IRC log for #htc-linux on 20090106

00:00.10Cobainhmm we are going on a couple of mins
00:00.43mdrobnakdo you see a glowing android?
00:00.54mdrobnakHmm.. Thats not good.
00:01.14NetRipperreal time log
00:01.51mdrobnakAwesome, thanks.
00:08.29BabelOmiknix: compiling ?
00:09.24*** join/#htc-linux konsta (
00:10.22j0b0:) im being pretty successful putting lavender.t's gpio findings in halibut_keypad
00:11.26lupine_85so that gets the keys on the front of the raph & diamond working?
00:11.54j0b0just cant tell ome from send or back from end
00:12.22miknixBabelO, no, have an exam tomorrow
00:12.33BabelOmiknix: ok
00:12.37miknixare you?
00:12.55BabelOi try to understand how it work, but the tty_struct miss the flip now
00:13.09miknixI have that one ported
00:13.15BabelOand flip is replaced by two new struct with new name inside :(
00:13.19HeemaHii all, just wanted to say gr8 job so far and keep it up  :)
00:13.23miknixlemmi pastebin
00:17.13BabelOif i ve not too much work tomorrow i try to quickly compile sound :)
00:18.13Cobainokay so when i run ./ it shouldnt say ext2-fs error should it?
00:21.56Cobainit looks like a loop warning
00:22.29Cobainit passes that and then something about not being able to play the startup sound.. then that its in legacy mode.. then black screen and nothing
00:35.25BabelOgood night
00:47.35maejrep<lavender-t> using columns: 40, 41, 42, rows 32, 33, 34, 35 <-- I got the same thing.  also noticed the navi issue -- that's because there's only 4 buttons on the main panel of the navi:  left side, right side, and D-up/D-down
00:47.46maejrepyou have to use the navi touch sensor to figure out whether it was HOME or SEND, and BACK or END
00:49.24maejrepand right now we don't know where the navi capacitive sensor gets it data
00:49.48maejrepbut we'll most likely need to do the same for the keyboard it seems.. unless we discover a new gpio bank (or egpios or get alt functions to work properly)
00:50.38mdrobnakj0b0: I was reading about the front panel keys...Where are we on the actual keyboard>
00:50.48maejrepHOME/SEND/LEFT and BACK/END/RIGHT are all the same physical buttons, generating the same gpio combinations
00:50.59maejrepmdrobnak, raph or diam?
00:51.05mdrobnakmaejrep: raph
00:51.16maejrepyeah, that's what i was just talking about
00:51.19maejrepwe're pretty much clueless
00:51.40mdrobnakIs there any way to spy in WinMo what's going on?
00:51.41maejrepI know the irq when sliding out the keyboard, and the gpio for turning on the backlight
00:51.46maejrepsure, with haret
00:51.56maejrepbut haret isn't listening to the right places by default
00:52.09mdrobnak.. and we don't know where to look
00:52.11maejrepwe'd have to find where that data is being accessed from first, then make haret listen for it
00:52.19mdrobnakFun. :-/
00:52.29j0b0mdrobnak, im just finishing up the driver for the front panel and volume buttons
00:52.30maejrepreverse engineering ftw ;)
00:52.41mdrobnakIs there any way to decompile the keyboard driver?
00:52.43maejrepj0b0, heh nice, I was about to write that :p
00:52.48j0b0the slide out keyboard seems completely different
00:52.57maejrepmdrobnak, I have an assembly dump that ... someone made (sorry, can't remember who)
00:53.19maejrepbut its kinda difficult to make heads or tails of it thus far
00:53.19mdrobnakBut then I guess it comes down to interpreting all the ARM instructions
00:53.36maejrepyep, my guess is there's a memory address clue somewhere in the asm
00:53.41mdrobnakI've only done x86 and 8051 assembly :-)
00:53.47maejrepjust need to sift through it (its >1MB of assembly)
00:54.10maejrepit would surely be in initialization of the dll, so it shouldn't require sifting through the entire thing
00:54.15maejrepjust need to find the time to look
00:54.51maejrepbut right now, I'm gonna eat :)
00:55.00mdrobnakI'm here to test, but my coding isn't great..
00:55.13*** join/#htc-linux silven (n=zmc@
00:55.16mdrobnakWhen food calls, it's hard to ignore :-)
00:55.54silvenI'm looking for the cardid of my mini-sd card, get in /sys it doesn't appear. Is there another place it might be?
00:57.41maejrepwhat type of card id?
00:58.08silvenit's usually in /sys/class/mmc_host/mmc0/cid
00:58.43silvenbut the problem is the cardreaders that I have acess to atm just see it as a scsi device and don't use the linux mmc subsystem
00:58.44maejrepif its what I'm thinking of, my card is detected as id "1234", so I don't know if its going to be correct
00:59.00silvenI don't think so, it's longer than that.
00:59.08maejrepthen I don't know
00:59.10maejrepwhy do you need it?
00:59.48silventhe eol bootloader uses a varient of the cardid, processed through an algorithm to sign the bootloader code so the hardware bootloader will run it.
01:00.32silvenThat wasn't very eloquent. I hope you understand.
01:00.49Cobainany idea why when i do an ./ it spits out two lines about not finding the mp3 for the startup sound and then about running in legacy code.. then goes black screen with the keyboard.. and after about 5 mins the phone reboots
01:00.52silvenIt's like crypograhically signing the first few bytes of the sd cad.
01:00.53mdrobnaksilven: What device, out of curiousity? (Sorry, I don't know the answer)
01:00.55maejrepyeah I think I do, but I have no idea
01:01.13mdrobnakCobain: mp3 error is normal..
01:01.19mdrobnakBut the rest is not.
01:01.34silvenmdrobnak : htc wizard, and I think typhoon, elf, touch and a few others might have the same bootloader.
01:02.37maejrepsilven, what would a normal card id look like?
01:02.59maejrepand can you get it from the phone when you're in linux?
01:03.30Jerry507That's really long
01:03.33silvenI can't now, but I think I just remembered a way.
01:03.57silvenThere's a program that I can run in wm5 to unregister the slot.
01:04.06silvenI think that will let me see it in linux.
01:04.34silvenI'm sorry I bothered you guys, It's been months since i've touched this. (linwiazrd)
01:04.40silvenlinwizard rather.
01:05.08silvenI've been working on getting some patches for the omap850 cleaned up and booting for mainline.
01:05.25*** join/#htc-linux bimboy (
01:05.28silvenif anyone comes in asking for omap850 devices, you can send them over to #linwizard.
01:06.14Cobainrild uses 32 bapabilities (legacy support in use)
01:06.23Cobainthen black screen
01:07.32mdrobnakCobain: Yes, seen that too.
01:07.43mdrobnakBut the Android logo should pop up next
01:08.14mdrobnakj0b0: Nice (referring to xda-dev) :-)
01:08.46mdrobnakis still reading irc logs from earlier today
01:09.35dream_killhi guys
01:09.48dream_killabout findgind the gpio mappings
01:09.56dream_killi was disam the oemsb from the radio
01:10.08dream_killseems the mappings of the gpio is defined in there
01:10.32maejrepand you saw the "dump gpio configuration" string? :p
01:11.09dream_killConfig GPIO
01:11.39maejrepI couldn't find out how to get into the oemsbl of my phone to issue the 'gpio' command
01:12.09maejrepI can get to the main bl, the radio bootloader, and the AT interpreter, but not the oemsbl
01:13.12dream_killdid u enter : getgpio ?
01:13.46dream_killneed security unlocked for this to work
01:13.54maejrepI have HSPL
01:14.01dream_killNo HSPL
01:14.10maejrepbut I didn't see a "getgpio" in my spl dump
01:14.13dream_killin HSPL it shows security unlock on top ?
01:14.20maejrepor maybe I did
01:14.26dream_killwhat handset?
01:14.30maejrepit showed that before I flashed HSPL too
01:14.44dream_killu have raphdiag?
01:15.00maejrepwhats that? :p
01:15.06dream_killok u don't @D
01:15.12*** part/#htc-linux silven (n=zmc@
01:15.12dream_kill2 sec
01:15.28maejrepis it an app?
01:15.38dream_killtask a think is radio bl
01:15.42dream_killor task b
01:15.47maejrepI was able to do that
01:15.52maejrepbut then the gpio commands didn't work
01:15.56dream_killok entere in RAIDO bootloader
01:16.01dream_killand there type
01:16.08dream_killno !
01:16.25maejrepis that for getting a single gpio value, or does it dump the registers?
01:16.51dream_killi'm still disam right now :D
01:17.01maejrepfrom which phone?
01:17.06dream_killraph :D
01:17.59*** part/#htc-linux Heema (n=weechat@
01:18.13maejrephmm, ipaq is failing now >:|
01:20.07dream_kill0x12 - Valid charger status
01:20.20dream_kill14 Invalid charger status
01:20.40dream_kill0x16 Valid USB charger
01:20.55dream_kill0x18 Invalid USB Charger
01:21.16dream_killtells u anything :P ?
01:22.31maejreplupine_85, sorry, was just recalling your nick, re the asm you provided of the keyboard drivers
01:22.39lupine_85I have disassembled an entire function :D
01:22.48maejrepas in decompiled?
01:22.56lupine_85erm, yeah, decompiled
01:23.03lupine_85I'm working on the I2C driver at the moment
01:23.06maejrephmm, I need to reboot I think
01:23.18lupine_85as it seems unlikely the higher-level drivers will have hardware details
01:23.28lupine_85so I2C_Init has been decompiled into sort-of C
01:23.33maejrepipaq 1-5:1.0: PocketPC PDA converter detected
01:23.33maejrepipaq: probe of 1-5:1.0 failed with error -5
01:23.35lupine_85only took 4 hours :D
01:23.44maejrepheh nice
01:23.50mdrobnaklupine_85: Cool
01:23.51lupine_85(ones in the future should be faster, since i'm learning more about ARM asm as I go)
01:23.59mdrobnakI was going to ask...
01:24.04mdrobnakdo you guys do ASM all the time or?
01:24.15maejrepdream_kill, i'm gonna try that once I fix my kernel
01:24.19mdrobnakAre you looking up commands as you go :-D
01:24.20maejrepcan't get a ttyUSB0 currently
01:24.38lupine_85kind of. It's the conditionals that are the bitch
01:24.43lupine_85and no, hardly ever
01:25.17lupine_85and never ARM assembly before
01:28.16dream_killseems i found where it blockes the full ram access :P
01:28.42dream_killSo u can't overwrite the spl in ram :D
01:31.02*** join/#htc-linux maejrep (
01:33.08maejrepdream_kill, I get "Invalid cmd!..." with getgpio
01:33.33maejrepi get the feeling i'm in the wrong bootloader
01:34.09dream_killtry ?
01:34.21dream_killand enter
01:34.24dream_killwhat u get?
01:34.46maejrepsame, which is why i think i'm in the wrong bootloader
01:35.00maejrepI can run commands like echo_on, rversion, etc
01:35.19dream_killu need to run like
01:35.30dream_killgetgpio gpio
01:35.36dream_killand it will tell u value
01:35.39maejrepeven with the password it doesn't work
01:36.38dream_killu sure ur phone is security unlocked?
01:37.04dream_killwhat task u used?
