irclog2html for #htc-blueangel on 20051211

00:23.02*** join/#htc-blueangel miyavi (
00:23.39*** part/#htc-blueangel miyavi (
01:12.53cp15Good night
01:13.45*** part/#htc-blueangel cp15 (
01:34.41*** join/#htc-blueangel ben (
02:04.38*** join/#htc-blueangel ben017f (
03:09.14ben017fanyone here?
09:15.35*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w (
09:15.35*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o rob_w] by ChanServ
09:36.37*** join/#htc-blueangel cp15 (
09:36.37*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o cp15] by ChanServ
09:36.50cp15Good morning
09:53.37*** join/#htc-blueangel JuNuKN (
09:53.50JuNuKN~seen llange
09:53.56aptllange <> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-blueangel, 11d 11h 4m 58s ago, saying: 'no probs. =)'.
10:03.10rob_wJuNuKN, i ve his email ,.,, wanna have ?
10:06.07JuNuKNNo, thanks, I have it too. I want to check whether I didn't missed some discussions with him, regarding Himalaya
10:08.59JuNuKNI read in the Logs, that he was able to port 2.6.12 kernel (is this from newer discussions with him?), but I am mainley interested whether he made some progress in  the SD-card access on Himalaya
10:27.12JuNuKNDo you think, - that a linux beginner (me) is able to adapt the SD driver from BA to himalaya?
10:27.40JuNuKNWith help (advices) from the community here!?
10:34.43cp15I think it is worth a try. You can always learn something
10:35.15cp15But I would first ask llange whether he is working on it. Two people working on the same thing is not really useful
10:50.24rob_wcp15, your initrd ,, do i need to specify boot_mmc and init 5 to fully start through ?
10:52.29cp15init 5?
10:52.54cp15Don't think so. The init in the gpe image should do that automatically
10:58.14rob_wbut boot_mmc
11:02.08*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w (
11:02.09*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o rob_w] by ChanServ
11:03.51*** join/#htc-blueangel iclem (
11:10.34rob_whmm my fresh image now carry`s lib/modules/2.6.12-hh2 and 2.6.12-hh2-xda0-ba0
11:14.35rob_wok i ve compiled the new kernel ,, will test it after lunch ( if it ever arrives )
12:26.00JuNuKNSorry CP15 I was away for a while, ... and now again for half an hour or so,- I will come again and check it with llange via email. With OE I am aón a point, where I need some configuration help. I'll ask later.
13:44.26immolocp15, you around?
13:48.00cp15What is your status regarding oe?
13:48.44cp15I have already given the job to work on the image to lkcl, since it was a real blocker
13:49.08cp15But maybe you and lkcl could work together
13:49.41immolowell I need to re do monotone but building an image will only take me 12 hours
13:50.01immolobut I would be more then happy to work with lkcl
13:51.50immolowhat has he managed so far?
13:52.23cp15Ok, fine, then look at his oe patch at
13:55.03immolomuch cleaner then my way :P
13:56.04immoloI'll update monotone and talk to him later see what we can do
13:56.14cp15He is not here today
13:56.26cp15But maybe we can improve his patch together
13:59.15immoloyeah,my stuff was just uploaded to the main tree
13:59.38immolobut I never got time to upload my lastest stuff before all this stuff happened
14:02.47immolodamn I've just got to say wine0.9.2 is great
14:04.33cp15Yeah? I think there is still lot of stuff which doesn't work. But the autosetup works quite nice
14:05.12immoloI only use one app and it works very well with this realse
14:05.25immolook it's still not 100% but I can use it
14:06.20immoloone day there will be a native binary newsgroup leecher for linux though
14:08.36rob_wcrap , ive unresolved symbols in g_ether
14:29.41*** join/#htc-blueangel _bob_w (
14:30.46*** join/#htc-blueangel jn (
14:33.57*** join/#htc-blueangel jn (
14:38.44jn~seen JuNuKN
14:38.52aptjunukn is currently on #htc-blueangel (4h 45m 15s).  Has said a total of 6 messages.  Is idling for 2h 12m 52s
15:20.37jnCan someone help with OE configuration stuff now?
15:20.53jnIts me JuNuKN, ...
15:21.19cp15Where is your problem?
15:21.41jnI updated now everything from bitabke and now trying to configure.
15:22.06jnPersonal config now asks for the BB file ...
15:22.39jnBBFILES :=
15:24.02jnDont know, which are the ones, needed for BA or himalaya
15:24.31cp15BBFILES = ".../*/*.bb"
15:24.44cp15Replace ... with the path to
15:25.36jnAll ? Ahh ? I don't understand it!? I thougth there should be one or a view for BA specific!?
