IRC log for #htc-linux on 20080718

00:00.07dcordesginge: what was changed in sdc code in order to get rid of error -22?
00:00.45gingedcordes: we added support for both sdc mux and added the right bit shifts for the clocks
00:00.48OpnSrc1got it.
00:00.54gingeCPress:  hi
00:01.17OpnSrc1how to generate trace.. using haret.? I should read about haret then.
00:01.17CPressWhat's new in the Kaiser world?
00:02.17dcordesginge: because premy sent me a patch against git where he put the polaris specific plus the sd code. he didn't edit kaiser board, so I copied the slot status gpio. now I get -22
00:02.21gingeOpnSrc1: yes, that page is very helpful
00:03.03gingedcordes: yes, I saw he added the sd patch in. The slot stats irq from the original patch you mean?
00:03.13dcordesginge: yea from your code.
00:03.29dcordesfrom the git diff you sent to be exact
00:03.34gingeCPress: not much more than a couple of days ago
00:04.29CPress.. I havent kept tabs
00:04.40OpnSrc1dcordes: any image with GPS working, need testing ? I can test for u. what about GPRS .. that didn't work for me..
00:05.36dcordesginge: thanks no gps testing required I think
00:05.47dcordesgprs works for me in angstrom.
00:06.14marajinOpnSrc1: GPRS also works for me in angstrom.
00:06.21marajinOpnSrc1: But not in android
00:07.00dcordesginge: premy said he based the sd patches on the code you posted yesterday
00:07.03OpnSrc1how do we get it working on android. kaiser forum tmatsuu released some patches to, didn't help me.
00:07.17dcordesginge: can you take a look if it is the up to date code if I forward?
00:07.42OpnSrc1how can I enable just a shell on android and test ppp setup for GPRS ?
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00:09.46dcordesOpnSrc1: you can't
00:12.10OpnSrc1ok, tmatsuu has got it working on android I think, its on kaiser forum xda-developers. any idea..?
00:22.46eBugdcordes: any idea why i can't get to the dialer with android.bin ?
00:54.51marajindcordes: Hmm did ginge post his latest zImage with the fix for the kernel segfault anywhere?
00:56.48dcordessorry no clue about that
00:56.59dcordesalso I had no segfaults yet
00:57.14marajinNo worries, just figured it'd be good to have the most recent image for whe I start playing wih booting other images from SD
00:57.26dcordeseBug: we coduld remap the kaiser keymap in kaiser kernel so you can use the arrow keys as arrow keys
00:57.30marajinopenmoko is only have built thusfar though.
00:57.36marajindoing a complete rebuild from scratch just in cae
00:57.45dcordesyea me too I wonder how far mine is now
00:58.01dcordesof course a package failed :P
00:58.01dcordesERROR: '/media/archiv/OE/' failed
00:58.07marajin2228/4849 here
00:58.15marajinHeh :)
01:03.16*** join/#htc-linux cr2 (
01:05.08dcordesok giving up on sd merge into git
01:11.19eBugdcordes i think you're right anyway about the ts offset
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01:15.04dcordeseBug: then I say sedna ts is the exact kaiser ts
01:25.02marajinpackage 2447... it's kinda crazy that openmoko-image requires more packages than perses' entire host OS
01:29.47dcordeseBug: I'm making you another kernel now. do you have an sd card?
01:30.17dcordesok cool. It would be great if you could boot into angstrom then and check if sd works
01:30.55eBugdcordes i can boot angstrom from SD but i don't have a keyboard to type commands
01:36.15dcordeseBug: nevermind. you will see messages in the bare login screen when you insert/remove the sd
01:36.27dcordesif it works you will get an insert message and no errors
01:36.42dcordesafter that we can try booting to proof
01:37.03eBugshould I boot from RAM then ?
01:37.42dcordesyes boot as before with angstrom.bin. just replace with the zImage.bin I'm building now
01:38.03eBugbefore i booted from SD
01:38.07dcordesprobably also the keybpad will work
01:38.26eBugsedna doesn't have a keypad
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01:41.00dcordeseBug: ok. replace zImage.bin with this then edit default.txt to use zImage-sedna.bin and SET INITRD = angstrom
01:50.17dcordeseBug: boots?
01:54.10eBugdcordes from SD hangs
01:54.24eBugtrying to boot from RAM now
01:54.43dcordesput the sd card out when you boot
01:56.34eBugbooting from RAM with SD out hangs
01:57.09dcordesok I will try something else
01:57.18dcordesso we can tryout if the modem works
01:59.08dcordeseBug: first try and boot angstrom with this zImage
02:06.48eBughangs too
02:08.03dcordesok obviously SD has some differences then on sedna
02:08.06dcordesdo you have wifi?
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02:18.16*** join/#htc-linux OpnSrc1 (i=harisha1@gateway/tor/x-c499e25383f22abf)
02:21.50eBugdcordes don't know if you're still here
02:21.56eBugi'll have to go soon
02:23.07dcordesah yes I was going to edit the keymap
02:23.11dcordeshow much time do you have?
02:28.03eBug15 min?
02:32.26dcordeseBug: I fear I have no clue what I am doing with the keymap here
02:32.52eBugi'm able to boot zImage.bin and angstrom from your page
02:33.00dcordesyes because it has no SD
02:33.12eBugzImage and zImage-sedna.bin don't work
02:33.29dcordesthe headfuzz zImage is mostly the one from my page+sd (and some other additions)
02:33.36dcordesbut I think it's the sd that causes the lockup
02:33.44eBuglooks so
02:33.47dcordesalthough that's vague
02:35.02dcordesI'm changing the keys u, h and j in the keymap to output down right and left
02:35.07eBugthere's no log
02:35.14dcordesmaybe that way you can dial in android..
02:35.31eBugnot sure about that
02:35.41eBugthe screen is messy
02:35.43dcordeslet's try
02:35.48dcordesscreen is messy?
02:36.04dcordesdoes that mean you have display errors like weird pixels
02:36.10dcordesand noisy stuff
02:36.19eBugblank background
02:36.31eBugand in the upper part 3 widgets
02:36.47eBugone that alternates between Contacts/Maps
02:36.55eBuga text box
02:37.03dcordesoh that's odd
02:37.04eBugand a 'Go' button
02:37.09marajinalignment issues?
02:37.21dcordeswhen you say that alters, it sounds like broken
02:37.51eBugfrom what i saw in other videos background image is from 'Maps'
02:37.53dcordesI wish we had the touchscreen working so you could use the on screen keyboard in angstrom
02:38.22dcordesI get some nice mountain view wallpaper with trees and a nice sun
02:38.33eBugnothing of that here
02:38.49eBugno menus
02:38.51marajinsounds like android is very screwed on your device
02:38.56dcordesbut why?
02:39.05dcordesit's the same qvga as kaiser qvga I guess
02:39.09marajineBug: Did you get any android image to boot ok?
02:39.28marajinso it's the kernel that breaks it?
02:39.36eBugi took android.bin from dcordes' page
02:39.47dcordeswhich android did work then?
02:39.57marajinhow wierd, we haven't changed fb lately have we dcordes ?
02:40.21dcordesno I didn't change the images on purpose for a while because people keep using them as a basis for fiddling
02:40.24dcordeslike matsuu
02:40.44marajinthat makes no sense then o.o;
02:40.44dcordeseBug: in angstrom, the text looks good?
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02:41.00eBugdcordes yes
02:41.00dcordescan you see the ANGSTROM text graphic in the login console?
02:41.26eBugi can see whole boot output
02:41.36eBugppp stuff
02:41.37dcordesok I have really no clue about this
02:41.45eBugand that stuff
02:41.48marajinandroid is just so broken x_x
02:42.09dcordeseBug: you must ask somebody who is more familiar with android then
02:42.24eBugts is attached to /dev/input
02:42.57dcordeseBug: no te apures. once we have a working touchscreen, you can also use an on-screen keyboard in the console
02:43.06dcordesalso we are working on making a gui for angstrom work
02:43.31dcordesbut for now I have no clue what we can try
02:43.38eBugno te apures ?
02:44.33dcordesit's late
02:44.39eBugsounds spanish
02:45.47eBugare u from spain?
02:45.50marajinwell I must reboot to linux to do some pokey with openmoko.. back in a coupla minutes
02:48.30dcordeseBug: no germany. I remapped the arrow keys now to output the right stuff
02:48.32dcordeshope it works
02:48.47dcordesI'll upload a new zImage in a minute
02:52.32dcordeseBug: here you go
02:52.48dcordestry booting android with it and see if you can reach the dialer somehow and dial anything
02:53.05dcordesthe direction keys should work
02:55.27dcordesat least that's what I want them to lol
02:55.27*** join/#htc-linux Kristen (
03:03.25eBugi can see the main screen for half a second
03:03.39eBugthen android really enters Contacts
03:03.51eBugthere's one contact:
03:04.13eBugthe direction keys don't work btw
03:06.00*** join/#htc-linux dcordes_ (n=dcordes@unaffiliated/dcordes)
03:06.07eBugi think the pda enters Contacts because there are characters arriving at the 'keyboard buffer'
03:06.33eBugdcordes_ see what i wrote before
03:07.09eBuga lot of 'eeeee' are flushed into the keyboard buffer
03:07.50dcordes_odd. does something happen when you use the arrow keys?
