IRC log for #htc-linux on 20090829

00:39.50*** join/#htc-linux imfloflo (
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08:46.19*** join/#htc-linux cr2 (
08:48.11cr2the 3000fffe rpc seems to have some special role in managing the rpc calls.
08:48.25cr2like fffffffe aka router
08:50.18cr2and we need to deal gracefully with its *ept
08:50.48cr2initialized exactly after the router init.
08:55.15*** join/#htc-linux xperia (
08:55.22xperiahello cr2
08:55.29cr2hi xperia
08:55.59xperiacr2 i have some new hot stuff for you about audio and drivers. interessted ?
08:56.30xperiagive me just a moment please so i can send you the info.
08:58.38cr2ok. L1 is fore registering the client.
08:59.00cr2L2 is lookup2
09:00.18cr2lookup is lookup2(3000fffe,0,-1)
09:00.54cr2it's something new. not like g1 code.
09:04.19tmztsaw your pastes
09:05.09cr2tmzt: hi. i'm inside the wince rpc implementation
09:06.09tmztfound a resolver?
09:09.04cr2tmzt: yes. now i need to decide how to deal with it.
09:11.58cr2Line: 1299. rpc_router_os_wm: Calling RPC_Init()!
09:12.18cr2Line: 1422. rpc_router_core rpc_router_open'ing: Processor:0x00000001, Process:0xfffffff
09:12.38cr2Line: 1440. rpc_router_core rpc_router_open'ed: Processor:0x00000001, Process:0xfffffffe
09:12.52cr2Line: 1062. rpc_router_os_wm: IOCTL code  = 30010014
09:13.18cr2ONCRPC.dll attached
09:13.20cr2[RPC] n 0 af7fbfb2 6206
09:13.41cr2Line: 1062. rpc_router_os_wm: IOCTL code  = 30010008
09:13.42cr2Line: 188. rpc_router_database: dup server registration. Prog: 3000ffff, Ver: 0.
09:14.17cr2[RPC] n 1 af4fbede 6335
09:14.19cr2[RPC]L1 50e48370 af4fbede
09:14.20cr2ONCRPC task running.
09:15.26tmztbut server registration on amss side is automatic
09:16.30cr2this is for client *ept
09:17.12cr2[RPC]L2 50e48f70 af7fbfb2
09:17.13cr2Line: 1062. rpc_router_os_wm: IOCTL code  = 30010010
09:17.15cr2[RPC] s 50e48f70 50e48e30
09:17.16cr2[RPC] i 50e48f70 50e48e30
09:17.34cr2hmm. they could have created a more user-friendly dmesg :)
09:19.02cr2x29a: yeah. by dereferencing the pointers
09:27.34tmztwhat is this? just kitl output?
09:29.06cr2[D:GPS] GPS: [NMEAThread] +++ Wait for PosReqSentEvent
09:30.18tmzthow are you able to dump the structures?
09:30.34cr2tmzt: how do we talk to the resolver ?
09:30.41cr2Line: 1062. rpc_router_os_wm: IOCTL code  = 30010008
09:30.42cr2Line: 188. rpc_router_database: dup server registration. Prog: 3000ffff, Ver: 0.
09:30.47cr2which structures ?
09:32.27tmztthe pointers you referred to
09:32.51cr2not easy
09:33.17tmztwe don't have headers
09:33.27tmztvdump works?
09:33.50cr2it's a temporary buffer
09:34.03cr2you need some debugger infrastructure around
09:34.18cr2msm may be difficult
09:34.37cr2i think on pxa something like that is already doable
09:35.22cr2tmzt: how does the rpc resolver work on g1 ?
09:36.01tmztis there one?
09:36.03cr2hm. we just send us the hello router msg ?
09:36.23cr2and pick the full amss server list
09:36.33cr2looks like a wild hack to me ;)
09:37.00tmzt07:38 < cr2> hm. we just send us the hello router msg ?
09:37.09tmztwe fake it
09:37.35xperiasorry for this question but does keyboard backlight or leds works on raphael ? if yes is the gpio 86 the power gpio for microp or does raph dont need power gpio for backlight or leds.
09:37.43xperiai am reffering to this here
09:37.52xperiaif (machine_is_htcraphael()) {
09:37.53xperiaraphael_keypad_resources[0].start = MSM_GPIO_TO_INT(27);
09:37.55xperiaraphael_keypad_resources[0].end = MSM_GPIO_TO_INT(27);
09:37.57xperiaraphael_keypad_data.clamshell.gpio = 38;
09:37.59xperiaraphael_keypad_data.clamshell.irq = MSM_GPIO_TO_INT(38);
09:38.00xperiaraphael_keypad_data.backlight_gpio = 86;
09:38.02xperiamsm_hsusb_pdata.phy_init_seq = halibut_phy_init_seq_raph100;
09:38.34cr2xperia: kbd backlight works
09:39.52cr2tmzt: now, if it would have been possible to capture the rpccall smem fifo at bootup ...
09:40.33tmztwe need early haret for that
09:41.39xperiaa possibility would be also modifying the driver by adding some new stuff that copy stuff to a memmory space that is not changed.
09:42.13xperiacorrection (that copy the data to a memory space)
09:42.17cr2xperia: add the power gpio to the pdev struct
09:42.35cr2xperia: so it'll be not used on raph. at least right now.
09:43.21tmztjpower gpio?
09:45.03cr2power or reset for microp
09:46.31xperiahow about the struct microp_keypad_platform_data that holds nearly all needed variables like gpio for the keys, irqs and so on
09:46.32cr2tmzt: so, the wince rpc implementation is different from g1
09:47.41cr2xperia: clamshell ? does it belong to microp ??
09:48.14tmztcr2: looks like it
09:49.10cr2tmzt: they do a lookup2 for PROG first
09:49.34cr2tmzt: get the *ept from it and then send a message
09:50.05cr2hmm. msm_rpc_connect() ?
09:50.58xperiacr2: i have two microp's
09:51.00xperia[K] MicroP1Version=0x787 / Keybaord with Keyboard Led backlight
09:51.01xperia[K] MicroP2Version=0x707 / Leds and LCD
09:51.24cr2xperia: microp48 and microp88 ?
