irclog2html for #htc-blueangel on 20060324

00:01.45cr2you can send any AT command alone.
00:02.46aweluxI've played around with AT commands back when I had a modem.
00:03.06aweluxI wondered if you get the 4 as a response to any command or just to this seuqence
00:16.24cr2hmm. the phone reset disconnects the usb data link pxa-msm. it is ok. but then i get funny error messages.
00:16.47cr2uucp@blueangel:/home/root$ cu -l /dev/ttyS0 -s 115200
00:17.02cr2[WCDMA] DOG  (dog: ATS:00000)<x<xx<x<x
00:17.11cr2Error Fatal dog: ATS        0
00:17.20cr2DEBUGMSG 99
00:17.37cr2then the line is dead.
00:18.14cr2maybe i need these silly ^b^v escapes ? but they also do not help in "cu"...
00:20.52aweluxI tried starting the vmlinux kernel
00:21.11aweluxbut that's actually an elf file
00:21.49aweluxwith the kernel starting at 0x8000 in the elf file
00:22.34aweluxsince I'm loading the full file to 0xa0208000
00:22.52aweluxI understand now why the kernel seams to be at 0xa0210000
00:23.10aweluxgarbadge in/ garbadge out
00:24.02aweluxcr2, how big is the chance that the phone is not in gsm mode?
00:24.15aweluxAnd not taking at commands right now?
00:24.36cr2^@AT-Command Interpreter ready
00:24.52cr2it _is_ there
00:25.33cr2are you not loading zimage ?
00:26.30aweluxI had a different result loading the zImage and the vmlinux file. I thought the later is just uncompressed and wondered what is going on
00:27.14aweluxThought this might point the way to a bug in my code
00:27.41aweluxwith objdump I didn'T see that the content only started at 0x8000
00:49.39aweluxI think this will be a good weekend.
00:50.06aweluxDo you think that the pages containing the code are marked read only by wince?
00:54.41aweluxwhat I don't understand is that executing the vmlinux file starting at the very beginning seams to work.
00:55.30aweluxit's like the processor just continues exectuing it even though there is no executeable code.
00:59.41cr2i don't think arm supports noexec pages ?
01:00.24cr2i have seen such page flag only on alpha.
01:01.10cr2it is late. time to sleep. good night.
01:45.18*** join/#htc-blueangel abliss_ (
01:45.48abliss_anybody here?
06:50.02abliss_does anyone here actually talk? :)
06:51.04abliss_I am trying to boot linux on my new HTC universal... anybody willing to lend me a hand?
08:19.34*** join/#htc-blueangel awelux_ (
08:48.59*** join/#htc-blueangel mndctrl (n=mind@
09:15.15*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w|mis (
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16:55.14*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o rob_w] by ChanServ
17:26.13awelux_abliss_, hi. you were to late yesturday
17:26.18awelux_Everyone asleep
17:26.30awelux_a) get haret
17:30.57*** join/#htc-blueangel JuNuKN (
17:31.06JuNuKNHello awelux
17:31.33awelux_hi JuNuKN
17:32.00awelux_this weekend might get very exciting
17:32.10JuNuKNI read, that you are very optimistic for the we!
17:32.30JuNuKNDid you have some progresses? Found the final bug?
17:34.11awelux_probably not the final one
17:34.50awelux_but I've found a handfull of issues.
17:35.03awelux_I know why it didn't work initialy.
17:35.22awelux_And the debug code I added had some bugs.
17:36.06JuNuKNWhy doesn't it work? I read, that the programm was moved to the wrong memory location!
17:36.36awelux_ehh. That was a pebkac
17:36.45awelux_I loaded the wrong kernel file
17:37.39awelux_It did work a little (which is still a mystery to me) though I didn't think I would do something fundamentaly wrong.
17:38.24awelux_it looks like ARM ELF headers are actually executeable code by coincidence
17:38.30JuNuKNSo which progresses do you expect fro the wekend?
17:39.02awelux_I hope to enter the c code of the kernel
17:39.32JuNuKNGreat ... I will follow in each spare minute :o)    for the moment I was called for meal
17:40.33awelux_...  It still amazes me to no ends that americans don't have a phrase to wish each other a good meal.
17:41.38awelux_enjoy your meal ;)
18:34.19JuNuKN~seen husam
18:34.34apthusam <n=kvirc@> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-blueangel, 1d 18h 8m 19s ago, saying: 'Time for me to got o bed ... goodnight'.
18:37.32JuNuKN~seen cp15
18:37.37aptcp15 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-blueangel, 94d 19h 17m 8s ago, saying: 'So bye'.
19:09.38*** join/#htc-blueangel AlphaPi[jr] (
19:38.09*** join/#htc-blueangel angom_w (
19:54.55awelux_that was a really final so bye
20:00.01JuNuKNawelux_   have you meanwhile started the weekend  ;o)
20:01.05JuNuKNcan you point me on example asm-files, where you are working on ... for example of ba-stuff!?
20:01.10*** join/#htc-blueangel NT (
20:02.06awelux_hi NT
20:02.19NTI've just install gpe in my blueangel and i have a problem with de apc --suspend
20:02.34awelux_JuNuKN, yes. I'm working on haret's asm for example
20:02.36NTanyone knows anything about suspend the htc
20:02.58awelux_cr2 knows for sure.
20:03.09awelux_Should the suspend work?
20:03.18NTnot work
20:04.32NTi've only two problems, the suspend and the phone ring sound
20:04.40NTit's normal?
20:04.48awelux_ah. Sound on ba is an issue afaik
20:05.06awelux_Normal no. More like still broken.
20:06.35NTI like the system, but i can't use as a definitive operating system without suspend :(
20:08.25NTi need to carry the ba in the pocket
20:08.30awelux_Suspend is tricky.
20:08.50NTwhat's tricky mean?
20:08.52awelux_Because you have to shutdown and reinitialize the devices,.
20:09.21NTand block the screen?
20:09.35NTand turn off the light
20:09.58awelux_turn off the light shouldn't be a problem.
20:10.11awelux_turn off the screen might be tricky already.
20:10.27NThow i can turn off the light?ç
20:10.35awelux_Does the BA boot from windows or from directly from nothing?
20:10.48awelux_*Does the BA boot from windows or directly from nothing?
20:10.53NTfrom windows with haret
20:11.16awelux_That's what I thought. Then windows is doing the lcd setup
20:11.28awelux_blocking keys and turning off light should be possible
20:11.47NThow i do it?
20:12.08awelux_How should I know ;)
20:12.28awelux_Well I know that the light is controlled by a gpio pin of the pxa255
20:12.50awelux_So first I would look if the pxa lcd driver provides anything like this already.
20:13.03awelux_If not I would try to add it.
20:13.06NTis rarely because the actual gpe control the light intensity perfectly
20:13.45NTI don't understand why it can't turn off it
20:13.54awelux_so you can use gpe to control the brightness? ?
20:14.04NTwithout problem
20:14.15awelux_hmm. off/on and brightness might be different.
20:15.20awelux_I remember on my magician there was a pin that toggled when I turned backlight off in wince
20:15.27awelux_Just wait for cr2
20:15.37awelux_He has a ba.
20:15.48NTok, thanks
20:15.53awelux_And can tell you exactly what'S supported and what not.
20:25.07*** part/#htc-blueangel NT (
20:28.35*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w (
20:28.35*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o rob_w] by ChanServ
23:20.18abliss_hello? anybody?

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