03:07.52eBugwhen Contacts pops up, the search text box is filled with 'eeee'
03:08.16eBugthe arrow keys don't work
03:08.32eBugthey're still mapped to jhu
03:08.33dcordes_well was worth a try though
03:08.57eBugwhat button is mapped to 'e' ?
03:09.01dcordes_so you need to wait now until a) a working on screen keyboard is present b) openmoko (angstrom based UI) works
03:10.45eBugit's just that some characters are flushed to the keypad buffer when android ui shows up
03:11.04eBugopening Contacts and filling the search box
03:11.17dcordes_maybe already before they are flushed
03:11.26eBugcould be
03:11.32dcordes_some gpio that is hit all the time
03:11.52eBugwhat button is mapped to 'e' ?
03:12.33eBugwhat button is that ?
03:12.35dcordes_I don't really understand that stuff
03:12.42dcordes_I think that's E on kaiser keybaord..
03:13.15dcordes_I'm confused about it and don't udnerstand how the driver works. maybe see yourself in the link above
03:15.25marajindcordes_: ping
03:15.36marajindcordes_: Man you're missing out on my rans cause you got dropped huh?
03:15.54marajindcordes_: I have an X cursor! :D but I think it's not configured right to see TS
03:16.41dcordes_I'm booting now
03:16.52dcordes_just removed psplash so I can see what's going on
03:16.54eBugthing is sedna doesn't have a keyboard
03:16.54marajindcordes_: I stoleconsole-image's /dev and it booted eventually
03:17.05marajindcordes_: If you wait long enough the splash'll go away on its own
03:17.27dcordes_I have no patience
03:17.30eBugi'll see you tomorrow
03:17.34eBugi need a rest
03:17.47marajindcordes_: Hah :) still,looks like we're close to X running =)
03:17.48dcordes_cya eBug
03:17.56dcordes_ha same here :D
03:18.02marajinAs far as I can tellit's now frozen though
03:18.08dcordes_isn't it great when things fix automagically
03:18.15marajinNo kidding :P
03:18.16dcordes_it's like crack seeing the X on kaiser!!
03:18.20eBugsee you
03:18.21marajinhaha :P
03:18.23dcordes_now let's get it moving
03:18.24marajineBug: Catcha
03:18.29marajindcordes_: uhuh :)
03:18.41marajinOur poor abused kaisers :P
03:18.51dcordes_we need control alt backspace
03:18.57marajinyeah we do
03:19.00dcordes_this would kill xserver-nodm
03:19.26dcordes_I'm booting with it removed from rc*
03:19.29marajinor we need to break X starting maybe so we can see what happens in the background for now without keep rebooting and yanking the card
03:20.24marajinAnd I wanted t sleep tonight..
03:21.53dcordes_I already fscked up ext2 on sd
03:22.03dcordes_according to e2fsck
03:22.09marajinhah :p
03:22.41marajindcordes_: did ya notice haret crashes less now we boot from SD?
03:23.00dcordes_no since it didn't crash before
03:23.04dcordes_duty's may 22nd I say
03:23.07marajinit did just really really rarely
03:23.15dcordes_not for me
03:23.38dcordes_I wonder why you didn't get the device nodes
03:23.42marajinIt crashes maybe 1 in 20-30 for me
03:23.44dcordes_did you look in the extracted rootfs?
03:23.53marajindcordes_: I extracted it straight to SD
03:23.55dcordes_yeay got into the console
03:24.10dcordes_I'm really astonished this works so smooth, directly from OE
03:24.11marajinmount the card and then cd and sudo tar zxvfp ../Angstrom-etcetcetc
03:24.43marajinstill waiting for my kaiser
03:24.44marajinoh there we go
03:24.48marajinhit console
03:25.08marajinevery key is [B
03:25.10CPressHey guys, You got the SD to work?
03:25.18marajinCPress: Some days ago yep
03:25.35CPressCool, sorry I havent kept up in a few days.
03:25.41marajindcordes_: Keyboard works for you?
03:25.42dcordes_now I destroy thed console by viewing the touchscreen data
03:25.58dcordes_/dev/inout/event0 is the touchscreen.
03:26.16dcordes_I guess we need to tell this to X configuration
03:26.32marajinProbably but I think we should get more than just an X cursor ya know
03:27.31dcordes_Xserver:                ARGS="$ARGS -dpi 220 -mouse /dev/input/event0" ;;
03:27.39marajindcordes_: What're you doing to break psplash?
03:28.31dcordes_remove the psplash files found in /etc/rc*
03:33.33Zooloochi there
03:34.23Zooloocdcordes_: are you on night shift ;-) ?
03:34.45dcordes_Zoolooc: yeap
03:35.44Zooloocin my case, it's my little son who woke me up to give him the milk bottle :)
03:36.11Zooloocanyways, exciting days for kaiser owners
03:37.58marajinZoolooc: ya mean part-working X and SD and such?
03:38.08dcordes_yes finally we get to a stage where it becomse useful
03:38.21Zooloocthe guys managed to get some D3D and OpenGL ES working, and you guys here are making good progress with sd and x in linux, yeah
03:39.24marajinZoolooc: We've been lucky :P
03:39.46dcordes_dzo ginge premy
03:39.50dcordes_they make the kernel
03:39.55Zooloocit's part of the game
03:40.18dcordes_Zoolooc: did you take advantage of the new video drivers for wince?
03:41.28Zooloocwill try them at work this morning
03:43.24Zooloocbbl, tryin' to get one more hour of sleep ;)
03:43.37marajinZoolooc: G'luck
03:44.22dcordes_Zoolooc: hope small kaiser will not make half an hour out of it ;p
03:48.18marajinheh :P
03:48.27marajindcordes_: It always does the little bastard
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07:01.12tmzthello,  for Kdrive with tslib, try TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/eventX as an env var
07:01.30tmztlibts, sorry
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08:06.22ginge_morning. broadband working again now :/
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08:23.29kiozenBabelO: track recording to SD is working :) still have to do exchange with GT.
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09:19.11BabelO_kiozen: so good, have to try that soon :)
09:19.46kiozenBabelO_: just implementing the protocol for GT exchange now.
09:20.06BabelO_kiozen: you create a known track format ?
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09:20.43kiozenBabelO_: nope, my own binary, but GT can save it as gpx
09:37.33BabelO_kiozen: do you know bayo map format ?
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10:29.19premydcordes : are you around ?
10:32.15ginge_Hi Premy
10:34.40premyginge_: hi, did you have the time to look at my patch ?
10:34.53ginge_yes, briefly before my internet died
10:35.34premyginge_: is it ok with you ? Did you make any further changes ?
10:36.30ginge_premy: it looks good. the changes you made make sense and were on my todo anyway. I caught a message last thing that dcordes_ had some trouble getting it to work on kaiser, but I havn't looked into it yet (damn isp)
10:37.14ginge_premy: have you tested this with large block transfers? I can't get android or angstrom to boot from a loopback off the sd
10:37.46premyginge_: actually I only have an SDHC card, so I haven't been able to test that much yet :-(
10:37.55ginge_d'oh :)
10:38.14ginge_I'm guessing we still have timing issues somewhere
10:38.24ginge_and defintely some irq problems
10:39.35premyI'm pushing a bit because I'm not going to be able to spend as much time on this in the near future, and I would like to be able to release a polaris bootkit before.
10:43.44ginge_yeah, I know what you mean. I have to move house in a couple of weeks and have been snatching a few minutes here and there.
10:48.41kiozenBabelO_: think it's working more or less :) svn up GT and M
10:49.33ginge_premy: I only dropped by here a couple of weeks ago to ask a quick question. It's amazing how wrapped up you can get :)
10:50.23premyginge_: yeah, I know. I'm also moving in a couple of weeks, actually :-)
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10:52.21kiozenBabelO_: think that Bayo stuff is some kind of LZW coding like my maps. Do you have a file?
10:56.23ginge_premy: how about this. we merge your patch as it is cleaner than mine and then address any problems from there
11:10.18premyginge_: fine by me.
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11:27.19premycr2: hi.
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11:28.10cr2kiozen: one more menu window for the survey plugin ?
11:28.22cr2hehe. he was fast.
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12:02.47kiozencr2: need battery control :)
12:02.59kiozencr2:  M is starting to make fun
12:21.45cr2kiozen: nice :) the tracks are filtered ?
12:22.23kiozencr2: don't know what this gps mouse does, but it looks like it uses a filter
12:25.53BabelO_kiozen: how much is your mailbox receive size ?
12:26.19kiozenat dspsolutions about 10 MB is save
12:26.36kiozengmx I don't know :)
12:27.14kiozenBabelO_: did you compile M and GT yet?
12:28.14BabelO_kiozen: not M but GT i can sync with svn on my windows
12:29.53kiozenhave to install GT for my father this evening. That is always the toughest usability test
12:30.12cr2kiozen: can you pick my haret from , and run 'dump pxa27x' ?
12:30.34cr2kiozen: i'm interested in the wince ssp1 settings, and they are not in the wiki for some reason.
12:30.54cr2kiozen: hm. i think you've already sent me all data ;)
12:31.52cr2SSCR0_P1 : 0x0000818e
12:32.37kiozencr2: ?? you found it?
12:34.00kiozencr2: do you have the path to the haret binary?
12:34.30kiozenhm, for the dump I need that big sd, right?
