cr2will need that for alsa too
22:43.44Captnoordor from 400 hz
22:45.22Captnoordnah good luck all......
22:45.29Captnoordneed to hit the bed
22:50.49mdrobnakHey, what's the /dev/input/event[0123] for the touchscreen?
22:52.37tmztcat /sys/class/input/input*/name
22:53.28mdrobnakHey there tmzt
22:54.39cr2blac100 may have different battery gios
22:54.57mdrobnakSo if input1 and event1 return MSM touchscreen, thats the one to use in X, right?
22:55.11tmztthere's a battery/power detect gpio used for both detecting ac power and vbus?
22:55.17tmztdo we know that for the raph500?
22:55.27tmztmdrobnak: event1 is
22:55.41tmztwhat driver are you using?
22:56.53mdrobnakevtouch ?
22:57.11cr2tmzt: vbus is a location in sram
22:57.12mdrobnakI got it to work!
22:57.26tmztoh right you said that
22:57.32tmztso how does the driver work?
22:57.36mdrobnaksort of
22:57.49tmztmdrobnak: ok, you have a patch working for 1.6?
22:58.04tmzthow fast is Xorg 1.6 on there?
22:59.21cr2gpio0x20 is keypad on raph100, but used for battery on blac100
22:59.55mdrobnakI can't tell on speed. I have VM_DEBUG on, and it seems to slow things down a lot.
23:01.05mdrobnakSo, according to #mer, they have no phone support yet.
23:01.41mdrobnakWhich brings me back to my original statement: There is no Linux-based *phone* OS that is further along then Android at this time.
23:01.44mdrobnak(That I know of)
23:02.38mdrobnaktrying tslib instead of evtouch
23:07.00cr2tmzt: many things are missing yet
23:09.21mdrobnak[ 1757.465026] BUG: sleeping function called from invalid context at kernel/mutex.c:88
23:09.22mdrobnak[ 1757.465087] in_atomic():1, irqs_disabled():128
23:09.31mdrobnakThere's still problems with this kernel..
23:10.25mdrobnak 107+61+pmem+X FB patches
23:10.33mdrobnakIn Ubuntu / Mer
23:10.55cr2dcordes: ping
23:11.19cr2mdrobnak: i still don't get how do you come to 61MB
23:11.37cr274  0x8a  get battery data
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23:12.20mdrobnakcr2: Conservative #
23:12.24mdrobnakIt's not the max
23:12.57cr2need to understand the register layout for it
23:13.15cr2then we can get the math behind the battery
23:14.13cr2muls muld addd divd subd dtos muls stoi
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23:19.35mdrobnaktmzt: It's pretty slow.
23:22.11mdrobnakEnough Mer for one night. Next I am going to start disabling stuff in the kernel to see if I can get android to boot with 107+61MBs
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