IRC log for #htc-linux on 20080313

00:01.34BabelOtsdogs: for sound i ve add it as resource :(
00:01.57tsdogsin imlife ?
00:02.09tsdogswhat u use for playing QSound?
00:02.24BabelOmessage notification same for led or vibrate
00:02.39tsdogsNote that QSound does not support resources. This might be fixed in a future Qt version.
00:02.48tsdogsfrom qt docs
00:03.16tsdogsI wonder how other apps do it ...
00:03.59BabelOuh ?, i think goxbox say it play sound .. have to check
00:04.14tsdogsyes it plays (even the phone plays a tone )
00:06.15BabelOtsdogs: humm not in the code, maybe it was a test i made before , but agree with you qtdesign show it disabled
00:09.39BabelOtsdogs: first version i send to you have sound QSound::play(":sounds/bells.wav");
00:10.33tsdogsok, but was it working ?
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00:13.17BabelOtsdogs:  i try on qnetwalk, but still no sound
00:13.46tsdogsBabelO: even using full path to sound?
00:14.03tsdogsBabelO: also be sure to have it turned on :) (in the app)
00:15.27BabelOi play sound with media player
00:15.39BabelOtsdogs: don't forget next step will be mplayer ;)
00:16.47tsdogsBabelO: easy (LOL)
00:17.40tsdogsBabelO: I successfully built the libs with qmake (qt4)
00:17.54BabelOtsdogs: really ? cool :)
00:18.41tsdogsnow, I need to make them build all, test them with qtopiamake and then test that your app builds and works against it :)
00:22.19BabelOok, bed time for me :(
00:22.46tsdogsgood night, wow 1.20 i guess it bet time for me too
00:23.06BabelOgood night
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07:31.01swc666how do i fix this bitbake error?:
07:31.02swc666ERROR: Please set the 'CACHE' variable
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08:57.58cr2kiozen: good morning
08:58.12kiozencr2:  morning :)
08:58.27kiozenlooking at 30'' TFTs :)
08:58.33cr2kiozen: you put the third point into the middle of the segment. since it's linear dependent on the other 2 gcps, it's useless
08:58.50kiozenyes I know.
08:58.52cr2i've done 'square pixels' for 2 and for N points
08:59.17cr2how do we merge it into GT ?
08:59.36cr2i've tested it inside another program.
08:59.53cr230" TFT sounds  nice :)
08:59.59kiozendo a function that takes the points and the input/output filepath as arg
09:00.23kiozenI will call it instead of gdal_translate
09:00.42kiozenfor square pixel mode
09:01.10cr2i take an array of GDAL_GCP
09:01.23cr2and produce the adfGeoTransform[6]
09:01.24kiozenSamsung SyncMaster 305T Monitor LCD-TFT 30.0''
09:01.32cr2dpi ?
09:02.24cr230" is 4:3 ?
09:03.38swc666kiozen: I have a SyncMaster 244T.. The samsungs are very nice! I can imagine a 30"
09:04.11kiozenwith 30'' you will gat a samsung in 80% of all products ;)
09:04.51kiozenthe market for such displays isn't that big :)
09:05.04cr2i have a 22" samsung CRT. it has better colors and feeling than any LCD
09:05.18cr2how much does it cost ?
09:05.59kiozenmy 21'' iiyama is getting fuzzy
09:06.15kiozenand my eyesigth decreases
09:06.59kiozennow I just need to find a new graphic adapter (DVI-D capable)
09:07.08cr2you need more time in the Alps than at you monitor.
09:07.32kiozeni wish it would be like that :)
09:07.43kiozenI am happy if I get 3 deays in July
09:08.46kiozenany recommendations for a DVI-D card?
09:09.33kiozenbut I can play a video of the alps on that monitor
09:09.43cr2BabelO should know better, i've not bought any video cards in the last years.
09:10.00kiozenhm, for the alps a 43'' would be better
09:10.15kiozenthat would fit my desk corner to corner
09:10.33cr2don't see GDAL_GCP array immediately in CCreateMapGeoTiff.cpp
09:11.11kiozenthere is none sofar
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09:11.26kiozenSamsung SyncMaster 460PXn 46" TFT-LCD :p (but bad resolution)
09:11.44cr2kiozen: where do you store the gcps
09:12.11cr246" with low pixel count is interesting only for TV.
