irclog2html for #htc-blueangel on 20051123

07:34.34*** join/#htc-blueangel bwegh (
07:59.33*** join/#htc-blueangel ooer (
08:23.53*** join/#htc-blueangel geers (
09:12.10*** join/#htc-blueangel cp15 (
09:12.11*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o cp15] by ChanServ
09:12.29cp15Good morning
09:37.54bweghhi, cp15
09:38.06bweghcp15: my BA is not repairable :(
09:38.12bweghill get an exchange device
09:41.19cp15Hmm... Well, better a new one than a repaired one. How long do you have to wait?
09:41.41bweghthey said ill get it the next days
09:42.11bweghit is a repaired one ... "one that should work" .... didnt sound tooo good :/
09:42.44cp15Hmm... Should work... indeed, sounds terrible
09:43.11cp15But just like this project: Some things should work, there is no gurantee
09:43.33bweghas always in life ;)
09:44.04cp15I hope I will get a second and a third BA next few days. So I hope development will speed up a bit
09:44.20bweghwhere do you get them from?
09:44.29cp15eBay, about 300 Euro each
09:44.48bweghbtw: you told me about a serial cable for the ba ... where to buy?
09:45.02bweghseems like you have too much money, cp15 ;)
09:45.19cp15If you need just a serial cable, just a Moment
09:47.08cp15There are 3 in eBay, 6,99 Euro + 4 Euro shipping, search for "mda iii serielles"
09:47.35cp15If you want a better one (with an USB, a serial and a power connector), look at expansys
09:48.09bweghthank you, cp15
09:49.09cp15But with shipping it is over 30 Euro
09:54.32*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w-cgi (
09:54.32*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o rob_w-cgi] by ChanServ
09:56.06rob_w-cgihi all
10:01.52cp15Hi rob
10:01.57cp15I have to go now
10:01.58bweghhi rob
10:02.17bweghcp15: you get an usb-cable for 1+5 shipping
10:03.09cp15Yeah, but an usb cable is not really helpful
10:03.35cp15You can also make a connection via the cradle
10:03.45cp15But as I said, I have to go now
10:03.51cp15See you later
10:03.54bweghi know i do need a serial cable, like the one you showed me, see you
16:39.03*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w (
16:39.03*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o rob_w] by ChanServ
16:47.11ohoHi rob_w-cgi
16:48.11ohoare you still working on gomunicator ?
16:52.54*** join/#htc-blueangel cp15 (
16:52.54*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o cp15] by ChanServ
16:56.45ohoI am off now - see you
17:48.31*** join/#htc-blueangel _cronos_ (
19:15.23*** join/#htc-blueangel _cronos_ (
19:38.07_cronos_hie all
19:38.20_cronos_there is somting to copy in /porc ?
19:39.10cp15Please explain
19:39.19_cronos_when i boot on my sd
19:39.22_cronos_i have :
19:39.59_cronos_i am booting :p
19:41.03_cronos_i have : starting portmap daemon : portmapstart-stop-daemon : nothing in /proc - not mounted ?
19:43.29cp15Tell me the first few lines after linuxrc is executed
19:43.31_cronos_there is somthing to modifie in the new gpe file ?
19:46.35cp15Do you get any error messages while running linuxrc?
19:48.58_cronos_mount ;
19:49.16_cronos_./proc/filesysteme no such file or directory
19:49.22cp15Before that?
19:49.54_cronos_vfs can t find  a valid fat filesystem
19:50.26_cronos_the first partion need to be in fat or fat32 ?
19:50.34cp15Doesn't matter in this case
19:50.47cp15But you probably have a problem with the second partition
19:50.59cp15Are you able to log in via usb?
19:51.52_cronos_the usbnet was not find
19:51.59cp15Can you tell me every line between "mounted rootfs" and the "no such file or directory" message?
