irclog2html for #htc-blueangel on 20060117

05:37.05*** join/#htc-blueangel iclem_ (
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10:53.15mind_I'm trying to mount initrd with the -o loop command, to check out the linuxrc script for the opie image, but I obviously need to specify the fs type... wich is it? ext3, ext2, vfat all give me errors...
10:55.31mind_nevermind ;)
11:38.17mind_lkcl: the linuxrc script starts the /sbin/init script (wich is a binary file, so I can't study it). Don't I need a different initrd for opie? One with the correct /sbin/init script for opie? I've just been usin the same for both...?!? Gpe booted just fine btw ;)
11:41.29mind_or should I just add /mnt/etc/init.d/opie to it myself? hmm..
11:41.44mind_I guess everyone's at work or someting ;) crap.. hehe..
11:41.58lkclno you don't need a different linuxrc
11:42.14mind_oh, hey lkcl ;)
11:42.24lkclif one boots, the other will.
11:42.54mind_yeah, they both boot, but when I have the opie image on the 2nd partitin, it donesnt start opie...
11:43.01lkcl_if_ you have the right modules, the right layout, and have created the subdirectory "oldroot" on the 2nd partition.
11:43.40mind_hmm... this oldroot thing I've never heard about before.. is there a ba-opie-howto I've missed or somethign?
11:43.51lkclno, i just remembered it.
11:43.55mind_ah ;)
11:44.13mind_well, whats up with this oldroot then? where to put it etc?
11:44.24lkclin the root directory of the 2nd partition.
11:44.33mind_ok... put something in it?
11:44.44lkclit's used by pivot_root to move the initrd ramdisk mounted root "somewhere else".
11:45.04mind_ah ;) so just an empty dir then...
11:45.14mind_ok, I'll give it another go ;)
11:45.15lkclpivot_root "swaps" the mount point of the 2nd partition and the mountpoint of the initial ramdisk
11:54.35rob_w-cgii just dont get the GIT scm software .. ts
11:56.58mind_lkcl: about the modules, should they be in /lib/modules, or in /lib/modules/2.6.12-hh2-xda0-ba0 ?
12:00.04mind_or in some other dir? On the gpe image theres modules under both and ?!?
12:04.00lkclyou _know_ that your kernel is 2.6.12-hh2-xda0-ba0.
12:04.03lkclwakey wakey, mind :)
12:04.13lkcltherefore everything else is going to be irrelevant.
12:04.32mind_hehe, tnx ;)
12:04.41lkclyou're running linux on your pc, aren't you? (with an initial ramdisk?)
12:04.51lkcltake a look in /lib/modules on your pc.
12:05.00lkcland then look in /boot
12:05.13lkclyou'll see it's exactly the same story.
12:05.14mind_I did, and they're there ;) I just wanted to be sure...
12:05.35lkclack, dude.
12:12.54mind_lkcl: Why is there no kernel source on the opie image? There's two on the gpe image... don't we need any?!
12:14.12lkclkernel source.... there's no kernel source on any of the images.  you mean a symbolic link to a subdirectory where, if you also had gcc _and_ the kernel sources on the image you would be able to build your own kernel _on_ the blueangel?
12:14.30lkclyou don't want to do thaaat
12:14.39mind_oh, okthen ;)
12:15.12cr2hi guys
12:15.30lkclheya cr2
12:15.38mind_cr2: hi dude ;)
12:16.03cr2lkcl, i have seend the two kernel trees on gpe image. thought that somebody was on drugs :)
12:17.24cr2i have the lcd off sequence for universal
12:18.47lkclno, no drugs needed, here.
12:19.38cr2objdump has hurted my brain. do you have ida, lkcl ? what did they want for the linux upgrade ?
12:19.55lkclyeh, i do - haven't upgraded yet.
12:20.11lkclnothing, because i have a recent-ish version (18 months ago)
12:21.42cr2we need a touchscreen driver. at first something that dumps the spi datastream. my guess is that it is ti2046
12:23.53lkclthe chip could well be in the screen's lid.
12:24.33cr2when we will see the datastream, we can do something with it.
12:25.13cr2you can dump the spi parameters with haret, and we know the irq.
12:28.33cr2lkcl, there is another thing that only you can do. the "backlight ?" asic3 gpios. i think that the real one is gpioa15, it is switched off after the lcd. you can easily check with haret, what are the others doing
12:29.17cr2the brightness is on pxa pwm1. all other pwms are not used.