15:26.17cp15Yes, all (but dont expand the *s, bitbake will do it)
15:26.39cp15You have to specify MACHINE = "blueangel"
15:26.45cp15and then do a bitbake gpe-image
15:27.15cp15gpe-image then depends on all bbs which are needed for blueangel
15:28.07jnahhh, OK I will try for BA first ... and for himalaya ?
15:29.31cp15Hmm.... If you want to build a image specific for himalaya, create a conf/machine/himalaya.conf
15:29.47cp15Use blueangel.conf as a template
15:30.24cp15Also do a find -type f | xargs grep -i blueangel and check every reference whether you need to add himalaya
15:30.44jnOK, I will look for the contetn of the config file later and do first a BA try. The rest of parameters should be left as default?
15:31.01cp15I will check
15:31.37jnBBMASK should be empty I think.
15:32.12cp15immolo, are you still here?
15:33.23jnIll modify the Temp-Dir also to subfolder of "stuff"
15:34.19cp15I haven't set TMPDIR
15:35.02jnWhat with distro ?
15:35.41jnKERNEL_VERSION ?
15:36.12jnIMAGE_FSTYPES = "jffs2 tar"   correct as default ?
15:36.18cp15DISTRO = "familiar"
15:36.46cp15Don't use KERNEL_VERSION
15:36.52cp15IMAGE_FSTYPES is ok
15:37.01jnOK, so i will set distro to familar! (without special version!)
15:40.22jnOK, I have removed this line to always fetch from CVS
15:40.49cp15CVS_TARBALL_STASH = ""
15:41.05cp15Some cvses are not working, so better keep it
15:41.32jnERROR: Unable to open conf/bitbake.conf
15:42.30cp15Have you set the environment variable BBPATH?
15:43.49jnDon' remember whether I really did an install or only a "copy"
15:45.22cp15set BBPATH to <path to your private conf>:<>/conf
15:47.00jnexport BBPATH=/oe/build/conf:/oe/
15:47.44jnsame error
15:49.16cp15Sorry, mistake... Remove the final conf of both
15:50.53jnOK I found out how Iit works a littel bit more: let away the export and do a BBPATH=/home/jn/oe/build:/home/jn/oe/
15:51.20jnERROR: Remove this line or set a dummy DISTRO_VERSION if you really want to build an unversioned distro
15:51.20jnNOTE: exceptions.SystemExit:1 while evaluating:
15:51.20jn${"DISTRO_VERSION",d,1) or bb.fatal('Remove this line or set a dummy DISTRO_VERSION if you really want to build an unversioned distro')}
15:55.01cp15I have set DISTRO_VERSION to own, but I don't really know what it should be set
16:11.32*** join/#htc-blueangel JuNuKN (
16:47.36*** join/#htc-blueangel JuNuKN (
16:49.25JuNuKNHey CP15, here I am again (from Win-Machine).
16:51.00JuNuKNHave a problem now with my linux machine. BB leads to shuting down my machine with an error message. I restarted it and it reported failures in inodes. After fsck now I have kernel panic!
16:53.02JuNuKNI think I have to reformate it again and install everything from scratch!
16:56.51JuNuKNDon't know what is wrong with this machine. I have it months ago, as I tried to compile the DBOx2 stuff !? I 'll give it up for today.
16:57.59JuNuKNseems, that everything is now in lost and found!
16:58.27JuNuKNBy everybody
16:59.29iclemhi all
17:07.12*** join/#htc-blueangel radek (n=radekfgf@
17:09.53radekcan I install linux on MDAIII and would I be able to make calls
17:12.53cp15radek: Yes, you can
17:13.09cp15But consider it as alpha-beta
17:14.28radeki got experience with linux but not with porting it to PDA
17:14.46cp15Do you want to give it a try?
17:15.29cp15You need an SD/MMC card of at minimum 128 MB and, if possible a card reader connected to a linux machine
17:16.57radekbut will I be able than to make calls
17:17.07radekwithin linux
17:18.17cp15But battery lifetime in standby is too short currently (~ 18 Hours). It will be probably fixed this year :-)
17:18.42radekso thats grate should I do it this way
17:19.03cp15Yes, follow the "Installation Instructions"
17:19.15radekthere are some installation instruction
17:19.44cp15If you are stuck, encounter any problems or find the instructions misleading or unprecise, please tell me and update the instructions
17:21.44radekokey so if I follow the instruction I end up with linux and GPE environment ?
17:22.16cp15But only on SD card, so you can go back to windows any time
17:22.35radekbut is it stable enough to use
17:22.49cp15I use it
17:23.11cp15But I have to say it is not perfect yet
17:23.18cp15But you might help to improve it
17:23.51radekwhta are the problems
17:25.16cp15The phone gui is a bit too simple, the apps need to be improved, there are still a few missing drivers (DOC, WLAN and Camera) and existing drivers do not yet cover everything (no headset, for example)
17:26.23radekI'll give it a try hopefuly it''s gonna work thanks for help
17:27.25cp15If not, just ask
17:27.57radeksorry one more question is wi-fi working ?
