IRC log for #htc-linux on 20080604

01:07.24*** join/#htc-linux Othello (i=Magorium@gateway/tor/x-77470b71c828ca24)
02:30.15*** join/#htc-linux ndavey (i=ndavey@
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05:37.59*** join/#htc-linux dcordes (n=dcordes@unaffiliated/dcordes)
05:46.21*** join/#htc-linux BabelO (
05:48.42*** join/#htc-linux kiozen (
06:37.58*** join/#htc-linux andy_js (
07:07.06*** join/#htc-linux rob_w|laptop (
07:27.28*** join/#htc-linux BabelO_ (
08:38.29*** join/#htc-linux the_sys0p (n=the_sys0@
08:51.35*** join/#htc-linux esom (i=esom@
08:52.22esomlinux doesnt recognize my sdhc card ..
08:52.38esominstallation wont continue
08:52.52esomany ideas?
08:53.17PCrazeei have the same problem with one of my sd cards
08:53.26PCrazeewith my other one it works
08:53.37PCrazeebut soory, can't tell you how to "fix" this
08:54.21esomPCrazee, what if i format sdhc card manually?
08:54.48PCrazeedidn't change anything
08:55.14esomPCrazee, you installed via Ramdisk?
08:57.25esommaybe recompile the kernel works
09:00.29BabelO_esom: what device it is ?
09:02.40esomBabelO_, ?
09:09.30esomhow to build a x86-arm cross-compile environment?
09:17.49*** join/#htc-linux andy_js (
09:27.49*** join/#htc-linux rob_w (
09:30.06BabelO_what is o2 ? HTC xxxxxxx ?
09:31.03esomBabelO_, UTC Universal
09:31.23BabelO_esom: ok
09:33.44kiozenesom: have a look at
09:34.26kiozenesom: that will compile a cross-compiler in the first step
09:35.49BabelO_esom: else get one from
09:43.26*** join/#htc-linux ndavey (
09:48.55esomkiozen, can i use gcc-4.1.2 EABI?
09:52.33kiozenesom: afaik should work, but better cross check with BabelO :)
09:52.58kiozenBabelO_: what do you think?
09:53.43BabelO_esom: the one from website ?
09:57.23esomBabelO_, can i add support to sdhc card ?
09:57.43BabelO_esom: shc support should be already in
09:58.58esomBabelO_, in Ramdisk(familiar distro), sdhc card not recognized
09:59.17BabelO_esom: it is kernel
09:59.31BabelO_esom: and sdhc is in kernel i think
09:59.41BabelO_i mean not a choice
10:01.02esomso i can install Opie by manually part the sdhc card?
10:03.04no2chemhello, anyone here familiar with battery + i2c communication?
10:03.46esomBabelO_, the quick installation on the website which use ramdisk doesnt work, so i should install it manually through ... steps?
10:09.15*** join/#htc-linux JEEB (
10:35.26*** join/#htc-linux faulteh (
10:42.32*** join/#htc-linux esom (i=esom@
10:42.55esomhow to install linux on a sdhc card?
10:43.26esomin linux ramdisk sdhc not recognized by htc universal
10:43.43esom/dev/mmc/ is empty
10:55.24*** join/#htc-linux zoolooc (
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12:52.17*** join/#htc-linux cr2_ (
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13:31.25*** part/#htc-linux zoolooc (
14:34.25*** join/#htc-linux GPFerror (
14:35.42*** join/#htc-linux andy_js (
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15:34.30*** join/#htc-linux Pablo_ (
16:13.42*** join/#htc-linux dcordes (n=dcordes@unaffiliated/dcordes)
16:14.37dcordescr2_: are you around?
16:17.48*** join/#htc-linux Othello__ (i=Magorium@gateway/tor/x-ec58c8007591c4a5)
16:22.13cr2_dcordes: yes, but not really.
16:22.42paulproteus(BTW, my server is back)
16:28.04*** join/#htc-linux ASUS-tek (i=microsta@
16:28.12dcordescr2_: if not really now, could we talk about kaiser smd later? I'm running in circles
16:28.59ASUS-tekhi dcordes
16:33.56ASUS-tekwhere is very one
16:39.56*** part/#htc-linux ASUS-tek (i=microsta@
17:08.19BabelOcr2_: no gsm working for me, have to check better
17:15.41jeansebhi BabelO
17:15.57BabelOhi jeanseb
17:15.59jeansebalge image crash after power saving
17:16.17jeansebkernel issue or due to setup ?
17:16.30BabelOwhat do you mean by crash ?