19:53.42_cronos_mmcblk0 : mmc0 eblc sd01G
19:54.49_cronos_./dev/mmc/blk0;executing /etc/hotplug/mmc.aggent action=add,media
19:57.29_cronos_fat : bogus logical secrot size 65535
19:57.32_cronos_vfs can t find  a valid fat filesystem
19:57.49_cronos_attempt to acces beyond end of device
19:58.08_cronos_ext3-fs unable to read superblock
19:58.19_cronos_ext2-fs unable to read superblock
19:59.00_cronos_mount /proc/filesystem : no such file or directory
19:59.21_cronos_pivot root : pivot root no such file or directory
19:59.33cp15Ah... That is the error
19:59.53cp15Do you have a card reader
20:00.26cp15The second partition is damaged, it seems.
20:00.44cp15Insert the card in the cardreader and tell me what fdisk -l <sd card device> says
20:00.57_cronos_i reboot in linux
20:06.05*** join/#htc-blueangel _cronos_ (
20:06.28_cronos_/dev/sdd1   *           1           5       40131    b  W95 FAT32
20:06.33_cronos_/dev/sdd2               6         125      963900    5  Extended
20:06.33_cronos_/dev/sdd5               6         125      963868+  83  Linux
20:08.39cp15Ah, dont make an extended partition
20:09.15cp15remove partition 5 and 2 and recreate a partition 2 as a primary partition
20:09.16_cronos_yes i understand my mistake :p
20:14.56*** part/#htc-blueangel _cronos_ (
20:19.41*** join/#htc-blueangel _cronos_ (
20:20.07_cronos_thanks a lot cp15 it s ok
20:20.46*** part/#htc-blueangel _cronos_ (
20:22.10rob_wso whats up
20:24.03*** join/#htc-blueangel _cronos_ (
20:24.43_cronos_i have a pb ...
20:24.47cp15I am thinking about holding a little talk about linux on blueangel at the CCC Congress
20:25.01_cronos_when gpe is booting
20:25.17_cronos_he said me touche the screen
20:25.24_cronos_it was stuck
20:25.48cp15Which gpe image did you use, and which kernel and initrd?
20:26.18_cronos_and kernel and init
20:26.41cp15Also from this url?
20:27.25cp15oho told me the same, so I have to check
20:27.33cp15Will take a few minutes
20:29.58rob_wpb ?
20:30.20_cronos_yes when gpe was launch
20:30.35_cronos_there is touche the cross for calibrate screen but
20:30.41_cronos_it happen nothing
20:32.50rob_wPHASE 2: Fiiring up the touchscreen engine
20:35.30_cronos_for that i have to take the ba on ssh ?
20:35.36_cronos_and  evdev
20:40.42*** join/#htc-blueangel _cronos_ (
20:42.32cp15You are right, it doesn't work
20:44.02_cronos_usb0 doesn t work it s normal ?
20:46.36cp15update-modules does not work for some strange reason
20:47.05cp15So no usb0 and no touchscreen
20:49.35*** part/#htc-blueangel _cronos_ (
20:49.46*** join/#htc-blueangel _cronos_ (
20:52.39cp15Ok, I know now where the problem is
21:05.22cp15Gnn... rob: Do you know how to install a ipkg without configuring it?
21:06.03rob_wipk install YORPACK.ipk ??
21:06.26cp15No, my problem is I want to install gomunicator and a few others to a unpacked gpe image
21:06.48*** part/#htc-blueangel _cronos_ (
21:07.00rob_wyou mean different destinations ?
21:07.02cp15When I do a ipkg -o <root directory> install package.ipk, all not yet configured packages will be set to configured
21:07.11cp15Like update-modules
21:07.33cp15This has the consequence update-modules will not be configured on the first boot, and module loading fails
21:08.00rob_woh you mean the initial setup
21:09.31rob_wvia oe you can add those ipk `s into the target .bb  so oe will handle "the installation"
21:10.02rob_wafterwards i guess you need your 2 own hands to do what you like
21:10.20cp15Yes, I know
21:10.25cp15Maybe I found it
21:10.37rob_wthen tell me also
21:11.03rob_wwhat about rcS ?
