irclog2html for #htc-blueangel on 20060111

00:59.03lkclpof: ta - i did put in alsa-lib, but i didn't put in esound. thanks
00:59.32poffine .)
00:59.43pofdid u compile dbus without problems ?
01:01.49pofERROR: TaskFailed event exception, aborting
01:01.49pofNOTE: package dbus-0.23.4: failed
01:01.49pofERROR: Build of gomunicator failed
01:07.48lkcldbus, dbus...
01:08.56cr2lkcl, i think i have found usb_puen.
01:09.13lkclpuen? wossat
01:09.29cr2usb pullup enable. so usb should work.
01:09.41lkclhaving the usual midnight-related problems downloading from
01:09.59cr2it is since hours.
01:10.17cr2but only anonymous.
01:10.32lkclah!  there we go.
01:11.22cr2still have not found the flashlight and asic3_reset :)
01:11.30lkclhell and damnation.  i didn't cvs commit that problem at line 470 in phoneComms.c
01:11.33lkclooops :)
01:13.01poflkcl: with your latest opie & gpe images, keyboard of my blueangel doesn't work, even if blueangel_kp is loaded. Also the GPE image only works if BA is placed on cradle, otherwise it suspends every second and then hangs.
01:15.33cr2i have ported haret to sa11x0. bootup code still has problems, but dump gpio and wgpio work. fixed some bugs in the process. looking for somebody with a wallaby.
01:16.20pofcr2: my flatmate has a wallaby
01:16.47cr2can he make a dump gpio for wiki ?
01:16.50pofhe is working with asic3_mmc, he was showing it to me today
01:17.00pofhe's sleeping right now
01:17.41pofyes, he's sleeping sorry
01:18.30lkclyou _start_ it in the cradle, yes?
01:18.37pofhe was trying to port the code from BA, to be able to mount an SD card on wallaby I think
01:18.55poflkcl: yes
01:19.14pofand LCD hangs after 10 minuts
01:19.17lkclokay.  hmmm...
01:19.46cr2pof: wallaby does not have asic3. let him look at the asic2 wiki page. with the working haret he can do more.
01:19.48lkclyeh, did you rename /usr/bin/apm.disable to /usr/bin/apm, and do modprobe blueangel_suspend ?
01:20.23poflkcl: that was on the old GPE image, the new is right
01:20.31lkcloh, right.
01:20.44pofcr2: I think he found the asic2 page today
01:21.38pofhe has already ported the asic3_mmc module and another (older one, which asic3_mmc is based on) and he can load those modules on wallaby, but he doesn't get a /dev/mmc
01:22.07pofI will tell him to come here tomorrow
01:22.09cr2the 64 and 68 offsets look like asic1 gpio.
01:22.24cr2the sd stuff is the old toshiba asic
01:23.10pofI just copy-pasted this conversation and mailed it to him :)
01:23.41pofi'm don't really understand all those things about GPIO stuff... I'm not a kernel hacker :P
01:23.58cr2:) i will fix the boot code some time soon. need it for the universal too.
01:25.19lkclgeneral purpose input output
01:26.08lkclyou write to memory, and out of one of the pins comes a voltage.  write to it again with a 0 in the bit instead of a 1 and you get 0 volts instead.
01:27.19cr2pof, do you have to "toolhelp.dll" in the windows directory? the code does not work on my wince2.11, though it should...
01:27.41*** join/#htc-blueangel lkcl (
01:28.02lkcloops, kopete crashed
01:28.19pofcr2: let me have a look
01:28.24lkclyeh, pof: there's something wrong with the dbus build process.
01:28.35lkclcd into the staging directory, into lib/
01:28.40lkclcreate a directory .libs
01:28.42lkclcd into that
01:28.56lkcland then ln -s ../
01:29.03lkcland any other libraries it bitches about :)
01:29.11lkclit's an awful hack but it'll do for now.
01:29.21pofhey! Thanks :)
01:29.55lkcljust don't ever do a complete clear-out because you'll have to do that again...
01:32.18pofcd into the staging directory, into lib/  ---> where is this?
01:33.34cr2pof: i have put the haret1100.exe binary to
01:34.18pofcr2: I don't have any file named "toolhelp.dll" on my BA windows folder
01:35.17cr2you have it, but you don't see it. its microsoft ...
01:35.30pofok, probably with resco file explorer... wait
01:35.53pofi have it "virgin" i just did a hard reset :P
01:38.01lkcland mkdir .libs
01:38.27cr2pof: yes. hp just removed it from the j820 rom... i wanted to have "ps" and "kill" in haret without messing in the internal kernel tables.