12:34.43kiozenthink I can't do that now
12:38.50BabelO_kiozen: where is the what's new dialog box when i start GT ? :)
12:39.11kiozenBabelO_: you mean text overlay?
12:39.29kiozenBabelO_: F6 Overlay
12:40.24BabelO_kiozen: no,  a small tips at staretup that display a changelog of new funcitonnality :)
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12:41.07kiozenBabelO_: ah, ok, too much work, read the chnage log :P
12:41.29BabelO_kiozen: ok so gt compiled and runn on XP
12:41.56BabelO_kiozen: need to wait this evening if no pub planned for M on artemis :)
12:43.06cr2kiozen: yes, i've found it.
12:43.32kiozenBabelO_: I cna do you a rootfs :)
12:44.09BabelO_kiozen: i ve already mine, just need to replace M in it, have already the Bluetooth and internal GPS switch also
12:44.17BabelO_over sysfs
12:44.46kiozenyes easy BT / GPS setup is still missing
12:45.02BabelO_kiozen: you already see my small app :)
12:45.12BabelO_kiozen: what about map transfer ?
12:46.19kiozenBabelO_: I have to admit I ignored it sofar, too much other stuff on my mind. Screenshots?
12:46.40kiozenBabelO_: map transfer is still missing.
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12:50.17kiozenBabelO_: what happens if you press one of this buttons?
12:51.00BabelO_kiozen: switch led on, and device too
12:51.21BabelO_kiozen: i just to system( echo 1 > /sys/platform/htcartemis-bt/power );
12:51.25BabelO_same for led
12:51.29BabelO_i do it quickly
12:51.36BabelO_need to create a ini file for that :)
12:51.47kiozenBabelO_: wish it would be that easy on n560 :)
12:52.46BabelO_kiozen: i ve done all over sysfs on artemis, because processor is omap and don't have the pxa serial mngt
12:52.56BabelO_it is standard 8250 serial driver
12:53.30kiozenBabelO_: I think I call scripts from M to switch BT and GPS. By that it's easy to fine tune the process to all the device's snafu
13:04.00BabelO_kiozen: what is equivalent funciton of ftw() on windows ?
13:04.44kiozenBabelO_:  ftw()? only know wtf()
13:05.20BabelO_kiozen: ftw(p) under linux is directory seeking
13:05.45BabelO_apt: wtf ?
13:05.56BabelO_apt: wtf wtf ?
13:06.03kiozenBabelO_: I use QT, I do not have to care about these things :)
13:06.04BabelO_apt: wtf wtf
13:06.20kiozenright :)
13:07.41kiozenok, have to go, I will be in Munich this weekend, but try to read the logs occasionally, thus report how M works for you
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13:39.13BabelO_cr2: around ?
13:39.58*** join/#htc-linux Othello_ (i=Magorium@gateway/tor/x-01a91f1789c8bfeb)
13:41.10BabelO_cr2: how do you convert png to correct png for GT with GIMP only ? :)
13:43.29dcordes_ginge_: ping
13:43.46cr2BabelO_: why don't you use imagemagick ?
13:44.14dcordes_ginge_: 12:56 < ginge_> premy: how about this. we merge your patch as it is cleaner than mine and then address  any problems from there
13:44.17BabelO_cr2: windows computer here :)
13:44.24ginge_dcordes_: pong but boss is hanging around ;)
13:44.26BabelO_cr2: i think i found how to do
13:44.53dcordes_ginge_: I would agree but I tried that patch from premy that also includes sd. unfortunately sd is broken there
13:44.59cr2Color dithering: None
13:45.26ginge_dcordes_: I need to check it out. I started last night but shortly after you told me it wasnt working, my broadband died
13:45.43cr2BabelO_: but if you want to use a predefined palette, you need to create the .gpl file
13:46.34BabelO_cr2: i just switch gimp -> mode -> RVB then switch back to indexed color and select 255 and dither, that's ok now
13:46.34dcordes_ginge_: I've seen it in the log. I think it would be the best if you would make a clean git checkout and then only apply what is really needed for sd there, trying to make it work. then commit from that tree.
13:47.14dcordes_ginge_: I won't get it work. I spent many hours now messing around with getting sd to work but I have not been able to make my sd card mount, with either of your and premy's patches.
13:47.32ginge_dcordes_: thats the plan, but based on premy's diff. He did some tidying up of my code mess that makes me feel less anxious.
13:47.36ginge_dcordes_:  -22 still?
13:47.44dcordes_yea right.
13:47.52ginge_dcordes_: I get home in about 3 hours. SHouldn't take long to get to the bottom of that
13:48.05dcordes_ok would welcome this a lot
13:48.30dcordes_we have progress making openmoko work
13:49.05ginge_oh/ that shounds good
13:49.27ginge_s/oh\/ that shounds good/oh that sounds good/
13:49.30dcordes_X starts now. need to get pointer working and start apps
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13:53.55cr2BabelO_: dither is not nice, if you have a scanned map with the fixed palette.
13:54.15BabelO_cr2: not scanned :) other sources :)
13:54.23cr2ok :)
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13:55.53loxo51hi all
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14:01.46BabelO_cr2: GT projection wizard seem to be broken, it always say bad syntax
14:03.56BabelO_ok found why, it s me
14:04.22BabelO_hi loxo51
14:09.43loxo51hi BabelO
14:23.22drasarHi there. I have posted a few questions at Can somebody gime me an answers on that questions please?
14:31.21cr2drasar: can you pull the CVS source, compile the himalaya kernel and boot it ?
14:32.32cr2drasar: after you'll adapt the blueangel drivers to hima, you'd be able all ba distributions.
14:33.12cr2drasar: you'd even have an advantage of the working mdoc. hehe, but the disadvantage of the nonworking bluetooth.
14:33.53cr2because it's on asic5, so a bit more register analysis is required.
14:37.38cr2for the UART only the first part (non-backpack) is needed
14:38.16cr2drasar: with some effort, we may cleanup the outdated junk from wiki.
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14:51.21marajinI return
14:52.39dcordes_I just wanted to tell you I also get the crappy keyboard now in moko
14:52.55marajindcordes_: really? it went away when I switched zImages
14:53.36dcordes_that's odd
14:53.45dcordes_beacuse I think we use the same zImage
14:53.57dcordes_09:01 < tmzt> hello,  for Kdrive with tslib, try TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/eventX as an env var
14:54.07dcordes_can you try that?
14:54.35dcordes_TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0 /etc/init.d/xserver-nodm start
14:54.37dcordes_something like that
14:55.47marajinyep gimmie a sec to boot
14:57.05marajinheh :P
14:57.07marajinhow weir
14:57.17marajinI'll see if mine's working whe it'sbooted
14:58.09marajinNope, mine's still fine
14:58.38dcordes_ok. on openmoko cellphone ts is on /dev/input/event1 so try starting X like above
14:59.55marajincursor but it doesn't react to TS
15:02.08dcordes_ok try probing what event really is ts
15:02.36dcordes_I refetched the zImage hope it works now
15:02.59marajinwhat're all the FAT errors about?
15:03.42dcordes_no clue I'm also wondering
15:04.48marajinevent0 produces a brief bit of output then stops reacting
15:05.03dcordes_oh that's interesting
15:06.19marajinheh, it goes apeshit if I hit the camera button
15:06.40dcordes_that's the ginge ts calibration thing
15:06.46marajinyeah I know
15:06.52marajinthe onscreen keyboard is nonreactive
15:06.56marajinTS seems broken
15:07.39dcordes_ok it's in the kernel obviously
15:07.54dcordes_I refetched the kernel image and now kbd works again
15:08.07dcordes_and it's the same for me
15:08.25dcordes_it outputs 3 pen downs and positionning data
15:08.38marajinthe amount of output varies
15:09.01marajinbut it's never more than a few lines
15:09.26dcordes_hold down the cam button and use ts
15:09.31marajinin X?
15:09.38dcordes_no console
15:09.44marajinoh it just spams messages if I do that
15:09.56dcordes_so it's probably not the kernel
15:10.13marajinwell the implication is that it's not actually sending anything to event0 in general
15:10.34dcordes_but where does that 'rest' come from?
15:11.09marajinwe have a touchscreen0 but it seems to behave much the same
15:11.58dcordes_that's familiar. I tried using sixaxis on the zaurus via bluetooth
15:12.17dcordes_it does the very same thing, output a bit and then do nothing
15:12.30marajinwhere's Ginge when you need to taskmaster him
15:13.47marajinAre you SURE the winkey is ctrl? I Can't ctrl + c this cat
15:16.26dcordes_do both leds light up when you press it once?
15:17.00marajindon't think so, just booted back into WM
15:17.05marajinwill start linux again..
15:18.12marajinwe are talking about the windows logo key directly below the green call button?
15:18.57dcordes_no, the one on the keypad
15:19.07dcordes_right from Fn
15:19.25marajinwell bugger, I never even noticed that WAS a winkey
15:20.10dcordes_where could we look up what to do about the input problem?
15:20.13marajinevent0, event1 and touchscreen0 aaaall do the same thing, a few eventsthen failed
15:20.31dcordes_do you have an android image on device so we can proof it actually works?
15:20.45dcordes_event1 also?
