IRC log for #htc-linux on 20081118

00:08.44*** join/#htc-linux woodson (n=CDP@
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03:12.51hairyravenwhat ?
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04:34.13Redthuganyone here ?
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07:08.16*** join/#htc-linux dcordes (
07:08.39dcordesI just looked at vogue camera driver
07:09.33dcordesthink it's easy to adapt it to kaiser etc
07:09.58dcordesmost of the neded info is documented
07:11.32dcordesit's only changing some base addresses, setting the right gpiosa nd we must sort out the clocks
07:11.50schlashgood morning dcordes. do you have any knowledge regarding the init scripts for anddroid 1.0 ?
07:12.14dcordesschlash which?
07:12.28dcordes. /init* ?
07:12.32schlashwell, the init.rc
07:12.52dcordesso srry
07:13.13dcordeswhat do you wanna do?
07:13.30schlashbeen having problems where it hangs due to timeout calls to the rpc. but i was wondering if i could somehow disable that feature so it doesnt load anything that has to do with smd, and ril and so forth
07:14.29schlashbecause when i load the zygote service. it starts doing some calls that goes thru the rpc router.
07:14.43schlashwhich im guessing is ril or smd connected
07:15.11tmztdo you have rpcrouter in your kernel?
07:15.24schlashbut it times out
07:15.42schlashso zygote gets restarted .. and it never really ends. just keeps trying
07:16.26schlashso i want to disable all the features in 1.0 somehow, just so i get it to boot fully . and then i can start adding modules to see which is the troublesome
07:17.12dcordesdon't know much about android
07:17.24dcordesbut you can
07:17.28dcordesremove the apps
07:17.48dcordeslike phone and so in order to make sure ril,smd,etc not used
07:17.55schlashso if i remove the apk files in the .img files will that "disable" it to try to load me
07:18.05dcordesyou want it to prevent writing to smem?
07:18.25schlashyes, well i have disabled it .. since i havent been able to the get the radio, and smd to work
07:18.51schlashso im doing as netripper did .. return 0; in the msm_proc_comm
07:19.00dcordesmakea n ugly hack and get rid of /dev/smd*
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07:19.50schlashi guess i could try that
07:19.57dcordesbtw it seems not optimal to debug kernel code with android
07:20.05dcordesmaybe touchscreen and phone
07:20.28dcordesyou got raph800 right?
07:21.55dcordeswhat chip does it have
07:37.05parmasterHTC Kovsky has Qualcomm MSM7201A @ 528 MHz
07:37.41dcordeskovsky :) ?
07:38.33parmasterHTC Kovsky (Venus)
07:38.38parmasterthe X1
07:40.13parmasterbranded as Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1
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07:48.16dcordesparmaster ok thanks
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07:48.53dcordesI hope somebody will be able to get command of the cameras in 7201a
07:49.05dcordesthere's he bin
07:58.27*** join/#htc-linux BabelO (
07:59.08parmastertheres no camera patch for any msm7201a yet?
08:00.00*** join/#htc-linux nebi (
08:00.46parmasterthere are some old patches for PXA from HH
08:01.15parmasterdidn't know that theres nothing for MSM7201a
08:09.49*** join/#htc-linux alasdair (
08:11.35*** part/#htc-linux LaF0rge (
08:20.37dcordesparmaster useless
08:21.04dcordesparmaster there is the driver for g1
08:21.11dcordesis ita  binary module?
08:21.23parmasteris what?
08:21.36parmasterwell the driver for g1 is source?
08:21.39dcordeswhat I said
08:21.48parmasteron the PXA?
08:21.58dcordesno, on the trout
08:22.17parmasteri have no idea what the g1 has, you'd know better than i.
08:22.23parmasteri haven't managed to pick one up yet
08:23.31dcordesNetRipper you might ask schlasch about pc and sd
08:24.09dcordesparmaster which devices do you have?
08:24.44parmastera couple of old pxa based ones.. and i'd like to get either the raph800 or the Kovsky
08:24.53parmasteroops i mean raph100
08:25.02dcordescool get a raph
08:25.26tmzt800 is the cdma isn't it?
08:25.28dcordesI will stick with kaiser for now until somebody give me 600 euros
08:25.33dcordesyes right
08:26.25parmasterraph100 as i know there will never be a cdma module in linux
08:26.35parmasternever has been, never will be.
08:27.01parmasterok module is not the right word
08:27.17dcordestmzt hi there
08:27.33parmasterdrivers / apps which utilize the carrier specific firmware etc.