09:52.14xperianever heared about microp48 and microp88 but this are the microp-ksc 787 driver and microp-klt driver 707
09:52.33xperiadoes microp48 and microp88 exist somewhere
09:52.37tmztthose are atmel models
09:52.38cr2ksc and klt are wince names
09:53.15xperiathe starnge things is that the drivers are heavy overloaded with stuff from other devices like htc-shift
09:53.35xperiaespecially for the keypad driver
09:54.08xperiaif you analyze the keypad driver you will find a lot of stuff for the htc-shift
09:54.31xperialike sound on slider the is not implemented in the htc kovsky device
09:54.31tmzteverything is reused
09:55.09xperiaother things are function that are not used but stay in the driver
09:55.17cr2htc does not care about the clean code
09:55.33cr2they care about just some working code
09:55.48xperiaabout 40% of the code is useless
09:56.17cr2*cough* msvc *cough*
09:56.37*** join/#htc-linux tsdogs (
09:56.42cr2+cut and paste
09:58.02xperiai think for your problem the best is modifying the driver with about two or tree lines that pipe the data to a memory space. that is the most easy solution to trace everything
09:58.21xperiafor the driver related
09:59.02cr2binary patching the dll ?
10:00.25xperiayeah. i am not a ida pro expert but it should provide this possibility at least there are some debug and runtime test possibility for the 0x86 platform
10:00.33tmztnot that easy
10:01.04cr2you can't use userspace debugger for kernel drivers
10:01.25tmztthey aren't kernel drivers
10:01.32tmztare they?
10:04.48xperiacant say about microp1 and microp2 and the rpc stuff. i know that big stuff is handled in userspace for the htc-kovsky device
10:05.20xperiaespecially the led notification. Backlight is also userspace
10:05.29xperiaon event
10:07.29xperiame studying at the moment power gpio for backlight
10:20.16cr2ok, it seems that we need to connect some dummy client for 3000ffff
10:20.40cr2which will get some messages from amss
10:22.26cr2lookup is 3000fffe, but i don't see it being used by drivers.
10:26.10*** join/#htc-linux varza (n=kvirc@
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10:33.23xperialn which dll can this here be handled? SetMicroPPower+. bOn:1, bStateOn:0
10:34.12xperiakeypad, backlight and led dont have "SetMicroPPower"
10:35.00cr2xperia: oem_misc ioctl ?
10:35.27xperiathanks for the hint have to try it !
11:09.07*** join/#htc-linux x29a_ (n=x29a@unaffiliated/x29a)
11:09.45xperiahave to make a litle break. will come back in ca. 45 minutes. bye
11:20.07*** join/#htc-linux swc|666 (n=infidel2@unaffiliated/swc666/x-4934821)
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11:56.26federastaany one  that get one version of linux on the trinity with success?
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12:44.26cr2point sequence=time+brightness
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13:10.51otwieraczCan anybody tell me what is status of porting linux to HTC Tornado?
13:16.12cr2otwieracz: ask in #linwizard
13:34.21*** join/#htc-linux luc__ (
13:38.30*** join/#htc-linux Echo31 (
13:41.44Echo31cr2: Hi
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14:18.20*** join/#htc-linux druidu (n=druidu@
14:18.43druiduhello there
14:22.26druiducr2 online?
14:25.50*** join/#htc-linux Captnoord (
14:26.20Captnoordmajor commits on the repo....
14:26.23Captnoordbecause of merge?
14:26.28Captnoordgoogle commits?
14:27.52Captnoordhey cr2 your online?
14:31.55otwieraczHmm. There is nobody on #linwizard :)
14:32.38druiduwhat repo?
14:32.41Captnoordmaybe I should read the irc logs
14:32.51Captnoordinstead of asking right away
14:33.06Captnoordnew linux kernel branch
14:33.19Captnoord.29 i guess it was
14:34.12druiduah, branch htc-msm-2.6.29
14:34.31Captnoordit was long ago I updated...
14:34.46Captnoordspend a very long time working........ :(
14:35.28druiduactually, it has none of our patches
14:35.37CaptnoordI see
14:35.39druidujust board-halibut board-trout and board-sapphire
14:35.47druidusapphire was released on too
14:35.47*** join/#htc-linux shafty (
14:36.18shaftyhey anyone have a hero rom loaded on their phone? Need a file from it as I'm trying to backport htc chirp
14:37.11Captnoordhmmm k... as long as there is a bit more info..... the way I see it is like the Periodic table of elements.... even that they didn't had 1 they could predict how it behavus and its spec's because of they knew the one's that where close....
14:37.13Captnoordso the more info we got
14:37.20Captnoordthe more we know the variants
14:37.26Captnoordstill time consuming
14:37.36Captnoordnow need to finish my work
14:37.44Captnoordwill hang around for a bit
14:38.16Captnoordshafty: this is linux dev..... nothing related to rom's
14:38.24Captnoordmaybe try
14:38.43Captnoordisn't the hero stuff public?
14:38.54Captnoordor can't you just parse the hero rom to get the file?
14:39.16shaftyah ok
14:39.22Captnoordbecause isn't it a remote file system
14:39.27Captnoordso you would be able to load that
14:39.30Captnoordand pick the file
14:39.32shaftyno the file is only available from an actual hero installation
14:39.42Captnoordisn't there a dump somewhere?
14:39.59shaftyit's not on the ROM itself, it's in /data/data after an actual installation
14:40.15shaftyit's htcchirp.db
14:40.35shaftylooks like no one has backported it and I figured out how
14:40.38shaftyjust need the file
14:40.45Captnoordbut doesn't the dump contain it?
14:40.46druiduweee, I see we have sharp panel startup code in new branch
14:40.56druidu*powerup code
14:40.58shaftythere aren't any "dumps" avail
14:41.04shaftyjust ROM's
14:41.09Captnoorddruidu: thats nice..... :D energy saving stuff
14:41.19Captnoordand the rom's doesn't contain the info you need?
14:41.23shaftydumps would be like a tar of /
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14:41.42druidunot only that, but maybe we can start it up from scratch (preparing for a stand-alone kernel image)
14:41.50shaftynope, /data/data is created after booting up the phone and the package installer has installed all the apks in /data/app
14:42.17shaftyhence, this could only come from a phone running hero
14:43.38Captnoorddruidu: where?
