irclog2html for #htc-linux on 20061129

00:23.39lkclallo Kevin
00:26.17Kevin2Quiet here today.
00:31.13lkclyeh.  ssh!
00:33.47lkclit's cos everyone's being nice to me on account of having no internet connection.
00:34.13lkcli _really_ don't know what i'm doing with this suspend/resume stuff...
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12:44.08lkclhe he the nice guy who took apart his hermes didn't cut away the shielding in order to find the chips underneath :)
12:44.28lkclnow where's me damn scalpel gone? :)
12:57.27pH5~hail the gadget surgeons
12:57.28aptACTION bows down to the gadget surgeons and chants, "I'M NOT WORTHY!!"
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14:33.57lkcloh look, a little 'void' sticker.
14:37.40lkcloops, that's one clip broken...
14:38.45lkcloh gawd it's a 2-layer sandwich...
14:41.10Fossiwith cheese?
14:42.11lkclahh found the extra screw
14:44.11lkclfrickin ellllll
14:44.52lkclsome sort of sticker holding the screen-thing on...
14:46.03Fossistill better than glue and bolts ;)
15:13.07Fossiwhy do they put those mini audio jacks on the phone instead of 3.5?
15:13.27Fossisave space?
15:14.39pH5at least the pseudo usb jack of the hermes is stable
15:15.09pH5the flimsy jacks of my magicians are both broken to a different degree
15:16.03Fossithese earphones are shit
15:16.13Fossibut getting an adapter is a hassle as well
15:18.06pH5adapters are what broke those jacks, increased leverage effect :-/
15:19.00pH5some people soldered better earphones onto the 2.5mm headset..
15:20.17Fossithat's about 5 times the hassle
15:28.15lkclthere's hardly any chips on this
15:50.03lkclok he _did_ cut away things to get at the chipsets underneath.
15:50.09lkclreassembly time....
15:54.53lkclhuh.  this is quite easy.  unlike the hw6915, which was a bitch to take apart.
16:00.33lkclok so far so good - it boots up.... :)
16:08.45pH5so where are the nude pictures?
16:13.57lkclwell, someone already made them
16:14.02lkcli just wanted to double-check.
16:14.09pH5ah ok :)
16:21.25*** join/#htc-linux psokolovsky (
16:24.10lkclallo psoko
16:31.55cr2psokolovsky: hi. i have looked how wince initializes the i2s port.
16:44.05psokolovskycr2, Hi! Anything magic?
16:46.31cr2the most important difference i see is that they enable the clock _after_ changing SADIV, SACR1 and SACR0. not before, like the pxa2xx-i2s.c does.
17:40.26cr2hehe. and some want the tech data from htc.
17:40.30cr2We're still deciding on how open we can be with the hardware. Please keep in
17:40.30cr2mind this is a legal mine field. Every single component we use (expert
17:40.30cr2perhaps the CPU) needs an NDA just to read the datasheet.
17:43.34jjazzcr2: Do you have legal counsel?
17:45.31pH5NDAs to read which datasheet?
17:45.53cr2it's from openmoko mailing list archive
17:46.10cr2jjazz: i'm not in the US.
17:46.19jjazzcr2: Where are you?
17:46.24pH5lol. open indeed
17:46.28cr2in Germany.
17:46.35jjazzcr2: Can I priv msg you?
17:46.51cr2you can try :)
17:48.36jjazzcr2: OK, I tried.  Did it work?  ;)
17:49.56cr2yes, but i can't reply. sometimes it works, sometimes not.
17:50.06cr2thanks, anyway.
17:50.16cr2let's hope it is not needed :)
17:51.15jjazzcr2: OK.  Good luck.  :)
17:55.37lkclallo darlins
17:56.36lkclwho needs datasheets?
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17:57.24lkclallo gobox
17:58.25rmoravcikcr2: hi
17:59.35psokolovskycr2, sorry. is it something we can easily change? I also had a feeling that pxa2xx-i2s.c does something backwards regarding i2s vs codec communication.
18:05.17cr2psokolovsky: try to move         pxa_set_cken(CKEN8_I2S, 1);
18:06.23psokolovskycr2, oh I see ;-). I will try on occasion, if you won't have one ;-)
18:06.23cr2i've broken sound on universal somehow, so i can't test it.