01:37.15lupine_85Who'd like to see I2C_Init then? :) - not that it's very enlightening
01:37.22richp3hey guys
01:37.50maejrepdream_kill, rtask a
01:37.50richp3im trying to compile the kaiser kernel
01:37.55richp3but i get an error during compile
01:38.04maejreplupine_85, :p
01:38.06dream_killlet me connect my raph
01:38.15lupine_85 < maejrep> lupine_85, :p
01:38.15richp3this is my error log:
01:38.15lupine_8501:38 < dream_kill> let me connect my raph
01:38.22dream_killas mine is secirotu unlocked
01:38.48maejrepHTC_BOOT V2.6024
01:39.00lupine_85Next is Deinit then the various functions called by each of those
01:39.01maejrepmine says "Security Unlocked" at the top
01:39.06maejreprunning SPL-0.25.CMONEX
01:39.18lupine_85if that yields nowt fun, we'll do Read followed by IOControl
01:39.45*** part/#htc-linux exco (
01:40.16lupine_85(and it's HLOCAL I2C_Init - not void I2C_Init. d'oh!)
01:40.19maejrepI've already tried those commands
01:41.00lupine_85stupid spaghetti code
01:41.16lupine_85at least I can recognise some of the 'big' commands now
01:41.18maejrephmm, "pmic_vib_on" and off work
01:41.57maejrephmm, maybe it is not security unlocked, even though it says it is at the top
01:42.37bimboyyou would have SPL-1.90.Olinex if it were sec unlocked
01:43.26maejrepi'm sure that's device specific
01:43.37richp3do u guys know why its erroring out during compile for me?
01:44.28maejreprichp3, did you make the correct config?
01:44.55maejrepie, make htckaiser_defconfig
01:45.07richp3thats what i used
01:45.15richp3thats the error log
01:45.24maejreptry removing zImage from the make line
01:45.29richp3make htckaiser_defconfig ARCH=arm is what i typed inside the kernel folder and i got no errors
01:45.30maejrepjust make ARCH=...
01:46.09richp3looks about the same
01:46.16richp3i can upload it tho if u want
01:46.55dream_killi need a mfg one
01:47.01dream_killas mine seems not has rtask :P
01:47.08maejrepthat's about the extent of what I think could be causing the problem
01:47.14maejrepdream_kill, yeah you need MFG 0.25
01:47.19maejrepfor CDMA raph
01:47.25*** join/#htc-linux BHSPitLappy (n=BHSPitLa@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey)
01:47.26maejrepif its GSM, you'll need another one
01:47.32dream_killis gsm :D
01:47.38maejrepyeah not sure then
01:47.51maejrepis there a security unlocker for raph?
01:47.58maejrepits not the same as supercid right?
01:49.43richp3is there a command where in git where i can just redownload all the files again? and overwriten the current ones?
01:50.00maejrepdid you make any changes?
01:50.18maejreptry: make clean
01:50.29maejrepthen make ARCH=... (without "zImage")
01:51.50maejrepdream_kill, do you know what that means? :x
01:52.00richp3make clean didn't error out but the make ARCH=... w/o the zimage didn't work
01:52.37lupine_85ah, that was easy. But uninformative :D
01:55.14maejrepwell, run git status
01:55.31maejrepit'll tell you if there are any modified files
01:56.15bimboyahhh maejrep, you said raph earlier, and i thought gsm.. my bad
01:56.19richp3ok its running, and so if there is, can i just tell git to go back to the originals?
01:56.29maejrepif so, you can reset with "git reset --hard"  and you can update the code with latest head via git pull
01:56.44maejrepbimboy, is there a "security unlocker" for gsm raph?
01:57.07bimboyyes, you PM Oli on xda
01:57.08maejrepI have hardspl, but my understanding was that that's different from "security unlocked"
01:57.12bimboy1 sec getting url
01:57.21maejrepbut not for cdma?
01:58.12bimboyit's def not for cdma tho
01:58.30bimboy is thread for GSM sec unlocker
01:59.22richp3k i typed git reset --hard i got Checking otu files 100% done
01:59.33maejrepyeah that looks like hard-spl, which I said I already have :/
01:59.46maejrepI'm able to enter the radio bootloader (rtask a), which is not possible with the stock spl
01:59.50richp3HEAD is not at 1082670 htckaiser: RTC Driver ported from HTC vouge, then i did git pull and then it says already upto date
02:00.15bimboythen you're unlocked
02:00.16maejreptry git reset again
02:00.33lupine_85Seems you don't read, write, open or close I2Cs
02:00.33maejrepbimboy, so why don't I have access to the other commands in the bootloader? :/
02:00.37lupine_85you powerup and powerdown, and iocontrol
02:01.01maejrepbimboy, e.g.,
02:01.21maejrepI can run the commands listed under "on a standard device", but not under "on a security unlocked device"
02:02.04richp3it didn't check out any files the seecond time, and just said head is not at xxx htckaiser... right away
02:02.23maejrepi'd suggest starting over then :/
02:02.35mdrobnaklupine_85: Don't you love when people come up with new syntax for the heck of it hehehe
02:02.36maejrepsounds like your git is corrupt somehow
02:03.57richp3so i should delete the kernel folder?
02:05.47lupine_85mdrobnak: oh, absolutely
02:06.05lupine_85on the bright side, I now have 7 decompiled functions
02:06.14lupine_85even if 5 of them are almost-stubs :D
02:06.18mdrobnakI was just about to try NetRripper's latest kernel, but my phone rang
02:08.58mdrobnaklupine_85: So that's all I2C related functions, right?
02:09.10lupine_85just the init and deinit have actually been real so far
02:09.17lupine_85PowerUp looks like it does some stuff
02:09.33lupine_85I'll upload it once I've decompiled it
02:09.44maejrepwould really like to be able to get this :/
02:10.25maejrepin my dump of spl, I see: **********Dump device GPIO configuration**********
02:10.34maejrepbut have no idea what generates it
02:13.32*** part/#htc-linux mdrobnak (
02:13.38*** join/#htc-linux mdrobnak (
02:14.15mdrobnakIn that image, does it have the volume key mapped to "End" ?
02:14.19mdrobnakDoes anyone know?
02:19.05richp3i only have a kaiser
02:19.18richp3hey netripper do u have just a raph?
02:20.12dream_killwhere did u get ur mfg from?
02:20.25lupine_85gah; 'tis playing musical registers with me
02:25.58mdrobnakrichp3: Netripper is very much asleep :-)
02:26.09mdrobnakrichp3: And yes, he has a Raph / Touch Pr
02:26.12mdrobnak*Touch Pro
02:29.27maejrepdream_kill, ppcgeeks
02:29.36dream_killgot a link ?
02:30.38maejrepi got the 0.25 MFG
02:30.45maejrepbut you can't flash that on your phone
02:30.47maejrepits for CDMA
02:32.28mdrobnakUh, has anyone noticed that the RTC on the latest kernels are..broken?
02:32.35mdrobnak(on RAPH)
02:32.48lupine_85cripes, that's a lot of unnamed functions
02:33.06mdrobnakHow many?
02:33.26lupine_85I didn't bother counting :p
02:33.40mdrobnakThat many, eh?
02:33.47lupine_85I2C_PowerUp is definitely making something happen, though
02:34.03maejrepmdrobnak, i think it hasn't worked ever actually
02:36.29*** join/#htc-linux br1ck_ (
02:36.56mdrobnakNo, I have gotten stuff twhere's it's said like 12:16 AM or something
02:37.03mdrobnakit's been stuck on 12:01 for over 20 minutes.
02:41.32lupine_85Q: is the msm7500 different to the msm7201 ?
02:41.46lupine_85or are they symonyms?
02:45.23tmztyes, there different. the 72xx are gsm and the 75xx are cdma
02:45.35mdrobnakA note for NetRipper: .status_irq is not me :-)
02:45.59lupine_85ho de hum. I'm in an internal function called I2C_HWPower_7500
02:46.07lupine_85I'll see what it turns up, I guess
02:46.32mdrobnakThey're similar though right?
02:49.14lupine_85if(sub_10012534(0x40, 0x40000000) != 0) NKDbgPrintfW("Diable I2C clock.")
02:49.22lupine_85(sub_10012534 seems to be a function like log_level or something)
02:52.13lupine_85ooh, then we get constants
02:54.35lupine_85And *even more* of them
02:54.37lupine_85looks good
02:55.42lupine_85I have to work out what they're doing, though....
02:55.50lupine_85bed time for me
02:57.06mdrobnakI'm getting a headache just trying to keep up with everything over the last few days
02:58.57maejreplupine_85, i think even the 7200 phones use the "PM7500"
02:59.06maejrepwhich would explain HWPower_7500 :p
02:59.46maejreplupine_85, that sub_10012534() looks like writel()
03:00.16maejrephmm, maybe not
03:03.15lupine_85maejrep: and are my as-of-now listings
03:03.56lupine_85following the call trace to its conclusion where I am with I2C_PowerUp gets me to sub_10012F40 which is what I waas ooooooooing over
03:06.09lupine_850xA8081000 0xCF00000 0xB2F00854 0xC0000020 0xC0000024 0xB2F0081C 0xB2F00818 and similar constants are all int'rusting
03:06.15lupine_85really -> sleep now
03:10.05mdrobnakKernel posted by Jobo...
03:10.10mdrobnak- No safe mode flag
03:10.18mdrobnakand clock "seems" to be running right
03:10.23mdrobnak(sort of)
03:11.25mdrobnakNever mind. It's definitely been more then 60 seconds.
03:13.08*** join/#htc-linux jerry507_mac (
03:13.09mdrobnakAnyone know where the soft keyboard config is in Cupcake?
03:17.40*** join/#htc-linux Kuma (
03:21.35mdrobnakAnd no, clock is broken in this kernel too.
03:22.01mdrobnakIf we had a menu key, it'd be halfway usable, as broken as it is :-)
03:22.18mdrobnakj0b0 did a good job
03:22.21maejrephmm, nice lupine_85
03:22.32maejrepI'll try to dump those registers to see if they're really that interesting :P
03:27.04mdrobnakWow, that definitely sucks without the original names...
03:27.10mdrobnakmakes it hard to figure out whats going on
03:27.26lupine_85is having a pain sleeping :p
03:27.41lupine_85you can find a bunch of the original names in the debug information
03:28.04lupine_85Any sub_1xxxxxxx functiosn with NKDbgPrintfW statements are game to be figured out
03:28.27mdrobnakAh I see
03:28.31lupine_85(e.g. sub_1000DDD0 has to be called I2C_HWPower_7500)
03:28.40mdrobnakcause the Debug print statement gives the name away
03:28.51mdrobnak.. sometimes
03:29.12lupine_85quite :D
03:29.34lupine_85it's not so bad... i've seen worse
03:30.39mdrobnakI think it is time for me to start getting ready for sleep as well, 10:30 PM here..back to work as of today :-/
03:34.24lupine_85heh. 03:34 here and I have work today :D
03:36.54lupine_85luckily, my work are very lax
03:39.14*** join/#htc-linux Unregistered (
03:39.47mdrobnakWell thats good
03:39.59mdrobnakSomehow I assume you're in some sort of IT or developer position
03:40.04lupine_85heh, yes
03:40.11lupine_85work for a little company called Bytemark
03:40.17lupine_85mostly ruby development :D
03:40.54mdrobnakRuby is the in thing right now eh?
03:41.04lupine_85well, "we've" been using it for years
03:41.36lupine_85I've been patching up ancient rails applications to defossilize them, mostly
03:41.39mdrobnakI mean, it's like what PHP was years ago, except, better. lol
03:42.46maejrepheh our shop is php :p
03:43.11mdrobnakI wrote a bunch of stuff in php back in college...