09:12.15kiozenand refpts
09:12.28cr2ok, in the refpts
09:12.34kiozenit looks like a TV with DVI conector
09:12.47cr2i'll tell you when i'm ready :) need to do other things now.
09:14.08kiozencr2: just do that function. It has to produce a file at the given output path and can take as parameter what ever you need. I'll do the integration
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09:16.51cr2i have it inside 'ogrwarp' now. this program reads in the GCPs, calculates the transform, and transformates the vector points.
09:59.12cr2kiozen: sent the file. look for 'square pixels'.
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12:09.30kiozencr2: can load tab files as reference, too.
12:09.41kiozentried "Härtetest" - works
12:10.04kiozenbut did not understand what you intend with gcps.c :)
12:10.07kiozensvn up
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12:50.55daseis there any chance i can run a small linux + rootfs without a (mini-)SD-card on hermes? eg via ram image
12:53.11cr2kiozen: updated. Load Ref. does not work now.
12:53.53cr2dase: microSD. yes, you can do it, search for RescueRamdisk
12:56.05dasecr2: found it. thx. will have a look
12:56.46cr2dase: it's better to fix the atiw_mmc driver :)
12:57.25cr2kiozen: src/CMapFile.cpp has your +towgs84= hardcoded. is it ok ?
13:13.06cr2kiozen: yeah, some things in qt are a bit backwards.
13:14.27cr2-        QString line = file.readLine();
13:14.28cr2+        QString line = QString::fromUtf8(file.readLine());
13:14.37cr2-        file.write(args.join(" ").toLatin1());
13:14.37cr2+        file.write(args.join(" ").toUtf8());
13:18.18dasecr2: thx. that pointed me in the right direction. just had to use a ext2-image -.-
13:18.24dasecr2: i dont own a sd-card. thats the actual problem
13:21.01kiozencr2:  kiozen: src/CMapFile.cpp has your +towgs84= hardcoded. is it ok ?
13:21.11kiozenno you have to comment this one
13:21.19kiozenshould be done by svn
13:21.41kiozenok I'll fix the uft8 stuff
13:25.21cr2QString line = file.readLine() is an implicit QByteArray -> QString cast, gcc should give an error actually.
13:34.08kiozenas there is a constructor QString(const QByteArray&) it's ok
13:35.20cr2then it's a stupid constructor ;)
13:35.53kiozenno it's c++
13:38.18kiozenok, clfixed utf8, svn up
13:45.05cr2hm. can't reference by 2 points.
13:45.20cr2looking at the code, it's necessary to change some code.
13:45.51kiozen2 gcps is not implemented
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13:48.19kiozendidn' t understood what you plan to do with adfGeoTransform as final reult
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13:58.48cr2kiozen: sample the 4 corners and the middle point, and add them as gcps.
13:59.27cr25<6, so it'll be an affine transform that we want.
14:00.45cr2and you can apply it to N>=2 points too (square pixels option).
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15:33.29cr2kiozen: i've finally understood how to do cut off the margins. without reading any docs, of course :)
15:41.42Babel1lol, never read the doc, this aalways point you in a wrong way
15:41.47Babel1btw, hi cr2, kiozen
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15:46.54cr2Babel1: now i have the last problem. how do i remove the transparent margin :)
15:47.20cr2'fit canvas to layers' does not help.
15:47.59Babel1cr2: use the magic tools, if you can with python
15:48.37cr2Babel1: gimp can do a lot, but the menu organization is a complete chaos. is it the same in photoshop ?
15:49.21cr2i thought such basic operation was available in some menu.
15:49.32Babel1cr2 exactly in only one windows
15:52.21cr2Babel1: i've finally managed it :)
15:53.17cr2now i understand why photoshop costs so much money. together with these "graphics artists". it's obfuscated as hell :)
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15:54.42kiozencr2: photoshop  is better, even my dad can use it. gimp would kill him
15:56.44kiozencr2: ther is a cut tool in gimp, end of second row
15:57.11kiozenyou can adjust the frame to the area you want and crop the complete image
15:58.21kiozenhave to buy some wine :) bbl
15:59.06cr2cut tool ?
16:00.07cr2i've use path, select by path , invert selection, cut to named buffer, create new page from buffer.
16:01.07cr2all that instead of 'select -> by path'
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16:02.21cr2tools -> paths , select -> from path.
16:02.38cr2'save the selection' also does not exist ?
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16:08.04SlissHi I am planning to install Linux on my Pocket PC... but before I do I want to know one thing: Can I still make normal calls with it?
