IRC log for #htc-linux on 20080515

00:12.50*** join/#htc-linux skodde (n=skodde@unaffiliated/skodde)
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00:22.07Kevin2miknix: pong
00:22.34dcordes_hi Kevin2
00:22.52miknixKevin2, hi
00:23.50dcordes_hi blingwadman
00:23.56miknixKevin2, are you going to push the bbkeys driver into mainline?
00:24.15blingwadmanhow goes it?
00:24.58Kevin2miknix: It needs to be rebased to the new gpio stuff.
00:25.04Kevin2Hi all
00:25.23Kevin2miknix: It's not on my "short term" list.  It would be nice to get it pushed.
00:25.40miknixKevin2, ok, I'll rebase it then
00:25.57miknixKevin2, I need it for the wizard board
00:26.17miknixKevin2, unless you want the htc-i2c-cpld driver in the tree :p
00:27.01blingwadmanI am interested in linux on the htc sable
00:27.16Kevin2miknix: Is bbkeys working on your phones?
00:27.28miknixKevin2, dont know. but it will
00:27.47blingwadmanbut how do I get started
00:30.53dcordes_Kevin2: are there any news about msm/haret?
00:30.56Kevin2dcordes_: arm6 mmu stuff is going to be involved.  It basically requires writing all new mmu reading functions.  I don't know when I'll be able to get to it.
00:31.17dcordes_that was timing :)
00:31.54dcordes_so with that we would be able to trace the smem regions?
00:33.32Kevin2dcordes_: I'm not sure about the smem stuff.  The work would be needed to get "dump mmu" and p2v() working properly.
00:33.55Kevin2Having the above broken could certainly break mmutrace - but fixing it may not necessarily fix mmutrace.
00:34.33dcordes_p2v is physicla to virtual address?
00:35.11dcordes_I always did that addlist mmutrace p2v(base) offset
00:35.14dcordes_which did not work
00:35.20dcordes_(on the shared mem registers)
00:35.52Kevin2What memory addresses are "shared memory"?
00:36.23dcordes_the ones that are used by arm9 and arm11 I think
00:38.59dcordes_Kevin2: either mk vrit or virt is arm9
01:10.15*** join/#htc-linux Kevin3 (
01:13.13dcordes_booxter: here you go
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07:45.23parwow verizon joining LiMo, didn't see that coming
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07:49.56marbaloncr2: ping
07:50.00NiZoXpar: sfr & mozilla so
08:08.02*** join/#htc-linux Babel1 (
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10:19.08okiasHello, i don't know about this much, but HaRET on Kaiser still with smalled (5MB initrd) working only randomly...
10:19.43okiaslooks like HaRET problem with loading initrd on Kaiser (T-Mobile/CZ version)
10:28.50zooloocokias: yes, that's very annoying
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12:49.03dcordesmarbalon: ping
12:49.16marbalondcordes: pong
12:49.21dcordesany news?
12:50.16marbalonno, try to trace mmu while incloming calls but no success
12:51.14dcordeswe can't trace smem mmu
12:51.20dcordesbecause of the haret problem
12:51.46dcordescr2: can't help witht that either. I hope Kevin3 will be able to
12:54.26marbalonwe still don't know how 'kick' arm9 when data is ready
12:55.03marbaloncr2: maybe MSM_CSR is wrong ???
12:55.57marbaloncr2: -> dcordes
12:56.38dcordesdon't know
12:56.44dcordeshave to look at the cocde
12:59.39dcordeswe #define MSM_CSR_BASE          0xE0001000
13:00.00dcordesmarbalon: it looks different from memory map, doesn't it?
13:00.57dcordeswhat is csr base?
13:01.47dcordesthere is also UART_CSR but uart has nothin to do with the modem, does it?
13:03.10dcordesI think usb is on the uart
13:03.52dcordesbluetooth is on uart1 sim card is on uart2
13:04.07dcordes(according to the marketing datasheet)
13:04.22dcordesand uart3 OI??
13:05.29marbalon*_BASE = addr in RAM where *_PHYS is mapped I think
13:06.29cr2marbalon: MSM_CSR is right
13:06.48dcordesso let's try 0xc0100000
13:06.54cr2dcordes: marketing shit is not very useful
13:07.15dcordesbut isn't bluetooth on the uart?
13:08.02cr2since tracing is not available, the only way is to document things step by step.
