irclog2html for #htc-blueangel on 20051020

04:53.55maskedthe wrap board is booting now!
05:54.32*** join/#htc-blueangel JuNuKN (
06:47.33*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w-cgi (
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11:27.42*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w (
11:27.42*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o rob_w] by ChanServ
13:50.52*** join/#htc-blueangel cp15 (
13:50.52*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o cp15] by ChanServ
13:51.02cp15Good morning
14:01.59rob_w-cgihi cp15
14:02.28cp15Hi rob, did I miss something here the last few days?
14:03.13rob_w-cgiwell i was here too much neither
14:04.54rob_w-cgii wanted to compile your changes but yet i didnt had time todo so
14:05.12rob_w-cgii am busy with looking for jobs for any case
14:14.53bhimaI have committed to Linux on this system for our demo on November 7. So I better get it properly installed now. :)
14:19.51rob_w-cgibhima is that a Systems in munich ?
14:20.20bhimaI'm sorry, I don't follow...
14:21.03rob_w-cgiok then .. well "Systems " is a IT exhibition in munich coming in a few days
14:22.26bhimaAhh. No, not going to go there. At this point my schedule appears to be overbooked for the next ~6 weeks.
14:23.30bhima100% of my time is already allocated till Friday in just over a week.
14:23.44bhima(including saturday and sunday)
17:36.36*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w (
17:36.36*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o rob_w] by ChanServ
17:37.22rob_wman , then you send someone your mail with a link to your cv and they answer that they need your cv .. tststs
17:38.34rob_w~seen cp15
17:38.36aptcp15 is currently on #htc-blueangel (3h 47m 44s).  Has said a total of 2 messages.  Is idling for 3h 36m 8s
17:41.04rob_wwhy did we remove the cvs part on the hh,org wiki ?
17:43.59rob_wi thought i did have there the cut`n`paste "source " from the cvs checkouts of the kernel part
17:44.29rob_wi am working quite confusingly , ya know :-)
17:45.08rob_wcp15,  so the "freaky " haret is at the hh,org wiki , so i only need to update my kernel and gomunicator cvs
17:45.36cp15You mean the last line under the "Kernel" section?
17:45.44rob_wor does your -3 stuff also already contain the sound stuff =?
17:46.11cp15My what -3 stuff?
17:47.02rob_woops , that wasent there a minute ago
17:47.50rob_wsorry ,
17:48.07rob_wi meant the kernel and initrd -3 on the hh,org wiki
17:48.25rob_wdo they include the sound part ?
17:49.40rob_wcvs [update aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)
17:49.55rob_wthat is a cool error message
17:50.02rob_w" ... if any "
17:50.08cp15Ah, no, sorry, they don't include the sound part. Maybe I should put a tar with a current set of modules on the wiki
18:50.24immolodamn it I always miss him :P
18:55.03cp15Hooray, my BA is still alive
18:55.27immolowhat did you do?
18:55.46cp15Disassembled it and removed the camera
18:56.31immoloso there goes my hopes of another cp15 long weekend with a camera driver
18:57.07cp15One of my customers isn't happy when you walk in with a device which is able to take pictures
18:57.22cp15They already fired peoples for that reason
18:58.26immolowell I would rather have a job with them then a ba with a camera
18:59.20immolobut still that means we need to find someone that can write a driver
18:59.28immoloanyway more importantly
18:59.37immolohow is wlan going :D
18:59.39cp15In hungary they are even more careful. They are preparing the new TT here, and you are in deep trouble if you are in the wrong area.
19:00.20cp15I have started the disassembler on the wlan driver... Still working after 2 hours
19:00.43immolodamn, well good luck
19:01.19immoloI'm rebuilding the ba distro with hopefully full support for using touchscreen
19:02.03immolobut didn't have much luck applying your bluez-utils so I will try again on the next update
19:02.08cp15If the X Server continues to segfault, install strace and do a strace -f -o /tmp/strace.out Xfbdev
19:02.46cp15No problem, the bluez-utils are not that important. Bluetooth will still work with the original ones, but at lower speed
19:02.50immoloThe problem seemed to be the config file I was told to use
19:04.05immolooh and if I wanted to move onto some arm linux programming with gpe where is my best move?
19:04.34immoloI only know BASIC and pascel at the moment
19:05.00cp15Try to learn C
19:05.07immolojust C?