03:43.19mdrobnakI had a time-tracking app that I wrote
03:43.31mdrobnakUsing wonderful DB queries like "select * from tablename"
03:43.52mdrobnakNeedless to say as time went on, my SQL got better.
03:46.58mdrobnakall right everyone. see ya sometime tomorrow.
04:06.16maejrepa8081000 == "driver_globals, DEX'd"
04:08.41maejrep0xB2F00854 is GPIO out5_en
04:09.14maejrepc00000000 is "VIC" on the wiki .. doesn't show what +x20 is
04:14.33maejrepreading c0000020 in haret freezes the phone :)
04:19.32richp3hey maej
04:19.38richp3what r u trying to get to work?
04:20.52richp3for ralph?
04:21.16richp3do u think this work will translate to the kaiser?
04:21.21richp3or different hardware?
04:21.29maejrepdifferent hardware
04:21.32maejrepdoesn't the kaiser already work?
04:21.57richp3well yes for v0.8 but not for v1.0
04:21.58maejrepwhats the board-htckaiser-keypad driver then? @_@
04:23.04richp3well it works fine on v0.8 but i think on the version dcordes or someone comiled for v1.0 has extremely limited functionality
04:23.09richp3r u asking me for the file?
04:23.54richp3imo i think it just needs a recompile with the right file but im reinstalling the OS right now
04:24.05maejreplupine_85, .text:1000E88C       LDR     R2, =0xAA0FC100  <-- that's PC_COMMAND (proc_comm)
04:44.28richp3hey maej
04:44.32richp3im getting another compile error
04:44.37richp3this is a clean install
04:45.42richp3towards the bottom
04:49.30tmztrichp3: did you get that to compile? what kernel is it?
04:49.43richp3no i didn't
04:49.47richp3kaiser kernel
04:50.22tmztbut it's pre-2.6.28?
04:50.36richp3is that a problem?
04:50.51tmztno, if it wasn't it would explain your earlier error message
04:51.31tmztwhat compiler are you using?
04:51.45tmzt(looking at the last paste)
04:51.48richp3im just following the instructions here
04:52.01richp3exception is instead of 2008-q1 i used q3
04:52.06richp3so im gonna try q1 right now
04:52.17tmztdo that, it looks like q3 is broken
04:53.01richp3do u have a kaiser too?
04:54.59tmztdcordes does
05:03.47richp3q1 worked
05:04.57richp3zImage is ready
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07:51.45maejrepso I know why proc comm doesn't work
07:54.36maejrepit's waiting for MDM_STATUS to become PCOM_READY, but MDM_STATUS is listed as being related to the battery, not proc comm
07:57.09tekkdroneodd, being that the name is rather descriptive
07:57.40maejrepwell, those are code constants, and the wiki says that register is for battery
07:57.54maejrep01ffc100 | 00000000 00000000 000001a9 000001a9 | ................
07:57.55maejrep01ffc110 | fd35712c 00000000 00000001 00000000 | ,q5.............
07:58.07maejrepffc110 is supposed to be MDM_STATUS according to pcom
07:58.11maejrep(the code)
07:58.26maejrepbut that's not the case here
07:58.53maejrepi know vogue has a different proc comm implementation, so I'll have to look at that
07:59.21tekkdroneeven though I'm sticking on Apache dev for now, I do have a raph500 available for occasional testing
07:59.23tekkdronejust a heads up
08:00.03maejrepbut even the status constants don't match what haret is showing in a trace
08:00.18tekkdroneouch, where does that leave you?
08:00.56maejrephaving the rewrite proc_comm for our devices :p
08:02.23maejrepCOMMAND (fc100) gets reset to 0, but the code is waiting for 1, and i'm still not exactly sure what the commands are (since those are different as well...)
08:02.34maejrepI always see those 2 commands at 10s intervals
08:02.50maejrepit does 8a, then 8b, within 1ms
08:03.17maejrepbut the command enum is not that large
08:03.28maejreponly has about 40 commands, 0-based
08:05.49tekkdroneI have no useful input, I haven't been following you as closely as tmz and dcor
08:06.26tekkdroneany idea what sets ffc110 to PCOM_READY?
08:07.51tekkdroneor I suppose it wouldn't have much bearing if the constants are different
08:10.05maejreppretty sure its the chip that would handle it :)
08:10.14maejrepit resets it to 0 after the command finishes
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08:27.57NetRippermdrobnak, no that git does not have end key mapped, as it isn't in git yet (refer to;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/htc-msm-2.6.25)
08:29.28goxboxlivehi BabelO. Happy new year btw
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09:05.30maejrephmm, well that test didn't work
09:09.57maejrep4am :(  i need to stop doing this
09:10.16jerry507_macIt's a bad habit that is hard to break
09:10.29tcccp1010am here ;)
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09:13.40jerry507_macI'm an hour behind maejrep so I've got an hour before I start to feel bad :)
09:21.59maejrepso proc_comm doesn't die anymore
09:22.10maejrepstill working out kinks, but that's a plus ;x
09:23.35NetRippermaejrep, how do you mean "doesn't die anymore"?
09:23.40NetRipperi.e. you can read the status?
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09:23.58maejrepyeah i can read everything fine, its the status that isn't successful
09:24.08maejrep[    0.430000] msm_proc_comm: pcom ready, cmd=1e
09:24.08maejrep[    0.430000] msm_proc_comm: command sent, serial=7b
09:24.08maejrep[    0.430000] msm_proc_comm: notified proc...
09:24.08maejrep[    0.430000] msm_proc_comm: proc responded, status=21e
09:24.17maejrepi would expect status to be 11e
09:25.02NetRipperaha but it is responding accordingly? i.e. you're using the correct addresses? :)
09:25.08maejrep(current code says status=4 means failure, but our proc comm implementation is very different)
09:25.33maejrepmy haret traces show communication every 10 seconds
09:26.02NetRipperproc_comm is dependent on the modem part on the arm9 side i believe, and the g1 modem firmware is _very_ different from ours
09:26.05maejrepbut you can't use the existing code as is
09:26.28maejrepthe memory offsets are very different, and the commands and statuses are different as well
09:26.41maejrepso we really don't know what any of the commands are at this point ;s
09:27.01NetRipperperhaps we can reverse engineer the commands from wince
09:27.26NetRipperand commands may be similar to vogues
09:28.38maejrepso, app (ie kernel) sets command in fc100 and increments the serial at fc108, then triggers the A2M interrupt.  proc updates status (fc104) to (0x100 | cmd), sets resp_number (fc10c) to match the serial from fc108 and sends M2A interrupt
09:29.37maejrepthen for some reason, the app removes cmd from status register (so its 0x100), then sets it to 0
09:30.34maejrepwill need to wait for a command that actually uses proc_comm data to know where that falls in the sequence
09:31.37NetRipperin your traces you mean?
09:32.07maejrepthis paste has 2 command sequences
09:32.09NetRippercould it be some sort of reset, as your serial doesn't match up from the last one used in winmo?
09:32.15maejrepcommands being 8a and 8b
09:32.31maejrepthat paste is old
09:32.42maejrepthe dmesg was new
09:33.00maejrepso it might get reset on reboot
09:33.21NetRipperoh ok i thought serial was some sort of increment to prevent 'missed messages' kinda idea ;)
09:33.30NetRipperbad assumption :)
09:34.12maejrephmm, its hung again
09:34.23maejreplast boot it continued after the 10s timeout
09:34.37NetRipperhung device or proc_comm?
09:34.57maejrepthe device is hung, no doubt waiting on proc_comm
09:35.10maejrepdoesn't make sense
09:35.13NetRipperwaiting on proc_comm it should timeout after 10 sec
09:35.21NetRipperand produce a message
09:35.39maejrepwell, in the previous code, it would just enter an infinite loop with the "goto again"s
09:35.54NetRipperyes but produce a printk() every time
09:36.09maejrepi don't get passed fb console handover
09:36.42NetRipperwhile proc_comm is hanging other threads are doing almost nothing
09:36.50NetRipperso it may take a long time before fb is inited
09:37.11NetRipperyou can change a kernel option to make druidu's boot console work longer
09:37.17NetRipperso you can see what happens
09:38.21NetRipperunder system type -> boot console for htc phones -> disable the 'use console only during boot'
09:38.27NetRipperthat way it wont hand-over
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09:38.41NetRipperbut can conflict with msm_fb once it gets inited
09:38.54NetRipperyou'll notice graphical glitches when that happens ;)
09:38.56NetRipperhi dcordes
09:39.28dcordes_hows it going?
09:41.52NetRippererm, what specificaly? :p
09:42.32NetRipperjobo and lavender seem to get keypad working, although limited (not reading the touch x/y).. maejrep is working on proc_comm
09:43.28maejrepyeah my current navi keypad is just printing random numbers (i didn't feel like actually finding the right KEY_ constants :p)
09:44.32NetRipperoh you've been working on it as well then :)
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09:50.09maejrepyeah just to free up the gpios that the halibut keypad was using
09:50.38maejrepthat was why I couldn't get the sd slot irq :x  cause halibut-keypad was already using it
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09:51.51maejrephmm, i'm not seeing A2M being triggered in haret, during proc_comm commands
09:53.07dcordes_maejrep are you looking at the correct a2m location?
09:53.22dcordes_maybe on 800 it's different?
09:53.48maejrep0xc0100400 +0x20
09:54.03maejrepnone of the other interrupts have been different
09:54.03NetRipperwhat is a2m/m2a? app to modem and vice versa?
09:54.20maejrepso m2a triggers fine and I see it in haret
09:54.45maejrepbut proc_comm.c writes 1 to INT_A2M_6, to tell the proc that the command is ready
09:55.46dcordes_maejrep so it's irqs activated on every transport of data via smem?
09:56.39dcordes_I don't understand thef unction of a2m
09:56.42maejrepanything that uses proc comm i would guess
09:56.54maejrepa2m is when the OS wants the kernel to process a command
09:57.00maejrepwhen it's finished processing, it triggers m2a
09:57.06dcordes_only for poc_comm?
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09:57.20maejrepwell, for anything that talks to the modem I guess :)
09:58.16maejrepwhy can't stuff "just work"?  :P
09:58.52dcordes_because halibut amss is too different
10:02.30NetRipperif you dont see it happen in haret, maybe its just not needed.. it may poll for commands instead of waiting for irq
10:08.39maejrepwould be nice if haret could hook a dll and trace what memory that dll accesses :p
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10:29.37maejrepthat's kind of unusual
10:31.47maejrepit sets command to 16, then resets command to 116, sets the serial, sets the data, and that's when proc comm takes over
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11:00.01NetRippermaejrep, check out the msm_proc_comm_noirq_noa2m in vogue @ here (they are not using proc_comm.c at all):;a=blob;f=arch/arm/mach-msm/vogue-smd.c;h=61482d06cef55edbb5dc21423b09bd5721c9f84d;hb=refs/heads/htc-vogue
11:00.11NetRipperalso no A2M
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11:11.55lupine_85oh, I'm exhausted
11:12.45NetRipperyou ought to get some sleep then
11:13.16lupine_85I did :D
11:13.20dcordes_that's dangerous. he could dream of asm
11:13.30lupine_85now I have to go to work (11am here)
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11:27.59rubberduckyanyone help me?
