irclog2html for #htc-blueangel on 20060105

00:00.27lkcldump wince... one mo...
00:03.38cr2you need a latest version version. get it from
00:04.28cr2there is another program that tests the vibra.
00:12.32lkclcr2: you added this as a new command in the past couple of days?
00:13.26lkclbugger :)
00:14.28lkcltake a look at ? 540
00:14.43lkcland see if the compile problem you're having is listed amongst that lot.
00:14.52cr2i will write a stable and debuggable bootloader, that reports all its activity. i'm really tired of all the wasted crash time with haret.
00:14.52lkcloops wrong channel
00:16.46cr2i have recovered my amd64 laptop! it has nsc_* IR. hmm. FIR :) must be resolved too.
00:19.29lkclthe wireless on the mda III is _rubbish_.
00:20.22lkclwell done, cr2.
00:22.26*** join/#htc-blueangel pof (n=pof@
00:22.35lkclheya pof.
00:22.48pofI just booted linux on my blueangel for the 1st time :D
00:22.53pofi'm excited!
00:22.56lkclwhoa, cool!  well done.
00:23.32lkclwhat device is it - an XDA III?  an XDA IIs?  an MDA III?
00:23.37pofimate PDA2k
00:23.49lkclcan you ssh in to it?
00:24.01pofbut I don't know what happens now... I opened a root shell and I did "shutdown"
00:24.09pofand now it doesn't start
00:24.11lkclah... now you get to do a hard-reset.
00:24.27poflet's see...
00:24.28lkclpress the power button with one hand, and on the bottom left hand corner
00:24.54pofok, it boots now :D
00:24.58lkclinsert the stylus into the hole at the bottom - the hole is only about 1.5mm wide
00:25.18lkclcongratulations: you have just trashed all the data that was there under wince.
00:25.19pofdo you always have to do a hard reset after 'exiting' linux ?
00:25.23pofhehehe :D
00:25.30pofno problem
00:25.33lkclit's a different OS, it's not a wince application.
00:25.55lkclcr2: the typescript will be at in a minute...
00:26.00poflooks so nice
00:26.06lkclyeh :)
00:26.37lkclpof - are you a kernel hacker or any other kind of developer, or are you just brave/stupid enough to do "what the heck, let's try this"?
00:27.23poflkcl: i'm not developer... just advanced linux user
00:27.57pofbut take for sure that I'll be betatester
00:28.05lkclanother victim to try out new bugs, then.  muhahahahah
00:28.15cr2lkcl: thanks. the asic3 stuff is not yet working. can you do the same on hima ?
00:28.29lkcldid you _want_ to try sound and make phone calls, pof?
00:28.35pofalso I will influence my friends who 0wn a blueangel to do it :D
00:28.45lkclack, cr2 - gimme a couple mins...
00:28.46poflkcl: yes, I did one and it worked
00:28.54lkcloh right!!
00:29.03lkclah.  one important thing could you check for me?
00:29.13lkclwe need to know what the board id is of your device
00:29.24lkcl(and if you could put it on the wiki somewhere that'd be helpful)
00:29.31pofyes, i saw it on the wiki
00:29.40pofi'm going to do it now
00:29.42lkclwhen you have it booted up, log in as root and run "dmesg" | grep -i board
00:30.06lkclit's important, because there are bugs in the resume code for boards with revision 0x6.
00:30.11lkclwhere was i....
00:30.17lkclhimalaya, himalaya...
00:31.06lkclhmmm, cr2: gnuharet.exe on exit crashes wince on the MDA III
00:31.29cr2hmm. bad...
00:32.49cr2don't touch the asic3 stuff. i have merged the patch from llange. and it is hima-specific...
00:33.05lkclah.  right.
00:33.15lkclokay so i _could_ try it on my himalaya.
00:33.16poflkcl: mine is a "Blue Angel Board ID 0x5"
00:33.30lkclpof: excellent - then could i ask you another favour?
00:33.39lkclcan you type "apm --suspend"
00:33.43lkclthen press the power button
00:33.48pofok, 1sec
00:33.52lkclthen do, as root on your pc, "ifup usb0"
00:34.01lkclor whatever it takes to bring the usbnet back up again?
00:34.16lkclin between the apm --suspend and the ifup, don't touch the ssh session.
