irclog2html for #hhwiki on 20030612

08:00.49*** join/#hhwiki Transputer2001 (
08:53.10*** join/#hhwiki cosmo (
09:16.38*** join/#hhwiki pb_ (
09:24.31Transputer2001morning :)
13:29.58*** join/#hhwiki kencausey (
13:31.03*** topic/#hhwiki by kencausey -> The wiki is a mess. Let's rebuild. What functions does the wiki serve that aren't better served elsewhere? Let's try to pare the site down to 2 or 3 or 4 major sections and try to simplify things. Please see . Wiki janitors needed! Development version of new ipkgfind with browsing up at
14:07.27kencauseyI'm guessing is not the official emacs website...
14:40.04kencauseyOK, I think the tree walking is fixed now, I think I'd better fake a deeper sections table to test it more thoroughly thouhg.
14:49.18pb_argh!  some dude has created about a million new "Describe <foo> here" pages in the wiki.
14:51.15pb_ah, hm, maybe it was a webcrawler of some kind.
14:52.14kencauseyYeah, I've been going through and un-wiki wording links as I find them.
14:52.51pb_Look for in the RecentChanges.
14:53.40kencauseyDo you know how that is done?  Even if it's a wikiname, stick a bang (!) in front of it
14:54.58pb_kencausey: yep, I've been doing some of that myself.
14:55.40pb_It's not all that intuitive though.  Some people obviously don't really understand what the bang is for, and put it in places that weren't wikinames to start with, so you get the occasional stray ! showing up in the resulting page.
14:56.24kencauseyYeah, that's another reason to upgrade, I'm not sure it's out but there is/was a next generation structured text under development, not clear on what the improvements are though.
14:58.18pb_Right, yeah.
15:00.18pb_Did we decide on a way to handle news items, by the way?  There seemed to be a general consensus that a weblog would be worth a try.  Maybe we should set up geeklog and see how we get on with that.
15:01.12kencauseyI think it was left at 'we need to install something' and it wasn't decided what.  I don't think it makes a whole lot of difference.  Let's try something and see how it goes.
15:01.29kencauseySo yes, let's try geeklog.
15:02.09kencauseydamn,  my algo has an infinite recursion somewhere...
15:03.45kencauseyah, uncorrected typo
15:04.11kencauseyGive a try
15:04.22kencauseytechnology test for section tree traversal
15:04.24kencauseySeems to work
15:41.25kencauseyhmm is php call by reference or call be value?
15:43.38kencauseydefaults to value it seems
17:07.39kencauseyI think I might have the browsing support completed
17:07.51kencauseyPlease take a look and see if anything is missing.
17:08.42kencauseyoops, found an unfixed path bug
17:10.22kencauseyAlso I need to look at the other templates, that shouldn't take long
17:16.47kencauseypath bug fixed
18:01.46*** join/#hhwiki pb_ (
18:02.00kencauseyThe source brouhaha came to #hh
18:02.11kencauseyReasonably calm though
18:02.28kencauseyWhat about adding the maintainer to ipkgfind package output and point to that on
18:02.41kencauseyAs a temporary measure.
18:04.08kencauseycmarqu: Have any feelings about it?
18:04.55cmarqukencausey: Seems resonable.
18:05.14kencauseycmarqu: Just something to tide us over for a few weeks at least.
18:05.26cmarquI see MARC mangle emails like this: Josh Fryman <fryman () cc ! gatech ! edu>
18:05.42kencauseySo you think that would be acceptable to most?
18:06.05cmarquI'd hope...
18:06.35kencauseyAn alternate might be to simply have a link to a simple form which emails them, doesn't actually show the email anywhere.
18:06.40kencauseyClearly that's more work though.
18:06.57cmarquI mean, most people's emails appear many times in ChangeLogs, unmangled.
18:07.22kencauseyIndeed, I don't care myself, I can't live in this world without getting some amount of spam.
18:07.42cmarquAnd with a form, the sender doesn't have "proof", as thin as the proof is in any case.
18:08.15cmarquRight. In getting an email address in the first place, you kind of have opted to be contacted.