13:08.31marbaloncr2: I there any way to trace reads/writes under haret ? I think about MSM_CSR area ?
13:08.34cr2BT is on uart1, but it uses DMA because it's a 3Mbit BT or something like that.
13:09.10cr2marbalon: you may try addlist traces
13:09.34cr2it's high frequency polling, maybe you'll see something.
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13:18.35dcordescr2: for the cssr or bluetooth?
13:18.56marbaloncr2: maybe dissasembing some modules realted modem can tell us where is correct address to confirm modem command writes
13:19.54cr2dcordes: both
13:20.10cr2marbalon: "some modules" is too broad.
13:20.19dcordeswhat is csr btw?
13:22.31cr2interrupt controller and something else.
13:23.36marbaloncr2: I don't now wm* anatomy but there is no standard modules for every device/periphery ?
13:23.38cr2dcordes: can you check gps ?
13:23.54dcordesok before I forget that again
13:24.00cr2marbalon: no, it differs from device to device
13:24.12dcordescr2: just the bare wirq?
13:24.14cr2marbalon: it was rilgsm.dll before
13:24.29cr2dcordes: yes, look for the M2A irqs
13:24.42cr2wince says smd7:
13:24.54dcordesok let's see
13:25.05cr2dcordes: btw, aDSP is used by Qtv
13:25.22dcordeswhat's qtv?
13:25.50dcordescr2: what's a minimalist program to turn on gps?
13:26.08cr2marbalon: and on kaiser it's only ril.dll, which was only a wrapper to rilgsm before.
13:26.21cr2dcordes: no idea, it's very device-specific
13:28.00dcordescr2: I have google maps installed ;p
13:30.24miknixdoes anybody know which .dll is the driver for touchscreen on htc phones?
13:31.13dcordescr2: ok interesting when gps is on I see a sequence of 13x irq2 followed by 1x irq1
13:33.14cr2dcordes: can you dump the FIFO ?
13:33.33cr2dcordes: i'm curious if the AT cmd channel is used for gps.
13:34.50dcordescr2: when I turn gps on/off there is a longer sequence with more 1 like 1112222222221122221121212121212121211
13:35.03dcordesso 1 is used for gps init or so?
13:36.50dcordes you can see the 2s followed by on 1 first and at the end I turned it off
13:36.58dcordesdumping fifo now
13:38.10cr2btw, you may mess in the registry and enable some AT debugging/logging.
13:38.40Babel1cr2: close to works now ;)
13:38.44Babel1hi btw
13:38.56dcordescr2: it is a few minutes that I used the gps now but I don't have phone on so they shouldn't be overwritten, right?
13:39.11dcordess/they/the buffers/
13:39.41dcordespwf smem-gps 0x01f00000 0x100000
13:40.40miknixcr2, hello. how can I find the touchscreen driver on wm5?   addr2mod(p2v(0xfffc100c))   returns  "Address b80c100c not process specific"
13:41.47dcordescr2: ok the fifos are full of gps
13:42.00cr2dcordes: both ?
13:42.23cr2miknix: you should take the Babel1's driver
13:42.41cr2miknix: touch.dll on omap850
13:43.30miknixcr2, thanks. the Babel0s driver is not working with current register settings
13:43.47Babel1miknix: why not working ?
13:44.16miknixBabel1, the data we are receiving on spi data lines is always the same
13:44.47revertiveBabel1: x, y, z coordinates and presure  are always zero
13:44.53Babel1miknix: i ve told you and revertive to take the driver in git last time
13:45.01dcordescr2: no only the one from 000545b0 to 000565d0
13:45.28miknixrevertive, are you using the git driver?
13:46.03revertivemiknix: im using the driver ive got from Babel1 some days ago, ill test the one in git
13:46.17miknixrevertive, I'll pastebin the git driver.. just a sec
13:47.23dcordescr2: it has gpgs comamnds
13:48.07dcordesand nmea data I think
13:48.17dcordessome coordinates at least
13:48.36Babel1cr2: why do you want the sirf firmware version
13:48.43dcordeslol where's xda wiki when you need it?!
13:49.33Babel1miknix: i show the sequence we have to reproduce to revertive, here is the pastbin
13:49.42Babel1but i think there is a bad conf or clock settings
13:50.46dcordescr2: does that mean the gps hardware is controlled by arm9 and the data flows through the second fifo?
