irclog2html for #htc-blueangel on 20051030

11:01.57*** join/#htc-blueangel cp15 (
11:01.57*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o cp15] by ChanServ
11:02.13cp15Good morning
11:02.20bhimagood morning.
11:04.07cp15Hi bhima, I have a question regarding the fpu-less sphinx. Is it somewhere available for download?
11:04.57bhimacp15: I got an e-mail pointing me to CVS. I can forward it to you; it was sent to a fairly open mailing list.
11:05.10cp15Yes, please
11:05.25cp15Have you already played with it?
11:05.41cp15Send it to
11:10.12bhimasent. I found anewer e-mail also mentioning a URL.  I may try to get it installed on my nokia770, though I don't think I can yet directly access audio input.
11:11.18bhimaactually, I can get bluetooth headset audio, cause it's outside of the system's normal audio framework,a nd that's what I want anyway. :)
11:25.38*** join/#htc-blueangel magnet (
11:26.09cp15Hi magnet
11:27.33magnetI almost get oe installed.
11:36.18cp15What problems do you still have?
11:39.40*** join/#htc-blueangel immolo (
11:53.17immolocp15- I've decided the problem could be my hacked together blueangel config
11:53.41immoloso I'm going to force the to think it is a h3900
12:06.55magnetcp15: sorry I was on phone.
12:07.13magnetmy biggest problem is my laptop ;)
12:07.44magnetright now I'm installing dependencies for xanadux-ba
12:11.46immolomagnet-  I'll race you :P
13:01.04*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w (n=bob@
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13:44.47*** join/#htc-blueangel pH5 (
13:49.05cp15Ah, hi pH5. If I remember correctly you also want to port linux to the magician
13:49.35cp15magnet is working on the same project, maybe you could work together
13:50.33magnethi pH5 .
13:50.39pH5hi cp15, hi magnet
13:51.12pH5until now i didn't have time to do anything but play with haret / wgpio and register a machine id, unfortunately
13:51.35cp15Well, a machine id is a good start
13:51.44magnetwhat is it used for ?
13:52.04cp15To let the kernel know on which machine it runs
13:53.00cp15You could, for example, make a kernel which runs on blueangel, himalaya, wallaby and magician, and the kernel detects via the machine id what hardware is used
13:53.21magnetoh nice.
13:54.14cp15cr2 has already done some work on magician gpio, so it shouln't be too hard to get any progress
13:54.38magnetI'm very glad to hear this.
14:01.05pH5i'm very happy that a lot of the drivers are already there (pxafb, pxa-keys)
14:01.30pH5but cr2 told me that there are different models with differend LCDs
14:01.51magnetwhich model do you own ?
14:02.33pH5mine is an o2 xda mini
14:03.01magnetI have a qtek s100.
14:07.04pH5can you have a look if your LCCRR values are the same as mine?
14:07.20pH5I have this:
14:07.20pH5HaRET(1)# PD 0x44000000 24
14:07.20pH544000000 | 00000081 120928ef 0202093f 04300004
14:07.20pH544000010 | 00000000 3f3f3f3f
14:08.36magnetlemme find the usb cable for the pda.
14:08.51*** join/#htc-blueangel rob-w_ba (n=rob-w_ba@
14:09.30pH5hi rob-w_ba
14:10.38rob-w_bahi pH5
14:11.18magnetpH5: can you tell me ho I look my LCCRR values ? I'm new to this.
14:11.23magnetI launched haret.
14:12.27rob-w_bamagnet how is it going ?
14:12.40magnetusing  PD 0x44000000 24 , give me the same values as you.
14:12.53magnetrob-w_ba: not so bad.I solved all my toolchain troubles.
14:13.25magnetit's compiling cross-gcc now.
14:13.32magnetI found out why it was SO slow.
14:14.00magnetfirst cache for bb don't seems to be used unless in interactive mode.
14:14.07rob-w_bacool, how many boxes
14:14.35pH5magnet: you're using bitbake/OE too?
