irclog2html for #htc-blueangel on 20051006

00:00.17cp15Sorry, I have to go to bed now
00:00.30immoloI need to as well
00:01.22immolothanks for the help and I'll tell you my status tomorrow some time
00:01.30cp15One last word: There is now a voting matrix at
00:02.21cp15Check your calendar when you have time and give it a number between 0 (you can't take part), 1 (you can, but another date would be better) and 2 (fine for you)
00:02.28cp15So, good night now
00:02.40immolothis is an aboard thing?
00:02.48cp15An what?
00:02.59immolooverseas travel
00:03.25immolodon't worry :P
00:03.31cp15Germany... Don't know if you see it as oversea :-)
00:03.52immolowelll uk to germany is alittle bit of sea
00:04.04cp15But not as much as to the us :-)
00:04.22cp15And there is also a land way... Well... sort of...
00:04.40immolowell I'll ask the women in the morning and see what she says
00:04.56cp15Ok, so good night for now
01:17.47*** join/#htc-blueangel apt (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
01:17.47*** topic/#htc-blueangel is **NEW 2.6.12-hh2-2 uploaded at | BA developer Meeting : Make your comments to cp15 or rob_w or register your nicks and use botmail !
04:39.00*** join/#htc-blueangel apt_ (
04:39.00*** topic/#htc-blueangel is **NEW 2.6.12-hh2-2 uploaded at | BA developer Meeting : Make your comments to cp15 or rob_w or register your nicks and use botmail !
05:40.17*** join/#htc-blueangel apt (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
05:40.17*** topic/#htc-blueangel is **NEW 2.6.12-hh2-2 uploaded at | BA developer Meeting : Make your comments to cp15 or rob_w or register your nicks and use botmail !
05:53.04*** join/#htc-blueangel apt_ (
05:53.04*** topic/#htc-blueangel is **NEW 2.6.12-hh2-2 uploaded at | BA developer Meeting : Make your comments to cp15 or rob_w or register your nicks and use botmail !
06:23.11*** join/#htc-blueangel cp15 (
06:23.11*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o cp15] by ChanServ
06:23.19cp15Good morning
07:07.01cp15Good bye
08:29.28*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w-cgi (
08:29.28*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o rob_w-cgi] by ChanServ
09:07.51*** join/#htc-blueangel cp15 (
09:07.51*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o cp15] by ChanServ
09:07.59cp15Good morning
09:16.10rob_w-cgii almost had it to work today
09:16.34rob_w-cgisound was now loading fine and i had access to the mixer where the phone channel was already on 33 %
09:16.49cp15But the problem was?
09:17.07rob_w-cgiwell the buttons did not react nor did i hear something when i dialed something
09:17.43cp15Did you hear the soft static noise?
09:20.49cp15Then you probably haven't compiled audio or haven't made it setuid root
09:21.02cp15Try audio -on and you should hear the noise
09:21.10cp15audio -off and it should disappear
09:22.41rob_w-cgii was doing this as root .. but i did audo on after loading snd-uda and before blueangel_audio
11:54.34*** join/#htc-blueangel apt (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
11:54.34*** topic/#htc-blueangel is **NEW 2.6.12-hh2-2 uploaded at | BA developer Meeting : Make your comments to cp15 or rob_w or register your nicks and use botmail !
13:15.06*** join/#htc-blueangel apt (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
13:15.06*** topic/#htc-blueangel is **NEW 2.6.12-hh2-2 uploaded at | BA developer Meeting : Make your comments to cp15 or rob_w or register your nicks and use botmail !
14:15.21rob_w-cgi~chant cp15
14:15.22aptcp15 ! cp15 !! cp15 !! cp15!!!!!!!
14:15.42cp15Do you know a mp3 player for gpe or familiar?
14:16.08rob_w-cgishould be in the h3900 image
14:16.20rob_w-cgidamn the job market is as dead as it was last year
14:17.14rob_w-cgimove your changes to the cvs .. i am keen to try that today eveniong in the train
14:17.51cp15I wan't to clean it up a bit first and make the audio program obsolete
14:22.04rob_w-cgiok that is nice
14:22.43cp15You need a little more patience :-)
14:23.10rob_w-cgiwell sure thing ...
14:23.27rob_w-cgiand by the way we do need patience as a app for gpe soon
14:24.04cp15To have at least a game until the rest works...
14:30.35rob_w-cgiwell there are games on gpe but i dont like them ,, they are GO , lights out and some other ..
14:35.25*** join/#htc-blueangel apt (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
14:35.25*** topic/#htc-blueangel is **NEW 2.6.12-hh2-2 uploaded at | BA developer Meeting : Make your comments to cp15 or rob_w or register your nicks and use botmail !
17:09.19immololights out is great
17:09.55cp15I like it too, but got only one time all the lights out
17:10.10cp15And I don't know how I did it
17:11.14immoloheh neither do I
17:11.43immoloanyway I'm going to eat and then try and find that log on how to fix bluez-utils-dbus
17:12.21cp15Ok, I will commit the audio changes and update gomunicator to use it
17:22.33immolotell me when you have updated them both and I will rebuild them
17:23.54cp15I think I will use a K2-6-12-hh2-xda0-ba1 tag. This makes it possible for me to commit development changes without affecting the builds
17:25.36immolomost embedded projects have an unstable and stable branch for kernels
17:26.30cp15Yeah, but there is already the handhelds branch from main kernel, the xda branch from handhelds, and the blueangel branch from xda. I don't want to make this any deeper
17:29.03immolostill once this all goes stable it can be merged into the hh main tree right?
17:31.32immologood news
17:31.45immoloI got further then it's ever let me go before
17:35.36cp15I will eat now something too
18:00.18immoloyay it failed :P
18:49.52immoloI wonder
19:00.40immoloI don't wonder
19:01.09immoloonly thing left is an monotone update
19:12.10immolostrange after doing an update it seems not to bake it
19:17.39*** join/#htc-blueangel rob_w (
19:17.39*** mode/#htc-blueangel [+o rob_w] by ChanServ
19:30.33immolohey rob
21:22.43cp15Hi immolo, still awake?
21:47.20cp15:-) Ok, I am trying to commit my audio changes. Works now for phone and digital audio
21:47.39cp15You can even hear music while calling :-)
21:47.49cp15No recording yet
21:48.03immoloI can live without that for now :P
21:48.15immoloI'll be back in a bit, the kid is crying
22:34.55cp15So, changes are commited
22:34.58cp15Good night for now

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.