IRC log for #htc-linux on 20090814

01:23.58*** join/#htc-linux rosseaux (i=znc@
02:12.04*** join/#htc-linux x29a_ (n=x29a@unaffiliated/x29a)
02:14.22*** join/#htc-linux toer_ (
03:27.10*** join/#htc-linux AstainHellbring (n=AstainHe@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
03:35.39*** join/#htc-linux Moku (
03:51.37*** join/#htc-linux vilord_laptop (
04:34.44*** join/#htc-linux droid0011 (
05:04.14*** join/#htc-linux stickboy (
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05:13.02*** join/#htc-linux goxboxlive (
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07:35.38*** join/#htc-linux luc_ (
07:56.12*** join/#htc-linux dcordes (n=luke-g@unaffiliated/dcordes)
08:05.43*** join/#htc-linux TigerTael (
08:05.49TigerTaelOkay, I need some help.
08:06.01TigerTael/dev, there are a list of devices, how can I find out where a certain device points to? Is this possible?
08:06.41TigerTaelfor instance, /dev/pmem_camera
08:20.32*** join/#htc-linux ccube__ (
08:31.39*** join/#htc-linux XeoN^^ (
09:20.33*** join/#htc-linux Squarc (
09:53.10*** join/#htc-linux pleemans (
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11:05.41*** join/#htc-linux Vegita (
11:37.33*** join/#htc-linux Gnutoo (
11:42.11*** join/#htc-linux MethoS-- (
11:42.56Gnutoohi, I've too much things to compile:
11:43.21Gnutoo*default kernel with ext2 in order to test fbset or something like this
11:43.43Gnutoo*mplayer + kernel for bug device
11:52.08*** join/#htc-linux marex (
11:58.30*** join/#htc-linux MethoS-- ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:01.48*** join/#htc-linux MethoS- (
12:09.45*** join/#htc-linux ArteK (n=Artur@
12:23.24*** join/#htc-linux Shinto (
12:27.05*** join/#htc-linux MethoS (
12:29.34Gnutoohi, has openmoko-msm-2.6.29 been imported in linuxtogo git?
12:29.58Gnutoobtw the master doesn't cross-compile and the 2.6.30 doesn't cross-compile with wifi
12:31.11*** join/#htc-linux dicki (
12:37.25*** join/#htc-linux luc_ (
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12:53.52*** join/#htc-linux MethoS- (
12:54.40*** join/#htc-linux Moku (
13:01.24*** join/#htc-linux SOG (
13:01.24TigerTaelI need a kernel crash dump from my phone, possible?
13:02.20Vegitahow t tell a symbian UIQ sony ericcson p990 arm processor, to boot from memory card?
13:02.28Vegitathe others would be ok
13:03.17GnutooTigerTael,I don't know how to get crash dumps from kernel but I know that kgdb exists
13:04.23*** join/#htc-linux rashire2 (
13:04.40TigerTaelGnutoo, any idea how I could find out the memory locations in my phone for the baseband, etc?
13:05.04Gnutoomaybe with Haret
13:05.16Gnutoobut that's called reverse-enginering
13:05.33Gnutoobut sflc could help you if you need legal advice
13:07.02TigerTaelI'm not worried about legal advice.
13:07.18TigerTaelHTC should have released the kernel patches...
13:07.26TigerTaelThey need the legal advice.
13:08.11GnutooHaret works only on wince
13:08.21Gnutoois your device on winCe
13:08.39Gnutooelse you have a lot of stuff in-kernel to know that
13:08.44Gnutoobut I'm not an expert
13:09.19Gnutoonouveau use some kenrel part for reverse-engineering the nvidia driver
13:11.01TigerTaelokay thanks anyways.
13:14.32*** join/#htc-linux MethoS (
13:14.51GnutooI think it was mimo-trace but I'm not shure it would be usefull in your case
13:15.30*** join/#htc-linux Moku (
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13:59.19*** part/#htc-linux ArteK (n=Artur@
13:59.24*** join/#htc-linux ArteK (n=Artur@
14:02.37tmztTigerTael: we mostly know that
14:02.49tmztwhat do you need it for?
