IRC log for #htc-linux on 20090423

03:04.40*** join/#htc-linux AstainHellbring (n=AstainHe@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
03:08.41*** join/#htc-linux mrmoku|a` (
04:05.15*** join/#htc-linux Moku (
04:19.09*** join/#htc-linux goxboxlive (
04:54.19tmztinteresting, this is a qualcomm msm-based device:
05:02.24AstainHellbringvery interesting TmR|screen`0ff
05:04.36parmasterhi tmzt
05:04.46parmasteryeah, thats verrry interesting
05:07.55AstainHellbringwhats up tmzt?
05:09.34tmztnot much, just saw that and wondered what protocol he may be referring to
05:23.51*** join/#htc-linux dzo (
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05:55.02*** join/#htc-linux kiozen (
06:03.51*** join/#htc-linux pleemans (
06:08.51*** join/#htc-linux dzo_ (
06:24.48*** join/#htc-linux kiozen (
06:35.57*** join/#htc-linux TheiPirate (
06:42.26*** join/#htc-linux AIVAnet (n=John_A@
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07:10.43*** join/#htc-linux marex (
07:17.56*** join/#htc-linux dzo_ (
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07:24.22*** join/#htc-linux BabelO (
07:39.52*** join/#htc-linux dzo (
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07:45.12*** part/#htc-linux TheiPirate (
07:49.38*** join/#htc-linux nebi_ (n=nebi@
08:04.17*** join/#htc-linux BabelO_ (n=fcr@unaffiliated/babelo)
08:05.07*** join/#htc-linux elysion__ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:05.07*** join/#htc-linux Perkka_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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08:26.46*** join/#htc-linux captnoord (i=5147a47b@gateway/web/ajax/
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09:34.49*** join/#htc-linux Pure4Real (
09:38.19*** join/#htc-linux Badgerface (
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11:10.47*** join/#htc-linux captnoord (i=5147a47b@gateway/web/ajax/
11:19.34*** join/#htc-linux _chab7_3 (n=kvirc@
11:21.58captnoordregarding adsp
11:22.21captnoordI think the raphael's is 0x1012EFC
11:37.51*** join/#htc-linux captnoord (i=5147a47b@gateway/web/ajax/
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12:30.38*** join/#htc-linux Emo (n=x@unaffiliated/egns)
12:31.04*** join/#htc-linux XD (i=t3st1fy@
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12:34.42*** join/#htc-linux swc|666 (n=swc@unaffiliated/swc666/x-4934821)
12:41.20*** join/#htc-linux Patrick_Bateman (n=swc@unaffiliated/swc666/x-4934821)
13:12.48*** join/#htc-linux MethoS- (
14:00.19*** join/#htc-linux swc|666 (n=swc@unaffiliated/swc666/x-4934821)
14:02.18*** join/#htc-linux AstainHellbring (n=AstainHe@unaffiliated/astainhellbring)
14:06.38*** join/#htc-linux sdt555 (n=titus@
14:08.49*** join/#htc-linux wirelessdreamer (n=dreamer@
14:12.12AstainHellbringhows it going today?
14:13.34captnoordmajor back pain
14:13.59AstainHellbringsorry to hear that
14:38.12*** join/#htc-linux JuNu_KN (
14:41.31captnoordslaps Guest18980
14:41.35captnoordfix your bouncer
14:43.22AstainHellbringdamn androids running better slowly but surely on this raph800
14:44.21captnoordwho was doing stuff with the RPC and sound?
