irclog2html for #htc-blueangel on 20060331

00:00.06cr2you don't have a login ?
00:00.20cr2i  have forgot mine.
00:00.40cr2and firefox does not autologin for some reason.
00:07.23awelux_registering there takse time it seams
00:08.29cr2yes. an e-mail.
00:13.51awelux_what kind of wiki mis that? I registered and still can'T change this page.
00:14.04awelux_I guess it would be to tricky to update it once someone messes it up.
00:15.54awelux_oh well. That has time. cu around
00:16.08awelux_When will you be leaving to vienna?
00:16.14awelux_Next monday?
07:14.16*** join/#htc-blueangel welby_ (
07:19.20*** join/#htc-blueangel awelux (
12:51.01*** join/#htc-blueangel dullard (
13:31.23dullardcr2, which arm compiler are you using? where did you get it and do you have a with it?
13:34.45dullardand in fact the same question for anyone else who has any good answers
13:38.25dullardhere's another more general question that I once knew the answer to but my brain has shrunk. How do I convince a configure script that it is cross compiling and wont be able to run the tests?
14:06.03mndctrldullard: I'm pretty new to embedded development, so I might answer a question you didn't ask, but have you tried openembedde+bitbake? It seems to me thats what's hot at the moment...
14:08.02mndctrlopenembedded, sorry
14:09.03dullardI think they are good for a large set of sources that are all lined up and ready for compling to different architectures. I'm just trying to compile some other stuff :-)
14:14.24mndctrlokthen ;)
14:15.50cr2hi guys
14:16.04dullardI've found a that was for the ipaq and I'm fiddling with it to see if it helps
14:16.09mndctrlhi cr2...
14:16.10dullardhi cr2
14:16.13cr2openebedded compiles everything itself. gcc, glibc, etc.
14:16.24dullardI thought so
14:16.38dullardtakes the fun out ;-)
14:16.46cr2there are two toolchains on site: 3.3.2 and 3.4.1
14:16.58cr2i suggest to use the 3.4.1
14:17.09cr2it is stable and can compile everything.
14:17.21dullarddamn I think I already grabbed the 3.4.1
14:17.23cr2i think you should do
14:17.29dullardI mean the 3.3.2
14:17.45cr2CC=/path/to/arm-linux-gcc ./configure
14:18.06cr2at least i have compiled the package thisway.
14:18.41dullardok I had a configure script that wanted to know things like the size of int etc
14:19.02cr2actually i use the 3.4.4 toolchain from site, but they have removed it for some reason.
14:19.35cr2but 3.4.1 should be ok too.
14:21.00dullardhow about the includes for the c lib and stuff like that. Does the compiler come with them? are there compatibility issues? I imagine openembedded compiles libc
14:21.49cr2mndctrl: magician  kernel boots since yesterday. i think the gsm phone app will become very popular real soon :)
14:22.15mndctrlcr2: hehe, now if I could only get it to work ;)...
14:22.31mndctrlcr2: done with the library now, and I have a commandline testapp for the dial applicaion...
14:23.06mndctrlbut for some reason oe+bitbake decided to turn against me yesterday, an I'm still getting som errors trying to buld stuff..
14:23.34cr2the "toolchain" includes gcc, binutils, glibc and a lot of headers. if something is missing (ncurses for example) then get it  from the respective debian package
14:24.42cr2oe+bitbake is a very big and sensitive thing. it is broken on a daily basis.
14:26.09cr2mndctrl: i have used "echo" and "chat" ;-)
14:26.16dullardokay splendid, thanks. I found a for the ipaq that answers difficult configure questions.... I don't know whether it answers them right but I'll give it a go
14:26.20mndctrlyeah I can tell...
14:26.47cr2i think your best bet is the h3900 config.
14:27.33cr2and maybe openzaurus, but they use the 2.4 kernel
14:30.16mndctrlcr2: Is it a big job setting up a native build environment on the ba itself?
14:31.16cr2install debian on a 1Gig SD card.
14:31.41mndctrlI actually have 1gig sdcard ;)
14:31.42cr2or less, but then you need to pick the packages.
14:32.13mndctrlbut isn't it a hazzle getting it to boot?
14:32.29cr2i did it on a 128Mb and it was rather painful ;)
14:32.31cr2why ?
14:32.58cr2you just do root=/dev/mmc* on a command line.
14:33.04cr2you have a ba ?
14:33.35cr2well. i don't know of a precompiled zimage.
14:34.16cr2on the universal i do just that. compile the asic3_mmc support into the kernel and boot without any weird ramdisks.
14:34.47cr2afaik, there is a precompiled zimage for the himalaya, too.
14:36.05mndctrlhmm... I fell of the wagon a while back ;) How can you compile a kernel for a ARM arch on a x86 computer? Cross-compile the kernel?