17:17.19jeansebneed to remove bat and restart from scratch
17:17.44BabelOwhite screen ? black screen ? no led event ?
17:18.09jeansebscreen init, dark withe
17:18.20jeanseband network is ok
17:18.29jeansebbut reboot command don't work
17:23.54BabelOjeanseb: white screen is because of boardid6, so need the cr2 hack for that
17:24.01BabelOreboot never work
17:26.13jeansebok , where to  check for board id ?
17:32.13*** join/#htc-linux tsdogs (n=tsdogs@
17:38.50*** join/#htc-linux CVirus (n=GoD@
17:39.22*** join/#htc-linux goxboxlive (
17:50.34dcordesmartin__: any news?
17:55.57BabelOjeanseb: in dmesg or cat /proc/cpuinfo
17:59.37jeansebok so need  to reboot
17:59.48jeansebBabelO, have you some time ?
18:01.31kiozenhi all
18:01.47BabelOhi kiozen
18:02.00BabelOjeanseb: yes but working on something else
18:02.14kiozenall busy these days, huh?
18:05.07*** join/#htc-linux pH5 (
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18:17.15*** join/#htc-linux Chainfire (n=Chainfir@unaffiliated/chainfire)
18:27.24*** join/#htc-linux MHazem (n=GoD@
18:45.32*** join/#htc-linux GPFerror (
19:00.57*** join/#htc-linux LunohoD_ (
19:03.23*** join/#htc-linux CVirus (n=GoD@
19:12.15*** join/#htc-linux LunohoD__ (
19:22.28kiozenBabelO: nasty bug in M for users living between W1° < lon < 0°, please svn up
19:22.31*** join/#htc-linux diogene31_ (
19:37.47BabelOkiozen: how do you found it ? i did not move, lol
19:38.29kiozenBabelO: British guy on ql mailing list :)
19:38.48BabelOkiozen: ah ok :)
19:39.00kiozenBabelO: that's what happens when you copy code from other projects :)
19:39.27kiozenBabelO: the code was from GPSBabel, but I do not know it they use it
19:39.56kiozenBabelO: on ereason more why I do not like to use code from other projects
19:41.11BabelOkiozen: i m very curious , i strt gmaps mobile on my phone, and he found me around 1km my town
19:41.20BabelOand that without gps lol
19:41.45BabelOhave to connect from edge now :)
19:41.54kiozenBabelO: you shop next door will know, too :)
19:43.03*** join/#htc-linux Marex-notebook (
19:44.20*** join/#htc-linux no2chem|2 (
19:44.21*** join/#htc-linux TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
19:47.49*** join/#htc-linux revertive (n=revertiv@
20:02.19diogene31_pH5: ping
20:04.28pH5diogene31_: gnip
20:05.29diogene31_pH5: Would you tell me how you found out the gpio to activate the memory flash write capability ?
20:06.40pH5diogene31_: let me have a look at my notes. it has to be either pin activity observed with haret while writing to flash or I got it from disassembly.
20:07.09diogene31_pH5: Yes please. I'll wait.
20:09.13pH5diogene31_: bootloader disassembly
20:09.51pH5I worked my way backwards from the functions that accessed known registers (CPLD GPIO levels in this case)
20:11.04pH5It's easy to see where all the flashing code is, find a function called often from around there that flips a GPIO and you're probably set.
20:11.44diogene31_pH5: Right thanks. I had hoped for the observation solution, quicker to spot. Thanks for the info.
20:12.31pH5yeah, sorry :)
20:16.24pH5diogene31_: btw, while you're here - does this look sane to you:
20:16.37pH5hi cr2_
20:16.43BabelOhi cr2_
20:16.55BabelOhi pH5, diogene31_
20:17.59cr2_pH5: i thought you were working for network.deutschland , and disappeared recently :)
20:18.14pH5diogene31_: this patch is still from rpsys' udc times, but I can't it to work with your driver :/
20:18.15pH5hi BabelO
20:18.50cr2_pH5: is there somebody working on hx4700
20:19.08pH5cr2_: fear not
20:19.52cr2_asic3_mmc and gpio
20:20.54pH5samuel ortiz working on it again?
20:21.11pH5ugh, it's late
20:21.17cr2_don't know. the mailing list archives are dead
20:21.22pH5I parsed that as a statement, not a question :)
20:21.45cr2_yeah, i'm tired too.
20:21.50diogene31_pH5: #include <asm/arch/pxa27x-udc.h> is not needed I think.
20:21.58cr2_even to put the question sign...