19:05.17immolonot ++ or #
19:05.31cp15It isn't so much different from BASIC and Pascal. But the pointers are tricky
19:05.37cp15Forget about C#
19:05.48immoloI can do simple stuff with C++
19:06.01immoloheh C# is the way forward in the UK
19:06.14immoloeveryone wants it
19:06.17cp15C++ might be worth a try but nearly all gpe stuff is written in C
19:06.28cp15Its from microsoft
19:06.42immoloI know but microsoft own everyone
19:07.02cp15But I don't think the mono implementation is much better.
19:07.25immolostill if I learn C I will be able to write drivers also
19:08.14immolois C programs portable to symbian as well?
19:08.48cp15Not sure, I think symbian uses c++
19:08.52immoloI got my first symbian the other day and quite like it
19:09.13immoloneed to play with it more though
19:09.43cp15But C++ is a superset of C, so if you know C++ you also know C, and if you know C you know a part of C++
19:10.18immoloI suppose
19:10.37immolowell lets get linux running on my ba then I'll see about C
19:12.06immolonot long left now
19:12.44cp15As for the camera: Grabbing jpegs is probably pretty easy to implement. Taking a video is much harder
19:13.39immoloyeah I was going to say we have to be careful about what formats to use as for those kodak sd printing stations
19:14.38immolobut I want png support as well :P
19:15.39cp15The camera can do jpeg compession in hardware
19:16.19cp15I suppose. There was a statement in the driver about this
19:17.16immoloI guess it shouldn't be too hard then if you know what you are looking at
19:18.15immoloand as you say only videos are going to be pain as you have to get both a nice compressed for viewing on a pda and one that opens on all phones
20:08.43cp15I think I will go to bed now
20:26.26cp15Good night
20:27.55*** join/#htc-blueangel JuNuKN (
20:39.34*** join/#htc-blueangel Rv (n=lerouxrv@
20:39.40Rvhiya everyone
20:40.39Rvis there anyone ?
20:47.14Funklordhey there
20:48.20RvI got a problem with my Qtek 9090 (BA), and I wondered if anybody already had this
20:48.53Funklordwhat problem?
20:49.45Rveverytime I push the Call button, the xda reboots
20:50.05RvI mean hard reboot
20:50.08Funklordwhen running linux?
20:50.20immolousing what gpe-image?
20:50.27Rvno unfortunatly, I have not already tried
20:50.35Rvunder windows CE
20:50.51Funklordnever seen that
20:50.56immoloThat's even stranger
20:51.17Funklordsounds like a hardware problem
20:51.28Rvi'd be pleased to put Linux on it, but I don't know how far the developpment has gone
20:51.33immoloRv - time to use that insurcane to get an xdaIIi for free
20:52.08RvxdaIIi ? you mean Qtek 2020 with wifi ?
20:52.24immolono idea I only follow O2
20:52.53immolothe upgraded himalaya
20:52.55FunklordI think qtek 2020 is the wallaby?
20:53.10Funklordah ok
20:53.50Funklordthis oem rebranding nonsense drives me mad
20:54.06Rvya, 2020 is himalaya
20:54.06immoloas for the status of linux cp15 is using it as a phone so you can't ask for me
20:54.43immoloas for the status of linux, cp15 is using it as a phone so you can't ask for more
20:55.39Funklordsuspend isn't working yet
20:55.53Funklordso it gets about 24h on one charge
20:56.02immoloand you can still get 24hour without suspend
20:56.14immolothat's amazing
20:56.28immoloand running off an sd card
20:57.00Rvok so I think I'm going to stay on windows for a while
20:57.24immoloRv why not boot into linux and play with it
20:57.46immoloif pressing call is going to hard reset you it's not going to be much of a bother
20:58.17Funklordit's a good test
20:58.36Funklordto see if the hardware is flaky or if windows has broken dlls
20:58.38Rvimmolo: sounds good
20:58.40immoloonly problem I found was once I put linux on I found out how much I dislike ce
20:58.54Rvdoes it take long ?
20:59.10immoloabout 5 mins for the first run
20:59.15FunklordRv: you just need to partition the sd, and put a couple of files on it
20:59.44immolosomeone needs to write a guide up
21:00.20Rvok before, I'll need to backup the sd :)
21:00.26immoloI would do it but I would rather wait and write one that worked with the distro
21:01.23Funklordimmolo: I see you are planning to learn C..
