irclog2html for #htc-blueangel on 20060101

00:04.23cr2somebody still around ? back to hacking :)
00:13.14rob_w1:16 here all
00:22.22lkclalready so soon, cr2?  oh - he's gone hacking
00:25.37iclemcan't get this himalaya to charge under linux
00:28.37cr2can't link with gx.lib
00:30.24cr2found this software
00:43.33cr2have only three problems left:
00:43.46cr2out/video.obj:video.cpp:(.text+0x68): undefined reference to `GXBeginDraw()'
00:43.56cr2out/output.obj:output.cpp:(.text+0x6c0): undefined reference to `CreateDialogParamW'
00:44.05cr2out/script.obj:script.cpp:(.text+0x4c): undefined reference to `isspace'
00:44.50cr2the last two are the bugs in includes and can be worked around.
00:46.29cr2gx.lib is found. if i write foobar.lib, then i get an error. hmm...
00:48.06cr2there was something fishy about underscores, but i don't see them with nm.
00:49.09cr2it is probably easier simply to get rid of this GAPI stuff ;)
00:58.53cr2are these really equivalent : ?GXBeginDraw@@YAPAXXZ  void * GXBeginDraw();
00:59.11cr2lkcl: do you know how to use c++filt ?
00:59.12lkcloh yeh - i think i cut those out, too :)
00:59.36lkcli cut out the draw stuff entirely.
00:59.47lkclcouldn't be bothered with the penguin crap.
00:59.51lkclor the __try stuff.
00:59.57lkclif it doesn't work, so what? :)
01:00.01cr2very wise, indeed.
01:06.36cr2i don 't get it. why arm-wince-pe-c++filt can't demangle the m$ symbols???
01:07.08lkclprobably because nobody's tried it before.
01:07.29lkclyou have to be _very_ specific in your symbol naming conventions on c++ linking.
01:08.05lkcldude you are _much_ better off just running the wince MS arm cross-compiler under wine.  i did that in about 30 mins.
01:11.43cr2but it also has linking problems...
01:13.42lkcli encountered no such problems - it just worked.
01:14.05lkclii  libwine                                0.9-1                          Windows API Implementation (Library)
01:14.05lkclii  libwine-dev                            0.9-1                          Windows API Implementation (Development file
01:14.05lkclii  wine                                   0.9-1                          Windows API Implementation (Binary Loader)
01:14.05lkclii  wine-doc                               0.0.20040121-1                 Windows Emulator (Documentation)
01:14.09lkclii  wine-utils                             0.9-1                          Windows API Implementation (Utilities)
01:14.11lkclii  winesetuptk                            0.7-1                          Windows Emulator (Configuration and Setup To
01:14.16lkclthat's under debian.
01:14.18lkclwhich version are you using?
01:14.47lkclthe wiki HARET page does warn you that if you're not using a recent version of wine, to expect problems, and to upgrade to avoid the problems.
01:17.47cr2heh. it's just not true. i had no problems with the old versions of wine. i 'm tried 0.9 and 0.9.4 on x86 and x86_64 and got the same error.
01:18.20cr2maybe i should look for the really old version and compile it.
01:21.56lkclhow odd.
01:22.29cr2winedump sym "?GXSuspend@@YAHXZ"
01:22.39cr2int __cdecl _global_GXSuspend_1(void)
01:22.57lkclokay: i'm going to upload the wince thingy i hacked together to (in a minute).
01:23.11lkclit'll include a typescript file
01:23.52lkclit definitely works - but just takes forever heeeeave, heeeave oh _drat_ wrong one, i edited it and left it in an uncompileable state :)
01:25.18lkclyes - wine is known for being able to run specific programs but not others.
01:25.37lkclthe reason is simple: there are bugs in applications that were developed for specific versions of win32.
01:25.45lkcland they worked at the time.
01:25.53lkcl_but_ of course, things get upgraded...
01:25.57lkclOH - yes: i remember now.
01:26.09cr2ok. let me know when the file is there.
01:26.12lkclyou need to shorten the number of things on the linker command-line
01:26.31lkclif there are too many on the wine command-line, it cuts them off.
01:26.34lkclthat was it.
01:27.14cr2burn them these developers
01:27.31lkclokay, it's there.
01:30.29cr2i think it is intentional. you can't link with another library if you can 't demangle the names. wine knows how to do it (lgpl software) and binutils - not.
01:35.05lkclokay.  we got visitors, they're being thingy.  cranky cos there's not enough places for everyone to sleep.  oops :)
01:35.15lkclbetter go sort them all out...
01:36.19cr2hey, you are compiling with evc3!
01:53.25lkclwhat it is is that you have to remove some of the additional (redundant) compile options from the linker line.
