irclog2html for #htc-linux on 20070119

00:01.28*** join/#htc-linux kelly_ (
00:01.55kelly_hey guys
00:18.47*** join/#htc-linux psokolovsky (
00:35.35kelly_I am just wondering if anybody knows what the progress is on HTC Hermes linux port?
00:35.58kelly_yes i have read the wiki and the forum
00:36.56Hymiekelly_: cr2 was working on it, he had some booting issues last time I saw
00:37.31Hymiekelly_: don't think it's booting yet.. but, the good news is that it seems a lot of the hardware is simular / the same as other HTC devices, so it might move fast once it boots
00:42.15kelly_great, I love the device but i think that ms lets it down a bit. I wouldnt mind contributing but im not really sure how, i did suggest in the forums a donations page or something
00:49.02*** join/#htc-linux ellisway (
01:04.22*** join/#htc-linux Hawk||- (
01:12.21*** part/#htc-linux HexM (
01:53.43*** join/#htc-linux Niacin (
01:57.33Zulehey kevin, once haret id's the device, does it automatically pass the mach id to the kernel I guess?
01:57.52psokolovskyZule, exactly, that's how it works
01:57.59Niacinanyone got nano-x working on the wizard?
01:58.02Zuleawesome, thanks
01:59.55Zuleis there a tutorial anywhere on common methods of tracing gpio's with haret?
02:06.42*** join/#htc-linux BobOfDoom (
02:06.52BobOfDoomZule: heh so you are
02:18.34*** join/#htc-linux psokolovsky_ (
02:41.27Niacinfor the life of me i can't get this buildroot to work
02:41.31Niacinsomething to do with texinfo
03:39.20Niacinhmm i'm reading this build root tutorial... it keeps saying run "pcp"
03:39.22Niacinany ideas ?
03:48.23psokolovsky_Niacin, idea #1: why don't you use OpenEmbedded, like everyone in this realm?
04:04.40*** join/#htc-linux __scatter (
04:49.49*** join/#htc-linux ellisway (
04:53.48*** join/#htc-linux RoEn_PC (
05:05.26*** join/#htc-linux psokolovsky (
05:07.52*** join/#htc-linux psokolovsky_ (
05:54.07*** join/#htc-linux Ralith (
05:54.36*** join/#htc-linux Ralith (
07:08.53*** join/#htc-linux psokolovsky__ (
07:15.20*** join/#htc-linux psokolovsky_ (
07:50.48*** join/#htc-linux FossiBusy (
08:25.03*** join/#htc-linux goxboxlive (
08:44.16*** join/#htc-linux psokolovsky (
09:22.30*** join/#htc-linux bd2 (n=ufo@
09:26.18*** join/#htc-linux FossiFoo (
09:40.12*** join/#htc-linux psokolovsky_ (
09:43.10*** join/#htc-linux VisN (
09:44.47*** join/#htc-linux BabelO (
09:58.42*** join/#htc-linux psokolovsky_ (
10:04.45*** join/#htc-linux WizMaui (n=WizMaui@
10:20.45*** join/#htc-linux psokolovsky_ (
10:33.49*** join/#htc-linux tudenbart (
10:51.04*** join/#htc-linux LunohoD (
11:06.34*** join/#htc-linux lkcl_ (
11:24.58*** join/#htc-linux jeanseb (n=jeanseb@
11:53.43*** join/#htc-linux RoEn_PC (
12:40.48*** join/#htc-linux goxboxlive (
13:15.32*** join/#htc-linux silven (n=zmc@
13:22.28*** join/#htc-linux rejo1 (n=rejon@
13:53.44*** join/#htc-linux FossiFoo_ (
14:02.48*** join/#htc-linux Zule (
14:38.22*** join/#htc-linux rob_w (
15:54.23*** join/#htc-linux Ralith (n=ralith@
16:08.25*** part/#htc-linux rejo1 (n=rejon@
16:11.24*** part/#htc-linux WizMaui (n=WizMaui@
16:33.07*** join/#htc-linux pleemans (
16:33.31*** join/#htc-linux RoEn_PC (
16:40.27*** join/#htc-linux rmoravcik (
16:58.32*** join/#htc-linux psokolovsky_ (
17:01.14*** join/#htc-linux g3gg0_ (
17:01.18*** part/#htc-linux g3gg0_ (
18:06.14elliswaybit quite in here last few days
18:39.02*** join/#htc-linux VisN (
18:43.38*** join/#htc-linux goxboxlive (
19:05.18elliswayevening goxboxlive
19:26.32*** join/#htc-linux WizMaui (n=WizMaui@
19:27.39*** join/#htc-linux rmoravcik (
19:29.24*** join/#htc-linux rmoravcik (
21:03.57*** join/#htc-linux bd2 (n=ufo@
21:48.26*** join/#htc-linux cr2 (
21:50.10oppizKevin2, how goes?
21:50.22cr2hi oppiz
21:50.31oppizhey cr2 how goes
21:50.45cr2it seems everybody and his friend has hidden himself under the rock.
21:51.08cr2i'm busy with the stuff i'm paid for. no time for hacking.
21:51.28cr2will be away for the next 4 days.
21:51.34oppizi just started a new job, and got back from atlantic city
21:52.01cr2is the phone working on apache ?
21:52.34oppizno, well not as of last time i checked
21:52.43oppizprolly a week week week and a .5
21:54.02cr2we need to do the last step and finish the project :)
21:54.17oppizuniversal working well?
21:54.58cr2more or less, but the phone app needs to be finished.
21:55.30oppizdid anyone ever update the acx driver?
21:56.17cr2no. it's just working afaik, if you have the right gpios.
21:56.41oppizit works but the updated driver fixes alot of problems
21:57.46cr2where are the updates ?
22:34.36*** join/#htc-linux tudenbart (
23:25.09*** join/#htc-linux g3gg0__ (
23:34.40*** join/#htc-linux Ralith (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.