11:36.30dcordes_rubberducky what do you need help with?
11:36.50rubberduckyi want to compile a driver for my blue angel
11:36.54rubberduckyrunning GPE Angstrom
11:37.00rubberduckyand tmzt told me to nstall
11:37.06rubberduckysourcery cross compiler lite
11:37.08rubberduckyfor arm
11:37.11rubberduckydid that
11:37.16rubberduckyand i compiled my kernel (zImage)
11:37.25rubberduckybut i wouldn't know what to do next
11:37.39dcordes_what driver do you need?
11:37.40rubberduckyand tmzt is not here it seemd
11:38.06rubberduckyi want to compile a patched wireless driver for acx100
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11:38.34dcordes_ok. do you use hh.orgt ree?
11:38.49rubberduckywhat is that?
11:38.56rubberduckyny kernel version is 2.6.21-hh20 kernel tree
11:39.35dcordes_this has acx100. the question is, do the patches you have apply?
11:39.47rubberduckythe thing is that i want to run aircrack
11:39.55rubberduckyand i've downloaded acx100 drivers
11:40.00rubberduckyand i've downloaded the patch
11:40.14rubberduckyand i've already patched them
11:40.23rubberduckybut i cant compile them on my phone because the kernel headers are missing
11:40.29rubberduckyso it seems i have to cross compile on my laptop
11:40.40rubberduckybut i've got no idea how that works...
11:40.49dcordes_It hought you are cross compiling?
11:41.27rubberduckyi installed the cross compiler i think
11:41.34rubberduckyand i compiled the kernel
11:41.47rubberduckybut how do i compile my driver ?
11:42.24dcordes_cross compiling means that compile host and target architecture are different. i.e. youd o not compile natively on the target(phone)
11:42.37rubberduckyi know
11:42.47rubberduckyso now i want to compile the wireless driver on my laptop
11:43.52rubberduckyso now i've got the patched source of the drivers
11:43.54rubberduckyon my laptop
11:43.59rubberduckyand i want to use it on my phone
11:44.02dcordes_where did you get the patch? do they say which kernl version can be used with the patch/driver combination you have?
11:44.25rubberduckypatch is from the aircrack site
11:44.50rubberduckyt works on kernels equal or greater than 2.6.10.
11:45.17dcordes_you could just put the driver in your kernel tree
11:45.28rubberduckywhat is my kernel tree?
11:45.41dcordes_replacing the old drivers/net/wireless/acx100 directoy.
11:45.55rubberduckyon my laptop or on my phone?
11:45.57dcordes_the thing where you run make zImage
11:46.35rubberduckyin the kernel26/net dir
11:46.40rubberduckythere is no wireless dir
11:47.05dcordes_drivers/net/wireless/acx100 directoy.
11:47.18dcordes_kernel26/drivers/net/wireless/acx100 directoy.
11:47.54rubberduckydo i just copy over every file?
11:48.42dcordes_no, you copy the entire directory
11:48.50dcordes_delete the old one
11:49.03rubberduckyits called acx
11:49.05rubberduckyis that ok too?
11:49.07rubberduckynot acx100
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11:49.34rubberduckyi copied it over
11:49.38rubberduckywhat now?
11:49.51dcordes_it might be better to apply the patch to the hh driver.
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11:50.24rubberduckyand after that?
11:50.25dcordes_did you copy it to kernel26/drivers/net/wireless/acx
11:50.40dcordes_make modules
11:50.57dcordes_where your un make zImage
11:51.00rubberduckywhere i made zImage
11:51.12rubberduckythat's what i ran
11:51.16rubberduckydo i need the whole line
11:51.21rubberduckyand replacd zImage with modules
11:51.23dcordes_in the root directory of the kernel you just copied you driver to
11:51.35rubberduckyyes i'm there now
11:51.37dcordes_you don't compile as root.
11:52.01rubberduckybut do i need the whole line?
11:52.03rubberduckyARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/arm-2008q1/bin/arm-none-eabi- make modules
11:52.04dcordes_you can run make clean as root
11:52.06rubberduckyor just make modules
11:52.33dcordes_in case you built the zImage as root
11:52.41rubberduckyi built it as rot
11:52.46rubberduckyotherwise it says permission denied
11:52.51rubberduckyand i fails
11:53.52rubberduckyand sudo ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/arm-2008q1/bin/arm-none-eabi- make zImage worked perfectly
11:54.01dcordes_that is likely because you have checked ou the kernel source or toolchain as root
11:54.15rubberduckythen what do i do?
11:54.17dcordes_you can just continue with sudo though
11:54.24dcordes_it is not preferred
11:54.30rubberduckyand do i use htis command:
11:54.34rubberduckyARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/arm-2008q1/bin/arm-none-eabi- make modules ?
11:55.08rubberduckyokay:-) that worked
11:55.34rubberduckywhat now?:-)?
11:56.08dcordes_install the modules to your rootfs
11:56.21rubberduckyhow do i do that??
11:56.24dcordes_you do that with make modules install
11:56.34dcordes_modules_install ?
11:56.53dcordes_you need to tell make where your rootfs is
11:57.02rubberduckyand how do i know that?
11:57.06rubberduckyi'm now runnign the make inistall
11:57.26dcordes_by passing an extra VAR
11:58.17rubberduckyi'm already running ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/arm-2008q1/bin/arm-none-eabi- make modules install
11:58.20rubberduckydid i fuck it up?
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11:58.38dcordes_ls /lib/modules
11:58.51rubberduckyon my phone or on my laptop?
11:58.56lupine_85is starting to enjoy ARM assembly, weirdly enough
11:58.57dcordes_and you will notice you jut installed the modules to / :)
11:59.03lupine_85but today is Ruby day :D
11:59.21dcordes_on your laptop
11:59.48rubberduckydo i wait until compilation is finished?
11:59.51rubberduckyor do i ctrl c..
11:59.59rubberduckyit's still running my ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/arm-2008q1/bin/arm-none-eabi- make modules install command
12:00.19rubberduckynow it's finished with errors?
12:00.38rubberduckyrubberducky@rubberducky-laptop:~/Desktop/linux/kernel26$ ls /lib/modules
12:00.38rubberducky2.6.27-7-generic  2.6.27-9-generic
12:01.36rubberduckyi just run that?
12:01.41dcordes_or make wil try to install the moules in your /
12:01.54dcordes_no you add it tot he above commandline
12:02.13rubberduckynow it's compiling again
12:02.50rubberduckywhere is my phones rootfs?
12:03.17dcordes_do you boot your blueangel from sd card?
12:03.43rubberduckyfrom sd
12:03.52dcordes_the your rootfs is on sd
12:03.59dcordes_so you insert the sd
12:04.05rubberduckyin my laptop?
12:04.38dcordes_in laptop
12:04.38rubberduckyand then?
12:04.52rubberduckyi mount it?
12:05.24rubberduckywhat partition?
12:05.31dcordes_if your os doesn't automount it already
12:05.31rubberduckythe ext3 one?
12:05.37dcordes_check dmesg after inserting
12:05.40rubberduckyno automount
12:05.51rubberduckytheres mmcblk0p1 that's the vfat
12:05.56rubberduckytheres mmcblk0p2 that's the ext3
12:06.02dcordes_if you only got vfat and ext2 on it, it's thee xt2
12:07.25rubberduckymy connection failed
12:08.56rubberduckyok i't running
12:08.57dcordes_add this to the sudo make modules_install cmdline
12:09.12dcordes_this time you need to be #
12:09.59rubberduckyah runnign again
12:10.03rubberduckysame errors
12:10.24dcordes_tell me the commandline
12:10.37rubberduckysudo ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/arm-2008q1/bin/arm-none-eabi- make MODULES_INSTALL_PATH=/mnt/card
12:10.54dcordes_make what?
12:11.08rubberduckysudo ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/arm-2008q1/bin/arm-none-eabi- make modules install MODULES_INSTALL_PATH=/mnt/card
12:11.09dcordes_make modules_install
12:11.10rubberduckysorry wrong wone
12:11.13rubberduckyah _
12:11.20dcordes_yea iirc
12:11.51rubberduckynow i get an assload of 'no such file or directory' errors
12:14.52rubberduckywhat did i do wrong?
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12:25.47Jerry507He probably got pulled away
12:26.39the_fishdcordes u there?
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12:31.34the_fishrubberducky, still couldnt fix your problems? wow
12:33.15rubberduckycan you helpme?
12:37.25lupine_85rubberducky: do the files exist relative to your path?
12:37.35rubberduckywhat files?
12:37.42lupine_85the ones is says are missing...
12:38.12rubberduckythere is no crypto dir on my sd card partition
12:38.35lupine_85no, relative to your path, where you are. not where you want the modules to be installed to.
12:39.42dcordes_rubberducky sorry my friend, had some work to do
12:40.11rubberduckyno in my kernel26 folder
12:40.13rubberduckythere is no crypto
12:40.54lupine_85use make modules modules_install ?
12:41.55rubberduckythat seems to be doing some stuff
12:43.03dcordes_you already did build the modules
12:45.15the_fishrubberducky, sorry im pretty noobish at that stuff
12:52.01the_fishdcordes_ just a short question. what should i install now we stopped at the frameworkd bug...
12:55.00dcordes_the_fish check yesterday's log
12:55.13dcordes_right after you left
12:55.37the_fishohh okay... umm what was the link for the logs?
12:55.59the_fishfound them ;p
12:57.30the_fishkk i will do that now
12:59.14rubberduckysorry had tot do some stuff
12:59.17rubberduckywhat did i do wrong?
13:00.31rubberduckyi'm leaving now for about 30 minutes
13:00.40rubberduckycould you tell me what i should do
13:00.43rubberduckyand ill look at the logs
13:00.49rubberduckyand ill be back in 30
13:12.59dcordes_the_fish make sure you opkg remove before. it's important
13:20.11dcordes_the_fish works?
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13:51.26dream_killhad us seen Nav Debug Tool 1.7 ?
13:51.53dream_killseems on raph the home button section is a touch sensitive :D
13:52.47dream_killand is multitouch!
13:59.54dcordes_ah my framework test bddy
14:00.36dcordes_dream_kill you wanna try sms?
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14:10.53dream_killi manageged to install a mfg for raph100
14:11.15dream_killand issued the getgpio
14:11.27dream_killbut is just shows the status of them not mapping
14:12.47dcordes_rubberducky sorry I lost track of the process after we successfully build the modules. wherea re you stuck now?
14:12.56dcordes_dream_kill what's mfg?
14:13.01rubberduckywe never built the modules i think
14:13.12rubberduckythat was the error
14:13.38dcordes_dream_kill mfg-utils ?
14:14.01dcordes_rubberducky can you describe what's in there please?
14:14.12dream_killmfg spl
14:14.22dream_killand mfg tools
14:15.30rubberduckyon my laptop on the kernel26 dir?
14:15.33rubberduckyor on the sdcard?
14:16.25dcordes_rubberducky in the pastebin
14:16.47rubberduckyWARNING: "usb_unlink_urb" [drivers/net/wireless/acx/acx.ko] undefined!
14:16.56rubberduckyand WARNING: "readb" [drivers/net/wireless/acx/acx.ko] undefined!