14:14.40magnetthen doing bluid a on the first time, is 10 time faster than build xanadux-xxxxxx
14:15.14magnetI start to enjoy it.
14:17.50rob-w_baon 2 machines ?
14:18.24magnetjust one.
14:20.46magnetI use bitbake/oe on only one machine.
16:05.00*** join/#htc-blueangel llange (
16:07.46llangeHello, I'm working on the HTC Himalaya. I'm trying to use the leds. I've insmod'ed the led modules. Now I'd like them to blink. Is there something I forgot other than echoing some bits to /sys/class/leds/[green|red|yellow] ? What would be the parameters for, say, a 1Hz blink rate on a led ?
16:31.03Funklordllange: how far has himalaya development progressed?
16:31.34Funklordllange: do you know of a "quick-start" url for himalaya?
16:32.46llangehard to say, I have no outside contacts (apart from this channel). To me, it seems that the development is frozen( at kernel 2.6.3 )
16:33.08llangeI'm trying to build a functional kernel 2.6.12, to synch it with blueangel development...
16:33.20llangeBut it's not very easy =)
16:33.40Funklordok, my friend just got one, and he's got serious issues with wince, so I thought he should try it out
16:33.40llangeSo far, I boot the kernel with very little hardware support (only serial).
16:34.11llangeHe may start here :
16:34.26llangeOr there :
16:37.12llangeIf he then wants to try with 2.6.12, he will have to get out of Xanadux's CVS the release that is tagged : K2-6-12-hh2-xda0-ba0 , and apply this patch:
16:50.43Funklordllange: do you know if himalaya uses the same interface cable as ba?
16:51.40llangeI'm not sure, let me check this out. AFAIC, I modified the USB craddle to add a serial interface.
16:53.05Funklordllange: btw, I don't want to get your hopes up, he's a developer, but a really lazy bugger =P
16:53.19magnetllange: do you know if such modification is possible on qtek s100 ( magician ) ?
16:54.23llangefunklord, magnet: check this out for the wiring on the Himalaya :
16:55.09llangemagnet: It may be possible but I don't have any clue on the magician connector.
16:55.44magnethaving serial port would a be a *great* help for installing linux.
16:57.36llangemagnet: I agree, I couldn't do my debugging on the kernel right now without serial. )à
16:57.55magnetmy usb connector is not like the one on the pic :\
16:58.00magnetit's 'mini usb'
16:58.02pH5magnet: i think that's impossible, the only pins we have on the outside are the usb ones
16:58.19llangeAh, yes, you may need to open it :-(
16:58.32magnetI'd better open it than fail :)
16:59.27magnetbitbake is still installing dependencies for xanadu-ba. :\
17:00.13pH5i somehow hoped that we could get it to work blindly. we "just" need a working pxa27x_udc, g_ether and initrd with ssh
17:01.44magnetI hope I won't need to open it too.
17:02.53llangedoes any one know how to "test" Leds, Keypad and touchscreen ? I only have a kernel + a shell, and just want a simple way to test that the hardware/driver is ok. for leds, I think there is something to do with /sys/class/leds/... , but need more advice =)
17:36.17cp15llange: If you modified the blueangel_leds.c then yes, echo 1 >/sys/class/leds/green/brightness should turn on the green led
17:36.38llangeOk. It doesn't, so there is a bug somewhere =)
17:37.30llangeIt does write to 4 location in memory - asic3 but I need to debug.
17:38.44cp15It should be quite similar to the blueangel, since I have taken the himalaya code
17:38.57cp15But I didn't like the ipaq connection
17:39.29llangeYes, but I think the problem is in the asic3 initialization : I had to modify some values because it was freezing.
17:41.01cp15Yes, the asic3 values are very critical. Best is to dump them under windows
17:41.26llangeWith Haret ? How do I do ?
17:41.36cp15Just a moment
17:43.26cp15According to your asic3 is at 0x0d800000
17:44.02cp15Since the himalaya asic3 is word aligned, gpioa will be at +0x000, b at +0x100, c at +0x200 d at +0x300
17:45.22cp15Take a look at include/asm/hardware/ipaq-asci3.h for the register offsets within the gpio block
17:46.17llangeI will. But then with all the addr info, should I chekc with Haret ? isn't there a virtual / physical translation to do ?
