irclog2html for #htc-blueangel on 20060217

00:01.01cr2ok. i don't need = before the label. then it looks much better.
00:01.35cr2so i did:
00:01.45cr2ldr r7. myfb
00:02.09cr2myfb: .long 0xa3faa000
00:04.29awelux_I get into the preloader !
00:04.44awelux_that took how many days ?
00:08.15cr2assembler programming is fun.
00:08.53cr2now i need to understand why sti() and icmr=0 break my fb refresh.
00:12.03awelux_And I need to check if I get past the MMU switch off
00:12.24cr2it should be easy ?
00:12.44awelux_yes. easy
00:12.49awelux_njust takes time
00:12.56awelux_and a cold reset
00:13.13awelux_I guess that is a good sign
00:13.25cr2+ for wince2005.
00:14.00awelux_wince2005 needs no cold reset?
00:17.04awelux_the mmu switch off fails it seams
00:17.42cr2that is difficult. it is probably the most hardcore arm stuff.
00:18.59awelux_I will continue tomorrow. cu cr2
00:19.06cr2good night.
00:19.21awelux_all these cold resets are taking to long for tonight ^^
04:24.03*** join/#htc-blueangel pigeon (
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08:02.33*** join/#htc-blueangel geers_ (
08:24.10*** join/#htc-blueangel awelux__ (
12:04.04*** join/#htc-blueangel dullard (
14:39.06mndctrlI'm working on a common gsm library based upon gomunicator among others... Since there already is a libgsm (wich deals with gsm audio or something) under OE, what should I call it?
14:39.11mndctrllibgsmdial ?
14:53.04*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w (
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19:38.56awelux__what is the scope of this library? All gsm realted stuff or just managing connections?
19:47.37cr2hi awelux
20:01.37cr2found one more dumb mistake. if the interrupts are disabled you can't call sleep() ;)
20:05.56awelux__eh. yes. I noticed that a while ago ;)
20:06.51cr2writing to the fb works well. now i need to check if the mov pc, r3 is passed.
20:09.38awelux__I found that I get past the MMU code
20:09.49awelux__but not the lines before that invalidate the cache
20:11.00awelux__And I downloaded the xscale manuals
20:11.01cr2the tlb ?
20:11.37awelux__the xscale core developers manual
20:12.07awelux__on the intel ftp in downloads/xscale is some interesting stuff
20:13.32awelux__I'm still searching the xscale architecture reference manual though
20:13.44cr2ok. i will think about writing to the asic3 gpio reg.
20:14.01awelux__Ah good ;)
20:14.14awelux__I mean the arm architecture reference manual
20:14.42cr2it's probably on the arm site.
20:44.41cr2ok. i can boot the kernel with the IR console now. the kernel oopses, but it is probably a config problem. the ir output is messed up, and the pxafb is not initialized. hmm.
20:45.04awelux__still nice
20:45.27cr2have you found the ir enable gpio ?
20:45.58awelux__I don't have an ir port on my pc anyway
20:46.16awelux__I've a small ir adapter for the serial port though
20:46.37awelux__It was for using remote controls.
20:46.44awelux__I can use it with irda
20:46.56awelux__not sure if that would work as console
20:47.18awelux__But for now that is not important
20:47.25awelux__I still don't reach the kerneƶ
20:47.33cr2ok. i think that booting is not a problem now. pxafb is a problem.
20:47.41cr2try my version.
20:49.54awelux__the source
20:49.59cr2i have commented out the non-portable stuff.
20:52.29cr2ok. uploaded.
20:53.08cr2run a diff to be sure.
20:58.22awelux__the ARM reference manual
20:58.24awelux__800 pages
21:48.42cr2awelux, i have usb eth gadget running, ping -f works :) can't login, probably the dropbear in the ramdisk is confused. ir output is not really readable.
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22:21.35cr2wow! i am impressed with my own work.
22:21.53cr2i can login over usb-rndis
22:21.59cr2and mount the sd card
22:22.29cr2and write to the sd card, so the asic3 sd driver works.
22:23.37cr2if the pxafb init problem will be solved, then we can talk about gpe/opie :)
22:32.01*** join/#htc-blueangel frank__ (n=user@
23:01.25awelux__nthat is verty nice
23:01.32awelux__<-- was playing bzflag again
23:02.21cr2i think you will have the same problems (and solutions) now.
23:03.22awelux__mcrp15, 0, r0, c7, c10, 4@ Drain write buffer
23:03.22awelux__mcrp15, 0, r0, c7, c7, 0@ invalidate I+D & BTB
23:03.29awelux__these still seam to cause problems
23:04.04cr2i have thought that you can boot my kernel on magician.
23:04.15awelux__I didn't try that yet.
23:04.19awelux__Will do
23:04.21cr2pxafb params are different, but is does not work anyway.
23:04.36cr2you can also comment out the asic3 stuff.
23:04.47cr2usb is the same and should work.
23:05.03cr2my ramdisk is from blueangel.
23:05.14awelux__do I have to select a certain port?
23:05.32cr2with the "universal" modules added
23:05.33awelux__my magician is using right now
23:05.40cr2-un0 branch.
