irclog2html for #htc-blueangel on 20051113

00:29.16*** join/#htc-blueangel ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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07:57.10*** join/#htc-blueangel bwegh (
07:57.17bweghmorning all
09:42.17*** join/#htc-blueangel TelePuzik (n=UNIX@
09:42.44TelePuzikHello Guys
09:43.27bweghHi TelePuzik
09:45.00TelePuzikHi bwegh
09:45.10TelePuzikHow are you?
09:48.01bweghfine thanks, TelePuzik
09:48.03bweghand you?
09:48.55TelePuzikfine too
09:49.44TelePuzikGuys, i have problem in running Haret!
09:52.01bweghwhat is your problem?
09:52.12*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w (
09:52.12*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o rob_w] by ChanServ
09:52.25bweghmorning rob
09:52.25TelePuzikactually i have BlueAngel running under WM5
09:52.46TelePuzikWhen i try to run Haret it freezes
09:53.01bweghi dont know wether Haret runs under WM5
09:53.05TelePuzikafter the thermometer gets full
09:53.12TelePuzikI see
09:53.27bweghwhat is written in your startup.txt?
09:53.39rob_whi all , last info i had is : haret nm
09:53.39TelePuzikwhich i got from the Site
09:53.51rob_whi all , last info i had is : haret needs to be fixed for WM5
09:54.06bweghok, thanks, rob
09:54.13TelePuzikbwegh startup.txt is downloaded from here
09:54.24TelePuzikrob_w Thanks
09:54.40bweghTelePuzik, as rob_w said: "haret needs to be fixed for WM5"
09:54.58bweghrob_w, do you compile your kernel on your own?
09:56.01TelePuzikbwegh So i have to downgrade to W2k3 SP2 to run Haret.
09:56.26TelePuzikdo you have problem issues with Phone hanging in W2k3
09:56.42bweghTelePuzik, seems like. I am running w2003SE booting linux with haret - no probs at all
09:56.47TelePuzikthats the first reason i migrated to wm5
09:57.34bweghTelePuzik, yes i have it, wrote to e-plus to send me an update a week ago - no reply! :( today i wrote to brightpoint to send me and update ... i am waiting ;)
09:58.09TelePuzikhopefully you will get an Answer;)
09:58.49bweghwhat brand do you have/had?
09:59.01TelePuzikits Qtek 9090
09:59.22bweghfrom? or without a brand?
09:59.29TelePuzikno brand
09:59.47TelePuzikusing it in Latvia
09:59.57TelePuzikon LMT operator
10:00.48bweghi see
10:02.48TelePuzikI think this problem has to do with Windows itself
10:03.44bweghcould be .. afaik there is the rom version 1.42.x out and i have the version 1.40.x so there could be a fix now
10:04.12TelePuzikis it available to download
10:04.18TelePuzikmaybe i could give it a try
10:04.43TelePuzikis it available on xda-developers
10:04.57bweghi thought so
10:05.14rob_wwhat gsm problems do you guys have ?
10:05.23rob_wbwegh, partially
10:05.31TelePuzikits that i have to soft reset 2 to 3 times a day
10:05.56TelePuzikSometimes i am not reachable
10:06.23bweghrob_w, using scratchbox? sources from xanadux himalaya?
10:06.29rob_whmm i remmeber the problem that the other side dosent hear you ,, that was related to the bluetooth stack of ms
10:06.44bweghrob_w, yes that is the problem i have
10:06.50rob_wbwegh, no simply using the gpe-sdk and the sources
10:06.54bweghrob_w, but e-plus doesnt give me an update
10:07.35rob_wbwegh, there are ways to help here ,, either delete the bluetooth autstart app or i saw a different fix on xda-developers
10:08.02bweghrob_w, but i could loose warranty then :(
10:08.14rob_wno no ,,
10:08.25TelePuzikrob_w yes, thats the common problem w people had after reading some forums, this problem which i didn't have at all, the one i have is it gets off the Network and the phone doesn't ring if someone is calling.
10:08.41rob_wthat is simply app fix which you can revert any time
10:09.36rob_w  holds the sdk to compile single apps or the kernel
10:10.48bweghso you are using openembedded ?
10:12.33bweghtoday my screen isnt fluttering ;)
10:24.20rob_w_awayhow do i see what bt rom  version i use  ?
10:25.03TelePuzikrob_w_away you mean the Radio Version?