18:08.21kencauseyProof?  The email could be emailed to both the maintainer and the sender.
18:09.29cmarquHmm, yes indeed.
18:11.04cmarquI'd still say mangled and not hyperlinked would be okay.
18:11.29kencauseyAre we assuming that any user that wants source can demangle?  :)
18:11.49kencauseyPerhaps its a good twit filter...
18:11.57pb_Well, users who want source would usually have the binary package anyway, and of course they can just look at the control file for the un-mangled address.
18:11.58cmarquAnd then document that we plan to add Source: and License: tags to the control files by sending mail to the fam list?
18:12.49kencauseypb_: Are you saying we should just tell them to use ipkg to query the package info?
18:13.42kencauseycmarqu: We have a couple more issues to, and I was hoping to deal with all at once.
18:13.45pb_kencausey: I think that'd be an acceptable response.  Making the information available on the web is a nice extra touch, but I don't think we need to go to heroic lengths in that regard.
18:14.06kencauseycmarqu: We need to get the Section: fields sorted out so that they form a more sensible tree.
18:15.40cmarqukencausey: I see.
18:15.47pb_fwiw, I agree with Colin that having addresses mangled and not hyperlinked is probably the best form.  Debian has just been going through a bout of soul-searching w.r.t. publishing the addresses of individual maintainers on the web, and some people clearly feel strongly that this is a bad practice.
18:16.21kencausey'this is a bad practice'?  unmangled email addresses?
18:16.50pb_Yeah.  Although the majority of maintainers probably don't care at all, for the sake of an easy life it'd be best not to upset those who don't like their addresses published.
18:17.46kencauseySo, should I or should I not add mangled address output to ipkgfind details?
18:19.11pb_If it's easy to do so, my vote would be yes.
18:19.27kencauseyShouldn't be a big deal.
18:19.33pb_Okay, cool.
18:19.46kencauseyLet me clean up the templates first and then I'll add that.
18:25.42kencauseyI wish Jacmet was around
18:25.53kencauseyDo I add the browsing interface to the PDA theme?
18:26.06kencauseyWhat's the criterion for HTML in the PDA theme?
18:26.35kencauseyare tables verboten?
18:27.17kencauseymust not be, used in query results...
18:27.26cmarquI didn't even know there was a PDA theme until two days ago.
18:28.46cmarquFWIW, I dislike the JavaScript "Go back" link, and I want to see the Search field on every page. But that's not important right now.
18:29.06kencauseyDoing the browsing in the same way I did on the main page for PDAs would likely make the page too wide.
18:29.39kencauseycmarqu: You want the full search form on every page?
18:29.48cmarquCould it just be an extra page?
18:29.57kencauseyThat's an idea...
18:30.17kencauseyStill, you have the menu and then you have the package list...
18:30.24kencauseyIt's quite a lot of info
18:30.26cmarqukencausey: Ideally, yes. Are you adding many more search options?
18:30.35kencauseycmarqu: None
18:30.44kencauseyNot at the moment anywazy
18:31.41kencauseyI;m inclined to offer them browsing but point out that they have to leave the PDA them to use it.
18:33.21cmarquWhat does the PDA theme look like? I.e., where do I find it?
18:33.36kencauseyadd ?format=pda
18:33.59kencauseyor &format=pda if there are existing query vars
18:37.03kencauseywell, that's a cop out, let's see if I get any complaints. ;)
18:37.16cmarquI'd give the browse column as a separate page, then open a new one for the results and provide a backlink to the browse page again.
18:38.13kencauseyThat defeats a lot of the functionality, curently if you select a section taht contains other sections you see all packages in that section and all subsections, also the list expands into a tree.
18:38.38kencauseyBut then again a huge list of packages is less that useful I guess.
18:38.49kencauseyOn a small screen.
18:38.58cmarquAh. I didn't stumble across this yet.
18:39.18kencauseyYou at my dev version?
18:39.23kencauseyClick opie, qpe, or sword
18:40.03cmarquAha, now.
