irclog2html for #hhwiki on 20030710

08:00.46*** join/#hhwiki cmarqu_ (
12:35.44*** join/#hhwiki pb_ (
12:37.00pb_hm, I should add this # to my autojoin list.
13:32.49*** join/#hhwiki kencausey (
14:05.15*** join/#hhwiki jg (~jg@
15:03.13AntiProxydamn kids
15:05.37pb_is it always the same guys?  we can probably ban their IP if necessary.
15:05.53kencauseyFix it, add a note to send email to admin@ if it needs to be changed, and lock the page
15:06.07kencauseyYes, if it's consistent
15:06.17kencauseypb_: How about doing an apache log search?
15:06.31pb_kencausey: sure, let me do that.
15:07.04kencauseyNeed to search for the POST or GET for the edit form for that specific page.
15:07.29AntiProxyi tried to track down the IPs
15:07.32AntiProxythey'r always different
15:07.53kencauseyBest to just lock it then I guess
15:07.55AntiProxylike i said earlier.. it seems they'r coming across this page by searching for gameboy.. and the "Edit Page" button looks tempting
15:08.47pb_68.53.71.211 - - [01/Jul/2003:11:35:38 -0400] "POST /z/wiki/gnuboy%2C%20another%20great%20gameboy%20emulator/edit HTTP/1.1" 302 0 "" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)"
15:08.47pb_195.174.23.94 - - [04/Jul/2003:09:57:57 -0400] "GET /z/wiki/HowDoIEdit HTTP/1.1" 200 5237 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.1; Linux)"
15:08.47pb_195.174.23.94 - - [04/Jul/2003:09:58:22 -0400] "POST /z/wiki/gnuboy%2C%20another%20great%20gameboy%20emulator/edit HTTP/1.1" 302 0 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.1; Linux)"
15:08.53pb_216.133.73.216 - - [10/Jul/2003:11:05:58 -0400] "POST /z/wiki/gnuboy%2C%20another%20great%20gameboy%20emulator/edit HTTP/1.0" 302 0 "" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Linux 2.4.20new i686) Opera 7.11  [en]"
15:10.12AntiProxy216.133.73.216 is me
15:10.15AntiProxyjust fixed it
15:10.22pb_ah right, we won't ban you then.
15:10.26AntiProxyhehe domain name pointer AntiProxy.Com.
15:10.48pb_but you're right, not much consistency.
15:10.57AntiProxyi just made the page readonly
15:11.01pb_ok, cool
15:11.10kencauseyExcellent, thanks AntiProxy
15:11.20AntiProxyno need adding a note about it..
15:11.33AntiProxyall wiki pages have the footer saying "Is there something wrong with this page that you can't fix? Please send email to"
15:11.44AntiProxywho checks that mailbox?
15:12.14AntiProxyi'm worried about one thing now though
15:12.14kencauseyIt's a list with several people on it, if you want on it send an email to
15:12.32AntiProxyone the same lamer comes back and finds this page read only.. maybe they'd be tempted to find any other random target just to prove a point
15:12.54kencauseyNot worth worrying about
15:13.10AntiProxyyou've seen the way they work
15:14.15AntiProxypb_: since you have access to the logs.. check the original referrer of both of these IPs if you can
15:14.27AntiProxywas it a direct hit? or like i expected, a search engine reference?
15:23.44pb_looking now.
15:24.00pb_first one was referred from the IpaqEmulators page.  let me chase that back further.
15:24.47pb_direct hit to 0.7 install instructions, then referred to the wiki from there.
15:25.31kencauseyNeed to match up times with the version times shown in the zope history
15:25.37pb_oh, sorry, that was the second one (  let me check the other
15:25.57pb_yeah, the other was from google.
15:26.02pb_68.53.71.211 - - [01/Jul/2003:11:33:20 -0400] "GET /z/wiki/gnuboy,%20another%20great%20gameboy%20emulator HTTP/1.1" 200 140570 "" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)"
15:30.48AntiProxyComcast Cable Communications, Inc. NASHVILLE-7 (NET-68-53-64-0-1)
15:32.26kencauseyAh that was me.  I drove down to Nashville just for that dastardly deed.
15:36.46pb_shit, kernel panic on my mail server.
15:36.55pb_hate it when that happens.
15:44.15pb_maybe it's getting overheated.  I think today is the hottest day we've had so far this year.
15:44.58kencauseyNo AC?
15:46.31pb_Nope.  The climate here is cool enough that you only really need AC for about two weeks of the year, and we don't have it fitted in our office.
15:49.19pb_It's probably about 28C here today, which I guess is around 80F in your terms.
15:49.40kencauseyActually, that's about the same today, but that's 10-15 degrees lower than normal.
15:51.35AntiProxy115?F here
15:52.00AntiProxy( at 7PM )
15:52.27AntiProxyhumidity is 67% only today.. which makes such temperature barable
15:52.42kencauseyProbably closer to 85% here
15:52.54kencauseyIt does indeed matter
16:01.09pb_hm, 41% humidity here according to the BBC weather site.
16:01.58AntiProxyi miss kweather applet
17:07.51kencauseyWow, that's low
19:01.01*** join/#hhwiki pb_ (
21:44.22*** join/#hhwiki jg (~jg@

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