20:22.27pH5cr2_: I have gpio api support for asic3 already, and hx4700 boots on 2.6.26-rc. but mmc is still outstanding
20:22.32diogene31_pH5: pr_info() in magician_udc_command will polute your logs I think, you should remove them (as the gadget will report connection anyway).
20:22.59diogene31_pH5: For the remaining, looks very good to me.
20:24.10cr2_pH5: can you commit the gpio api to ?
20:24.38cr2_pH5: editing a lot of code for many devices will create a real mess ;)
20:26.08pH5diogene31_: It gets recognised as g_ether device by the host, but then there is nothing. I don't get the usb0 interface on the phone.
20:26.39pH5and there's error messages when I plug in the cable: "pxa2xx-udc pxa2xx-udc: ep0:andhle_ep0:should never get in WAIT_ACK_SET_CONF_INTERF state here!!!"
20:27.10pH5(and "NETDEV WATCHDOG: usb0: transmit timed out" on the host)
20:27.15diogene31_pH5: The message is normal (warning, should perhaps remove it in the future).
20:27.40diogene31_pH5: NETDEV... is generally lethal ...
20:27.46pH5ok, thanks. so I'm looking at the wrong problem..
20:28.05diogene31_pH5: Would you : #define DEBUG 1 in pxa27x_udc.c, compile, get log, pastebin it to me ?
20:28.50diogene31_pH5: And I still think the problem is on the pocket. I wonder if UP2OCR=... is the root of the problem ?
20:29.04diogene31_pH5: (in magician_udc_command())
20:29.09pH5diogene31_: let me see if I can find the hx4700's serial cable.
20:29.31pH5diogene31_: the UP20CR is taken from wince on magician, but I have the exact same problem on hx4700 without that line
20:29.47diogene31_pH5: OK. BTW, I happen to own a hx4700 too :) So I could make the test as well :)
20:30.04pH5cr2_: I'm not sure I'll find enough time to backport that any time soon, I'd rather forward-port the stuff from instead
20:31.26pH5diogene31_: oh, that would be great.
20:32.19pH5,, <-- is my set of hx4700 WIP patches
20:32.38diogene31_pH5: But first things first : my debug log if you can afford it. I'll have a look at the hx4700 tomorrow when my wife finds my pocket :)
20:32.56cr2_pH5: it's a lot of devices.
20:33.44pH5diogene31_: sure
20:33.47pH5cr2_: too many
20:34.07diogene31_pH5: Would you mind sending them to my email (the one I use in arm mailing list please). I love git-am, it's a good friend of mine.
20:34.45pH5cr2_: right, currently I care about magician, hx4700, blueangel in that order.
20:35.24pH5btw, I saw a universal for the first time on linuxtag :)
20:35.54cr2_ok, i may look at the uni code again. it needs htc-egpio too.
20:35.58cr2_lol :)
20:36.21diogene31_BabelO: Hi there.
20:39.24pH5diogene31_: sure. let my try the serial thing first
20:39.35diogene31_pH5: OK.
20:55.34BabelOcr2_: some people read the post "linux on htc artemis " :)
20:58.18BabelOcr2_: i think i can double the number if i build an android image :)
21:02.29cr2_BabelO: do you dump the syren regs ?
21:03.12BabelOcr2_: no, still looking for battery :( i understand better how radio works now, but that s all
21:04.41*** join/#htc-linux dcordes_ (n=dcordes@unaffiliated/dcordes)
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21:05.48pH5diogene31_: I sent the patches, I couldn't even manage to get serial console output :/
21:07.15pH5anyway, hope I'll have some time for playing around on the weekend.
21:07.17pH5good night!
21:08.11dcordes_hi cr2_
21:14.27BabelOcr2_: i confirm, google maps mobile, locate me in a circle of around 1800 meters, only connected over edge, no gps
21:15.30cr2_hi dcordes
21:15.51cr2_BabelO: big brother googel is certainly watching you.
21:16.47cr2_i'm recompiling cegcc
21:17.21cr2_my old version can't cope with the latest roadmap source.
21:17.24*** join/#htc-linux skodde (n=skodde@unaffiliated/skodde)
21:19.53dcordes_BabelO: also noticed that 1800m thing without fix
21:20.26BabelOdcordes_: it is not using gps, it use inofrmation from provider
21:20.58dcordes_BabelO: isn't that how agps works? Locating by network coverage?
21:21.34cr2_dcordes_: it's how the big brother works.
21:21.57cr2_dcordes_: i think it can be even more accurate, by checking the timeslot shift.