21:12.43rob_wcp15, today i made my own backlight kernel module for a new device ... i have am doing little project work for a american friend
21:13.30*** join/#htc-blueangel _cronos_ (
21:13.40rob_wwb _cronos_
21:13.50_cronos_wb ?
21:14.04_cronos_casio com
21:14.11_cronos_sorry bad windows
21:21.41rob_wwe know
21:23.14*** topic/#htc-blueangel by rob_w -> HTC BlueAngel is still under development ! Feel free to ask and check also -> | | channel chat logs at * *
21:48.33cp15cronos: I have uploaded a new image where the bug is fixed
21:52.26_cronos_i will trie it
21:52.30_cronos_in few minutes
21:54.34cp15Does anybody know something amout Immolo?
22:03.25*** join/#htc-blueangel cp15_ba (
22:04.16cp15_baJust testing gaim on the BA
22:05.50*** join/#htc-blueangel _cronos_ (
22:06.39*** part/#htc-blueangel cp15_ba (
22:07.39_cronos_boot in progres...
22:09.11cp15Takes now a bit longer...
22:09.16cp15But only for the first time
22:09.20_cronos_ok :p
22:09.32_cronos_for the moment usb0 is ot fimd
22:12.55_cronos_touch screen pass
22:15.36*** part/#htc-blueangel _cronos_ (
22:18.53*** join/#htc-blueangel _cronos_ (
22:19.33_cronos_gomunicator does not work ?
22:19.45cp15You get a message about ttyS1?
22:20.01cp15Can you log in?
22:20.19_cronos_i think it s needed to be root
22:20.23_cronos_so i log out
22:20.26_cronos_and i pass root
22:20.42cp15Edit /usr/share/applications/gomunicator.desktop and remove the "-d /dev/ttyS1"
22:23.03_cronos_how do u do / on your ba
22:23.10_cronos_i have  a french keyboard ...
22:23.45cp15Do you mean the hardware keyboard or the onscreen keyboard?
22:24.11_cronos_hardware keyboard
22:24.32_cronos_ok i have the screen keyboard
22:27.54cp15I think I have to update. This gpe is much nicer than the old one I am currently using
22:34.19_cronos_the phone is ok :)
22:34.46cp15Yeah, but be careful, I had one case where it didn't hangup
22:36.07_cronos_if i receive a call i don t see it ..
22:36.12_cronos_i can only call
22:37.40cp15Ok, there are two things missing... first is the vibra, working but in the image not configured
22:37.59cp15Second is a ringtone. You have to create one by yourself
22:38.20cp15Format S16_BE, 2 channels, 16000 Hz sample rate
22:39.03cp15it has to be named /usr/share/gomunicator/R&C_theme.raw
22:39.22cp15But you should have seen at least the calling id in the display?
22:40.26_cronos_i will retrie
22:40.36cp15Ok, I will check
22:41.16cp15Yes, you should see a "Call from <number>" in the middle display line
22:41.23cp15Works for me
22:42.12_cronos_it s oblige to use root account or user account work too ?
22:42.44cp15User account should work too
22:43.38_cronos_shortcut but are working or not yet ?
22:44.07_cronos_calendra, contact,
22:45.38cp15Ah, you mean the special function buttons, no, not yet. They work in my development installation, but not yet in the image
22:45.58cp15I want to wait until immolo catches up, so we get a clean and reproduceable image
22:46.20_cronos_u make a very good job
22:46.26_cronos_it s totaly crazy
22:46.43cp15Thanks :-)
22:47.53_cronos_can u add ure sim contact ?
22:48.51cp15You mean copying it from sim to addressbook?
22:49.15cp15Not yet
22:49.48cp15Wouldn't be too difficult, but has currently no priority on my list
22:50.12cp15BTW: Any task in the BA development you would like to take?
22:53.13_cronos_wifi doesn t work yet i imagine ?
22:53.35cp15Yes, but its probably not easy to fix
23:55.00cp15Good night

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