14:43.45Captnoordshafty: maybe I can help ya
14:43.52Captnoordhe has a g1
14:44.02shaftya g1 running hero is what I need
14:44.17shaftyI had mine on a hero rom yesterday and decided to go back to a cupcake build
14:44.21Captnoordlemme e-mail someone
14:44.26shaftyk thanks
14:44.30shaftythe file is....
14:44.56CaptnoordI will check in a moment
14:45.01Captnoordneed to finish this
14:45.32druidu/* Initial sequence of sharp panel with Novatek NT35399 MDDI client */
14:45.54druidudiamond had a sharp panel right?
14:47.25Captnoordthat I don't know / can't remember
14:47.52otwieraczAnybody can help me build Angstrom for Tornado?
14:48.59*** part/#htc-linux ArteK (n=Artur@
14:49.30CaptnoordHitachi (5), Sharp(0xa) or Toppoly(2,0x11).
14:49.59Captnoordfor the raph
14:50.10Captnoordand diamond and raph is same base
14:51.28Captnoordbut those have'nt got the sharp I guess
14:51.40Captnoordthere are some people around who know that better
14:52.12Captnoordbut the sharps can be improved with the code hell yea
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15:06.59Captnoordcr2 gj on the ati stuff
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15:40.35cr2hi druidu
15:40.39Squarchey there
15:40.57Squarcis there any new stuff to test on the diam ?
15:41.11cr2Captnoord: i've looked at all dlls once again
15:41.31cr2Squarc: nothng new yet
15:41.39Squarccr2: ok thx
15:41.58cr2we need to fix the known code bugs first
15:42.10cr2druidu: you have diam100 ?
15:48.17Echo31cr2: Hi
15:54.49cr2hi Echo31
15:55.23druiduhehe, welcome back cr2
15:55.23druiduyep, diam100
15:56.33druiduwith a partially fucked up touchscreen (occasionally all hits are registered on the leftmost column whatever I do, probably a hardware problem)
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15:57.44Echo31cr2: have you received the bundle updated ?
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16:00.20druiduanyway, who's up for a quick review of the current situation, what needs to be done to get various features working, a little roadmap
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16:04.38druiducr2 you got the last thing I said?
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16:08.35cr2druidu: yes. looks strange though.
16:09.05druiduwhat looks strange?
16:09.14cr2Echo31: what bundle ?
16:09.17druiduthe touscreen thing?
16:09.41cr2druidu: that it still works, but in such a strange way
16:09.59Captnoordcr2: and did the dll's gave away new stuff?
16:10.11Echo31PH5: cr2: I sent a athena patch bundle
16:10.38cr2Echo31: ok, i'll look at it
16:11.07druiduthe weird thing is that sometimes it works perfectly... and sometimes the X component is always 0 or smth like that, and if I try calibration in WM it won't even work because of that
16:11.09cr2Captnoord: nothing groundbreaking, but we may fix many things here and there
16:11.13druiduanyway, I was saying
16:11.20druiduwho's up for a quick review of the current situation, what needs to be done to get various features working, a little roadmap...
16:11.38Captnoordcr2: its usualy the details that causes big bugs.....
16:11.46druidushould we port to 2.6.29?
16:11.55cr2druidu: the lcd powerup/down
16:12.05cr2druidu: why not.
16:12.12druiduthere is new lcd powerup/down code in the new branch
16:12.25druidufor hitachi & sharp
16:12.38pH5Echo31: cool. I'll have a look, but I won't be able to apply it until next week.
16:12.39druidudon't remember which panel diamond and raphael used
16:12.46cr2yes, but it still needs many fixes on out side
16:12.57pH5n810 is too memory starved for kernel git
16:13.10cr2druidu: do a reset and dump the wince dmesg. i think it was hitachi
16:13.31CaptnoordI think I can get myself a diamond... as a friend of mine is getting a new phone
16:14.41druiduwince dmesg? how do I do that?
16:14.43cr2druidu: the clock-wince.c needs some major rewrite because it misses a whole class of clocks.
16:15.00druidudo we have specs for them?
16:15.12cr2druidu: it's 1M sdram @0x17600000 (i think)
16:15.32cr2no specs, but solid research.
16:15.50cr2i'll try to update the wiki with newer information
16:16.32cr2the keyboard leds on raph100 are different from raph800, but it's a minor thing
16:17.07cr2i've just updated the KSC/KLT wiki. we may check what is missing in the current driver
16:17.37cr2there are some DEX calls that needs to be tested
16:18.10cr2and some code bugfixes, that are just waiting for dcordes, or whoever has git write access
16:18.32druiduI have git write access too
16:18.41druidudon't you have an account?
16:19.00cr2great. then i'll try to merge the fixes
16:19.11druiduactually, commit access, not sure what you need
16:19.13cr2will you be here in the evening ?
16:19.36cr2yes, ill write a patch, you'd commit it.
16:19.54druiduI'll be here
16:20.08druiduso, what do we need to make calls work properly? (including audio)
16:20.14cr2audiomgr params, arm11 halt, bt clocks just come into my mind
16:20.40druiduok, bye
16:25.45druiduanybody know why page doesn't work anymore?
16:26.56otwieraczI have problem with linux under tornado, when booting up i have white screen. Whats wrong?
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16:47.30otwieracz17:26:56 < otwieracz> I have problem with linux under tornado, when booting up i have white screen. Whats wrong?
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16:51.39rafyvittohey cr2,tmzt,dzo and the other devs, did you ever heard about this dual boot of linux and windows mobile on the htc typhoon? heres a link for the thread on xda devs,
16:52.17rafyvittomaybe some good info can be gathered from the devs of this project
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17:27.44rafyvitto here are some screenshot of the project i mention erlyer
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18:28.38Bally3does anyone know how to extract irq information using haretconsole in windows?
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20:09.49opensaurushrm sometimes channel listing brings some cool results.
20:10.25opensaurusive got a kaiser. thats nice that theyre porting android
20:10.32opensaurusthanks devs
20:19.43swc|666cant wait for the n900
20:19.47phhopensaurus: you looked at the channel list ? you're mad
20:20.24glyphswc|666: you and me both
20:20.47glyphin the meanwhile I'm pretty psyched about getting a new lease on life for my kaiser though
20:20.49glyphwinmo blows
20:20.58opensaurushah some fruitful results.
