irclog2html for #hhwiki on 20030718

01:15.56*** join/#hhwiki jg (
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15:56.00kencauseyAre the changes made through applied through a cronjob and so delayed?
15:56.27kencauseyforget it
17:44.09*** join/#hhwiki cmarqu_ (
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18:42.07*** join/#hhwiki ibot (ibot@
18:42.07*** topic/#hhwiki is HH Wiki cleanup. Janitors please apply. New site running GeekLog! Obsolete packages in unstable moved to unstable/morgue, blame pb for misplaced files.
19:00.16kencauseyTurns out Zope 2.6.1 doesn't like Python 2.1.1 and wants at least 2.1.3
19:00.41kencauseyShould we upgrade the system wide python 2.1 or should I locally install python for the new wiki?
19:27.53pb_That sounds like a question for  I think George wanted to upgrade to Mandrake 9 anyway, so maybe that will bring a new python for free.
19:28.26AntiProxyspeaking of which, any idea why Mandrake is user?
19:28.51pb_nope.  I guess it just seemed like a good idea at the time.
19:29.06pb_I'm not sure who actually built the current machine.  Maybe Nick.
19:32.59kencauseyHappened long before Nick was around
19:33.07kencauseyIt was probably France or jamey
19:33.39kencauseyActually, it was on the west coast originally
19:33.54kencauseyMay have been built by Ed Lawler (right name?)
19:34.42pb_Ah right
19:38.35AntiProxyTom Lawler i thin
19:39.47kencauseyMaybe, he has a brother though if I remember right
19:40.01kencauseynot really relevant I guess.
19:42.56AntiProxyi was wondering if there were any <a> tags with relative paths to ../.. or upper..
19:43.09AntiProxyturns out the version of grep on is too old for -R .\
19:44.25AntiProxydamn it just hit me
19:44.33AntiProxywe've been doing this all wrong .)
19:48.08AntiProxydamn PPPoA.. i got disconnecte
19:49.52AntiProxywhat's the last message you got from me before that?
19:50.33pb_<AntiProxy> damn it just hit me
19:50.33pb_<AntiProxy> we've been doing this all wrong .)
19:50.43pb_so I've been on tenterhooks to find out what we've been doing wrong :-}
19:51.07AntiProxywe'r now working on static.php to rewrite <a> and <img> tags...
19:51.13AntiProxywhich proved to be a bit of a hassle
19:51.26AntiProxywe wouldn't have needed to do that, if it wasn't for the URLs changing
19:51.40AntiProxysince almost all the pages we'r dealing with, include ("includes/");
19:51.44AntiProxywhy not simply edit
19:52.05AntiProxythere won't be any need for static.php?page=blah.html
19:52.15AntiProxyexternal links will be maintained
19:52.24AntiProxythe transfer will be rather transparent
19:52.26pb_mm, yes, that does seem like a plan.
19:52.45kencauseyBut doesn't that mean whenever geeklog is reconfiged you have to edit
19:52.54AntiProxynot really
19:52.57kencauseyWhat if the user changes the theme or other display preference?
19:53.18AntiProxythat shouldn't have a negative effect
19:53.28AntiProxyin fact.. it has nothing to do with what we'r doing
19:53.39AntiProxywhat i'm thinking of, is a simple script..
19:53.47AntiProxythat loads the header ( that includes the left blocks )
19:53.52AntiProxythe body ( the page we need )
19:53.56pb_kencausey: to a first approximation, we should be able to just put all the stuff currently in static.php into, and have it "just work".
19:54.00AntiProxythe footer ( which includes the right blocks )
19:54.09AntiProxythe blocks themselves aren't hardcoded in the script
19:54.28AntiProxythe script "draws" the page according to the selected theme.. but the Body will always be there regardless
19:54.44AntiProxyin other words.. it doesn't matter what theme you use.. the script doesn't really need to change
19:54.58AntiProxypb_: more or less
19:55.03AntiProxyi don't wanna mess up
19:55.13kencauseypb_: Yes I suppose so, my mind is too oriented towards systems like squeak and zope where the processing is done in a seperate process.
19:55.18AntiProxyi'll add an include("geeklogize.php"); or something like that there
19:55.24AntiProxyand do my stuff in a separate script
19:55.57pb_ok, cool
19:56.18AntiProxywhat about plain html pages that have no php at all?