15:20.57dcordes_event1 is the keyboard here and consistently outputs data when I press keys
15:21.34marajinit seems to do both
15:21.38marajinI got some pen down events
15:21.48marajinand it reacts to keypresses
15:21.58dcordes_oh. that's a problem
15:22.05marajinoh yay, mangled console syndrome
15:22.24dcordes_used cat? ^^
15:22.45dcordes_also did that yesterday, use hexdump instead
15:22.55marajinI keep forgetting I can't just switch to adifferent console on the kaiser
15:23.49ginge_are you  guys struggling with my touchscreen hackery in the zimage/
15:23.57marajinginge_: Very likely
15:24.04ginge_damn what happened to my modifier keys/
15:24.08marajinginge_: We get a few pendown events then it freezes
15:24.18ginge_yep, thats me ;0
15:24.39ginge_s/me/me smile/
15:24.50ginge_damn need shift key for coding
15:25.06marajinyeah it tends to help ;)
15:25.30ginge_i will build a new image and upload it in about 1 hour.
15:25.42ginge_the touchscreen actually works in my new builds,
15:25.54dcordes_you mean, no offset?
15:26.01ginge_yeah, no offset
15:26.16ginge_just a little scewed, nothing a bit of trig wont solve
15:26.52ginge_i hate how vmware messes up your keyboard if you move out of the window while holding one down ;/
15:27.26marajinyay bugge
15:28.25ginge_reboot time brb
15:29.32ginge_hey I fixed it :)
15:30.08ginge_setxkbmap resets it if it happens to anyone.
15:31.27ginge_do you need the tuoschreen on the console, or just in X?
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15:31.48dcordes_or rather, just in X
15:32.10ginge_ok. It outputs quite a bit of debug output at the moment
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15:37.47marajinginge_: Ok, booting with that to see what happens
15:38.06ginge_hides in a cupboard, just in case
15:38.24marajinlocks the cupboard door. Muahaha
15:39.09ginge_marajin: don't know how this will pan out. I made some sdhc changes to the sd card and didn't test with a standard sd after that. (sdhc still doesn't work)
15:39.42marajinit booted from it ginge
15:39.44marajinI'd say it woks
15:39.52marajinalso TS doesn't lock up now
15:40.09dcordes_you get the output fomr event0 consistently?
15:40.22ginge_its pobly still wonky as I didn't calibrate it, but it should be enough for tslib to deal with now
15:40.38marajinhmm xserver is nonreactive
15:40.55ginge_it was before?
15:41.24dcordes_marajin: try now with the tslib var
15:41.46dcordes_TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0  /etc/init.d/xserver-nodm start
15:41.47drasarcr2: yes, I have tried to use Angstrom distrib. for BlueAngel with K2-6-21-hh20 compiled for Himalaya and it boots fine
15:41.53dcordes_I wonder if X actually uses that var
15:41.58marajinI don't think it does
15:41.59dcordes_if you put it like that
15:42.09marajinbut I'll try again
15:42.20dcordes_put a sleep and nodm stop
15:44.04ginge_shiiiit. I squashed a banana all over my laptop while in the bag.
15:44.21marajinoh for gods sake
15:44.25marajinkeyboard's broken now
15:44.54ginge_sounds like the X keymap is screwed
15:44.56dcordes_marajin: we randomly get a problem where the keyboardo utputs nothing but [B to the console
15:45.03ginge_you could try the onscreen keyboard
15:45.04marajinginge_: Every key apart from the dpad will output [B and no tis at console
15:45.06dcordes_it's really kind of random
15:45.23ginge_sounds bad
15:45.27ginge_I have seen it before though
15:45.43marajinginge_: dpad outputs [A, [B, [C, [D depending on direction.. last time we fixed it be redownloading zImage?!
15:45.49dcordes_I bet that's because event1 has both, keyboard and ts output
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15:46.37dcordes_maybe when ts works keyboard doesn't and vice versa
15:46.55ginge_that makes no sense. I can use both in angstrom and android
15:47.02drasarcr2: but I don't know if all Himalaya specific drivers from K2-6-12-hh2-xda0-ba0 are ported to K2-6-21-hh20
15:47.16dcordes_ginge_: it's a thing in the openmoko build then
15:47.36marajindcordes_: I'll build some different images I guess an try?
15:47.39ginge_doesn't know :(
15:47.56marajinOh god, libsvg_cairo is off again
15:47.57dcordes_I tried to build the fso-image and it failed. some packs are broken
15:48.04marajinwhacks the gpe-image build.
15:48.21marajinI know how to fix the gpe-image though
15:48.28ginge_rd -rf?
15:48.31marajinit's just an m4_patter_allow()
15:49.17marajinginge_: Hah, Oh how I wish
15:49.30marajinginge_: But nah it just doesn't have an allow for LD_
15:51.26ginge_right, take the imu data, filter it and then you can use the data to feed into the balance state machine. Once you have the state space calculations, you can then think about creating a 3d PID map in 3d and using some fuzzy logic to determine the states
15:51.50marajinginge_: Auditions for star trek were last week
15:52.47ginge_trying to fight non-linear PID algorithm problems in a motor. Gravity is a bitch.
15:53.11ginge_maybe I should reverse the polarity and funnel it out through the deflector?
15:53.15marajinNah it's not, it's too consistent to be a woman :P
15:53.37ginge_heh good one :)
15:54.08marajinsings, "And if you're at a party.. and the karoke machine plain ups and dies.. then set up a neutrino field inside a can of peas.. hold on to geordie's visor and sing into data's knees.."
15:54.46ginge_i'm off. I need to go home and clean this banana slime off my laptop. I'll be back with some more sd related code in a bit.
15:54.55marajinginge_: catcha man
15:55.07marajinat least your laptop will have it's RDA of potassium!
15:55.17*** part/#htc-linux ginge_ (n=baz@
16:14.28cr2drasar: it does not make sense to port anything from the old kernel
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16:34.28gingeMarajin: hows it going?
16:34.47marajinginge: I'm in desperate need of a pizza :P
16:34.52gingeMarajin: who isn't
16:35.11marajinginge: Hmm, anyone who works at dominos?
16:35.32gingeMarajin: heh fair enough. I just need something that will get rid of the banana smell
16:35.46marajinbanana isn't an unpleasant smel
16:35.48gingemaybe a curry
16:35.59marajin...curry'd be tempting but I had one only the other day
16:36.09gingeno, but if I tied a banana under your nose you would soon get tired of it
16:37.02ginge... ginge is... Bananaman... dun der daaa du da la da daaa
16:37.14gingeanyhoo. Patch time
16:37.28gingebtw: did that zImage work ok?
16:37.41marajinseems to
16:37.53marajinwell the TS doesn't lock up anymore
16:38.56gingethat means the tsc2003 penirq gpio is working as it should. phew
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16:49.02dcordes_now let's get X to make proper use of it
16:49.16dcordes_any idea where to start looking?
16:49.24dcordes_udev creates the nodes
16:49.44dcordes_how does on properly pass variables to the xserver kdrive?
16:52.51dcordes_hi marajin
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16:54.47tmztdid you get the touchscreen calibrated in userspace or only in the kernel?
16:56.08dcordes_tmzt: hi. thanks for the advise with the variable. can you tell us how to pass it correctly?
16:56.20dcordes_as of now, we only have kernel stuff
16:56.24dcordes_regarding the cal
16:56.31tmztadd it to the -dm script?
16:56.56tmztto calibrate, TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/eventX ts_calibrate
16:57.04tmztyeah, I think so
16:57.29tmztcat /sys/class/input/*/name should give you the right event device if the names are set in the kernel
16:57.54dcordes_are you involved in openmoko stuff?
16:58.21tmztno, I have an mp900c and I decided to use debian instead of jlime
16:59.51dcordes_nice machine
17:00.01dcordes_my card reader strikes damnit
17:00.37tmztyeah, I got it a year a go June, right when the first linux port was happening, so I wanted to get the ts to work with a new zImage
17:03.52dcordes_marajin: is that the one to use?
17:05.59dcordes_tmzt: touchscreen is event0 so I put "TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0" somewhere into the xserver-nodm script?
17:07.40tmztok, is it raw data from the touchscreen, or are you converting it to something else in the kernel?
17:08.30dcordes_when I hexdumped it I saw stuff like press and so
17:08.37dcordes_but that was when debugging was enabled
17:08.53dcordes_let me boot in and test without
17:09.13tmztdo you have something to dump raw linux input subsystem events
17:09.20dcordes_ that's the initscript
17:09.36dcordes_tmzt: what would be the program of choice for this?
17:10.08tmztnot sure, it didn't have to do that
17:10.22tmzttslib is apparently here:
17:10.45dcordes_the image has tslib stuff
17:10.48dcordes_I will just boot
17:11.29tmztright, there are different modules for tslib to work with different types of touchscreens, linear and other math stuff
17:12.05marajindcordes_: IThe TS works on that yeah
17:12.18tmzti know you had problems with that before and fixed it in the kernel, but i'm not sure what your doing now
17:13.50dcordes_tmzt: me n'either
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17:14.18dcordes_my aim is to make xserver-kdrive use /dev/input/event0 as touchscreen and process the data properly
17:15.00dcordes_and if it is not ready for use with xserver-kdrive, convert it somehow
17:15.01tmztI think it needs raw absolute positioned events, and the calibration will figure out the screen coordinates
17:15.21gingethe touchscreen outputs raw coords at the moment
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17:15.31gingedcordes_: what do you see out of input0?