17:46.46cp15Then do a pd <register address> 2
17:48.09cp15You can also dump the complete block IMO. Do a pd  0x0d800000 0x34
17:48.33cp15You have to skip 2 bytes every 2 bytes
17:50.06cp15BTW: May I have your email-Adress? JuNuKN (sometimes here in the channel) has now also a himalaya and wants to run linux
17:50.19cp15Maybe you can work together
17:51.06llangeyes of course. use <my irc name> @ users dot sourceforge dot net
17:51.21cp15Ok, thank you very much
17:51.33llangeyou're welcome.
17:53.50cp15As for the hardware flashing there should be 2 files within the led directory: hw_cycle and hw_duty
17:54.16cp15With hw_cycle you can set the cycle time (time between two flashes) 128=1 second, 256=2 seconds...
17:54.36cp15With hw_duty you can set the on time (same scale as above)
17:54.47cp15Maybe we should normalize it to milliseconds
17:54.54llangeThe files are there, but nothing happens. I'm trying to setup Haret connection but it's not done yet =)
18:05.50cp15llange: I have seen you are a synce developer
18:06.18cp15Can you tell me something about the synce protocol? Is it useful? Would it be hard to write a linux client for it?
18:06.22llangeyes I created the project a few years ago
18:06.48cp15Because you can wait for people crying: "I want my device to sync with outlook"
18:07.35llangeIt should be easy to do it, but then it depends on the linux-side applications.
18:08.07cp15But I guess if it works with synce it will also work with windows?
18:08.47llangethere are some layers. One for the connection ( PPP ) then there are network protocols on the top of it that are dealing with contacts, mail, etc...
18:09.32llangeyes, synce is an ActiveSync clone for Linux, so you can expect that a device working with linux synce will also work with windows ActiveSync
18:09.45cp15Ok, the ppp connection should be pretty easy. But we probably need a special serial usb driver, since the server side also needs a special driver
18:11.21llangeyes, perharps a user-level driver could do. there is a full remote API ( RAPI ) dealing with browsing, registry, etc... that should be easy to implement. I'll probably look into this when my himalay device is up and running =))))
18:12.56cp15That would be good. I am currently trying opensync, but it isn't working too well
18:13.35cp15If the sync process gets interrupted (happens about every 5th time), a full sync will be done next time, which duplicates every entry :-(
18:14.42llange=) You're further than I am =)
18:16.56cp15I see another problem with nearly every sync software. Suppose the following case: I have a fully-featured addressbook (maybe outlook, evolution or what ever) which I want to sync to a handheld or phone
18:17.25cp15So far, so good. But the problem is: The fully-featured address book has much more fields than the phone
18:17.27llangeIt' my situation. Outlook (not express) + HTC Typhoon.
18:17.59llangeYes, you're losing data. The 'master' DB is on the desktop, not the handheld / phone.
18:18.34cp15No problem, as long as you change only data on one side. But if I, for example, change the phone number of a entry in the phone, the (limited) entry of the phone will get into the fully-featured address book, removing all entries the phone didn't support
18:19.42cp15How does outlook solve this problem?
18:20.14llangeit merges, not replaces.
18:20.52cp15So it can make a difference between "field removed by user" and "field not supported"?
18:20.54llangeit detects which fields are changes. There is an unique ID for each record. Then there is a timestamp (better check your clocks have the same times) =)
18:21.31llangeYes because, on the phone, the synchronization application exports the information : I only support this and this field(s).
18:21.46llangeso the desktop can make the difference.
18:21.57cp15Ok, this functionality is probably missing in opensync
18:28.06cp15Do you know whether active sync supports three way sync? Following situation: I have an addressbook in the office, one in the car and one in the phone. I want to be able to sync each device with each other. Is this possible?