17:28.09cp15Not yet
17:30.28radekok thaks
17:39.19iclemhello cp1. Is battery charging on blueangel ?
17:41.20iclemI've done a "diskless" install on himalaya (with tmpfs & nfs) but once linux is up, the battery cannot be charged
17:46.37cp15iclem: There is one bit which enables the charger (normally it is enabled)
17:47.05cp15The battery charging itself works independent of the cpu
17:51.24iclemok thanks
17:52.00iclemone more question: are the BA screenshots done using scap ?
17:52.48iclemmy screeshots are strange
17:58.43cp15you have to ask rob, he did it
18:10.22_bob_wwhat ?
18:11.18_bob_woh , yeah this is another section .. we need blueangel support for scap
18:11.28_bob_wbut that is not that difficult.
18:12.35iclem_bob_w:  how do you manage to do your nice screenshots ?
18:15.29_bob_wthere is a way to make them by hand
18:15.45*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o rob_w] by ChanServ
18:16.30rob_w has the instructions on top
18:17.59iclemyes i've done them this way
18:18.55rob_werr ,, was long ago but it looks you used the wrong video parameters or so
18:25.23rob_wneed to sleep , my kids are ill
18:29.58iclemnop, hope they will get better
18:34.06*** join/#htc-blueangel ben0f (
18:34.19ben0fhi, is anyone active?
18:37.56*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w (
18:37.56*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o rob_w] by ChanServ
18:38.12rob_wmy wife takes care
18:38.21rob_wso off we go for a new kernel
18:45.30rob_wlcd crap
18:46.06ben0fhi, can u give me some pointers how to log in... usbnet doesn't give me a usb0 insterface...
18:46.49rob_wwhat is the ba lcd ?
18:47.02rob_wwhat do you see on your screen
18:48.25rob_wor does your host have the usb device under /proc/bus/usb/devices ?
18:49.31ben0fi have ser_stuart_gpio_config 1 as the last line in the boot sequence...
18:50.49rob_wdid you boot while yoiu where in the docking station ? do you see usb stuff on the lcd messages ?
18:51.08ben0fwhat should the usb device look like in  /proc/bus/usb/devices
18:51.33cp15Something with ipaq
18:51.47ben0fi have usb0 : Ethernet gadget, version: Equinox 2004... and then another couple of lines
18:51.57cp15Looks good
18:52.26cp15Do you also have a line which tells something about 100mA?
18:52.26ben0fso how do i log in... on my laptop i cant do ifconfig usb0?
18:53.24cp15Do you have a usb0?
18:53.26ben0fi can't see a line that says that... might have scrolled up the screen.
18:53.30rob_wwait a minute ???
18:53.39ben0fno, ifconfig -a doesn't give it
18:53.52cp15Have you already tried to disconnect and reconnect your usb connection?
18:55.20ben0fi'm just rebooting now...
18:55.36ben0fYES!!! i have usb0!
18:57.45ben0fok, i'm logged in! how do i startx etc?
18:57.48rob_wdid you build and use already your last check in `s ?
18:58.22ben0frob_w: i don't know... i just used everything off the website
18:58.39rob_wsorry that was meant for cp15
18:58.50ben0foh ok :)
18:58.54rob_wben0f, did you prepare your sd card ?
18:59.33ben0fyeah... i have some probs with the ext3 fs... mounting on the host hangs sometimes but fsck is ok...
19:00.03cp15do you have boot_mmc=y in /proc/cmdline ?
19:00.39ben0fno, what does that do?
19:00.52ben0fmineroot=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc ramdisk_size=14336 keepinitrd console=tty0 reads:
19:01.01cp15That tells the initrd that you want to boot from sd
19:01.30ben0fah right... can i do it from the commandline?
19:01.54rob_wyou should be able to just execute /linuxrc.mmc
19:01.57cp15yes, mount your first sd partition and vi /mnt/linux/startup.txt
19:01.58ben0fi don't have any entries in /proc/partitions
19:02.08cp15oh... Just a moment
19:02.27cp15modproble asic3_mmc
19:02.31cp15modprobe mmc_block
19:02.33rob_wcp15, the latest lcd patch looks strange , isnt it ?
19:02.46cp15Which lcd patch?
19:02.51ben0fFATAL: Module asic_mmc not found
19:03.05ben0fok asic3 worked!
19:03.21cp15And then load mmc_block and you should get your partitions
19:03.49ben0fyeah cool, it worked... now just run linuxrc.mmc?