14:45.50AstainHellbringnot sure
14:47.25captnoordbecause I opened up IDA this afternoon after reading some stuff regarding it on the  htc android forum
14:48.10captnoordand regarding the post of things what are missing and stuff
14:48.30captnoordI opened up adsp*.dll and kinda found it instantly
14:48.36captnoordnot all
14:48.37captnoordjust 1
15:09.49*** join/#htc-linux sdt555 (n=titus@
15:26.35*** join/#htc-linux marex (
15:47.38*** part/#htc-linux Emo (n=x@unaffiliated/egns)
15:47.56*** join/#htc-linux _XD (
16:18.50*** part/#htc-linux sdt555 (n=titus@
16:30.19*** join/#htc-linux StarLite (
16:33.45*** join/#htc-linux sdt555 (n=titus@
16:55.04*** join/#htc-linux exception13 (
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16:57.15*** join/#htc-linux BigDaemon (
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18:03.27*** join/#htc-linux goxboxlive (
18:06.21*** join/#htc-linux goxboxlive (
18:09.39*** join/#htc-linux cr2 (
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18:20.58*** join/#htc-linux kiozen (
18:41.04*** join/#htc-linux Marajin_ (
18:55.41*** join/#htc-linux goxboxlive (
18:56.16goxboxlivehmm this is so cool. I have added touchscreen to my netbook :-) Man i'm a geek
18:57.05*** join/#htc-linux MethoS (
18:57.13goxboxliveI had it working in linux, but sutthenly all my kde desktop disapeared, the only thing that shows when i am logging in is terminal (konsole*)
18:59.19goxboxliveNext thing i shall add to my netbook, is a gps chip :-)
19:04.44kiozengoxboxlive: lol, use a  bt gps mouse
19:05.06*** join/#htc-linux _XD (
19:05.58goxboxlivekiozen, i have bought a usb gps, i am going to dismantel it and solder it on a spare usb port wich is hidden on the motherboard. :-)
19:06.41kiozenthink we can't keep you from doing it :)
19:07.04kiozenu-blox chipset is nice too
19:07.22kiozenbut need an antenna to work
19:07.39goxboxliveacer is so lame, they have added a spare usb port wich is not in use, and also a sata controller wich is not in use. I switched the slow ssd disk on it with a sata disk. The netbook is a lot faster now (and a little heavier :-) )
19:08.21kiozenshh you spoil their next inovation ;)
19:08.45BabelOgoxboxlive: i ve done the same here, and touchscreen for eeepc too :)
19:08.45kiozenola, le mec!
19:08.51goxboxlivekiozen, yes i am thinking of adding a connection on the side, and also try to put the anthenna behind the lcd sreen, like the wifi antenna today
19:09.16kiozengoxboxlive: use a nice quadhelix
19:09.47kiozenthus the eeepc display is a touchscreen display but not conneted?
19:10.45goxboxliveBabelO, hi, it's great to have TS on a mininetbook. Right? I bought the solderless TS kit so i didnt have to use the spare usb port on mine.
19:11.14BabelOgoxboxlive: ok, mine have a usb hub to plug in
19:11.49goxboxliveBabelO, same as mine, i had to split the mic+webcam cable
19:11.54wirelessdreamereeepc would of been great with a touchscreen and display that swivel'd 180
19:12.31BabelOgoxboxlive: yes that s the webcam here
19:14.12goxboxlivei have to walk the dog bbl
19:14.20*** join/#htc-linux JuNu_KN (
19:15.01kiozenBabelO: have you read 3D problem is back
19:15.38*** join/#htc-linux zycho_ (
19:15.47BabelOkiozen: yes, he have to check xorg 3d module and try glxhear test tool
19:22.28BabelOgoxboxlive: now i ve 3 free port in computer
19:22.33BabelO+1 for gps soon
19:35.52goxboxliveBabelO, yes i also have three internal USB port free. One 5V and two 3,3V from the TS controller
19:37.30goxboxliveI ahve read that the 3,3v USB port cant handle a BT dongle.
19:37.59BabelOgoxboxlive: i have already bt builtin
19:38.33goxboxliveBabelO, ok, mine hasent bluetooth built in
19:41.56*** join/#htc-linux zycho (
19:47.01*** join/#htc-linux whitequark (
19:58.10*** join/#htc-linux zycho_ (
20:06.20*** join/#htc-linux JuNu_KN (
20:09.12*** join/#htc-linux zycho (
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20:10.44*** part/#htc-linux whitequark (
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20:55.58*** join/#htc-linux BabelO_ (n=fcr@unaffiliated/babelo)
21:11.45cr2BabelO_: something for GT:
21:26.24tre9I'm trying to get wifi on h5000.  Reading I ran modprobe h5400_wifi which ran with no errors.
21:26.40tre9but ifconfig -a only lists "lo" and "usb0"
21:27.10tre9how do I get wlan0?
21:30.36BabelO_cr2: hmm
21:30.44BabelO_there is copyright
21:32.30*** join/#htc-linux timebomb (
21:35.57*** join/#htc-linux Untouchab1e (n=Untoucha@
21:37.15tmzttre9: what oe distribution and kernel is that?
21:37.58BabelO_tre9: iwconfig
21:38.04BabelO_tre9: abd iwlist ?