10:25.40rob_w_awayhmm maybe .. so i can check if i currently run that latest bt  on wm
10:26.38TelePuzikits in Start->Settings->System->Device Information  you will get all the list of Roms in the Version tab
10:26.55TelePuzikRadio Version is 1.13
10:27.09TelePuzikfor BlueAngels
10:35.24rob_w_awaywow , huge site only for this little target ..tstst windowas
10:38.03rob_w_awayone question i still have ... how do i make visible the hidden rom  so i could use its space
10:43.46TelePuzikrob_w_away here is the page where they Explain how to do it , its in step number 5
10:45.07TelePuzikyou need this file to be installed
10:45.56TelePuzikbwegh here are the lists of Roms
10:46.27TelePuzikthe latest rom is for T-Mobile NL
10:53.22*** join/#htc-blueangel cp15 (
10:53.22*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o cp15] by ChanServ
10:53.29cp15Good morning
10:53.48TelePuzikGood afternoon :)
10:54.23cp15Well, actually it is noon here
10:54.44rob_whow is it going cp15
10:55.01cp15Fine... But suspend still doesn't work as I would like
10:55.37rob_wand battery also ,, i tied yesterday , as i thought i saw a bug
10:57.26rob_wit also looks like either a app or something else is pulling the battery many times
10:58.53cp15Yes, the ipaq_sleep looks every 2 seconds into /proc/apm
11:00.13bweghmorning, cp15
11:00.43cp15Good morning bwegh
11:02.12bweghcp15, today my screen isnt fluttering ;) (not yet using your kernel image)
11:03.07bweghwhich sources do you use for compiling your kernel, cp15 ? do you use the GPE SDK for compiling your kernel, too?
11:04.30rob_wif not then i know at least that i used the ink "till its very end "
11:06.15cp15bwegh: No, actually I use a relatively old gcc from
11:08.17rob_wthe kernel does not need too many library`s to crosscompile ,  the gpe-sdk is good to get most gpe  and xapps crosscompiled , although you might even miss certain libs even with that .  The biggest variation is to use oe itself
11:12.08bweghand which sources do you two use? xanadux himalaya?
11:28.26*** join/#htc-blueangel JuNuKN (
11:51.24bweghcp15, gomunicator is running now with the libs you sent to me, but i am not able to set the device to /dev/tts/0 in the config. When i restart the app it says that is is not able to open the phone at /dev/ttyS2 instead of using /dev/tts/0
12:07.10bweghafter making some symbolic links its working with the exception that it is unable to attach the default card-mixer
12:09.00TelePuzikbwegh installed the 1.42 version :)
12:11.30bweghTelePuzik, and? working?
12:12.14TelePuziki am wondering about the Linux Ext3 partition on SD card
12:12.21TelePuziki extracted the files
12:12.33bweghyes ... and?
12:12.35TelePuzikbut should the image be under GPE-Image folder
12:12.41TelePuzikor it should be on the root
12:12.49bweghon the root
12:12.56TelePuzikits not booting :(
12:13.08bweghwhat did you do?
12:14.03TelePuzikactually there is this command
12:14.13TelePuziktar xvjpf <path-to>/
12:14.34TelePuzikwhcih creates a folder gpe-image on the SD card
12:14.41TelePuzikand under it all the linux files
12:14.55TelePuziki moved to one directory up
12:15.28bweghone moment
12:18.58bweghi have installed LInux some days ago
12:19.11TelePuzikon the SD card?
12:19.25TelePuzikbut how does the path looks like?
12:19.53bweghcp15, told me to use another one
12:19.55TelePuzikor sdc2/boot
12:20.23bweghanother gpe-image ... i ll go to lunch now, will help you in about half an hour - ok?
12:20.33bweghsee you
12:52.20*** join/#htc-blueangel TelePuzik (n=UNIX@
12:53.02*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w (
12:53.02*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o rob_w] by ChanServ
13:22.47cp15I will be back later
13:24.52bweghTelePuzik, still there?
14:25.02*** join/#htc-blueangel pH5 (
14:35.13bweghstill there???
15:47.38*** join/#htc-blueangel JuNuKN (
16:12.49TelePuzikbwegh i am back
16:13.59bweghwelcome back, TelePuzik
16:14.28bweghi have written a small install howto, please use it and ask me when something is unclear or when you have problems
16:15.19TelePuzikis it posted on the site?
