irclog2html for #htc-blueangel on 20060307

00:01.09JuNuKNI have Linux Video Disk recorder and two Linux DBOX2's
00:01.44awelux_I'm glad I spend the time to learn linux. a) I'm working in that area now. b) I don't have the feeling I'm wasting my time doing the same things over and over.
00:02.04awelux_I do need a linux video disk recorder.
00:02.20awelux_I might come back to you there ;)
00:03.04JuNuKNShure ... Meanwhile the installing procedure is very simple with all distributions....
00:03.59JuNuKNAnd I am meanwhile able to do some scriptings :-)
00:07.11awelux_scripting is a strong side of all unix systems
00:09.40JuNuKNYes. The possibilities are great.
00:11.32JuNuKNBut now I am tired. good n8
00:11.57JuNuKNand much success with the porting issues
00:49.42*** join/#htc-blueangel awelux (
01:20.11*** join/#htc-blueangel Xcui (i=R[L]@
01:20.43Xcuican 1 help me ?
03:41.54*** join/#htc-blueangel hlbot (
07:56.06*** join/#htc-blueangel mndctrl_ (n=mind@
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08:21.38*** join/#htc-blueangel awelux_ (
08:28.30*** join/#htc-blueangel mndctrl (n=mind@
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19:22.44*** join/#htc-blueangel immolo (
20:09.55*** join/#htc-blueangel mndctrl (n=mind@
20:11.20cr2hi mndctrl
20:22.49rob_w~change 306 to eur
20:22.59rob_w~change 306 $ to euro
20:23.16rob_w~change 306 dollar to euro
20:23.33rob_w~change 306 usd to euro
20:48.49*** join/#htc-blueangel immolo (
23:07.33*** join/#htc-blueangel mndctrl (n=mind@
23:23.20cr2mndctrl ?
23:28.55rob_wseems pcmcia tv support for linux is poor .. we also need to help there !!  gdnight
23:43.51awelux_hi cr2. I've read about the mmu. I've mapped the vram. And traced the code into the part with MMU on.
23:44.24awelux_I've also a strange problem with the code when the ASM get's to large.
23:44.56awelux_The objdump seams ok but still it doesn't work.
23:46.56awelux_well, having mapped the vram I will retry to raise a lifesign far out in the code
23:55.02awelux_nur noch 6 asm instruktionen bis zu    bstart_kernel
23:55.20awelux_na ja, 10. aber nicht viele

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.