01:53.45lkclthat makes the whole line short enough for it to fit into whatever command-line buffers are too bloody short.
01:53.51lkclunder wine.
01:54.01lkcland then it works.
01:54.51lkclhey, the article on linuxdevices is going up in a few minutes...
01:59.22cr2linuxdevices ?
01:59.33cr2MontaVista's Mobilinux 4.0 gains SD/SDIO/MMC support
02:06.12lkclyeh.  the article describing the legal minefield is very useful.
02:06.19lkclbasically: we're stuck with reverse-engineering.
02:06.35lkclalthough,'s web site now contains a _lot_ of downloadable appnotes
02:06.53lkclincluding one for the diskonchip 32Mb and 64Mb millenium plus...
02:23.28cr2you are a good journalist :) some technical inaccuracies here and there, but the text is well understandable by a "normal" reader.
02:26.20lkclany suggestions, because we have an opportunity to correct them.
02:26.42lkclyes, it's a skill i deliberately cultivated.  i really meant it about it being my vocation.
02:27.53cr2easy ones: UTMC -> UMTS
02:29.53lkclduh :)
02:30.24lkclany more?
02:34.45cr2the european model Motorola A780 is a great phone, it has GPS and is bundled with the NATIVE linux routeplanner from ALK (copilot) with maps of all western Europe/Scandinavia.
02:35.17cr2you mention the really outdated model.
02:36.40lkcloh yeh.
02:38.16cr2i don't think we will need a couple of years to run Linux on the universal. partly thanks to the A780 and its source code availability.
02:41.49lkcloh yeh??? _excellent_!  where, where?  it has similar hardware??
02:42.20lkclwell... i'm being pessimistic.  another success, another article.  hurrah :)
02:42.24cr2there is also a "security" observation. in spite of all whining about signed drivers, trusted API and such, we can run haret without doing anything. just install and run. ultimate virus dreamworld.
02:43.58lkclque?  i no unnerstand.  oh.  yeh.  haret.  "do you want to run haret at least once, yes/no?"
02:44.12lkclhack it - hack the registry, bypass the question.
02:44.46lkcli mean... the tools on _provide_ all the information necessary for viruses to unlock the ROM...
02:45.51cr2for 2.4.20 look at . For the 2.6.14 hacker kernel i will write Harald Welte from the fame. I talked with him in Berlin about it.
02:46.58lkcl_excellent - is that on the Universal wiki pages?
02:47.32cr2haret  calles the functions that are "trusted" since wince 3.0 without having any certificate.
02:49.04cr2A780 kernel has the camera drivers (not available anywhere else), and communicates with the GSM over USB OTG, like universal.
02:49.55cr2it has pxa270 processor, so the drivers controlling the CPU voltage, speed, SRAM, etc. are also there.
02:50.32lkclhey cr2, can you do a slashdot article-post, too?
02:50.34cr2wiki ? not really. i have written some word about it on the xanadux wiki page.
02:50.46lkclslashdot hate me :)
02:51.22lkclrick has done some updates from suggestions from you - thanks.
02:54.17cr2slashdot is a US site, and the A780 with GPS is not sold there. i have read that Bruce Perens has bought this phone. Look at the site and wiki
02:57.51cr2i think that the really hot thing is this Qt version of copilot from ALK. it' s not some java crap, but a fully ported and good working program. the windows version costs really arm and leg, and here it is bundled and the maps are available.
03:03.46lkclworth trashing gpe and going with the other thing.  the qt-based one.  i always hated GTK, anyway :)
03:05.07cr2qomunicator :)
03:07.27cr2the phone app on A780 looks like gomunicator. the program interface on A780 is rough and simple. i really like it. but it is not free software.
03:08.13lkclyeh, damn qomummymunicator
03:08.39lkcli mentioned e680 links on a couple of universal pages, so as not to forget them.  UniversalResearch.
03:09.22lkcl3am - urk.
03:09.43cr24am :) i will go to bed. good night!
03:10.07lkclnight cr2.
03:22.29lkcli _thought_ there was a command to write to the SD card in the bootloader.
03:22.32lkcld2s it's called.
04:17.40lkcloh _maaan_.  xilinx provided GPL code for the IIc device, to motorola.
04:18.17lkclon the E680 and A780, it runs the touchscreen, keyboard, and some of the GPIO.
11:36.42*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w (
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12:01.06*** join/#htc-blueangel jurop88 (
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12:17.43*** join/#htc-blueangel iclem (
13:05.40*** join/#htc-blueangel Olli_G (
14:52.08lkclheya folks
14:57.28iclemhi lkcl
15:05.00*** join/#htc-blueangel petaflot (
15:05.39petaflothi. happy new year to you all
15:14.55*** join/#htc-blueangel JuNuKN (
15:15.38JuNuKN~botmail read
15:22.40iclemhi JuNuKN
15:23.23jurop88Hi everybody and happy new year to all!
