IRC log for #htc-linux on 20090602

00:14.20*** join/#htc-linux AstainHellbring (n=AstainHe@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
00:20.19parnit guys
00:51.31*** join/#htc-linux WyrM (n=wyrm@
00:55.42*** join/#htc-linux Marajin (
01:28.10*** join/#htc-linux Solvik ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:28.10*** join/#htc-linux |Jason8| ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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02:10.33|Jason8|is that thing a touch pro with android on it and a HVGA screen?
02:10.38|Jason8|or am I just crazy?
02:10.56paruh, its a sapphire
02:12.14parthe vogue is better
02:12.29paruhm and the touch pro doesn't look like that
02:12.41|Jason8|i mean internals
02:13.00parmore like a blackstone
02:19.05paryeah, same processor
02:19.10paras raphael
02:19.22parsame amount of rom / nand size
02:20.44*** join/#htc-linux BHSPitMonkey (n=stephen@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey)
02:24.24paronly has 192 mb of ram comapred to raphaels 288
02:29.28|Jason8|the verizon raph has 192, doesn't it
02:37.44parthe raph500? u mean
02:40.03|Jason8|i guess?
02:40.47paryou'd have to ask cr2 or tmzt
02:40.59partmzt has a raph500
03:09.15*** join/#htc-linux mrmoku|a` (
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03:36.52*** join/#htc-linux paulproteus (i=paulprot@2002:db69:2513:0:0:0:0:1)
03:38.53*** join/#htc-linux infidel206 (n=infidel2@unaffiliated/jenkempusher/x-35920)
03:39.40*** join/#htc-linux xsacha (n=sacha@
03:39.55xsachaanyone seen this?
03:41.32xsachai thought it was april fools joke, but someone replied today and said they are the product manager and it's real
03:59.43paryeah neat
04:00.01partime to reverse engineer it and make a filesystem driver like it
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04:53.44maejrepthought you guys might appreciate this...
04:53.46maejrep10:30pm up 2960 days, 7:26, 1 user, load average: 0.45, 0.13, 0.04
04:53.59maejrep(not mine, someone I know)
04:56.50xsachahey guys..
05:43.48parmaejrep: what kernel, device etc.
05:44.50parerr or system ;
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06:49.38*** join/#htc-linux BabelO (n=fcr@unaffiliated/babelo)
06:55.35no2chemhey, anyone here know anything about the ADSP?
07:00.16infidel206maejrep, wow - that beats the 2200 i saw recently :0
07:03.32infidel206dont you love it when you create a mount point, then start copying over a _large_ amount of files, only to realize that the external drive _isn't_ mounted to the mountpoint? :s
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07:40.29parinfidel206: dude, do you have that console image you made that has everything working with the devices on the ba in lenny?
07:41.59pari booted the hh20 kernel with the lenny rootfs
07:42.16parbut there's so much that needs to be modified in the rootfs to get the devices up and working
07:48.54infidel206like what
07:49.59infidel206par, I'm not sure if i included it in that tar file, but u need the firmware for acx and bluetooth
07:50.35infidel206and i think dbus + hal needs to be installed for bluetooth & touchscreen
07:58.40parwell what all did you install?
07:58.46paralso usbnet doesn't work
07:59.14infidel206usbnet should work
07:59.17infidel206out of the box
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07:59.27parreally? wow something must be messed up
07:59.36parnow i'm booting from the hh20 kernel
07:59.43parwith that rootfs
07:59.43infidel206do you have everything set correctly on the host machine?
07:59.53parthats the same thing you did right?
08:00.11parand i see that its in /etc/network/interfaces
08:00.12infidel206my script =
08:00.13infidel206modprobe usbnet
08:00.13infidel206ifconfig usb0
08:00.13infidel206echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
08:00.13infidel206iptables -A FORWARD -j ACCEPT
08:00.14infidel206iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth3 -j MASQUERADE
08:00.29parbut the kernel has a problem with usb
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08:00.35parthe hh20
08:00.39parit doesn't see it
08:00.40infidel206not for me... it works fine for me
08:00.45parare you using a boardid0x5?
08:00.55infidel206not sure which board it is
08:01.10parwhats it branded as
08:01.12infidel206siemens sx66
08:01.17parhmm same
08:01.28parweird.. i wonder why usb fails
08:01.33paryeah same here
08:01.58pari looked and no /proc/ksysms
08:02.02infidel206when u plug it in to cradle, do u see kernel messages pop up saying cdc ether...etc etc?
08:02.28infidel206and did you run the sync command after copying the filesystem?
08:02.33parbut as the usb in hh20 fails when the kernel is coming up
08:02.47paryes i made sure all the data was written cleanly
08:03.14infidel206/etc/network/interfaces is correct, right?
08:03.22infidel206static ip, etc
08:03.24paryes, out of the box its right
08:04.00infidel206are you using a cradle or the cord thing?
08:04.08parcord thing
08:04.18paryou were using a cradle/
08:04.31infidel206ok, so if you see the kernel messages, then the phone should be setup right
08:04.39infidel206has to be on the host machine side
08:04.50infidel206^ a problem with
08:04.53parno but when booting usb fails in the kernel
08:05.07pari mean it looks good in the kernel but right before setting up it fails
08:05.27infidel206from which image did u get the kernel modules/zImage?
08:05.55paryou gave me the modules and the zImage
08:06.01infidel206ah right
08:06.07infidel206i dont know then..
08:06.13pari tried that it just gave a bunch of errors
08:06.15infidel206maybe try to extract them from
08:06.21parso i replaced your zimage with hh20
08:06.59paris that where you got your hh20?
