irclog2html for #htc-blueangel on 20060306

00:04.22aweluxI should upload what I have soon
00:04.51aweluxIt might help you with debuging the 2.6.15 kernel
00:12.04cr2that will be nice.
00:15.38aweluxdo we diable both, normal and fast irq's ?
07:49.48*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w|mis (
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20:26.24awelux_cr2, the kernel is linked at address 0xC0008000
20:26.32awelux_and not 0xa0008000
20:26.43awelux_which seams to be the main reasin it fails
20:27.11awelux_do you have an idea why the kernel is linked at the address 0xc0008000?
20:27.40awelux_It's slightly possible that this is intentional because the MMU is switchted on at that point,
20:28.08awelux_But I think they have a 1:1 mapping for the start of the kernel
20:28.49cr2hi awelux
20:29.14cr2the 0xC0008000 is the address where all linux kernels are linked.
20:29.21cr2it is virtual.
20:29.49cr2also on x86.
20:29.58cr2is it 3GB ?
20:32.29awelux_ok. then I've to double check the mmu table that is build
20:33.16awelux_shouldn't we pass the 0xc0008000 address somehow to the kernel ?
20:34.01cr2the kernel will setup it itself.
20:34.17cr2can you do a
20:34.25cr2pd 0xa0032000 100
20:34.47cr22 times
20:34.51awelux_ok ;)
20:34.54cr2and look at the 0x80 offset
20:39.37cr2pd 0xa0032000 0x100
20:39.39cr2of course
20:40.00awelux_some connection problems here with haret. will take a while to reinitialize
20:57.10awelux_HaRET(2)# pd 0xa0032000 0x100
20:57.10awelux_a0032000 | a0038210 a0038220 a0038230 a0038240 | .... ...0...@...
20:57.11awelux_a0032010 | a0038250 a0038260 a0038270 a0038280 | P...`...p.......
20:57.24awelux_a0032060 | a0038390 a00383a0 a00383b0 a00383c0 | ................
20:57.24awelux_a0032070 | a00383d0 a00383e0 a00383f0 a0038400 | ................
20:57.24awelux_a0032080 | 00003b70 00000000 00000000 00000000 | p;..............
20:57.25awelux_a0032090 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ................
20:57.49awelux_a0032070 | a00383d0 a00383e0 a00383f0 a0038400 | ................
20:57.49awelux_a0032080 | 00002630 00000000 00000000 00000000 | 0&..............
20:57.49awelux_a0032090 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ................
20:57.59awelux_so just a0032080 changes
20:58.32awelux_switched on flight mode
20:58.37awelux_nmno difference
20:59.27cr2ok. that means your usb host is stopped.
21:00.05cr2this 0x80 counter corrupts memory on the universal is the radio is off.
21:02.34awelux_the usb host shouldn'T be off
21:02.54awelux_I mean in flight mode the counter is still running.
21:43.23awelux_I think I've trouble to access the vram after the mmu was switched on
21:43.51awelux_what happens if I access an unmapped address?
21:44.03awelux_Do I get the physical address or an exception?
21:46.46cr2an exception
21:47.04awelux_that explains a lot i think
21:47.07cr2you need to map the fb.
21:47.19cr2add the pagetable entries.
21:47.37awelux_easier said then done. But I will try.
21:47.38cr2there was some VIDEO macro in the kernel, but imho, never used.
21:48.04cr2are you crazy ? :)
21:48.49awelux_lol. Did you mean that as a joke earlier?
21:59.52cr2it can be done, but is a really crazy stuff.
22:00.06cr2btw, i have working sound on the universal :)
22:02.10cr2bluetooth is not working. probably i still need to pull the reset asic3 gpio.
22:17.10awelux_I've seen some code special for debugging over serial
22:17.16*** join/#htc-blueangel JuNuKN (
22:18.41awelux_hi JuNuKN
22:18.53JuNuKNHello awelux_
22:19.04cr2use IR instead.
22:19.12cr2hi JuNuKN
22:19.23JuNuKNHello cr2 .... gratulation
22:20.18cr2thanks. but the touchscreen is very annoying, making everything unusable...
22:20.58JuNuKNYes I saw it ! But I am shure you will find out the trick!
22:21.18JuNuKNBut sound!!! on universal ... !
22:21.45awelux_is there a chance that with a deifferent setup of the ts chip everything will start to be linear ?
22:22.01awelux_yep congrat cr2
22:22.22cr2it is actually a more simple sound setup than ba/hima/magician.
22:22.44cr2i don't even know which ts chip is used.
22:23.01cr2you can test this driver, because magician has this chip.
22:23.15JuNuKNmaybe some combination between the intensity of stylus pressure which will define some kind of multiplier or what ever.
22:23.58cr2it is probably easier to disassemble the wince dll and look for the setup values.
22:24.36JuNuKN... oh wrong keyboard ... sorry
22:25.06cr2i will solve the nonlinearity problem. there is also another one with some random jumps.
22:25.18cr2which are not really random.
22:25.28cr2so averaging does not help very much.