14:36.20mndctrloh ;)
14:36.52cr2PATH=/path/to/toolchain/bin:$PATH make menuconfig
14:37.01cr2PATH=/path/to/toolchain/bin:$PATH make
14:37.07cr2PATH=/path/to/toolchain/bin:$PATH make modules_install
14:37.07mndctrlWell I need to do that, smack it on the sd card, boot haret and go?
14:37.10cr2that's all.
14:38.07cr2yes. but it can be simplified if you will link the zimageto haret.
14:38.26cr2but i have not finished it yet. but it will work.
14:38.59mndctrlhmm... Use a toolchain from: ?
14:39.07cr2then you will have a "wince" executable linux zimage. a virus, if you like :)
14:40.13cr2get arm-linux-gcc-3.4.1.tar.bz2 from there
14:40.23cr2it unpacks into /usr/local/arm/*
14:43.00mndctrlI'm not too familiar with debian though... but isnt the apt-get thing based on binary packages?
14:43.29cr2you need wget and debootstrap
14:43.40cr2it was discussed on xda-dev
14:44.08mndctrlI'll go look for it ;)
14:45.27cr2somewhere  in the "Linux on Universal" thread.
14:55.58mndctrlwhy debian? can I use any linux distribution this way?
15:05.57mndctrljej, just compiled my first arm application with the cross toolchain ;) cool... hehe...
15:06.39cr2i don't know of any other distribution for arm.
15:07.43cr2and opie/gpe/openzaurus/etc. is a custom mini-debian installation. you can simply add the standard debian packages to it.
15:13.03mndctrlahh, ok I get it...
15:15.33mndctrlI was meaning to ask you guy a pretty strange question: How would you guys feel about a open project developing something like a PDA product? The development process of everything from the schematics of the circuit board to the designs would be open, and everyone could contribute...  ?!?
15:16.14mndctrlSort of like a copy-lefted product...
15:18.21cr2it is easy to do it, but not cheap to actually produce it, unless you have your own sweatshop somewhere in China ;)
15:19.08mndctrlhehe, I guess we'd have to get people to sign up to buy it before production time or something.. but hopefully it would be really cheap ?!
15:19.31cr2and the 3d printers on a molecular level are not yet there...
15:19.51mndctrlheheheh ;) yeah, lets wait for that?
15:21.17cr2i think we have taken the best route. hack and remove wince from the existing phone. linux history shows that it is the most cost-effective strategy.
15:22.00mndctrlI guess... Only none of the devices out there are what I want ;)
15:22.33mndctrlbut then again what people want tend to change on a regular basis...
15:25.13cr2to overturn wince we must have the phone app and something more. my idea is to package qpegps/gpsdrive and roadmap.
15:26.08cr2with some gui cleanups, or course.
15:27.51cr2camera on ba is more difficult, but i will do it on the universal.
15:29.53mndctrlqpegps would be a big thing to get in there...
15:30.20mndctrlwith out-of-the-box working modules for different adapters...
15:30.25mndctrlwould be nice...
15:31.28mndctrlHopefully my phoneapp will be out of the blue soon... Hopefully after april's gone I have a GUI to go with my library...
15:32.16mndctrlgot a website for it as well now: - mostly so I have a easy way to log my day-to-day activites..
15:36.59cr2i have installed qpegps and roadmap already, but there are some minor problems with the paths.
15:37.35cr2on the universal LCD it is really slick :)
15:38.35cr2you should replace "HI" on the logo with "AT+++"
15:40.39mndctrlcr2: hehe, nice suggestion ;)
16:12.47mndctrlcr2: you've had a look at rastermans eem (enlightment for embedded) ? looks great ;)
16:45.50lamikrcr2: Hi
17:03.57cr2hi lamikr
17:06.57lamikrcr2: Do you happen to be a xanadux admin?
17:08.12lamikrI would like to get write access for gomunicator. I have tried to contact cp15 but have not heard anything back.
17:08.43cr2no. i even don't have the write access to the webserver area for some reason.
17:09.42lamikrOh, i have had some patches pending that allows using h6300 as a phone.
17:13.08*** join/#htc-blueangel mndctrl (n=mind@
17:15.10lamikrcr2: Do you know who is w4xy?
17:15.44cr2no. he has created xanadux many moons ago, but then disappeared.
17:17.43lamikrit seems that cp15 has also not been for months?
17:18.27cr2he was unhappy that he was the only person working on this project ;-)
17:20.45lamikrcr2: Oh, cp15 was very helpfull for me when I asked some questions. But funny that now there seems to be quite many working with this :-)
17:22.45cr2that's because i have convinced the people with other htc phones to develop, and gathered a lot of info on these phones.
17:23.22cr2i don't see anything done on blueangel. maybe we can ask rob_w about it.
17:24.12lamikrcr2: Yes, the info is quite remarkable. Yes, it is shame that nothing happens there for now. It seemed pretty functional.