12:41.39mind_well, put you're hands together ;) Opie's up and running! And its mighty fine, mighty fine indeed ;);) hehe..
12:45.16cr2mind_: do you have qpegps and/or roadmap there ?
12:52.59mind_cr2: sorry, why?
12:56.13mind_cr2: doesn't seem to be on the image...
12:57.30cr2gsm and gps. the rest is irrelevant :)
12:57.50mind_hehe ;) okthen... I'll get to work on the gsm bit asap ;)
12:58.06mind_I put the image here; in case anyone would like a booting opie image...
12:58.36mind_I only added the modules and the oldroot dir, nothing fancy ;)
12:58.45mind_but it boots ;)
12:58.54mind_and starts opie...
12:59.41cr2wow! t-mob has finally provides an update for the universal. i will try it.
13:00.02cr2i can't type today ;)
13:11.24lkclis the touchscreen happy, mind?
13:11.39lkclwe'll get you some new fingers, cr2.
13:12.35cr2still, i don't believe it will work, but will try.
13:13.20cr2lkcl, dump the i2s sacr0 and sacr1 regs, and the ssp control regs.
13:15.27lkclokay... 1sec...
13:15.38lkclwhere are they?
13:17.30mind_lkcl: the touchscreen works just fine, yeah ;)
13:17.54mind_having some trouble with battery and sustend...
13:18.35lkclyeh - make sure you manually modprobe blueangel_suspend i don't believe it's loaded, for some reason.
13:18.35mind_battery only works while chargin, and suspend doesent work at all..-.
13:18.51mind_hmm, Ill look into it...
13:19.32mind_and they keyboard doesent work either :/
13:19.55lkcllook in /dev/input
13:19.59lkclmodprobe blueangel_kp
13:20.05lkclgotta run.
13:23.37cr20x40400000 0x100
13:24.43cr20x41000000 0x100
13:27.18mind_blueangel_suspend was running, tried to remove it and putting it back in, but didn't help... blueangel_kp loads, but the keyboard still does nothing.. :/
13:55.11mind_o0h, it was a bad feeling having to kill opie :/ I needed my sim card ;)
14:10.01cr2no. the update did not help.
15:14.06*** join/#htc-blueangel ender_x (n=ender_x@
15:45.47lkclmind_: do hexdump -c /dev/input/event0 &
15:45.59lkclafter looking in /dev/input and seeing what's there of course
15:46.21mind_what is the trick to make sure that the fs stays intact on the sd card after reboot?
15:46.30mind_lkcl: 2 sec, Im about too boot it up again...
15:47.01mind_lkcl: I checked out event0 the last time I was in, and it seemed empty... But I'll check..
15:49.43*** join/#htc-blueangel petaflot (
15:50.17cr2lkcl: can you dowload the gnuharet.exe and test if it works ? i 'm making some blind changes without any chance to check.
15:51.21*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w (
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15:51.29cr2i am also interested if it works on ba, and how many memory it can grab on ba with the "kmalloc" command. (a bit time consuming).
15:56.26mind_lkcl: they thumkey thingie is connected to event1, event0 is the touchscreen keyb thing...
15:57.58mind_but I still cant write with it :/ hexdump reacts to pressing a button, but it seems like event0 is the one that works..
15:58.44mind_is there some simple way to make opie work with inputs from both?
16:05.49lkclthere's  a #define you need to set to tell QT/Embedded that /dev/input/event1 is the keyboard.
16:06.14lkclif you ask people on #oe and/or someone there will be able to tell you, instantly.
16:06.53lkclhave a look at the files that /etc/init.d/opie "pulls in" - somewhere in /opt/ -
16:07.09lkcland you will find a file containing environment variables.
16:07.28mind_ok, tnx ;) I'll get to work on it a bit later... I gotta step outside for a minute ;) tnx again..
16:07.46lkcli set one of them already, to tell opie to use the output from `detect-stylus --device`, for the touchscreen.
16:07.57lkclobviously it's necessary to do the same thing for the keyboard *sigh*.
16:08.46mind_;) ok, well I'll fix it later on... bbl! ca all...