08:27.46dcordesparmaster 7501A calls should be all fine
08:27.59dcordesraphael-smd works
08:28.12dcordeson raph100
08:28.19tmztI don't know what kind of support there is on apache or titan now, maybe titan is easier because it uses seperate channels for each function
08:28.25dcordesyes otb with trout code
08:28.33dcordesso raph800 should work as well
08:28.44dcordesbut maybe you muste dit smem base
08:29.01parmasterwell sure raph100 is gsm, its really simple to call with gsm
08:29.01tmztit needs some work on mddi apparently
08:29.08dcordestmzt titan works (same as vogue)
08:29.27dcordesparmaster as is 800
08:29.30tmzttmzt: has dzo published the ril support for android yet?
08:29.41parmasterno the 800 is cdma
08:30.15parmasterfor cdma i think it is necessary to support some carrier firmware maybe.
08:30.20dcordestmzt hm don't know. I have the early revision of it
08:30.39dcordesparmaster dude trust me it just works.
08:30.42tmzthuh? the firmware should all be on arm9 and loaded by the bootloader
08:31.26parmasterdcordes: who has a cdma (sprint) raphael and is making calls or sending sms etc right now?
08:31.30dcordesparmaster you seem to have no idea aboutb how msm7* works
08:31.42parmasteryes thats correct
08:32.06parmasteri'm open to learning
08:32.11dcordesparmaster baseband and stuff is on the arm9 which has his own OS
08:32.18parmasteroh nice
08:32.31dcordeslook at the qualcomm pr brochures with diagrams
08:32.44dcordeswell not too nice
08:32.52tmztmost of the communication with it is in AT commands
08:33.12tmztthough msm also has proc_comm to control some features
08:33.20dcordestmzt witht he radio, yes.
08:33.29parmasterso under cdma calls work?
08:33.39dcordestmzt there are other mechanisms like the proc comm
08:33.42parmasterbecause everything is entirely different gsm versus cdma
08:33.53dcordesmsm clk ctl
08:34.10dcordesparmaster Y E S
08:34.31tmzteverything is different in how the baseband talks to the air, not how the arm11 talks to arm9 or how calls are made, received, sms sent/received, etc.
08:35.53*** join/#htc-linux BabelO_ (
08:35.54parmasteroh ok so another layer handles it with an api or something then"?
08:36.22dcordesparmaster exactly that arm9 arm11 interface is very consistant across all the msm7*
08:36.51tmztif you look at that ril source you'll see the code is pretty much then same for cdma as gsm at that level
08:36.52parmasterok great
08:36.54dcordesit varies with differences in the arm9 software
08:40.21dcordestmzt I tried debian on the kaiser to check if x works better there
08:40.54parmasterwell cool, then who has a sprint raphael here thats making calls
08:41.54tmztandroid might be working, thought until the mddi problem is fixed it won't really be usable (no video)
08:42.09tmztwell, not no video, but apparently the colors are wrong
08:55.14*** join/#htc-linux LanceHaig (i=3efdda0a@foresight/member/lhaig)
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11:25.20shoragandcordes, does usbnet, wifi or bluetooth-PAN work on the kaiser?
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11:52.50parmasteranybody know the url for netripper's site with patches for raphael?
11:54.56*** join/#htc-linux Neutron83 (
11:55.18Neutron83~seen cr2
11:55.19aptcr2 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-linux, 4d 19h 22m 5s ago, saying: 'ok, need to leave now. bye'.
12:03.02parmasterlooks like the progress has been added to htc-mxm-2.6.25 so far
12:03.06parmastererr msm
12:05.47parmastermem=76M console=ttyMSM2,115200n8
12:06.21parmasteris it possible to address the gsm modem directly on the raph100 through the ttyMSM device?
12:12.51*** join/#htc-linux Millow (
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12:14.46Millowitäs been awhile since the last update on Android 1.0 on HTC Diamond, anyone have something new too add...
12:15.38Millowhi parmaster
12:16.06parmasteris it possible for you to directly address the gsm modem on your Diamond through /dev/ttyMSMX?
12:16.16dcordeshi again
12:16.43dcordesparmaster that is /dev/smd0
12:16.55parmasterthe modem is at /dev/smd0?
12:17.10dcordesparmaster and it should work well since it works on the raphael
12:17.23dcordesyes. it is AT chan
12:17.50parmastercool so at commands work on it then?
12:18.01parmastercan you bring up a 3G ppp session?
12:18.11dcordesidk how thatw orks.