16:08.25Slissit is not so clear on
16:09.01cr2Sliss: only Babel1 knows.
16:09.12Sliss(PocketPC=Qtec9090 btw)
16:10.28cr2Babel1: ok, now i've simplified the process. but when the margins are gone, one can't see the numbers that were there :(
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16:33.13Babel1Sliss: i don't think phone mode is stable enough for day to day use, you can try a gpe image with phone enabled from and follow step. Be carefull if you use Windows mobile 2003, you lose all your data and your ba reboot from scratch
16:35.26cr2Babel1: can we gather all ba patches together ?
16:37.59Babel1cr2: yes, just need to remove the one from ds1wm
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18:14.00Babel1hi pH5 :)
18:14.11Babel1pH5 do you see that ,
18:14.13pH5hi Babel1
18:14.40pH5and I don't intend to change that :)
18:15.24Babel1pH5: i have a tnt usb key somewhere, but my question, is to you have the simple usb female / female adapter ?
18:15.41Babel1or a schematic ?
18:19.29pH5Babel1: no, I have an old zaurus Mini USB B/Male to USB A/Female usb a otg cable and I'm going to transplant a Micro USB B/Male plug onto it as soon as the spare arrives..
18:19.51pH5 has the pinouts. just connect them through to the right positions.
18:21.20Babel1ph5 : ok thx, i ve all the component, just need solder now
18:22.08pH5hey, you got the n800? :)
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18:23.11Babel1pH5: yes already, i ve tried os2007, but not happy so i already switch to os2008 :)
18:23.35Babel1i still don't understand how guy on ebay win money ;)
18:25.48cr2hi pH5
18:26.14pH5hi cr2
18:26.22pH5Babel1: how much?
18:26.27cr2Babel1: dvb-h ? i'll check dvb-t on athena eventually :) but only for checking, not watching.
18:26.52Babel1cr2: yes, want to do same, but no dvb-H at the moement here
18:27.04Babel1pH5: 140 eur :)
18:27.43Babel1pH5: a crazy guy just buy the first one for 301 eur... don't understand why he do that :(
18:29.31pH5nice deal.
18:30.21pH5Babel1: I guess most of those bus-powered dvb-? receivers take way more than 100mA?
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18:35.16Babel1pH5: yes, need usb host$
18:35.22Babel1oups usb hub
18:35.34Babel1and you ? you buy it or just ?
18:36.43pH5I got it for free.
18:36.50pH5(at first)
18:37.15pH5because the german nokia shop was too stupid to properly substract the developer rebate.
18:37.56pH5they noticed by now, so I wait and see whether they manage to charge me in the next months.
18:40.19Babel1pH5: ok, how do you setup an environment devel for actual os2008 ? openembedded ?
18:41.35pH5Babel1: I followed the maemo4.0 howto and have (urgh) scratchbox installed as well as a chinook-compat DISTRO build in openembedded (MACHINE=nokia800)
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18:41.49Babel1ok, i go back to home now, my other computer record your answer ;)
18:42.07Babel1ok, i ll try
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19:20.59jeansebon last cvs for kernel  it complain that there is no rules to build include/kernel/auto.conf
19:20.59pH5hi jeanseb
19:21.02BabelOpH5: i found my two female connector ;) it was an extension for a very old computer ;)
19:21.13BabelOhello jeanseb
19:21.18jeansebfile exist , doing a touch  on it make compile start
19:21.41jeansebBabelO, two female ?
19:22.01BabelOlol yes ;)
19:23.46pH5BabelO: great, now do good with it :)
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19:51.40KayJhey, whats uspl?
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19:55.56dcordes_hey KayJ
19:56.13dcordeshmm getting BA tomorrow or saturday
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20:14.51dcordeshey Zoolooc
20:15.17Zooloochi there dcordes
20:17.08BabelOpH5: do i need specific usb module ? ...hmm i ve to reread ;)
20:28.09pH5BabelO: no, there's just this file in sysfs that you have to echo "host" into if you're not using an OTG cable.
20:28.29BabelOok, i use the graphics tools
20:38.11BabelOpH5: hmm i get peripheral not supported :( ... and all  is powered
20:40.43pH5BabelO: missing driver? you probably have best chances to find something who knows about this on #maemo
20:41.04BabelOpH5: ok i m :)
20:41.14pH5apt_: yeah, that sounds better
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21:19.20BabelOpH5 : good now it is ok
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