21:22.30dcordes_cr2_: the provider knows where I am anyway, doesn't he? I mean ok, google maps sure does like to ouput the position to whoever
21:22.33lamaseen it with 500m accuracy iirc
21:23.04cr2_hehe. cegcc/cegcc/src/gcc/gcc/c-common.c:2933:1: error: unterminated comment
21:23.49lamacedega opensource has such things to prevent compilation
21:24.05BabelOdcordes_: not only, agps can also use orbital data, mine does not connect to network provider
21:24.17cr2_something is broken here.
21:24.39cr2_BabelO: lol. it reports directly to htc & co.
21:24.42dcordes_BabelO: orbital data??
21:24.45lamagoogle maps My Locationd doesn't work on Toshiba G900 :-/
21:25.06dcordes_cr2_: you told me about the vodafone gps updater thing doing nasty stuff..
21:25.08cr2_dcordes_: diff sat ephemeris corrections.
21:25.50dcordes_cr2_: ephemeris is a table of values that gives the positions of astronomical objects in the sky at a given time or times.
21:25.50cr2_dcordes_: i've picked an address of some company in the uk, where your phone connects and downloads this file with corrections.
21:25.55cr2_it must be in the log.
21:26.11dcordes_cr2_: my dump?
21:26.14cr2_"astronomical objects" = gps satellite
21:26.18BabelOcr2_: maybe i can see what happen with haret, lol
21:27.28BabelOdcordes_: like this services
21:31.55dcordes_I wonder in how far such things are used/usable by the arm9 software
21:33.04BabelOgood night
21:33.21dcordes_night BabelO
21:33.55*** part/#htc-linux p3t3r__ (
21:34.15dcordes_cr2_: I put the smd changes (you already know) in ltg git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/htc-msm
21:38.12cr2_dcordes_: have you tried to trace this area in both mappings ?
21:39.26dcordes_cr2_: I mmutraced the three virtual (? didn't read the operating system book yet) areas which map to the smem area
21:39.53dcordes_the 3 ones I found in the mmu dump- we talked about that
21:40.01cr2_did you see something ?
21:40.18dcordes_I'm not sure about the findings. let me look into the irclog and haretlog
21:41.05dcordes_to be honest I'm not sure I understood what to look for in the wi output after addlist mmutrace
21:41.51cr2_have you seen the mmutrace lines when we were writing to 0x1f* area ?
21:46.42dcordes_cr2_: hm can't find in my haretlogs
21:49.12dcordes_cr2_: ah you mean 0x01f
21:49.35infernixhi there
21:50.12infernixstill going strong dcordes? :)
21:50.31dcordes_hi infernix good to see you
21:51.00infernixhave been lurking but i can't fork a thing
21:51.05infernixstack overflows due to work
21:53.33infernixim looking over the logs, little progress in the driver department
21:53.56infernixdoes the modem work yet or is it still read only?
21:54.26dcordes_still the same read only crap
21:54.53dcordes_nothing new under the sun excpet of dzo making proc_comm working on vogue allowing audio and other things
21:54.57infernixi read that
21:55.28infernixsend him a kaiser? ;)
21:55.32dcordes_I tried to merge it over but didn't boot. senseless anyway
21:55.53dcordes_infernix: why don't you ask him to receive yours
21:56.10infernixchecks ebay
21:56.55infernix~400 USD
21:57.07infernix260 euros is not a lot of money
21:57.10infernixi paid 650 euros
21:58.07dcordes_cr2_: is the "00: Mapping * to*" part the important one?
22:11.58dcordes_cr2_: irq:80016604@A03043F8=80fb70ec abort:8000104c@A03043F0=80fb7110 prefetch:80016174@A03043EC=80fb713c data=80f7e000 sizes=c:00001210,t:0003d210
22:15.50*** join/#htc-linux skodde (n=skodde@unaffiliated/skodde)
22:16.15cr2_no, it's also not very interesting
22:16.31cr2_i think there was some pastebin, so it's probably already dead.
22:18.25dcordes_cr2_: got the date?
22:18.45dcordes_I would just reconstruct but I do not have the kaiser here
22:19.53cr2_dcordes_: no, just guessing.
22:20.31dcordes_cr2_: which address?
22:20.36dcordes_maybe I have it in my haretlog
22:27.41dcordes_cr2_: that's the last stuff I did
22:47.31*** join/#htc-linux CVirus (n=GoD@
22:57.28dcordes_cr2_: still around?
23:36.50*** join/#htc-linux CVirus (n=GoD@
23:58.24*** join/#htc-linux mistadman (

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.