16:11.52lkclk dude
16:12.42lkclmind_: run "shutdown -fh now" or "halt" - just like you do on any linux box!!! you're running linux now, mind, come on, you know this stuff i am sure :)
16:13.55cr2lkcl, can you check gnuharet and dump the ssp/i2s registers ?
16:21.52lkclack.  gimme 1sec...
16:24.22cr2ok. thanks. but it is not the latest haret version ?
16:25.04lkclno, it's gnuharet.exe
16:25.46cr2get the latest gnuharet version from
16:25.48lkclfrom like.... 3 weeks ago or so.  when you first got it
16:26.12lkcljornada820 surely
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16:36.48rob_w-cgihey ,. my new battery on ba which supposed to have the same capacity , reports in ce more then 7 hours life time .. the orig never went above 5.50
16:40.33cr2calibration :)
16:40.57cr2i have a bigger battery, but no use for both ;)
17:09.46cr2lkcl, are you alive ? ssp uses 24bit transfers, exactly like the TI tsc2046 says. this chip is used in hx4700 (with the linux driver).
17:35.43lkclyes i am alive.
17:35.47lkcloooooo   excellent
17:47.03cr2there is one problem left. how do we read out the data over i2c from the sound chip?
17:47.45cr2and the battery charging stuff, but it seems that we have an OWM driver for it.
17:48.41cr2lkcl, does the new gnuharet work ?
17:59.12lkclyeh, looks like it.
18:00.02lkcloh - btw: i contacted someone off of ebay who deals in HTC phones: he said that it was the HTC who designed the hx4700...
18:00.20cr2htc roadster
18:00.47cr2yes. 24bit moto spi. you will enjoy it.
18:01.03cr2what does the haret say on connect ?
18:01.14cr2does "dump wince" work?
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19:33.58*** join/#htc-blueangel torgweg (
19:36.18torgwegHello everybody
19:37.00lkclheya torgweg
19:37.00torgwegI just want to say i'm very pleased with the work done already.
19:37.10lkclyaay.  thx.
19:37.14torgwegHello lkcl
19:37.30lkcllots of people not here who monitor the irc logs will be happy to hear that.
19:37.58torgwegYou deserve it all!!
19:38.03lkclyou tried to boot your phone with linux, then? :)
19:39.19torgwegyes and it worked, on my third attemp to install !! I can also make phone call!! incredible isn't it ?
19:39.46lkclexcellent :)
19:40.40torgwegSo far The energy saver is a problem.
19:40.50torgweghow can i help ?
19:53.15rob_whey torgweg
19:53.24torgweghello rob_w
19:53.56rob_wthe work done i already great , the guys here do some nice job
19:54.53rob_wwhere could u help , torgweg ?
19:55.23torgwegsorry i don't understand s/i/is (i'm really a newbie)
19:56.22rob_wi meant substitue the i for an is on my previous poste
19:56.49rob_wexplicitly as my work here is not that imense
19:57.32rob_wlkcl, yeah lots of people
19:59.32torgwegi can write doc (english, french) , try compiling on several linux platform, make report on the "final user" point of view.
19:59.45torgwegmy "hack skill" are limited
20:00.18rob_wfrench would be nice ,, you could install the fr ipkg`s and see if all works out ;-)
20:00.56rob_wyet this would be more a distribution related thing ..
20:01.07torgwegok i will try this
20:02.20torgwegwhere can i post the results ?
20:02.46rob_weither here ,, or
20:19.07torgwegi will come back soon
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20:29.12torgweghello again
20:43.12mind_lkcl: its just a bit hard to relate to doin all the normal linux stuff in a the ba ;) I'm used to having to work those kind of adapters in a way of their own ;) but I'm sure I'll get there eventually...
20:43.25mind_in a = on
21:08.49Funklorduh oh.. my "enlightenment" broke
21:11.25rob_wFunklord, you mean your backlight or the "software" ?
21:11.58Funklordthe keypad blue LEDs ;)
21:12.23Funklorda joke since someone wrote it that way on the page
21:12.57Funklordit's lighting very dim.. I suppose a loose connector
21:13.26Funklordrob_w: "Real Pull-out Keyboard with enlightment" on
21:13.44rob_wah now i get it , right
21:14.07rob_wfeels like the led`s dont get their needed voltage ..
21:15.21rob_wFunklord, or you found the magic dim function ;-)
21:15.49Funklordit was flickering when I typed on it so it must've come off
21:21.40cr2lkcl ?
