irclog2html for #htc-blueangel on 20051106

09:08.45*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w (
09:08.45*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o rob_w] by ChanServ
09:23.59*** join/#htc-blueangel _bob_w (
10:31.48*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w (
10:31.48*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o rob_w] by ChanServ
10:32.00rob_whi magnet_
10:39.12*** join/#htc-blueangel JuNuKN (
10:48.14rob_whey JuNuKN
10:48.39rob_wi prepared the sources to be compiled .. so you could do it on your own ...
10:52.27JuNuKNHello again ... I started to read the OE stuff, - but for a linux starter, the part with installing monotone seems to be to complicaty at the moment ... let me read further til monday. What did you until now.
10:53.24JuNuKNWhere is the source? In CVS ?
11:08.24rob_wyes get the source via
11:09.25rob_wthen get read this -> and get you the cross chain ...
11:09.54rob_w1. export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/arm/oe/arm-linux/lib/pkgconfig
11:09.54rob_w2. export PATH=/usr/local/arm/oe/bin:$PATH
11:09.54rob_w3. Change to the location of your source
11:09.54rob_w4. Run make CC=arm-linux-gcc to build your application
11:09.54rob_wIf you use autotools you will usually need to run ./configure --host=arm-linux
11:12.00rob_wand use arch/arm/configs/defconfig_himalaya as your .config for the kernel
12:08.30JuNuKNI will try this way meanwhile, but in the CVS-call there is a xda0-ba0  doesn't this mean BlueAngel ? Really correct instructions?
12:26.40rob_wthat is the tag , yet it depends what config you use !!!
12:50.14*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w (
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13:54.54*** join/#htc-blueangel JuNuKN (
13:59.35JuNuKNNow I have downloaded all the things ... I 'll try to compile tonight ... familie is calling for me now ...
15:17.54*** join/#htc-blueangel magnet (
20:46.09*** join/#htc-blueangel bwegh (
20:47.08bweghhallo bhima
20:49.25bweghdoes anyone have a rom image of the german e-plus rom for the Blueangel (Qtek 9090/PDA 3 by e-plus) ?
20:49.57bweghbhima, do you have?
20:50.17bweghor anyone an idea, where i can get it? mine is broken :/
20:50.58bweghand when will the linux port be useable?
20:54.13*** join/#htc-blueangel nXm|blackhaT (
20:54.56nXm|blackhaTanyone here
21:26.25bweghapt, do you know where i could get a rom image of the german e-plus qtek 9090 rom?
21:27.22*** join/#htc-blueangel cp15 (
21:27.22*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o cp15] by ChanServ
21:27.28cp15Good morning
21:31.37bweghmorning, cp15
21:32.03bweghcp15, do you know when linux will be ready to use for the BA?
21:33.13bweghcp15, do you know where i get an image of the original german e-plus Qtek 9090 rom?
21:33.23cp15Depends on how you define "ready to use"
21:34.25bweghi define "ready to use" as i can handle my notes and calendar, my contacts with it and use the phone, write sms
21:34.47cp15Then the answer is simple: Now
21:35.00cp15Well quite, there are a few annoying bugs
21:35.11bweghthat are eg?
21:35.36bweghdo you know where i can get the image from e-plus?
21:35.51cp15Power consumption in suspend mode is too high (but it got better since I reduced the processor speed on sleep)
21:36.17cp15gomunicator crashes sometimes (and you won't receive any calls then...)
21:36.29cp15SMS writing isn't very comfortable
21:36.39cp15Maybe there is one at
21:36.43cp15I will check
21:37.15bweghi am unable to connect to xda-developers right now and i didnt find one ther :(
21:37.40cp15I guess you need the extended rom, since radio and system rom are the same on all versions
21:37.58bweghare you sure?
21:38.38cp15Not absolutely, but close :-)
21:39.32bweghwell i have the rom 1.40.01 and radio 1.12.00
21:39.58cp15You know you can make the image by yourself via the bootloader and a sd card?
21:40.05bweghi did
21:40.08bweghbut it didnt work
21:40.25bweghi made an image it said: checksum ok
21:40.46bweghand then i started the bootloader and put in the sd
21:41.03bweghstarted to read the image, at the end: checksum ok; but some files are broken
21:41.26cp15From the extrom or the system rom?