08:07.11paralso what was that zimage you gave me?
08:07.15parwas that a new one?
08:07.17infidel206originally.. but i built my own kernel after
08:07.29parit was like 1.5 meg and hh20-r16 is like 1.1
08:07.40infidel206yeah the kernel + modules i gave you were good
08:07.55infidel206only a couple mods to the .config
08:08.07parso you are saying i should not have seen a shitload of errors when booting that kernel you included with the modules?
08:08.14infidel206i wanted some of the bluetooth stuff to be modules, instead of built in iirc
08:08.40parweird because i just got streaming errors about asic3
08:08.46infidel206i can give u my current modules/kernel if u want
08:08.54partht would rock!
08:09.06infidel206i'm in the process of loading linux on a new toy i got
08:09.36parcan you just give me your rootfs from the current install you have also?
08:10.01infidel206no, i got too much shit on it :s
08:10.07parhahhah ok ok
08:10.19infidel206i should have made a snapshot of the filesystem as soon as i got it where it needed to be
08:10.32infidel206i.e., after i got squeeze loaded barebones
08:11.00paryou found a squeeze rootfs?
08:11.03parfor armel?
08:11.09infidel206no i upgraded
08:11.22parhahaha man that must've been f'ed up on a little ba
08:11.32parhow long did it go
08:11.32infidel206ooooooooooo crap
08:12.10infidel206it took like 30 mins
08:12.20infidel206this filesystem is toast
08:12.42infidel2061 sec
08:12.49parcan you put up your current modules/kernel
08:13.32infidel206yeah i can give u my current modules+kernel from my build machine
08:13.48infidel206duh, dont know why i didnt think of that first
08:14.22parthanks dood
08:18.49infidel206ok this is strange
08:18.56infidel206i have the module folder
08:19.02infidel206bt the zImage isnt there
08:19.08infidel206in arch/arm etc
08:19.16parlook in the module folder
08:19.25pardo you see zImage in the root of it?
08:19.29infidel206no its not in the target folder
08:19.34parah ok
08:19.54infidel206not there
08:20.34infidel206well crap
08:20.47infidel206jut grap from alge
08:20.53infidel206just grab*
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08:21.06paryah ok
08:21.23infidel206wait a sec..
08:21.25paror i'll use the 1.5 meg one you sent me before.. all those errors were weird tho
08:21.52infidel206nope, even the vfat partition is hosed
08:22.21infidel206there shouldnt be but like one (maybe 2) errors @ boot
08:22.36parwell i already have that then so ..
08:24.11parok so i grabbed the firmware from the angstrom image for the wlan
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08:24.48parand then the other from babel0's sugggested site and renamed it accordingly
08:24.59parfor bt
08:25.20pardid you have to set up wlan in /etc/network/interfaces?
08:25.40infidel206yeah i setup one for bnep0, but...
08:25.56parwell bnep is already in there
08:26.08infidel206i set the BA up to conenct to my phone (raphael) using pand
08:26.09parbut.. nothign for wlan
08:26.24parwhat about wlan0... how did you bring that up
08:26.37pari managed to load the kernel module
08:27.00infidel206i basically wrote a hack script to get bluetooth up @ boot...
08:27.21paroh with the weird series of hciattach etc.?
08:27.22infidel206then i wrote a cron that runs every minute to check for a bnep0 interface
08:27.32parare you serious
08:27.43infidel206which means that if bnep0 wasnt present, it needed to restart bluetooth + networking
08:27.51infidel206gimme a sec and i'll paste it
08:28.39infidel206that bts file doesnt properly load bt on its own (the one from BabelO)
08:28.41parand wlan0, did you set that up in /etc/network/interfaces
08:28.46infidel206sec you'll see whats needed...
08:30.52infidel206oops...wrong highlighting but
08:31.44infidel206oh, and i'm not sure if bnep was a module in alge's image
08:33.07parno its in the armel rootfs ok tho
08:37.03parok thanks man
08:37.21pardid you have to modify any other stuff to get devices working properly?
08:37.33parlike, i didn't see wlan in the /etc/network/interfaces file
08:37.40pardid you get wlan0 up and working
08:46.04infidel206modprobe acx && wlan0 up
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08:46.42parlike i said i grabbed the firmware from angstrom and modprobe'd acx and it loaded
08:47.06pardon't you have to use ifup wlan0
08:47.43infidel206i neve ruse ifup
08:47.48infidel206never use*
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08:51.43paranything else i should know about configuring?
08:52.25infidel206depends on whether or not ur gonna use x
08:52.41parnah, this is just for everythign working on the console image at the momen
08:53.05paryou had to move up to squeeze for x right.. cuz of tslib?
08:53.50infidel206and a few other packages i had needed
08:54.01infidel206mostly relating to things that are probably opposite of what you're doing
08:54.08paryou know squeeeze has gpe
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08:54.32infidel206hrm.. thought it didnt the other day
08:54.37pari manually looked in the repo
08:54.42infidel206i dont like gpe much really :/
08:54.52infidel206or should i say matchbox*
08:54.56partheres an armel squeeze binary for gpe
08:55.06parahh yeah i hear ya on that one
08:57.30parwell cool thanks for the heads up
09:01.16parso what window mgr were you going to use on squeeze/
09:08.55infidel206xfce4 for like 10 seconds
09:12.01xsachabig thing about tegra / snapdragon at computex
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09:16.22xsachabig thing about tegra / snapdragon at computex.. which do you guys think is better?