21:01.42immoloI want to write some apps for the ba
21:01.49Funklordit's very useful, 95% of software is written in C
21:01.51immolowell linux pdas
21:02.00immoloand the kernel :D
21:02.48FunklordI do asm/C/C++/java/php
21:02.55Funklordbut C is still the best =)
21:03.37immoloheh I know little of each of those but java
21:03.48immoloI dislike java :P
21:03.53Funklordyeah, me too
21:04.21Funklordit's not mature yet
21:04.27immoloasm is nice and fast but a pain in the arse to write
21:04.35Funklordmaybe in 10 more yrs it will be useful
21:04.51immolowhen sun open source it :P
21:06.49immolostill if I learn C I can write the first good binary news group grabber for linux
21:07.20Rvok so guys, if there's no documentation, can you guide me ?
21:07.32immoloRv-  sure where abouts are you
21:07.48Rvready to fdisk
21:08.28Funklordread this
21:08.47Funklordthis too (almost the same)
21:11.00Funklordto give you a better understanding of what you are doing
21:12.10Funklordimmolo: do you play games on your BA?
21:13.00Rvthere's nothing about the fdisk part
21:13.08immolomainly psx games
21:13.21FunklordRv: you need 2 partitions, one vfat and the second one as ext3
21:13.41Funklordimmolo: your buttons didn't break yet?
21:13.56immolomy call button is alittle strange
21:14.01Funklordthey wear out really quickly imo
21:14.02immologetting better though
21:14.18RvI can use the image, there's not need to compile the kernel is it ?
21:14.32Funklorddamn piezo-electric buttons
21:15.29FunklordRv: no, take the kernel, initrd, haret.exe and the config file and place them in the same dir on the vfat partition
21:15.55Rvok coz I'm about to download gpe
21:16.10Rvhow about the size of the partitions ?
21:16.15Funklordthose will kick off linux, so it can mount the ext3 partition which will contain your root and gpe
21:16.47Rvvfat 0C ?
21:17.29FunklordRv: p1 vfat >30MiB and p2 ext3 ~200MiB
21:17.42FunklordI can't remember how large the gpe image is
21:17.50Funklordthe 200M is just a guess
21:18.02Funklordprobably less is needed
21:18.26FunklordRv: and yes it's 0C
21:18.32immolodamnit whats up with gomunicator
21:21.36Rvinitrd, startup, gpe, and zImage downloaded
21:23.44Rv157 Mb for gpe
21:24.14RvI assume I should copy gpe on ext3 partition ?
21:28.17Rvhelle there ?
21:31.38Rvwhat next ?
21:32.27Rvwhat should I copy .
21:32.45immolountar the gpe-image to the ext3 parititon
21:33.11Rvok done
21:33.26Rvhow about zImage initrd ?
21:33.42immolothe vfat partition
21:35.31immololload the module usbnet on the host
21:35.55Rvhow ?
21:36.14immoloopen up a termial su to root and modprobe usbnet
21:37.15Rvok done
21:37.43immoloput the ba into the cradle and load haret
21:38.25RvI've copied haret on the sd
21:38.35RvI've just launched haret, linux is booting
21:39.10Rvstuck at starting portmap
21:39.17immolodo a ifconfig -a in the root term on the host
21:39.32FunklordI'm editing the wiki now
21:41.07Rvnothing on the host
21:41.42Rvshould I modprobe ipaq ?
21:42.37immolodoes the ba say anything about usb0 or eth0
21:42.48immoloI can't remember the exact line
21:43.46Rvwhen loading the kernel : usb0 ethernet gadget
21:44.09Rvusing pxa2xx_udc OUT ep2out-bulk IN ep1in-bulk
21:44.56Rvbut when I press the "Call" button the XDA still reboots
21:44.56immolohmm give me a second I need to finish something off quick and I'll be with you
21:45.16immoloI would take the ba back
21:47.50immolodamn what is up with oe today
21:48.21immoloI'll come back to gomuntor later
22:07.24Rvdo you know if the XDAII works on US phone networks ?
22:07.49immolodoesn't work in greece
22:08.13immolobut I know they have himalayas in the the states
22:11.16Rvok nevermind
22:23.20immoloyay, it's built
22:23.42immololets see if I have some touchscreen working
22:27.28Rvgotta go
22:27.33immolosee ya
22:27.48Rvthanks, I'll try again with a new BA.
22:28.03Rvbut I assume there's a bad contact
22:28.13Funklordimmolo: <- now there's a few instructions there
22:28.36Rvbecause it fails even when not pressing, just when I put my finger on it
22:28.54immoloFunklord-  Nice
22:29.07bhimaMy first BA had a touch screen that would sometimes produce a zig-zag.