21:24.06cr2update to the latest cvs... it seems that i have blown off the radio by often pulling of the wrong gpio. but the htc drivers are buggy too. i have found where they are pulling nonexistent gpio!
21:25.32rob_wcr2, radio hmmm is that wifi or gsm you mean
21:26.43cr2i think it is umts. now we will see what they will tell me at the repair center :)
21:27.14bhimaThey'll do quick troubleshooting, reflash, declare it dead, send you a replacement.
21:27.34Funklordcr2: the radio in BA is umts capable?
21:27.45cr2i have universal.
21:27.53Funklordah ok =P
21:28.10cr2the ba is dead long ago. lcd smashed.
21:28.33Funklordyou broke it physically?
21:29.02rob_whmm ,, very sad for that speedy strong arm
21:29.03Funklordyou could still use it as wifi hotspot or something =P
21:29.03lkclyes cr2
21:29.05cr2can't buy a replacement screen here in germany.
21:29.39lkcli know someone called fluffycat who gets parts for HTC devices.
21:29.42rob_wcr2, so you do have the board id 5 one , right ?
21:29.45lkclhe could probably source you a screen.
21:29.49bhimaThe repair place can't get them?
21:29.58lkclmostly he gets them from other dead machines.
21:30.27cr2lkcl, i have already seen 3 bugs in the htc software. but they can be compiler bugs.
21:30.31cr2i have 0x5
21:30.36lkcl0x5.  ack.
21:31.18cr2who do you think decided to replace the fine ms os on his ba and began this road to hell :)
21:31.47rob_whow can i again detect my lcd manufacturer ?
21:31.49cr2the repair center sent me a 0x6 lcd.
21:32.05lkclah joy - did you pay for it, and would you be willing to swap it?
21:32.09lkclfor a 0x5 one?
21:32.13Funklordare they interchangeable?
21:32.17lkclcan you return it (i assume not)
21:32.20cr20x5 is sony, 0x6 is toppoly
21:32.23lkclno, not at all, funklord.
21:32.33cr2they are not exchangable.
21:32.35rob_wFunklord, no , that is why cr2 is stuck
21:32.46cr2it is all documented in xda-dev wiki.
21:32.56rob_wright thanks
21:33.19cr2even the picture of my broken lcd ;)
21:33.19rob_wso to say O2 ships the ba with id 5  and even with the black casing !
21:34.21cr2lkcl, i have sent it back and got a refund.
21:34.22bhimaBlack casing is sexier.
21:34.24lkclrob_w is the black sheep of the family
21:34.26rob_waahh i think i see your butt cheak on it cr2
21:34.27lkcloh, right.
21:34.28Funklordit'd be cool to cast your own casing for it, in like titanium or something =P
21:34.43bhimafunklord: what about the RF behaviour of that?
21:34.57Funklordwho cares, it'd look cool ;P
21:36.15cr2i did not throw ba away only because cp15 wanted to test the pxa rom flashing .
21:36.39rob_w3550mAh .. wow
21:36.59Funklordwhat's that?
21:37.06cr2now when the universal is also fucked, i use my linux powered a780 :lol:
21:37.25rob_wthe xda-dev sites point to a pda service which sells such battery`s ... tstts
21:38.00bhimacr2: how hackable is the a780?
21:38.10cr2rob, i have 2.4 Ah
21:38.47cr2bhima: not yet.
21:39.05rob_wcr2, cool  .. i only got me a anther 1500
21:39.09cr2the greatest thing is the qt-based gps routing program.
21:39.17FunklordI think they only run signed apps right?
21:40.00cr2they run crappy signed java games. but the gps prog is in the rom!
21:41.17cr2i am waiting for warez monkeys use it on their linux pda phones soon ;) like the ms crowd did it with garmin ique.
21:42.18bhimaThe Motorola A1000 exists in a Linux version...
21:42.34cr2without gps.
21:42.47cr2with the power sucking wifi ?
21:43.35bhimaLet me rephrase that. The A1000 can also run Linux.
21:43.35cr2and without the gps maps.
21:43.35cr2it is running linux.
21:43.48bhimaIt normally runs Symbian UIQ
21:44.41rob_wlkcl, i actually feel more like the messias with the only real black blueangel :-O
21:44.49FunklordI used to like symbianOS during the psion 5mx days
21:45.02cr2is it the same pxa270 setup ? the a780 is well designed, you don't need to make big changes in design.