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09:25.28*** join/#htc-linux BabelO_ (n=fcr@unaffiliated/babelo)
09:26.30parhi babel0
09:39.29BabelO_hi par
09:39.48BabelO_par: back to office, so BabelO_
09:45.06parhehe ;)
09:45.42infidel206this is getting to be a fsckin pain
09:46.33infidel206longest linux installation of my career
09:50.48xsachalol infidel, true that
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09:52.31xsachawell actually, linux was easy.. android is damn difficult
09:55.16parinfidel206: what gadget are you putting linux on now?
10:00.11*** join/#htc-linux kiozen (
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10:15.41infidel206par, fujitsu u810
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11:54.12xsachaanyone have a armv5 compile of android? system.img?
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13:05.08xsachatmzt: the system clock works :D
13:05.35xsachapxa-rtc: setting system clock to 2009-06-02 23:04:21
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13:27.57OltreIrc`12266©îªø ⠆µ††î!!! :D
13:28.02OltreIrc`12266CIAO A TUTTI
13:29.13*** part/#htc-linux OltreIrc`12266 (
13:35.02xsachacool, if i do: killall init, it reboots to windows
13:35.11xsacha(reboot and shutdown -r don't do this)
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14:34.36tehblahi.. i am the new idler.. :)
14:35.02tcccpNoch mehr Deutsche...
14:35.07tcccpWelcome, have a seat and...idle
14:36.02tehblajo, kann man nix machen... ich räum mich dann mal auf..
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14:51.35xsachatmzt: BREAKTHROGUGH! android boots
14:51.49xsachayou'll never believe what the problem was :D:D
14:52.55xsachawell it still panicks actually.. but after about a solid minute of booting.. it fails with something to do with 'shmem'
15:06.20lamaxsacha: cool
15:07.13lamadon't forget putting booting movie on youtube :)
15:07.20xsachathe problem was i had 771/770 permissions on system folder
15:07.49xsachai changed it to 775 and it worked
15:08.12xsachadont know what shmem_fault is for though
15:08.35xsachalama: booting movie isn't too exciting with a constant strace going :P
15:11.07lamayour movie  will be number 98 :P
15:11.47xsachaandroid+i780+booting .. number 1 :D
15:12.44xsachabah their search is wrong
15:23.35xsachaStale NFS handle?
15:23.47xsachafailed to unlink old socket 'property_service'
15:25.34xsachai guess im done, i have to follow this now:
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16:01.24xsachao crap, i get i tnow
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17:04.24tmztxsacha: run fsck
17:05.03tmztxsacha: and yeah, permissions makes senSe, everything in android runs as a different user
17:06.07tmztmaejrep: working?
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18:52.14tmztpenguinz: did you have a armv5 android filesystem?
18:52.50tmztmaejrep: still here?
18:59.38tmztpenguinz: ali1234 has a driver for omap modem now, no sound yet but openandra and miknix are working on it
19:00.46miknixyeah, we have sound
19:01.01miknixor better call it.. noise comming out from the speakers
19:01.10miknixbut it might be sound for some
19:01.11miknix: P
19:01.37tmztgsm audio? or you know how that works now?
19:01.45penguinztmzt: yes, I was working on Exalibur / Dash
19:02.11tmztstill have omap patches?
19:02.14miknixtmzt, for gsm audio you only have to set the audio routing
19:02.32miknixit works even without the eac driver
19:02.59tmzthow hard would a sy driver be?
19:04.02miknixI did add sysfs interface to it
19:04.26tmztso we just need ril patches?
19:04.42tmzt(for android)
19:04.53miknixsysfs interface -> to set the audio routing
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19:09.15tmztxsacha: how is it going?
19:09.18j0b0xsacha, @ 16:52:56<xsacha> well it still panicks actually.. but after about a solid minute of booting.. <-- one minute is the display timeout. maybe it crashes trying to suspend ..uhm.. stuff
19:10.19tmztj0b0: is it possible to build from source for armv5?
19:10.33j0b0if it stays alive as long as you keep touching it, that would point at this
19:10.59j0b0tmzt sorry i dont know.
19:11.31tmztdisable ANDROID_PM?
19:14.00j0b0on raph we had the problem where it would fade the display to some weird greyish liney pattern on sleep, and iirc (which i might not) what fixed it was to enable wake locks
19:14.56j0b0that was not a panic tho, just the lcd gone wild
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19:15.50tmztdon't know whats's causing panic
19:16.04tmztkillall init should fail I think
19:16.12tmztnot reboot
19:16.26tmztif reboot on panic is enabled
19:16.46tmztall the panics should have rebooted
19:16.59j0b0what is 'normal' behavior when init exits/
19:17.20tmztandroid, reboot
19:17.30tmztif panic on reboot
19:18.32j0b0otoh, poking the wrong value in the wrong place would reboot the device as well
19:18.54tmztbut this isn't msm
19:19.11tmztit has a shared mem interface though we think
19:20.07tmztxsacha: can you lsusb in agstrom?
19:21.20tmztif something needs added to kernel to enable ohci we can do that
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19:31.57asperonhi guys, i have polaris and it is running 1.5 just fine, but i cant get the data connection to work. I use Tele2 in sweden (, username=blank,password=blank). I have tried adding it to default.txt and to the APN inside android to no avail. When i add it to the APN i get a G icon in the menu bar, but i still cant connect. Modem fails to connect as well. Status (in settings) says that network is
19:31.58asperonAndroid? what am i missing?
19:33.52asperonphone works fine, radio is
19:34.03tmztasperon: what initrd?
19:34.21tmztnetwork is android?