18:06.38cr2goxboxlive: are you here ?
18:06.52cr2rmoravcik: hi
18:07.19rmoravcikcr2: did you try ds1wm driver with universal?
18:07.41psokolovskycr2, oh my ;-( for what we fixed it in the first place? ;-)
18:08.22goxboxlivehi everyone, yes i am here
18:10.28cr2psokolovsky: the phone needs much more complex audio switching than a PDA, so much hacking on this sound driver will be done anyway.
18:11.16psokolovskycr2, sure, just kidding
18:11.30cr2rmoravcik: no. btw, you don't enable/disable the CONTROL_CX clock in your bluetooth driver. is it intentional ?
18:11.52cr2goxboxlive: i have added KEY_RIGHTALT for the Fn key.
18:12.17cr2the old driver is completely wrong about it, imho.
18:12.17rmoravcikcr2: no
18:12.49cr2Fn on my notebook _is_ a "hardware modifier", but on universal it's just a usual button.
18:12.50goxboxlivecr2: Yes i have seen iy, i'll try it out. Isaw you did something with the power module to. Is it now safe to use? Or should i still have it disabled?
18:13.15cr2goxboxlive: but then we need to write a loadkeys map for universal.
18:13.28cr2it's needed for the national layouts too.
18:14.10goxboxliveOk, if it's no coding or something i an take a look at it., also the national ones.
18:14.23rmoravcikcr2: i have disasembled bluetooth initialization, so i can look to it.
18:14.34cr2rmoravcik: do you also use asic3 OWM for the battery ?
18:15.02cr2btw, where  did you find the BT init ?
18:15.24rmoravcikcr2: only for main battery
18:16.01cr2goxboxlive: man keymaps
18:16.20cr2rmoravcik: ok.
18:16.46cr2great, then we will have portable asic3_owm too :)
18:16.52goxboxlivecr2: Ok, it's like the one i mad and send you by mail
18:17.25goxboxlivecr2: What about the power module? Is it safe now?
18:17.48goxboxliveI have a new battery, and i wouldnt take any changes with it now
18:18.05cr2i have enabled interrupts. don't ask me why they were disabled in hx4700 at that time.
18:18.34cr2goxboxlive: the only change from hx4700 now is the disabled acr write in the eeprom.
18:19.26cr2it can confuse wince, maybe, but will not change anything in the charging process.
18:19.46cr2u have also found out what AT@TALK=%d,%x is for.
18:20.28cr2it's reporting the call time (%x) to the BB. why it may be needed, i don't know.
18:21.13rmoravcikcr2: i saw bluetooth hardware initialization in ser2410.dll
18:21.14cr2maybe to write to the sim, or some more spooky location. maybe in the phone flash, no idea.
18:21.31cr2rmoravcik: ok.
18:26.22goxboxliveAT@TALK=%d,%x When using wince you can watch how much the phone has been used. It's a menu in wince (settings about or something). It's good to know if you have buoght a used device. It's beeing deleted when doing a flash or hardreset.
18:26.47goxboxliveI mean :
18:26.58goxboxliveIt is NOT beeing deleted
18:27.45cr2ok, so it's somewhere inside the BB flash. they have some embedded log there.
18:28.24cr2probably it is also not erased by reflashing the radio rom.
18:31.04cr2and this command is available on all htc phones.
18:31.35cr2ok. %d is 0 or 1
18:31.54cr2that's why universal has  AT@TALK?0   AT@TALK?1
18:32.51cr2maybe you should try to feed all the AT commands like AT+FOO? AT+FOO=? to the modem, and log the output.
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18:34.22cr2food time :)
18:35.30goxboxlivecr2: FN key doesnt work
18:48.11goxboxliveThe keyboard is now event3
18:49.59goxboxliveevent1 = the powerbutton , event2=volume slider
18:54.44lkcli can try that sound trick on my sable if you like
18:55.11goxboxliveSound is still broken
18:55.34goxboxliveon universal
18:58.55lkcli have a headset that fits and works on one headphone so can tet that too
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19:35.31cr2goxboxlive: what do you mean Fn does not work ?
19:35.45cr2event2 should have all asic3 "buttons"
19:35.53cr2not only volume.