15:23.50JuNuKNHi iclem ... Happy new year ... something new ? ... Logs are again incompletet !
15:23.56iclemhappy new year to you all
15:24.20iclemnothing new for me, i'm trying to figure out why battery is not charging, and how to get battery status
15:24.37jurop88may I put some questions?
15:24.50iclemof course
15:25.23jurop88I'm looking to buy a new palm/phone
15:25.33jurop88and was looking for a Linux one
15:26.00jurop88I followed the whole discussion about the porting...
15:26.05jurop88for the XDAII
15:26.20jurop88I am not a developer but have some practice with programming
15:26.39jurop88and have a nice occasion to have a qtek 9090 for a good price
15:26.55jurop88do you think I will be able to use it with LInux?
15:28.33jurop88perhaps a more recent jasjar?
15:28.33JuNuKN9090 is the qtek 9090 MDA3, which is ported with most of the features
15:29.13JuNuKNGSM and SMS with it is portet, Sound Keyboard USB and Seriell.
15:29.40JuNuKNBut till now WLAN and BVluetooth is not complete (as I know) it means that I can make/receive phone calls the same way as a normal cell phone?
15:32.00JuNuKNYes ... I am also not shure about the current status of standby-handling. Maybe it is still incomplete, but I would expect, that this will be the next, which is ready.
15:33.14jurop88another question...
15:33.39JuNuKNOld way (till for a week or so) was a workarround , which leads to a batery live of standby 18 hours ... #
15:33.56jurop88to hack the phone, I will need something particular or the USB connection is sufficient?
15:35.22JuNuKNYou need HaRET and somehow a seriell or WLan-TCP/IP telnet connection to the device ... still running WinCE
15:35.53iclemyes usb is sufficent
15:36.08JuNuKNUSB will worg for this TCP/IP connection ..
15:36.51jurop88sorry if my questions seem stupid, but I will be sure BEFORE spending my money ;-)
15:37.17iclemhave a look at for current status
15:37.40jurop88in case of problems, what are the chanches to revert to WinCE original status?
15:37.55jurop88@iclem: thanks, I already eat all of it!!!
15:37.57iclem100% ;)
15:39.26iclemlinux do not erase WinCE
15:39.27JuNuKNAt the moment the new OS is not flashed into the device it is only stored on a SD card, and without the SD-Card plugged and a hardreset WinCE comes back   ;o)
15:39.34iclem(one day, I hope... )
15:39.41jurop88who is following the project at the moment? I am not so skilled to go on my foot, but I think to be sufficient enough to be of some help in case somebody else is on the same road
15:40.43iclemAFAIK there are at least three active people on blueangel port
15:41.37jurop88@JuNuKN: I'll start to understand the mechanism! So there's a software emulation layer over WinCE? Let's say a form of soft-reset after initialising all services not driven by Linux via WinCE?
15:42.23iclemif fact it's not emulation, but a wince bootloader which is booting linux kernel (Haret)
15:43.38jurop88ah, a dual boot machine! As i read, Haret is an acronym for the reverse-engineering layer, is it?
15:43.39JuNuKNNo, it replaces WinCE ... but only in the RAM-Memory of the device, where the normal location of WinCE is. It will be loaded by a hartreset from falsh into RAM. And Same is now done by inserting the SD-card via a bootloader, running under WinCE
15:44.09JuNuKNHaRET has also a feature known from loadlin
15:44.44JuNuKN#And now my knowledge goes to an end ... iclem is the guy form more details
15:47.03JuNuKNiclem: Any internal news on Himalaya Port : sound chip / gomunicator?
15:52.25jurop88another question: is it difficult to build the environment for cross-compiling? I have 2xi386, one (old) with Mandrake and the other with Debian, both updated with a 2.6 kernel but one with a gcc 3 and the other with gcc4
15:56.00JuNuKNNo it should be easy, because it is available as OpenEmbedded Project, which creates the crosscompilation chain and so on by itself. Don't know it exactly, because I didn't set it up until now .... I am a linux newby ... which is following the discussions since weeks
15:59.07JuNuKNBy the way, this chat is most active at nights ... maybe its better to ask than !?
15:59.08iclemjurop88:  there are precompiled crosstoolchains, easy to use
16:00.06iclemsufficient if you plan just to do kernel hack
16:03.40iclembut compilation will be slow on i386
16:06.51JuNuKNThere we are at the theme .... can you try to give me instructions to do a first compile with my toolchain
16:07.26jurop88iclem: the working machine is a Celeron 2.4 Mhz, not properly a 386 ;-)
16:08.49iclemIIRC you have downloaded and installed crosstoolchain ?