16:15.40bweghno i wanted to dcc to you, but i am not able to send it to you
16:16.17TelePuziki have to allow some ports on the firewall
16:16.24TelePuzikgive me 2 minutes
16:16.27TelePuziki will fix it
16:31.28*** join/#htc-blueangel TelePuzik (n=UNIX@
16:31.38TelePuzikbwegh can you try again please
16:34.34bweghtrying to send
16:36.07TelePuzikconnection timeout
16:39.08bweghif you have any probs please tell me so i can update the howto and feel free to ask ;)
16:41.23TelePuzikthanks man
16:41.27TelePuziklong manual
16:41.36TelePuziki think i missed this part
16:42.24bweghthats is the one that cp15 told me to use
16:45.24TelePuzikthanks again
16:45.31TelePuzikwill test it in few hours
16:46.12TelePuzikthw windows rom 1.42 seems functioning ok till now
16:46.44TelePuzikwithout extended rom installed
16:47.12bweghyou wont need extended rom to be installed
16:47.16bweghyour welcome
16:47.36TelePuzikits for the mms application
16:47.39bweghhave fun ;) as i said: if you have problems or something is wrong or misunderstanding plz tell me
16:48.08bweghthank you
16:48.23TelePuzikthanks to you
16:59.04immolobwegh-  you wrote an install guide?
17:00.18bweghi am writing it currently
17:00.24bweghhave a first version
17:01.08bweghnext step will be a running script to install automagicaly ;)(
17:01.11bweghnext step will be a running script to install automagicaly ;)
17:01.28immoloif you could transfer it to the wiki I think we would all be greatful
17:01.45TelePuzikwe could post it there
17:02.04immolobwegh-  that's easy, but development needs to get alittle further before we start that
17:02.46bweghyes, but why not already write a script?
17:03.09TelePuzikscript also helpful
17:03.27immoloonce the distro is fully working it will all load fully
17:03.28bweghi will wait for your questions first, TelePuzik
17:03.53immolobut for now the only real way is to edit the initrd's linuxrc
17:04.11bweghyeah thats right
17:04.33immolowhich works fine, but is quite a dirty way to do it
17:05.02bweghimmolo, do you know how to set up gomunicator?
17:05.25immoloI haven't tried the new version
17:05.55bweghill wait to see cp15 then and ask him to help me, i guess he will when i tell him, that i wrote an install guide ;)
17:06.28bweghimmolo, do i have to register for the handhelds wiki?
17:06.40immolonear the top left hand side
17:06.53immoloyour'll see some icons
17:07.39immolothere is one for registing
17:09.09*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w (
17:09.09*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o rob_w] by ChanServ
17:10.06immolohey rob
17:10.23rob_whey dude
17:12.00bweghhi rob
17:17.46rob_w~seen cp15
17:17.49aptcp15 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #htc-blueangel, 3h 55m 2s ago, saying: 'I will be back later'.
17:57.04bwegh if added a install guide with the heading "another way to do it"
17:57.19bweghs/if/i have
18:15.16immolovery nice bwegh
18:16.33bweghhope not many problems will come up with that guide ;)
18:17.14immoloheh, at least if it's in the wiki we can all edit it to fix any issues that come up
18:19.37bweghyeah thats right ;)
18:25.14immologoogle blocked that kind of search haven't they?
19:19.51*** join/#htc-blueangel _bob_w (
19:21.32TelePuzikbwegh Hi
19:21.52TelePuzikfollowing your manual i am stuch at point 8
19:21.55TelePuzikssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host
19:22.05TelePuzikcradle inserted
19:22.19TelePuzikshould i restart the Linux machine?
19:24.30TelePuzikrestarted Linux seems ok, some responses on the PDA screen
19:27.47TelePuzikNot able to connect to PDA on SSH
20:42.27TelePuzikbwegh are you there?
20:42.35*** join/#htc-blueangel immolo (
20:46.49*** join/#htc-blueangel cp15 (
20:46.49*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o cp15] by ChanServ
20:51.01cp15Thanks bwegh for updating the wiki
20:58.12immolohey cp15
20:59.53cp15Hi immolo
21:00.12immoloanyluck with gpe?