19:34.31tmztthat might be normal
19:35.10tmztI think dzo ril ignores that
19:35.26asperontmzt: f00bar's, from
19:35.35asperonsystem.img is from there aswell
19:35.58asperontmzt: would you suggest i change those files? if so, to what?
19:35.59tmztdon't know that one
19:36.17tmztdoes it use cmdline?
19:37.06tmztthose apn settings work in ce?
19:37.07asperoni have tried both with and without ppp.apn ppp.username and ppp.password
19:37.25asperonce just gets everything from the network and it all works, like magic :)
19:37.34asperonvia connection setup
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19:37.51tmztdoes the initrd bring up pp itself or let android do it?
19:38.22tmztdo you have a linux computer?
19:39.09asperonyes, i have a linux box
19:39.24asperoninitrd tried to do stuff with ppp, cant tell if it succeds
19:39.27tmztextract the initrd
19:39.39tmztpaste the script
19:39.50asperonok, hang on
19:41.46asperonis it the init.rc you want to see?
19:42.32tmztare there an other scripts?
19:43.11asperonthere are lots of files
19:43.15asperonthats the init.rc
19:43.24tmzttext files
19:43.33asperonthere is a init.goldfish.rc
19:43.34asperonas well
19:43.36tmztinit1? is that there?
19:44.07asperonits a binary
19:44.10tmztthen paste init
19:44.14asperonthere is a init file that calls it
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19:48.03tmztit doesn't bring up ppp
19:48.39tmztifconfig usb0
19:48.48tmztifconfig usb0
19:48.56asperonwould it be a good idea to get another initrd and/or system.img?
19:49.13tmztnot yet
19:49.28tmztcheck on thing in init.rc
19:49.35tmztsearch for ppp
19:49.48tmztpaste that line here
19:49.50asperoncant find text ppp
19:50.25tmztdid telnet work?
19:50.41asperonif [ -e /sdcard/default.prop ] ; then
19:50.41asperonecho Copying default.prop
19:50.41asperoncp /sdcard/default.prop /default.prop
19:50.49asperondono, how can i tell?
19:51.04tmztthe file default.prop
19:51.14tmztprobably on system.img
19:51.37tmzttell what?
19:52.07tmztoh, you typed telnet on the phone?
19:52.11asperonthats default.prop
19:52.23asperonif telnet worked
19:52.24tmztdo that on pc
19:53.00asperonsorry, i dont follow, connect the phone and then telnet to it, or what?
19:53.56asperonok, do i need to connect the phone to the linux box, or could i just use telnet in windows?
19:53.57tmztdid you know this android erases the second partition of your sd card?
19:54.22asperonno, i didn't gladly i only have one partition
19:54.39tmztyou can use windows if you can find the zaurus net driver
19:54.53tmztI can't find it though
19:55.13asperonok, ill connect it to a linux box then, gimme a sec
19:55.25tmztpenguinz: do you know what zaurus driver you used working with android?
19:56.09tmztdoes f00bar tell people this wipes the sd card?
19:56.39asperonno, not what i read, i followd a guide on xda
19:57.06asperonin the polaris forum
19:57.11tmztgreat, I keep my root filesystem on there
19:57.26tmztI didn't bott this though
19:57.47asperoni only have one partition on the card, so i keep all files in a big nice mess :)
19:58.01tmztyou do?
19:58.13asperonyes, is that bad?
19:58.26tmztwhere is it extracting data then?
19:58.58asperonto the same place i guess? i have an unextracted data and a cache dir etc
19:59.12tmztI see
20:00.20asperonusb0 no such device?
20:00.35asperonusb2 it seems
20:00.48tmztdid you boot with usb plugged in?
20:01.05asperondmesg shows the device
20:01.09asperonas usb0
20:01.19tmztyeah, that's fine
20:01.23asperonbut ifconfig usb0 gives no such device
20:01.31tmztifconfig usb2
20:01.46asperonsame for that
20:01.52asperondmesg calls it usb0
20:02.19tmztthere's a file in /etc/hal you need to delete
20:02.30tmzthold on
20:02.57asperoni only had fdi in there
20:04.25tmztpersist net
20:04.34tmztremove the lines
20:05.22asperonok, replug the device or just ifconfig?
20:05.23tmztfind them?
20:06.03asperonok, now it worked
20:06.07asperonthen telnet to it?
20:06.21asperonconnection refused
20:06.25tmztand togga
20:06.29tmztwhat ip?
20:06.41asperonthat was stupid,w9
20:07.38asperonchanged it to, still get connection refused
20:07.53tmztreboot pola
20:08.20asperonkeep it connected during boot, right?
20:08.39tmztunplug fist though
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20:11.35asperonstill connection refused
20:12.19tmztthe init.rc starts telnetd
20:12.34tmztit shouldn't say that
20:12.41tmztwhat commands?
20:12.51asperoni just tried telnet
20:13.24*** part/#htc-linux sdt555 (n=titus@
20:13.42tmzttelnet 1
20:15.24asperonthen i get network unreachable
20:17.03tmztcheck init.rc
20:17.52tmztplease type the commands that you used
20:18.09asperonifconfig usb0
20:18.43tmztifconfig is your ip
20:19.00tmzttelnet to device
20:19.06tmztcheck init.rc
20:19.38asperondevice is
20:19.53asperoni still get network unreachable
20:21.58asperon seems to have another initrd and system.img that people repport work with the polaris, should i try them instead?
20:22.22tmztfor gsm?
20:22.48asperondono, what do you mean by that?
20:24.33tmztdoes it work on kaiser?