21:41.48bweghsystem rom, i guess
21:42.37bweghhave backup of files in extended rom on pc (unhided the ext-rom)
21:43.21bweghdo you know a way to mount the system rom/ext rom from the image so i can diff the files with a given original rom (eg the one from vodafone=
21:45.07cp15The ext rom is a msdos filesystem with some junk before. The correct mount command is in the wiki :-(
21:45.55cp15The system rom is in a special format, there is a command dumprom (use the windows version, since the linux version can't uncompress compressed files) to get the files out of the image
21:46.29cp15Which files are broken?
21:48.11bweghi dont know all and wether they are, but eg there are some files with numbers at the end; sounddrives seems to be broken, too
21:52.57cp15Hmm... Strange
21:53.54bweghthats what i thought!
21:54.05bweghbtw: thanks a lot for your help!
21:55.56bweghthe extended rom image you gave to me was good, but version 1.22 i need a 1.40
22:00.54cp15Hmm... Then you are probably out of luck for now
22:01.43cp15You can start unlockextrom and rename the startup file (forgot it's exact name). Then you should get an uncustomized Windows.
22:02.00cp15If this one works, the problem isn't in the system rom
22:02.16cp15Have you already tried to re-read the system rom and compared the images?
22:03.14bweghyou mean re-read the rom after installing the backup wether the second image (the image of the image) differs from the original image?
22:05.09cp15Yes, make a image copy of your sd card, extract the rom image, then backup the rom image again with the bootloader and compare both images
22:05.32cp15BTW: What was your command to backup the rom?
22:05.58bweghb2s afair
22:06.17cp15d2s probably... But I want the exact parameters
22:06.26bweghnone given
22:07.05cp15Then it maybe didn't backup the complete rom?
22:07.30bweghi dont know
22:09.00cp15Ok, d2s should ony backup the system rom
22:10.14bweghso only  some parts of the system rom are broken, or could the extended be broken, too?
22:12.50cp15Probably only the system rom
22:13.09cp15Does your BA have any eplus specific features?
22:13.52bweghlike homezone or something like that?
22:14.41bweghi dont think so
22:15.03bwegheverything custome is stored in the extended rom, i guess
22:15.22cp15There is a 1.40 image at
22:17.32bweghdoes d2s (without any parameters) extract the radio, too?
22:17.43cp15No, only system rom
22:18.10bweghso if i find a 1.40.01 Ger system rom it should be like brand new, right?
22:18.16cp15See for useful information
22:18.32cp15I think a 1.40 will also do the job
22:19.59bweghonly for warranty purpose it should be a 1.40.01 ger
22:20.18cp15Do you still have warranty?
22:21.49cp15Then maybe you should use something which makes it unbootable and send it in?
22:22.14cp151.40.01 ger from vodafone is available at
22:22.29cp15But I don't know how to extract the system rom image from the exe
22:24.11bweghyou have to start the setup and copy the files from the temp folder - done ;)
22:24.49bweghwhat makes the BA unbootable?
22:25.23cp15I think there is a tool available from itsme which changes the entry jump in the system rom
22:25.36cp15You can still access the bootloader but windows won't boot
22:26.40bweghbut dont you think that they will see that i have changed it and the system rom isnt the same ... ?
22:27.51cp15Well, it might be as well happened from a system crash
22:29.48bweghwould be bad if i loose warranty then
22:31.06cp15Then they have to send it back to you
22:31.39bhimaIf they are able to check and poke to see what ROM version you have, wouldn't they just flash the right one and scratch their heads?
22:32.14cp15I think they probably will only see that windows doesn't boot, will check the bootloader and reflash your device
22:32.41bweghnbf files are the images which i can write to sd and then load onto the BA?
22:32.49bweghwell i at least would do so
22:33.36cp15Yes, but you need a tool to write it to a sd card
22:35.53cp15Don't know since the wiki is offline :-(
22:35.59cp15I have to go to bed now
22:36.06cp15Good night
22:36.11bweghgood night
22:36.14bweghthanks a lot

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