21:00.44cp15I will try it again shortly
21:01.18cp15But so far it looks good
21:01.32cp15But I have a few changes I would like to see
21:01.52cp15Maybe duplicates... But I don't remember what I already told you
21:02.14immolono problems, this was always going to be the first test to make sure it worked then me you and others can add ideas
21:02.44cp15In /etc/network/interfaces set the devices ip address to and the default gateway to
21:02.53cp15Also add usb0 to the auto line
21:03.05cp15This is to make the ip configuration consistent to the ramdisk
21:03.44cp15In /etc/modutils add a file g_ether with content "g_ether" and a file himalaya_ts3 with "himalaya_ts3" and "evdev"
21:04.07cp15In /etc/ts.conf uncomment the "module_raw input" line
21:04.33cp15In /etc/init.d/devices change the ts link to ln -s /dev/input/event0 /dev/ts
21:04.42cp15and remove the /dev/tsraw link
21:05.09cp15There seems to be a bug in the initrd, it says something like "pivot_root: not found". I will investigate
21:05.11TelePuzikGuys are you able to run the GPE on your BA?
21:05.31cp15Sure :-)
21:05.50TelePuzikHmm , following to bwegh manual , no luck till now :(
21:06.02cp15Where are the problems?
21:06.16TelePuzikdone all the parts
21:06.30TelePuzikit hangs on boot where it says Portmap0
21:06.38cp15Let me check
21:06.55TelePuziki didn't have this directory - "mv /usr/bin/amp /usr/bin/apm.disabled"
21:07.11TelePuzikdon't have event0 either - "ln -s /dev/input/event0 /dev/ts"]
21:07.37cp15You can fix the apm later
21:07.56TelePuzik- append to the CMDLINE line "boot_mmc=y"
21:08.09cp15When the portmap message is the last one you probably booted the ramdisk
21:08.10TelePuzikthis part should be done in Console or in the Text of startup?
21:08.24TelePuzikasif booting for the first time
21:08.56cp15edit startup.txt and replaceset CMDLINE "root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc ramdisk_size=14336 keepinitrd console=ttyS2,115200 console=tty0"
21:09.18cp15with set CMDLINE "root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc ramdisk_size=14336 keepinitrd console=ttyS2,115200 console=tty0 boot_mmc=y"
21:09.20TelePuzikall of them ?
21:09.42cp15The boot_mmc=y is the change
21:09.51cp15All of what?
21:09.58TelePuzikcurrently have three startup.txt
21:10.06TelePuzikcp startup.txt startups/startup_rd.txt
21:10.15TelePuzikcp startup.txt startups/startup_mmc.txt
21:10.26cp15Keep a copy of your previous startup.txt so you just have to rename the startup.txt if it doesn't work
21:10.35cp15Editing startup.txt within windows will destroy it
21:10.46cp15haret uses the startup.txt in it's directory
21:10.49TelePuzikthrough VI in SSH on PDA
21:11.05TelePuzikoh ok
21:11.38cp15If you think there is something missing in the instructions please update them
21:11.59TelePuzikwill make some remarks
21:12.11TelePuzikand will keep you updated
21:15.47cp15Thanks very much
21:17.40TelePuzikYour Welcome
21:19.16immolocp15-  once we get gpe-dm fully working I'll add all the changes you wanted and see about placing a few more app in the distro to make it alittle more ce defaultish
21:22.54cp15Ok, a important one is probably gomunicator
21:23.13immoloof course :P
21:23.20cp15And remove the splash screen if possible for now
21:23.30cp15It hangs now, and you can't see anything
21:23.45TelePuzikAt last X11 started :)
21:24.21cp15Ok, i have to take it back, it didn't hang, it just took a while
21:24.40immoloyou are in gpe?
21:24.42cp15Now it is up asking me for new user details
21:24.50cp15But touchscreen doesn't work
21:24.55TelePuzikConfiguring timezones
21:27.35immolobut it does work in Xfbdev?
21:27.49cp15Maybe a mistake with loading the modules
21:28.35cp15I will reboot and check
21:29.32cp15Another change required in initrd: Insert a mkdir /mnt/oldroot before pivot_root
21:29.42cp15Ah... Better a mkdir -p /mnt/oldroot
21:30.49immoloyeah I added /mnt/oldroot myself before loading linux on the ba
21:30.55immoloI should of said
21:32.33cp15There is also a strange interaction between the wince setup and haret started from autorun
21:32.48cp15It fails close at the end with "Unable to read initrdxyz"
21:32.58cp15If you run it after installation, it works fine
21:35.47immoloI've only ran from initrd
21:39.50cp15Forget what I told you about modifying /etc/init.d/devices
21:39.53cp15It is not used
21:40.28cp15Instead, create a file /etc/udev/links.conf with content "L ts /dev/input/event0"
21:40.59cp15So, rebooting again
21:44.43bweghcp15: did you get my error with gomunicator?