17:16.11dcordes_the image has ./lib/ ./lib/
17:16.26dcordes_ginge: I'm not in the image yet. I'm trying to figure if I lack something to make it work
17:17.14gingedcordes_: right, but remember if you are using my touchscreen code from a few days ago, it wont work at all :)
17:17.24tmztI have never gotten xtscal to work, onlt ts_calibrate with the env set
17:17.42dcordes_ginge: I fetched zImage-ts
17:18.05gingeoh, okay. Still quite verbose but will report proper output
17:18.05cr2tmzt: od -x /dev/event/* should always work
17:19.01tmztright, but that does not tell you whats in the event structs
17:19.42tmztbut if your not getting events (heex) when you touch the screen libts is not going to help
17:20.55tmzt/dev/input/* will give you the output of all input devices, including things like ts0 which are not compatible with tslib (now)
17:21.19tmztts0 is the compaq touchscreen protocol, replaced by the generic input/event subsystem in linux
17:22.21dcordes_ok I'm in the image (with working ts now). how can I probe for the correct output?
17:22.31tmztthe mouse (relative) events seem to confuse libts
17:22.41tmztcat /sys/class/input/*/name (if you have *)
17:23.01dcordes_oh won't cat destroy my terminal?
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17:23.15dcordes_I do a hexdump /dev/input0 now and I see stuff
17:23.34dcordes_date being drawn in 9 columns when I touch
17:24.12dcordes_ginge: oh zImage-ts printks the coords and pendown
17:24.26tmztso the kernel has them?
17:24.52tmztdo you get things like -32k X at the far left?
17:24.56gingedcordes_: I think that version has a bug where the driver doesn't send the penup on the timer... just checking
17:25.00dcordes_no dubt we get *some* touchscreen data from the device
17:25.34gingedcordes_: yeah, recompiling
17:25.47dcordes_tmzt: the printk in that kernel image I have here shows x 166, in the far left
17:26.00dcordes_tmzt: we actually use the driver in android rootfs
17:26.07dcordes_but I have no clue how ts is done there
17:26.43tmztthere is ts_dump (or similar) but I can never kill it
17:27.24tmztdriver in android is google's own touchscreen ?
17:27.36tmztmaybe java stuff ?
17:28.24tmztdzo keyboard requires that the kernel do calibration and translation, while tslib wants raw data
17:28.45tmztwhat tree are you in and do you have a git-web?
17:30.07dcordes_tmzt: not with the recent stuff.
17:30.33tmzt if it will compile on arm
17:30.34gingedcordes_: assume the touchscreen works the same in git
17:30.58tmztmight be old, though
17:31.54tmztwhat ts driver under drivers/input/touchscreen
17:32.23gingedcordes_: I will make a version that reports the raw touchscreen data instead of the coordinate translated version.
17:32.37tmztok, then ts_calibrate should work
17:32.44dcordes_we use that
17:33.03dcordes_ginge: ok cool
17:33.07gingeyes, almost stock but also has the translation stugg
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17:33.55gingeso I guess this will break android touch? I wonder how they do it
17:34.22tmztthe might be doing it in the kernel, maybe you could expose different event devices?
17:35.07tmztI'll look at git android but I don't know what ts on halibut
17:35.31gingeokay, thanks. Yes, good idea I could create a new input device that has raw and non-raw
17:36.10tmztoh, right, android might just be doing what qemu wants, it's absolute support is USB based, I think
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17:36.31tmztthey're emulator source is on but it is hard to find
17:36.48tmztit's under the project tree, not all the marketing stuff on android
17:37.44gingeinteresting... that makes sense.
17:38.17gingedoes event require raw pressure values, or the corrected value as per the datasheet?
17:38.58tmztI don't know, I do know that libts.conf (?) should have the right modules configured for whatever pressure is supported
17:39.20premydcordes: hi.
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17:39.53gingeon the tsc2003 the pressure varies with x and y, so as long as tslib supports that, we should be fine
17:40.01gingepremy: hi
17:40.21premydcordes: I've got a full polaris bootkit ready. Do you want to upload it to linuxtogo ?
17:40.22premyginge: hi
17:45.26tmzt/etc/ts.conf is the configuration for the modules
17:46.02tmzt/etc/pointercal is the calibration data
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17:53.36marajinssssh, be vewy vewy qwiet, we're hunting TSbugs, mehehehehehe..
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18:08.28marajinfalls asleep waiting for bitbake.
18:08.37marajintask 3000 on gpe-image
18:11.37marajinhi exco
18:11.47marajinis going afk to check on food in oven though.
18:12.10exco3000... so only some tasks left :-)
18:22.05marajin-food3000 of 46
18:22.17marajin-food3000 of 4599 yeah
18:22.26marajin-foodthough it's to
18:22.30marajin-food4199/4599 now
18:23.13excowell my laptop would probably take another 3hours for that
18:23.31marajin-foodyes but I have a quad xeon
18:24.06excoshowoff :-)
18:24.24gingeI have a 9000 processor compile farm available at work ;)
18:24.44marajinbut do you use it to help us compile OE?!
18:25.06gingeI wouldn't know where to start
18:25.11excoyou want me to lay it out on the tan
18:26.34marajin9000 procs.. you could probably compile OE images from scratch in some minutes
18:27.19gingeit would be some kind of hell doing that. its set to compile x86 only iirc
18:27.32marajinoh? what're they?
18:28.11gingea room full of blades. not sure exactly what. Its just a room where magic happens.
18:28.31marajinit's kinda kooky, afaik even nvidia don't have that kinda silliness
18:29.16excowhat are you building for?
18:29.41marajinand who'd put that kinda hardware in salford for goodness sake? :p
18:30.00gingelol, thats not in salford, that just happens to be where my office is.
18:30.13gingeits in warrington
18:30.15marajinaaah it's a remote farm
18:30.31marajinok so the most dangerous thing in warrington is a slightly irate sheep
18:30.45gingeits murder city, dude
18:30.58marajinI never said sheep were harmless
18:31.58marajinwith the police clamping downon guns and knives, we've had to innovate
18:32.12gingegm zombie sheep
18:32.17marajinSpecially bred attack sheep are the murder weapon of choice for modern britain!
18:32.47marajinSome day... some night.. you'll be walking home at night and.. baaaaa...
18:33.04excothey're evil those zomie sheep
18:33.30marajinheh, what is it about new zealanders and making incredibly crap but funny horror movies?
18:34.11excodon't know ... but it was funny
18:34.21marajinthey are! they're so bad they're good
18:34.26marajinYou've seen braindead?
18:34.58gingethat movie is just wrong :)
18:35.48marajin"I kick arse for the lord!"
18:38.20gingehah was my title on turf mud :)
18:39.13marajinthe ending was just ridiculous with the mower
18:41.09excobraindead is a classic ... but I consider it to be so bad that it's actually bad again!
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18:41.15marajinaww why?
18:42.32marajinhow'd he go from meet the feebles/braindead to LOTR?
18:43.09excoI have no clue
18:43.53excohe's planning hobbit ... NOO!
18:45.36excoanyways... if I wanted to code some stuff for magician e.g. make the locking screen compatible - how would I go about that?
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18:47.10marajindcordes_: ping?
18:49.11excocan you use bitbake to just update the changed stuff or do you have to build from scratch?
18:50.25marajinyou can just rebuild what's needed usually
18:50.55marajinit _should_ do it automatically
18:51.04marajinginge: Ping?
18:51.15gingemarajin: pong
18:51.45marajinginge: Hmm gpe-image boots through a lot but it went to a blank screen with a frozen cursor while I wasn't really looking so I'm not sure just where it went boom
18:51.59marajinI think it's probablyX tho'
18:52.09gingecan you drop to console?
18:52.27marajinI can stop X starting in the first place probably
18:52.35marajinI'm gonna reboot and see
18:53.58marajinyes it's immediately after console, it's dying at X
18:54.14marajinI wonder why it works in moko but dies in gpe
18:54.28marajinand it really dies, I think it crashes
18:54.57gingecat you tail the dmesg over netcat while booting x
18:55.11marajinUm, not without some hackage
18:55.48gingestop x from initialising in init and type the command line in for the netcat, background it and then run the x init
18:56.18marajinI need from somewhere I guess
18:56.28gingewait, you have sd...
18:56.42gingejust mount the card and read messages
18:58.04marajinfair point
18:58.33marajinoh wait
18:58.38marajincause messages is stored in volatile memory
18:58.55gingeokay, add something to init to log it to the sd card
18:59.06marajinsounds sensibleish
18:59.20tmztsymlink on sd card work (/var/log/messages)?
18:59.33marajin/var/log is empty
18:59.40marajinit stores all the logs in ramdisk or something
18:59.51tmztwhats the syslog daemon?
19:00.29marajinI honestly don't know off hand
19:00.44tmztis klogd only for kernel?
19:04.27marajinmy guess is everything's in /media/ram
19:06.54marajinright I'm going to boot sans X and have a poke around the live system fromconsole assuming thekeyboard'll work
19:09.35marajinhmm there is no messages log O.o
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19:11.56marajinthat's novel..
19:12.47marajinI'm pretty sure X is ok but something gpe's doing crashes it then
19:13.05marajinmanaged to start X without crashing the device atleast, I think.
19:13.12*** join/#htc-linux Marex (
19:13.27marajinMarex: Yo, you ever have to debug a gpe-image ?