13:51.44miknixBabel1, which (x,y) coordinate corresponds the dump in pastebin?
13:52.55Babel1miknix: b80c100c is the read coord , b80c100a is the command send to read 1000 is the clock enable
13:54.00miknixBabel1, ok tx
14:04.30miknixBabel1, we are not catching the 0xffff on the clock line only 0xfffe. does this also happen to you?
14:05.15Babel1depend where you put the dump
14:05.26miknixoh wait
14:05.30dcordescr2: still there?
14:05.31miknix\n badness
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14:15.16Babel1oh !! now i get values :)
14:16.12revertivets? wow great
14:20.40cr2dcordes: gps commands ??
14:21.22cr2dcordes: the gps LNA is hooked to arm9 of course. the big brother wants to watch you.
14:22.14cr2Babel1: fimware string is a good argument for sirf3.
14:47.34dcordescr2: what's gps lna? can't look it up
14:50.16jeansebBabel1 = BabelO hi,  ?
14:51.05Babel1hi jeanseb
14:51.30jeansebare u BabelO ?
14:52.20jeansebok so what s new in your last image for  HTC (last month one) ?
14:53.06BabelO_jeanseb: no more news, i wait for qtopia 4.4 and doing some code for artemis
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14:53.47jeansebbut new image ! kernel upgrade inside ?
14:54.31BabelO_jeanseb: new qtopia image ? yes i add my im application, enable bluetooh detection, and some fix
14:54.54jeansebkernel image not affected ?
14:55.02jeansebfor the fix
14:55.05BabelO_no don't remember
14:55.20jeansebok so non need to test...
15:11.40BabelO_jeanseb: you can test my app :)
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15:29.27BabelO_cr2: sstupid me :(, from the beginning, my problem isan irq setup problem ... grhhhh
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15:54.31miknixlinuxtogo git is down or is just me?
15:55.25miknixnot the git, the web interface
15:56.08revertivemiknix: i guess its down, or really slow
15:56.37miknixyeah.. slow
15:56.57miknixlast page toke 161.5 s to load
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15:57.59revertivelol my last page timed out
15:58.50BabelO_miknix, revertive ok, now i read the values :) but it works only with the tsc2046 driver because it speak 16 bits wide word, and i did not manage to found what s wrong in my code to manage 8 bits for ads7846
15:59.27miknixBabelO, tsc2046 driver is OK. AFAIK that is the one that is used in upstream
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16:00.06miknixBabelO, btw: nice job
16:01.09revertiveBabelO_: great job with the ts
16:03.38revertiveBabelO_: did you change alot?
16:04.44BabelO_revertive: yes and no, only the read / write function and irq setup function
16:05.27revertiveBabelO_: cool
16:07.51BabelO_revertive: i comit this evening once i go back to home and need to clean it too
16:08.43revertiveBabelO_: thats ok, let me now when you commited it and ill test it
16:08.55BabelO_revertive: ok
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16:19.34jeansebBabelO, no I cant remember the bat problem for me !
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17:57.03miknixKevin3, ping
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18:27.06uplinkedso my mom needs a new phone, and she really likes my Hermes (which means i could give her that, and buy a new phone for me)-- is there any phone (htc, nokia or otherwise) that we know to be fully functional with linux/android/openmoko, at the moment? other than, i guess, the Neo1973
18:32.24dcordesI think the htc with th ebest linux support is universal
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18:34.24dcordescr2: what's needed to get gps working?
18:34.52dcordesisn't it just a matter of switching the gps device on and it will send the data through the fifo?
18:38.48uplinkeddcordes: thanks!
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18:59.08kiozen_~ping kiozen
18:59.09aptpong kiozen
18:59.30BabelO~kill kiozen
18:59.31aptACTION shoots a ionized anti-tachyon gun at kiozen
18:59.53kiozen_BabelO: not working, still alive
19:00.23kiozen_something is fishy with my inet connection
19:06.10BabelOcr2: i need irq advice
19:12.42cr2hi. i'm back to lcdspi
19:13.44BabelOhi cr2
19:13.58BabelOcr2: my spi drivers works, but not as expected, :)
19:14.26BabelOcr2: all my problem are comming from irq setup
19:17.27BabelOcr2: what setup i need ? do i need same setup on both side ? spi and tsc2046 ?
19:20.44cr2BabelO: the real irq is the "touch" gpio
19:21.14cr2for spi you only need to be sure that you have read the data.