18:40.33kencauseyThat's part of what I meant about fixing the Section: field
18:40.45kencauseyToo deepen and decrease the width of the tree
18:41.54cmarquWe probably can't make sure that if there are subsections, no package may appear directly under the section but has to use a subsection?
18:44.18kencauseySay that again?
18:44.19cmarquWishlist: I'd like to see "Information updated <date><time>" at the bottom of each package page.
18:44.35kencauseyOne thing at a time... ;)
18:45.15cmarquWell, if there is "opie/applications" etc., then no package may use "opie" as "Section:"
18:45.32kencauseyI think you miss what is happening.
18:45.41cmarquMight well be :)
18:45.41kencauseyWhen you click opie
18:45.57kencauseyYou see all packages that have sections that start with 'opie'
18:46.08kencauseySo you see all packages in opie/games
18:46.29kencauseyNot having packages with only opie as the section specifier is fine
18:46.37kencauseyBut it won't make the list any smaller.
18:46.51kencauseyOr maybe I'm missing your point.
18:47.45cmarquMy point was, don't show any packages yet when only opie is selected (at least in the PDA theme) but force the user to choose a subsection.
18:48.06cmarquThen, the "separate" page thing would work.
18:48.21kencauseyYes, that would be a reasonable solution.
18:48.46kencauseyBut you are also right in saying that that are packages with only 'opie' or even 'opie/' as the section specifier currently.
18:48.49cmarquMaybe some usability experts would have better ideas.
18:48.55kencauseys/that that/that there/
18:51.33cmarquMaybe create a virtual "unfiled" section... (only half serious)
18:51.58kencauseyAnd what is in that section?
18:52.03cmarquBut we might need to collapse sections like lib, library, libs anyway.
18:52.24cmarquAll packages with just "opie" or "opie".
18:53.04cmarquSo these would go in "opie/unfiled"... but it's ugly.
18:53.19kencauseyI see
18:53.59kencauseyIt would have problems in general though since I see the tree getting deeper, three maybe even four levels.
18:54.45cmarquDo you intend to have a set of "allowed" top level sections?
18:54.54kencauseyThat needs to be discussed.
18:55.09kencauseyI don't want to be too fascist about it.
18:55.32kencauseyBut it would be nice to at least have some good guidelines we can point people toward and bug them individually if we need to.
18:56.37cmarquIf we at least could get rid of sections like "comm", "communication", "Communications"... we might repackage them.
18:57.22kencauseyLooks like some people are already obfuscating their email address in the control file
18:57.34kencausey| nano-stable                        | Martijn Mooijman <foobar at obit dot nl> |
18:59.22cmarquThat's from a private feed though, right? Maybe we need a lintian equivalent for familiar.
18:59.44cmarquNot that it would help much in such cases...
19:01.06kencauseyI think if the maintainter field does not include an '@' I will just ouput it as is, if it does, I'll obfuscate
19:01.24pb_Good plan.
19:03.03kencauseyThe maintainer is already being shown
19:03.12kencauseyBut Jacmet didn't convert the brackets
19:03.20kencauseySo the email can only be seen in the source
19:03.23pb_Aha :-)
19:03.42kencauseysurely php has a function for that...
20:00.39kencauseyOK, I think the email obfuscation is working
20:00.48kencauseyTake a look at let me know if that seems acceptable
20:02.01kencauseyI  made the assumption that they would follow correct "name <email>" format
20:03.22kencauseyWell, I'm inclined to go ahead and install as is.
20:03.34kencauseypb_: Not sure if you caught it, but I copped out on the PDA theme
20:04.42kencauseypb_: Do you have perms to modify /etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/Vhosts.conf?  I would like to change DocumentRoot if so.
20:05.07kencauseyNot until we decide to install though.
20:06.12kencauseyAnd modify the cronjob path
20:07.45pb_kencausey: yes, I can modify that file.
20:08.16kencauseyIt's ready if everyone is satiisfied with my devel copy.
20:08.29pb_Great.  I'm just looking at it now.
20:08.48pb_I think we'd be justified in filing bugs against packages in Familiar proper that have the Maintainer: field in a weird format.