21:45.10cp15Not quite sure... Please tell me again
21:46.36bweghwhen i start it it tells me that it isnt allowed to open /dev/ttyS1 then /dev/ttyS2 (can change that but would like to change the config in main->config but how?) and then it isnt able to attache default card mixer
21:49.53cp15Ok, for the first problem: create a symlink from /dev/gsm0 to /dev/tts/0 and keep the gomunicator default settings (I don't think changing them actually works)
21:50.19cp15For the second problem, check the permissions of /dev/mixer
21:51.34cp15If the permissions are ok, install amixer and tell me what it says when run
21:52.18bweghuser is set to root .... strange becaus i patched the /etc/X11/gpe-session.pre-login
22:00.40bweghnow it doesnt tell me that i cant do anything but it hangs
22:00.47bweghshall i strace it?
22:03.32cp15Yes, try it
22:03.53bweghcp15, it hangs when calling ioctl(/dev/gsm0, SNDCTL_TMR_CONTINUE | TCSETSF)
22:07.15bweghanything i can do, cp15 ?
22:07.21bweghTelePuzik, does it work?
22:08.02cp15Hmm... Strange
22:08.08cp15Have you run gsminit?
22:08.18cp15It resets the gsm radio processor
22:08.23cp15Maybe it hung up
22:08.26bweghnot sure ... one moment
22:08.44cp15Kill gomunicator, run gsminit (as root), and try it again
22:08.55cp15immolo: Still here?
22:10.46bwegh"could not get security status, is sim card missing?"
22:10.49bweghanswer: NO
22:11.43bwegh"cant attach default card mixer" permissions are rwx for current user
22:12.03immolocp15-  yes
22:12.11cp15Good news: gpe works
22:12.27immolocp15 I owe you a beer
22:12.37cp15But I have to update my update of the required changes
22:12.45bweghimmolo, i would take a beer, too ;)
22:12.53immolobeers for everyone
22:13.11bweghsounds like funny code tonight
22:13.35immolocp15 - sure is there any chance you can put them into a text file so I can update once I return from work tomorrow
22:13.58immoloor feed it into a query
22:14.13cp15I am a lazy guy, so I will post it here
22:14.35immolofine, I'll do a copy paste job
22:14.50cp15Forget modifying /etc/ts.conf, forget creating /etc/udev/links.conf
22:15.14cp15Instead, create a file /usr/share/tslib/ts.conf-blueangel with the following content:
22:15.20cp15module_raw input
22:15.20cp15module pthres pmin=1
22:15.20cp15module variance delta=30
22:15.20cp15module dejitter delta=100
22:15.20cp15module linear
22:15.32cp15and modify /etc/profile.d/ to just contain:
22:16.22cp15To get the keyboard working, create a file /etc/modutils/zkeyboard with content "blueangel_kp"
22:16.35cp15zkeyboard because it has to come after touchscreen
22:17.02cp15Thats all for now
22:17.36immoloso to make sure I have everything
22:17.38bweghTelePuzik, thanks for the edit
22:17.47immoloIn /etc/network/interfaces set the devices ip address to and the default gateway to
22:17.47immoloAlso add usb0 to the auto line
22:17.47immoloThis is to make the ip configuration consistent to the ramdisk
22:17.47immoloIn /etc/modutils add a file g_ether with content "g_ether" and a file himalaya_ts3 with "himalaya_ts3" and "evdev"
22:17.48TelePuzikyour welcome
22:17.48immolocreate a file /usr/share/tslib/ts.conf-blueangel with the following content:
22:17.50immolomodule_raw input
22:17.52immolomodule pthres pmin=1
22:17.54immolomodule variance delta=30
22:17.56immolomodule dejitter delta=100
22:17.58immolomodule linear
22:17.58bweghTelePuzik, is it working now?
22:18.00immoloand modify /etc/profile.d/ to just contain:
22:18.10immolocreate a file /etc/modutils/zkeyboard with content "blueangel_kp"
22:18.18TelePuzikYes but freezing after 3 minutes
22:18.23TelePuzikif no action taken
22:18.39cp15TelePuzik: mv /usr/bin/apm /usr/bin/
22:18.49bweghTelePuzik, is is now online on the blueangel wiki
22:18.51cp15There is still a bug in apm which lets the device freeze
22:18.54TelePuzikthe problem that there is no such folder
22:19.10cp15ls -l /usr/bin/apm shows no file?