16:09.49JuNuKNMy current structure to the toolchain is at the moment  /home/jn/xanadux/usr/local/arm/3.4.1/bin which I have to add to my Path variable ... Correct?
16:10.25JuNuKNYes the handhels toolchain 3.4.1
16:10.29iclemno I think it must installed in /usr/local/arm/3.4.1/bin
16:10.57JuNuKNSo I have to move it as root?
16:11.35iclemdon't know of it matters, I've done this way
16:11.55iclemwith you setup try to go in another directory and type "arm-linux-gcc"
16:13.20iclemany error message ?
16:13.40JuNuKNOK, I let to old location exist as it was !? Set the path to it and try the command...
16:13.57JuNuKNThe move as user said "no right"
16:14.17iclemyes try with your current setup before moving
16:14.58JuNuKN... Pleas again a dummy Winuser help ... How to setup path ?  PATH seems not to be defined?
16:15.52iclemecho $PATH
16:16.10iclemexport PATH=$PATH: /home/jn/xanadux/usr/local/arm/3.4.1/bin
16:16.23iclemwithout space after :
16:16.50JuNuKNAhhh thanks echo delivers the path now ... you see I am still not familar with it!
16:17.40iclemif it works you will have to put it into ~/.bash_profile
16:18.43JuNuKNreturns arm-linux-gcc: no input file   :O)  great !
16:19.00iclemlets go in you kernel tree
16:19.05iclemmake himalaya_defconfig
16:19.23JuNuKN... one moment ... first at it in my bash ...
16:20.19iclemINSTALL_MOD_PATH=<diretory you want the modules to be installed in> make modules_install
16:20.54JuNuKNLinux want not to show me that file .... one moment
16:22.03JuNuKNI only see a .bashrc and a .bash_history
16:22.10JuNuKNwith mc
16:22.12iclemcreate it
16:22.29JuNuKNsudo mc
16:22.43iclemcreate it as user
16:22.45JuNuKNsorry wrong keyboard ;o)
16:22.50JuNuKNsudo mc
16:23.02iclemecho "export PATH=$PATH: /home/jn/xanadux/usr/local/arm/3.4.1/bin" > ~/.bash_profile
16:23.30iclemagain without space ;) dumb cut&paste
16:26.18JuNuKNok make is running ....
16:27.05JuNuKNBut was iut handled correct ? it calls cc and maybe not the CrossChain compiler !?
16:28.27cr2hi guys
16:28.43cr2JuNuKN: put the cross-path before $PATH
16:28.47JuNuKNHello cr2 and a happy new year
16:28.53iclemiirc kernel is choosing the gcc that correspond to the arch
16:29.37JuNuKN? So it is still correct only to call the himalaya_defconfig and than the make
16:29.55iclemthat what i do and it works
16:30.09iclemtry ;)
16:30.45JuNuKNOK ... I never thought, that it is that easy ....  It is still running ... no harddisk problem till now ;o)
16:30.55cr2i use: PATH=/usr/local/arm/3.4.1/bin:$PATH make
16:31.39cr2iclem: have you tried gomunicator ?
16:31.45JuNuKNIt proceed without errors and now ?
16:32.19iclemyes, with a symlink /dev/gsm0 > /dev/ttyS0
16:32.32JuNuKNI will write the stuff into wiki afterwards to make it reproducable for other beginners ...
16:33.23JuNuKNIn the root there is now a vmlinux
16:33.23iclemerror message i do not remind about message channel cannot be open and /dev/gsm0 not a directory
16:33.29cr2iclem: /dev/ttyS2
16:33.58iclemok will give it a new try
16:34.24iclemJuNuKN:  use arche/arm/boot/zImage
16:34.47iclemthat's the kernel
16:35.13iclemrename it or modify haret's script to reflect the name
16:36.27JuNuKNOK, I see ... that was easy :o))      .... So this kernel may start and may give some serial output ... but where is the initrd and how can I add stuff there ?
16:37.59iclemuse another initRD, it works
16:38.07iclemthis kernel is mostly builtin
16:38.09JuNuKNEspoecially the mmc-driver
16:38.33iclemcopy the modules in your initRD
16:38.58JuNuKNSo there is no other kewrnel in the initRD ?
16:39.30JuNuKNI thought, that the first kernel only loads the ramdisk and than sitches the root and the kernel!?
16:39.31iclemno initRD contains a root file system
16:39.55iclemthe first kernel is the only one
16:40.08JuNuKNI understand,- and have to read this night!!