12:18.25dcordeson the kaiser I only used gprs so far
12:18.38parmasterhow did you get gprs up and running
12:18.53parmasterthrough a ppp session?
12:19.07parmasterok cool thats what i'm looking for
12:19.12dcordeswe have a script if you wantt o look
12:19.17dcordesdon't have url no
12:19.30dcordes3g should worka s well
12:19.44parmasteryou don't have a 3G sim in your phone?
12:19.46dcordesdon't know how though
12:20.02parmasterdoes the sim in your phone say 3G on it?
12:20.40dcordesI don't want to take it out now,s oory
12:20.52parmasterwell cool
12:20.53marajindcordes: your phone goes 3G/H in win mobile dunnit?
12:21.12*** join/#htc-linux Miosc (i=4e62841f@gateway/web/ajax/
12:21.18Mioschi all
12:21.23dcordesi use that now
12:21.28dcordeshello Miosc
12:21.40marajinthen you have a 3G sim
12:22.19parmasterok, well 3G is generally set up diffferently than gprs
12:23.05parmasteris that script in a repo somewhere ?
12:23.46parmasterwow, nice.. i'll pick up a raph100 then
12:23.57Mioschi dcordes :)
12:24.00marajiner what?
12:24.29parmasteri like to sshvpn tunnel to data center machines and then put all my traffic through there.. rather than have it all go over the cell provider
12:24.33parmasterin plaintext
12:26.06dcordesparmaster yea I have it all go thru provideer
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12:28.19parmasterdcordes: what about sms and mms
12:28.23parmasterand phone calls..
12:28.30parmasterthey all work through smd?
12:28.36dcordesphone calls work
12:28.59parmasterwell if you can send at gsm commands through smd0 then sms and mms should work
12:29.24parmasterload gomunicator on it or something.. or gpe-phone
12:29.54dcordeswe would have to add htcs pecic code like settinka udio mode
12:31.16parmasterwell if you can do AT commands you can still sms
12:31.44dcordesI would be eagr to make kaiser work with gomunicator if youa ssist me
12:33.35Millowdoes the android port have telephone functionality yet?
12:35.40dcordesMillow youa re not too specific
12:38.40MillowIf you install Android in HTC Dia., can you make a call and hold a conversation
12:39.03dcordesNeutron83, why must you remind me with a quit message :((
12:41.59parmasterproblem with gomunicator is .. the new guy who took it over ported it with some special modem program.. it seems to have lost functionality.. i suggest trying a different dialer
12:42.42parmasteri'll pick up a raph100 and get it all set up...
12:42.49parmasterthen i'll let you know how that goes.
12:43.29parmasteri'm curious what the tv signal is for the raph
12:43.37parmasterwhen you buy the tvout cable
12:43.45parmasteris it an ntsc signal or pal?
12:43.51MioscKevin2: hi, can i pester you a bit wrt scripts to get Linux running off loopback rootfs? I did a succesful build of rootfs.cgz with and then used but i'm getting:
12:43.53dcordesparmaster openmoko's new phone api 'open frameworkd aemon'
12:43.56MioscKevin2: Couldn't find valid RAM disk image starting at 0
12:44.10parmasteror possible to switch between the two formats?
12:44.29dcordesarmaster cr2 knows the raphael tv out
12:44.37parmasterok i'll ask him
12:44.46parmasterdid he pick up a raph100 for himself?
12:45.45dcordeshe said he will look into porting when he will have the time
12:46.10parmasterporting what?
12:46.37dcordeshardwared rivers raph100
12:46.43dcordeslong way to go
12:46.48dcordesbut easy
12:46.49parmasteri think i can buy a raph100 from some sahdy dood on cragislist in philadelphia for like 300
12:47.04parmastererr shayd ;)
12:47.40dcordesyou know oframeworkd?
12:48.08dcordesit's the new openmoko phonea pi
12:48.16dcordespython based
12:48.28dcordesit is modular and supportsdfferent modemt ypes
12:48.56parmasteris that what you want to work on the raph?
12:49.08dcordesyou talked about gomunic alternative...
12:49.15dcordesI have kaiser
12:49.37parmastercuz even the developer says he dialing is broken in gomunicator now
12:49.53dcordesoframewrkd might be good
12:50.17parmasterwell i need to make sure that /dev/smd0 is going to work under raphael
12:50.24dcordeswe should port the msm75* (cdma) and msm72 (gsm) to it
12:50.26parmasterbefore i go out and buy one
12:50.48dcordeshow often must I say it does work already until you believe me...