23:06.08cr2192.168.0.205 - host , 206 - phone. exactly as the blueangel.
23:06.25awelux__What is the IoRemap doing ?
23:06.44cr2you don't need it.
23:06.49awelux__I should try to reconfigure my firewall for these ports then
23:06.58cr2it is a dirty hack.
23:08.29cr2compile the pxa-mci modules.
23:09.06cr2with the correct irq you should have a working mmc (maybe sd too).
23:09.38awelux__sounds quite good. what haret to use? your new one ?
23:10.07*** part/#htc-blueangel frank__ (n=user@
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23:10.40cr2it works very stable now.
23:12.05cr2maybe needs a patch to work with bigger ramdisks. but not really necessary to help bloatware writers ;)
23:14.41awelux__bloatware. Image:
23:15.15awelux__currently when writing software you don't reinvent everything but take other modules when they exist
23:15.38awelux__now these modules usually have dependencys on their own.
23:16.31awelux__nif the each module needs more than one other module on average to run the amount of modules needed goes against infinity.
23:16.54cr2i have 900K kernel + 5.3MB ramdisk. the tests say it will work up to 7.5MB
23:16.56awelux__that's why you can easily install 1-2 CD's of software just to get a webpage running
23:17.09cr2there is an X server on the ramdisk!!!
23:18.28cr2but you can't remove it with just "rm" :)
23:22.53awelux__the blue line on the sceen just got red
23:23.17cr2wait a bit.
23:23.33awelux__I added an led off command.
23:23.54cr2then connect the usb cable and do "lsusb"
23:24.55awelux__that no change there
23:25.21awelux__what I don't understand:
23:25.34awelux__The part that draws red pixels in the asm is commented out
23:26.32cr2there is c code before linux_start
23:26.54awelux__ah. good
23:27.30awelux__I understand
23:28.46awelux__you used that instead of switching of led's or so
23:28.54awelux__to see where you can gt
23:29.37cr2black,blue,green,red. should be a function.
23:30.13awelux__what was the problem with the old code ?
23:30.36awelux__you changed the way how memory for the kernel is allocated
23:31.11cr2the ptable entries were sometimes =0xffffffff. it is never tested.
23:32.43cr2allocating memory with malloc() is not very wince-physmem-alloc-style. malloc is LocalAlloc. stupid micro$oft invention.
23:33.11cr2what a braindamage.
23:34.18awelux__if writing braindamadged stuff helps them that no sane person would want to emulate their API they reached theri goal ;)
23:36.14cr2instead of the linux ioremap they have such an obfuscated code api with obscure parameters, that their own programmerz made multiple mistakes in the inplementation!
23:38.04cr2mmiospace was leaking memory, and it is _necessary_ to use virtualfree(,mem_decommit) before virtualfree(,mem_release). the m$ docs don't say that. it is "empirical knowledge".
23:40.24*** join/#htc-blueangel dullard (
23:41.21cr2it is actually virtualfree(ptr,size,*) but the "size" _must_ be zero on "physical" allocations, otherwise you will leak memory :) and it was ms own code that leaked memory !
23:42.03cr2high quality programming.
23:42.24cr2linux is so simple compared to that shit.
23:43.33awelux__yes. But you have to give them credit that it's convenient for the end user. Not sophisticated or great but convenient,
23:45.57cr2if somebody has ported the coredll from wine to wince and has written the coff loader, wince will be really toast. and wince-wine will be much easier than "real" wine.
23:46.51cr2ms made it really easy. if you will look at the coredll disassembly, it is a jump table.
23:48.07awelux__hmm. good plan ^^
23:48.45awelux__nyes. if users could ru their wince apps on any handheld they wouldn't care if it's running wince or linux
23:50.02awelux__gee. how can you live with a new gnuharet name on every recompile ?
23:50.29cr2i remember running solitair in 1995 on my 386dx25 linux box with 4MB ram. that was really cool. would like to test that on wince :)
23:50.51cr2it was intentional. to upload the binaries to
23:52.11cr2make inst and make instz
23:52.26awelux__1995 is early. I converted from win to linux from 1997-1998
23:53.07awelux__I remember I installed several win95 betas but had no interest in updating to win98
23:53.32cr2i converted in late summer 1994 :) that's why i am so much anti-ms zealot :)
23:53.33awelux__Actually I deleted the win98 just last year.
23:53.44awelux__1994 is freaking early
23:54.43cr2i worked with x11 on a vax before even seeing windows 3.0. win3.1 was very lame. no network display, no tcpip.
23:56.27cr2and idiotic turbo pascal and m$ fortran with 64K segments for code and data. when there as 16MB ram on the vax, and good DEC compilers that really used it.
23:57.01awelux__ah. yes compared to such compuers the early pc's must have been real toys.
23:57.43awelux__I've an old slackware CD here with kernel 1.2.13
23:58.09awelux__I rmember we installed it once and started X
23:58.21awelux__But  we were not impressed. We didn't start a WM ;)
23:59.34cr2then there was alpha with 64bit cpu already in 1993. DEC was so great in engineering...

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