19:56.30AntiProxythis doesn't seem to wanna end
19:56.45pb_true, we'd still need static.php for those.
19:56.54AntiProxyi figured as much
19:57.05AntiProxybut.. how would the integration be done?
19:57.07kencauseyWould it be that hard to phpize them?
19:57.23AntiProxykencausey: nope.. just add a couple of lines to the top and bottom of each file
19:57.29AntiProxyactually you got a point
19:57.32pb_I wonder how many raw html pages we actually have, anyway.  Probably only a handful.
19:57.52AntiProxypb_: my guess is only those messed up ones (sgml?)
19:57.56pb_There might be a few freaky ones like the old legal.html, but those probably want rewriting anyway.
19:58.03pb_AntiProxy: oh right, yeah, the FAQ.
19:58.25AntiProxythe way i see it..
19:58.31AntiProxythose have no PHP in them for a reason
19:59.01AntiProxyperhaps since adding the header and navigation bar will clutter up the screen
19:59.09AntiProxyso maybe we should leave those as is?
20:00.24pb_I suspect it's more just that the SGML->HTML generator doesn't have any provision for adding PHP to the mix.  But leaving them au naturel sounds OK to me as well.
20:00.42AntiProxythat could be dealt with at a later stage anyway
20:01.25AntiProxynow the big step.. how to start? .)
20:02.13AntiProxythe easiest way is to copy the webroot here and work on it locally..
20:02.19AntiProxybut the size makes it almost impossible
20:02.45pb_You can try checking out the website module from CVS.
20:02.52pb_I think that should get you most of the static content without the cruft.
20:02.57AntiProxysounds like a good idea
20:06.06kencauseyYes.  Please use CVS. ;)  And commit.
20:25.54AntiProxyno footer yet
21:09.55AntiProxyanybody home?
21:11.10AntiProxyonly one needs to be changed..
21:11.38AntiProxyno broken links, images, etc
21:11.47AntiProxytitles, table headers as well as the language options are preserved
21:11.52AntiProxyi guess this is it
21:11.56AntiProxylemme knwo what you think
21:11.58kencauseyLooks good
21:12.02kencauseyAntiProxy: Great job!
21:12.12AntiProxythank you .)
21:12.23kencauseyIs that the only page you've applied it to yet?
21:12.40kencauseyCan I help with some cut and paste grunt work?
21:12.42AntiProxyit doesn't really need to be "applied"
21:12.55kencauseyIt's not working for /poster/
21:13.04AntiProxyonce approved.. will be renamed to
21:13.15kencauseyAh, I see
21:13.18AntiProxyand no other files need to be touched
21:13.27AntiProxyi just added about2.html for testing purposes
21:13.48kencauseyjg: We need some approval
21:15.46AntiProxyoh. the quicklinks need to be restored to pre-geeklog once this is up
21:16.02kencauseyNo biggy
21:23.57AntiProxywhy is the Quick Links block shown only on the homepage?
21:24.24AntiProxyback in the old site, almost every page had the navigation bar on the left side
21:25.10pb_yeah, I think we should put the (current) quick links on every page
21:31.08AntiProxypb_: got any comments on about2.html ?
21:31.51pb_looks great to me.
21:34.03AntiProxypb_: is the 'cont' directory in /geeklog needed?
21:35.18AntiProxybtw, what are the 3 broken links in the webroot?  manual;3d78e21a , manual;3e4417a8, manual;3e4437dc ? they all point to ../../../usr/share/doc/apache-manual-1.3.22
21:37.16jgkencausey: looks good to me...
21:37.28kencauseyAntiProxy: Need any more approval than that?
21:37.35kencauseyjg: Thanks
21:37.50AntiProxyi guess that's it .)
21:37.54AntiProxyi'll commit
21:38.04AntiProxywho'll take care of the Quick links?
21:38.09kencauseyI can
21:38.26kencauseyBy the way
21:38.37kencauseyIs there anyway you can make those editting textareas bigger?
21:39.07kencauseyThe one on the block editting page is teeny
21:39.11AntiProxyi'll look at it
21:39.17AntiProxyi think it should be possible committed
21:40.29AntiProxylegal.html needs to be rewritten
21:40.34kencauseyquick links updated
21:40.41AntiProxyit's all plain text and has the banner and navbar hardcoded in
21:41.04AntiProxy .)
