IRC log for #htc-linux on 20070910

00:29.04*** join/#htc-linux jott_ (n=j@unaffiliated/jott)
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01:49.27*** join/#htc-linux newease (n=lhq@
02:05.55*** part/#htc-linux newease (n=lhq@
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05:47.11*** join/#htc-linux lkthomas (n=lkthomas@
05:47.13lkthomashey guys
05:47.17lkthomasanyone using HTC Hermes ?
06:54.24*** join/#htc-linux rob_w (
07:01.53*** join/#htc-linux sadeness_ (
07:37.02*** join/#htc-linux bfu (
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08:17.45*** join/#htc-linux rob_w|laptop (
08:49.05*** join/#htc-linux fury (
08:51.15furyis anyone still working on the universals?
08:52.31lkthomasit's an old machine
08:53.39lkthomasuniversal does not have 3G feature as well
08:53.53furyyeah i figured, never hurts to ask though :)
08:54.22furyi just started reading up on the project today really..
08:54.59lkthomasI am planning to give up my XDA II and buying HTC Tytn
08:55.12lkthomasit's even older than yours
08:55.47lkthomasfury: do you know if there will have any software compatible problem if the device isn't using intel CPU ?
08:56.34furyall htc is arm correct?
08:58.25furyharet just runs on top of ce right?
08:58.58lkthomassome of them are using Samsung CPU
08:59.05lkthomasnot all of them are made by intel
08:59.30furyah ok i didnt know.
08:59.44furyso haret is a bootloader that runs from ce right?
09:00.00furyit dosnt warm boot the device into linux or anything does it?
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09:00.58lkthomasdon't know
09:03.25furyyeah looks like it... damn :(
09:03.25lkthomasfury: hmm
09:03.26furyi was hoping to get some linux audio programs up and running doubt thats realistic.
09:04.09furythey did manage to find the jtag points on the universal thouhg
09:04.33furyi would assume from that someone could put together a real dual boot enviroment
09:06.28lkthomasnot sure
09:06.52furywhat htc handheld has had the most progress?
09:07.23lkthomasXDA II
09:07.26lkthomasnothing else
09:08.28furyah found the list.
09:11.40furywell it seems the universal was almost all the way there
09:36.00*** join/#htc-linux sameo (
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09:55.17cr2_lkthomas: why do you think universal doesn't support UMTS ?
09:56.13cr2_fury: universal is the most advanced port, blueangel is somewhere close.
09:57.01cr2_himalaya is very similar to the blueangel, but it needs some more minor coding to match the current state of blueangel.
10:05.11*** join/#htc-linux develneubee (n=alok@
10:10.59lkthomasHimalaya bluetooth stack sucks
10:14.36cr2_afair linux will not help you.
10:15.01cr2_because BT is on the UART of ASIC5
10:15.13cr2_which is not very well documented ;-)
10:16.08sameocr2_:  btw, does anyone has some sort of spec for asic3 or asic5 ?
10:17.49cr2_sameo: of course not. but i've tried to gather everything known about asic3 (very good data indeed) and asic5 (not very good) in the xda-dev wiki.
10:18.01cr2_i'm looking for the link.
10:18.42cr2_it's 95% of RE data
10:18.55sameocr2_:  do we know if it's an HTC or a Compaq chip ?
10:20.20cr2_it was produced by Toshiba (the SD(IO) part comes from Toshiba anyway) for HTC, which was a contractor for CPQ/HP.
10:21.54sameocr2_:  interesting...I've always wondered why so many of the Universal functions are on the asic3 when it could simply use the pxa270 modules...
10:23.01cr2_HTC does not spare on the hardware side :)
10:23.44cr2_and you don't want to overload the main CPU on a good device.
10:23.47sameocr2_:  :-)
10:24.35sameocr2_:  overload the CPU ? we're talking about a 500 Mhz xpa270 :-)
10:25.57cr2_overload with tasks. the VGA on pxafb is already a huge internal CPU bandwidth waste ;-)
10:26.13cr2_good phones use ATI chip for that...