22:19.33TelePuziki tried to see /usr/bin/apm
22:19.35immoloanyway I'm off to bed, got an early start tomorrow
22:19.39bweghshould be like cp15 is telling
22:19.41TelePuzikno folder
22:19.49bweghseems like you have booted with ramdisk the first time
22:19.51cp15No, it isn't a folder, it is a program
22:19.55TelePuzikbut no warning message after running this command :S
22:20.22bweghbecause you havent edited the CMDLINE in startup the way i ment ;)
22:20.24TelePuzikah thats why
22:20.35TelePuzikwill try again
22:20.51TelePuzikbut is there phone panel in GPE to place calls?
22:21.01TelePuzikcouldn't find the applet
22:21.06bweghTelePuzik, i am fighting with it ;)
22:21.27TelePuzikI liked the GPE
22:21.30bweghand cp15 is helping me to get it run
22:21.46TelePuzikThats nice
22:22.00TelePuzikwill help you in debugging :)
22:29.21cp15bwegh: Can you make a strace of gomunicator and send it to me?
22:30.03cp15Ah, and another thing... I will send yo a little script: Please copy it to your ba and run it
22:30.05bweghsure, cp15 , one moment
22:30.12cp15then issue a "AT"  + return
22:30.25bweghTelePuzik, have a look at "another way to do it"
22:30.54cp15I think we should remove the other instructions
22:31.05cp15One way to install linux must be enough :-)
22:31.21bweghi didnt want to delte them
22:33.43bweghcp15, in which order shall i run and strace gomunicator?
22:34.10cp15Do a strace first, since will start a dd which blocks gomunicator
22:34.43bweghhow do i redirect the output of strace? a "> my.file" doesnt work
22:35.55cp15strace -o filename programm
22:37.47TelePuzikbwegh Nice :) Now at least the reader can boot GPE ;)
22:38.38bweghI will add more, when i know how to ;)
22:40.16cp15I hope the installation process will get much easier when the blueangel gpe image is ready
22:44.42bweghbetween 1 and 2 i ran gsminit and /etc/X11/gpe-login.pre-session
22:45.38bweghso that at the second one /dev/sound/mixer was owned by bas (anything seems to set it back to root all the time)
22:47.24cp15Ok, I think I know where the errors are
22:47.36cp15First one tries to access the database without initializing it
22:47.38bweghwhen i type "AT" i get "OK"
22:47.50cp15Ok, then type ctrl-c and killall dd
22:48.05cp15Second one has a missing file
22:49.20bweghwhich one is missing?
22:49.35cp15Copy the file I send you to /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf
22:52.22cp15Does it work better now?
22:53.19bweghwhy the hell is /dev/tts/0 owned by root again?
22:54.37bweghagain cant attach to the default card mixer
22:54.50bweghpin input doesnt seem to work
22:54.52cp15Can you send me a strace again?
22:55.11cp15Takes some time after you have entered the pin
22:56.22bweghbtw: how do i get the copy and paste menu?
22:56.30bweghtap and hold doesnt work
22:57.01cp15Then not at all afaik.
22:57.33cp15Some applications offer a context menu on "tap & hold", but the mechanism isn't generally implemented
22:58.11bweghi closes gomunicater, restarted and now i see my operator "e-plus"
22:58.24bweghbut again "cant attach to card mixer"
22:58.53cp15Ok, we have to debug this mixer problem, since the phone will not work without mixer
22:59.02cp15Please do a strace again
23:16.47bweghimmolo, do you know why my hardware keys dont work?
23:17.51cp15Sorry, I was in the kitchen
23:18.06cp15bwegh: Have you loaded blueangel_kp?
23:18.27bweghyes, the pull-out keyboard is working ... at least some of the keys
23:18.46cp15open("/usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf", O_RDONLY) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)
23:19.56bweghmuch better -thanks
23:21.45bweghsound is a bit scratchy but it works
23:22.32cp15So, I will go to bed now
23:22.55bweghit doesnt stop to vibrate
23:23.07cp15Be careful with gomunicator. I had one case where the hangup button didn't work, and I didn't notice it
23:23.09TelePuzikbwegh your lucky ;)
23:23.10cp15Restart it
23:24.02cp15gomunicator, not the whole device
23:24.06bweghwont stop
23:24.32bweghbtw: the owner of the devs was root again ... dont know why
23:24.38cp15Do as root a echo 0 > sys/class/leds/vibra/frequency
23:24.52cp15and echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/vibra/brightness
23:24.53bweghand gomunicator ignored the caller without me pressing "ignore"
23:25.08cp15Initial slash missing on first command
23:25.20cp15What do you mean with "ignored the caller"?