14:16.59rubberduckyand more lines like that
14:17.10rubberduckyand at the end
14:17.10rubberduckymake[1]: *** [__modpost] Error 1
14:17.11rubberduckymake: *** [modules] Error 2
14:17.48dcordes_warnings are not critical, errors are
14:18.21rubberduckyno errors till the last line
14:18.27dcordes_but obviously your kernel lacks some stuff or has version mismatch of some stuff
14:18.32dcordes_ALoGeNo ping
14:18.53dcordes_ALoGeNo can you help with acx patches for passive scanning?
14:19.07rubberduckythe kernel i downloaded and compiled (zImage)?
14:19.20rubberduckyare you here alogeno?
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14:19.39dcordes_rubberducky you might go back to the unmodified kernel26 on your laptop (restore old acx dir)a nd apply patch manualy
14:19.57rubberduckyhow do you apply a patch manually?
14:20.08dcordes_my battery is close to empty
14:20.43dcordes_rubberducky you patched the driver youc opied, didn't you?
14:20.55rubberduckywith patch command
14:21.20dcordes_ok then do the same in kernel26 acx instead of acx from aircrck
14:22.37rubberduckyand hten try all the commands again?
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15:13.56oruxpichurri u there?
15:14.07pichurrihey there
15:14.18oruxstill working in blackstone?
15:14.45oruxstill problems with screen
15:14.49pichurriunfortunately I don't have experience on embedded
15:14.58pichurriany ideas?
15:15.05pichurritrying 2.6.27 thou...
15:15.27pichurriyou have a blackstone?
15:15.27oruxi m working in blackstone too
15:15.38pichurrihow do you see it
15:15.57pichurriany suggestions, have you been able to ssh to it?
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15:16.29oruxi have dump the fb0, and de image is ok
15:16.42the_fishdcordes, sorry i was afk for a whil
15:17.22pichurrihow did you dump it?
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15:17.31oruxbut the screen doesnt show the content of fb0
15:17.32pichurrifrom haret? or lnx
15:17.56pichurriwhich base address do u have?
15:18.21oruxdd if=/dev/fb0 of=dump.bin bs=768000 (from blackstone)
15:18.43pichurrigimp should open that?
15:18.46oruxthen i use fb2png to see the image in png format
15:18.57pichurrithnx I'll test that
15:19.10pichurriso the problem is the panel reading the fb info?
15:19.28oruxhave you see haret log?
15:20.23oruxshow video phys FB=16044800
15:20.38pichurriyou know, haret outputs correctly to the screen even just before mmu_trampoline
15:21.01pichurrithat is after Mach->hardwareShutdown()
15:21.20the_fishhmm got another error dcordes
15:21.24pichurridoes haret does anything else before launching lnx?
15:21.58the_fish"Failed to handle dbus error: type: <class 'framewwok.resource.ResourceNotEnabled'>
15:22.09the_fishisnt that what i thought of? the phone is not enabled?
15:22.46oruxraphael uses Video Phys FB=1686a000
15:23.11pichurriorux, yes, its different, on the patch/zimage I posted, the base is changed
15:24.01oruxi have test both, but the result is the same
15:24.39pichurrithere is one part of the code of the first fb driver, that completely changes output...htc_fb_console_update in htc_fb_console...
15:25.02pichurrihave you played with that file I think its the easiest to use for debuging, but I don't know what to do...
15:25.17oruxi am looking for information about msm-7201a hardware processors, something similar to "PXA27x developers manual" from intel.
15:25.29oruxis there this kind of information anywhere?
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15:26.21oruxi have work with pxa processors, but i dont know about msm
15:26.57pichurriguess not there won't be many detailed info on it, so we should probe...
15:27.39oruxi am looking android-msm 2.6.27
15:28.50oruxthere are changes, i dont know if the new kernel may help
15:29.38pichurriI'm hoping it does, I copiled for HALIBUT but haven't tested
15:29.55pichurriI think that's how it started with the diamond/raphael...
15:29.56oruxi have, but doesnt work
15:30.06pichurriusb works?
15:30.11pichurrior nothing...
15:30.59oruxthere are a lot of changes in halibut.c from 2.6.25
15:31.15the_fishdcordes, u away again? okay
15:31.50oruxi dont know how activate usb "gadget"
15:36.00pichurrithere was a modification on 2.6.25 from netripper I the board file...
15:37.14pichurrisorry, now I'm at can't test, tonight I'll work on it thou...
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15:41.28pichurrilet me know if you get somewhere
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16:06.02dcordesthe_fish: back
16:06.23the_fishdcordes, welcome back :)
16:08.15the_fishso what to do to fix this issue?
16:08.22dcordesthe_fish: so you removed the frameworkd and frameworkd-config-shr packages and installed frameworkd-devel frameworkd-config-devel and it went fine?
16:08.26dcordesthe install process
16:08.40dcordesyou need to set the serial port now
16:08.45the_fishbut it still says "Resource not available" or something like that
16:08.46dcordesqualcomm_msm default is /dev/smd0
16:09.00the_fishalright.... how to set that up?
16:09.03dcordesfind / -name
16:09.13the_fishgotta reboot into it first
16:09.44dcordesin the qualcomm_msm replace smd0 with ttyS0
16:09.49dcordesor whatever your AT is
16:13.13dream_killlater today now not at home :D
16:13.13dream_killin 1h
16:13.50the_fishdcordes,  theres pretty damn many files
16:14.13dcordesthere is only one in the qualcomm_msm directory
16:14.45the_fishyep i found it
16:14.52dcordesdream_kill: cool. we could also try using this with a gui
16:14.56the_fishbut i gotta copy n paste it, no way to type that in
16:15.07dcordeswhy not?
16:15.16dcordesah the path? use tab completion
16:15.45dcordesI find it unevitable on the small keyboards
16:18.13the_fishits not able to open the file for some reason, strange
16:18.21the_fishnano keeps saying: "new file"
16:18.34dcordesthe path might be nonexistent
16:18.44the_fishhmm im gonna check it once again.
16:19.28the_fishis it the one in /usr/lib/python2.5/*?
16:20.30the_fishokay got it
16:21.03the_fishyep i edited it
16:21.09the_fishnow launch the dialer?
16:21.12the_fishor reboot first?
16:21.22dcordesmake sure there are no python processes
16:21.40dcordesframeworkd -s ogsmd -d
16:21.43the_fishkillall python?
16:23.04the_fishnope... still seems to cras
16:23.33the_fishdebug console says DEBUG: Initiate Call
16:23.36the_fishbut nothing happens
16:23.54the_fishnow i cant ctrl+c it
16:24.09the_fishokay got it killed
16:24.55the_fishi'm pretty sure its because the phone still isnt enabled
16:25.08the_fishbut i need to find out what the 2007 install does at bootup
16:25.37dcordeshm you think the driver sends some init sequence?
16:25.49dcordesafaik such things don't belong in the kernel
16:26.19the_fishyep i guess so because it shows that in dmesg
16:26.19dcordescan you show me your frameworkd logfile?
16:26.25the_fishon what install?
16:26.32dcordesthe one you're on now
16:26.34pichurriorux, did you try to change the mtype?
16:26.39the_fishk sec
16:27.11dcordesit has info from you sim and stuff
16:27.46the_fishcat /var/log/ophonekit.log?
16:27.49oruxpichurri, in 2.6.27
16:28.09dcordesthe logfile path is in your /etc/frameworkd.conf
16:28.13the_fishohh k
16:28.20pichurriorux, yep/...
16:28.34oruxwhat mtype?
16:29.14the_fishdcordes, it shows that at the ogsmd part btw: "ti_calypso"
16:29.17the_fishisnt that wrong?
16:29.24pichurriorux,  halibut's,  1439
16:29.33pichurriorux, ...testing
16:29.44the_fishit says log to: "syslog"
16:29.46oruxok, try..
16:30.07dcordesah the install overwrote your config
16:30.42dcordesso interesting enough the ti_calypso modem does at least initialize in frameworkd-devel
16:30.43the_fishseems so :p
16:31.01the_fishwell i gotta brb short, just a sec
16:31.11dcordesas opposed to just erroring out on starting frameworkd with the non devel version
16:33.26the_fishby the way
16:33.34the_fishhow to start a ssh server?
16:33.46lupine_85generally these things use dropbear
16:33.47the_fishbecause its really hard to type all that stuff in all the time
16:34.18dcordesthe_fish: as lupine says, angstrom has dropbear instead of openssh-server
16:34.22the_fishlupine_85, you mean maybe the command to enable phone has to do with dropbear?
16:34.30the_fishohhh lol.
16:34.33dcordesthe_fish: it should be running on bootup
16:34.35pichurriorux, didn't work...I've had the same behavior when messing with the fb base (virtual) address
16:34.45lupine_85/etc/init.d/dropbear start if it's installed and not running
16:36.42pichurrithere are different chips compatible with mddi, there should be documentation on mddi....
16:37.15oruxpichirri, stop on "Go go go", no usb
16:37.55oruxi think it needs a lot of work
16:37.57the_fishhow to connect on dropbear?
16:38.18dcordesssh <hostname> ?
16:38.52the_fishahh now it worked :)
16:39.07oruxbetter back to 2.6.25, looking below fb
16:40.40the_fishhm so what should i do now? the init script for the phone part doesnt seem to be in /etc/rc*
16:41.04dcordescan you pastebin your frameworkd.config ?
16:41.13the_fishcrap just rebooted again
16:41.23the_fishits just the old one again afaik
16:41.32the_fishwith the ti_calypso and such
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16:41.49the_fishshould i copy the other one over?
16:42.04dcordesthe one I pastebined?
16:42.34dcordesyea use that one
16:42.59Dubbeld00Quick question... how can I access the vogue tree within the linuxtogogit? (I only cloned the git yet)
16:43.06the_fishkk i will just check out the 2007 install once again
16:43.44dcordesgit checkout -b htc-vogue origin/htc-vogue
16:43.53dcordesthe_fish: ??
16:44.10the_fishlook into the rc.* files again
16:44.53the_fishhmm k
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16:47.04dcordesthe_fish: ls /etc/init.d/ | grep gsm
16:48.29the_fishhmm sec
16:48.34the_fishi just got an error on ssh
16:48.45the_fish"WARNING: remote host identification has changed"
16:49.49dcordesrm ~/.ssh/known_hosts
16:50.21lupine_85I'd guess it generates the key on runtime
16:50.27lupine_85just clear the line from known_hosts
16:50.30the_fishkk :)
16:50.36the_fishworks again
16:50.40pichurricould this be useful for something?
16:51.00the_fishdcordes, theres a gsmd in init.d
16:51.08dcordescheck what it does
16:51.45the_fishrun it?
16:52.11the_fishjust shows "starting gsm daemon: gsmd"
16:52.23dcordesno open it with an editor and see what it does
16:52.53the_fishohh okay
16:53.55dcordesdid you get the frameworkd log?
16:54.10the_fishnot yet
16:54.29the_fishit launches /usr/sbin/gsmd ( the init.d)
16:54.56dcordesyou can boot into our current rootfs again and we can analyze the old rootfs from the host
16:55.42dcordesuse the pastebin frameworkd.config
16:55.56dcordesrun frameworkd and make teh
16:57.07the_fishframeworkd should be running by default right?
17:07.12the_fishi found an interesting path in the gsmd config
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17:17.00the_fishhmm dcordes_ maybe i should just copy that gsmd and all the files over?
17:19.38the_fishdcordes_ i still get the dbus error with frameworkd started
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17:26.47dcordes_the_fish: there would be no use in copying the old gsmd
17:27.03dcordes_what did you do to get what error?