20:26.29asperoni think so, i dont have a device to try it on
20:27.11asperontmzt: i ma really thankfull for your help, i neet to get to bed though, ill fiddle around with it some more, if cant solve it ill join here tomorrow after work and see if anybody can point me in the right direction
20:27.14asperonthnx, and good night
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21:36.08j0b021:10:19<tmzt> j0b0: is it possible to build from source for armv5? <-- it looks like yes. in ./build/ you can point to a toolchain, in ./build/core/combo/ you can set arch cflags. Im not sure about a single point to set TARGET_GLOBAL_CFLAGS
21:38.08tmztI think dalvik patches made it in, but that might have only been needed for armv4
21:39.24j0b0'they' support 5te and 4t, and the comment in the .mk says 4t is wip
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21:45.29cr2j0b0: there is no gps support in the "open" android ?
21:49.20j0b0cr2, maybe that requires a device specific module
21:49.53j0b0i dont know how gps is exposed to android
21:51.31tmztcr2: hey
21:54.45j0b0tmzt yes. i mean like whether its in eventhub or something
21:55.10tmztoh, intent I think
21:57.14tmztcr2: it probably has agps stuff in it so it's closed
21:58.59cr2j0b0: talks pdsm_* rpc
21:59.49cr2tmzt: i've documented the calls used by wince, the function calls look the same, but the parameters may be different.
22:00.04cr2i think we should follow the wince way.
22:00.08tmztcan it be traced?
22:00.20cr2tmzt: it _is_ traced
22:00.23tmztraph800 way?
22:00.35cr2in wiki
22:00.37j0b0right, so we'd have so write our own. lets see if goldfish implements one
22:00.38cr2raph800 ?
22:00.56tmztdo gsm use nmea?
22:00.58cr2it's necessary to parse the rpc replies
22:01.19cr2yes, smd27 + usual rx/tx md pair
22:01.47cr2too late :)
22:02.00tmztbut cdma don't?
22:02.22tmztso we have more data in rpc
22:02.24cr2i've not seen nmea in the smem dumps from cdma phones
22:02.29cr2it seems so
22:02.46tmztI get bad nmea on a com port, but I think from windows
22:03.01cr2gpsdriver.dll ?
22:03.12tmztbad as in zeroed location
22:03.15tmztno fix
22:03.42tmztafter prl change to one that has gps flag enabled
22:04.13tmztmaybe, how do I find that, registry?
22:04.31cr2i used reassigned com4:
22:04.36cr2and roadmap
22:04.45tmztcom4 I think
22:05.03cr2it's virtual anyway
22:05.09tmztwith putty
22:05.19cr2stty ? :)
22:05.40tmztin ce
22:06.02cr2since arm9 does not produce nmea, some .dll should do it
22:06.17cr2is standard. actually
22:06.24tmztsentences were fine
22:06.29tmztjust zero
22:06.39cr2then the speed does not matter
22:07.06cr2ggv ?
22:07.30j0b0ifneq ($(BOARD_GPS_LIBRARIES),)
22:07.32tmztcan't remember
22:07.42j0b0libhardware_legacy implements an interface for android
22:08.34cr2j0b0: how ?
22:09.25cr2j0b0: i'm only worried that the rpc api is different
22:09.33cr2like for snd, for example
22:10.22j0b0cr2 im not sure. just found out that it does.
22:10.34j0b0i'll see what i can make out
22:10.44cr2j0b0: libhardware_legacy  has source ?
22:11.01cr2btw, can we get smem dump from g1/g2 ?
22:11.16tmztast might
22:11.34cr2with gps enabled.
22:11.44tmzthave to enable /dev/mem and comment out retrictions
22:11.49cr2before gps enabled,  and after gps enabled
22:11.55AstainMBLcr2 sure
22:12.03AstainMBLhow would I do that for sure?
22:12.06tmztwe can add a tracer for user rpc though
22:12.30cr2AstainMBL: dd from /dev/mem
22:12.38tmztsince it uses a kernel driver
22:12.39cr2tmzt: how ?
22:12.51cr2hmm. yes
22:13.00tmztif it just mmaps we couldn't
22:13.15cr2i doubt it.
22:13.32cr2it's thumb, but not so evil i think ;)
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22:13.36tmztwe can reuse androids memory log
22:13.38AstainMBLso just dd if=/dev/mem of=/sdcard/gps
22:13.42AstainMBLthem go turn it on?
22:13.59tmztI mean
22:14.03cr2AstainMBL: yeah, if your SD is big enough
22:14.07tmztor get devmem2
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22:14.32AstainMBLds is 512mb
22:14.33cr2i don't know how intelligent is the g1 shell
22:14.48cr2with bash it should be like
22:14.56tmztthat's why it crashes?
22:15.13tmztmakes sense
22:15.23cr2dd if=/dev/mem bs=4 skip=$((0x01f00000/4)) count=$((0x100000/4))
22:15.47paromg holy ****
22:16.00pari just received 5 ba's in the mail
22:16.08parall boardid0x5
22:16.18cr2par: harrier ?
22:16.28parnope.. real ba's
22:16.35pari paid $112.50
22:16.45AstainMBLdamn par
22:16.45parin america one costs that much
22:16.51cr2do they work ?
22:17.01paronly minor dings on the casings
22:17.36cr2well, i bought mine 5 years ago.
22:17.38pareach came with car adaptor, usb cradle, two 512mb sd cards, ac cords
22:18.14parsee, in america the siemens sx66 was oem'ed by cingular (at&t)
22:18.30parso a lot of places get them as returns
22:18.36parwhen they upgrade phones
22:18.46parso i bought a lot of 5 returns
22:18.52AstainMBLuhm I have no /dev/mem
22:19.12tmztadd it to .config
22:19.15cr2there was sharp g1000
22:19.18parone wholesale lot consisting of 5 returns
22:19.27parwhats the g1000?