00:34.33cr2lkcl: you can use WADDR and WADDR16. also for asic3.
00:34.43pofer... I'm doing it on the shel... i don't have it plugged to the usb cradle
00:34.43lkclwhen you _have_ got the usb0 back up, press return a couple of times in the ssh window
00:35.05lkclwhat's shel?
00:35.10lkclah yes.
00:35.23lkclthen that's even easier: just type apm --suspend
00:35.28lkcland then press the power button.
00:35.35lkclif it says "command not found"
00:35.57lkclthen do "mv /usr/bin/apm.inactive /usr/bin/apm" or something like that
00:36.04lkclapm.disable i think it might be.
00:36.10lkclOH - one other thing: edit /etc/inittab
00:36.21pofok... it says not found
00:36.31pofits apm.disabled
00:36.56lkcldo mv /usr/bin/apm<press tab - you have bash there - use it!> /usr/bin/apm
00:37.25lkcltick, tick, tick.... takes ages, cr2...
00:37.27lkclthere we go.
00:37.33pofok, done the apm --suspend
00:37.43lkclok now press the power button
00:37.48pofit stays off
00:37.50lkclyou _should_ get your screen back.
00:37.59pofnope :(
00:38.53pofi have it plugged to the power outlet, does it affects to apm?
00:39.04lkcli have no idea.
00:39.07pofshall i repeat it running on batteries?
00:39.23lkclwell: now you know one of the limitations of where we are, right now :)
00:39.39lkclif it didn't come up _at all_ then that's because you didn't have blueangel_suspend loaded.
00:40.01lkcledit /etc/modules and make sure blueangel_resume (is it blueangel_suspend?) is in there.
00:40.56pofok, i had to do another hardreset... it's booting
00:41.26lkcldo a modprobe blueangel_suspend.
00:41.55lkcloh btw as soon as you've gone through the stupid wince process you can press reset (not hard reset) immediately it starts installing programs.
00:42.01lkclthat will save you some time...
00:42.22pofok :D
00:42.37lkclok cr2 same place(ish)
00:42.51cr2lkcl: thanks.
00:43.22poflkcl: I do have to enter the PIN, right? because gomunicator didn't ask me for pin... does it get from the winCE?
00:43.40lkclbtw pof: if you have any friends who have himalayas (XDA) you can thingy.  use those, too.
00:44.01lkcli'm in the process of doing a build for those devices, so you don't have to hack the blueangel gpe-image about.
00:44.08cr2pof: i think yes.
00:44.14lkclthe PIN was entered under wince, yes?
00:44.19lkclif so, it's still there.
00:44.35poflkcl: I have a friend with a VPAIII (blueangel also) and another with qtek9000 (universal)...
00:45.09lkclthe himalaya is different: you need to do a weird reset thing on the GSM radio rom, in order to access it, so it power-cycles the GSM rom
00:45.30lkclbut the blueangel you are okay - it doesn't get power-cycled or need to be power-cycled (i hope!)
00:45.41cr2pof: i have already destroyed universal with this linux thing 8)
00:45.53lkclyehh, the universal is a way off yet.
00:46.14pofcr2: it's a very expensive device... I hope you can get it working again!
00:46.23lkclnoo, cr2: you simply overwrote some memory somewhere in the wince partition :)
00:46.36lkclthat's your story and you're sticking to it, right?
00:46.46cr2but how??? TRUE!!!
00:47.27cr2pof: that was a joke :)
00:48.23pofmy keyboard went crazy
00:48.51pofi was typing "modprobe blueangel_suspend" and now it is writing "ssssssssssssssssssssssss" on the screen
00:49.57pofshit, it continues typing "s's" when I close the xterm and open another
00:50.30pofany way to reset the keyboard??
00:53.31cr2where ? on ba ?
00:53.32lkclno idea!  never heard of it happening before!
00:53.37lkclheya zubov
00:53.49pofi'm hard resetting again :)
00:54.23lkclah joy :)
00:56.44lkclyep, cr2: after a few seconds after exiting gnuharet, wince dies.
00:58.59poflkcl: after loading the blueangel_suspend module, it wakes up when I press the power button :)
00:59.06pofbut now it doesn't work
00:59.46pofthe screen turned on with full brightness... but it is hang
01:00.45pofthe power button does nothing now
01:01.09pofshould i reset again, or do you want me to try any exotic combination of buttons ? :P
01:01.44lkclyou need to hard-reset
01:02.01lkclstylus in reset button, with power-button held down at same time.