19:14.01Marexmarajin: nope ... I never did much debuging on userspace
19:15.08marajinMarex: It was alex that did that stuff eh?
19:15.15Marexwhat stuff ?
19:15.25marajinwe're having fun with X
19:15.51Marexwell I was tinkering mostly with kernel and opie
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19:16.50marajintmzt: Wb there
19:16.57tmztfsync probably
19:16.58marajinMarex: opie won't even build
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19:17.30Marexmarajin: works for me ;)
19:17.41tmztanyway, /etc/syslog.conf, add file to DESTINATION, but I'm not sure where to tell it what file
19:17.56tmzt256m in this desktop, p3-900
19:18.40marajinMarex: Well OE is just a little bitch
19:18.44marajintmzt: O.o
19:19.05marajintmzt: On a budget or something?
19:19.13Marexmarajin: well OE works for me as well ;)
19:19.30tmztthis was my backup computer for a while, but my laptop is not working, needs HDD
19:19.51marajinMarex: I can build angstrom console/openmoko/gpe-image. Opie throws a wobbler and I never bothered to work out why
19:19.57tmztc2d does not make mtn faster though
19:20.18marajinmtn must be very painful for you tmzt
19:20.21tmztit's why I use debian on arm
19:21.06marajinah libqpe issue apparently
19:21.09marajinpoints at bitbak.
19:21.23tmztif /var/log/messages shows up, try ln -s /sd/messages /var/log/messages
19:21.24marajintmzt: Hehe :) I think sometimes the phone must feel faste than the desktop?
19:21.38marajintmzt: There's nothing in /var/log/
19:21.48marajintmzt: Nor /var/volatile/log/
19:22.33tmztok, I have jlime (in think Angstrom or OE based), and nothing in /var/log, i'll add that option and try restarting syslogd
19:22.34Marexmarajin: bitbake opie from cvs
19:23.26tmzt/etc/init.d/syslog restart, restarts syslogd and klogd
19:23.37tmztstill nothing though
19:24.17tmztLOGFILE=/var/log/messages in /etc/syslog.conf
19:24.56tmzttouch /var/log/messages, got syslog started
19:25.20tmztnothing from kernel though
19:25.20marajinMarex: I'mnot 100% wrapped my head around OE yet anyway.
19:26.58Marexfeels sick from asoc :S
19:27.20Marexcant make it route audio to OUT2 of wm9712
19:27.57tmztthere's a link to some wolfson i2c configs on the openmoko wiki
19:28.06tmztI don't know what chip
19:29.49Marexthis has nothing to do with i2c
19:30.15tmztit's wrapped with ASoC
19:30.53MarexIm not sure I got your point
19:32.09marajinOh FFS, I know why qpeis broken anyway
19:32.47marajin"$ cd /home/kaiser/OE/build/tmp/work/armv6-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/libqpe-opie-\$\{OPIE_CVS_PV\}-r2/temp/"
19:32.51marajingee I wonder
19:32.59marajincould it be the failure to actually parse a tag ?!
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19:54.49tmztdoesn't the driver talk i2c to the codec
19:55.13tmztthese are alsa configs anyway I think
20:01.27Marextmzt: no, the codec uses ac97 port
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20:25.44diogene31Good evening. Is there anyone here in relation with OpenZX, and more particulary having at hand the last source snapshot ?
20:27.18Marextmzt: fyi the issue is bug in alsa ;)
20:27.55tmzt_did you get the dmesg log working?
20:29.21tmzt_only learning about the audio routing, mostly from this channel
20:30.13gingedcordes_: ping?
20:32.34Rroetevening all
20:37.16*** join/#htc-linux wasup (n=wasup@
20:37.41wasuphey everyone
20:38.03wasupmy phone got stolen... waiting for my replacement titan..
20:38.20wasupanyone get android working on the titan yet?
20:38.29tmzt_killall syslogd; syslogd -O /var/log/messages
20:38.35wasupi saw dzo's update about the sd driver
20:38.44wasupon his site
20:38.47wasupsounds promising
20:39.02tmzt_busybox ignores syslog.conf apparently
20:39.45Rroetwe're all waiting for new zImages for the various platforms. Devs have more important things on hands right now.
20:40.19wasupwhen is the new zImages suppose to be released?
20:40.41RroetThey've been at it for a while already. Hopefully completing it soon. but basic thing is they're merging code bases and unifying code so they can develop new stuff faster.
20:40.56dcordes_ginge: pong
20:40.59Rroetwasup: heck do I now :) I just lurk around waiting for a dev to throw me a bone :)
20:41.19Rroetor a zImage preferably :P
20:41.36tmzt_is vouge/titan diff only keyboard and sdcc?
20:42.43Marexwasup: why dont you compile one yourself ?
20:43.57wasupum.. idk
20:44.00tmzt_if you have linux, zImage is alot easier than OE/Angstrom
20:44.01RroetMarex: I most definetly could and should do that.
20:44.03wasupdont have my titan right now
20:44.31wasupi can compile it on my mac right?
20:44.47Rroetwasup: if you have the right build env for it, sure you can.
20:44.48dcordes_install linux on it
20:45.26Rroetdone it before, long while back (h4100 linux)
20:46.18Rroetdcordes_/marex: that build env will only cover the zImage, or does it cover the system part as well?
20:47.22dcordes_depends on what you are planning. install an ARM toolchain and get the kernel source=> zImage part
20:47.53wasupanyone got the links
20:48.18Rroetok, how'd I build the android system parts? Or are they only available as prebuild images?
20:48.48dcordes_non open sourcery
20:49.24Rroetmeans going into and get gpe or opie then.. or does that automagically exclude any radio/data functionality?
20:49.32gingedcordes_: sorry about that. i was going to say I have the git-diff final for you, but just found a showstopper byg
20:49.54dcordes_ginge: premy sent me a new one in the meantime
20:50.41wasuphey will the GNU arm toolchain work?
20:51.06dcordes_don't know. I always use the toolchain openembedded builds
20:51.20tmzt_on osx?
20:51.42dcordes_ginge: shall I try the zImage raw with tscalibrate?
20:51.50tmzt_probably have to build one, and you'll need a native compiler to do that (not Xcode?)
20:52.02wasupyeah osx
20:52.06Rroetgtg... nice evening all.
20:52.18RroetI'll read up in the morning about the toolchain
20:54.40gingedcordes_: yes
20:55.10tmzt_you'll need the env (TSLIB_TSDEVICE) for ts_calibrate also, or ts_open will fail
20:55.12gingedcordes_: The last premy patch is the one I am working off. I have some irq changes since we shared diffs
20:57.23tmzt_"ts_open: No such file or directory" does not mean it can't find a binary called ts_open, but that the open call in ts_open() failed
20:59.50dcordes_I need to get tslib calibrate image first
20:59.54dcordes_my OE fucks around
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21:01.43tmzt_/usr/bin/ts_calibrate /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ts/*.so
21:02.03tmzt_not sure if you have them for eabi or not
21:19.43dcordes_tmzt_: ok image in build
21:20.56dcordes_*_* that's a huge dependency tree my extra packages add to the build
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21:45.13Rescue9not sure if this is right channel,so don't flame plz. :-P
21:45.13Rescue9I tried latest kaiser android from and got it to boot once with signal bars (Radio on), but now everytime I boot, radio has red X through signal bars indicating radio off. Is there something that I can do to get the radio back on?
21:45.47dcordes_tmzt_: I booted the tsraw zImage together with a rootfs containing ts-calibrate now
21:45.57marajinRescue9: android is really unstable and prone to not working.
21:46.27Rescue9marajin: yea... know that much. really just playing around. Figured maybe some simple tweak I could make or something.
21:47.22dcordes_ginge: tsraw zImage printks all the events
21:48.08Rescue9Oh well... thought it would be fun to play with. Good luck devs!
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21:55.07dcordes_tmzt_: I've got ts_calibrate now
21:56.16dcordes_ts_calibrate /dev/input/event0 does not react on touching the crosshair
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21:57.36dcordes_ginge: could you make a new zImage tsraw without the debugging?
21:57.53gingedcordes_: give me a few mins
22:00.58tmzt_TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0 ts_calibrate
22:01.25excoare you sure Xserver is called with the right parameters, dcordes_
22:01.48tmzt_ts_calibrate is framebuffer only, I think
22:01.48OpnSrc1hi all
22:02.01excoI had the same symptoms with a Magician image...
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22:03.48dcordes_TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0 ts_calibrate calls the same crosshair window and it doesn't react either. I guess the crosshair should move around when you tap it?
22:03.58tmzt_do you have /etc/pointercal?
22:04.32excoyes, dcordes_ nodebug
22:04.52gingeoops, sorry
22:05.00tmzt_when you tap one of the targets the next should appear
22:05.16tmzt_until they are all done, then it should exit
22:05.17excoisn't event0 handling buttons?