21:38.30tmzttre9> but ifconfig -a only lists "lo" and "usb0"
21:38.59tmztmodprobe -r h5400_wifi
21:39.04tmztmodprobe -v h5400_wifi
21:39.44BabelO_tre9: h5000 isn't a ipaq with pcmcia  ?
21:39.50BabelO_maybe you have to look to that
21:41.46tre9after modprobe -r,  modprobe -v h5400_wifi gives no output or errors
21:41.58tmztthen it's not loading
21:42.07tmztyou should see the insmod commands
21:42.12tmztdepmod -a
21:42.18tmztinsmod h5400_wifi
21:43.44cr2BabelO_: hehe. it's a good argument.
21:43.45tmztthis is 2.6.21-hh20?
21:44.20tre9h5000 is an ipaq, don't know about pcmcia, but it can have a sleeve I think
21:44.34tmztit has compact flash?
21:44.35tre9no depmod
21:44.41tmztbusybox depmod
21:45.18tre9busybox: applet not found
21:45.39tre9no compact flash, but sd
21:46.15tmztand insmod h5400_wifi?
21:46.25tmztfind /lib/modules |grep h5400
21:47.30BabelO_tre9: on h5400 h5400_wifi need ohci_hcd module
21:47.43tmztit's usb?
21:47.53BabelO_tre9: annd samcop too
21:47.59tmzttre9: did you build the kernel?
21:48.00BabelO_but should be loaded
21:48.10tre9I set CONFIG_USB_OHCI_HCD=y
21:48.16BabelO_tre9: can you pastebin dmesg output ?
21:48.17tre9do I need =m ?
21:48.24BabelO_tre9: no
21:48.25tmztlsusb show anything?
21:49.31BabelO_tre9: acx usb module ?
21:49.35tre9find shows: /lib/moduels/2.6.21-hh20/kernel/arch/arm/mach-pca/h5400/h5400_wifi.ko
21:51.28tre9nothing with ACX in the config
21:53.49tre9here's a summary of a section of dmesg output:
21:54.01tre9Stopping h5000 wifi interface
21:54.28tre9Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000020
21:54.47BabelO_tre9: as i say , in the sources, wifi use ohci and samcop
21:54.54tmztBabelO_: does upstream have the samcop driver yet?
21:54.59BabelO_check dmesg for that first
21:55.09BabelO_tmzt: don't know
21:55.15tre9... Internal error: Oops: 17 [#1]
21:57.07tre9no output from dmesg |grep -i samcop
21:58.44BabelO_you need it for wifi
21:58.59tre9in /proc/config.gz there is CONFIG_SOC_SAMCOP=y
21:59.12tre9is that what I need?
22:00.04tre9There is also CONFIG_ADC_SAMCOP=y and a few others (MMC, LED)
22:00.51tre9CONFIG_SOC_SAMCOP_FSI is not set
22:02.16*** join/#htc-linux elf ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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22:02.17*** join/#htc-linux thinko ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:03.13tre9when I run modprobe -r h5400_wifi I get "Device or resource busy".  Do I need to reboot?
22:11.54tre9when wince boots, wifi is on
22:14.47tre9linux boot message:
22:15.11tre9[1.45] samcop usb host samcop usb host: h5400 OHCI
22:15.53tre9[3.14] samcop usb host samcop usb host: Unlink after no-IRQ? Controller is probably using the wrong IRQ.
22:16.14tre9the boot hangs here
22:20.25tre9modprobe -v h5400_wifi says "Loading module h5400_wifi"
22:21.17tre9dmesg says "starting h5000 wifi interface failed - ohci-hcd module missing"
22:25.09tre9I will try compiling with CONFIG_USB_OHCI_HCD=m tomorrow.
22:49.18*** join/#htc-linux Untouchab1e (n=Untoucha@
22:49.20Untouchab1eHi all
22:49.22Untouchab1ewhats up?
23:02.35Untouchab1ehi mate
23:02.39Untouchab1ehow's it going?
23:12.13Untouchab1eWill a dump from the Sapphire help us out at all?
23:16.57tmztUntouchab1e: sapp code isn't to different from master, they can probably tell you more in #android
23:17.24Untouchab1eokey, will check it out
23:32.26*** join/#htc-linux nebi_ (n=nebi@
23:40.19Untouchab1eGood night all
23:44.52*** join/#htc-linux swc|666 (n=swc@unaffiliated/swc666/x-4934821)

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