22:19.42cr2used atiw3220
22:19.55parhere in usa they don't realize that they are gsm world phones because cingular (at&T) put a carrier lock
22:19.56cr2but it's neither gsm nor cdma
22:20.03parso now i'll just break the carrier lock on all 5
22:20.09pari could sell them each for $119
22:20.14tmztcr2: what?
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22:20.39NetRippercr2, hi
22:20.52AstainMBLcr2 I have no /dev/mem
22:21.02AstainMBLon g1
22:21.16cr2tmzt: sorry. it was hitachi ?
22:21.43cr2AstainMBL: hmm.
22:21.49cr2hi NetRipper
22:21.55cr2NetRipper: what about umts ?
22:22.09NetRipperlol still havent checked
22:22.09cr2NetRipper: does the git head compile for you ?
22:22.14AstainMBLit is a custom setup of g1 hero build I think
22:22.16NetRippercr2, im trying now
22:22.22NetRippercr2, but i had a msg from j0b0 that it doesn't
22:22.22j0b0cr2 i have an smem dump after initializing a 3g vid call. can i mail it (where?) i'd rather not post it in a crowded place because i dont know whats in it :)
22:22.27tmztcr2: not gsm or cdma?
22:22.36cr2NetRipper: git or umts ?
22:22.40NetRippercr2, git
22:22.52NetRippercr2, the rfkill is causing htcraphael_android_defconfig to fail
22:22.54j0b0NetRipper it doesnt compile for the android defconfig
22:23.02cr2tmzt: cdma 1900 ?
22:23.16cr2tmzt: this is how it looked like
22:23.18tmztcdma for us
22:23.44cr2there is even cdma 450 , afair
22:24.14j0b0also, diamond doesnt boot even if it doesnt compile. its probably something trivial
22:24.24j0b0*even if it does
22:24.42NetRipperis there a reason the android defconfig doesn't have rfkill btw?
22:24.45cr2j0b0: 256MB ram ? :)
22:25.31j0b0cr2 could be that
22:25.40cr2j0b0: the head assumes 256MB ram. you need to replace if (1), by if(my_machine_is_not_lame)
22:25.47tmztthey might mean wcdma
22:26.02cr2tmzt: it's an old phone, like ba
22:26.21AstainMBLtmzt cdma has a 1900 too
22:26.25j0b0or just #if 0 as that condition is always false in board-diamond
22:26.33cr2tmzt: FCC IDABLSH-G1000 » (Approved Apr 3, 2003)
22:26.55cr2j0b0: diam has a different board-* ?
22:27.11j0b0cr2 it does unfortunately
22:27.25NetRipperanyhow, the Makefile change is pretty so it's committed j0b0
22:27.42cr2NetRipper: does head compile ?
22:27.46j0b0NetRipper thank you
22:27.48NetRipperit does now
22:28.02cr2NetRipper: tell me about umts
22:28.08tmztcr2: Sprint, 1900mHz, it was CDMA2000
22:28.28cr2NetRipper: mickeyl was so happy, that he has disappeared since then
22:28.30tmzt1xrtt is lowspeed data
22:28.34NetRippercr2, lol
22:28.40cr2tmzt: ok
22:28.57NetRippercr2, btw the collegue i was supposed to do video calling with wasn't at work today, so don't have your dumps yet
22:29.10cr2NetRipper: ok.
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22:29.36cr2NetRipper: btw, the universal opened the small window on video call even without the call itself
22:29.53cr2it'll be enough for me
22:30.11cr2but i don't have (non-data) umts connection here
22:30.34NetRipperyou want to get access to the front camera?
22:30.42AstainMBLstupid US carriers not supporting vid calling
22:30.48cr2umts sim card does not have voice, and voice sim card does not have umts ;)
22:31.02cr2NetRipper: yes
22:32.05cr2AstainMBL: bandwidth waste ;)
22:32.35cr2i've never seen anybody actually using it here.
22:33.29cr2NetRipper: if you know some other way of enabling the vga cam, it's interesting
22:34.56AstainMBLcr2 the camera app can do it
22:34.57cr2j0b0: i hope that we will send some init gps rpcs, and start the 2 sec pdsm_get_location thread, which will provide us with the nmea data on smd27
22:35.08cr2AstainMBL: how ?
22:35.46AstainMBLin the camera app you goto settings and it has an option to chose the camera
22:35.54cr2i'll try
22:36.10j0b0cr2, can you trace those calls or get them from an smem dump after enabling gps, like witht he video call
22:36.22cr2but the video call may use some other DATA* smd channels
22:36.35cr2j0b0: it's all in wiki already
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22:38.03cr2j0b0: we just need to write the drivers ( like htc_battery does, or the time update rpc code)
22:38.12NetRipperwelcome back
22:38.23cr2j0b0: i think htc_battery.c is a good example how to do it.
22:38.35NetRipperas i was saying, do you want to access the front camera cr2 ? or what's the purpose for the video call?
22:39.00j0b0i think htc battery creates a server for arm9 to call back to
22:39.46cr2AstainMBL: aaa
22:40.23cr2NetRipper: to check the DATA smd channels
22:40.41j0b0cr2 i mailed you an smem dump after starting a vid call
22:40.48cr2NetRipper: the front cam was just a side effect
22:40.54tmztmaejrep: you here?
22:41.03cr2j0b0: where/when ?
22:41.08j0b0just now
22:41.24cr2j0b0: to htc-linux ?