11:15.44*** join/#htc-linux DTMonterrey (
11:46.02*** join/#htc-linux IBG (
11:59.25*** join/#htc-linux AC_Mast (i=s@gateway/tor/x-80fb74ff611b9443)
12:44.44*** join/#htc-linux salvador (n=salvador@
12:45.57salvadorayuda, como le hago para instalar xanadux en un apache ppc 6700
12:49.50*** join/#htc-linux BabelO (n=Miranda@
12:52.07BabelO~x en sp salvador : you can take a look here
12:53.34*** join/#htc-linux rob_w|laptop (
12:59.08*** join/#htc-linux AC_Mast (i=s@gateway/tor/x-9743b3a4b5a51eed)
13:33.38*** join/#htc-linux kiozen (
13:37.52BabelOhi kiozen
13:38.01BabelOlong time
13:38.29kiozenloads to do... first free hour for weeks :)
13:39.37BabelOkiozen : do you now if there is a possibility to load some map to garmin nuvi200 ?
13:40.32kiozenafaik they use fixed builtin maps
13:40.44kiozenthat's why they are cheap :)
13:43.11kiozenhm, garmin's webpage offers CN for the nuvi
13:43.52kiozenah they use maps on SD ram
13:45.12kiozenthus you can place gmapsupp.img directly on the SD ram.
13:46.04kiozenthe nuvi200DACH even has USB
13:46.16kiozenmight work with QLandkarte
13:51.13BabelOgood, i will try soon, my father have one
13:55.02cr2_hi guys
13:55.18BabelOhi cr2_
13:55.21cr2_kiozen: isn't that nĂ¼vi requires routable maps ?
13:55.44cr2_BabelO: hi
13:56.16kiozencr2_ : i always thought they are built in, but
13:56.36kiozentheir webpage gives me another impression.
13:59.41cr2_i was told that it's so, so it's necessary to use the appropriate version of cgpsmapper.
13:59.56cr2_but i've not tried it myself.
14:00.25cr2_it's a pity we don't know the NOD/NET internals :(
14:02.02cr2_evil 76cx has eaten about 1mb of my gpx track, so i'm left with the internally saved sparse copy...
14:02.39kiozencr2_:  GPSMapEdit knows how to read NOD/NET anyone good at
14:03.08kiozensocial engineering to persuade the author to share his knowledege :)
14:03.43cr2_are you sure it can?
14:04.32kiozenNever tried, but some people on say it does
14:05.08cr2_afaik it can't.
14:05.18cr2_show me an example :-)
14:06.41kiozentry to find the post ..
14:24.49kiozencr2_: looks like GPSMapEdit is able to edit/add routing information and cGPSMapper will produce routable maps
14:25.08kiozenhowever no clear evidence to read routable maps :(
14:34.35cr2_kiozen: i can edit/add routing information  in vi :)
14:36.58kiozen:) ok
14:38.59cr2_if i'll install the personal cgpsmapper version, i need to create many primitive maps to check for the data layout changes. was it limited by one month ?
14:49.34*** join/#htc-linux psokolovsky (n=psokolov@
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15:35.38*** join/#htc-linux sameo_ (
15:38.59*** join/#htc-linux goxboxlive (
15:47.58BabelOhi goxboxlive
15:48.05goxboxlivehi BabelO
15:48.43BabelOgoxboxlive: i made some test with BA, but need to create a specific class for ba modem, so i test it later, i ve to finish my project before
15:56.42cr2_BabelO: you still have a ba ? :)
15:57.04BabelOcr2_: yes BA + artemis + gp + sony clie T675C ...
15:59.31BabelOcr2_: and as many card SD card, micro SD, mini SD, MMC .. lol
15:59.38BabelOcr2_: gp -> greenphone
15:59.58*** join/#htc-linux dcordes (n=tsingtao@
16:01.00BabelOcr2_ : soyou think we can handle double touch on our  touchscreen ? like iphone do
16:01.32BabelOs/soyou/do you/
16:05.10dcordesBabelO: all you need is mpx (multi point X), non?
16:06.55BabelOdcordes : i ve have to test what is touchscreen return if we press two point at same time, if point are at same X or y coord, not sure about result
16:09.44dcordesme posseseth finest herb
16:10.01dcordessry wrong term
16:10.16dcordesBabelO: take a look
16:10.53BabelOdcordes : thanks, i see that openmoko have this possibility with gta2
16:11.46dcordesBabelO: really? where did you see that?