01:02.10lkclyou always need to hard-reset after running linux.
01:02.23cr2lkcl: i think i know the problem.
01:02.28lkclharet.exe is the equivalent of LOADLIN.EXE
01:02.54lkclif you ever booted 10 years ago from windows to linux using loadlin.exe, it's the same thing: it's a one-way process.
01:03.00lkclcr2: there was a problem? queque?
01:03.13lkclokay - i promised myself an earlier night.
01:03.16pofyes, i used loadlin, in the old slackware times :)
01:03.44cr2lkcl: i open the IR port and don't close it. even if it is not there :)
01:04.15cr2wince is just a rock stable "operating system"
01:04.25pofhow do you "reset" the GSM in linux?
01:04.56pofbecause I have a dual sim adapter on my BA, and I'll try to write an app to switch sim
01:05.15pofin winCE I used (sim status switcher)
01:05.42lkcloo, v. cool, pof.
01:05.47cr2pof: SIM is controlled by the GSM CPU. you must talk AT commands.
01:05.57lkclhmmm... you'll need to know what the ... yep, cr2 beat me to it.
01:06.20lkcldo you remember, cr2, how to get the debug logs enabled on the AT commands?
01:06.25lkclor what wiki page it is?
01:06.57cr2ATDbg* registry key. and XPanel for the data channel.
01:07.08pofok, just accessing /dev/ttyS0 and doing a reset using AT commands, should be fine
01:07.16cr2hmm. somewhere.
01:07.37cr2pof: they are wrapped into frames of the protocol 16.
01:08.19cr2look into xda-dev wiki under wallaby.
01:09.44pofok, i'll see what i can do, and if I succeed then I'll put a link to the linux-sim-switcher on the wiki
01:09.55cr2pof: /dev/ttyS0 is not on all HTC phones!!!
01:10.52cr2ah. you have ba.
01:12.52pofand how do I enable the wifi?
01:13.05cr2it doesnot work.
01:13.13pofat all?
01:14.51pofok, thanks :)
01:15.47cr2the list is from oct 15, so maybe something has changed a bit. if you can test fax and gsm data, then it is interesting.
01:17.08pofok... i'll try to compile everything from CVS and try it on another SD card
01:18.13lkclcr2: the compile errors i'm getting with opie-image are definitely 64-bit related.
01:19.04cr2hmm. can you create a script that i need to run on 32bit ?
01:19.58cr2i promise you to start writing the qomunicator gui :)
01:20.25cr2if there will be opie-image.
01:20.39lkclque?  oh - see
01:20.45lkcland download my local.conf from that.
01:20.51lkclit's exactly the same.
01:21.04lkcloh... except you will neeeeedd.... the patches from ?id=540 as well
01:23.42cr2hmm. it's too much for me :) but the bug is rather stupid.
01:24.33cr2cast from 'char*' to 'int'
01:24.34lkclyou have bitbake and the oe.db stuff checked out?
01:24.47lkclit's got to be cast  char* to long.
01:25.32cr2who knows. i have tried to correct sqlite some time ago...
01:25.41lkcloh - that.  i fixed that.
01:25.54cr2on a local build for other purposes.
01:26.06cr2and it was not easy.
01:26.31lkcllook at the sqlite.patch on ?id=540.
01:27.03cr2_some_ time ago. probably they have made some changes since then.
01:29.12cr2ok. it is late and i'm disappointed by the amount of the broken hardware... will go to bed. good night!
01:29.29pofgood night cr2
01:29.38lkclwaah!  night cr2.
01:56.06lkclokay - i got the opie-image build going: it looks safe enough to run overnight, now i got past the silly bit.
01:56.34lkclcr2 if you read this in the morning, i'd like to consider doing a split of gomunicator into a simple client-server app.
01:56.59lkclso that it's _not_ a lot of hassle to put on a front-end.
01:57.06lkclnew front-end.
01:57.50lkcland it's possible to write a simple text client.
01:57.53lkcli hate GUIs.
02:25.33pofhey lkcl... i'm going to sleep to
02:26.08pofi've been plying with linux for a while, tomorrow i'll continue plying and probably test the CVS version
02:27.04pofif there's something i can do for you to test with my BA, i'll leave the irc client on a screen, just privmsg me
02:27.10pofgood night!