17:27.23the_fishi launched frameworkd and made the call again
17:27.28the_fishas you said
17:28.30dcordes_so in the current image (the shr one with frameworkd-devel installed) you ran frameworkd -s ogsmd -d
17:28.35dcordes_which yielded no errors?
17:28.42the_fishnope no errors
17:29.24dcordes_can you show me the framworkd.config to double check?
17:32.05the_fishseems like the serial channel is wrong also
17:32.31dcordes_we did set the serial channel in the what you see is for gps
17:32.47the_fishohh yea i forgot
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17:34.08dcordes_let's remove all of the gta specific configuration.
17:34.15the_fishgotta brb again
17:34.26the_fishyea give me the info im gonna do it later
17:35.41dcordes_use this
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18:02.42camdengood morning, folks
18:03.24camdenI've been trying to follow allow with the latest instructions on the raph-linux page, using my HTC Fuze.
18:03.58camdenwhen I run Haret, the kernel boots, and the device recognizes my 8GB memory card, but does not find the files in the /tmp directory.
18:04.14camdenand fails to mount the images
18:04.45camdenI have the images on both my internal memory and on the card itself. Am I missing something?
18:09.49camdenI will try Lord Kiwi's initrd.droid.cpio
18:13.33camdenhey alright, android's booting.
18:23.30tmztdcordes does
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18:32.18camdenwow. I'm impressed. It's not really functional, yet, but wow.
18:32.19camdenthanks guys
18:32.21camdengood work
18:32.46the_fishtmzt, are you there?
18:32.55the_fishyou tried to get android working?
18:35.28Rogro82Dubbeld00: Any luck today?
18:36.41excohello Rogro82
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18:37.47excowhy are we facing the same problems as with 0.8 now with 1.0 again? (phone, umts, ...)
18:39.41Rogro82Because the smd code we were using with 0.8 doesnt seam to work on the new kernel... at least for now it doesnt.
18:39.58dcordes_the_fish: can you give me the log with tha pasted config?
18:40.21the_fishthe log of frameworkd? where does it store the log?
18:40.25Rogro82dcordes did you read my reply about the kaiser-smd?
18:40.57dcordes_the_fish: yes. with the pasted config . see the log_destination line
18:41.03dcordes_Rogro82: yes I did
18:41.54Rogro82weird one... trying to figure out what is causing it but still no luck
18:42.34Rogro82no.. i took it out of the g1 diff file
18:42.38the_fishohh btw, the date is wrong XD
18:42.50dcordes_Rogro82: which g1 diff?
18:42.58Rogro82and modified it a bit... just added some empty voids to smd_sleep_enter etc
18:43.32the_fishwhy is it using /dev/smd0?
18:43.50dcordes_the_fish: double check the
18:44.00excobtw any particular reason kaiser has MTYPE 1724 and 1553 (->
18:44.17Rogro82i used the board-htckaiser-old-smd as that one seamed to be the only one i was lucky to get a data connection with
18:44.23dcordes_exco: because it was registered twice
18:45.01excoyeah - I figure - but is it a problem?
18:45.23dcordes_Rogro82: board-htckaiser-old-smd is the one based on the smd from g1-diff-18-11-08.diff ?
18:45.53dcordes_exco: not really
18:46.46Rogro82yes... its one of the smd codes in there. i thought it had 3 the kaiser-smd/board-htckaiser-oldsmd/board-htckaiser-old-smd
18:47.34Rogro82the kaiser-smd is for as far i could see almost an exact replica of the vogue one if im not wrong ( same head/tail for smd0/1 )
18:48.20dcordes_can't be good
18:49.08dcordes_Rogro82: did you try to boot with the g1-diff-18-11-08.diff codebase instead of htc-vogue base?
18:49.43Rogro82against the android-msm-htc tree? yes i did and i got it to work using the vogue-smd
18:52.42dcordes_how did you do that? on the kaiser it froze on me in haret
18:53.49Rogro82did you use the vogue mach type?
18:54.15Rogro82kernel panic?
18:54.27dcordes_no the kaiser mach tpye
18:54.37dcordes_no panic, just a freeze in haret
18:54.41Rogro82try using the vogue one.. that worked for me...
18:55.13dcordes_that diff has quite some uptodate code
18:55.25camdenhow do I find the 'spare parts' app that is mentioned in the wiki?
18:55.33the_fishdcordes_, i corrected all the files
18:55.43the_fishstill framework.resource.ResourceNotEnabled
18:55.55the_fishim still pretty sure its one of the /sys/ entries
18:55.59the_fishbut i dont know which
18:56.43dcordes_what /sys/ entries? only the qualcomm_msm is used for qualcomm_msm
18:56.52dcordes_can you show me the entire log please?
18:58.17the_fishsec i will give u the new log
18:59.08the_fishif its not the entire log, then its because the terminal is too small
18:59.40dcordes_you can always use scp user@host:file local-file
18:59.51Rogro82still cant figure out what is causing it to boot using a new data.gz... Tried settings sleeps all over the place but doesnt work
19:01.09Rogro82Im still thinking it has something to with the libreference-ril...
19:02.15dcordes_I have nfc about what android does during bootup sorry
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19:02.56dcordes_Rogro82: if you want to test your smd code with a solid test basis, use frameworkd
19:04.03Rogro82k ill test that... i can get a connection using pppd with the old smd code... but it @#$@ when booting android somehow
19:05.29dcordes_Rogro82: you can check the logs. dream_kill and me went through setting it up for raphael
19:06.32dcordes_in polaris audio should work during call. (it does on kaiser) I think on msm7200 amss the speaker is activated during calls by default
19:07.16the_fishhmm dcordes_ whats vtconsole0? an entry in /sys/bus
19:07.24the_fisheh /sys/class
19:09.02dcordes_the_fish: don't know sorry. do you see the ERRORs your modem returns in the AT chatting? at which point does the log end?
19:09.34dcordes_i.e. wat was the state at the end of the log? you ran cli-framework and did gsmcallInitiate() ?
19:09.47dcordes_which returned an error?
19:10.01the_fishhmm? i ran none of those commands :o
19:10.10dcordes_when did you see errors?
19:10.20the_fishafter changing the
19:10.25the_fishdirectly after bootup
19:10.31dcordes_after bootup?
19:10.43dcordes_thought you have no frameworkd in init
19:11.07the_fishseems like there is
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19:11.24the_fishotherwise it wouldnt have started up.... i guess :p
19:11.48dcordes_ok can you boot, kill all pythong processes and run 'frameworkd -s ogsmd -d' ?
19:12.36dcordes_move the log before so you write to a clean log
19:13.18the_fishrebooting atm
19:15.00dcordes_just remove frameworkd from init then you don't need to kill after each boot
19:21.50the_fishi guess thats the interesting messages now:
19:22.24dcordes_frameworkd.controller ERROR    dbus bus name org.freesmartphone.frameworkd already claimed. Exiting.
19:22.38the_fishwhat does that mean?
19:22.45dcordes_no python was running when you started with frameworkd -s ogsmd -d ?
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19:22.52the_fishi did killall python
19:23.04dcordes_do it again
19:23.09dcordes_until it says no proc killed
19:23.12dcordes_no need to reboot
19:25.08Rogro82dcordes besides a pppd connection do i need to setup anything else to get a data connection in Android?
19:25.43dcordes_the_fish: oh wait. when you did the first paste  ( ) it did not die ?
19:26.01dcordes_Rogro82: I don't know about stuff in android
19:26.21dcordes_Rogro82: in the dzo images you set apn user pass in CMDLINE
19:26.32the_fishcrap i dunno i guess before the reboot dcordes_
19:26.42Rogro82yeah i set them up fixed in the setupmodem
19:27.06dcordes_the_fish: ok restart frameworkd
19:27.15Rogro82really need to fix my onscreen keyboard... debugging
19:27.21Rogro82is shit this way :)
19:27.30dcordes_i.e. kill all the python processes, then the usual frameworkd -s ogsmd -d
19:28.46dcordes_Rogro82: yea kaiser is pretty useful there. if I had no keyboard, I would make angstrom run a ppp connect script on bootup
19:28.58dcordes_Rogro82: so I could login via gprs
19:29.14dcordes_the_fish: good. is it still running?
19:29.22the_fishseems so :P
19:29.28Rogro82thats my problem thought... i cant get a gprs connection in android :)
19:29.42the_fishnow it sent that message: "frameworkd-controller: alive and kicking"
19:29.52the_fishwhat to do in there?
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19:31.26dcordes_pick the recepient number so that you can check if the call got through
19:31.44the_fishhmm gsmcallinitiate is not defined
19:31.46the_fishthats what i get
19:32.20dcordes_double check spelling
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19:32.38dcordes_also pay attention to the upper case I
19:32.56the_fishjust returns a 1
19:32.58the_fishyes i did
19:33.21dcordes_does it ring?
19:33.29the_fishnope :(
19:33.42dcordes_so let's see what the log says
19:33.58dcordes_be aware it has all the #s
19:34.12the_fishcall handler is busy
19:34.38the_fishdoes that mean it guesses someone is making a call on that number?
19:34.50dcordes_keep this last log well.
19:35.00the_fishhmm k
19:35.23dcordes_no I think frameworkd assumes the modem is not ready to make that call
19:35.41the_fishso it could be the phone is not enabled?
19:36.25dcordes_probably. can you give me the log?
19:36.37the_fishhmm k
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19:59.19miknixhey  BabelO , how is audio hacking going? does the driver make much use of gsi specific stuff?
19:59.44BabelOmiknix: hi, i m on it
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20:42.29tmztcr2: hi, can you tell me where to get the asci3_mmc driver you mentioned or find more about it?
20:45.59lupine_85again :D
20:50.54cr2tmzt: hi
20:51.16cr2tmzt: i think it was poky-something. linux-rp code in oe ?
20:51.34tmztok, I'll look at that
20:51.57tmzttekkdrone has apache working with 2.6.27 but it doesn't have asic3
20:52.29cr2apache uses pxa-mci
20:52.53cr2evdo uses pxa-ohci ?
20:52.57tmztI'm looking for the other pxa htc's that have asic3
20:53.04cr2like universal+umts ?
20:53.17tmztppp is on usb serial, at is on uart
20:53.30cr2does it work now ?
20:53.42tmztwe copied the code from openezx to enable the pxa-ohci
20:53.47cr2have you dumped the ohci config ?
20:53.59tmztwhat do you mean?
20:54.00cr2pxa-ohci is standard code
20:54.03tmztfrom haret?
20:54.20cr2you only need to add the config using data from haret
20:54.33tmztI mean some writel's without which ohci does not work on apache or motoq at least
20:55.18tmztiobase = ioremap(0x40600000,0x1000); __raw_writel(0x00000002, iobase+0x24); iounmap(iobase);
20:55.21tmztiobase = ioremap(0x4C000000,0x1000); __raw_writel(__raw_readl(iobase + 0x64) & ~((1<<10)|(1<<11)|(1<<5)), iobase+0x64); iounmap(iobase);
20:55.24tmztreturn 0;
20:55.30cr2pxa-ohci works on athena,n560 without any hacks. zaurus too
20:55.47cr2check the bits
20:56.00cr2pxa-ohci is 100% documented
20:56.18cr2to see what are these bits doing
20:56.26tmztso this should be handled by pxa-ohci?
20:56.40cr2what register is 0x40600000 ?