19:04.55cp15mount /dev/mmc/blk0/part1 /mnt
19:05.01cp15vi /mnt/linux/startup.txt
19:05.31cp15add the boot_mmc=y to set CMDLINE
19:05.58ben0fcp15: does that have to go at the end or doesn't it matter?
19:06.04cp15Doesn't matter
19:06.16cp15don't forget to issue a sync when done
19:07.21cp15then tell me if grep button /linuxrc gives you a message about 2 seconds
19:07.37cp15If yes, I will make boot_mmc=y the default setting
19:07.54cp15And if you want to get into the ramdisk, you have to press ok
19:09.17ben0fgrep button /linuxrc gives nothing...
19:09.43cp15Ok, then I have to update the initrd...
19:09.47ben0fdo i have to reboot?
19:09.49cp15Thanks for the information
19:10.04ben0fno worries, thanks for the help!! :)
19:10.11cp15is your second partition named /dev/mmc/blk0/part2?
19:10.31ben0fmajor minor  #blocks  name
19:10.38cp15Ok, then reboot
19:10.48ben0fok, fingers x'ed!!
19:11.00cp15You should see a familiar splash screen shortly after the boot
19:11.29cp15It will stay for some minutes because the first boot takes some time (all installed packages get configured)
19:12.32ben0fWOO HOOO!! it's working!
19:26.58cp15What happend now?
19:30.00*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w (
19:30.00*** join/#htc-blueangel ben0f ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:30.00*** join/#htc-blueangel radek (n=radekfgf@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:30.00*** join/#htc-blueangel iclem (
19:30.00*** join/#htc-blueangel lamikr (
19:30.01*** join/#htc-blueangel lkcl ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:30.01*** join/#htc-blueangel bhima ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:30.01*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o rob_w] by
19:30.05ben0fwelcome back cp15 :)
19:30.06cp15Looks like a netsplit
19:30.07rob_wnot for me ;-)
19:30.11cp15ben0f: Did it work?
19:32.07*** join/#htc-blueangel collin_ (
19:32.08cp15Oh no, not again
19:32.14*** join/#htc-blueangel lamikr ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:32.14*** join/#htc-blueangel bhima ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM] looks a bit instable today
19:33.43ben0fnot quite, touchscreen doesn't work :(
19:33.46ben0fi seem to have lost usb0 too...?
19:34.00cp15Which kernel, which initrd and which gpe-image have you used?
19:34.06ben0fi'm using version 4 i think...
19:34.07cp15Have you all three downloaded from
19:34.07rob_wcp15, how do i leave a getty running on the main console ?
19:34.11ben0fno from
19:34.52rob_wben0f,  is your friend right now !
19:35.36ben0fok, i'll check it out... my SD card has just quit on me so i'm gonna dd if=/dev/zero t again :/
19:37.01cp15If you have done it recently (following the Install Instructions), it should be ok
19:38.54ben0fthe partitions don't show up in /proc/partitions when i put it in the reader
19:39.42cp15If you have done the dd from zero to the card, then yes
19:44.13ben0fi think my card reader might have just quit on me!! :(
19:45.07ben0fok, gonna reboot brb
19:52.48*** join/#htc-blueangel ben0f (
19:55.17ben0fok, i got my SD card back :)
19:55.41cp15Do you want to wait a few minutes?
19:55.58cp15Then I will bring everything on up to date
19:56.56cp15Hope it will get better and not worse :-)
19:57.55ben0fok... should i have been using gre-be.tar.gz or gpe-image.tar.gz?
19:59.55ben0fok, i'll try with that!
20:00.06cp15Have you used gpe-image?
20:00.38ben0fthat's what i was using before and the touchscreen wasn't working...
20:01.19cp15Probably. It is an old version
20:01.41cp15Hmm... Try with gpe-ba.tar.gz
20:01.57cp15A new version will take some time, my link to is slow
20:02.12ben0fok, just replaced it with gpe-ba and i'll try that!
20:02.28cp15Maybe it is overloaded with all the BA users downloading linux :-)
20:02.47cp15You have to delete the old content on the second partition
20:03.21ben0fyeah i did :)
20:03.54ben0fwell, if it works i'll be spreading the word so expect more!! :)
20:05.01cp15Well I think first we have to improve the installation process, or we will be overwhelmed by disappointed users failing to install linux
20:05.25rob_wyeah we have 11 people here right now !! not bad
20:05.38ben0flike me! it didn't work again :(
20:05.58ben0ftouchscreen still isn't working..
20:06.35cp15Hmm... Can you show me a ls -l of linux on your sd card?