16:17.00BabelOdcordes :
16:21.03dcordesBabelO: there's no change in the display hardware
16:22.22BabelOi just read maybe multitouch panel
16:22.31cr2_BabelO: i'll be happy if the omap850 ts spi port will work in normal mode :)
16:22.46cr2_let's try to find its location.
16:23.30dcordesDoes the wizard touchscreen work at all yet?
16:23.38dcordesOkias told me it wouldn't
16:23.40BabelOcr2_ : yes sure, i ve to go to home, we can take a look
16:24.12BabelOcr2_ : and other funcitonnality too, radio and gps ;)
16:24.38dcordesBabelO: you talking about wizard hardware?
16:25.08cr2_radio is just an i2c controlled chip, i guess.
16:25.24cr2_do you know the chip name ?
16:25.30BabelOcr2_ : yes think too, there is one in kernel source a TEA something ;)
16:25.49cr2_then it's easy once you have i2c working.
16:25.58cr2_and omap i2c is working afaik.
16:29.51*** join/#htc-linux pH5 (
16:34.23cr2_hi pH5
16:35.12pH5hej cr2_
16:36.05pH5hej psokolovsky!
16:36.26psokolovskypH5, cr2_: FYI, we're moving with project of merging hackndev patches to tree. The timeframe is 2 weeks. That means that any mainline upgrades are on hold before that.
16:37.30cr2_hi psokolovsky
16:37.40cr2_i've not compiled the kernel for a long time anyway
16:38.09psokolovskycr2_: CI system compiles it on any change ;-)
16:38.38cr2_:) ok
16:38.58cr2_does it generate the initrd too ?
16:41.10pH5psokolovsky: ok.
16:41.54psokolovskycr2_: nope, but I'm in process of setting CI for OE builds too
16:42.39*** join/#htc-linux dcordes_ (
16:42.59cr2_psokolovsky: sounds very good.
16:43.07*** join/#htc-linux pleemans (
16:44.57sameo_psokolovsky:  what's CI ? some sort of build bot ?
16:45.17psokolovskyyep, continuous integration
16:45.30sameo_ah, ok...
16:46.29sameo_psokolovsky:  a quick question about asic3... Any particular reason why you stopped your kernel upstream integration effort ?
16:46.43sameo_psokolovsky:  e.g.
16:46.50psokolovskysameo_: no time...
16:47.15sameo_psokolovsky:  all right.
16:48.01*** join/#htc-linux scorpio16v (
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16:53.54dcordes_where can I get most recent patch for wizard kernel?
16:55.29cr2_pH5: what is ICR port on omap850 ?
16:57.42pH5port? 0xfffbb800, irq ih1-4
16:58.45cr2_ah, ok.
17:04.59dcordes_ <- is that up to date?
17:19.44sameo_psokolovsky:  I'm looking at the asic3 code on CVS, and you're registering the asic3 clocks but I don't see where you're enabling them...
17:20.30psokolovskysameo_: specific drivers should enable clocks, see ds1wm for example
17:22.38sameo_psokolovsky:  yeah, I know...I was looking at the wrong driver.
17:22.41sameo_psokolovsky:  thanks
17:35.45*** join/#htc-linux BabelO (
17:36.43BabelOnetwork shutdown at office :(
17:36.58dcordesdidst thou take a look at mpx?
17:40.22BabelOdcordes: yes, just a little, interesting
17:41.14BabelOcr2_: any idea how can we proceed to find  good spi channel ?
17:43.35*** join/#htc-linux wireddd (
18:41.36*** part/#htc-linux scorpio16v (
18:52.09cr2_BabelO: documenting all 0xfffxxxxx pages, and looking for the undocumented ?
19:04.54*** join/#htc-linux wireddd (
19:16.52BabelOcr2_: ok, i ll look at muru patch for register
19:20.59cr2_BabelO: a lot should be knowm for omap730
19:32.45BabelOcr2_: yes, and clock too, they are motly the same, but are missing in clock.h
19:34.12cr2_you can easily see the differences from the diagrams on TI site
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19:54.07BabelOcr2_: ok so we have already some known clock
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20:07.16*** join/#htc-linux BabelO (
20:10.20cr2_BabelO: can you reuse this page and create one for omap850 ?
