irclog2html for #hhwiki on 20030610

00:37.28*** join/#hhwiki jamey_away ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:37.28*** join/#hhwiki MonMotha (~monmotha@2001:768:1818:a101:0:0:0:2) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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07:00.59*** join/#hhwiki cmarqu ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:15.33*** join/#hhwiki pb_ (
13:35.41*** join/#hhwiki kencausey (
13:41.49*** part/#hhwiki AntiProxy (
14:10.56pb_morning ken, jamey
14:11.19kencauseyMorning pb_
14:11.37kencauseypb_: Do you know if there is some change in GCC-3.3 regarding multi-line strings?
14:11.48pb_kencausey: Yeah, it will reject them now.
14:11.55pb_I had to fix several places in the kernel because of that.
14:11.59kencausey/home/ken/squeak/Squeak-3.4-1/platforms/Cross/plugins/Mpeg3Plugin/libmpeg/video/output.c:296:9: missing terminating " character
14:12.03kencauseyThat sort of error?
14:12.22kencauseyWhat's the correct thing to do?  /me's C is rusty
14:12.45pb_What I usually do is break it into several strings, and put \n at the end of each line.
14:13.03pb_If you have "string1\n" "string2", the compiler will automatically join them back together again into one big string.
14:13.44pb_Or yeah, \ might work too.
14:13.53kencauseyCool, let me try that, that would be easier
14:15.12kencauseyYeah, looks like that's going to fix it.  Thank you very  much pb_.
14:16.21pb_Sure, no problem.
14:53.44kencauseyHmm, I wonder if is still Jim's preferred email address
14:53.52kencauseyI guess I'll give it a whirl
14:57.43jameyI believe that still works
14:58.39kencauseyCool, thanks.
15:43.30kencauseyjamey: Could I convince you to append ' index.phtml' to the DirectoryIndex line in /etc/httpd/conf/commonhttpd.conf?
15:43.43kencauseyjamey: And apachectl graceful please
15:56.35kencauseyjamey: Thanks much!
18:37.12*** join/#hhwiki pb_ (
18:38.06kencauseystill fixing up path/url independence issues
18:42.03pb_kencausey: aha, cool.
18:45.01kencauseyjamey: I think maybe updating ipkgfind on cvs commit is not such a great idea.  It's much easier to break and not realize than a static HTML page.  At least don't do so for now so I can commit safely while in development for 0.39.
19:08.34jameyI will not edit any ipkgfind code until you say it's ok
19:08.38jameyor later
19:09.09kencauseyFeel free to edit the code all you want, just be careful about updating the installed copy. ;)
19:18.00kencauseyhmm, I've broken something
19:53.14kencauseyI guess I should point out that I fixed it. ;)
20:52.10pb_kencausey: :-)
20:52.30kencauseyThere are some pretty nasty Section: fields in there....
20:52.41kencauseyLike ones with trailing slashes
21:07.11pb_If just a few packages have that, we could NMU the offenders to fix them.
21:07.45kencauseythat particular offense is only committed by one person, but on like 10 packages
21:07.52kencauseyPatrick S. Vogt <>
21:08.04kencauseyBut I have to wonder what the section called x11f is supposed to be...
21:08.52kencauseyI guess I'll ask PaxAnima...
21:12.15kencauseyLooks like this might be a good situation in which to clean out old packages too
21:13.21kencauseyOn the other hand, ipkgfind lists from historic feeds like
21:13.35kencauseyhmmm, this is looking messier and messier
21:18.11kencauseyI think we are really going to have to sit down and come up with the section titles
21:45.27*** join/#hhwiki Transputer2001 (
21:45.35Transputer2001hi all
21:45.38kencauseyjamey: Do you have any idea if htdocs/packages.html is actually used?  I can't find any references to it
21:45.41kencauseyHi Transputer2001
21:45.54kencauseyjamey: htdocs/packages.phtml I mean
21:47.59kencauseyIt generates something like a Packages file
21:56.45jameyit is not used as far as I know
22:01.03kencauseyWell, I'm going to continue to keep it working.
22:01.36kencauseyI'm generalizing the section searching so it accepts anything that starts with the chosen section name
22:02.00kencauseyso searching for opie will return results for opie/games, opie, opie/blah, etc.
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22:08.22*** join/#hhwiki MonMotha (~monmotha@2001:768:1818:a101:0:0:0:2) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:08.36kencauseyThis is all in prep to adding a browsing interface by section

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