irclog2html for #htc-blueangel on 20060118

07:32.39*** join/#htc-blueangel geers (n=DevzMan@
10:33.33*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w-cgi (
10:33.33*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o rob_w-cgi] by ChanServ
14:17.20*** join/#htc-blueangel |jurop88| (
17:35.12*** join/#htc-blueangel petaflot (
18:56.21*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w (
18:56.22*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o rob_w] by ChanServ
19:49.55*** join/#htc-blueangel JuNuKN (
20:09.03*** join/#htc-blueangel eXi (
20:18.55JuNuKNHello cr2 .... has the Universal Update from t-Mob worked ?
20:40.22cr2hi JuNuKN. the update worked, but it did not solve the problem. i will send the phone to the repair center now.
20:42.56JuNuKNOK fine. Hoped for you, that it matches.
20:44.11cr2do you want to destroy your magician ? you can download my latest haret version and test it :)
20:48.45rob_wpoor cr2
20:52.01JuNuKN;o)   Oh now, better not destroying it !    What is new in the HaRET ?
20:58.34cr2i want to do the automatic detection of MTYPE, added "ps" and "kill" commands, memory allocation tests. if it will work, i have two other ideas how to do it even better.
21:00.06JuNuKNSounds not that problematic .... Have you tested it on your device?
21:02.00cr2i have no htc device. only jornada820. and it works there. lkcl tested it on his universal and said that it works.
21:03.18JuNuKNHave you send you universal back now?
21:03.55cr2i have an idea then to link the kernel and the initrd as windows resources to haret, and then load haret as a wince device driver :)
21:04.41JuNuKNAnd what is the end goal of it ? the benefit ?
21:04.48cr2make a cab file that installs the "device driver" which then installs linux.
21:04.58rob_wsounds nice will be happy ;-) as you protect their current session then , right
21:06.52cr2if you can grab enough memory from wince, let's say 32-64mb ram, then it is possible to run linux only in this memory. great on hima and ba without wince2005
21:07.35rob_wwhy is ce 2005 a problem when not having it ??
21:08.29cr2it has no ramdisk, so you don't need a extrom reinstall after the linux reboot.
21:09.23cr2for somebody who wants just to test linux it is excellent. a bit like an idea behind knoppix
21:12.58JuNuKNSounds ok, but probably it should be enought to backup your data, test linux and maybe restore the session again. To much work for that goal ... the hardware is still not supported completely and no SD-Image for the Himalaya for example that works (At least not for my 04 board).
21:13.28JuNuKNSo maybe there are better places to invest the time   ;o)
21:13.32cr2blame lkcl :)
21:14.00cr2i have looked into BT on hima.
21:14.14cr2seems to be a tough job.
21:14.55cr2it is unlikely to be done. too much effort.
21:16.30JuNuKN... ok, but maybe suspend, sound  and a distribution packages for us poor linux beginners  ;o)
21:17.17JuNuKNThe way it is done for BA ... starting via autostart from sd card and over HaRET
21:17.48cr2it seems that the first device to be completely  supported will be universal ;) lkcl says "at least in a year"  :) but he is too pessimistic.
21:18.08cr2i am not very happy with haret on universal.
21:18.18JuNuKNMaybe the producent can sell the prepared sd card on epay to earn some money for his work   ;o))
21:18.53cr2and you can see how many support traffic here the arcane install procedure creates.
21:20.06JuNuKN.... Yeahr maybe you are right   ;o(P)    bt if it is documented in a wiki it should be automatically supported by the users
21:21.42cr2we need to copy the technical information from xda-dev to it is better to have a backup.
21:22.21JuNuKNAnd hopefully the installprocedure should than be limited, to insert the card in the device ... and if no longer wished, remove the card out of the device and do a hardreset.
21:23.34cr2i don't see a reason why we are not compiling 4 kernels and 4 gpe/opie distributions at once.
21:24.32cr2himalaya, bluenagel, universal and magician.
21:24.44rob_wbbl , bath
21:30.09JuNuKNBye cr2 ... I have to leave now ... will be a hard week.
21:30.22cr2good night.
22:04.55*** join/#htc-blueangel torgweg (
22:05.13torgweghello folks
22:05.55torgwegheya too !!
22:06.32torgwegi tried as promise to install locale-base-fr package.
22:07.01rob_w..and ?
22:07.08torgwegi use ipkg. it said it was configured but nothing change in language.
22:07.24torgwegdid i missed something ?
22:07.41rob_wthen you need to select the locale fr on logon
22:07.52torgwegno selection available
22:08.03torgwegonly german and english
22:08.19rob_wthen you are missing the core fr package on gpe and ...
22:10.26torgwegi can only see one line on the last post (newbie, newbie ...)
22:10.55rob_whang on dude
22:11.44rob_wlook also for packages glibc-localdata-fr-fr  or similar
22:22.01torgwegI install gpe-login-locale-fr and glibc-locale-fr. Some menus and itms are translated.
22:22.13torgwegthanks for your help.
22:23.05*** join/#htc-blueangel dullard (
22:29.58torgwegi  continue to explore and write down what i found. see you
22:30.26*** part/#htc-blueangel torgweg (

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