19:21.18BabelOcr2: ok but if i set wrong setting on spi side, reading value only give 0xffff or 0x0000
19:21.54cr2check how it's done on the universal.
19:22.03cr2hmm. it uses 24bit transfers ;)
19:37.13*** join/#htc-linux crackerbox (
19:37.32crackerboxhey guys
19:37.57paulproteusHey crackerbox.
19:38.00crackerboxso how can i help getting things going on the titan?
19:39.27crackerboxi know enough about linux to be able to build the initrd and create custom live CDs (by hand) and custom distrobutions and the like
19:40.07crackerboxis there a direction or some sort of central plan for getting android on the Titan?
19:40.23crackerboxbtw im mburris from xda-devs
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19:46.37crackerboxwhat is the plan for SD drivers?
19:47.05crackerboxonce we get sd drivers for the vouge, will they work on the kaiser and titan?
19:51.26cr2crackerbox: they do not work yet ?
19:52.12crackerboxapparently we are unable to use the sd card as root
19:53.40crackerboxfor example, the titan only has 64MB of RAM... so android is unable to load on it because it tries to extract the entire initrd into memory to run from there
19:54.04crackerboxif we could get it to extract the initrd to the sd card and boot from there... then we'd be able to run it
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19:59.04crackerboxdcordes: i was able to boot your console image
20:01.22crackerboxdoes the kaiser keyboard work?
20:01.46cr2crackerbox: you can't use it was root, but can you mount it at all ?
20:02.28crackerboxif i put haret and the initrd on the sd card... i can boot into linux and get to a console
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20:03.15crackerboxno keyboard though
20:06.09crackerboxim gunna grab my linux laptop and see whats in the initrd
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20:21.54dcordescrackerbox: nice to see a titan owner here. yes keyboard works on kaiser. our central plan is at at least what the msm htcs concern
20:22.23dcordesthat's where the kernel development goes
20:22.41crackerboxhow can I help?
20:22.56dcordesread a bit in the code
20:23.16dcordesI think a first step would be to look for keyboard gpios
20:24.29dcordessince we have no way to speak with the devices from outside yet as bluetooth usb sd(wifi) don't work yet you need a keyboard
20:25.06dcordes21:51 < cr2> crackerbox: they do not work yet ? -not that I know
20:26.13crackerboxhow did you guys manage to 'speak' with the kaiser or vouge?
20:26.30dcordeson kaiser we use the keyboard
20:26.33dcordesno idea about vogue
20:26.46dcordesdzo is the person to ask
20:26.58dcordesthat's a good question btw. maybe he has usb working
20:27.41crackerboxhow similar are the chipsets?
20:27.52dcordesvery :)
20:28.06dcordesyou said you can compile. build with usb support and check
20:28.38crackerboxi'd need an example
20:28.54dcordesI described it a bit in the kaiser thread maybe you can find it
20:29.26crackerboxI have  a question about the initrd you posted in the titan thread
20:29.49crackerboxusing the init file that linked to a non-existant file... is that why it comes up with a console prompt?
20:30.31dcordesit is a console image. it's its purpose to make a console come up
20:30.44crackerboxoh ok
20:30.55dcordesthe android initrd is too huge
20:31.01dcordesif you want to play no luck
20:31.09dcordeshard work to go :)
20:32.20crackerboxi hacked together an android initrd.gz that was 5.4MB
20:32.34dcordesdo you have a network connection to titan?
20:32.50dcordesandroid won't be of any use to you at this point
20:33.23crackerboxnetwork connection? i have USB, WIFI, etc
20:33.28crackerboxis that what you mean?
20:33.52dcordesdo you have a linux computer?
20:34.38crackerboxthe one next to this one is running ubuntu right now
20:35.04dcordesok what you need to do to get the keyboard working is polling gpios
20:36.07dcordesmeans get haretconsole on a linux box that's in the same network has titan
20:37.45crackerboxtitan and laptop connected to my wireless router: check
20:38.01dcordesso get that tarball on your laptop, extract it
20:38.21dcordeson titan hit listen and on your laptop, in haret dir ./console titanip
20:41.59crackerboxhold 1 sec
20:42.01BabelOcr2: it look very strange :(
20:42.26dcordescrackerbox: haretconsole is python so obviously you need python on your laptop
20:46.55crackerboxtitan is listening for connection
20:47.04dcordescrackerbox: good
20:47.14dcordesnow connect to it
20:47.59dcordesok session open
20:48.49crackerboxnow what?