16:40.27iclemit loads the initRD in ram and execute linuxrc
16:41.17JuNuKNSo did I also compile the two mmc-modules with this command? And how to insert them into the initRD  maybe permananent. Maybe modify a sh script?
16:41.49iclemhave you make modules_install
16:42.17JuNuKNNo not till now? Where must I do it under the device itself?
16:42.27iclemINSTALL_MOD_PATH=<diretory you want the modules to be installed in> make modules_install
16:42.58iclemnot this extracts the modules from the kernel tree and copy it in the /lib/modules dir
16:43.37iclembut as user you should install then elsewhere
16:44.26iclemto mount the initrd follow my recent "GPE without SD" wiki
16:45.04JuNuKNNo I am completely disturbed
16:45.37iclemwhy ?
16:45.55JuNuKNI thought the Kernel loads the initRD ... initialized by harets command-line arguments and envirenment
16:46.50iclemit's right
16:47.19iclemthe modules files are in initRD
16:47.21JuNuKNOK, than again the reason for the INSTALL_MOD_PATH   ... module_install
16:47.34JuNuKN... I am to fast
16:47.47iclemto get the modules files to be copied in you initRD ;)
16:48.40JuNuKNWhere can I find the current, preconfigured initRD file, which I just compiled ?
16:49.40JuNuKN... or better,- hopefully created with my make command
16:50.47iclemcr2: gomunicator says "could not get security status, Is SM card missing"
16:51.06rob_wiclem,  try again
16:51.11iclemthat's pretty faire, as there's not SIM card in the himalaya ;)
16:51.34cr2great. is there any log feature in gomunicator ?
16:52.50cr2rob_w: is there any userspace tool for the gsm data channel ?
16:53.00iclemi reboot with sim inserted, i really like to do the wame things twice
16:53.26rob_wcr2, no
16:53.45rob_wi was thinking of a AT input box inside gomunicator
16:54.33rob_wcr2, would u like to see something ?
16:54.34cr2cp15 said something about modifying pppd. we have a common access model for all phones: two serial ports, so it will work everywhere.
16:55.04JuNuKNOK I found one ... under .../boot/bootp  initRD.s  but only with 110 byte ...
16:55.19cr2rob_w: what about creg=2 ?
16:55.38rob_wcr2, hehe thats where i wanted to try that ..
16:55.44iclemJuNuKN:  initRD is NOT compiled with kernel
16:56.05iclemyou have to created one or modify existent
16:56.07rob_wsorry i amy so frustrated as my ba does not resume anymore .. and i ve not idea why
16:56.29iclemjust add you modules in initRD's /lib/modules
16:57.14JuNuKNOK, please give me detailed informations .... for a windows user ;o)
16:57.40iclemok, take the initRD from llange website
16:57.58JuNuKNok, I try one moment ....
16:58.41rob_wah it seems i did not use logread correctly ,, thats why i saw now messages
17:01.19JuNuKNOK I have doiwnloaded it into my /home/jn/xanadux directory   name is initrd-2.6.12.gz
17:01.51JuNuKNsize 5.4 MByte
17:02.24JuNuKNcd ..
17:02.30iclemmkdir tmpinitrd
17:02.34JuNuKNcd ..#
17:02.45iclemmount -o loop initrd-2.6.12 tmpinitrd
17:03.06iclemthe go to kernel tree
17:03.34iclemthen :  INSTALL_MOD_PATH=<path/to/tmpinitrd> make modules_install
17:03.51iclemha may need to be root to mount
17:04.23iclemrob_w:  gomunicator do not want my pin
17:04.53iclemno reaction, no error
17:05.03iclemjust "enter pin:"
17:06.11JuNuKNI just unpacked the file ... I am not that fast ;o)
17:06.17iclemdb_call_update_duration(-1) Segmentation fault
17:06.48iclemhopefully you've got the log ;)
17:07.16JuNuKNsudo mount ... doesn't work sais no sudoers file
17:09.03JuNuKNOK, now the mount worked
17:10.35iclemdo the modules_install as root too
17:11.12JuNuKNThanks for the tip ... ;o)  I now was abvle to switch back .... with su jn
17:11.53iclemtype "exit " to return as user
17:11.59JuNuKNA forecast of mine ... Path is not set here !?
17:13.03iclemyou must use "su - <username>" to load all environment , including $PATH
17:13.34iclemgomunicator do not dial
17:14.08iclemI'm using v0.1.3, is there a most recent compiled version i can try ?
17:15.37iclemgot to go, bbl
17:17.38JuNuKNOK, it seems to work ... No error message ....nasic3_mmc.ko and others are processed ...
17:18.12JuNuKNNow umount  <something>?
17:24.36JuNuKNiclem ?