01:38.46lkclyou see the compile error, it complains about /home/xxxx/oe2/tmp/staging/arm-linux/lib/.libs/ no such file or directory?
01:39.03lkclso _make_ one - symlink it to in the directory below.
01:39.25lkclit's a piss-awful hack but it will get you there, at least...
01:43.39poflkcl: i think my compilation fails at any other point
01:43.51pof| arm-linux-gcc: dbus_bindings.c: No such file or directory
01:43.51pof| arm-linux-gcc: no input files
01:44.24lkcldid you check out this: use monotone update -rjan2006prebreakage to avoid breakage
01:44.29lkclon the announce of #oe
01:44.31pofcr2: wait I'm trying to get that toolhelp.dll for you... (resco explorer dind't help also)
01:44.55cr2pof: don't mind, it is there.
01:44.56poflkcl: I saw it ... but I said to my self... "Stay current, you are brave!" :P
01:45.18lkcli'm not saying anything.
01:45.46pofok, it is probably that.. I'll have to sync with the "prebreakage" branch
01:46.25lkclgood luck...
02:25.27pofI must try that :)
02:57.42pofguys i'm going to sleep
02:57.51pofsee you tomorrow
02:58.29pofbtw, i'll get my wake-up call tomorrow at 08:00 AM ;)
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07:44.21apt:), JuNuKN
07:44.34aptJuNuKN: thanks
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11:44.07em1hi all
11:45.36em1if I disable check_apm in ipaq-sleep.conf than joust backlite goes off and there is no complete suspend?
12:43.18lkcleme: ask on #oe someone there will likely know
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17:19.28JuNuKNhello lkcl , did I read it correct in cvs, that you got sound to work on Himalaya now ?
17:19.56aptwell, history is at
17:22.47JuNuKNlkcl ?
17:23.37JuNuKNcr2 ... where my logs of sdio from help? Do you need newley assistence ?
17:48.26tiztelesupcr2: I have a wallaby
17:48.45tiztelesupcr2: Yesterday you were talking to my flat mate, could I ask you some questions ?
17:53.45tiztelesupcr2: I've downloaded Haret from CVS compiled it with wine and tested the dump gpio on the Wallaby, do you want me to put the results somewhre ?
18:29.40lkclheya JuNuKN
18:30.23lkcli got sound _partially_ working, but only on the phone.  i got "incoming" audio working (to the speaker) but not "outgoing" (via the mic).  i don't know why.
18:30.58cr2tiztelesup: you should take the sa1100 haret1100.exe from for dump gpio.
18:31.12cr2hi lkcl
18:32.14cr2i have got "ps" working in haret on wince2.11 :) "kill " should follow.
18:32.37cr2lkcl: i need the pd 0x40100000 0x100 from universal
18:33.09lkclack dude
18:35.04lkcl40100000 | 00000000 0000005d 000000c1 00000003 | ....]...........
18:35.04lkcl40100010 | 0000002b 00000060 000000f0 00000000 | +...`...........
18:35.04lkcl40100020 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ................
18:35.04lkcl40100030 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ................
18:35.04lkcl40100040 | 00000000 0000005d 000000c1 00000003 | ....]...........
18:35.05lkcl40100050 | 0000002b 00000060 000000f0 00000000 | +...`...........
18:35.07lkcl40100060 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ................
18:35.09lkcl40100070 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ................
18:35.11lkcl40100080 | 00000000 0000005d 000000c1 00000003 | ....]...........
18:35.13lkcl40100090 | 0000002b 00000060 000000f0 00000000 | +...`...........
18:35.15lkcl401000a0 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ................
18:35.17lkcl401000b0 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ................
18:35.19lkcl401000c0 | 00000000 0000005d 000000c1 00000003 | ....]...........
18:35.21lkcl401000d0 | 0000002b 00000060 000000f0 00000000 | +...`...........
18:35.23lkcl401000e0 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ................
18:35.25lkcl401000f0 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ................
18:39.24cr2i should have better written "dump pxa27x" for haret instead of manual decode ;)
18:39.28*** join/#htc-blueangel iclem (
18:39.33lkclheya iclem
18:39.45iclemhello lkcl
18:39.54iclemhi room
18:40.53cr2hi iclem
18:41.18cr2lkcl: was the IR running on the universal ?
18:41.31cr2when you have made the dump ?
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18:42.12lkclat the time? no.
18:42.18lkclwant me to run it again?
18:42.29lkclactually - i don't know.
18:42.37lkclwant me to switch it off?
18:42.43lkclin "beam settings"?
18:43.06cr2yes. do both dumps.
18:43.27lkcllemme just do some himalaya tests....
18:44.12lkcloh _drat_ the sd card is in the himalaya :)
18:45.09cr2lkcl. it was wrong. i need the 0x40700020 register.