20:21.10opensaurusyeah im a linux user alredy
20:21.11glyphspeaking of which
20:21.30swc|666i'm using a blackberry now... htc's have been a disappointment for me in recent times
20:21.43glyphLots of discussions seem to say that compcache is the way to fix reliability issues with android builds, but I am experiencing pretty much the opposite
20:21.51glyphwhich makes sense, compressed swap is like russian roulette for allocation
20:21.56opensaurusswc|666,  ive been getting the edfc error on my kaiser
20:22.13opensaurusi had a hermes less than a month ago get wsod
20:22.42glyphI'm just wondering if anyone else has some experience with compcache/ramzswap on these devices and could tell me what the deal is with them
20:22.52opensaurusyeah i took it apart and tried to fix ribbon on it for wsod and it didnt work
20:23.07phhglyph: the announced size (in /proc/swaps), isn't dynamically resized ?
20:23.15glyphphh: dynamically resized?
20:23.28glyphphh: I'm not sure what you mean
20:23.42opensaurusso yeah im gonna try android out mos def i just downloaded latest build
20:23.51phhglyph: according to the really available memory, thange the swap's size in /proc/swaps
20:23.59glyphphh: I'm sure it does
20:24.04phhI used that mod on my laptop lately, and it works greatly
20:24.07glyphI'm talking about emergent effects, though :)
20:24.16opensaurusthanks everybody working on it. im out
20:24.18phhbut x86 isn't the same thing as arm.
20:24.29glyphlike, android is doing something funky, deciding how much java heap to keep around based on available RAM, I don't think it's coping terribly well with ramzswap
20:25.05phhwell compcache won't make less available RAM (or you're REALLY unlucky.)
20:25.15phhsince it announces itself as a swap
20:25.36glyphphh: I am not entirely sure what android is doing, I think it is looking at total available memory
20:25.52glyphI'm working on a hypothesis though, just trying to narrow down the causes of unreliability :)
20:26.06phhthat'd seem totally stupid to me (yeah i have a 40GB swap here.)
20:26.12glyphswapfile on my SD card seems rock solid so far, which is surprising to me, because everyone tells me that it should be worse than compcache
20:26.14phh(with 2GB of RAM.)
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20:27.15phhglyph: maybe because linux manages that swap correctly
20:27.24phh& android sucks (meaning some memory is almost never read back)
20:28.09cr2druidu: i'm back
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20:38.32ali1234i just got me "free" mobile broadband dongle
20:38.42ali1234it's MSM6246 based :O
20:42.35cr2ali1234: does g3doc.c driver work for you ?
20:43.04cr2ali1234: amss hacking for msm62xx is not fun, i guess.
20:43.07ali1234cr2: that driver you pointed me to does work with a few tiny mods (like change hardcoded chip size and number of chips)
20:44.10cr2ali1234: patch it, and let's commit the changes
20:44.11ali1234it should be on linwizard tree, just finding it
20:44.43cr2ali1234: actually i'd like to port it to g4. it should be doable with some minor effort and patience
20:46.24ali1234commit fbb319d209785ab77d014116a3a38d950b1882fb
20:46.38cr2full link ?
20:46.47ali1234hang on a sec
20:46.52ali1234might be ssome more patches oyu need
20:49.02ali1234that's all i got :)
20:49.21ali1234it's only read only, still a char dev, but it does seem to output the flash memory ok
20:49.46ali1234i was worried because it was outputing everything twice, turns out the bootloader is on the start of both flash chips, presumably for backup
20:51.19cr2spl is stored twice in 512byte blocks. raid1-style ;)
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20:58.37ali1234cr2: yeah i can't remember how it was laid out, but later bits of the dump clearly showed windows FS and stuff
20:58.43ali1234so it was really working :)
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21:02.34cr2~ping druidu
21:02.35aptpong druidu
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21:07.15opensaurusbah, do you absolutely HAVE to have a data plan for android to work? telling me sim is locked and its not accepting my pin for some reason
21:08.06cr2opensaurus: disable the pin
21:09.02opensaurusyeah, i suppose that'd do it
21:10.31cr2ali1234: g4 support ?
21:10.34cr258 // G4 Wizard has one die - 1 * 128mb
21:10.36cr259 //#define DIES 1
21:10.37cr260 //#define DOCG4
21:11.00ali1234cr2: well i read the source code and the G3 and G4 datasheets, and to me it looked like it should work
21:11.14ali1234but it's not tested
21:11.56ali1234cr2: do you happen to know about samsung K5D parts? they seem to be combination nand and sdram but on samsung website they are conspicuously absent
21:12.12cr2ali1234: there are some minor differences. just remembering the disassembly we have done with lkcl
21:12.55cr2ali1234: i think msm7x0x uses it
21:12.59*** join/#htc-linux dcordes (n=luke@unaffiliated/dcordes)
21:13.02druiduI'm trying to make a patch to update to latest 2.6.27 branch from
21:13.10dcordeshi all
21:13.11ali1234cr2: yes i found it inside this dongle
21:13.16druidumaybe some of their updates are useful
21:13.18dcordeshey druidu good to see ya :)
21:13.20cr2druidu: why is it a problem ?
21:13.22druiduhey there :)
21:13.35cr2druidu: btw, we are using
21:13.53cr2druidu: the raphaelmemorymap page is much better there. and is available
21:13.55druiduhmm, there are a few conflicts especially in config files
21:14.04druiduthat's good, didn't know that
21:14.17dcordesdruidu, you upstreamed htc-msm-2.6.27 back to google?
21:14.29cr2druidu: i'll try to do some minor patches too
21:14.54druiduwell, I'm not sure if our setup permits to do a straight upstream fetch (or I just don't know how)
21:16.42druiduI branched the newest upstream version, copied all the files that were modified since the last 2.6.27 upstream sync into this branch, then tried to merge this new branch with the original upstream branch
21:18.03druiduactually, forget all I said, that was something else... just did a `git pull --no-commit git:// android-msm-2.6.27`
21:18.50druidumaybe we should also change the config files to allow switching between our smd/clock and their smd/clock code
21:20.26cr2druidu: expect a major revamp for our clock
21:20.39cr2are there any smd differenrces ?
21:20.53cr2(for 7201A ?)
21:21.05cr2only on 7501A afair.
21:21.55druiduwell, we're using smd_7500.c
21:21.57cr2but 7501A has a different amss too (6150 vs 52xx), so it requires a different ADSP setup = has no chance of working right now.