20:48.57dcordestype watch GPIOS 5
20:49.22dcordesyou should see lots of lines flowing through
20:50.10dcordesturn off everything except of wifi
20:50.17dcordesclose programs, kill phone
20:50.23dcordesof course also let haret open
20:51.13crackerboxonly haret is running
20:51.23crackerboxat least so it says
20:51.31dcordesok again type watch gpios
20:51.35dcordesfor 10 seconds
20:51.41dcordeswatch gpios 10
20:52.07dcordesdid you see less output?
20:52.29crackerboxthere were many more lines of text
20:52.55crackerboxshould i capture the output to a file and pastbin it?
20:53.00dcordesok nevermind run again with a bit bigger time value and hit some keyboard keys
20:53.17dcordesno need: haret logs everything to a file called haretlog*datum*.txt
20:53.20dcordesor so
20:53.40dcordessee if you can get keyboard specific lines ie lines that pop up when you press keyboard keys
20:54.20crackerboxok i typed the first two rows starting with qwerty
20:54.28crackerboxending with del
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20:54.46dcordesso do you see lines appear when you press the buttons?
20:54.58crackerboxoh yeah
20:55.17crackerboxit definetly knew i was pressing them
20:55.26dcordesgood to get this more precise haret has a function to mask the 'flooding' gpios
20:55.46dcordesyou will notice a number in brackets in each line
20:55.46crackerboxok lets do it
20:55.56dcordesthis is an index number so you and haret can identify the gpios
20:55.59crackerboxlike (211)
20:56.10crackerbox(203) etc?
20:56.11dcordesto mask them tpye "ibit gpios 211 213"
20:56.18dcordesdon't know... just mask the flooding ones
20:57.32crackerbox"ibit gpios 203"
20:57.35crackerboxjust like that?
20:57.43dcordesyea you can add more within one command
20:57.44crackerboxif 203 is flooding
20:57.54dcordestry it out you will see
20:58.00dcordesmask it and run watch gpios again
20:58.00crackerboxit didnt give any output
20:58.07dcordesthat's good
20:58.29dcordesyou won't see 203 now when you run watch gpios n
20:58.41dcordestry it
20:59.24dcordesoh no why in hell is xda developers wiki down
20:59.37dcordeswe need to mirror the important stuff somewhere on linuxtogo
21:00.44crackerboxhow many of these shoud i try and mask... i dont want to mask the good ones
21:01.13dcordesthe good ones are in this case here the keyboard ones
21:01.14dcordesthey should only appear on keyboard press
21:01.22crackerboxphone call crap
21:01.26dcordesso mask all the ones that come up automagically
21:02.33crackerboxhow do i unmask
21:02.40dcordestype help
21:03.07dcordesshows a list of all available commands, also useful for future reference and make sure you know this
21:04.32dcordesok all masked?
21:04.45crackerboxits only 203
21:04.50dcordesok fine
21:05.05crackerboxhold on... had to abort connection
21:05.17crackerboxreconnecting now
21:05.40crackerboxi'm going to have a client coming to pickup her PC in a sec but If i go i will brb
21:06.19crackerboxharet takes forever to get its crap together to listen
21:06.37crackerboxim still watching the circle
21:06.53dcordesyou must restart the ./console
21:06.54crackerboxi really appreciate you taking the time to help with this
21:07.05crackerboxi know
21:07.11crackerboxim waiting for the titan
21:07.16crackerboxto stop showing the circle
21:07.17dcordesI appreaciate somebody is brave enough to start with this!
21:07.25dcordesmaybe reset wifi
21:09.02crackerboxok i told to to listen again... it took a minute the first time
21:09.13crackerboxok here we go
21:10.01dcordesiirc I have the same when wifi power is set to low
21:13.18crackerboxno flooding now... just responds to a key press
21:13.21dcordeswhat I would do no is compare the kaiser gpio table and create a new one for titan so you can fill the stuff in
21:13.35dcordesxda wiki is down where we guys use to put the reasearch stuff
21:13.44crackerboxwhere can i find the table?  oh
21:14.20dcordesplay around with the gpios a bit. you will notice you get a different gpio for the arrow keys and softkeys
21:14.32dcordessee if you can confirm this
21:14.56crackerboxhow many lines of txt should i be getting for a keystroke
21:15.23dcordeshow many do you get?