20:11.57BabelOcr yes
20:12.42cr2_i've created this page my listing all registers referenced by the device firmware. actually it#s a pure guesswork.
20:12.54cr2_omap730 should be much better.
20:13.16cr2_there is a x-load source and also kernel support for several devices
20:13.18BabelOcr yesx omap
20:13.29BabelOoups num/lock ;)
20:13.48cr2_is the kernel source for this swiss phone available ?
20:13.54cr2_hmm. what was the name...
20:14.02BabelOthere is a lot of information for 16x and 17x in muru patch
20:14.03cr2_imcosys of something like that.
20:16.45BabelOcr2_: nice
20:17.03cr2_hehe. sdk with access protection. what about the kernel source ?
20:21.32BabelOi ll download flash image ;)
20:21.46cr2_it starts with the x-loader
20:22.02cr2_i think the source of x-loader is at ?
20:23.12cr2_p2 ?
20:24.00cr2_i wonder why nobody has relaeased an omap730 datasheet.
20:24.20cr2_i've looked at some _serious_ forums :-)
20:31.41cr2_the names are not very generic, but can be modified.
20:33.43cr2_i didn#t look at the haret omap code, does it include all the gpio stuff ?
20:33.57BabelOyes there is a gpio stuff in it
20:35.27BabelOcr2_: ftp://invite:invite@
20:35.42BabelOcr2_: my ker with patch if you want to look at some file
20:36.34cr2_do you need EFB_DEBUG ?
20:37.36BabelOcr2_: yes very usefull when i do some mistake, but know it works with omapfb
20:40.12cr2_does your mmc work ?
20:40.29BabelOnot with this kernel, with wizard kernel it works
20:40.42BabelOdon't understand what i miss
20:44.32cr2_omap730 has .bus_shift for mmc :)
20:44.44cr2_afair omap850 too
20:45.54cr2_is the fb sram always at t he same place on omap850 phones ?
20:46.45cr2_i doubt that the lcd/bl/led gpios are the same as on tornado. are they ?
20:46.59BabelOcr2_: it seem yes i use it, and someone try on prophet
20:47.57BabelOcr2_: not sure about gpio setup , i nerver stop / start lcd, big problem is that kernel freeze after some times
20:49.10cr2_actually, i'd have started with tracing and documenting gpios. and the cpu registers.
20:49.17cr2_it's relatively easy.
20:49.56cr2_pH5 says his mmc gpios are on the cpld.
20:50.06BabelOgpio register are strange i don't understand their macro. on same register there is output / mux / dir
20:50.15cr2_same ?
20:50.16pH5cr2_: sram seems to be the same everywhere, 730 and 850 are identical for our purposes. what I'm missing is i2c support to get to the gpios that control mmc, leds, backlight etc.
20:50.38cr2_is there i2c on other omap1 chips ?
20:50.45cr2_it should be.
20:50.49pH5but if BabelO hat mmc working with the wizard kernel, I guess artemis doesn't have the i2c gpio cpld
20:51.22cr2_pH5: i don't get why do you need i2c for the gpio cpld extender.
20:51.24BabelOpH5: or maybe wizard kernel doen t reset some chipset
20:51.29cr2_like on magician
20:52.19pH5cr2_: because that chip is controlled via i2c.
20:52.28cr2_is it possible to dump and analyze the bootloader ?
20:52.58cr2_pH5: controlled ? the irqs are acked via i2c ??
20:53.56pH5cr2_: not irqs. the output pins are are on i2c registers.
20:54.26pH5the keys have an irq on a cpu gpio
20:55.15pH5cr2_: it's pretty clear actually, I just need i2c.
20:55.27pH5(which currently hangs up the device when I load the drivers)
20:56.06cr2_pH5: do you know where to get the imcosys kernel source ?
20:56.07pH5and right now I don't have any better idea than to disassemble the SPL's i2c functions, for which I don't have the time :(
20:56.20pH5cr2_: no, I just heard about this device for the first time.
21:06.14*** join/#htc-linux bfu (
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21:21.09danielmarsomanybody alive?
21:22.01pH5danielmarsom: only bots and undead people in here.
22:07.01*** join/#htc-linux ImCoKeMaN (
22:19.15*** join/#htc-linux TimRiker (n=timr@
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