22:41.24j0b0to the address in your commit
22:44.39cr2j0b0: got it
22:45.10cr2j0b0: do you understand my wiki syntax for rpc ?
22:46.42cr2maybe i should put the full rpc calls into wiki somewhere, so all other struct members can be seen
22:47.08j0b0well, it doesnt say anything about sequences, right. just a reference table
22:47.16tmztI don't :)
22:47.46cr2i used the "dzo" msm_rpc_call syntax
22:48.05cr2but we have one more parameter *ept (endpoint)
22:48.06j0b0you stillneed to know what to call and when
22:48.51cr2CLKRGM_SEC  0x3000000f   clk_regime_sec_*
22:48.52cr27,1 clk_regime_sec_enable (x48,x28,x33,x29)
22:50.22cr2meaned msm_rpc_call(PROG=0x3000000f,(VERS=0),PROC=7,msg has 1 int as payload (0x48 or 0x28 or 0x33 or 0x29)
22:50.58cr2i think it should be easy to write a full-blown rpc smem parser
22:51.06cr2if it's really needed
22:51.43cr2the audmgr:
22:51.47cr2AUDMGR  0x30000013   audmgr_*
22:51.48cr21,8 audmgr_enable_client_apps (1,0,9,5,4,1,9,80d57a01)
22:51.54tmztthink the two-way protocol would be good?
22:52.31cr2PROG=0x30000013 VERS=0 (always for our AMSS) PROC=1, has 8 parameters (documented in qdsp/audmgr.c)
22:52.34tmztclient apps?
22:52.59cr2audmgr_enable_client_apps is how wince calls this function
22:53.42tmztfor pcm?
22:54.07cr2check qdsp5/audmgr.c for the message struct
22:54.17cr2PDAPI  0x3000005b   pdsm_*
22:54.34cr2this is a monster :)
22:55.01cr2PROG=0x3000005b VERS=0 PROC=0xc, has 28 parameters
22:55.09cr2undocumented of course.
22:55.48cr2but i hope that we don't really need to know it, and will just get the the nmea data after sending this message
22:56.36cr2da3 here is some handle returned by
22:56.39cr2PDAPI  0x3000005b   pdsm_*
22:56.40cr20x3,1 pdsm_client_init (2/b/4)
22:57.26cr2pdsm_client_init (b) means xtra_init, (2) pd_init and 4=lcs_init
22:57.44cr2this part is more or less understandable
22:58.18j0b0its bed time for me .. sorry to miss the class :) good night all
22:58.26cr2good night
22:59.28AstainMBLcr2 aaa?
23:02.32cr2AstainMBL: switched to vga cam
23:02.44AstainMBLahh cool
23:03.05dream_killcr2 any progrss on nand stuff:P ?
23:03.58AstainMBLcr2 did you still need config.gz from g1?
23:05.06cr2AstainMBL: no
23:05.36cr2dream_kill: i need some reliable data on APP/EXTENDED_ROM partitioning before destroying wince
23:05.54AstainMBLcr2 raph has no ext_rom
23:06.02miknixdid someone benefit from the apple student promotion of when buying a macbook and ipod touch they give you back some money for the ipod?
23:06.23cr2dream_kill: i don't see the fat signature at the beginning of EXTENDED_ROM
23:07.08cr2AstainMBL: what filesystem it uses on the disk ? why it reports 306.23MB and itsutils 3 partitions with different size ?
23:07.49AstainMBLxip uldr imgfs
23:08.50cr2AstainMBL: if you enjoy wince reflashing, we can expose the imgfs as linux partition.
23:08.59cr2what is in uldr ?
23:09.16AstainMBLsure I flash athena like a mad man
23:09.24cr2then it should be possible to mkyafff2 or how it is called.
23:09.25dream_killu have the kernel uploaded anywhere?
23:09.27AstainMBLuldr is space that could be use for rom updating?
23:09.44dream_killi wana load it on my raph so i can have a look
23:09.46cr2dream_kill: the kernel ?
23:10.00dream_killwith nand stuff compiled in for raph :P
23:10.34cr2dream_kill: hmm. i don't have it, but it's a good idea.
23:11.01cr2dream_kill: will you be able to recover the dead spl ? i don't think it'll be the case, but just to be sure :)
23:11.17dream_killspl no problem
23:11.24dream_killas long not kills the radio :P
23:11.32cr2radio is mpu
23:11.36dream_killas i can falsh spl via radio :P
23:11.43cr2and we don't disable it.
23:12.14tmztdream_kill: you have serial port?
23:12.21cr2hmm. but we don't powerup lcd now i think.
23:12.26dream_killof course i do :P
23:12.38tmzthow do you build one?
23:12.39cr2dream_kill: is it 3.3V ?
23:12.39dream_killi'm the one which made it public :P
23:13.05dream_killu can use max3232
23:13.09cr2so i need max232
23:13.11dream_killor a usb to serial :P
23:13.29dream_killmax 3232 for 3v3 v :P
23:13.34dream_killmax 232 uses 5V :P
23:13.43tmztcr2: cmonex said we have to send GO2AMSS but she doesn't know what channel
23:13.44cr2i have a cable from BA gps
23:13.52cr2for 3.3V gps mouse
23:14.10cr2tmzt: where ?
23:14.14dream_killi used DKU-5 from nokia :P
23:14.24cr2tmzt: it's an oemsbl command
23:14.27dream_killGO2AMSS it starts the radio
23:14.31tmztcr2: in #hpcdev yesterday
23:14.37dream_killif u have setboot mode 1 :P
23:14.52dream_killif the device starts the oemsbl but not the amms
23:14.58tmztright, so we can be appsbl
23:14.58dream_killneed to send that command :P
23:15.28cr2well, on a standalone boot we need to init more hardware
23:15.35cr2like the lcd for example.