05:03.41lkclokay, opie-image is proceeding again after a couple of awful hacks.
06:42.46*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w (
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10:54.57*** join/#htc-blueangel eme (
10:55.09emeheja folks
10:55.51emeanny progres on suspend for board id 0x6 please?
11:01.27rob_wi guess not ...
11:46.05*** join/#htc-blueangel geers (
11:48.14*** join/#htc-blueangel stealth (
11:48.56stealthHi all
11:56.58stealthhi I'm at work and want to test out the linux kernel, however i am at a windows machine, what tools can i use to format the sd card?
11:59.08stealthformat the sd card into 2 paritions that is
12:52.18Funklorderm.. which libc are we using for the image atm?
13:01.23lkclheya Funklord
13:01.29lkclyes, glibc.
13:01.33lkclthere's plenty of space.
13:05.12Funklordheh, ok that was bothering me since I didn't see any references to uclibc or the like =P
13:05.37FunklordI never managed to make a recent glibc very small
13:05.43stealthhi I'm at work and want to test out the linux kernel, however i am at a windows machine, what tools can i use to format the sd card?
13:05.48stealthformat the sd card into 2 paritions that is
13:05.52stealthin windows
13:06.24Funklordpartition magic is the only one I know of..
13:06.37Funklordthat can handle linux partitions
13:07.19Funklordbut you won't be able to write the files to it afaik
13:07.55stealthhmm ok, will have to wait till i get a linux box
13:08.11Funklordcan you record a disc?
13:08.47Funklordyou could use knoppix or some other bootable cd distro
13:09.05stealthyeah cool will try that
13:10.03stealthdo u get a full linux enviroment with the linux blue angle rom?
13:15.11cr2lkcl: are you listening ?
13:15.59lkclno, cr2, i'm not listening
13:16.31cr2universal. i have reflashed the rom.
13:16.46cr2the same story.
13:17.09cr2it is some hardware fuckup. as i have said yesterday.
13:17.48lkcloh - that's quite serious.
13:17.52cr2now i must wait for the T-MOB Germany to release an update, otherwise i can't just send them the reflashed unit ;)
13:19.09cr2i need to find out how to load a file into RAM with the htc bootloader, disable the MMU and jump to this loaded program.
13:19.43lkclyeek!  ... hey that's a good idea.
13:20.12cr2lcd works, buttons work, gsm radio works, keyboard works.
13:20.21cr2i suspect wifi :(
13:20.53cr2g3 DoC works, asic3 works.
13:25.25cr2i have heard about the diagnostic SD, but who knows where to get it ???
13:27.23cr2maybe the htc ipaq people know or have tried to boot linux from the htc bootloader ?
13:29.06cr2the great fun will be to flash zImage directly to DoC, at the known wince entry point :)
13:45.46lkcldoes anyone know of a "diagnostic" SD card for ipaq devices?
13:46.46lkcli asked on #hh and #oe
13:52.20lkclhiya theturtle
13:56.57lkclcr2: i don't believe such a device exists.  the KITL layer provides device-independent access to whatever the bootloader can do.
13:58.00Funklordheh.. at least the start page isn't anonymous anymore =P
13:59.33cr2hmm. but how do i talk to this KITL layer ? over USB ?
14:00.03cr2i will think about it.
14:01.18lkclby installing the microsoft wince developer kit, under windows.
14:01.38lkclover absolutely anything that the device is capable of - that's the whole point: kernel independent transport layer.
14:03.36lkcli must stop doing late nights, cr2.
14:03.42lkcli am in an awful mood
14:04.08lkcland completely useless, today!
14:04.36cr2ok. btw. before my notebook hdd died, i had evc4. it could run the kernel debugger, but i had no clue how to use it.
14:04.45cr2agreed on the long nights.
14:04.55cr2i need to sleep too.
14:04.56lkclthe good news is that opie-image is churning away happily, currently opie-today-addressbookplugin
14:05.06lkclburble burble :)
14:05.24cr2:)))) how do you say it: _excellent_
14:05.33lkclnow you know why i stopped doing himalaya
14:05.59lkclohno!  another hacker picks up the bill-and-ted-isms
14:06.51cr2btw. if you are thinking about client-server gsm, look at gsmlib and gnokii.
