irclog2html for #htc-blueangel on 20051103

00:14.27cp15Good night
08:29.08*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w-cgi (
08:29.09*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o rob_w-cgi] by ChanServ
11:27.35rob_w-cgihi magnet
11:27.49magnetsup ?
11:28.06rob_w-cgihacking the ba some bit
11:28.28rob_w-cgitrying to hunt the battery bug which disturbs the touchscreen
11:28.35magnetyou have a board/pda with serial ?
11:30.42rob_w-cgino i only have the standard docking via usb
11:33.22rob_w-cgiand the crappy "Storage" on ppc shows me it is full but the filemanger shows nothing .. so i am looking how to "format" that "Storage"
11:45.47rob_w-cgicool i found the app i need
16:59.18*** part/#htc-blueangel rob_w-cgi (
18:46.26*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w (
18:46.27*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o rob_w] by ChanServ
18:54.48*** join/#htc-blueangel collin_work (
19:01.57*** join/#htc-blueangel pH5 (
19:02.02pH5good evening
19:22.38*** join/#htc-blueangel JuNuKN (
19:31.25*** join/#htc-blueangel cp15 (
19:31.25*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o cp15] by ChanServ
19:32.21cp15Good morning
19:34.17pH5hi cp15
19:34.54cp15Hi pH5, any success booting the kernel?
19:36.42pH5no. i wasted yesterday evening trying to get irda to work on my laptop (no way). i have copied the zImage and haret to the handheld via bluetooth, but after the tux-big-eyes picture it seems to hang.
19:39.28cp15Ok, would be a wonder if the kernel worked at first try.
19:40.30pH5:-) i'll try again after looking if i can remove some more stuff from the kernel config
19:43.44rob_whey dude`s
19:43.53pH5hey rob_w
19:44.27rob_wis bt already working cp15
19:44.48rob_whey pH5  whats the problem with the kernel ?
19:45.11pH5rob_w: it doesn't boot, at least not up to vsfb
19:45.17rob_wso hte hcid on cvs enabel faster transfers
19:45.28rob_woh bad writing
19:45.55rob_wcp15, could you tell proper hciattach values ?
19:46.06rob_wi ve been working on the initrd today
19:46.28rob_walso we get asic3_irq overrun`s
19:46.39cp15If you want high speed bluetooth ( > 115200 baud), you need to compile hciattach from xanadux cvs
19:46.51cp15Yes, I know about the irq overruns
19:47.14rob_woh wait koen mentioned some apm hack which also the ipaq needs ..
19:47.52rob_wcp15, i increased the buffer from 20 to 40 requests but still it is too much to handle for the driver , it seems
19:49.15cp15hciattach /dev/tts/3 texas
19:49.31cp15What buffer?
19:52.06rob_w#define MAX_ASIC_ISR_LOOPS    20
19:52.14rob_wok loops i meant
19:52.30rob_win drivers/soc/asic3_base.c
19:52.47cp15No, it isn't a problem that the interrupts are too many, one interrupt source isn't cleared or masked correctly
19:53.30rob_wit happens very often on ba_battery , where also the touch breaks ..
19:53.57rob_wdo you think the batttery vs. touch problem is in tsc2200 ?
19:55.11cp15No, the locking is probably handled incorrect
20:00.44rob_wwhere does that locking happen ?
20:03.08rob_wso in which driver/file is that done ?
20:03.53rob_wand why is our cpu not already supported with its powermanagment ??
20:04.55rob_wthe apmd problem is fixed in oe already ..
20:05.33rob_wactually they hacked away the handling of /dev/apm_bios in xserver-kdrive .. so a newer image will do that trick
20:09.23cp15Ah, ok
20:09.27pH5rob_w: i wouldn't call it fixed. the kernel bug is still there, it's just worked around
20:09.59cp15The locking is of course in blueangel_battery.c and himalaya_ts3.c
20:10.46rob_wcp15, you know i am new to irq handling and the "common sense" of that .. so bear with me here
20:11.36rob_wpH5, but yet it helps much as you can now properly use apmd and its power
20:13.39rob_wcp15, there is now a bounty on the acx100 !
20:22.57cp15Really? Don't like that. It creates competition instead of cooporation
20:36.38pH5the good news for me is that blueangel and hx4700 share the same wlan chipset
20:37.11rob_wwell and they arent aware the the basic driver is already there , but it needs tobe tailored to their device
20:37.36cp15Ok, I will have to go to bed now.
20:37.52cp15I will be in Bremen tomorrow and over the weekend
20:37.54rob_wsleep well and come back soon
20:38.10rob_wbuisness ?
20:38.14cp15I will be back on sunday evening or monday morning
20:38.39rob_wi will try to get some things forward
20:38.46bhimaGood night.
20:39.08pH5good night.
20:39.10rob_wmaybe we have the hh,org cvs by then ,, but it seems hh,org is on some spam servers blacklisted
20:39.18cp15Partly. Business on friday and maybe saturday. Sightseeing on sunday (since no cheap flight goes on saturday :-( )
20:42.56rob_wigo to the bath but then i be back with some more try`s today
22:40.31*** part/#htc-blueangel pH5 (

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