18:45.37cr2with and without IR.
18:45.56iclemcr2: your device is still out of order ?
18:46.09iclemno luck
18:46.40cr2i need a working kernel, then i will flash it instead of wince.
18:47.12iclemwow, how are you going to do _that_ ?
18:48.22iclemjust with the bootloader and a SD ?
18:48.24cr2wince firmware update. i must have the root on the sd, because we can't deal with DoC g3 now.
18:49.12cr2booting from SD with the bootloader is not easy.
18:52.51iclemno, what I was thinking is "restoring" the ROM from bootloader, but a modified ROM with linux kernel, padding garbage and checksum
18:53.06lkclack. ran out of things to do on the himalaya before a reboot needed... soo....
18:53.52cr2iclem: it is more difficult, but will work too.
18:54.54cr2you should not "restore" it, but put into the RAM.
18:55.22lkcl40700020 | 00000016 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ................
18:55.22lkcl40700030 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ................
18:55.22lkcl40700040 | 00000000 0000005d 000000c1 00000003 | ....]...........
18:55.22lkcl40700050 | 00000008 00000060 00000000 00000000 | ....`...........
18:55.22lkcl40700060 | 00000016 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ................
18:55.22lkcl40700070 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ................
18:55.24lkcl40700080 | 00000000 0000005d 000000c1 00000003 | ....]...........
18:55.26lkcl40700090 | 00000008 00000060 00000000 00000000 | ....`...........
18:55.28lkcl407000a0 | 00000016 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ................
18:55.30lkcl407000b0 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ................
18:55.32lkcl407000c0 | 00000000 0000005d 000000c1 00000003 | ....]...........
18:55.34lkcl407000d0 | 00000008 00000060 00000000 00000000 | ....`...........
18:55.36lkcl407000e0 | 00000016 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ................
18:55.38lkcl407000f0 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ................
18:55.40lkcl40700100 | 00000000 0000005d 000000c1 00000003 | ....]...........
18:55.42lkcl40700110 | 00000008 00000060 00000000 00000000 | ....`...........
18:56.36lkclthat was with ir disabled
18:56.38lkcl40700020 | 00000016 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ................
18:56.38iclemjust to know, what the amount of lines considered as flood  ;) ?
18:56.39lkcl40700030 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ................
18:56.39lkcl40700040 | 00000000 0000005d 000000c1 00000003 | ....]...........
18:56.39lkcl40700050 | 00000008 00000060 00000000 00000000 | ....`...........
18:56.39lkcl40700060 | 00000016 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ................
18:56.39lkcl40700070 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ................
18:56.41lkcl40700080 | 00000000 0000005d 000000c1 00000003 | ....]...........
18:56.43lkcl40700090 | 00000008 00000060 00000000 00000000 | ....`...........
18:56.45lkcl407000a0 | 00000016 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ................
18:56.47lkcl407000b0 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ................
18:56.49lkcl407000c0 | 00000000 0000005d 000000c1 00000003 | ....]...........
18:56.51lkcl407000d0 | 00000008 00000060 00000000 00000000 | ....`...........
18:56.53lkcl407000e0 | 00000016 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ................
18:56.55lkcl407000f0 | 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 | ................
18:56.57lkcl40700100 | 00000000 0000005d 000000c1 00000003 | ....]...........
18:56.59lkcl40700110 | 00000008 00000060 00000000 00000000 | ....`...........
18:57.01lkclthis is with it "enabled"
18:57.05lkcloops - oh probably above 10, iclem
18:57.34lkcli don't see any difference
19:03.48*** join/#htc-blueangel lkcl (
19:04.11lkclam i here?
19:04.43lkcl~botmail for rob_w rob: the spelling of interested needs to be corrected on the NOTICE
19:04.57lkclyou got the thingies? pd?
19:05.02cr2the SIR bit is always enabled.
19:05.27cr2i will calculate the speed now.
19:05.48lkcldeep joy.
19:06.35cr2you are running SIR... irdadump said that the universal has 115200 and 4Mbit
19:12.21cr2you can't read the speed just with pd... anyway. SIR decoder is enabled. hmm. why do they have a driver named FIR ???
19:13.19cr2lkcl, do your htc devices see each other in wince ?
19:15.05cr2i need pd 0x40200020 4 on hima
19:15.23cr2pd 0x40700020 4 on ba
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19:25.12lkclhima, hima... okay.
19:25.31lkclnever tried it
19:27.15lkcl40200020 | 00000016                            | ....
19:30.30lkcl40700020 | 00000016                            | ....
19:32.36lkclokay, himalaya-to-blueangel IR works.
19:33.18cr2hmm the same config. SIR decoder/encoder enabled.