23:26.06cp15There is still a permission problem in your setup:
23:26.09bweghi got a "the person you are calling is currently not able to pick up your call, he will get an sms that you tried to reach him"
23:26.21cp15open("/sys/class/leds/vibra/brightness", O_RDWR) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)
23:26.46cp15Hmm... That is strange...
23:27.13cp15The brightness permissions are probably causing the "vibrator doesn't stop" problem
23:27.48cp15Ok, I think we have debug gomunicator still further
23:28.00cp15But not today, I need some sleep
23:28.17bweghthanks night
23:28.45bweghone last question: can i change ringtones or the volume somewhere?
23:29.53cp15Volume: Add "Volume Control" to your gpe task bar
23:30.46bweghthank you, cp15
23:31.09cp15Ringtone: Create a file /usr/share/gomunicator/R&C_theme.raw with your ringtone
23:31.35bweghTelePuzik, there is an mistake in the guide, please recheck your /etc/X11/gpe-login.pre-session
23:32.09cp15It must have the following format: raw, S16_LE format, 2 channels, 16000 Hz sample rate
23:32.27TelePuzikok will check that, thanks
23:33.04bweghok, thank you, cp15, shall i write these things about the gomunicator into the install guide, too?
23:34.00cp15Hmm... I am afraid gomunicator is still a bit too alpha to let it be used by the public
23:34.45cp15I will keep the persons who use it < 10 until it works ok for them
23:35.25bweghis your current code at the cvs given at the homepage?
23:35.37cp15Yes, feel free to improve it :-)
23:35.54bweghat least i will take a look at it ;)
23:36.10bweghso maybe i can give better bug-reports
23:36.11cp15And you can also give your instructions to a few other people, but please don't publish them yet
23:36.29bweghthats why i asked ;)
23:37.46cp15I don't want hundreds of people complaining "My telephone bill was 10000$ last month and it is all your fault"
23:38.15bweghten are enough you think?
23:38.43cp15I hope there is a limit somewhere
23:39.04cp15But the "hanup doesn't work" problem made me a bit nervous
23:39.25cp15It just costed me estimated 25 Euro, but it could have been worse
23:39.50bweghso you realy have a problem with hang up?
23:40.26cp15It happend only once in 2 months. I was in a tunnel and issued a call... Got no connection and pressed hangup
23:40.32bweghbtw: is there another gsm-phone-app?
23:41.10cp15Then I tried it again when I was out of the tunnel. But the first call connected meanwhile and the second call put the first one "on hold"
23:41.12bweghthat is so called "Lehrgeld" ;)
23:41.56cp15After 2 hours connected to someones mailbox the call disconnected
23:43.25bweghis it possible to get gpe making noise like with windows 2003se? it is all pretty soft
23:43.44cp15Pretty soft? It should be pretty loud...
23:44.03bweghit isnt
23:44.39cp15You can install amixer and set the volume of phone manually
23:44.57bweghwill check that
23:45.09cp15But be careful: 100% means speakerphone
23:46.01bweghdont get you
23:46.07cp15I got nearly deaf when first experimenting with sound under linux, because I expected a soft noise coming out of the speaker and hold it to my ear. But instead it came out full volume
23:46.48bweghand i expected full volume and only got a soft noise
23:47.45cp15Ok, try setting the volume of "Phone" with amixer. 0% means Speaker is off, 33% is normally used for phoning, 100% means the speaker is that loud you can hear it without holding it to your ear
23:48.38cp15Ah... It will probably only work when being adjusted during a phone call since gomunicator puts the volume down to 0% when there is no call active
23:48.40bweghthanks, will try it
23:49.11cp15Ok, for me it's bed time now
23:49.31bweghi should go, too but want to try amixer
23:49.49cp15Good night for now
23:49.54bweghgood night
23:54.25TelePuzikbwegh whats wrong with gpe-login.pre-session
23:54.40TelePuzikhave you updated the guide?
23:56.39TelePuzikAlso the stanby button aint functiong

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