22:05.42tmzt_I meant eventX, whatever X is
22:06.18tmzt_there does not seem to be anyway to kill ts_calibrate except tap all the crosshairs
22:06.28dcordes_tmzt_: yes
22:06.34dcordes_pointercal is also vailable
22:06.52tmzt_cat /sys/class/input/*/name should list them
22:07.26tmzt_you might mv/rm /etc/pointercal and let it recreate it, otherwise ts_calibrate will use the bad values to start with (it seems to anyway)
22:07.26dcordes_tmzt_: event0 is the ts
22:07.59dcordes_tmzt_: when I tap around wildly it quits
22:08.02tmzt_I posted a link to evtest.c, I don't have it here right now though
22:08.07tmzt_I might compile on arm
22:08.57tmzt_otherwise, you modules in /etc/ts.conf might be completely wrong for you tsc
22:10.48gingedcordes_: uploaded new image
22:11.34dcordes_ginge: thanks. where can I grab it?
22:11.57gingeas before
22:13.11tmzt_tapping around wildly will just configure it wrong, but it still exists (unlike palmos -)
22:13.25tmzt_there is not cursor, just tap the targets in order
22:13.35tmzt_then try Xfbdev
22:14.27tmzt_there is also ts_test and ts_harvest but they don't exit (on my hpc at least)
22:14.42tmzt_an ts_print and ts_print_raw
22:14.54gingeaccording to the xda-dev threads, dzo has sdhc working
22:15.08tmzt_on vogue?
22:15.34gingeI think we need to go .25 on kaiser to get it working properly
22:16.05dcordes_tmzt_: well it doesn't move the targets, it only quits when I play around on the screen and prints some message "Calibration constants somenumber -some -parameters
22:16.43tmzt_it says "TSLIB calibration utility" "touch crosshair to calibrate"?
22:17.04tmzt_you get one cross hair in the upper left?
22:17.19dcordes_exactly. with a crosshair on top left. that Calibration constants message appears afterwards, when I gave it some input
22:17.24dcordes_tmzt_: yes
22:17.50tmzt_you get that crosshair, touch it with fingertip/stylus and it then exists (one tap)?
22:18.06dcordes_I will reboot and use the zImage now, that does not support massive printk on touch/move events. I thinkn that may be a problem
22:18.28dcordes_tmzt_: well I can tap anywhere and it exits. the cross stays top left.
22:22.48dcordes_tmzt_: shall I add something to the image?
22:26.50tmzt_not segfault or similar?
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22:27.26tmzt_oh no, it prints the configs doesn't it
22:27.43tmzt_do you have /dev/input/touchscreen0?
22:30.01dcordes_a second I added the harvest ts_print ts_print_raw and ts_test binaries to my image
22:30.13dcordes_and the non printk zImage
22:30.22dcordes_tmzt_: anything else to put?
22:31.09tmzt_I'm not sure what ts_harvest does.  You might try the evtest.c link I posted
22:31.32dcordes_ok building it
22:31.56tmzt_there might be a newer one in dvb-utils
22:32.32dcordes_evtest: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.14, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped
22:32.53tmzt_Is that eabi, or are you using eabi
22:33.12tmzt_by the way: is probably newer
22:33.28dcordes_tmzt_: I built it using arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-gcc
22:33.34dcordes_ok then I will use the beagleboard code
22:33.45tmzt_you i'm not sure about file output
22:33.59tmzt_well I can check debian arm and debian armel bins
22:34.15dcordes_no need I already have it built
22:34.44dcordes_it's built quite quick. like half a second
22:35.00tmzt_it's tiny
22:35.14tmzt_but you're used to bitbake
22:35.22dcordes_tmzt_: ok anything else I might be able to make use of?
22:35.41dcordes_exactly I compile most things with it
22:35.44tmzt_what Xfbdev do you have
22:35.54dcordes_where can I check?
22:36.36tmzt_i just tried, it doesn't seem to work, maybe strings?
22:37.08tmzt_nope, doesn't seem to be a version
22:37.34dcordes_I will look through OE metadata
22:38.29tmzt_it's built against libts though?
22:39.13gingedcordes_: fixed the -22 in premys diff. He missed a line off of my patch. Tested OK, ignore cmd errors. also, SDHC might work too. marajin
22:40.23dcordes_tmzt_: in the OE working source the Xfbdev binary lives in xserver-kdrive-1_1.4.0.90-r1/xorg-server-
22:40.54dcordes_there's fbdev.c but no Xfbdev.c
22:41.23tmzt_all in no is that Xorg (module) ddx doesn't work, but Xfbdev does, at least on mine
22:43.05tmzt_I use the one from jlime, which is OE, so probably the same
22:43.29dcordes_booting now and can tell you soon
22:44.27dcordes_ginge: great. you added the dzo sdhc code? you could bake a kernel and give it marajin to check if SDHC is operational?
22:45.00gingedzo doesn't have any new code up, but I have been hacking this sdhc card, seems ok.
22:45.18gingewhats the gitdiff command again? :/
22:45.44dcordes_"git-diff origin/htc-msm" from kernel root
22:46.30dcordes_ginge: do you have any clue how we can scroll up/down in the fbcon on kaiser?
22:46.54gingereprogram a key or change the modifier key logic in the keyboard code
22:47.27tmzt_did syslogd work?
22:47.50tmzt_killall syslogd; touch /var/log/messages; syslogd -O /var/log/messages
22:48.16dcordes_tmzt_: no clue but in the same image, it didn't work before. I accidently ran Xfbdev with no params and it looked like it froze the kernel
22:48.48dcordes_it drew the X background half of the screen
22:49.05tmzt_it tries to read relative data from the mouse, no that might cache, mdp, or someting in arm
22:49.28tmzt_you did not get a cursor (X pixmap) on the screen
22:49.34dcordes_I did
22:49.51tmzt_the background did not finish drawing?
22:50.08dcordes_right. it drew like half way to the right. rest black
22:50.22tmzt_you are using fbcon?
22:50.42tmzt_can you fill the screen with /dev/urandom?
22:50.43dcordes_and that's something familiar. we had a different openmoko-image build like a month ago, that booted into that screen
22:51.03dcordes_in the current image, xserver-nodm doesn't behave like this, so it doesn't seem to start Xfbdev any longer
22:51.18dcordes_tmzt_: how do I do this? (draw screen with urandom)
22:51.22tmzt_xtscal is starting?
22:51.45tmzt_cat /dev/urandom > /dev/fb0
22:51.46dcordes_I have no console in and need to start everything from the device itself
22:51.56dcordes_ok will try
22:52.14tmzt_cat /dev/zero > /dev/fb0 should blank it
22:53.10tmzt_you might try just TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0 Xfbdev
22:53.36tmzt_not xserver-nodm
22:53.51tmzt_that might use xinit or startx and load things like xtscal
22:54.18tmzt_xtscal won't work without a valid /etc/pointercal, it can't seem to read the absolute position from kdrive
22:54.22dcordes_wtf cat no space left on device
22:54.40tmzt_yeah, its full, it is the size of one screen of 16bit pixels
22:54.59tmzt_(if its 565, or 24bit otherwise)
22:55.21tmzt_but it filled the screen with random pixels (other than the text)?
22:55.48tmzt_(BGR or RGB)
22:56.08gingedcordes_:  this is the latest working tested ok also has polaris changes from premy. you can commit this. This one has the possibly working sdhc too.
22:56.16tmzt_do you have fbset (should be in busybox), but you don't need it
22:56.39dcordes_I did this: "xserver-nodm start && sleeep 5 && cat /dev/urandom > /dev/fb0 & sleep 20 && xserver-nodm stop" what happened: X started, I saw the X cursor pixmap in the middle on plain white background, nothin else happened, then it quit again.
22:57.05tmzt_cat /sys/class/graphics/fb0/modes
22:57.12dcordes_ginge: ok will apply, test, commit
22:57.49tmzt_the urandom is to test if the whole fb is mapped, but it must be if fbcon works.
22:58.01dcordes_fbcon works just great
22:58.23tmzt_X doesn't usually fail to fill the background, it is usually another app trying to start or draw on the root screen
22:58.36tmzt_just starting Xfbdev should work
22:58.38dcordes_arg. need reboot kaiser again
22:59.39dcordes_tmzt_: to clearify: xserver-nodm=black bacgorund, Xfbdev=half drawn
23:00.07dcordes_and I'm not 100% if Xfbdev crashes the system
23:01.11tmzt_(sleep 10; chvt 1)& -- return to vt where you started X
23:01.34tmzt_busybox should have chvt but it needs a /dev/console
23:02.34dcordes_can't I just killall? after xserver-nodm terminates I get back to the fbcon
23:03.10tmzt_you do get a prompt but Xfbdev exists?
23:03.55dcordes_xserver-nodm stop exits the X screen and I see the console again
23:04.01dcordes_don't know about 'raw' Xfbdev
23:04.25dcordes_s/again/again and can use it as before/
23:04.42tmzt_keep xserver-nodm stopped and use that (sleep 10; chvt 1) & TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0 Xfbdev from console
23:04.46tmzt_from tty1
23:05.54dcordes_how can I check on which tty I am :x ?
23:06.14dcordes_oh now the keyboard is broken again, one second
23:06.34tmzt_cat /etc/inittab should list all the tty's, chvt between them
23:06.42tmzt_stuck gpio again
23:07.27dcordes_ah good point. probably that is when we press some button on boot
23:08.14tmzt_if you don't have a getty on more than one vt, it probably won't work (you get a dead console and no way to switch back)
23:08.35tmzt_don't know much about msm keyboard, and not much more about pxa matrix
23:09.23gingetmzt_: they are quite similar, both are matrix keyboards driven by gpios
23:09.41tmzt_on arm9?