20:07.43ben0froot@Tablet:/mnt/hde6 # ls -l
20:07.43ben0ftotal 17
20:07.44ben0fdrwxr-xr-x   2 root root 2048 2005-11-13 11:08 bin
20:07.44ben0fdrwxr-xr-x   2 root root 1024 2005-11-13 11:08 boot
20:07.44ben0fdrwxr-xr-x   2 root root 1024 2005-11-03 03:26 dev
20:07.44ben0fdrwxr-xr-x  39 root root 2048 1994-09-03 00:03 etc
20:07.47ben0fdrwxr-xr-x   3 root root 1024 2005-11-13 11:08 home
20:07.48ben0fdrwxr-xr-x   3 root root 1024 2005-11-03 04:29 lib
20:07.52ben0fdrwxr-xr-x  10 root root 1024 2005-11-13 11:08 media
20:07.54ben0fdrwxr-xr-x   2 root root 1024 2005-11-03 03:26 mnt
20:07.56ben0fdrwxr-xr-x   2 root root 1024 2005-11-16 06:11 oldroot
20:07.58ben0fdrwxr-xr-x   2 root root 1024 2005-11-03 03:26 proc
20:08.00ben0fdrwxr-xr-x   2 root root 2048 2005-11-13 11:08 sbin
20:08.01cp15No, I meant the first partition
20:08.02ben0fdrwxr-xr-x   2 root root 1024 2005-11-03 03:26 sys
20:08.04ben0flrwxrwxrwx   1 root root    8 1994-09-03 00:01 tmp -> /var/tmp
20:08.06ben0fdrwxr-xr-x  10 root root 1024 2005-11-16 14:17 usr
20:08.08ben0fdrwxr-xr-x  11 root root 1024 2005-11-03 05:35 var
20:08.10ben0fsorry wrong one... hold on!
20:08.31ben0froot@Tablet:/mnt/hde5 # ls -l linux/
20:08.31ben0ftotal 5712
20:08.31ben0f-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  242176 2005-12-11 18:14 haret.exe
20:08.31ben0f-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 4742515 2005-12-11 18:14 initrd-2.6.12-hh2.gz-4
20:08.31ben0f-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root     191 2005-12-12 09:01 startup.txt
20:08.32ben0f-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  861244 2005-12-11 18:14 zImage-2.6.12-hh2-4
20:08.53cp15Ah... You used the wrong initrd and zImage
20:09.08ben0foh... whic one should i use?
20:09.19cp15Download them from
20:09.27cp15Hope you get a better connection than I
20:10.21ben0fare they the same as on the website or are they updated?
20:11.04rob_wlet me update the wiki
20:11.25cp15They are updated
20:12.04rob_whmm right ?!?
20:13.02ben0fcool... just downloading now!
20:13.40ben0fdo i need to ssh in again or can i add the boot_mmc=y to startup.txt straight away?
20:13.52cp15Remember to update startup.txt if you used other names then before
20:14.04cp15No, the ssh step is not really necessary
20:14.18cp15I will update the files so it will be in the default startup.txt soon
20:14.45cp15ben0f: Do you have experience in linux development?
20:15.11ben0fnot really... i tend to just try everything till it works!! ;)
20:15.41cp15Hmm... I am still looking for somebody who can make a little installation system
20:16.13cp15It should work like this: Download a few files to your sd card, tap on haret and answer a few simple questions
20:18.06cp15iclem: Nice, what did you do to get the snapshots fixed?
20:19.04ben0fwhat are you gonna write it in? (i only really know python)
20:19.38cp15shell script I would say
20:19.55cp15python is probably a bit too much overhead for the initrd
20:20.31ben0fyeah... how would the setup work, what questions would you need to ask?
20:21.02rob_wcp15, wow that kinda setup u want ...
20:21.39cp15Ok, first question is about repartitioning the sd card for the linux partition
20:22.15cp15some users might want a small dos partition and a big linux partition, others the other way round
20:22.50cp15I am copying parted to the initrd, so it is possible to resize a existing dos partition
20:23.27cp15Next question is whether the user wants an autostart (linux starts as soon as the sd card is inserted or the customization process begins)
20:23.59ben0fsurely u have to have two partitions to start with (for the fs..)?
20:24.02cp15Then the script needs to mkfs the second partition and untar gpe-ba on it
20:24.27ben0fthis is to run inside the BA or on linux host?
20:24.34cp15inside the ba
20:24.56cp15You shouldn't need a linux host to get the BA working with linux
20:25.01rob_whehe , we could use the keyboard and some bash menus !
20:25.24rob_wbut then we wanna have a console running !
20:25.29ben0foh i see...
20:25.41cp15The keyboard is a bad choice if we want it to be compatible for himalaya
20:26.04rob_wwe dont want !
20:26.28ben0fcp15: it was boot_mmc=y to add to startup.txt wasn't it?
