irclog2html for #htc-blueangel on 20051019

03:26.25*** join/#htc-blueangel ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:26.25*** join/#htc-blueangel collin_away ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:26.25*** join/#htc-blueangel Funklord ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:26.25*** join/#htc-blueangel bhima ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:26.25*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o ChanServ] by
10:05.00*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w-cgi (
10:05.00*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o rob_w-cgi] by ChanServ
12:29.19Funklordlinux can be patched at runtime:
16:07.43*** join/#htc-blueangel JuNuKN (
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17:37.59*** join/#htc-blueangel JuNuKN (
20:53.47*** join/#htc-blueangel cp15 (
20:53.48*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o cp15] by ChanServ
20:53.57cp15Good morning
21:31.14cp15Hi immolo, how are you?
21:31.32immoloI'm fine now
21:31.40immolobeen illl most of last week
21:31.46cp15I have read it
21:31.53immoloah good
21:31.59cp15But I think I got a cold in hungary
21:32.10immoloI think I've solved the touchscreen issue
21:32.24immoloheh I have a cold coming
21:34.31cp15Ok, what was the problem with the touchscreen? Did not have much time to think about it
21:36.11immolowhere we are using a new device tslib didn't know about the blueangel
21:36.18immoloso didn't add support for it
21:36.39cp15Ah... Ok... Great that you found out
21:37.22immoloyeah, I was shocked as after I e-mailled you I found Xfbdev had touchscreen support but gpe-dm didn't
21:40.25immoloanyway I've just finished cooking a curry so I'll have that and retry linux
21:41.27cp15Ok, I have to go to bed soon. Didn't get much sleep in hungary and the cold... You know
21:43.06immolook, if I don't see you tonight I'll let you tomorrow
22:31.51immolowell that didn't go as planned
22:33.51immoloX segfaults now :P
22:42.54*** join/#htc-blueangel masked (
22:44.15maskedhey cp15 i had no luck with that gpe image, because i couldn't shell in i tried pivot_root (for the first time, i usually use chroot which was no good) and it hung the pc.  so i had no way of adding the modules for TS, evdev or g_ether etc..
22:44.18maskedsup immolo ?
22:45.06immolonot alot
22:45.30immolohaving touchscreen issues mainly
22:45.46immoloI can see why though
22:46.05maskedlike what?
22:47.15immolothe ts.conf I was told to compile with is doesn't use the same as the ba
22:47.23immoloshould of doubled checked really :P
22:47.52maskedoh haha
22:48.51immoloanyway I think it's time to rebuild some of this cvs stuff and get cp15's bluez-utils patch included
22:49.53maskedyeah i should be doing the same thing
22:50.00maskedbusy compiling for a wrap board tho
22:50.35immolowrap board?
23:01.51maskedwireless router application platform
23:02.05maskedbasically an embedded pc designed for wireless
23:02.43maskedhas multiple minipci's, a cf slot, serial, powers of 12vdc...
23:02.56cp15Will go to bed now. Good night
23:05.19immolooh, I didn't know they had a name :P
23:05.45maskedthese ones are made in switzerland, i think.
23:06.10maskedthers some other branded ones, soerekis or somethng... they are usa made but cost alot more for nothing
23:06.12immoloI've put linux on the wr54g which I'm guessing is simlar
23:06.23maskedyeah i have openwrt on mine
23:06.35immoloheh, I didn't like openwrt
23:06.56maskednah it aint great, i would like soemthing smaller..
23:07.12immolobut I didn't know enough then to make my own so sold it
23:07.36immolosome people are porting gentoo to it but the size will be around the same
23:08.44immolobut then gentoo is pretty easy to port to any device
23:16.17maskedmeh i'm not keen on gentoo
23:17.03immoloI think it's just one of those things
23:17.56immoloI tried ubuntu which is pretty good but still has a few problems before anyone can just pick it up
23:18.20immoloand it's another distro that compiles everything in gcc4
23:21.04immoloheh I really need to stop moaning at gcc4 :P
23:25.47immolobut come on is it me or can you see a reason to compile a whole distro with something that bloats everything and even the devs say not to use it in production
23:49.26maskedi wouldnt use it yet

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