21:15.39dcordesdon't know right now I'm no guru ;)
21:17.06crackerboxnearly 50
21:17.15dcordeswhen you press one key?
21:17.50dcordesmaybe your console is scalled a bit small?
21:17.57crackerboxi copied to gedit
21:18.11crackerboxand turned on line numbers
21:18.23dcordescan you paste it?
21:18.25crackerboxis there a paste bin i can use around ehre?
21:18.29dcordesthe output of one stroke
21:18.40dcordesuse any
21:19.06dcordesI prefer lately it's not so bloated as most
21:22.23dcordescrackerbox: note: when you have a sound output on keypress you will get extra sound gpio on pressing a key
21:22.44dcordesalso not that when your display is refreshed, meaning something in the current view is changing, you will se a gpio
21:23.01dcordesyou can identify sound and display easily
21:24.01crackerboxnothing comes up unless I press buttons
21:24.13crackerboxso the one i masked must have been display
21:24.47dcordesok so you can also move a window around e.g. w/o seeing gpios?
21:25.27crackerboxyou are right
21:25.34crackerboxmoving a window give me a gpio
21:25.46dcordesmask them
21:25.51dcordesit will be touchscreen and display refresh
21:26.28dcordesjust get everything non-keyboard outta the way also make sure there is no sound when you press a button
21:28.52cr2dcordes: what gps commands do you see in the FIFO ?
21:29.20dcordesI thought those were no commands :)
21:30.19dcordes$GPGSV $GPGA $ GPRMC $GPGSA
21:30.34cr2these are not commands.
21:30.36dcordes$GPGGA %GPRMC
21:30.44cr2do you see $PSRF* ?
21:31.04cr2101,104. when it starts
21:31.16cr2$GP* come from the arm9.
21:31.22dcordesit must have gotten a fix with that dump. I was able to see my vague location
21:31.23cr2the commands are sent to arm9
21:31.56cr2crackerbox: is the SD traceable on titan ?
21:32.10crackerboxi dont know what that means
21:32.18cr2crackerbox: what do you know about the CPLD gpios ?
21:32.30dcordescr2: he just dived in
21:32.52crackerboxbut i can plug my sd card in while i wathc
21:33.14cr2but if the SD power is on the CPLD, there is no chance in hell you'll have working SD
21:33.50cr2dcordes: hmm. do we have it in wiki ?
21:33.59dcordescr2: what?
21:34.01cr2dcordes: the FIFO address.
21:34.01crackerboxit responds when i insert and eject my sd card
21:34.25dcordescr2: yes there was something with the fifo in the map
21:34.44cr2dcordes: we need a mirror for the kaiser* wiki pages
21:34.45dcordescr2: that is probably the detect gpio
21:35.21cr2dcordes: is it the same FIFO as foe the AT cmd ?
21:35.28cr2hmm. i can check myself.
21:35.49dcordescr2: I did the same dump command as for the AT
21:36.03cr2dcordes: because i see only the GPS commands, no AT
21:36.15cr2dcordes: you dumped the whole 1 MB
21:36.25cr2but the base addresses may be different
21:36.26dcordescr2: I turned the phone off
21:37.03crackerboxdcordes... can you explain what a line of the GPIOS means... for example:  003.135    GPIOS      in1: in1-15(207)=1 in1-16(208)=1 in1-17(209)=1 in1-18(210)=1 in1-19(211)=1
21:37.08dcordesI will compare phone and gps dump strings a secon
21:38.00cr2-> 565c8
21:38.10cr2so it's a 8K fifo
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21:42.04dcordescr2: ok I guess you already noticed this but gps definetly has it's own fifo
21:42.26dcordesthe region where the gps data is in the gps dump is blank in AT dump
21:44.25dcordes000545b0  01 00 00 00 00 01 00 00  00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
21:44.29dcordes000545c0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|
21:44.49dcordesthat's what the gps region looks like in the dump with completely full AT buffers
21:47.39cr2dcordes: ok. so gps uses its own fifo, which makes sense. smd7:
21:47.52cr2as wince calls it.