20:26.53rob_wwithout any buttonas you will need to run the touchscreen ?! and X ??
20:28.28rob_whehe so you need a even smaller gpe image in the ramdisk ... i like that
20:29.38cp15I thought about something like this:
20:30.11cp15Do you really want to install Linux? Press Windows button to abort, ok button to continue
20:30.57cp15Your sd card will be repartitioned, press ok for the default setup (first partition 32 MB), press windows to change settings
20:31.09rob_wlets aks : " Do you reallly wanna go on using Windows ?!  yes : NO
20:31.32cp15Ok :-) Yes, maybe we should do that
20:31.43rob_whehe ,,
20:32.05cp15Use volume up/down to adjust size of the first partition, press ok when done
20:32.11rob_whey cp15 , i think we really should meet at one point . lets keep this in mind
20:32.29cp15Repartitioning SD card
20:32.36cp15Creating file system
20:32.39cp15Installing Linux
20:32.46cp15Please wait
20:32.50cp15Installation complete
20:33.06cp15Initiating boot, please be patient, may take a few minutes
20:37.01iclemcp15:  For the screenshots, i have dumped /dev/fb0, and converted it with the scap utility (, giving the good resolution in params (h & w swaped)
20:37.14rob_wmy modules_autoload still does not work grrr
20:37.32ben0fcp15: you are the man... it all works!!! :D
20:38.03cp15rob_w: Do you get them in /etc/modutils?
20:38.40rob_wno update-modules fails my my side .. does find the first module
20:38.50iclemg2g, see you later
20:39.13ben0fdamnit.. i spoke to soon, it just froze up!
20:39.39rob_wcp15, did you guys treated blueangel.conf furher more .. ?
20:41.37cp15Don't know, there is a patch from lkcl at
20:41.55cp15But I think except for gomunicator it is close to your submitted file
20:42.43cp15ben0f: Did it happen during use?
20:46.12ben0fyeah, i changed the display settings but i rebooted and ok so far!
20:50.09rob_wcp15,  gimme a example trigger for a blue led once per sec ??
20:52.49cp15Be careful with look and feel... It locks up gpe quite often
20:53.04cp15rob_w: how long?
20:53.12rob_wuh =?
20:53.22rob_wahm until i stop !
20:53.35ben0fcp15: i'll remeber that!!
20:54.20cp15No, how long should it burn every second?
20:54.40rob_wah ,, alright
20:54.50rob_wwell once per sec for one sec ?!?
20:55.09cp15You mean always on?
20:55.33cp15Ok, lets assume 100 milliseconds
20:55.40cp15You can adjust your values as you like
20:56.01cp15cd /sys/class/leds/blue
20:56.07cp15echo 1000 >hw_cycle
20:56.10cp15echo 100 >hw_duty
20:56.16cp15echo 1 >brightness
20:56.54cp15echo 500 >hw_duty
20:56.59cp15echo 1 >brightness
20:57.14cp15Oops... Sorry I thought this is a shell :-)
20:58.05rob_wwhat the f.. i miss blue ?!?
20:58.22cp15Have you used the newest blueangel_leds?
20:58.37rob_wyeah that is the .biz one
20:59.04cp15No, the blue leds are only in the cvs currently
20:59.47rob_woh , the cvs gave me also other hassle  today
21:01.17cp15If you want to wait I will upload a new image, initrd and kernel in a few minutes (I hope...)
21:02.21rob_wnow it blinks 1 sec and pauses 10 sec
21:03.51cp15Really? Strange
21:04.30rob_wyeah it feels like we use decisecs as unit ?!
21:05.10rob_w300 c and 20 d  is like a normal gsm blinking from ppc
21:05.57cp15Are you using the old blueangel_leds? In this there was no scaling factor
21:06.08cp15So the values weren't milliseconds
21:07.40rob_wstill using the current .biz one
21:08.21cp15Ok, then divide the numbers by 8
21:08.29rob_wok so i will appriciate your today`s upload
21:09.22rob_wi just discussed on #gpe about the "tobe-defined" instance which triggers the led`s
21:09.56cp15And what did they say?
21:10.01rob_win the 2.4 fe they did hack htat into the serial driver .. so it was acuratly shown  device -- no userspace app
21:10.13ben0fguys is there an easy way to import contacts into BA?
21:10.24rob_wtherefore if a userspace app dies your leds will not be left over
21:10.55cp15Hm... Theoretically you can scp them as vcard to your ba and use the import function
21:11.11cp15But on my original device it doesn't work. Maybe it is fixed in the current version
21:11.48rob_wi will look into having the hci0 up fe. to trigger the blue ,,  the keyboard i guess we should punch into the keyboard driver
21:12.11cp15Yeah, sure, these are no userspace leds
21:12.20ben0fnothing like importing from a gnome program then?