21:41.10AntiProxythis wasn't possible till now
21:41.30kencauseyThat one must also
21:41.41AntiProxywhat's the deal with the funky background?
21:42.13AntiProxyi'll change the path to absolute
21:44.02AntiProxyi like it .)
21:45.18AntiProxyi wonder if its worthwhile to fix the FAQ files
21:48.23AntiProxyseems like all the FAQs and Minihowtos need work
21:49.13AntiProxylet's make a list of all the left overs..
21:49.27AntiProxycurrently there are two types of pages that might need some work
21:49.42AntiProxyones that have the header, navbar and footer hardcoded in them
21:49.57AntiProxyand ones that are plain html with no header, navbar or footer
21:50.13AntiProxyi think we should fix the first one at least
21:50.22kencauseygrep -irL '' *
21:50.38AntiProxyi don't htink that'd work
21:51.00AntiProxythe version of grep on is too old for -R
21:51.00kencauseygrep -irL '' *.htm*
21:51.14kencauseyThen the man page is not synced
21:51.19AntiProxyerr.. what's the difference between R and r ? .)
21:51.32pb_AntiProxy: no, the "cont" directory is redundant.
21:51.39kencauseyOn debian they are the same
21:51.49AntiProxyi wonder what's changed
21:51.54AntiProxyan hour back that didn't work
21:51.58AntiProxy( -R : invalid option )
21:52.04AntiProxypb_:  did you update grep?
21:52.04kencauseyright using -r
21:52.12kencausey-r != -R
21:52.13AntiProxythey both work now
21:52.25kencauseysure you weren't using busybox on the ipaq? ;)
21:52.43AntiProxyokay.. i got mixed up between terminals
21:52.51pb_AntiProxy: on  no, but it's conceivable that france might have done.
21:52.55pb_oh, heh
21:53.10AntiProxy[antiproxy@srv2 geeklog] and [antiproxy@handhelds geeklog]
21:53.14kencauseyDid he ever take down the server today?
21:53.40AntiProxyon later versions of grep, -R == -r
21:53.47AntiProxyanyway.. i'll stick to -r for now .)
22:20.02AntiProxy141 files...
22:20.05AntiProxyonly .P
22:21.20kencauseyDid you limit that to *.htm*
22:21.22AntiProxywhat's COTW? .)
22:21.27AntiProxykencausey: yup
22:22.06AntiProxyi guess we could exclude that from the list
22:23.07AntiProxydidn't know we used that
22:23.07kencauseyold faq
22:23.17AntiProxyso we can exclude that too
22:23.18kencauseyGoing on 3 years of history now
22:23.36AntiProxydown to 80
22:23.48kencauseyLooks like COTW was last modified by jg in June of 2000
22:24.38AntiProxywe can exclude projects/gpe too right?
22:25.28kencauseyYeah I'd say so
22:25.41kencauseyThat must be the home for
22:26.33AntiProxyi don't think so
22:26.49AntiProxythat'd be in /usr/home/gpe/website/html/
22:26.50kencauseyhmm weird
22:27.02kencauseyThe first time I went there I saw the page
22:27.07AntiProxythose seem to be obsolete
22:27.40kencauseyredirects to
22:28.00kencauseyso probalby is obsolete
22:28.37AntiProxyhaha.. that's ANCIENT
22:38.44pb_oh, heh, yeah.  the stuff in projects/GPE is way outdated.
22:38.53AntiProxy"Missing a logo? Then create one and contribute!"
22:41.41pb_are those all the php-less pages?
22:42.24pb_righto.  do we know which ones are like the old legal.html and have the stuff expanded inline?
22:43.20AntiProxyalmost all of them have the header, navbar hardcoded..
22:43.22AntiProxyexcept the FAQ
22:43.30AntiProxy( handhelds-faq )
22:49.09pb_I've fixed wincerestoration.html, will do the others in projects/ as well.
22:50.20AntiProxyokay.. you take projects..
22:50.32AntiProxyi'll do the rest ( except for handhelds-faq howto and mini-howto )
22:50.42AntiProxytill we decide what we'r gonna do with those
22:50.54AntiProxybtw.. are you using CVS for that? or editing them directly?
22:51.13AntiProxyCIA answered
22:52.11pb_oh oh.