14:07.31cr2tee. i need some tee.
14:18.24lkclupdated patch to put the sed hack in before the autotools_blah_blah stuff in do_stage().
14:18.53lkclyes, he's absolutely right: it does need to go in do_stage().  i haven't tried at the end of do_compile().
14:19.24lkcli have an opie image built for the HTC blueangel!  hurrah!
14:21.08lkclokay, it's 16mb so if i upload it to, victims can try it from there.
14:34.08cr2really great success, lkcl ! imho the MAN will measure our performance by a working camera and easy installation from windows, not by a slick kernel debugger ;)
14:36.50cr2Moto has seriously set on linux, it seems. big surprise. they are in the business of selling hardware.
17:25.34*** join/#htc-blueangel iclem (
17:41.02lkcl~seen koen
17:41.10aptkoen <> was last seen on IRC in channel #openslug, 35m 21s ago, saying: 'and for testing cherokee'.
17:42.27iclemhi lkcl
17:42.37lkclheya iclem
17:42.49lkclmy brain is fried.  how are you?
17:43.07iclemfine. mine is too.
17:43.14iclemthak you for your reply
17:43.29cr2hi iclem
17:43.31lkclare you beyond rational thought? :)
17:43.46iclemnot yet
17:43.49lkcloh i got an opie build done, btw.
17:43.51iclemhi cr2
17:44.05lkclfor blueangel.
17:44.05cr2iclem: do you have a PH10B ?
17:44.15iclemcr2: yes i have
17:45.02cr2i think i know how we can save the people from entering MTYPE.
17:45.26iclemget hw identification ?
17:45.54lkclremember though that if people want to run, say a "generic" pxa kernel, it's a different machine type...
17:46.10lkclcr2 - i have an evil plan...
17:46.12cr2lkcl: i have looked at your opie. there are some things that are not portable to other htc phones.
17:46.21cr2which one ? :)
17:46.31lkclhow _much_ damage do you want to do to your universal before you hand it over?
17:46.41cr2there is no generic pxa kernel for normal people.
17:47.01lkclsurely... would it not be better to hand it back to the shop saying "i'm so sorry, it _really_ doesn't work, look: it doesn't even boot up!"
17:47.23lkcland on that basis, why not try and put linux into the g3 DoC partition?
17:47.45lkclyou have nothing to lose, and you can always do a complete overwrite of the DoC partition to hide the evidence :)
17:47.58iclemcr2 : you can do hw guess just if there is no MTYPE
17:48.18cr2they will redirect me to the auth. center, where the people will run some diagnostics. i want to know what this diagnotics will say. in advance :)
17:49.05lkclwell if you **** it so badly the diagnostics won't run and the bootloader won't run, then they will have to conclude "must be a hardware fault, let's give him a new one"
17:49.15cr2iclem: lkcl run a test for me yesterday on all of his phones.
17:49.49cr2so i know how the devices identify itself.
17:50.08lkcli'm trying to arrange a temporary "swap" - of my universal - for someone else who took a look at it, and i may be able to persuade them to get an XDA IIs.
17:50.36cr2board id 6 ?
17:51.11lkclyeh, board id 7
17:51.54cr2i wish you can finish the universal fb driver :)
17:52.28cr2i'm kind of a lame duck now. destroyed all my htc hardware ;)
17:53.28lkclgomunicator it is, then.
17:53.47iclempity ibot logs are merely empty again
17:55.03cr2lkcl: your opie runs getty on /dev/ttyS2. (at least) hima will be unhappy. the BT settings are strange too. you are loading pxa2xx for usb. needs to be changed on the universal
17:56.48lkclyeh, i know - i fixed the /dev/ttyS2 thing.
17:57.00lkclin the conf/machine/himalaya.conf
17:58.15cr2ok. create a conf for the universal 8)
17:58.35lkclgotta get that damn screen working first!
17:58.51lkcland a few more useful things like touchscreen.
17:59.10cr2is it easier ?
17:59.24cr2use IR mouse instead, like a real man.
17:59.26iclemanybody know what RIL is ? there are references to RIL in wince battery.dll
17:59.43cr2radio interface layer
18:00.00lkcliclem: look up ril gsm on google, about 3rd hit is itsme's page on that AT commands.
18:00.06cr2it can be just sloppy programming
18:00.33cr2like in the hima audio driver.