19:35.58goxboxliveThere are now 4 events
19:36.20goxboxliveFn doesnt give me a / in combination with "p"
19:36.31goxboxlivesoor "o"
19:37.44cr2you need loadkeys for that
19:38.06goxboxliveThe power module worked perfect now
19:38.18cr2do you have showkey ?
19:38.33goxboxliveon my laptop or uni?
19:38.47cr2perfect ?
19:39.06goxboxliveYes, it detects plugged/unplugged usb/sc
19:42.00goxboxlivecr2: this is from h2200:
19:42.02goxboxlive# Kernel keymap for h2200 keys
19:42.02goxboxlive# Apps keys
19:42.02goxboxlivekeycode  67 = F9
19:42.02goxboxlivekeycode  68 = F10
19:42.02goxboxlivekeycode  87 = F11
19:42.03goxboxlivekeycode  88 = F12
19:42.05goxboxlive# Joypad
19:42.07goxboxlivekeycode 103 = Up
19:42.11goxboxlivekeycode 105 = Left
19:42.13goxboxlivekeycode 106 = Right
19:42.15goxboxlivekeycode 108 = Down
19:42.17goxboxlivekeycode  28 = Return
19:42.19goxboxlive# Power key
19:42.21goxboxlivekeycode 116 = F34
19:43.02goxboxliveI dont have showkey , and it was not in the
19:43.36cr2strange. it should be the same package as loadkeys. do you have dumpkeys ?
19:44.09goxboxliveohh, i havent tried form universal. I thought it was an package, holdon i boot uni
19:44.53cr2does the universal charge ? show right voltage/current ?
19:45.43goxboxlivei dont know, i want to use my battery a litttle before i am top charging it, if u know what i mean
19:46.14goxboxliveyes i have showkey
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19:47.33cr2run showkey, and press Fn
19:47.43goxboxlivenothing happends
19:48.03cr2Fn-p ?
19:48.26goxboxliveFn= keycode 100
19:48.41cr2Right_alt ?
19:50.02goxboxliveWhat is right_alt?
19:50.30cr2dumpkeys -l
19:50.58goxboxliveok, i'll send you the output
19:53.54goxboxlivecr2: Here is the dumpkeys -l
19:53.56cr2Fn works for me.
19:54.10cr2Fn-7 creates {
19:54.28cr2but it can be corrected.
19:57.01cr2what is getkey that opie needs ?
19:57.26goxboxlivei have no idea, look inthe opie file
19:58.13cr2i don't have the battery applet ?
19:59.28goxboxlivei know, since we didnt have it in the kernel, i wasent made. But i have aplied power now.
20:00.01goxboxliveYes, Fn works for me to on some keys, but not all. And they doesnt fit my keymap
20:01.55cr2the battey numbers look good now.
20:03.35goxboxliveOK, cr2: i see what you mean about the Fn key is working, but we still miss the others
20:04.30cr2the current jumps by 100mA when the LCD backlight switches off . good :)
20:04.42goxboxlivethat's good
20:04.56cr2the Fn-x mapping needs a map.
20:05.02goxboxliveHave you tried if the keyboard suspends?
20:05.18cr2it suspends, but does not wake up.
20:05.43cr2and wtf the suspend does not work as opie button ?
20:05.54goxboxlivei know
20:07.14cr2hmm. maybe i should enable ACR reset.
20:07.48goxboxlivecr2: Is it much work to get the keyleds working?
20:09.29cr2there are no leds in /sys/class ;)
20:10.01cr2it probably needs a complete rewrite.
20:10.20cr2why alsamixer says "Master off" ?
20:10.50goxboxlivedoes it
20:11.58goxboxlivecr2: we need a "escape key"
20:16.38cr2hmm. it does not want to show €
20:16.39goxboxlivewince showed 44% left of battery, Opie shows 41%
20:16.47cr2it's ok.
20:17.53cr2escape ? which one ?
20:17.56goxboxliveescape works, i guess my machine just froze
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20:18.07goxboxlivethe green phone buttom on keyboadr
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20:18.43cr2we have KEY_ESC
20:19.09cr2maybe the one to the right of the green button ?
20:19.38cr2yes, it's the green button
20:19.39goxboxliveno, it is working
20:19.54goxboxliveThe green phone button on the keyboadr, the big one.
20:20.10cr2are you using vi ?