17:26.47iclemumount tmpinitrd
17:26.56JuNuKNOK, I have unmounted it like a normal mount ...
17:27.08iclemgzip initrd-2.6.12
17:28.00JuNuKNNow the files are in the intrd !?   Thanks !!!    I will write a short doku tonight for the wiki!  How to add other things like gomunicator?
17:29.26iclemgomunicator needs GPE which is not included in this initRD
17:30.30JuNuKNAhh ok ....
17:31.32JuNuKNAnd all neccessary kernel things are automatically copyed by the modules_install command? So I simply have to take any gpe image than!?
17:31.37iclemnext step for you is to try your just compiled kernel to check if everything worked
17:32.09iclemsort of
17:32.19JuNuKNOK ... I will try later ... backup takes a lot of time under WinCE therefore I first have to update the kernel tree from cvs ...
17:33.01JuNuKNand do it again and write the doku,-  finally also into wiki ....
17:33.18JuNuKNHow to update the cvs tree from the commandline ?
17:33.33JuNuKNDo I need a clean before the make ?
17:33.37iclemtonight if you want, i can explain you how to use NFS
17:34.46iclemi do "make distclean" before cvs update
17:34.50JuNuKNWhich are the advantages for it? if it is that simple to make changes on the initrd!?
17:35.51JuNuKNOK I did the make distclean
17:35.55iclemyou can modify modules without rebooting ( 15 minutes economy)
17:37.39JuNuKNOK ... good Idea .... but maybe to much for my first start .... lets use the current learned . Thanks for the moment!  What is the cvs update for my tree ?
17:38.16JuNuKNI have to go to eat in a few minutes and bring the kids to bed ... so I will met again in a few hours
17:40.15iclembe back later too
17:41.11jurop88btw, thanks for all the info and see you later
17:51.36*** join/#htc-blueangel eme (
17:51.51emehappy new year girls and boys!
18:46.40cr2hi eme
18:49.05cr2i have compiled 'gnuharet' with gcc, but it doesn't start. must be my fault. vlc compiled with the same tools works.
20:11.49JuNuKNHey iclem ... Thanks again ....   MY compile notices are online now ... be so kind and crosscheck it and correct it if needed. Thanks
20:23.13JuNuKNI see, noone is online ,,,, My PC linux machine has restarted itself without user action ! Don't know where to look for problems in the logs ... Maybe that was the initial problem of my FS charsh
20:24.11JuNuKNMaybe I have to switch of (somehow) acpi handling !?
20:27.05lkclhello i'm not here, JuNuKN
20:27.31JuNuKNSad, so no help for now ;o)
20:31.17JuNuKN.... or maybe you are really online ?
20:31.51cr2wince programming is evil. i don't reach WinMain for some reason. hello world works.
20:36.51lkclwhat is this "online" of which you speak?
20:37.02JuNuKNnot away ....
20:37.29JuNuKNMay you give me a tip how to update my cvs tree with commandline cvs ?
20:37.41lkclcvs update -d -P
20:37.54lkclin the linux-2.6-xda directory
20:38.06lkclfairly easy, really.
20:38.17lkcli'm trying to build a working initrd for the himalaya.
20:39.45JuNuKNdoesn't work for me reports ... failed to open /home/jn/.cvspass    I checked out as anonymous
20:41.50JuNuKNNo ideas ?
20:44.57JuNuKNNow,- with the second try  it seems to do something ... with the fail message ... !? We will see
20:45.07lkcldo touch ~/.cvspass
20:45.10lkclthen do it again.
20:46.28JuNuKNlkcl: OK I will do afterwards ... thanks.  Do you create a completely new initrd? Or a image for the SD card as real filesystem?
20:46.37JuNuKNWhat is the difference?
20:47.37lkcljust adding stuff to the existing one
20:47.49lkclhurrah - GPE 2.7 booting on himalaya, hurrah.
20:47.54lkclooo, entering runlevel 5...
20:48.06lkclHEY COOL!  GPE!
20:48.09lkclwith a touchscreen!
20:48.26JuNuKNsounds great!!! And what else? SD-Card support ?
20:48.29lkclwow this is wild.
20:48.32lkclyep, sd-card.
20:48.47lkclgood god.  sound module loaded.
20:49.09JuNuKNAnd speaker working ???
20:49.26lkcldunno yet...
20:51.52lkclhmm... /dev/ttyS0 isn't recognised.
20:52.03lkclthe initialisation sequence for the himalaya gsm is VERY specific.
20:52.08lkcland a complete.
20:52.42cr2lkcl: what is ttyS0 ?
20:52.44lkclit took me something like ... FOUR weeks just to get the right sequence to start the GSM phone up.