21:48.09cr2xda-dev wiki does not respond
21:48.11dcordesok we already have the smd1 which dzo uses as data channel
21:48.21dcordesyea I already noticed that
21:48.47dcordescrackerbox: 1-15 mean GPIO 15 on bank 1
21:49.11dcordesas I explained before the value in brackets is just haret specific index
21:49.48dcordescrackerbox: do you get less output after masking the screen gpios?
21:50.25crackerboxthere were about 3 of them related to screen/touchpad
21:50.27dcordescan you show me the one button pressed output again with the lesser output?
21:50.38crackerboxwait 1
21:50.55crackerboxon the paste bin?
21:51.00crackerboxor do you want a new one?
21:51.10dcordesjust open a new paste
21:51.12dcordesup to you
21:51.19crackerboxthis was the previous:
21:51.57dcordestime to open a new board and keyboad file for titan :)
21:53.12dcordesI wonder why titan has 64mb ram less than kaiser
21:54.23dcordesmaybe htc doesn't like cdma users ;P
21:54.47dcordescrackerbox: what do you pay for a titan w/o contracts?
21:55.44crackerbox$249 + 5 shipping USD
21:55.53dcordeswow that is cheap
21:56.04dcordeskaiser is like 400 euro
21:56.34dcordesa very good device for 250 dollars I think
21:57.52dcordescrackerbox: I will edit the kernel source a bit and see if I can put those gpios in
21:57.56crackerboxyou can get the altell 6800 no contract off ebay for 249
21:58.02dcordestime for titan to get a new home
21:58.12crackerboxi've got another pastebin in a sec
21:58.36dcordesremember arrow and softkeys have different gpios
21:59.09crackerboxwhat do you want me to press on this one?
22:00.52crackerboxwell wifey is home g2g
22:00.56crackerboxhope i helped
22:01.11dcordesyes paste one arrow key press output
22:01.29dcordessure you did. if you wanna keep this going you're always welcome
22:02.25cr2uh. a lot of titan LCD cpld gpios
22:03.51crackerboxone more before i go
22:03.55crackerboxthanks guys
22:04.07crackerboxi will be back to help more soon
22:05.49dcordescrackerbox: nice cya
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22:08.32cr2dcordes: hm. looking for the google cache for wiki
22:08.51dcordescr2: I will put a mirror of the research pages
22:08.59dcordesat least the WIP ones
22:09.11dcordesnot the first time this happened
22:09.59dcordescr2: btw what did you mean earlier by big brother and gps=arm9?
22:10.30dcordesdidn't understand. I know everything that's arm9 is less in our command
22:10.46cr2yes, arm9 is the big brother
22:11.02cr2hm. cache is empty
22:28.12dcordescr2: so to get the gps working we must setup a channel in the smd.c?
22:29.04cr2yes, it's a channel similar to AT cmd
22:29.17cr2text commands in, text replies out
22:29.41cr2you may also check how it's initialized.
22:29.48dcordesthat's easys so how do we find out head/tail/size?
22:29.59cr2gpio for power/reset of something like that. or just an AT cmd
22:30.09cr2don't know ;)
22:30.38dcordesplease don't make me try and think
22:30.41cr2tita does not have gps ?
22:30.51dcordesnot sure
22:31.48dcordesoh got a new makeup for the new series
22:35.36dcordescr2: don't think titan has gps
22:39.48dcordescr2: do you know the difference between the msm7x00x and the msm7x01x?
22:42.19dcordesI was speculating whether it is just the same but with imageon used :)
22:42.23cr2you have the diamond rom ?
22:43.28dcordesbecause the new once come up with 3dish eyecandy and as we all know the imageons in msm7x00x have all disappeared into thin air :D
22:43.56dcordescr2: no, do you?
22:55.49BabelOcr2: still around ?
22:55.58BabelOcr2: c>>=1 ?
22:56.08dcordeshi BabelO
22:56.48BabelOhi dcordes
22:58.34cr2BabelO: ?
22:58.49BabelOcr2: i ve a problem here
22:59.25*** join/#htc-linux crackerbox (
22:59.42BabelOcri kow you like nokia code
23:00.35cr2*(rx - 1)
23:02.02cr2what is 'c' ?
23:02.25BabelOcri m dumping it to check it is a xfer_len
23:04.46crackerboxwtf is up with the wiki still?
23:05.33cr2crackerbox: when it'll be up, i'll fill a bunch of cpld gpios.