14:05.23tmztTigerTael: look at board-*.c and iomem.h for memory locations
14:05.54tmzt'/dev files are just interfaces to userspace, called special files
14:06.09tmztthey don't have any configuration in them
14:06.15*** join/#htc-linux infernixx (i=nix@unaffiliated/infernix)
14:09.31*** join/#htc-linux sdt555 (n=titus@
14:15.06TigerTaeltmzt, umm...
14:15.12TigerTaelI can't look at that because they are WRONG.
14:15.22TigerTaelWhich is the whole reason why I have to reverse engineer it.
14:16.47TigerTaelIt is also the whole reason why a 32A kernel will not work.
14:17.11*** part/#htc-linux sdt555 (n=titus@
14:17.47*** part/#htc-linux dicki (
14:23.08*** part/#htc-linux TigerTael (
15:00.33*** join/#htc-linux mugsie (n=Administ@unaffiliated/mugsie)
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15:25.01*** join/#htc-linux Squarc (
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15:33.59*** join/#htc-linux AstainHellbring (n=AstainHe@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
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15:46.03*** join/#htc-linux swc|666 (n=infidel2@unaffiliated/swc666/x-4934821)
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16:36.33*** join/#htc-linux edcba (i=edcba@
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16:42.39*** join/#htc-linux dcordes (n=luke@unaffiliated/dcordes)
16:44.16dcordeswhich device was TigerTael talking about ? dream ?
16:55.44*** join/#htc-linux pleemans (
16:57.45marajinhey dcordes
17:06.53marajinhow's it going?
17:18.30*** join/#htc-linux Tinyboom (
17:21.16*** join/#htc-linux Boy1980 (
17:21.49Boy1980Hi guys
17:22.02Boy1980I was looking around on the wiki about the Kaiser android port
17:22.21Boy1980I have a Niki and have android running on it
17:22.31Boy1980I would like to know more about the software development
17:23.02Boy1980can anyone tell me where to start looking how stuff works or be able to alter small things so I can see what happens when I alter the software?
17:43.50marajinshhh they're sleeping! :p
18:10.32*** join/#htc-linux Guest39791 (
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19:02.32*** join/#htc-linux BabelO (
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19:44.43*** join/#htc-linux Miek (n=mike@unaffiliated/mikechml) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:44.59*** join/#htc-linux Red_Devil ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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20:43.39*** join/#htc-linux exception13 (
20:43.49exception13BabelO: hi
20:44.21tmztare you working on an omap850/730 device?
20:44.25tmztyou and BabelO
20:46.06*** part/#htc-linux ArteK (n=Artur@
20:47.04exception13tmzt: today i'm play with wing-linux android port on artemis. gsm work! but i'm use not artemis kernel
20:47.29tmztah, cool
20:47.35tmztwhat do you mean?
20:47.44tmztcan you join #linwizard, talk to darkstar?
20:48.00tmztyeah, there's some work between the projects
20:51.27tmztexception13: yes I know
20:56.30exception13on weekends I would like to try to make a patch for wing-linux kernel with native support artemis
20:57.25tmztexception13: can you join #linwizard?
21:03.38BabelOexception13: you say phone works on artemis ?
21:04.54tmztthere's no sound yet
21:04.58tmztthat's the next project
21:05.06exception13BabelO: yes
21:05.36exception13BabelO: but i'm not listen caller but caller listen me
21:05.39tmztBabelO: the wing-linux developer is now working with the #linwizard team to get a single omap850 kernel (actually two right now) for all htc omap devies
21:06.21tmzt(the upstream kernel is not working because of some irq issue so they are on a different tree right now called candidate)
21:06.26BabelOtmzt: ok
21:06.39BabelOexception13: ok but you use bad kernel you have to use htc-omap from git
21:06.51BabelOi have to had phone from wizard to check
21:22.03*** join/#htc-linux bolee (
21:56.31*** part/#htc-linux exception13 (
22:02.14*** join/#htc-linux Amaranth (
22:12.35*** join/#htc-linux edcbz (i=edcba@
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23:38.21*** join/#htc-linux swc|666 (n=infidel2@unaffiliated/swc666/x-4934821)
23:44.58BabelOthat's the new keep alive stuff from htc-linux geeks :)

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