21:21.59druiduthey use smd.c
21:22.29cr2druidu: not we. only cdma people. (*500,800)
21:22.48cr2they have other problems too
21:22.50druiduI was thinking of a `choice` in Kconfig so that you could switch among the files
21:23.00cr2the battery code is different between us too
21:23.27cr2and the keyboard leds.
21:23.28opensaurushrm there a wiki on disabling a sim pin for kaiser/tmo? google is letting me down
21:23.31druiduobj-$(CONFIG_MSM_SMD) += smd.o smd_tty.o
21:23.31druidu# smd_qmi.o
21:23.31druiduobj-$(CONFIG_MSM_SMD_7500) += smd_7500.o
21:23.48druiduso raphael/diamong non cdma use MSM_SMD ?
21:24.22tmztactually cdma does too
21:24.48tmztmsm smd cdma just registers channels that aren't in the table
21:25.30druiduah, you're right, looking at the code now
21:25.39tmztopensaurus: probably modem settings
21:25.43tmztphone settings
21:25.52tmztask in #xda-devs
21:26.39tmztcr2: just get gsm working :) we'll worry about cdma after that
21:26.47druidu+1 :)
21:28.18tmztdruidu: git can do a three way merge
21:30.11druiduyeah, but it won't be able to solve the twisted conflicts we have :)
21:30.42cr2tmzt: we have a big problem with adsp/audiomgr already.
21:31.16cr2druidu: so we need a 6150 / 52xx AMSS Kconfig option too
21:31.34cr2depending on the 7501A/7201A choice.
21:34.23druiduso what's with 6210 6220 6225 and WINCE, which one is for which?
21:35.02cr2WINCE = 52xx or 6150
21:35.18cr252xx is GSM/UMTS and 6150 is CDMA
21:35.40cr2the value can be actually parsed from the smem G23 location
21:35.45tmztcr2: we need to fix or revert the microp patches for kovs
21:35.55cr2so you don't boot a wrong kernel at runtime
21:36.32cr2tmzt: the driver should check for the fw version
21:36.39druiducr2 one more time, how can I read the lcd panel id? (it was a really long time and I forgot @ which address to find it)
21:36.56cr2tmzt: and i don't think clamshell is a good addition anyway
21:37.45cr2druidu: yes, you can. but the problem is to separate the toshiba mddi client from epson.
21:38.14cr2druidu: 2.6.29 kernel has toshiba and novatec mddi client code.
21:38.55cr2druidu: epson lcd panel detection code is different from toshina
21:39.34druidu/* Initial sequence of TPO panel with Novatek NT35399 MDDI client */
21:39.37cr2to make it even more difficult, there is a code aurora lcd driver which supports tvout.
21:39.46druidu/* Initial sequence of sharp panel with Novatek NT35399 MDDI client */
21:39.59cr2yes. so there are 3 known MDDI clients
21:40.40druiduok, so novatek is surely the one used in g1
21:40.53druiduwhich one do diam/raphael use?
21:40.55cr2or toshiba
21:41.14cr2the GSM uses toshiba, and CDMA epson
21:41.38cr2blackstone (GSM) uses epson
21:42.10druiduwe have toshiba init code in 2.6.29
21:43.10cr21 toshiba init is different from raph/diam
21:43.23cr2but raph/diam still work with g1 init
21:43.26ali1234looks like this dongle has gps but disabled in firmware
21:43.51cr2we may fix it too. the sequence is 99% documented in the wiki.
21:44.23druiduok, so how can I see which panel I have from haret?
21:44.36cr2ali1234: for gps you need an appropriate preamplifier + filter.
21:44.51cr2druidu: you can't
21:45.07druiduwasn't there an address which had the id?
21:45.09druidu0x2a or smth
21:45.10ali1234it has two unused antenna connections on the board, one for internal and one of those tiny external connectors
21:45.16cr2druidu: the easiest way is to dump the wince dmesg after reset. or to check the smem location
21:45.37ali1234so two internal, one external in total, and only one internal is used
21:46.01tmztali1234: I never understood why they did that
21:46.05druidutried 0x17600000 and it's invalid...
21:46.17tmztI would think that's the killer app, maps in the car
21:46.19cr2druidu: ? check wiki
21:46.21ali1234tmzt: so they can sell the gps version for more money, but still save on only making one board
21:47.06tmztcr2: we never disable lcd panel, right?
21:47.08druiduHaRET(21)# pd 0x17600000 4
21:47.08druidu17600000 |EXCEPTION while reading from address 01990000
21:47.35cr2tmzt: my understanding is that they use the same mDSP and preamp as for UMTS
21:48.03cr2tmzt: setlcd 4 ; setlcd 1
21:48.36tmztcr2: I know, I told him that
21:48.51cr2druidu: look at the 'dump mmu' output for the top of SDRAM
21:48.53tmztcr2: he committed broken mach checks anyway
21:49.37tmztwhat's the problem?
21:50.15cr2druidu: your output looks like you are trying to dump the AMSS ram, which is protected by MPU
21:50.52tmztmDSP for what?
21:52.07cr2tmzt: mDSP for phone and gps. i think they use the same hardware for both.
21:52.40cr2that's why they are so insane about patents & such.
21:52.49tmztmaybe the same convol
21:53.04*** join/#htc-linux shafty (
21:53.08druiduHaRET(28)# pd 0x081034 4
21:53.09druidu00081034 | 0000000a                            | ....
21:53.25druiduso it's sharp
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21:53.49tmztwhat is?
21:54.18tmztwhat do we need gps for?
21:54.19druiduthe lcd panel
21:54.23cr2druidu: check +0xfc048  4b  model id (XC)
21:54.42tmztyeah, which device?
21:55.04cr2druidu: sorry. 17200000  1  wince dmesg
21:55.10cr2172, not 176
21:55.24cr2176 will the the AMSS ram, and you'll get an expection
21:55.35cr2tmzt: diam100
21:55.36druidu1601061c @ 0xfc048
21:55.44ali1234presumably a gps antenna never transmits so i could just connect it to a scope and see what is coming out of it
21:55.58cr2druidu: pd 0x01ffc048 4
21:56.02druiduamss id is zero 0xfc030
21:56.23cr2ali1234: should not come anything useful
21:56.45druidupd 0x01ffc048 4
21:56.45druidu01ffc048 | 00000001                            | ....