20:57.05cr2yes, but you need to adapt the _init function
20:57.35cr2check n560 and athena. and the haret' "dump pxa27xusb'
20:57.54tmztwhat haret is that in?
20:57.58tmztonly gnuharet?
20:58.32cr2check j820
20:58.41lupine_850xB3200068 ...
20:58.46tmztdo you mean 0x40600064?
20:58.49cr2gnuharet is 99% obsolete
20:59.27tmztUDC Frame Number Register Low
20:59.34tmztdoes no make sense for host does it?
20:59.39cr2tmzt: i sugest to dump the ohci config with haret from j820 first
20:59.43cr2and then try the standard pxa-ohci code with appropriate _iniut
20:59.54tmztok, we'll do that
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21:00.17cr2UDC and usbh-p2 share some bits
21:00.34lupine_85the code is actually ?reading from? the I2C registers
21:00.48tmztlupine_85: raph keyboard?
21:00.58lupine_85Raph I2C code in generasl
21:01.18lupine_85i'm following the I2C_PowerUp code right now
21:03.22tmztcr2: what is this about tmio_mmc?
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21:05.03cr2lupine_85: i've documented some i2c functions, but you'll move much faster if you'll trace (mmutrace) the i2c read/write registers
21:05.21cr2lupine_85: i have saved some such i2c traces, but have problems editing wiki & so on.
21:05.38lupine_85cr2: mm, I'm only discovering stuff that's already common knowledge right now
21:06.06cr2lupine_85: i've documented some accelerometer differences with the datasheet, but its lost somewhere ;)
21:06.17lupine_85(although this DLL has a bunch of stuff regarding the TV out which might be fun to look at in the distant future :D)
21:07.05cr2lupine_85: add mmutrace for read/write. and press the button(s) on the keyboard. you'll see everything what is sent. compare with wikii
21:07.21cr2hm. i need to buy the TV out cable first.
21:07.27lupine_85but anyway, I'm downloading a new version of HaRET and playing with it now
21:07.39cr2tmzt: tmio* is updated to 2.6.28 ???
21:08.06tmztdon't know, just wondering if it should be used as the email thread suggests if possible
21:08.35tmztlooks like it was last updated in 2007 maybe
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21:09.35cr2tmzt: they all share the toshiba sdio core (also ati sdio)
21:10.04cr2but there are many differences. tmio_mmc is very limited, imho.
21:11.45cr2lupine_85: afair the LCD brightness is controlled over i2c too. you can check it
21:12.44cr2tmzt: do you know the msm7201A status during last 2 weeks ?
21:13.20tmztit seems sd is working on diam100/raph100, maejrep is working on raph800
21:13.21cr2is the ts irq working now ?
21:13.44tmztthe display problems are getting fixed, including some support for x1 and blackstone
21:13.51tmztI don't know that
21:13.56cr2is the gpio_func() ALT config already in git ?
21:14.10tmztusing that api?
21:14.35tmztis it the same as msm_configure_gpio?
21:14.54cr2gpio_func() is the wince reimplementation
21:14.56tmztit seems that is now using direct access not proc_comm, but I don't know if the new api is used
21:15.08cr2no, the PCOM* gpio replacement
21:15.11lupine_85the wiki is blossoming....
21:15.18NetRipperharet question: how do i filter irqs from the wirq command? usb irq is spamming ;)
21:15.34cr2NetRipper: ibit irqs
21:15.46tmztNetRipper: do you know if ts irq is working?
21:15.57NetRipper000.971     IRQS     IRQ1: USB_HS(47)=1
21:16.16NetRipperhow would i ignor that irq using ibit?
21:16.42NetRipperibit irq 47 ?
21:16.48cr2tmzt: proc_comm is a bit misleading. maybe we need proc_comm_wince() override for non-g1 firmwareradio ?
21:16.56cr2afair, yes
21:17.17tmztare we using proc_comm? swetland (from google) said not to change things the radio will also change
21:17.17NetRippercr2, i found an interesting proc_comm stuff in vogue, they just omit the "wait for other"
21:17.48NetRippermaejrep was tracing in haret and found that wince also does not do the A2M soft-interrupt
21:18.20cr2NetRipper: the proc_comm from vogue should be used, but it'd be called proc_comm_wince() to avoid the misunderstandings.
21:18.37NetRipper12:00:01 < NetRipper> maejrep, check out the msm_proc_comm_noirq_noa2m in vogue @ here (they are not using proc_comm.c at all):
21:18.57NetRipperthey put it in vogue-smd.c though, bit tricky ;p
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21:19.47cr2the proc_comm_wince() functiuon parameters are also different from g1. imho, it's better to clone the wince calling sequence, that is(semi) documneted in wiki
21:19.48cr2hmm. probbaly something for me to do
21:20.37cr2are the sdio3/4 clk bits found ?
21:20.55tmztit seems but the formula doesn't exactly work
21:21.15cr2it's from my wince spl
21:21.18tmztit appears one of the regs is kept constant and the other changes, but I can't explain that exactly
21:21.25NetRippercr2, dont know about sdio3/4 clocks, but raph800 has sd on sdc3 and it is working with latest git when using the msmsdcc_id=3 param
21:21.31cr2but the output does not match the haret values in wince
21:21.47cr2i'll check the wiki
21:22.04NetRippercr2, what app do you use to reverse engineer?
21:22.20cr2the wince clk api is obfuscated as hell
21:22.25cr2ida pro
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21:22.38NetRipperyou're just a miracle worker with asm then;p
21:22.43cr2i have an old licensed version
21:23.06NetRipperlet's just say im using a trial version
21:23.26cr2well, it's only some experience.
21:23.36NetRipperit's nice to poke around but im not advanced enough to make sence of much of it
21:23.51cr2trial may be better, but you need to cut&paste to save ;-)
21:24.09NetRippercut&paste is disabled in trial? ;x
21:24.11lupine_85has the linux version. is niiiiiiiiiiiiice :)
21:24.15cr2ida pro is too much x86-centric
21:24.28NetRipperit has armvi disassemblers
21:24.29lupine_85if you want any particular dlls turning into asm, just ask
21:24.31NetRipperwith arm instructions
21:24.35cr2lupine_85: it's too buggy
21:24.50lupine_85it's a bit of a pain but I've not seen anything really off yet
21:24.55lupine_85it crashes from time to time
21:25.07lupine_85gets a .lst and decompiles by hand
21:25.27lupine_85slooooooooooooooowly :D
21:25.42cr2i prefer to rename the function names and constants, and save the .idb
21:25.57lupine_85kate is my friend
21:26.06cr2it's the only realy handy ida advantage
21:26.39cr2otherwise you can used objdump + .py disassembled written by pH5
21:27.03cr2i got much better output for some binaries using this way
21:27.30lupine_85the main irritation I had with idaadv was that it fails miserably at spotting ?widestrings?
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21:28.14cr2yeah, it's 60% manual alt-c job :-)
21:29.57lupine_85hmm, odd. the newest haret spams GPIO33 at me
21:29.59cr2NetRipper: utf16/normal strings
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21:30.12tmztlupine_85: wasn't that the keyboard gpio?
21:30.19cr2lupine_85: it does not parse the actual bit
21:30.23lupine_85so we thought
21:30.39cr232 is the first gpio section, 33 is the second
21:30.50NetRipperah, right
21:30.58NetRippereverything on winmo is unicode
21:31.07lupine_85no, the old one's doing it too
21:31.10cr2haret needs to demux the "real" bit
21:31.23lupine_85reboots the raph, tries again
21:31.41tmztcr2: will gpio_func be used for a mfp implementation?
21:31.41cr2but it's not done because of some harware bugs that need to be worked around
21:31.54cr2mfp ?
21:32.13cr2gpio_func is a bad name
21:32.39cr2msm720x(A)_gpio_al_conf() is a much better name
21:32.44tmztstatic unsigned long pin_config[] = { GPIO18_GPIO, GPIO29_SSP1_SCLK, GPIO25_SSP1_TXD, GPIO26_SSP1_RXD,
21:33.14tmztthe mfp-pxa27x driver uses this to set the alt functions
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21:33.45cr2well, it it's some useful generic api, why not
21:34.06cr2s/ it / if /
21:34.17NetRipperanother haret question, when tracing, and seeing something like the following, what does the "32 36 37" mean? and what is the "f8"?
21:34.20NetRipper008.958     test  9230000c(32 36 37)=f8
21:34.28NetRipperf8 is the value in that memory address?
21:35.08NetRipperor like, bit 32, bit 36 and bit 37 are set, which means value f8?
21:35.16cr2strange string
21:35.22cr2i don't know
21:36.02NetRippertest is just the name of my var
21:36.26cr2the 4byte bit numbers should be <32
21:36.35NetRipperah yes obviously
21:36.59NetRipperi just added the memory address by doing addlist test p2v(0xetc)
21:37.09NetRipperno extra values behind them, because id ont know which parameters are allowed and what they do ;)
21:37.30cr2NetRipper: does the ts driver do something here ?
21:37.34cr2b2100000   a8100000   1   TS init related
21:37.44lupine_85hmm, it's still doing it
21:38.01lupine_85dunno what's change
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21:38.17NetRippercr2, i dont think it does anything init related, but i do think it maps that memory part
21:39.27cr2NetRipper: hm, that may explain the irq problem.
21:39.59cr2i see the TS_SSBI irq in the wiki list
21:40.23cr2so it certainly needs some config
21:40.51NetRipperah no, it maps 4K of 0xAA3*
21:41.12cr2lupine_85: mmutrace these
21:41.32NetRipperi've been tracing that as well
21:41.52cr2NetRipper: it's the data area, but not the config area
21:42.06NetRipperwhere do you see the TS_SBBI, which wiki page?
21:42.16cr2NetRipper: the real pita will be if they use 10bit i2c ;)
21:42.30NetRipperhow is that a problem?
21:43.04NetRipperah ok
21:43.29NetRipperyes, ok, i was looking for the literal string TS_SBBI ;)
21:43.52cr2and the mux gpo is
21:43.52cr20x20   32      INT_GPIO_GROUP1  
21:44.38cr2which needs to be demuxed, but nobody has adapted the kernel code for that.
21:45.06cr2checking thre gpio irq status bits is not enough
21:45.08NetRipperwhat do you mean, so that you can set an irq on a single gpio bit?
21:45.17cr2because of some hw bugs
21:45.24cr2afair we've check that woith Kevin2 some time ago
21:45.53cr2no, so you can find out which gpio irq is behind the muxed 32/33
21:46.19lupine_85I2C_Status ?
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21:51.33cr2lupine_85: status is not interesting, check the actual read/write
21:52.46tmztdo you mean it could be matrix but the gpios are not demuxed or is it definately i2c/ssp?
21:54.04StarLite<3 the tech talk in here :D
21:54.45StarLiteand I would <3 to see Linux/Android run on htc devices one day :D
21:54.51StarLiteso keep up the dev stuff
21:55.14lupine_85is vaguely out of his depth in this sea of I2C, GPIOs and the like
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21:57.05cr2tmzt: what do you mean ?
21:57.33cr2tmzt: the raph keyboard does not use any gpios
21:58.07cr2tmzt: and the raph keypad uses gpio for some buttons, and i2c for other.
21:58.17cr2keyboard is 100% i2c
21:58.21lupine_85last week pressing a keyboard button triggered GPIO33, but that's just spamming in general now
21:58.34cr2it's like the spi keybaord onhermes/athena
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21:59.33cr2lupine_85: i guess it's some keyboard gpio irq behind gpio33
21:59.57tmztso it detects a key when something is received on i2c, or is there still an irq that triggers when a key is pressed?