23:11.56dcordes_arm11 I think
23:12.02dcordes_not sure what you mean ^^
23:12.25dcordes_booting again
23:12.40tmzt_it seems that QCOM reused an older msm for the arm9, and didn't move the periphrials over to arm11
23:12.57tmzt_except uart?
23:13.25dcordes_I'm not so sure but I think cpld and gpios are both in direct command of arm11
23:13.35dcordes_cr2: could definetly answer you that question
23:13.52tmzt_right, I just wondered from kernel
23:14.08tmzt_and all the AMSS compatibility patches/changes they have made
23:14.23dcordes_ok now I will try "(sleep 10; chvt 1) & TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0 Xfbdev"
23:19.21dcordes_tmzt_: ok now it starts, shows the half drawn screen (and this time I noticed also the cursor pixmap was cut in the middle) and exits to an open process
23:19.41dcordes_which I can close with ctrl+c
23:19.46tmzt_so Xfbdev is still running on tty1
23:20.44tmzt_ctrl-z bg
23:20.51dcordes_tmzt_: it's somehow random, I ran the command again now it draws correctly
23:20.53tmzt_DISPLAY=:0 xreset
23:21.18dcordes_no xreset present
23:21.22tmzt_which you probably don't have
23:21.30dcordes_right is it essential?
23:21.34tmzt_xterm, anything else?
23:21.40dcordes_yes have the moko terminal
23:21.54tmzt_okay, see if that comes up
23:22.16tmzt_you might need a LD_LIBRARY_PATH to get it to work, depending on where it is installed
23:22.53dcordes_tmzt_: now I get the output that the terminal produced when succesfully launched from console
23:23.05dcordes_how can I switch do X again now?
23:23.07tmzt_ctrl-z bg
23:23.09tmzt_chvt 7
23:23.23tmzt_how many tty's in /etc/inittab
23:23.42dcordes_at the very end?
23:23.56tmzt_ooh. then chvt 2
23:24.05dcordes_1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
23:24.34tmzt_I added five more so it matched the desktop pc
23:24.44tmzt_so Alt-F? works
23:27.10dcordes_tmzt_: no alt key present
23:27.32tmzt_yeah, I mean on my mp900c, which is why I said chvt 7
23:27.33dcordes_can't I switch to the X now like before?
23:27.46tmzt_X is already running on tty7
23:28.34tmzt_just like desktop linux, Alt keys switch between VTs, but you have no alt key, so you have to use chvt
23:28.48tmzt_you have ctrl, right?
23:29.10tmzt_are you at the ash prompt now
23:29.22dcordes_yes command prompt
23:29.41tmzt_you have X and openmoko-terminal running in background?
23:29.54tmzt_(sleep 20; chvt 1)
23:29.59dcordes_yes I think they should still be there ( how can I check btw?)
23:30.04tmzt_(chvt 2; sleep 20; chvt 1)
23:32.37dcordes_there it is, the moko terminal in spartan mode: a big white field surrounded by a grey bar on top and bottom, the X cursor pixmap in the middle turned into an input symbol (as it should when it hovers over the terminal input field)
23:32.43dcordes_and back in console
23:33.12tmzt_yeah, the sleep 20 will bring you back in 20 seconds
23:33.35tmzt_there is no wm, so a full screen app should have focus
23:33.47tmzt_can you type in om-terminal?
23:33.53dcordes_I wonder where the pixmaps are that should usually make the openmoko-terminal2 actually look like what it's supposed to be
23:34.07dcordes_no typing and no touchscreen usage
23:34.09tmzt_that would be the openmoko theme
23:34.22dcordes_but I think I would first need to tap the text field in order to type, so not sure if the kbd is functional or not
23:34.33tmzt_allright, I am going to look into the keyboard
23:34.42tmzt_do you have xterm?
23:35.26tmzt_I think Xfbdev should read from /dev/console and use kernel keymap
23:35.27dcordes_a good gprs data plan would be useful now.
23:35.32tmzt_but there is an option
23:36.41dcordes_shouldn't I go for the touchscreen first?
23:36.53tmzt_Xfbdev -use-evdev
23:37.24tmzt_Xfbdev uses libts0 for ts, it uses evdev directly (with that option) for keyboard? or /dev/console
23:37.42tmzt_but you need to get calibrate to work first, or it will jump all over the screen
23:37.51tmzt_killall Xfbdev
23:38.40tmzt_(sleep 30; chvt 1) & TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0 Xfbdev :0
23:38.53tmzt_see if you get any touch screen at all
23:39.40dcordes_can't use the cursor with above command
23:39.46dcordes_(killed old Xfbdev before)
23:39.57gingejust booted android from loopback off sd :)
23:40.10dcordes_-use-devdev is not known
23:40.11tmzt_it doesn't even jump when you touch it?
23:40.18dcordes_ginge: congrats. what did do the trick?
23:40.23dcordes_tmzt_: no nada
23:40.35gingedcordes_: you'll want to kick me when you find out...
23:40.43dcordes_tmzt_: yes typo. I tried -use-evdev
23:40.45gingedcordes_: the disk has a bad block
23:40.59tmzt_I must have different Xfbdev then
23:41.06tmzt_do you have ldd
23:41.11dcordes_I try and run fsck each time I eject that card from running kernel
23:41.36dcordes_tmzt_: no
23:42.02tmzt_strings, grep?
23:42.28tmzt_strings /usr/bin/Xfbdev |grep ts_
23:42.31tmzt_strings /usr/bin/Xfbdev |grep libts
23:42.42dcordes_Xfbdev is modified to death by OE I guess
23:42.58dcordes_ginge: do we have a pipeline mapped on the kaiser keypad?
23:43.05tmzt_evdev might be default
23:43.12tmzt_> tmp; cat tmp
23:43.22tmzt_> tmp; grep ts_ tmp
23:43.35dcordes_tmzt_: I wish I could read --help but it's way bigger than screen
23:43.51tmzt_not help, just strings
23:44.01tmzt_do you have &
23:44.10tmzt_(I knew that)
23:44.12dcordes_and ;
23:44.23tmzt_okay Xfbdev -help 2>tmp
23:44.30tmzt_oh, do you have less
23:44.35tmzt_or put it on sd?
23:44.46dcordes_I have the image here
23:44.52dcordes_on my desktop
23:45.12tmzt_I thought sd worked now
23:45.23tmzt_but less will work
23:45.40dcordes_yes I am working on sd all the time. but I also have the rootfs I'm working on, on the desktop
23:46.19tmzt_ok, maybe use strings on the binary then
23:46.28tmzt_but what about Xfbdev -help
23:46.35tmzt_it's in the source, isn't it
23:46.55dcordes_oh, right
23:46.56matsuugood morning tokyo
23:47.03dcordes_morning matsuu
23:47.10tmzt_important thing is if libts0 is in the strings output
23:47.14tmzt_and ts_open
23:47.46tmzt_root is on sd?
23:48.06tmzt_that wouldn't work then
23:48.14tmzt_couldn't take it out
23:48.24dcordes_why should I?
23:48.48tmzt_I thought you wanted to read -help but it would stop scrolling
23:48.55tmzt_That was one possible way
23:49.19dcordes_that's the rootfs I'm on
23:49.20dcordes_well plus the extra packages I added
23:49.28tmzt_Xfbdev is the same?
23:50.12dcordes_should be, yes
23:50.31tmzt_have you guys tried patching machid in qemu?
23:50.57dcordes_no clue what machid is
23:51.09tmzt_It won't normally boot an arm kernel unless the machine definition matches
23:51.31tmzt_the number that identifies the machine, but I don't remember what it is called.
23:51.32dcordes_didn't poke with qemu yet but that might be a very good idea to try things with the rootfs
23:51.43dcordes_the ARM mach type thing?
23:52.07tmzt_versatile is not eabi, so doesn't work
23:52.23dcordes_versatile is used by qemu?
23:52.26tmzt_yeah, qemu has fixed mach types for each machine it supports
23:52.40tmzt_versatilepb I think
23:52.53tmzt_but there are the poky changes for some Zaurus now
23:53.43tmzt_when I tried adding a PXA I could not get the keyboard interrupt to work
23:54.04tmzt_and images that booted on qemu would not boot on the hw
23:54.17tmzt_oabi/eabi issues that qemu iqnores
23:55.09tmzt_img is downloading
23:56.02tmzt_and whatever google uses for their emulated machine
23:56.11tmzt_(I don't think it is msm)
23:56.26dcordes_you mean the emulator in the sdk?
23:56.42dcordes_btw do you also have some msm device?
23:56.42tmzt_it's qemu, they just renamed it
23:57.04tmzt_no, no htc even.  looking at titan/victor if it has a kbd
23:57.05dcordes_lol and release it under the highly proprietary android liscense?
23:57.24dcordes_titan has a keyboard yea. so you need a cdma device?
23:57.24tmzt_no, the source is available on as a tarball
23:57.49tmzt_probably will stay with cdma, in US, Verizon or Sprint
23:58.34tmzt_I looked for an emulated cdma modem in that source to learn how to talk with msm6x00 over ipc
23:58.42tmzt_what commands to dial/hangup
23:58.54tmzt_for controling it from my desktop
23:59.06tmzt_but it is very simple gsm
23:59.48dcordes_tmzt_: dzo has reversed the code of the android phone binary and rewrote it for phone use with CDMA

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