21:56.56cr2druidu: pd 0x01ffc048 0x10
21:57.08druiduoops, forget the 1f part
21:57.20cr2pd 0x01ffc030 0x10
21:57.29druidu01ffc030 | 322e3235 35322e39 4832312e 00000000 |
21:57.42cr2your AMSS is 5229
21:57.49cr2that's what is call 52xx
21:58.04druiduah, cool, I remember I was that when I reflashed the firmware... duh
21:58.10*** part/#htc-linux ArteK (n=Artur@
21:58.10cr2they are all 52xx, and xx varies wildly. i think mine is 17
21:59.03druidu+0xfc048  4b  model id (XC)
21:59.05druiduso what's this?
21:59.09cr2"protocol" column pd 0x01ffc048 0x10
21:59.29tmztcr2: I don
21:59.31druiduit's 1
21:59.36cr2it's the motherboard variation
21:59.49cr2the LCD power gpios depend on this value
21:59.57tmztcr2: I don't understand how mDSP affects audio and why it's a problem
22:00.00cr2i think 0x52 vs. 0x62 gpio
22:00.08cr2tmzt: it does not
22:00.26druiducan hart dump strings, like in gdb?
22:00.30cr2tmzt: but 6150 AMSS needs an own adsp_6150.c
22:00.36tmztsapp does the same thing, but it uses atags for oardid I think
22:00.43tmztright, ok
22:00.44cr2because it's different from adsp_5200.c
22:01.11cr2druidu: i doubt it
22:01.18tmztdruidu: there was a suggestion to add gdb protocol support to haret
22:01.54cr2tmzt: may uploading and executing the script by haretconsole first.
22:02.03druiduit would have been easier to read dmesg...
22:02.30cr2because 'runscript' needs the script to be already on the target device. which is a PITA in many cases
22:03.18druiduyeah, synce works
22:03.26cr2tmzt: i think it's just a minor change to haretconsole.
22:03.28tmztharet is just a big select loop
22:03.42cr2tmzt: to support _runscript or somethng like that.
22:04.03druiduI'm actually using only activesync now from linux, it's much easier to upload new kernel image then run it without restarting haret (and with activesync enabled when I run haret I get usbnet)
22:04.21cr2druidu: i use linload.exe
22:04.37cr2and usb_storage mode
22:04.43cr2to put it on the raph
22:04.58tmztof course adding ymodem might be easier
22:05.05druiduyeah, but with usb_storage mode you won't have usbnet once it restarts right?
22:05.24cr2i think you should
22:05.39cr2but i use the SD card, so i need to switch manually
22:05.52druidudidn't work for me... diamond has internal sd card anyway
22:05.53tmztbut you can't read from sd
22:06.01cr2otherwise i don't see the SD card
22:06.24druiduI know, that's why I use activesync and a tool called "Fur" with uses FUSE to mount filesystem via synce
22:06.44tmztwhere do you get that?
22:06.50cr2druidu: i had enabled the nand driver actually
22:06.53druidustandard ubuntu package
22:07.02tmztit wouldn't compile for me
22:07.19cr2druidu: but then we had some problems on the fs level, because of the 0x2000 blocksize
22:07.32druiduapt-cache show fur: Description: FUSE module to mount Windows Mobile devices FUR (Fuse Uses Rapi) is a filesystem client for fuse to mount  the filesystem of a Windows Mobile device attached via SynCE.
22:07.33tmztit survives device reboot?
22:08.08tmztyeah, but I didn't think it worked with latest synce
22:08.11druiduwell, all I remember is that last time I messed with nand I bricked my device :P
22:08.31druidufuse mount no
22:08.34cr2druidu: actually it is strange
22:08.48tmztwhat is this lcd init for?
22:08.54tmztfixing htcfb?
22:08.55cr2GSM should check for '52' only
22:09.02cr2tmzt: suspend/resume
22:09.05druidubut as I said, usbnet was working for me only when running haret with activesync enabled
22:09.26tmztright, that's a diam problem
22:09.28druiduand also, standalone kernel, cold boot it :)
22:09.42cr2druidu: frm nand :)
22:10.10tmztdid w figure out exactly what mdp does?
22:10.21tmzthow flipping really works?
22:10.41tmztraster said we have the buffers backward
22:10.49cr2druidu: the really critical things are below 0x24 MB anyway
22:10.49tmztit's back then front
22:11.07cr2tmzt: backward ?
22:11.08druiduall are 52.* for diamond too
22:11.24cr2druidu: yes. only GSM.
22:11.30cr2druidu: CDMA is different.
22:11.32tmztcr2: yeah, so it's back then front
22:11.45cr2tmzt: what do you mean ?
22:11.47tmztcr2: X expected the opposite
22:11.58tmztback buffer
22:12.02tmztfront buffer
22:12.07tmztin that order
22:12.10cr2ah, ok
22:12.30cr2i thought yu talked about nand
22:12.30druiduI was thinking of making it use like 3 buffers
22:12.41druidufor implementing a proper onscreen keyboard with not artifacts behind
22:13.03tmztdruidu: osk i a userspace thing
22:13.12druiduyeah, true
22:13.15druiduandroid 1.5 has it anyway
22:13.47tmztwe need to remove that and update thread
22:13.49cr2druidu: can you compile the git head for .27 ?
22:13.56tmztI'm working on that for X
22:14.10cr2tmzt: hehe. and the dma3+tvout
22:14.38tmztwe can do the darkstar thing for ts cal
22:14.58tmztkeep it in kernel but use ts_calibrate from userspace
22:15.02druiduwhat I really don't get it is how can android, with the current diamong touchscreen driver, know the size of the pressed area
22:15.11tmztwrite the settings to sysfs
22:15.31druiduand write a simple android app for calibration
22:15.33cr2druidu: it's hardcoded into the driver
22:15.40druiduno it's not :))
22:15.47druidui tried the sample app
22:15.58cr2android is dumb as a rock if it does not support on-boot calibration
22:16.00tmztwe uses msmts from google now
22:16.12cr2tmzt: no, afaik
22:16.22druiduand if I press with my finger or with my stylus I get different sizes
22:16.39tmztcr2: it only supports capac. screens, so no calib.