17:25.35lamikrh6300 would also need a little bit more help. The problems are not that big but it helps a lot of somebody is just cleaning user apps for example.
17:26.48lamikrcr2: h6300 has still one showstopper before it can be a usable phone. We believe that suspend works but do not know how to get event from powerbutton to invoke it from sleep.
17:29.00lamikrcr2: Do you happen to know what kind of methods cp15 used for measuring the power consumption? He seemed to be able to measure pretty exactly how much power was consumed when he was trying to reduce the power consumption.
17:32.35cr2i think he had some external hardware.
17:32.53cr2i have written a haret patch to get this data from wince.
17:33.13cr2i can also watch this battery monitor data in linux.
17:34.55cr2SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS_EX2 stat2;
17:35.04cr2GetSystemPowerStatusEx2(&stat2, sizeof(stat2), false)
17:35.33cr2this is what you need in wince.
17:36.01cr2if you are curious
17:36.24cr2this one is easy.
17:36.59cr2for the brainwashed numbers. lies, damn lies, statistics.
17:38.25lamikrNice. Unfortunately we do not have haret working in h6300. Are those haret command btw htc model dependent?
17:40.05cr2it will work on any wince.
17:40.15cr2since 2.12
17:41.46lamikrNice, so are they using wince api?
17:43.11cr2who ?
17:44.16cr2you can see the current consumption in wince.
17:44.18lamikrThose haret commands? That's the only way I understand that those voltage methods would be same for all devices.
17:45.45cr2haret is a wince program, and this is the c code :)
17:46.05cr2this c code will work on any wince > 2.12
17:46.33lamikrYes, I know. I just thought first that you had added some htc model specific assempler there to get the currency and battery info.
17:49.15cr2i have adapted the driver from hx4700. the ds267x monitor chip is quite common on ipaqs
17:49.39*** join/#htc-blueangel jeanseb (
17:50.34lamikrcr2: I do not have any idea what we have for currency monitoring. At least tsc2101 could be used for checking the battery status.
17:53.44lamikrcr2: Could you apply the gomunicator batch to cvs if I send it for you. It enables one init function for h6300 but others devices would not use that as they have set iniATCmd="" in config.
17:57.01lamikrjeanseb: Are you working with the htc devices?
17:59.13jeansebnot really
17:59.33jeansebI will when but need first to by a sd card :d
18:01.35lamikrjeanseb: Well, that's the start :-)
18:02.16jeansebyes but need to bye something else to came over the 100 € limit for shipping :D
18:03.33lamikrSo you do not have any local shops selling those? In here the sd card readers cost about 20 euro, and sd cards itself about 20-40 euro.
18:04.30jeansebyes but cost on local shop are expensive for this kind of stuff
18:04.55jeansebexcepting the  UC  big difference.
18:05.18jeansebBut as i m thinking about  laser color printer buying ;)
18:05.35lamikrWow, how much those costs nowadays?
18:05.58jeansebfrom 200 to 300 €
18:06.05jeansebmay 400
18:06.23jeansebfor "low cost" ones
18:06.30jeansebok go eating
18:06.55lamikrWell, not a bad price if the color last like in normal printers.
18:30.06*** join/#htc-blueangel BabelOued (
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19:35.32*** join/#htc-blueangel mndctrl (n=mind@
20:42.58cr2hi awelux
20:43.08aweluxhi cr2
20:43.25cr2have new pictures ? :)
21:00.37aweluxno not yet. I will get a campera on sunday
21:01.49aweluxI'm trying to get an initrd to work
21:02.09aweluxDo you have an idea what is needed for that?
21:02.34aweluxkernel gzip support and ext2 somehow?
21:06.07cr2just take one for the universal, it has the pxa27x_udc already.
21:08.47aweluxI don't understand yet how ithe rd get's decompressed.
22:00.17*** join/#htc-blueangel awelux (
22:15.11aweluxcr2, do you understand how the initrd is passed to the kernel? Or how the commandline is passed to the kernel?
22:15.46cr2not really. it just works :)
22:16.17cr2i also remember that there was a plan to get rid of initrd and replace it with initramfs.
22:16.26cr2which used a cpio archive.
22:17.21aweluxI just don't understand how the initrd location is passed to the kernel. I guess I broke it somehow
22:17.37cr2by haret in tags.
22:18.04*** join/#htc-blueangel AlphaPi[jr] (
22:18.04aweluxI thought haret doesn't build valid tags.
22:19.21aweluxand the tags are just pointers to the virtual addresses of kernel and initrd pages
22:25.18cr2haret builds the tags. there is a function for that in linboot.c
22:32.55aweluxI broke them
23:04.59aweluxI was confused because the offset of the tag list start to memory base and address list of kernel pages to base of preloades is both 0x100

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