12:51.12parmasterhahah, just hoping someone will chime in thats actually got one and using it :)
12:51.26dcordespoke NetRipper
12:51.28parmasterok, i'm convinced enough
12:51.38dcordeshe tried raph100 smd0
12:51.43parmasterahhh great.
12:52.07dcordesat least i know read w orks
12:52.10parmasteri would rather have raph100 because so many apps support it through gsm at commands
12:52.41dcordesyes he copiex output from reading smd0
12:52.47parmasteroh i see
12:52.58parmasterwell i mean you can use cu on it
12:52.59dcordesdunno if theyt ried writing
12:53.19parmasterjust for testing out r/w
12:53.23dcordeson the kaiser I use minicom for smd0
12:53.37dcordescheck lgorris readme
12:53.54parmasteri prefer to use wvdial
12:54.35dcordesbtw you know where raph100 kernel source is?
12:54.51parmasterthe problem with the cdma stuff..theres no real app support for driving cdma
12:55.18parmasterthats we are in this whole 'is it working' discussion :)
12:55.27dcordesdunno if ophrameworkd has a cdma modem
12:55.39parmasteryep, but android and qualcomm can both suck a fat one
12:55.49parmasteri just want basic support for the phone
12:55.58parmasternot necessarily android running on it
12:56.42dcordeswhy can qualcomm suck cock while you want the raphael
12:57.02parmasterjust cuz they can
12:58.15dcordesyea well cool somebody wants a msm7201a phone without the aim of running android
12:59.02dcordesparmaster I guess you will look into making X work?
13:00.00parmasterwell how is android doing it?
13:00.47parmasteror is this the color problem tmzt was talking about
13:04.29parmasterwith any luck i'll eventually have some srewy virtualization with android running in a window or something whacked out like that.
13:06.45parmasterdcordes: kernel source for raph100 .. i just saw whats currently in htc-msm-2.6.25
13:07.15parmasteris there more? i.e. does netripper still have a bunch more diffs for various stuff
13:07.18dcordescolour problem is raph800 framebuffer only
13:07.25parmasterah ok
13:08.25dcordesand rah800 also needs some mddi patch to worka t all
13:08.37dcordesthis mddi patch is present but not in git
13:08.41parmasterbut raph100 is known good so far?
13:08.51dcordesdisplay yes
13:09.07parmasterbecause either i get raph100
13:09.21dcordesand I dont know about non-git code for raph100
13:10.10parmasteror i get raph800 *and* a Kovsky
13:12.29parmasteryeah, me either
13:16.19dcordesdidnt see druidu ijn a while
13:20.01parmasteri'm covered on cdma for my personal cellular
13:20.09parmasterand gsm for my work cellular
13:20.19parmasterso i'd kinda like to upgrade both
13:31.55*** join/#htc-linux Othello (i=Othello@gateway/tor/x-702bdb44447296ee)
13:33.35tmztwhile they are looking to support msm at least for gsm in fso, there is no complete stack for gsm or cdma that I know of (maybe qt extended)
13:34.17tmztI only mentioned android because the phone is supposed to work on cdma and gsm
13:43.50Kevin2Miosc: Hrmm.  Maybe initrd support wasn't enabled in the kernel?
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13:45.12MioscKevin2: i have it enabled, but i left the source file blank
13:48.49MioscKevin2: i plan to write a tutorial about it :)
13:50.26tmztdcordes: are you able to use 3g on kaiser then? through ppp?
13:52.29Kevin2Miosc: That would be great.  We can put up a wiki on the distro-test-drive site and/or add a web page there.
13:52.39Kevin2I have to go to work. I'll be back later.
13:54.37MioscKevin2: ok that would be awesome
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14:44.36dcordestmzt still around?
14:48.49marajinhey dcordes
15:10.13*** join/#htc-linux lifegrasp (n=ckonkel@
15:22.05dcordestmzt never tried 3g with ppp on kaiser. don't know what android does.
15:22.13dcordesmarajin hi
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15:49.10marajindcordes: how's it going?
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15:52.55MioscKevin2: in case you have any ideas on how to track down my "no valid RAM disk at 0" problem, please let me know :)
15:55.08redboyanyone here ?
15:59.28szsoftwareredboy: ~ 92 people according User List :-)
16:00.13szsoftwaredcordes: Hey man!
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16:52.10NetRipperparmaster, /dev/smd0 is already working on raph (though initially inited by wince)
16:52.58NetRipperparmaster, the latest linload (from about 2 weeks ago) can already receive phone calls, though audio and mic are not working
16:56.02*** join/#htc-linux chab7 (n=kvirc@
17:02.15parmastercan you write to /dev/smd0?