20:52.52lkcluhhh.. dunno, cr2.
20:53.01cr2gsm is /dev/ttyS2!
20:53.03lkclhow am i gonna test sound... *thinks*...
20:53.21lkclwell... it ain't there.
20:53.36lkcland it _won't_ be there if someone's removed the initialisation code that powers up the GSM radio rom.
20:54.10lkclit really _is_ a complete bastard.  you have to power it up for a few ms, then power it down.  flip some other GPIO then power back on.
20:54.11JuNuKNshit the ttys1, 2 and 0   ...
20:54.22lkcli think you even have to send some AT commands in between.
20:54.26lkclit was awful :)
20:54.43cr2for the sound ?
20:55.51lkclno, to power up the GSM radio module.
20:56.03JuNuKNTest the sound with some beeps or a mp3 or something else ?
20:56.05lkclthe sound module is loaded, recognised.
20:56.18lkclyeh there's a test as part of the sound settings - no volume.  oh well.
20:56.25lkclcan't have everything, i suppose.
20:56.33cr2aah. do you have gomunicator inside gpe ?
20:56.36lkclokay.  i'm gonna hunt for the code.
20:56.42lkclyep, cr2.
20:57.13cr2link /dev/ttyS2 to /dev/gsm0 and run it. look in the /tmp/gomunicator.log
20:57.28lkclthe initialisation sequence is guaranteed to fail if the GSM radio module hasn't been properly initialised.
20:57.37lkclit's empty.
20:58.22lkclwhy is himalaya_rs232_irq commented out?
20:59.29lkclokay - it's this code, ser_ffuart_gpio_config
21:00.22lkclah, that's what those silly gsm reset gpio on and off messages are all about... hmmm.
21:00.26cr2split hima with the BA code. you have different serial setup.
21:03.45lkclwhy doe ser_ffuart_gpio_config keep getting called every couple of mins?
21:04.24cr2no idea. where ?
21:05.16lkclah, it's cos /etc/inittab has an entry for tts/2 to start up a getty!
21:05.28cr2fucking wince. you can't even fprintf with creating a window and a message queue...
21:06.09lkcldamn. it's gone suspend bye-byes.  and i was getting on _so_ well :)
21:06.56cr2suspend. so fast  ?
21:07.20lkclabout 10 mins.  of course i've not tried blueangel_suspend yet so it wouldn't wake up.
21:14.05JuNuKNMaybe ... if you make a GSM-call to the device
21:15.07lkclit helps to have a SIM card in it...
21:15.53JuNuKNyeahr I read it also ..... thet really also a gsm sim card is needed ... also for linux   ;o)
21:17.30cr2wow. got gnuharet gui running :) the bug must be somewhere deep in the code.
21:17.55lkclexcellent, cr2.
21:19.16JuNuKN.... whats the differnce ?
21:22.03cr2JuNuKN: you are not compiling free software with some shitty microsoft compiler ;) it's gnu/haret :lol:
21:23.40JuNuKNOKOK ... but it is only the way ... not the end goal :o)))
21:23.54JuNuKNBut this are principles ...
21:24.39JuNuKNI have to go soon, hopefully the logs are tomorrow completer as the last days !!!
21:31.52lkcl_right_.  what am i buggering-up today?
21:35.23JuNuKNOverwrites from BA ...?
21:40.30lkclcome oooonnn
21:40.37lkclboot DAMN
21:50.08lkcloops i used cramfs instead of ext2 to make the initrd
21:50.53lkclboot yer buffer YAAY
21:53.45cr2Detected CPU family: Unknown
21:53.51cr2that pisses me off.
21:54.58lkclyou finally got the irda going on the thingy - universal - then?
21:58.42cr2not yet. but found a gpio.
21:59.19cr2YES. it works now. HaRET Version 0.3.6gnu
22:00.03cr2100% microsoft-free solution.
22:00.15cr2now i need to fix the known haret bugs.
22:12.58*** part/#htc-blueangel jurop88 (
22:13.37*** join/#htc-blueangel jurop88 (
22:16.51lkclgot it.
22:17.11lkclsome idiot modified the serial initialisation sequence without understanding what's going on.
22:17.28lkclbecause there was a complex function - pxa_gpio_op() - that doesn't now exist
22:17.45lkclthey replaced the call with two oversimplified (and incorrect) pxa_gpio_mode() calls.
22:17.50lkclwhich is totally wrong.
22:21.26cr2well. we probably need a hi0 branch.
22:21.42lkclthe ba0 one is good enough.
22:21.56lkcli found the missing function that whoever-it-was couldn't be bothered to cut across.
22:22.28lkclthey _sort_-of made part of it... yeh... there is much similarity.