20:20.35goxboxlivesoemtimes, when i have not installed nanp
20:21.33goxboxliveBut not now with the new keyboard driver. I miss ":"
20:22.50cr2: is an Fn-. here
20:23.03cr2so it is probably wrong.
20:23.29goxboxliveno, that is right
20:23.36goxboxlivebut doesnt work in opie.
20:24.08cr2opie keyboard is broken anyway, because it needs your patch.
20:24.20goxboxlivesomething is not happy, opie froze again
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20:25.34cr2does the screen rotation work ?
20:25.50cr2imho, it should now.
20:26.45goxboxlivei'll try
20:27.00goxboxliveanlu manual
20:28.05cr2ok, it's at least odevice_htc.cpp fault.
20:28.27goxboxlive:-), it did work, maybe it needs some update
20:28.38goxboxlivecr2: try Fn+M
20:28.59goxboxliveforget cations
20:31.33cr2i have rebooted. the keyboard was stuck after resume.
20:31.49goxboxliveThis are missing from my keyboard: I'll write Fn+"lether" and equals what is should be on the WWE Universal edition:
20:32.07pH5hey, does anybody have an idea why my uda1380 doesn't seem to do any attenuation at all?
20:32.18pH5writing to the volume registers doesn't seem to have any effect on the volume
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20:32.24cr2i2c command not sent ?
20:32.40gremlin[it]hi all
20:32.43pH5and when changing the volume in wince, I get exactly the same i2c trace regardless of the volume
20:32.46gremlin[it]pink cr2
20:32.49pH5hey gremlin[it]
20:32.53gremlin[it]ping cr2
20:33.09gremlin[it]hi pH5
20:33.28gremlin[it]hi cr2 ... i know u had some issues with memory setup on SA1110 cpu ...
20:33.29cr2pH5: AT command ?
20:33.31gremlin[it]i had too ...
20:33.42cr2but it's the same
20:33.54gremlin[it]ok should be about the same i suppose
20:34.05cr2i think the default settings are only for LART
20:34.08gremlin[it]i work on iPAQ h3600 ...
20:34.20cr2i have dumped my wince settings and they were different
20:34.32goxboxlivecr2:   Fn+Tab=~ Fn+e=€ Fn+o=/ Fn+p=\ Fn+d=£ Fn+k=" Fn+l=' Fn+m=? Fn+,=; Fn+.=: I miss all thoose.
20:34.42gremlin[it]coping memory setup from kernel 2.4 adhoc for ipaq ... but don't work on kernel 2.6
20:34.46gremlin[it]u have any clue ?
20:34.58cr2so i've added an ugly #ifdef strings.
20:35.13cr2gremlin[it]: dump the wince values
20:35.17pH5cr2: there is no btuart traffic at all when changing the volume. and it also works in flight mode, so..
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20:35.53cr2gremlin[it]: there is haret for sa11x0
20:36.05gremlin[it]mhhh i don-t like this solution ... my wince go out of my ipaq il far far june 2000 :)
20:36.06cr2but i have tested it only on wince2.11
20:36.21cr2i had a ROM.
20:36.34cr2dump them in linux.
20:36.38cr2with devmem2
20:37.09gremlin[it]mhhh i suppose u had some clue ...
20:37.32gremlin[it]i'll try to found info about ram chips and tune the memory setup ...
20:37.35pH5cr2: any idea what else I could try to trace? I don't feel like reading wavedev.dll disassembly for two months until I figure out the volume setting code :(
20:37.41cr2i have
20:37.58cr2and the 2.6 kernel
20:38.08gremlin[it]what i don't understand is why setup thet work with kernel 2.4 don't work on kernel 2.6 ...
20:38.46cr2pH5: still it's the best way.
20:38.57cr2gremlin[it]: good question.
20:39.41gremlin[it]i'll investigate :)
20:40.53cr2gremlin[it]: do you use sa1100fb ?
20:41.44cr2pH5: are you tracing the 1688 reg ?
20:42.05lkclPM: Adding info for platform:sa1100-rtc
20:42.06lkclPM: Adding info for platform:sa-pxa-rtc
20:42.06lkcldrivers/rtc/hctosys.c: unable to open rtc device (rtc0)
20:42.10lkclahh.... that can't be good.
20:42.30cr2lkcl: disable RTC.
20:42.31pH5cr2: 0xae301688
20:42.39cr2pH5: ok.