17:05.27parmasterwell, iguess its a moot point if sound and mic aren't working
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17:12.27tmztthat's proc_comm?
17:29.19redboyanyone here ?
17:31.30d0netsany progress for android on the tytn?
17:34.29redboywhere can i get a working android for the  htc diamond
17:45.47*** part/#htc-linux BabelO_ (
17:46.00Moobyfron wiki
17:46.17Moobyfrlook for RaphaelLinux
17:46.28Moobyfrandroid 0.8 you can't have a 1.0 for the moment
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17:51.25redboyi went there
17:51.35redboyand i download a exe file
17:53.07*** join/#htc-linux dcordes_ (n=dcordes_@unaffiliated/dcordes)
17:53.31redboyi copy the file to root and run it.. then it loads  and stops
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17:56.45Moobyfrdiamong Spring ?
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18:00.33marajinszsoftware: yo, how's it going
18:08.20NetRipperparmaster, haven't tried writing, but when catting i can see the network commands
18:11.35redboysprint Diamond
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18:25.26dcordes_NetRipper, do you have minicom ?
18:27.08NetRipperon raph you mean... depends if it's on angstrom
18:27.30dcordes_yes raphael. can you run it in order to try if write is also operational with the stock trout smd code?
18:28.12dcordes_if available use minicom: start 'minicom -s' to set device to /dev/smd0, baud rate to 38400 and turn flow control off.
18:28.24dcordes_that works for me on kaiser
18:28.29NetRipper'cu' is on angstrom
18:28.34dcordes_use cu then
18:28.37dcordes_or cat and echo
18:28.44NetRipperok and what command would i write?
18:28.47dcordes_cat /dev/smd0 &
18:28.55dcordes_see if you get ok
18:29.49NetRipperi'll try it later
18:29.52NetRipperdoing surgery on my pc
18:30.07dcordes_what sort of?
18:30.27NetRipperairflow sucked
18:30.41NetRipperand one fan is making lots of noise
18:31.29dcordes_use oil cooling
18:31.44*** join/#htc-linux cr2 (
18:31.53dcordes_cr2, good evening
18:32.16cr2hi dcordes_
18:32.47cr2don't see any big news in the log
18:33.19NetRipperhey cr2
18:33.21NetRipperwb :)
18:33.24cr2what do you think about eepc+umts flatrate ?
18:33.47cr2hi NetRipper. this link has 1-2 sec lag for me ;-)
18:34.03dcordes_cr2, my brother showed me a new model of the eee which had a 3g device built in with sim slot
18:34.46cr2dcordes_: is it worth the money ? i don't have any inet conection now.
18:35.17dcordes_cr2, I would get one of them but I'm still looking out for the arm laptop
18:35.39cr2arm laptop=athena
18:36.04cr2hm, i need to measure the current it uses.
18:36.59cr2kiozen: still alive ?
18:37.37dcordes_cr2, no good keyboard. Neutron83 is looking at msm7200 side support of the shift
18:38.09cr2shift is a usual x86 notebook
18:38.13kiozenhi cr2
18:38.25kiozenyou found a link?
18:38.43cr2kiozen: tsss...
18:39.30kiozenBabelO and me do a great job on GT
18:39.42dcordes_using unenc. is illegal now too
18:39.47kiozenand there is another hacker from Russia doing the 3D stuff
18:40.02cr2nice. i'll become a GT user soon.
18:40.34cr2kiozen: any news about n560 ?
18:41.09kiozenemphasized Garmin support on GT
18:41.20cr2i'm working 10h/day now
18:41.32cr2to get a nice 18day christmas vacation
18:42.05kiozenso you got the night too
18:42.44cr2=urlaubssperre ;)
18:43.04cr2there is a workers union for that.
18:43.25cr2my brain can't even track all these regulations.
18:43.32kiozenwelcome to real life :)
18:43.52kiozenI enjoy my life as freelancer
18:44.16kiozenhowever we had ISO9001 recertification on Monday
18:44.36cr2i need to stamp out the rfid card  at 20:00, otherwise i can't start working before 8:00 next day
18:44.55kiozencrack it
18:45.07dcordes_cr2, didn't you just break nda? :(
18:45.19cr2i've just learned that 6 january is a holiday in Bavaria
18:45.27kiozendcordes_: yes now he has to kill us
18:45.36kiozencr2:  sure :)
18:45.56kiozenbut no buss und betttag
18:46.07cr2dcordes_: no, it's a usual practice for protecting workers rights..