18:00.36iclemso battery status might be got via gsm like on wallaby
18:01.09iclemits my first steps in disassembling
18:01.19cr2gsm can't measure voltages :)
18:03.18iclemsome clue about the log i psoted on wiki ?
18:03.36cr2link ?
18:05.26cr2what is ACR and TAD ? tad is probably temperature ADC.
18:06.40cr2ACR. A* current register ? maybe reading the DS2670 datasheet helps. it is used by newer HTC pdas, and there is a linux driver.
18:08.55iclemhave to go, bbl
18:26.24cr2lkcl: i was told the following on the xda-dev about the wifi:
18:26.31cr2Create an empty file: tiacxwln_testmode.txt and put it in your WINDOWS directory and soft-reboot -- on Axim, the driver looks for that file and if it
18:27.00cr2exists the wifi hardware isn't claimed anymore (propably to easly test other drivers or launch special testmode drivers..). WinCE kicks in and
18:27.17cr2recognizes an unknown networking device connected to PCMCIA socket 2
18:54.30rob_whow is it going
18:58.06cr2rob, have you tested opie ?
19:15.04*** join/#htc-blueangel lkcl (
19:25.07rob_wcr2, not on the BA yet , back then on ipaq `s i actually also used it to some extend
19:25.26rob_wlooks really nice but feels more probiatory
19:34.18*** join/#htc-blueangel JuNuKN (
19:36.27cr2rob, do you have PH20B ?
19:42.18JuNuKNHello together, ... iclem lkcl and cr2 ... my sd card arrived, who is willing to help me to prepare for a Himalaya-Image ... Problems/Questions regarding fdisk
19:46.17lkclheya JunuKN
19:46.39JuNuKNHello lkcl
19:46.58lkclam just chatting to people on #oe about opie-image.  apparently there's no detect-stylus program in opie (qt/embedded has no x-server!)
19:47.47JuNuKNWhat does that mean? I think you have had a touchscreen keyboard up and running !?
19:48.18lkclopie is a different distribution altogether from gpe.
19:49.47cr2find it on boot and make a link ?
19:50.53JuNuKNI have problems / questions with preparing my sd for hiamalya
19:53.18cr2lkcl: i have moved further with the KITL thing. if i chose it in a boot menu, then the 0x0bb4:0x00ce device created (serial over usb), i do cu -l /dev/ttyUSB0, <enter> and get the "kITLEDBG          AHTC_DEV" response. I'm supposed to answer with some BOOTME sequence. Protocol expert's opinion ?
19:54.05lkclah ha!
19:54.17lkclyou _really_ can't tell, without also having the other side, cr2.
19:54.39lkclyou need to see the entire protocol: there are programs that will sniff usb traffic on windows.
19:54.55lkclyou're going to need to do that, i'm afraid.
19:55.33lkcl_with_ it it's going to make life _really_ good - but some poor sucker has to install the ms developer environment...
19:56.42cr2hmm. then i need the platform builder. not exactly cheap thing :)
19:57.55cr2google says EDBG is the old environment, KITL is new...
19:59.11cr2huh. KITL over ethernet (EDBG)
20:06.23lkclJuNuKN: are ya dead, dude?
20:07.01JuNuKNNo I am not, I am waiting until someone has time for my problem
20:10.35JuNuKNI tried to fdisk my sd card under linux ... I defined 2 primary partitions and doing a write. But afterwards everything seems the same, when I try to mount under linux !?
20:12.22JuNuKNBecause the device was automaunted as sdc1, I did a fdisk /dev/sdc1
20:12.44cr2it should be fdisk /dev/sdc
20:14.46JuNuKNAhh ...   now it looks much better! p listes the fat16 partition!!!
20:15.42JuNuKNDo I ahev to delete the partion first !? Afterwards create a first one, with size at leas 30 MB Byte !? Correct!
20:16.43cr230 is an overkill. decide yourself.
20:17.08JuNuKNI have 256 MByte ... Which commands ?
20:17.17lkclthe reason why i have 30mb is because i do several kernels on it, plus room for transferring files between wince and my laptop.
20:17.29JuNuKNI think n for create a new partition
20:17.37lkclpress ?