20:09.02pb_Obviously for packages in other private feeds, we'll just have to grin and bear it.
20:09.15kencauseyYeah, sounds fine to me
20:10.43pb_Would it be easy to provide an override file to allow similar sections to be collapsed together for viewing?  I'm thinking of, for example, merging "Communications" in with "communication", and so on.
20:11.08kencauseyhmm, let me give that some though
20:11.15pb_I think you could do it just by having a list of regexp replacements to be performed on the Section: header.
20:12.14pb_i.e. make a file that says "s/Communications/communication/; s/interpreters/interpreter/", and apply that to the values as you read them from the database.
20:12.32kencauseyAre you thinking about doing it to the packages file as they are processed and the database is setup or on the database each time a page is rendered?
20:12.49pb_Dunno.  I think either would be fine.
20:12.52cmarquWould be cool if ipkgfind supported "This package is being replaced by <foo>".
20:13.00kencauseyIf we are going to do it, it seems like it makes sense to do it one time at file processing point.
20:13.24pb_Actually, I suppose it'd be desirable for the package information page to show the unadulterated Section: header from the real package.  That'd militate against doing it at database build time.
20:13.27kencauseycmarqu: Doesn't sound hard if specified in the control file
20:13.36pb_cmarqu: Yes, good thinking.
20:14.04cmarquAnd "File bug against this package" :)
20:14.08kencauseypb_: Yes that's true, but the section table is used seperately from the section field in the packages table.  So the first could be modified and not the second, I think.
20:14.23cmarquSince I just noted that pscalc2 should replace pscalc.
20:15.46pb_kencausey: Ah, okay.
20:16.18kencauseyactually, I don't think that will work after all.
20:16.25pb_cmarqu: heh.  you could even provide a hyperlink to the bugzilla submit form.
20:16.29kencauseyOn searches they are compared.
20:16.38kencauseypb_: Exactly, no problem.
20:17.02kencauseyI really think ipkgfind should become the hub for looking at thiings from a package centric view.
20:17.03pb_In fact, it'd also be nice to have a link for "search for bugs in this package".  The bugzilla query page is quite scary for new users.
20:17.15cmarquYes, right.
20:18.42cmarquThe bug reporting URL should be settable per feed though.
20:19.13kencauseyIt should be a per package field in the control file
20:19.25kencauseyIf not specified, then it could default to bugzilla
20:19.33MonMothapb_: actually, the ultrimate would be to tie the package listing to bugzilla directly
20:19.41cmarquHmm, not sure about that. People will not care.
20:19.48MonMothathat way, the instant a package is uploaded to the feed, bugzilla adds the appropriate info for it
20:20.01cmarquHa, yes.
20:20.24cmarquWith correct version numbering - this is always behind.
20:22.01cmarquI'd argue that everything in an official familiar feed should use the bugzilla. Same as in Debian - the maintainer will forward to upstream as necessary.
20:23.18cmarquPackage upload time would also be interesting info. I always look into the feed directory to find that out.
20:33.02pb_cmarqu: Yes.  There's already a script to refresh the bugzilla package information from Packages; it just doesn't get run very often.
20:33.09pb_Maybe we could try to do that once per day or something.
20:33.34pb_cmarqu: the other piece of interesting information (at least for me) would be the person who actually uploaded each version of the package.
20:33.53cmarquHmm. bugzilla doesn't know about pscalc2, how can that be?
20:34.03cmarqupb_: Ah, yes, that is also interesting.
20:34.29pb_cmarqu: bugzilla's database probably hasn't been updated since pscalc2 was uploaded.
20:38.53MonMothapb_: do you have the access to add people to the upload keyring?
20:42.38pb_MonMotha: yes, but I'd prefer to leave that up to Jamey if possible.
20:42.58MonMothapb_: is jamey around, haven't seen him today
20:43.44MonMothaI send it to france, but he seems to be very busy with other things :)
20:45.08pb_MonMotha: I think he was on earlier.  He often reads his email even when he's away from IRC, anyway.
20:45.20MonMothaI'll email him
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