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21:05.28cr2lkcl, got a new debug idea.
21:06.45lkcloh-ah, cr2?
21:08.04cr2let's blacken a part of the framebuffer, and then plot some colour blocks during the haret boot process.
21:09.41lkclthat's a good idea.
21:10.07cr2how big is the kernel and the ramdisk ? we can plot, for example, which pages they have filled.
21:10.54lkclramdisk is 14mbytes.  kernel is about 800k.
21:11.05lkclramdisk _compressed_ is about 6mbytes.
21:12.19cr2i have read on the jornada820 homepage that they are total 2.5Mb. says a lot about the bloatware :)
21:12.43cr26MB , how many pages/480 ?
21:13.17lkcloh.  pages.
21:13.38lkclno, it's because i put busybox, Xfbdev _and_ dropbear in it :)
21:13.49lkclit's _supposed_ to be under 1mbyte - uncompressed!
21:14.45lkcl6e6 / 4096 (?) / 480 = 3.05
21:14.47cr2we have 64MB ram. 64*1024*1024/4096=16384pages
21:14.53lkcloh right
21:15.17cr2need 35lines
21:15.25lkcl18 pixels per "page"
21:15.25cr2for the whole ram.
21:16.12lkcl640*480/16384 equals a goodly 4x4 pixels per page, plus some spare lines.
21:16.14cr2it can be easilty plotted, because the bootlinux() checks them all.
21:16.23rob_woh that is a painfull typo
21:16.45cr2windows has toolbars, that will be overwritten.
21:17.00cr2unless you disable the interrupts.
21:17.15cr2and dma
21:18.31cr2ok. let's take a pix for a page, clean 40 lines in the middle, and fill them with red and green pixles for the kernel and ramdisk.
21:19.56cr2at which address to these 40 lines start ?
21:20.36rob_wwhat are you guys hacking right now ?
21:20.42cr2640/2-20=300line; 300*480*2=?
21:21.14cr2liberal arts. debugging in the framebuffer.
21:22.34rob_wonce i thought a framebuffer is a fire n forget thing .. it will report its modes and you choose to run one
21:23.57cr2rob, we are spending too much time trying to start the kernel on universal. microsoft monkeys are laughing  all their way to the bank :)
21:24.24lkcli'm taking it easy, rob_w - messing about "on the edges" so to speak.  i fried my brain again with too many late nights.
21:24.31rob_w.. and yet they are scared of us and our patience !!
21:25.19rob_wlkcl,  what is taht latest cvs check in ?
21:26.05lkclcan't remember :)
21:26.14lkclit was himalaya, wasn't it?
21:26.22rob_wthat doc 64 mb address thingi
21:26.52lkcloh yes - the diskonchip stuff does sort-of work, except the driver is discontinued, and the one that replaces it only supports 16mb
21:27.12lkclbut - butbutbut: the documentation is now available on's web site in the form of app notes.
21:27.13ender_x.. so does that mean the first 16 is accessable?
21:27.23lkclexcept it's very risky to get it wrong.
21:27.37lkclno, unfortunately, ender_x, it doesn't: they're different "modes".
21:28.19rob_wlkcl you mean there are docs for the g3 doc ?
21:28.42lkclprobably, yes.
21:28.48lkcltake a look.
21:29.02lkclthere's definitely ones for the 32mb and 64mb millenium plus chips
21:30.40cr2lkcl: we start at 0xa87f0500 and clean the 0x9600 bytes first. ok ? then when the kernel is read in, the red pixels go with their offsets in the fb.
21:31.10cr2seems to be an easy haret mod.
21:33.26lkclyep.  0x9600.  yep.
21:35.40cr2can you do it ?
21:37.07cr2i have a modded haret for sa1100 now. the code will work on the later versions too. it can do "ps" and "kill" now. for the testing, i have managed to kill the explorer.exe.
21:38.53rob_wgood work cr2
21:40.42cr2rob, you can test it on ba. kill the ms phone app ;)
21:53.30rob_wfirst thing i would love is to trash their bluetooth stack
21:58.01rob_wwhat does ps with that bring you back fe ?
21:59.45cr2you can free the memory for the boot process, if it fails
22:03.05rob_walthoug i am using a ce task manager and have not one app running , i saw that the haret boot fails often due to black memory around
22:03.32cr2you start haret.
22:03.37cr2type ps
22:03.51cr2see the list of processes with pid.
22:04.07cr2says kill $pid
22:04.47cr2grab the program and tell me if it works.
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22:19.28rob_wcr2 where ?
22:20.19cr2first type dump wince
22:36.48rob_wwill do .. tomorrow ;-)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.