22:30.56JuNuKNMaybe some to slow clock speed, which does not allow to messure the coordinates correct for the hardware ?
22:33.16cr2don't know. i will wait a bit. there are two other drivers for the compatible hardware.
22:33.44cr2the ultimate solution is of course to look what the wince is doing.
22:35.35cr2you can test it on the magician anyway, a i have said.
22:36.55cr2awelux, why don't you want to use the IR port for debugging ?
22:37.15JuNuKNInteresting! I will test also later, if magician has a state, where I can test with it.
22:38.04cr2once the kernel will boot, the framebuffer and touchscreen are the same as on the universal.
22:38.15cr2sound is the same as on blueangel.
22:38.27cr2no asic3 - no pain.
22:38.37cr2everything is on pxa272.
22:38.52cr2a dream machine :) for porting..
22:39.35JuNuKN:)  but to less ram for a liunux machine!? Or not?
22:40.02cr2the same as on the unuversal. with smaller framebuffer, so it will be faster.
22:41.53JuNuKNI have only arround 20MB free memory of my 64MB (under CE). That is the biggest disadvantage against himalaya or blueangel. And the screen was better on Hima and on BA. Especially in sunlight!
22:43.25cr2but the dpi.
22:43.42JuNuKNNevertheless, the form factor is great! It is still wearable ;o)
22:43.42cr2and you have a smaller battery now.
22:44.05cr2yeah. i prefer a780 as a real phone.
22:44.06JuNuKNThe battery holds longer as on hima!
22:44.26cr2it's obvious.
22:44.34cr2less RAM, smaller screen.
22:44.48cr2less hardware
22:44.52cr2no 2D accel.
22:44.55JuNuKNBut there are optional bigger batteries for Hima and Blueangel ... Maybe later again an BA
22:45.19cr2ba has a bigger battery
22:45.35cr2which does not fit into the cradle :)
22:45.43cr2and ba is very fast
22:45.47JuNuKNThe screen has same resolution :o) and I don't want to watch movies on it  ;o)
22:45.49cr2compared to the universal.
22:46.02cr2ba is the best for movies.
22:46.20cr2because of the hardware IDCT.
22:47.09cr2as i have said, i wish they have put the universal LCD into ba. a dream machine.
22:48.55cr2it is a pity that nobody is doing ba development now.
22:48.59JuNuKNI would prefer the hima .... the hardware seems more robust to me against BA. Especially the keyboard I would dislike on BA, because I would evertime expect, that it got contact problems when pulling out and in every day. But one big advantage on BA is Wifi .... which is yet not usable under linux ... why I bought a hima last time.
22:49.50cr2no contact problems on ba.
22:50.13cr2it is only the LCD that moves.
22:50.34cr2and it will loosen over time.
22:51.00JuNuKNBut for the moment I like my magician. Do you think it will work over years? I read a lot on ebay, from people, which send there ba to repair because of keyboard problems.
22:51.57JuNuKNAnd the "flat-band-cable", wouldn't it break with the time?
22:52.18cr2in principle, it is a solid design. spi keyboard.
22:52.35cr2the flat LCD cable ?
22:52.51JuNuKNYes, that was the thing I ment.
22:53.01JuNuKNOr the cable to the keyboard
22:53.11cr2don't think so. it is very long, so the mechanical stress is minimal.
22:53.33cr2the keyboard cable is fixed and does not move.
22:54.19cr2it's like the flatband on the scanner.
22:54.30JuNuKNMaybe I will buy such a device next time again, when my display on magician breaks. It would not be the first display, which break on my devices  :o)
22:54.31cr2also very long one.
22:55.02cr2that's why i like a780 and universal.
22:55.04JuNuKNFirst on PALM, Next on MDA1
22:57.04JuNuKNBut now I will stop to interrupt you and will see, what comes to run this night ;o)
22:57.58cr2:) i am tired for today.
22:58.12cr2and i need to write the asic3 dumper some time.
22:58.35cr2and i need a commandline tool to talk to the  htc modem.
22:58.48cr2and the stupid openembedded does not work.
22:59.05cr2and why did they included 'tslib' in the ba ???
22:59.19cr2tsdev, not tslib.
22:59.37cr2an unnecessary kernel module.
23:02.17cr2the channel header here says "org.openembedded.oz354fam083", but there is no BA config there!!!
23:02.52cr2only in and dreambox, which do not want to compile at all.
23:04.30awelux_strange world ;)
23:05.24awelux_cr2, I don't want to use the ir because I don't have an ir port on my pc
23:05.34awelux_Only on the notebook
23:05.48awelux_but that's so noisy that I don't like it
23:07.40cr2i can think about only one reason it does not boot. memory corruption by some device.
23:08.04JuNuKNawelux_ : I do my sync meanwhile only via IR or cable, because BT will  pair again and again  :o)
23:09.31cr2i have found the LCD contrast control on the universal.
23:09.55JuNuKNcr2 ... or one interrupt vector for a interrupt method, which is not disabled and not initialized?