23:15.57cr2dream_kill: yeah, running linux without amss
23:15.57tmztwill the uboot help with that?
23:16.11cr2or booting linux on arm9, lol :)
23:16.21dream_killcr2 !! AMSS is the RADIO :P
23:16.37cr2dream_kill: secure mode.
23:16.52dream_killso if u wana use it as a linux and no radio ...yes no problem:P
23:17.02cr2dream_kill: without amss the big brother can't hear you 8-)
23:17.23tmztit won't be a phone though
23:18.02AstainMBLcr2 need me to flash wince?
23:19.52cr2AstainMBL: no, just to format the imgfs for yaffs2
23:20.13cr2i wish it was ext2 instead
23:20.36cr2then you can mount it, write to it, test if it works properly
23:20.58cr2and then reflash wince back
23:21.30cr2tmzt: can we create an oe/android yaffs2 rom for raph ?
23:21.49tmztas nbh?
23:21.54tmztI think so
23:21.56cr2it will not work, because we need to init the lcd properly, but anyway
23:22.10cr2no, just plain 'dd' image
23:22.27cr2so that it can be flashed instead of imgfs
23:22.48cr2nbh will be even better i think.
23:23.01tmztnbh can just be part of the rom
23:23.13cr2but then we need to take care about this xip/uldr/imgfs mumbo-jumbo
23:23.20tmztI think I've figured out xip though
23:23.53cr2tmzt: can you write some sensible dumper tool ?
23:23.57tmztcmonex said we don't need to worry about romhdr
23:24.12cr2APP dump
23:24.29cr2based on htcflasher
23:24.30tmztwhat does that mean?
23:24.38cr2i dump my APP
23:24.49tmztread instead of write?
23:24.51cr2nand beginning at 0x2820000
23:25.06cr2then we can analyze what is really there
23:25.08tmztdon't know RUU protocol
23:25.19cr2then we can replace xip, imgfs or whatever
23:25.29tmztif it has a write command it should have read though
23:25.31cr2you don't need ruu
23:25.45cr2you only need to know the layout, then we can use 'dd' in linux
23:25.46tmzthtcflasher uses it
23:26.04cr2i mean the imgfs details in htcflasher source
23:26.13tmztso just a tool to dump the partition table?
23:26.18cr2does htcflasher work for raph ?
23:26.26cr2yes, more or less
23:26.32tmztI used it
23:26.51tmztromhdr is MSFLSH50 I think
23:26.53cr2i wish we have replaced the lzma/xpr code.
23:27.11tmztwhat are you trying to do?
23:27.39cr2make htcflasher a real linux program
23:28.01cr2well, not right now.
23:28.08tmztit has some parts missing
23:28.20tmztbut we don't need xip or imgfs dump
23:28.28tmztcmonexaway: you here?
23:28.36cr2xip dump is done by 'dumprom'
23:28.55cr2works in linux (without compression, because of the same problem)
23:29.15cr2has problems with 64bit, though
23:29.17tmztI think we only need to use the simple partition table
23:29.38dream_killhardcoded in kernel :P
23:29.38*** join/#htc-linux dcordes (n=luke@unaffiliated/dcordes)
23:30.09tmztbut the question is can we init enough hardware to do this yet?
23:30.29xsachabtw it doesnt boot for a minute... it was only when i used strace that it took about a minute lol
23:30.46tmztmaking usbnet and flashing klt is one thing
23:31.02cr2tmzt: i think the lcd is a main problem. but i think it's doable.
23:31.03tmztxsacha: emu is broken, you need a device build
23:31.14xsachai get "#warning: `rild' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy suppoty in use) and then a kernel panic
23:31.25cr2tmzt: still ,it's nice to be able to do that anyway.
23:31.25xsachaoh ok, where can i get one?
23:31.49tmztxsacha: there's some stuff we need to do in angstrom to rule out the msm causing this
23:32.02tmztandroid repo
23:32.23xsachawait, isn't that 2GB?
23:32.41tmztit's big
23:32.48xsachai dun have that much d/l
23:32.56tmztyou can look for one though
23:33.01tmzta build
23:34.54xsachawhat you want me to do in angstrom? it's up now
23:35.42cr2AstainMBL: still the numbers are a bit strange
23:35.55tmztdmesg |grep ohci
23:36.07xsachai cant use pipes on keyboard
23:36.44cr2AstainMBL: try to create the /dev/mem on g1. i think having a smem dump is important.
23:36.55xsachai can only use numbers 0 and 1 lol
23:38.30xsachais CONFIG_USB needed?
23:38.55tmztand pdata as well
23:39.07xsachastrange it wasnt prereq for usb_gadget
23:39.16xsachawhat is pdata?
23:39.36tmztmaybe just flags
23:40.27tmztgadget is seperate
23:40.57dcordesdream_kill, you need kernel build with nand enabled?
23:41.17tmztthere's a note about that
23:42.10cr2dcordes: he needs a yaffs2 image to flash
23:42.42cr2dcordes: but we don't powerup the lcd (at least) so it's not very useful  right now.
23:45.46dcordesok do we have some wiki page that describes the htc boot process with all the different stages?
23:46.54dcordesdream_kill, I'll upload one after I built toolchain
23:49.49*** join/#htc-linux Marajin (
23:51.53*** join/#htc-linux m_ (n=nospam@
23:59.24cr2good night

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