22:52.21pb_<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"
22:52.32pb_that's projects/ts_spec.html
22:52.37pb_I think I'm just gonna leave well alone there.
22:52.38AntiProxythat's just nasty
22:53.34pb_usbh_h3600 is the same.
22:53.45AntiProxywho's the author?
22:54.44AntiProxyibot: seen flynn
22:54.44AntiProxy: i haven't seen 'flynn'
23:00.40pb_right, that's all of projects/ done except for the Word-generated files.
23:01.39AntiProxyrewriting those is easier than fixing them
23:01.57AntiProxyi'd convert them to plain text and take it from there
23:02.15pb_I think I'm just gonna leave them be for now.
23:02.26pb_I doubt people view those files very often anyway.
23:02.28AntiProxyi don't think there's much demand for them
23:04.53AntiProxythe title of ts_spec.html is 'MAJOR NUMBER'
23:04.59AntiProxyi wonder where that comes from
23:05.15pb_ah, heh, our USB card has the second highest number of clickthroughs on the geeklog links page at the moment.
23:05.26pb_shame none of these people seem to actually be buying the thing :-}
23:05.51pb_oh yeah.
23:06.27AntiProxyyour USB card == interpocket?
23:06.34pb_I guess that's Word being helpful and choosing a title based on the first few words you type, or something.
23:07.10pb_yeah, that's right.
23:08.39AntiProxyiirc, it's possible to show the link title instead of the URL using some javascript..
23:08.49AntiProxyi wonder if that's !IE friendly
23:08.58AntiProxycould be useful with the Links
23:09.05pb_yeah, that might be good
23:09.22AntiProxy( talking about the status bar.. sorry for not being clear.. i'm kinda sleepy )
23:09.57pb_we already had that one guy complain about the obscure internal urls for the Links.
23:11.01AntiProxywould mod_rewrite help?
23:11.29AntiProxyi never used it before, and i'm not even sure how it works
23:11.36pb_me neither
23:31.07pb_I think I'm gonna put both the "search" functions on one page, and remove the search entry from quick links.
23:31.28AntiProxythat won't do
23:31.36AntiProxygeeklog's search will only search through the database
23:31.45AntiProxythus, static content won't be searched
23:31.51AntiProxyof course, unless we hack it
23:31.58pb_yeah, I know, that's the reason for having two parts on that page
23:32.11pb_it sucks a bit, but I can't think of any way to have a single form that will do both.
23:32.18AntiProxyshould i fix that too?
23:32.36pb_I'd leave that up to Jim to deal with.
23:32.54AntiProxythat's why i asked.. i'll leave it as-is for the time being
23:37.42pb_in a similar vein to the search thing, I'd like to tie up the two forms of "contribute" into a single page.
23:48.11pb_I've also just booted "privacy" out of quick links and into the page footer.
23:48.48AntiProxyexactly my thought .)
23:52.21AntiProxy .P
23:52.37AntiProxyi don't think i've seen that before
23:53.15pb_yeah, that's one of those obscure pages that doesn't seem to be linked from anywhere.
23:53.37AntiProxythere's one link here:
23:53.44AntiProxyi wonder if that's linked anywhere .)
23:55.31pb_oh, I see one effect of modifying is that all the pages end up geeklog-ified as well.
23:56.06pb_I wonder if that's desirable or not.
23:56.14AntiProxyi didn't see that one coming
23:56.19pb_me neither.
23:56.44pb_I think maybe we should change those pages to use a different .inc file, though I'm not sure quite what to put in it.
23:57.03AntiProxyi guess one .inc file would do
23:57.08AntiProxyit'll just be too messy
23:57.22AntiProxyotherwise.. we create another file.. say
23:57.32AntiProxyand on top of, check the servername
23:57.45AntiProxyif it has familiar in it.. use
23:58.11pb_yep, I guess that'd work.
23:58.54AntiProxysomething else is strange
23:58.59AntiProxycheck Compaq/iPAQH3600/ScreenShots/June282000/index.html
23:59.07AntiProxycvs seemed to add some extra stuff to the end of the file
23:59.20AntiProxyit's supposed to be:
23:59.23AntiProxy<? hh_footer() ?>
23:59.25pb_oh, that's a conflict marker.
23:59.55pb_means somebody had locally modified the copy of the file in the webroot, and you checked something into cvs that collided with those edits.
23:59.57AntiProxyconflict between what?

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