18:30.31llangeThe desktop application only supports 2 distinct devices (it's hardcoded that way but I don't see a reason apart from disk space). Idem, the device only support being synchronized with 2 desktops.
18:30.31llangeOn the desktop, you can choose wether your device or your desktop is the 'master' (in case of conflict after comparing timestamps), or even will ask you what to do.
18:30.31llangeSo I think this could be doable with some configuration (but may be risky =) )
18:30.36bhimawince PDAs have an owner, or can be a guest.
18:31.26bhimaahh, llange knows much more.
18:32.04*** join/#htc-blueangel oho (
18:32.49llangehowever the best thing to do IMHO is over-the-air synchronization, with a central server. most smartphone allow it, however only with microsoft products (exchange)
18:34.11cp15With the current gprs traffic costs, this isn't that desireable
18:34.44cp15Does wince have a flag for a deleted entry?
18:35.45cp15So the server can ask the mobile: Show me everything which changed since xxx and the mobile responds: entry 4 deleted, entry 5 changed, entry 6 new?
18:36.05cp15This would make it quite efficient for synchronisation
18:36.38llangeI don't know about the flag. In fact I'm not very active on the synce front since my iPaq broke a few years ago =) But it may be possible they do it that way.
18:36.55cp15:-) Ok
18:37.47cp15The current gpe synchronisation doesn't do it. The server asks "Show me all ids of all entries and ther modification date" and then compares them with the previous run
18:38.24cp15It is already slow for local sync, since the device takes some time to get all ids and produces way too much traffic for gprs
18:38.33llangehowever I'll probably try to implement a synce personality for linux once my Himalaya is able to phone call...
18:38.33llangegpe is ? What about the trolltech synchronisation ?
18:39.26cp15Haven't take a look at it recently, but I didn't like what I have seen from old zaurus days
18:39.58cp15It is a xml-based file and synchronisation uses parts of rsync to get the changes
18:40.40llangeAh, ok.
18:41.36cp15One reason why I prefer gpe: It is based on sqlite. It is quite easy to add/remove/modify/query data from other applications
18:42.52cp15With qpe this was very hard. The application buffered the changes, so if you had your addressbook open and another application modified the xml file, the modification was most likely lost
18:43.07llangebut then your applications on the device deal with the SQLite DB ?
18:43.21*** join/#htc-blueangel magnet (
18:43.44cp15Yes, for example, i run a query on the addressbook database when a call comes in
18:44.34llangeok. but that means the existing applications must have their backend rewritten to be qpe-compatible ?
18:45.14cp15gpe-compatible? gpe and qpe are very different
18:45.48cp15qpe is based on framebuffer and a special qt library, gpe is based on X11 and gtk
18:46.44llangegpe sorry =)
18:47.46cp15The only applications I currently use which interact with the addressbook are gomunicator (the phone...) and gpesyncd (the synchronisation application)
19:02.15*** join/#htc-blueangel llang1 (
19:07.41Funklordcp15: do you know how different qt4 and qt-embedded are nowadays?
19:08.20FunklordI use qt4 regularly, haven't tried qt-emb yet
19:10.04cp15Don't know. I have played with embedded qt a bit, but haven't done anything with qt4
19:10.22cp15Anyway I am not that much of a c++ fan
19:11.39*** part/#htc-blueangel pH5 (
19:12.55Funklordcp15: me neither, but I'm very fond of the qt ui style, and how fast it is
19:13.21cp15Yeah, qt seems faster and leaner than gtk
19:13.51Funklordit's also easy to make use of in "corporate" environments, since there're those pretty pages, installers for windows and licensing
19:14.25FunklordI'd have a hard time talking my co-workers into using gtk+
20:36.57*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w (
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22:36.18*** join/#htc-blueangel llange (
22:43.09cp15Will go to bed now
22:43.11cp15Good night
22:43.25llangegood night cp15 =)
22:43.33llangewhere do you live ?
22:44.40cp15Germany, not too far from munich
22:45.20llangeok. I'm from France, near Paris. =) it's the beginning of the night there too =)

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