20:17.39lkcland return
20:18.01lkclthere is very terse and sufficient help in fdisk
20:19.33JuNuKNOK, now it seems to work ... I have my first partition now .... How big is the second to be created equal ? So maybe the rest of the card 200MByte ?
20:19.40lkclrest of the card, yeh.
20:19.54lkclyour 2nd partition _must_ be ext3.
20:20.36rob_wok now it is "official" ,, i will be doing development   , celebrate !
20:20.47lkclheyy - you got the job?
20:21.30lkclkinda, he says :)  _kinda_??
20:21.42rob_wi will freelance for someone on embedded linux ;-)
20:23.51rob_wyeah i need to work out the details n stuff but technicly i had a really promising test session today
20:24.40lkclmore of us need good jobs doing stuff we like doing.
20:25.16rob_wwork on it and you may succeed
20:25.32Funklordwe might get an embedded project at work... during this year
20:25.48Funklordbut I wouldn't put my hopes up =P
20:26.16rob_wFunklord, what devices do they target ?
20:26.25*** join/#htc-blueangel immolo (
20:26.57lkclheya immolo
20:26.59Funklordrob_w: doesn't have to be small or efficient, just cheap and have a nic
20:27.19immoloheya peoplle
20:27.30lkcldo not boot universal kernel on blueangel....
20:27.40Funklordhey immolo
20:27.50Funklordand everyone else for that matter ;)
20:28.28immolomiss anynews on some finished gpe for my little blue?
20:28.41lkclhe :)
20:28.56immoloor maybe someone got wifi working in linux
20:29.06lkclyep - all done, just in time for the latest XDA 4, immolo
20:29.30immolocool I'll preorder 5 then :P
20:30.02Funklordthere's a silly page at now
20:31.13cr2lkcl: can you create an empty tiacxwln_testmode.txt in the windows directory and tell me what happens after reset ?
20:32.34lkclgimme few mins...
20:35.26JuNuKNWhich gpe image must I use now for the himalaya? The one from the BA-Wiki page or one of yours ?
20:37.56lkclit depends what version of the kernel you want to use.
20:38.03lkcloh.  himalaya.
20:38.08lkclahhh, right.
20:38.43lkcldoesn't matter - but you _must_ put in some modules onto the SD card in the 2nd partition
20:38.59lkclunderr /llib/modules/2.6.12-hh0-xda0-him0
20:39.01lkclnot ba0
20:39.18lkcldid you compile up that kernel, yourself, the other day?
20:39.38lkclcr2 - gotta get some food.
20:39.42lkclback later.
20:39.54JuNuKNNo only one, as you explained me how ... but will do it later
20:40.49JuNuKNCan you give me pleas the link again ... it is not in the log files ...
20:49.31JuNuKNI see .... I will try it an other day ... after I recompiled the kernel with the newest sources ...
21:48.57*** join/#htc-blueangel petaflot (
22:13.42lkclokay.  _eventually_ it accepted the input.  hurrah.
22:14.02lkclokay *LOL* i have no screen calibration and it's not asked for any, and the cursor isn't on-screen!
22:14.42lkclam playing with opie, rob.
22:14.51lkcland am about to give up.
22:15.01rob_wwhy ?
22:15.15lkcloh, it's.... unfinished, basically.
22:15.37lkclgpe, much as i hate gtk, is more... "finished".  there's a touchscreen calibration program for a start!!!
22:15.53rob_whmm as u say sir
22:16.25cr2lkcl: ???
22:17.00lkclyes cr2?
22:17.10cr2there is no cursor in opie.
22:17.17lkclis there not???
22:17.30cr2and there must be a screen calibration program.
22:17.44cr2it was there 2 years ago.
22:18.13cr2there is no cursor in wince :)
22:18.54lkclwhere's the calibrate application??? ?!?!
22:18.56rob_wnormally there is also no in gpe
22:19.43cr2hmm. google.
22:26.14cr2in the Settings tab there is a Recalibrate icon. on my zaurus.
22:26.30rob_wlkcl, ask on #opie
22:28.14lkclah, yeh - good idea.  but - tomorrow.  must get an early night.
22:29.11cr2in your opie archive: /opt/QtPalmtop/apps/Settings/calibrate.desktop
22:30.24cr2hmm. there is no calibrate in bin
22:32.37cr2and not on zaurus.
22:36.42cr2it is probably built-in in qpe.
22:57.19cr2lkcl: good night.

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