22:16.49tmztoh, we don't?
22:17.03druidunope, it's my ts driver
22:17.05cr2j0b0 has written some nice hack for ts pressure.
22:17.18druidunameley  input_report_abs(msm_ts_dev, ABS_PRESSURE, touched ? MSM_TS_ABS_PRESSURE_MAX : MSM_TS_ABS_PRESSURE_MIN) :)
22:17.19tmztwe should use fingers
22:17.27cr2druidu: patched by NetRipper to support half-broken irqs
22:17.34tmztbut android doesn't support that yet
22:18.18druiduwhen tracing irqs from haret, does the release interrupt fire consistently?
22:18.35cr2android sucks ;) but it's another story, and we must support it.
22:19.16cr2druidu: no, it's some hw bug i think. there is a goggle msm_ts driver, but it does more or less the same. said NetRipper
22:20.18druiducound this be the race?
22:20.26druiduwe enable the irq before clearing the flag
22:21.20cr2druidu: look at the goggle msm_ts driver. it has bit names inside
22:21.35cr2afair 2.6.29 only
22:25.09cr2druidu: can you apply this patch to .27 git ?
22:25.54ali1234this thing seems to have two internal antennas. and looking at pictures on google, one of them looks like a GPS antenna
22:27.07cr2ali1234: even if the hardware is there, where can you get the right amss firmware ?
22:27.26ali1234i dunno, it must exist though
22:27.36ali1234they wouldn't make hardware and not ever use it anywhere :)
22:28.00ali1234part of the unlock procedure involves flashing a dodgy firmware to it, so i have that too
22:28.17ali1234next thing i do will be try to disassemble that
22:28.51cr2ali1234: you'd document the difference between dodgy & non-dodgy fw :)
22:29.04cr2a lot of thumb code = pita
22:29.15ali1234none dodgy = what comes in the unit, dodgy = anything else :)
22:29.41cr2ali1234: i mean on the asm level :)
22:30.16ali1234i think the unlocked firmware is just something a particular phone company gives out when customers ask for unlocking
22:30.21ali1234i dont have anything to compare it with
22:31.00tmztke sim unlocking?
22:31.10tmztthought you meant gps
22:31.32cr200:18.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Family 10h [Opteron,Athlon64, Sempron] HyperTransport Configuration
22:31.51cr200:1b.4 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Family 10h [Opteron,Athlon64, Sempron] Link Control
22:32.08cr2omg. 16cpus :)
22:32.26cr282:00.0 Fibre Channel: QLogic Corp. ISP2432-based 4Gb Fibre Channel to PCI
22:32.28cr2Express HBA (rev 03)
22:32.37ali1234managed to find pinout of RTR6285 in some phone service manual :)
22:32.58cr2gps chip ?
22:33.11tmztali1234: have you talked to chavonbravo?
22:33.22tmztin #xda-devs?
22:33.27ali1234no, who's that?
22:33.42ali12346285 seems to be the UMTS+GPS chip yeah
22:33.54tmztas saying something about that chip yesterday
22:33.57marexcr2: hi, long time no see ;-)
22:33.59tmzttg01 has it
22:34.15cr2datasheet ?
22:34.32cr2marex: got n560 to resume already ?
22:34.46tmztcr2: it's only accessible to amss anyway
22:34.58ali1234tmzt: i think it's used in G1 too
22:34.59marexcr2: nope, havent looked at it ever since ... how's the audio part going on your side ? ;-)
22:35.12cr2marex: g4 driver ->;a=commit;h=fbb319d209785ab77d014116a3a38d950b1882fb
22:35.24tmztyeah, all current umts qualcomm's should have it
22:35.31cr2marex: once the resume will work, i'll look at audio
22:36.08cr2tmzt: arm11 can talk to SBI too
22:36.35marexcr2: that site doesnt seem to load ...
22:36.45marexcr2: btw. damn you ... :-E~ ;-)
22:36.51tmztI'm sure, mpu shared bus
22:37.03cr2tmzt: but there may be a lot of trouble
22:37.26cr2tmzt: we can disable the SBI clock, that'll be fun if arm9 will be able to recover :)
22:37.28tmztyeah, amss is hard realtime
22:37.35tmztand we have no stack
22:37.59cr2marex: hehe. worked 30min ago for me
22:38.13tmztI wonder if the tested amss on the arm11
22:38.31tmztthey did brew demos on the chips
22:38.47tmztbut I don't know about amss phone functions
22:39.28tmztbut I would say keep to AP anyway
22:39.37tmztlet BP do what it does
22:40.28tmztI wonder about the closed components on ce though, they seem to be combining functions
22:40.45tmztlike you were saying with gps
22:40.53ali1234the gps pins are connected to a bunch of circuitry
22:41.14ali1234i had to cut off some of the shielding to find that
22:41.22cr2tmzt: the gps is done via SMD and rpc
22:41.27*** join/#htc-linux xperia (
22:41.33xperiahello to all.
22:41.35cr2tmzt: so it's arm9 only.
22:42.07cr2tmzt: the same big brother design like a780
22:43.20xperiajust short, cr2 or tmzt is it possible to send me the raphs dll named oem_misc, keypad, n5ledmgr, backlight over mail for compare
22:43.44cr2xperia: get a rom, and dissect it
22:44.50cr2xperia: i have updated the wiki today. need to compare with the mcrop driver thouh.
22:45.22xperiaohh thats is heavy and a lot of time consuming as the tools need to be installed and first i have to know how to extract them. it is more easy to send them over mail and the wifi connection dirctly from the phone. it cost not more than 1 minute.
22:45.51tmztali1234: what msm?
22:46.55*** join/#htc-linux Bally3 (
22:47.40marexcr2: well -- how complete is that driver? is it any better than the G3 one for uni ?
22:47.47cr2xperia: i need to use webmail
22:47.48druidugit mergetool + kdiff3 rulez :D
22:47.55cr2marex: it's the same
22:48.13cr2druidu: will you apply the patch ? then i'll do 1 more
22:48.30druiduin a few minutes
22:48.39druiduI'm finishing with the patch for the upstream changes
22:48.52druiduI'll commit that and then yours
22:49.27cr2druidu: and i need to write a detailed comment for clock-wince, why are the settings as they are. and what needs to be changed there
22:49.56cr2Bally3: booted a kernel on hermes already ?