22:00.02lupine_85mm, i just dunno why it's spamming now when it wasn't before. ah well
22:00.20NetRipperit seems all hardware buttons, including the ones beneith the keypad, are gpio's... and to determine which of the buttons on the keypad has been touched, the navi x/y-coordinates must be read, which is via i2c
22:00.34NetRipper(excluding qwerty keyboard here)
22:01.06cr2the capacitive sensor is i2c
22:01.09tmztis it known whether diam and raph use essentially the same pcb?
22:01.32NetRipper^^ was to cr2
22:01.38cr2NetRipper: and then you have 3x4 matrix
22:01.53cr2NetRipper: it's all in the wiki
22:02.06NetRippercr2, 3x4 matrix for what?
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22:02.16cr2but i don't know the row/col vsalues for the buttons
22:02.17NetRipperqwerty or capacitive?
22:02.22NetRipperhardware keys
22:02.28cr2for the buttons
22:02.30NetRipperlavender/jobo already figured that out
22:02.36tmzt7 gpios in matrix not 7 direct gpio keys?
22:02.40NetRipperthey have a keypad driver
22:03.07cr2the qwerty is i2c, and the capacitive is i2c (ADC readout from the atmel microcontroller)
22:03.53cr240-42, and 32-35
22:05.12cr2yes, the atmel microcontroler has some PWM and ADC channels, and other stuff. it's all documented. we may even extract the up uploaded firmware
22:05.52cr294   0x5e         26   I   irq CAP_SENz (NAVI)
22:06.27cr2i guess it will create the gpio33 spam, if your finger is close to the keypad.
22:07.59cr2NetRipper: can you split the description field in
22:08.01NetRipperi dont see spam on 33, only on 26
22:08.11cr2for raph100 and raph800
22:08.21cr2otherwise it looks like a mess
22:08.50NetRipperwill do, not right now though ;)
22:08.51cr2irq26 ?
22:08.59NetRipperno gpio26
22:09.09NetRipper009.112    GPIOS      in3: in3-26(282)=1
22:09.09NetRipper009.119    GPIOS      in3: in3-26(282)=0
22:09.16cr226   0x1a         10    
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22:09.45cr294   0x5e         26   I   irq CAP_SENz (NAVI)
22:09.47NetRippersorry, 94 calculating from start
22:09.51tmzthow does 3-26 translate to a gpio (for gpio_to_irq) in linux?
22:10.00NetRippertmzt, that's 94
22:10.33tmztNetRipper: oh, but how?
22:10.50NetRipperi dont know how the size of a bank is determined though
22:10.52cr2tmzt: just some macro/function
22:11.11cr2it's hardcoded somewhere. as a table
22:11.32NetRipperaha, you find this stuff by reverse engineering?
22:12.07cr2yes, it was done half a year ago
22:12.29toerits not only the Raphael_GPIO
22:12.33NetRippercr2, btw, are some things on the wiki pages from the trout code or is it all found by reverse engineering/haret?
22:12.35toerpage that looks like a mess
22:12.51cr290% is found
22:13.06toerthe RaphaelLinux does to
22:13.32cr2only the CAM description and SD pin description lines are taken from the g1 code
22:13.56NetRippertoer, true.. my original idea was like some sort of diary some extended it with quite a lot more ;)
22:14.31toerNetRipper: maybe we should split it up into several pages
22:14.48NetRippercr2, ok.. i got worried some trout stuff might be in there as f.e. in gpio, the "sd card detect" is there multiple times, while only gpio23 is the one that works on my raph
22:15.08toerbbl going home from work
22:15.10NetRippertoer, yes probably, seperate faq and 'diary/progress'
22:15.38cr2NetRipper: the spl checked 2 gpios. don't know why, that's why i've written "related"
22:15.53NetRipperah, ok
22:16.16tmztis SD card inserted what g1 calls sd_eject?
22:17.47NetRipperwhen its 1, the card is inserted.. but linux wants to know when it is ejectd, so we inverse it... maybe thats why they put eject on g1 ;)
22:19.21cr2somebody with msvc arm crosscompiler here ?
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22:19.56NetRipperim missing something i think.. for gpio irqs you can configure falling/rising/low/high, i cant find the similar function name for normal irqs, anyone know the name?
22:21.15cr2isn't it a generic api ?
22:21.41NetRipperprobably but i cant find hte function :p
22:22.46cr2request_irq ?
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22:23.19NetRipperthought it was a seperate function
22:23.22NetRipperbut perhaps its there
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22:23.54NetRipperyea you're right
22:29.47cr2NetRipper: does haret dump this data ?
22:30.03cr2or should it be dome manually (for now) ?
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22:31.16NetRipperarf i hate being called when i booted linux
22:31.32NetRipperwhich data cr2 ? the irq configuration?
22:31.38lupine_85nobody ever calls me :D
22:32.08cr2i use my raph only for hacking
22:32.47NetRipperno irq config is not shown in haret.. not sure how to find out either.. but you get far with trial and error ;)
22:32.59NetRipperstill no touchscreen irq though
22:33.14NetRipperwhen having enabled high/low/rising/falling ;)
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22:33.47cr2NetRipper: hm, but you don't do TS config#
22:33.50tmztall of them?
22:34.04NetRippercorrect, i dont do the TS init
22:34.30NetRippertmzt, yes all of them, but irq is not fired..
22:34.56NetRipperactually i forgot to check if the irq was assigned successfully in dmesg.. but it got assigned properly before
22:35.02tmztis ts in that atmel?
22:35.02NetRipperi'll check that in a minute
22:35.35cr2tmzt: ts is in msm
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22:46.14j0b0NetRipper, i once had the touchscreen irq firing
22:46.26j0b0it was irq 30 iirc
22:47.17j0b0when i was fiddling around trying to get pixel packing look normal on raph800  :/
22:48.51NetRipperj0b0, is that the reason why you had commented out the disabling of the irq?
22:49.06NetRipperim now enabling all 3 irqs but they dont get fired ;)
22:49.21j0b0yes, but i couldnt get it back later
22:49.43NetRipperwe probably need to init it like cr2 mentioned
22:49.54j0b0it would fire once, after the kernel had booted and even after i had touched the screen already
22:50.10j0b0but never more than once per boot
22:50.20NetRipperi cant get it to fire once
22:50.25NetRippernever seen it
22:51.02j0b0setting weird rgb settings had more unexpected side effects as well
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22:51.13NetRippernegative i presume?
22:51.38j0b0well .. sometimes crashing something gives you the opportunity do 'do' more
22:52.11NetRippersounds like how i like to do things
22:53.04cr2j0b0: CAT /PROC/INTEERRUPTS
22:53.16cr2fscking keybaord ;)
22:53.46MullinsDoes anyone know if is going to be down for long?
22:53.56NetRipperlol is it down again
22:54.17NetRipperit's becoming a joke, down that often
22:54.22NetRippernot even april 1st yet
22:54.35Mullinseven if it was, it wouldn't be funny :D
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22:55.08NetRipperthat '0' is the number of times it fired?
22:55.22NetRipperin the column CPU0
22:55.28imfloflowhy xda is down so often? DOS ? attak? bandwith?
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22:55.47NetRipperi have 0 on 29/30/31 as well
22:55.55j0b0yes. the numbers increase
22:56.22j0b0a lot for sdcc, also a lot for vsync, some for usb
22:56.35j0b0but zero for touchscreen
22:56.53j0b0i dot have 29 or 31
22:57.03j0b0dont either
22:57.08NetRipperi manually added request_irq for those
22:57.22NetRipper30 is the touchscreen1
23:01.56Rogro82Does anyone know how i can get root in android?
23:02.14imflofloyeah on xda :p
23:03.35NetRippergod, i forget to disconnect my phone from usb when i reboot to winmo.. my linux detects rndis and sets the default gateway to it :s keep losing my internet that way
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23:05.58j0b0oh .. you think _that_ is stupid? how is this: i was testing a boot option to toggle the vkeyb off at boot and it didnt work and 30mins later i realized there was another CMDLINE in the default.txt further down that was not #'d out!
23:08.24NetRipperdefinitely beats my issue
23:09.10NetRipperno offense of course ;)
23:10.09excohappens to everyone ... doesn't it?
23:11.02j0b0do you have any thoughts on this one: we know how to detect that the keyboard slider is open (it is gpi38, high=open) but i have no clue how to make android turn landscape
23:11.55excoI didn't even know why my box kept loosing it's internet connection until the scales fell just some minutes ago ;-)
23:13.11NetRipperj0b0, i don't know, although i suspect it's something in android, not kernel
23:13.36tmztyou send an intent, but I guess you can just see what trout does
23:13.45j0b0well .. the kernel must somehow take the signal from the hardware to android
23:13.50tmztit's probably mapped to a BTN input dev
23:15.12NetRipperj0b0, that's true, but i meant i dont think it's like the fbcon:rotate thing..
23:15.44j0b0no. more like some /dev/eventX thing
23:15.58j0b0or a KEY_ROTATE
23:16.30NetRipperif such a key exists
23:16.33excoTry this, more fun (turns the window image sideways)...command line:
23:16.58NetRipperguess we'd need to check the android source for that
23:17.02NetRipperor perhaps its in some config file
23:17.44tmztKEY_ROTATE is usually a key
23:17.54tmztyou press to rotate the screen
23:18.09j0b0that says: Result: Parcel(00000000    '....') but doest rotate the screen
23:21.35tmztSanMehat says to look in surfaceflinger (in core.git utils)
23:21.56NetRipperi dont see bsod's in vista often
23:21.57j0b0:D will do
23:22.29j0b0i was looking at in /frameworks/base/services
23:23.02j0b0it see 4 event classes: keyboard, touchscreen, trackball, configuration_changed
23:24.46tmzt<@SanMehat> tmzt: look in arch/arm/mach-msm/board-trout-keypad.c
23:28.54*** join/#htc-linux ali1234 (
23:29.47excodoes the information mean, that I can successfully compile a 2.6.25 kernel for Magician? Could I easily "run" Android on Magician with a 2.6.25 kernel?
23:33.12*** join/#htc-linux Camvoya (
23:38.45Camvoyawhat is meaning of WIP ?
23:38.52excowork in progress
23:38.58Camvoyaahh, gracias
23:39.01tmztexco: not sure about android but magician does run linux
23:39.11excotmzt I know
23:39.28tmztexco: you would need the android pxafb patches and the android (ashmem and binderipc) patches
23:39.31excowhat do you need to run android on any device, tmzt?
23:39.47tmztexco: but it might be simpler to start with tekkdrone's apache tree
23:39.57excoI've seen someone run Anrdroid on the Apache ... yeah
23:46.30*** join/#htc-linux tekkdrone (i=tekkdron@
23:47.31lupine_85heh. ~15K lines of assembly left
23:48.00*** join/#htc-linux reformatt (
23:48.34reformattquestion... is xda-developers site down?
23:50.36Rogro82as usual
23:51.29imfloflotoo bad or xda :s
23:51.44imfloflohope it will be soon ok
23:52.04reformattthought so hope it will be back up soon.
23:57.36lupine_85finds an
23:57.36lupine_85finds an 23:51 < imfloflo> hope it will be soon ok
23:57.36lupine_8523:52 < reformatt> thought so hope it will be back up soon.

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