18:46.36cr2yeah, i hoped to stay home tomorrow
18:48.22cr2dcordes_: i'm already thinking about writing a job optimiser app in ÖD for a linux PDA;)
18:48.48dcordes_those rfid devices are cheap. I thought about one for my akita
18:50.47cr2NetRipper: it seems i need to fix the SD clocks for msm first.
18:51.10cr2kiozen: and i certainly need to fix the resume on n560.
18:51.30kiozenoh yes :))))
18:51.33cr2kiozen: have some free time this weekend ?
18:52.04kiozendon't know depends on what appointments my wife has made
18:52.31kiozenwhat's your plan?
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18:53.06cr2i need to work on some weekend before christmas, but don't yet know which one.
18:53.28cr2it's a crazy story, but irc is too slow to tell it in full.
18:53.57cr2well, you are not too far away to driver and drink a beer.
18:54.36kiozenok, think I can escape family life for that
18:54.46dcordes_kiozen, make sure he brings no sharp objects :D
18:55.08kiozenI fill him up faster :)
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18:58.16cr2ok, rfid stamping time. bye.
18:59.20kiozenI totally forgot how stupid an eployees life is  :)
19:00.02kiozenhaven't thought about that kind of stuff for more than 10 years now
19:01.27tetsuo\0got sponsoring or something?
19:01.59tetsuo\0most of us need to work, kiozen
19:03.16kiozenno I am my own boss, I can work as long as I think it's necessary
19:03.31kiozenno rfid chip to control me
19:03.40kiozenonly selfcontained work
19:03.49kiozenno stupid micromanagement
19:03.53kiozenno regulations
19:04.01kiozenI enjoy each day
19:04.49tetsuo\0oh, this reminds me I need to send some solved tests for a job :D
19:05.12tetsuo\0would you hire me kiozen ?
19:05.26kiozendepens on what you can do
19:06.00kiozenyou have to be very good in digital signal processing
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19:07.31tetsuo\0oh, I'm very new to it, I'm starting doing some DirectShow stuff
19:08.18kiozenwe do more the firmware stuff
19:08.49kiozenlike integration of audio codecs into dsps
19:09.39kiozenif you are german:
19:09.51kiozenstill have to do the english pages :)
19:10.44tetsuo\0nice stuff, I always was interested in DSP, but the learning curve is hard, having almost none theory background
19:12.05kiozenyes you need good courses at university to get a basic grip
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19:21.54dcordes_kiozen, nice website
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19:22.26kiozenyes, took us ages, and still no translation
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19:26.58dcordes_~seen schlasch
19:27.03apti haven't seen 'schlasch', dcordes_
19:27.28dcordes_~seen schlash
19:27.29aptschlash <> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-linux, 12h 6m 53s ago, saying: 'X1'.
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22:42.03kalemasGood evening. x11-image-1.0-r0: task do_rootfs : falied. It occurs during mkfs.jffs2.Can anybody help, please?
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22:44.03szsoftwarekalemas: think #oe should be more appropriate, no?
22:44.37szsoftwarekalemas: however, a pastebin should be useful for debugging as well
22:44.58szsoftwaremarajin: hey buddy
22:45.10marajinhow goes?
22:45.24*** join/#htc-linux data|2 (
22:45.31szsoftwareoh well, preparing hardly for winter season ..
22:45.41marajinI don't react to seasons :P
22:46.02szsoftwarewith lying on the couch and looking freeskiing videos
22:47.01szsoftwaresuch kind as they hurt even you just watch them
22:47.46szsoftwaremarajin: you?
22:59.38*** join/#htc-linux Neutron83 (n=neutron8@
23:00.06Neutron83seen cr2
23:00.13Neutron83~seen cr2
23:00.17aptcr2 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-linux, 4h 2m 1s ago, saying: 'ok, rfid stamping time. bye.'.
23:02.06Neutron83~seen dcordes
23:02.07aptdcordes <> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-linux, 7h 39m 54s ago, saying: 'marajin hi'.
23:05.35Neutron83illness sux
23:10.00kalemasszsoftware i was there... what do you need config.log or do_rootfs.log ? second is very long...
23:11.05szsoftwarekalemas: oh, I'm sorry, I'm not the exert for that issue
23:13.14kalemasszsoftware: ok
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23:39.19SmallR2002smacks xchat
23:39.27SmallR2002keep my bloody favourites for goodness sake

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