22:29.21RvFunklord: great :)
22:29.36immolobhima-  heh, must of been fun :P
22:29.52bhimaI needed to re-calibrate the screen every two days or so.
22:30.04bhimaWe sent it back for replacemnt after a week or so.
22:30.11immolomy himalaya used to hard reset every two days
22:30.18FunklordI never had any problems with the screen, but the buttons suck
22:30.31Funklordthey get worn out really fast
22:30.56immoloanyway I'll be back in a bit with some good news I home
22:31.14bhimaHmm? What do you mean?
22:31.23immoloa working ba distro
22:31.28bhimaI haven't had any roblems with the buttons...
22:31.33immolooh :P
22:31.44Funklordbhima: do you play a lot of games?
22:31.47bhimaoooh. working ba distro. I need one of 'em. :)
22:31.49immolobhima-  if you play alot of games they start ti stick
22:32.16FunklordI play on the train, on the way to work =)
22:32.29bhimaTHough I noticed the jog wheel on my P800 started to wear a lot after not long playing a game.
22:32.31Funklordnes games
22:32.31immoloFunklord-  haha I used to play lemming to work
22:32.42bhimaI have an n-gage for games! :)
22:33.00bhima(the only game I play on it, and that's rare, is snake. in python. :)
22:33.29immolobhima-  you know the nokia 6660
22:33.35immoloerr 6680
22:33.39Funklordthere's a free bootleg snake for GBA, that's pretty cool
22:33.47immoloyou know if there is anything good I can do to it
22:34.05bhimaimmolo: sure. give it to me. :)
22:34.16Funklordinstead of the snake moving up/down/left/right like a robot, it turns with left and right keys
22:34.39Funklordso it moves in angles and curves
22:34.45immolobhima-  No way :P my phone company sent out the wrong phone so I'm keeping it
22:34.45bhimaoh, that's nifty.
22:34.55bhimaimmolo: install python, first.
22:35.16immolosybian python :o
22:35.17bhimaThen, well, find python code taht does nifty stuff, and improve it. :)
22:35.41immoloand I thought basic for symbian was cool :P
22:35.54bhimaI haven't seen BASIC running on a symbian phone.
22:36.13immoloI saw a review of it a few years ago
22:36.37immoloanyway I need to test brb
22:42.26Rvdoes anyone have a minute ?
22:42.32Rvi can't ifconfig
22:42.37Rvifconfig usb0
22:42.46Rvno sych device
22:51.23immolook strace time
22:51.27immolounless anyone wants to play with me?
22:51.38RvI'd like to
22:52.04Rvdo you have any idea ?
22:52.26immoloshow me the output of lsmod
22:52.35Rvthe host detects the USB device : new full speed usb device
22:53.27Rvgot usbnet
22:54.06immolounplug the cradle and plug it back in then restart linux
22:55.23Rvshouldn't I have usb-eth in the kernel ?
22:55.46immoloit's not needed
22:56.04immoloI need to check my ba again I'll be back in a bit
22:57.13Rvusb disconnect
22:57.28Rvusb 1-2 new full speed device
22:58.04Rvlinux booting
22:58.07Rvusb disconnect
22:58.17Rvnew usb speed device
22:58.19Rvthat's it
23:28.57Funklordfill in the blanks:
23:29.17FunklordIntel XScale 400MHz (PXA263)
23:29.29FunklordMemory: PXA 32MiB + SoC 64MiB + RAM 128MiB + SD/MMC
23:29.36FunklordWifi (not all models - Texas Instruments ACX100)
23:29.49FunklordReal Pull-out Keyboard with enlightment
23:29.56FunklordVGA Camera (not all models - Agilent ADCM-2650-0001)
23:30.04Funklord3.5" Transflective TFT-LCD Screen, QVGA 240x320 (Sony ACX502BMV or Toppoly TD035STEC1)
23:30.10FunklordAccelerated GFX (ATI Imageon 3200)
23:30.19FunklordGSM / GPRS
23:30.32FunklordKeyb/touchscreen/battery sampling handled by [WWW]TSC2200
23:30.58FunklordMainly, what chips are used by BT and GSM?
23:45.20Funklordnm, found some resources
23:56.57Rvok, got usb0
23:57.03Rvand ssh
23:59.19Rvthe question I'm asking is "what then ?"

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