23:05.44BabelOcr2: c= 10 and after c>>=1 it is 5, that is normal :)
23:06.12cr2crackerbox: prepair to adapt the kaiser htc-egpio driver.
23:06.34cr2BabelO: yes. but /=2 s more user-friendly.
23:07.00BabelOcr2: agree with you but not as fast :)
23:09.25crackerboxwhat folder of the source tree would i find the kaiser egpio driver under?
23:09.54cr2BabelO: gcc -O2 is smart enough
23:10.12cr2crackerbox: ask dcordes
23:10.26crackerboxis he gone?
23:10.33BabelOcr2: i ve to try with borland and microsoft tomorrow
23:11.12crackerboxand where you prompting me to adapt the driver?.. or where you just saying that it is planned to be done?
23:11.26crackerboxwhere = were
23:12.11cr2dcordes: A2M_set_charge_status
23:12.37cr2crackerbox: it should be done in a similar way it's done on kaiser.
23:13.39crackerboxtitan has GPS btw
23:14.15cr2charge status is an ioctl on dex1. interesting
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23:18.51cr264 clock
23:28.12dcordescr2: where?
23:28.36dcordescrackerbox: arch/arm/mach-msm
23:29.21dcordesI'm already working on a new machine htctitan in our tree
23:32.28cr2crackerbox: the same +htc_gpsone weird stuff. like on apache
23:32.32dcordesI need the wiki and your asistance
23:33.28crackerboxwell is there anything i can do for the next 15 minutes... i've got to leave by the end of the hour
23:34.33crackerboxis one of the points of this to get android eventually working?
23:34.36dcordesdunno right now
23:34.38dcordesI will do this tomorrow
23:35.08dcordescrackerbox: the point of this is in first place to port the linux kernel
23:35.16dcordesno linux, no android
23:35.37dcordesand yes you will be able to run android
23:36.28crackerboxon the vouge, and kaiser does the android builds we have now have openGL and nice gfx?
23:37.24crackerboxor is it basically like no video drivers... like frame buffer mode in the early days of xbox-linux
23:37.33dcordesno we don't have direct rendering and I honestly don't care too much about android yet because same as you on titan I want the kernel/driver level working first
23:37.47dcordescrackerbox: it looks nice
23:37.59dcordeseven without the imageon 3d working
23:38.46crackerboxwhy can't they give us papers?
23:38.50crackerboxspecs and stuff
23:38.57crackerboxare they trade secrets?
23:39.14dcordesI think one can call it lake this
23:39.41dcordeseverybody who has them, like the google kernel hackers, has signed an NDA
23:39.46cr2dcordes: hehe. smem
23:40.04cr20 1 2 3 7 9
23:40.54dcordes0=AT 1=DATA 7=GPS
23:41.03crackerboxits like trying to read brail with your toes
23:41.09crackerboxi would imagine
23:42.01dcordescrackerbox: sorry what's brail?
23:42.27crackerboxraised dots on paper... blind people read them with their fingers
23:42.54cr20 and 1 are ril
23:42.57dcordesso you mean it's freaking hard to make all this working w/o documents?
23:43.09dcordesok gotcha
23:43.23dcordesyou're right and it's time consuming
23:43.41cr2BabelO: Can't enable GPIO wakeup for method 3 ?
23:43.52crackerboxi've slept only 3 hours max so its a little hard to make my points very clear, atm
23:43.55dcordescr2: what's ril again?
23:44.00BabelOcr2: that is not my problem :(
23:44.14cr2radio interface layer. AT
23:44.22crackerboxok i've got to get going... bbl
23:44.28BabelOcr2: it seem i enter twice in the function even with a if count = 0 then return;
23:44.31cr2BabelO: nokia writes only high quality software
23:45.05cr2dcordes: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\ATDbgLog
23:45.08dcordescr2: which number would get the SMD1 thing in smd.c dzo usese for data?
23:45.11cr2dcordes: enable=1
23:45.41dcordesyou mean I turn this on and the modem doesn't stop talking?
23:45.46cr2don't yet know.
23:45.55BabelOcr2: see my problem here
23:45.57cr2you'll get the full log of all modem commands.
23:46.08dcordescan try can you give me the link to that nifty registry tool again?
23:46.25dcordesremember I can't write yet
23:46.30BabelOcr2: i ve tested if c == 0 on start
23:48.58BabelOcr2: i paste the whole file, wait
23:49.36cr2heh. i'm blind

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