23:11.00cr2the kernel requirements to the bootloader are clear: stop the dma, stop the interrupts, switch mmu off. that's all.
23:11.16cr2the kernel will take care of the rest.
23:12.00cr2haret should power down and switch off all the devices.
23:12.07cr2including LCD actually.
23:12.30cr2it is difficult to debug
23:12.59cr2that's why the serial port is the best option.
23:13.09cr2or the IR in out case.
23:13.48awelux_I dug out an old IR reciever for the ir remote control project
23:13.54awelux_was it itda?
23:14.00awelux_*irda ?
23:14.00cr2since you don't know the purpose of all the gpios, it can be difficult to power up everything again.
23:14.07JuNuKNhopefully nothing is forgotten!? Better to initialize whole memory with nops and a final jump to catch possible illegal method calls ...?,
23:14.24cr2that's why i am writing the asic3 dumper for the universal.
23:14.50cr2SIR at 9600, if you don't change anything.
23:14.58cr2that's how wince works.
23:15.13awelux_ah lirc
23:15.24awelux_I've an reciever for lirc
23:18.16awelux_but it doiesn't work
23:19.40cr2can you compile the kernel with the simple fb ?
23:20.11cr2we can then modify haret to switch everything off.
23:20.38cr2btw, what is the fb memory dma descriptor ?
23:20.54cr2pd 0xSRAM 0x100
23:22.21cr2oh.  #error Machine byte order unknown.
23:22.25cr2in glibc.
23:23.04cr2fcking OE.
23:24.12cr2it was working for OZ. hmm. but it uses different gcc.
23:25.22awelux_what is OE ?
23:25.25awelux_and OZ?
23:26.10JuNuKNopen embedded ... some kind of gentoo  ;o) and Open Zaurus ...
23:29.11awelux_ah. thanks
23:29.46awelux_HaRET(1)# pd 0xSRAM 0x100
23:29.47awelux_Error: line 1: Expected a number, got 0xSRAM
23:29.47awelux_Error: line 1: Expected <vaddr> <size>
23:30.21JuNuKNopen embedded will manage to download all sourcecodes, compile a cross compilation chain, kernel and everything ... If you have prepared a script for it.
23:33.07cr2the SRAM address is needed :)
23:33.18awelux_HaRET(4)# pd 0xa0000000 100
23:33.19awelux_a0000000 | 80080bb4 00003a7f a0660000 00000001 | .....:....f.....
23:33.19awelux_a0000010 | ffffc764 6000001f 4000003f 5ffff9cf | d......`?..@..._
23:33.19awelux_a0000020 | feffbbef 7f77fffd 6fff7ffd f7577ff7 | ......w....o..W.
23:33.21awelux_like that ?
23:33.58cr20xa0000000 is DRAM.
23:34.35cr2JuNuKN: OE is a complete mess now. i get different error messages on different computers
23:34.36awelux_sig. I think I will never understand this asm
23:34.55cr2and the error messages change in the last days.
23:35.00awelux_seamingly harmless code causes everything to fail
23:35.05cr2they are making some massive chanhes there.
23:35.57JuNuKNYes I have had same problems as I tested it. And at the end my machine crashes the filesystem ... but that seems more a hardware problem on my desktop.
23:37.09JuNuKNYou should use a special tagged version to start with OE.
23:38.03cr2does not work also.
23:38.07cr2i have tried.
23:38.40JuNuKNWasn't it immolo, which prepared OE for BA!?
23:38.55JuNuKNMaybe he can be from help here.
23:41.41cr2lkcl has written a lot of patches and actually compiled gpe and opie.
23:41.49cr2some time ago.
23:42.03cr2even on an amd64 cpu.
23:44.42cr2good night.
23:48.14JuNuKNgood night cr2
23:49.33JuNuKNawelux_ : what is the actual status of magician port ?
23:49.55awelux_the asm seams instable
23:50.04awelux_the objdump is ok though
23:51.25JuNuKNSo no running kernel at the moment?
23:51.36awelux_guess I've to buy a IR serial port.
23:51.43awelux_no. no kernel yet
23:53.13JuNuKNYou do it the first time?
23:54.30awelux_This arm asm is confusing the heck out of me
23:54.36JuNuKNGreat!  I am a linux beginner :o)
23:54.49awelux_it's stopping at odd places
23:55.05awelux_for no obvious reason
23:56.58JuNuKNI have to less time to "learn" it .... I have familie and job. I may expect, that you are student?
23:57.32JuNuKNThat where good days! A lot of time for such researches!
23:58.02awelux_but I started with linux while I was still a student
23:58.07JuNuKNThat time windows programming was hip, because win3.0 came out.
23:58.34awelux_Started in the 5th semester with linux.
23:58.56JuNuKNI also started with linux, but only on user level and a view small escapes in details ...
23:59.08awelux_and at the end of the 8th I decided that I should spend more time with my studies to finish at all.
23:59.31JuNuKNI started to use linux 2 years ago. ... and tested it several times/years before

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