22:22.44cr2i'm tired but happy.
22:22.48lkclbut it's no good: pxa_gpio_mode only has two parameters: i need 3.
22:22.50lkclah, good :)
22:29.07cr2haret now takes 3 seconds to compile here :)
22:29.16lkclthat's more friggin like it.
22:35.10cr2i have WADDR, WADDR16, KMALLOC and VMALLOC commands now. and completely messed up pxa27x code...
22:47.22cr2before testing IR i must fix the pxa27x gpio support.
23:07.08cr2i get interesting results from the framebuffer code. without this silly gapi stuff.
23:12.03lkclon the universal?
23:13.49cr2yes. look.
23:14.57cr2B1: form=1 bpp=16 fbaddr=A87AA000/A3FAA000 x=480/2 y=640/960
23:15.08cr2FB0: form=160 bpp=16 fbaddr=B0094020/A0094020 x=240/480 y=320/480
23:15.41cr2two different methods of calling the video driver give two different results.
23:19.39*** join/#htc-blueangel apt (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
23:19.39*** topic/#htc-blueangel is HTC BlueAngel is still under development ! Feel free to ask and check also -> | | channel chat logs at **upcoming gpe release is in org.openembedded.oz354fam083 dev tree !!!!*** HAPPY NEW YEAR 2006 ***
23:23.51cr2it looks like two Visuals (form=1,160) simultaneously mapped into main memory. double buffering for SRAM ? hacky setup.
23:26.39cr2#define FORMAT_565 1
23:28.25iclemI'm unable to make battery charge
23:29.21iclemcan't get what is wrong or lacking in the code
23:30.03lkcl0000010 002 002 002 022   G   S   M       V   e   r   s   i   o   n
23:30.03lkcl0000020   :       1   .   0   6   .   0   1       G   2   3       V   e
23:30.03lkcl0000030   r   s   i   o   n       :       1   3   3   7   .   1   6 002
23:30.03lkcl0000040 002 002 026   A   T   -   C   o   m   m   a   n   d       I   n
23:30.03lkcl0000050   t   e   r   p   r   e   t   e   r       r   e   a   d   y  \r
23:30.22lkcloops :)
23:30.45iclemI've put some gpio/asic dump at if it can help
23:31.40lkcloh - you wanna play with a new kernel and zImage, iclem?
23:32.33iclemoh yes
23:33.00cr2lkcl: can you send at+creg=2 to the gsm ? is it supported on hima ?
23:33.24lkclwill try... i'm doing a hexdump -c /dev/ttyS2
23:33.35lkcli'm not sure if i echo something to it if it will try to reinitialise it - again...
23:34.11lkclnothing... no rection...
23:34.13cr2just the echo is not enough.
23:34.47cr2you must wrap it in 0x16 0x2 at+...
23:34.58lkclhmm, goes gpe have a "terminal... oh bollocks."
23:35.19cr2install uucp :)
23:35.26lkclah joy.
23:35.58lkclno, i think i'll create a file and then copy that over...
23:36.14iclemmust go, maybe see you later
23:36.21lkclk iclem.
23:36.33cr2echo should be capable to send oct and hex.
23:36.59lkclwhat's 0x16 in octal?
23:38.30cr2hmm. how will you get the response ? echo ...; cat ?
23:38.31lkclwhat's the "ending" character?. ... oh right i get it.
23:40.22cr2i used this with gps, but it's ugly.
23:40.29lkcli think it's getting switched off again.
23:40.37lkclmust check the sequence properly... *sigh*...
23:41.38cr2look into the gomunicator source.
23:41.50lkclwow!  the lcd brightness works on the himalaya!
23:42.18cr2const char prefix[2] = { 0x02, 0x16 };
23:42.37cr2const char postfix[2] = { 0x16, 0x02 };
23:44.13lkclit's not the init stuff i'm concerned about, it's the GPIO initialisation stuff.
23:44.17lkclin himalaya.c
23:44.51lkclthat's gotta be absolutely perfect.
23:45.15cr2the command ends with CRLF
23:45.42lkclthat's \r\n isn't it.
23:45.48lkclecho \002\026at+cpan=2\r\n\026\002 > /dev/ttyS2
23:45.52lkclis what i'm doing.
23:46.06cr2; cat /dev/ttyS2 ?
23:46.52cr2echo -e ?
23:46.56lkclwell if you do "cat /dev/ttyS2" then it tries to reinitialise the GSM modem...
23:47.37cr2stty -crtscts -F /dev/ttyS2
23:47.54cr2or something like that.
23:48.41lkcl* [-]crtscts    enable RTS/CTS handshaking
23:49.19cr2i think universal uses DTR for reset...

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