22:51.12marexcr2: so what's so revolutionary ?
22:52.13xperiacr2: realy nice changes in the wiki for the microp driver. are they based on the files that i have send you or did you used other sources ?
22:54.50cr2xperia: i have used all avalable sources
22:55.17cr2marex: if n560 will resume ,i t will be revoltionary
22:55.35cr2marex: have you seen the LED driver for n560 already ?
22:56.47xperiai would like them to test it tomorow. if you are from 10 o clock here it would be for me a pleasure to test it. i have some heavy i2c traces and a extended crosscompiled i2ctools with data block write possibility for debuging.
22:56.57cr2druidu: we also need to revise the #idefs made by NetRipper, if they are really needed.
22:57.37cr2xperia: i can add the hardcoded raph tables to wiki too
22:58.14cr20x3c blocksize 3*16+12=48+12=60
22:58.23marexcr2: no, why ?
22:58.37marexcr2: I got myself a nice toy -- Zipit Z2
22:58.47marexZipit Wireless really rocks as a linux corp.
22:58.50cr2wtf is thAt ?
22:59.15marexcr2: EeePC with ARM after being shot at with a shrink ray
22:59.27marex(and both size and price involved were shrunk)
22:59.33xperiacr2: well for the raph users and for me as a backup it could be helpfull but only if you have time. with the new changes in the wiki i have for sure something tomorow to do.
22:59.59xperiai hope you will be tomorow around here :-)
23:04.46xperiahave to go for sleep. wish you all a good night. bye
23:06.06*** join/#htc-linux cr2 (
23:12.20cr2/TODO: Find out what channel 0x11 is for
23:12.29cr2ce,11,02,x get pin status rd
23:13.28cr2static void micropksc_led_work_func(struct work_struct *work)
23:14.41cr2needs to be fixed.
23:24.23cr2ok, now i see it. this clamshell code broke non-x1
23:26.00cr2druidu: one more patch
23:26.28cr2druidu: it could look better if we will modify the DEX api to override the proc_comm more transparently
23:27.14druidubtw, do we have code for real power off or reset?
23:27.36cr2yes, it shuts down the PMIC
23:28.02cr2i don't know what is the difference between PCOM_POWER_OFF and PCOM_POWER_DOWN
23:28.28cr2reset needs to be refined later
23:28.41cr2but the 'halt' will work as expected
23:29.31cr2don't know about 'reboot'
23:31.09cr2and i'm thinking about adding a lot of printks to dump the wince state values.
23:31.19tmztcr2: yeah, on my suggestion he made the code conditional
23:31.45tmztbut only with machine is
23:31.51cr2tmzt: buffer[1] = 0x16 - (data->led_state << 1);
23:31.59cr2tmzt: this works only on raph800
23:33.26cr2tmzt: the most tough problem is the stuck DMA for BT now.
23:33.57cr2and the ADSP. but it may be sorted out with a lot of printks aka pr_info()
23:34.32tmztit should also be wrapped with with ifdef
23:34.46tmztor, properly using fw version
23:36.06druidupower_down is standby?
23:36.31cr2druidu: no, full shutdown
23:36.48cr2sorry. POWER_OFF
23:37.01druiduI was speculating that _DOWN might be a standby
23:37.28druiduanyway, I have this dilemma: should I port our changes to the latest upstream branch or the other way around?
23:38.03tmztwe need abstraction
23:38.13druiduI did a git-pull and solved the conflicts, not exactly sure what happened there
23:38.19tmztand the code should still build for trout/dream
23:38.44tmztwe have a few g1 testers now
23:38.46cr2.29 may be better
23:38.59druidu.29 is a bit harder to merge
23:39.06cr2because of the more sane LCD code
23:39.09druiduand they have alternate versions too, .27 is the current default
23:39.12cr2ok, i agree
23:39.30druiduI think .27 and .29 upstream are pretty much the same in lcd code?
23:39.45cr2but then we need some hack for lcd up/down.
23:40.06cr2PCOM_RESET_APPS is arm11 reboot. don't know how to do it.
23:40.14cr2PCOM_RESET_CHIP wtf f?
23:40.39cr2PCOM_CONFIG_NAND_MPU . ok. thanks to itsutils we know how to do it.
23:40.41druiduif youboard-sapphire-panel.c
23:40.52druiduif you're talking about board-sapphire-panel.c, it's in 2.6.27 too
23:40.59cr2PCOM_CONFIG_USB_CLKS don't know if it's useful
23:41.28cr2PCOM_POWER_DOWN is g1 contstant
23:42.02cr2our POWER_OFF=0x14 = 20
23:42.29druiduit's in a big enum in proc_comm.h
23:42.51cr2yes, and our numbers are different
23:44.04druiduquick git question, how can I cleanup merge leftover files?
23:44.21druidu*.BACKUP.*, *.BASE.*, *.LOCAL.*
23:44.40cr2PCOM_PM_VID_EN is rpc for us
23:46.10druidugit clean -f
23:48.25tmztCHIP might be arm9?
23:50.12druiducr2: there's some stuff in the clock code that break the build after upstream sync
23:50.20druiduCLKFLAG_USE_MIN_MAX_TO_SET is no longer used
23:50.35cr2which line ?
23:50.46cr2i don't think we use it
23:50.56druiduthis is new clock.h
23:51.04cr2hmm. we set PMDH to 0xa00 ??
23:51.24druiduin clk_set_rate
23:51.51cr2wrong link
23:52.06druiduthat's the link to new clock.h
23:52.17druiduhmmm, I think I'll just rip the clk_set_rate function from clock.c
23:52.50druiduyou probably didn't change anything in that part anyway
23:52.55cr2clk_set_rate is not yet implemented i think
23:53.28druiduok, I'll just take the new version from clock.c so the build doesn't break
23:53.44cr2i know how to derive a lot of clocks from the base PLLs and how the base PLLs are setup, but  there are many options to set the divisors. so it's not going to be easy.
23:54.35cr2anf the most ugly thing is that g1 uses different clock setup from wince.
23:55.18cr2the androids have really done many things to make our life difficult
23:57.46druiduyeah, but there's still a lot of duplicate code between clock.c clock-wince.c
23:59.23Bally3cr2: you asking me or you done it?
23:59.55cr2Bally3: asking you

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