21:12.35rob_wat least until  other gpe `s are coming to use that
21:12.56rob_wand we have a show off
21:13.05rob_wblinking leds are magic !
21:13.13cp15But on the other hand the blue led should be easy to integrate into /etc/bluetooth/hciattach
21:13.17ben0fhow bout the battery monitor... have u got that working?
21:13.43cp15ben0f: Not yet... It is quite complicated
21:14.01ben0fi bet!! :)
21:14.09rob_wcp15, did you investigate the tsc2200 screw up ?
21:14.33cp15ben0f: If you are talking about synchronisation, there is opensync and gpe-opensync
21:14.50cp15But it is nothing I would trust my valuable company addressbook right now
21:15.06rob_whehe , but the crash on "look n feel" to turn on the shadows is really woth it !! next try you can enjoy a nice screeen
21:15.30cp15GPRS should work, but a good user interface to activate it is missing
21:16.05ben0fhe he!! i was talking about using GPRS to use gaim actually... is there anything like wvdial to set up a ppp session?
21:16.55cp15You have to load blueangel_dpram and then use pppd nodetach debug noipdefault local ipcp-accept-local novj novjccomp /dev/tts/8
21:17.09rob_wfor the gsm leds we should use gomunicator to trigger them .. like we make a ui with "blinking profiles " .. so everybody can adjust their  "toy"
21:17.34cp15And you have to send AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","<your apn>","",0,0 and ATDT*99***1# to the at interpreter
21:18.13cp15I think we need a dbus interface to gomunicator for this: gprs on and off
21:20.04ben0fwhoa... i hardly understood a word of that (apart from AT+... i already have that working on my laptop!) :) i have alot to learn!!
21:21.03cp15We have to make gprs a lot more userfriendly. But the basic things have priority right now
21:23.44ben0fsure! it'd be easier to login over ssh to sort all this out, but i can't get usb0 again...? i have usbnet and ipaq modprobed...
21:25.40cp15Does lsusb show ID 049f:505a Compaq Computer Corp. SA-11x0 based Linux Device, or Itsy (experimental)
21:26.22rob_winside a shell script can i there act on     "kill to that script
21:26.50cp15Was your device connected to usb during boot?
21:27.12cp15rob_w: Take a look at the trap function. But it doesn't work on kill -9
21:27.12rob_wok i am done for today .. cu
21:27.19ben0fyes it was
21:27.31cp15Try to disconnect and reconnect
21:30.24ben0fok tried that... also loggedout and in... i haven't had usb0 since i rebooted with boot_mmc=y in startup.txt...
21:30.54cp15Can you open a root shell on your BA?
21:31.19cp15You have to use the screen keyboard, since some important keys on the pull-out-keyboard are not working
21:31.59ben0fyeah it's up and ifconfig shows usb0 in there..
21:32.47cp15do a rmmod g_ether, rmmod pxa2xx_udc ; modprobe g_ether ; ifup usb0
21:35.51ben0fsorted, worked!!
21:38.02cp15This is a strange bug. The usb, once disabled, doesn't recognize a new usb connection
21:38.59ben0fi just went to do: pppd  nodetach debug noipdefault local ipcp-accept-local novj novjccomp /dev/tts/8 and it said i had to:  mknod /dev/ppp c 108 0
21:39.32cp15Just a moment, I will try also
21:40.49cp15modprobe ppp_async
21:41.10cp15Do you have a gprs flat?
21:41.37ben0fFATAL: Module ppp_async not found. what's a GRPS flat?
21:41.48ben0f*gprs i mean!
21:42.28cp15find /lib/modules | grep ppp
21:42.56cp15A flatrate, where you have to pay only a monthly fee, no matter how much time and traffic you have
21:43.11ben0fnyet, nada, zip! nothing!
21:43.39ben0fno i'm on a pay as u go plan and it's well expensive!! only want to get it working!
21:43.41cp15Oops... Then you have to reinstall tomorrow :-(
21:43.58cp15Then I will have the newest stuff out
21:44.17ben0foh dear! what's missing?
21:44.25cp15The ppp modules
21:44.31cp15No ppp, no gprs
21:45.50ben0fah right... will have to try port forwarding thru my laptop then!
21:46.36cp15Might work, but is probably not easy to set up
21:48.52ben0fah well, i'm only at work... it's not like i have anything important to do!!!
21:49.55cp15You are already at work? Here it is still sunday
21:59.43*** join/#htc-blueangel ben017f (
22:01.51ben0fyeah, monday dayshift!!
22:02.00ben0fi got it working!! :)
22:03.37ben-on-his-BAi like this alot
22:04.39cp15Oh no, that is not fair, I used the wrong image again :-(
22:04.56ben0fwhich one?
