irclog2html for #htc-blueangel on 20060203

00:27.03*** join/#htc-blueangel hlbot (
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07:34.48*** join/#htc-blueangel lee ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:25.56*** join/#htc-blueangel wizart (
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16:12.03*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o rob_w] by ChanServ
17:13.58*** join/#htc-blueangel JuNuKN (
17:15.13JuNuKNThats my himalaya version, which is running with sd card access.
17:19.27*** join/#htc-blueangel iclem (
17:19.46mndctrlJuNuKN: nice ;)
17:20.19iclemhi room
17:20.26JuNuKNHello iclem ... nice to see you again, after so long time ;o)
17:20.33mndctrlthat should be the default install-howto ;)
17:20.36iclemvery busy these times
17:21.29JuNuKNSorry, that I posted your perfect hima-instructions at the moment!  I hoped, to find someone else, which can help me with further progresses  ;o)
17:22.17iclemi've bitbaked my first himalaya image with oe, but not tested yet
17:23.01iclemno time, need to be cloned
17:23.12JuNuKNGreat !  Are you open for (maybe) a simple question for you regarding the hima-image, you build before!?
17:23.50iclemof course (btw it's _not_ an himalaya image, but the default h3900 one)
17:23.54JuNuKNIt's OK ... Only to know, that you are still interested in further steps on himalaya.
17:25.36JuNuKNI am shure, somehow you managed to get a console in the image. Maybe on seriell line or in GPE UI itself.   .... ;o(   I wasn't able to manage this, and so couldn't tried to test inside the images in simple way
17:25.56iclemyes with ssh over usbnet
17:26.33iclemsomething i don't kwnow about is the broken rxvt that can't open any pty
17:26.49JuNuKNAhhh, - so my trys, with ttyS1 are not the best idea  :)
17:27.16iclemand i can't test serial related stuff as I don't have serial cable
17:27.54JuNuKNI have to seriell cables here ....
17:28.56JuNuKNrxvt reports something from a wrong color, which it couln't solve ...
17:30.02iclemthat is not the real problem, these messages happened with another image where rxvt worked
17:30.16iclemhave you tried the opie image ?
17:30.58JuNuKNNo not yet ... din't know, which is a one, allowed to use with my device (and to patch with my modules)
17:31.27iclemJuNuKN: don't hesitate to test
17:31.51iclembtw you can just use lkcl's BA opie-image
17:32.40iclemthe kernel i compiled for you is module free, it's just intended to test these images on mmc
17:32.45JuNuKNOK ... so this will be my next test! Maybe I got at least a console inside the distribution.
17:32.56iclemwithout need to tweak them to boot
17:33.20iclemmaybe need to tweak them to fully work, but not to boot
17:33.50JuNuKNSo there is no hardware specific stuff inside the distributions itself?
17:34.33iclemyes there is, but do not prevent to boot
17:35.03iclemexample : bluetooth from BA image will not prevent your GPE to boot
17:35.51JuNuKNAnd it cannot destroy my device, by switching some gpio lines .... for example with the buildin suspend stuff and so on
17:36.27iclemI can just tell it has not destroyed mine
17:38.18JuNuKNOK ... You know, I didn't know much from linux and kernel stuff, so I am, - perhaps craven
17:38.50iclemmm lemme check what "craven" means
17:39.47iclem!x en fr craven
17:40.13JuNuKNmeans gutless  ... I serached also in dictionary  ;o)         lkcl ... seems to be much further ... he has reported, to be able to get sound and phone working.... sad, that there is no image with this stuff
17:40.25iclemoops bad window
17:41.27iclemi've not managed to get sound from BA sound module, i must have missed something
17:42.08JuNuKNHe has written it into the wiki page ... and now he is away for a month or so ... (read in log)
17:42.25iclemneed to run now, be back later
17:43.15JuNuKNThanks a lot, - to be online again  ... and still interrested on porting linux to the device!
17:43.45JuNuKNAre you from germany or france ?
17:47.10JuNuKNcr2 .. are you online today ? How about your universal? Should be back now!
18:56.54wizarticlem, around ?
18:59.09wizartah. got the message. thanks. I will try this over the weekend.
22:47.11*** join/#htc-blueangel iclem (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.