20:43.02cr2pH5: maybe your device is cheap, and you have a resistor ? :)
20:43.13gremlin[it]cr2 yes off course on a PDA :)
20:43.14lkcland the rtc driver, too, cr2?
20:43.41cr2lkcl: i think you can't mix them ?
20:44.04cr2i use sa1100-rtc
20:44.13cr2it resumes.
20:44.37cr2gremlin[it]: how do you set the LCCR & co. ?
20:45.09gremlin[it]i neve touch the LCD stuff ...
20:45.26cr2gremlin[it]: ok.
20:45.43cr2does not look right for me.
20:46.04lkcli changed one of them  to KIE
20:47.49lkclthere's actually _two_ sa1100-rtc implementations (oops)
20:47.57cr2ok, it's bug.
20:49.07lkcli liked it when 'debugging' meant 'removing moths from the relays and amongst the valves'...
20:56.03cr2pH5: who is monitoring the power button in text mode ?
20:57.32pH5cr2: nobody is.
21:01.57cr2heh. is it guaranteed to be event0 ?
21:04.47pH5depends on where you put gpio-keys in your platform_device array.
21:05.41cr2i have asic3_keys + pxa_keyboard + gpio-keys
21:06.12cr2and the touchscreen. 4 input devices.
21:10.00pH5there is an IOCGNAME or something like this, so you could open /dev/input/event[012...] until you get the one named gpio-keys
21:11.40cr2ok, good idea. but if this program is daemonized, what happens when you switch to gui ? will it work nice like gpm ?
21:12.55pH5cr2: I don't know.
21:14.01cr2and it should probably do select() not fread.
21:14.29cr2anyway. it's only nice to have.
21:14.49cr2the pxa27x_keyboard still does not want to resume.
21:20.13pH5cr2: it's just a hack. but if you think we could build something useful out of it, patches welcome :)
21:20.18pH5what is the problem with the  kbd?
21:21.32cr2it does not work after resume.
21:21.56cr2i have added the init code to .resume, but it did not help.
21:23.56pH5interrupt problems?
21:25.02cr2does the interrupt handler need some special treatment after resume ?
21:32.39pH5I don't know. You should read pxa27x dev manual 18.4.5
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21:50.12goxboxlivecr2: When i revert the soundriver to 1.8 i'll get compilation errors
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21:53.05cr2yes, add MIC to the SPK names.
21:53.48cr2hmm. remove MIC from the SPK names :)
21:55.11goxboxliveYes i mixed some of 1.10 and 1.8 and it compiled now.Testing it now
21:59.59goxboxlivesyill not working
22:03.59BabelOuedit is hard to find how to light the OWM.
22:06.10goxboxlivecr2: Now i just reverted to 1.8 and removed MIC and it didnt work now either. There have to be something else then. What could that be?
22:08.54goxboxlivepsokolovsky_ Have you tried out sound driver from the cvs the latest days?
22:09.34psokolovsky_goxboxlive, well, during these latest days we've fixed it, yes? ;-)
22:09.42pH5BabelOued: doesn't watching the ASIC3 cken and gpios yield anything?
22:09.52psokolovsky_I still considered that "latest days"
22:11.07goxboxliveWell, you fixed it on friday, and i tried it and it worked. But it doesnt now, and i cant see that it is caused by the htcuniversal updates. Could you test it on your hx4700 and see if you managed to get it to work.
22:11.33goxboxliveAnd i mean form HEAD and not, from friday :-)
22:12.48cr2psokolovsky_: the funny thing is that wince also prints the contents of these registers. but after enabling them.
22:13.17psokolovsky_cr2, LOL!!!
22:13.18BabelOuedpsokolovsky_: i do not see anything :(
22:13.24cr2can you move the 'cken' line and check it again.
22:14.06psokolovsky_goxboxlive, I'll try, but not today ;-(. Actually I did, 2 days ago, when testing/committing LED stuff for hx4700.
22:14.20psokolovsky_I checked that fully static build works with sound, and it did
22:14.39goxboxliveok, thanks alot psokolovsky. Let me hear from you when you tested it.
22:15.03goxboxlivewell it'sgetting late. night
22:17.32BabelOuedcr2: how ?
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23:21.48BabelOuednobody ?
23:44.17BabelOuedgood night
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