22:06.11cp15A way to old one
22:06.22cp15And I recognized it only after boot
22:06.29cp15Since usb didn't work at all
22:07.00cp15What are you working when you have so much time hacking your BA?
22:07.06ben0foh dear! i'd like to get involved with this project...
22:07.34ben0fi'm a 3G network monitor for vodafone new zealand... the network is nice and well behaved :)
22:08.07cp15Sounds interesting. And vodafone doesn't spend you a 3G phone then?
22:08.35ben0fno, i'm a contractor... i get fuck all! ;)
22:09.58cp15How many G3 users does nz have?
22:10.08cp153G I mean
22:10.41ben0fnot that many... about 17000 i think!
22:12.31cp15That really isn't much. There aren't much here also (way under 1 million). The network operators wasted a lot of money on the UMTS license. They payed about 100 billion US-$ just for the licenses
22:13.39ben0fyeah same in the UK!! they'll have to push it just to break even!!!
22:15.11cp15In germany they have to make over 1000 US-$ from every person. Sounds impossible to me
22:17.02ben0fyeah sooner or later they'll get rid of GSM, just like they upgraded from analogue!
22:17.57cp15So, now the image has booted again
22:18.39ben0fcool! what is the sync software i can use to sort out my contacts..?
22:19.58cp15You need opensync ( and gpe-sync (from handhelds cvs)
22:20.05cp15But use it with care
22:20.23cp15As all the rest from BA linux :-)
22:22.40ben0fok... i'll have a go later!
22:23.40cp15And I will go to bed soon
22:30.50ben-on-his-BAcool thaks sooo much for yr help
22:32.23cp15You are welcome
22:32.41iclem|awayGood night all
22:36.53ben0fif there's anything i can do to help with all my 'spare' time let me know... if i can i will!!
22:39.09cp15Hmm... Maybe you could browse the Freesound Archive to find some good samples which can be used as ringtones
22:39.35cp15Currently the only installed ringtone is "Silence". But with full volume :-)))
22:40.04ben0fok, i'll have a look!
22:41.51cp15But for today I have to go to bed
22:43.06*** join/#htc-blueangel rusi (
22:44.50rusianyone knowns if qtopia runs on the blueangel?
22:50.23*** join/#htc-blueangel rusi (
22:50.37*** part/#htc-blueangel ben-on-his-BA (
22:55.46lkclcp15: you are _banned_ from using dbus.
22:56.12lkclif anyone sees cp15 before i do, tell him he's damn well banned from using dbus in gomunicator.
22:56.39lkcli'll do a nice split of gomunicator into a gomunicatord, just like gpsd + gpsdrive.  dbus is fucking awful.
22:58.15ben0fhi lkcl :) cp15 has just gone to n
22:58.18ben0fto bed
23:05.01*** join/#htc-blueangel Jo1 (i=joe@
23:06.27bhimaWhat's wrong with dbus?
23:07.16Jo1I have a couple of questions I hope someone can answer for me.
23:07.57Jo1The installation instructions have a system installed on an SD card. With the PPC boot from this automatically?
23:08.29Jo1Will removing the card and restarting the PPC boot the PPC OS?
23:13.06bhimaThe last instructions I saw involved manual booting into linux.
23:13.54Jo1The only thing the instruction seem to say is : "STEP 5. Now boot linux by inserting the SD-Card into the BlueAngel. DONE!"
23:14.13bhimaAhh. URL?
23:14.39Jo1Seen the same page at another site as well
23:14.44bhimaautorun is the magic file.
23:15.05bhimaThat's an accurate description.
23:15.25bhimaIt executes autorun on insert, I believe.
23:15.29Jo1You don't restart the PPC :)
23:15.43Jo1Didn't read properly hehe
23:15.54bhimaRight. You just start executing anotehr OS and totally ignore the existing DRAM and OS and stuff.
23:16.07Jo1And this will in no way change the currently installed firmware?
23:17.07Jo1Is the other OS stilling running with LIux on top? Or is memory completely emptied requiring a reboot to get into PPC OS again?
23:18.09bhimaDRAM is totally wiped, so PPC thinks the device was wiped.
23:18.40Jo1ok. So reboot and I'm back in PPC OS then...
23:19.03Jo1Almost dual boot :D
23:19.21bhimaYup. Unless they hid something sneaky in there that I didn't see. But making it genuinely boot into linux is very hard.
23:20.19Jo1would require creating a Linux firmware, I assume, unless it was possible to configure the device to get it's OS from the SD card.....not sure that would be possible
23:20.39Jo1but would be nice.
23:21.34Jo1gotta get to bed. Thanks for the answers
23:21.39*** part/#htc-blueangel Jo1 (i=joe@

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