21:45.11Funklordbut to see what they did to it :(
21:45.27bhimaI know very little about Linux for the A1000, but it is apparently available to researchers who convince them that they want it.
21:46.37cr2bhima: i see it as a consumer oriented thing. the real hacker phone is the european version of a780.
21:46.56bhimacr2: how's it different than other versions?
21:47.14cr2others don't have gps/software/maps.
21:47.25cr2the asian and us versions.
21:47.37bhimaAhh. So it's actually different hardware? And, there _is_ a US version?
21:48.05cr2read the wiki :)
21:48.13bhimaIt wouldn't load up.
21:48.33cr2it does not have the gps receiver module. otherwise it is the same.
21:48.44bhimaDNS failure.
21:48.59cr2the motherboard in the universal also has a place for the gps chip.
21:49.24cr2and the data should be nmea over serial over multiplexed protocol.
21:50.27cr2213.95.27.117 works here.
21:50.36Funklordcr2: order a sample =P
21:50.45cr2of what ?
21:50.55Funklordcr2: of a gps receiver
21:50.59bhima404-not found
21:51.12Funklordis it meant for bga?
21:51.16cr2i have a780 with gps.
21:51.37cr2look at the picture on xda-dev wiki.
21:52.20cr2it is even better. multiplexed nmea over serial over usb :)
21:52.45bhimawow. that's. "efficient"
21:53.01cr2a780 also has a really wacky big brother setup.
21:53.21bhimaI saw XML, zip'd, MIME encoded, and then encapsulated in an XML file.
21:54.34cr2the gps receiver on a780 is booted and gets its firmware from the gsm cpu, which retranslates the nmea data over multiplexed serial over usb! :)
21:54.54Funklordcr2: it's the spot on the top left side?
21:55.19Funklordit's bga alright...
21:55.52Funklordstill it might be possible to do with a modified hair drier since it's so small
21:56.41cr2there is a guy on xda-dev who soldered  two other bga ram chips, to have 128mb ram. it is not working ;)
21:56.58cr2but can be a wince problem.
21:57.03bhimaBGA soldering is, umm, "fun"
21:57.14cr2or wrong memory controller setup.
21:58.28cr2who here is brave enough to test the haret compiled with gcc on his ba ?
21:59.19cr2lkcl says it works on universal.
22:02.15lkcli think i already tried it on the ba.
22:02.49cr2can you tell me if it is identified as PocketPC PH20 ?
22:03.13cr2at the connection time ?
22:03.49cr2booting linux may not work. there is 32 channel dma reset there.
22:05.47cr2i want to move to a more simple booting procedure. newer wince has an allocphysmem() function that does all that we need. it can be tested with "kmalloc" command. but it is better to reduce the size of the ramdisk first.
22:14.56rob_wnight all
22:38.57*** part/#htc-blueangel torgweg (
22:49.15lkclcr2: are ya there, dude?
22:49.46lkclyou got an email address?
22:50.31lkcli'd like to put you in touch with mr fluffy, the guy who has bits of HTC devices available.
22:51.06lkclhe's having difficulty getting hold of sony screens but he'd be willing to swap stuff
22:51.33cr2send me a pm. i don't want to post the e-mail here, it will be archived and i will be spammed to death.
22:51.36lkcli'd like to forward you the message he just sent to me, so i'm not playing piggy-in-the-middle!
22:51.48lkcli don't mind my one - it's well spam-protected.  email me as
22:52.16cr2hmm. what can i swap ?
22:52.20lkclphil is running spamassassin and clamav, i get _one_ spam email about.... every... three to four days? :)
22:52.38lkclyour broken BA?
22:52.53cr2then i don't need a screen ;)
22:52.54lkclemail me: i'll forward his message on to you, then you can talk to him about it.
22:53.20lkclhe is a good source of "bits" that won't cost you £200 for a complete device.
22:56.58cr2have a look at universalasic3 and universalgpio. i have filled all data i know. the pxagpio110 is not IR, it is radio reset. damn.
22:57.07cr2wiki pages.
22:57.26cr2it is very close to the complete list.
23:00.43cr2and the "real" IR gpio is above 120... if i will trust the driver.
23:30.50cr2i am tired. will go to bed. good night.
23:32.09lkclnight cr2

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